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2020-10-20 19:33






院(medical college) 毕业后,她到了英国进行深造。她一生致力于
帮助病人,并为医学事业(medical career )做出了巨大贡献,这使她
生 超过5万个婴儿,并因此被誉为“万婴之母。”

how to describe people?

1. 概况:age, sex, birth, family background

2. 教育:education

3. 生平与成就:experience and achievement

4. 评价:evaluation

1. 概况


be born ininto (

a poor family)

be born in +年份 on+ 具体日期

a specialist in是…方面的专家

live a … life

eg: 1.林肯,一个贫苦家庭的儿子,于1809年2月12日出生于肯
德基州。 lincoln, _____________________,was_________
kentucky ___february 12,1809. (tips:多用同位语结构,使文章简

2. 林巧稚,一位妇女疾病的专家,于1901年生于厦门。



be admitted to 考取……大学

graduate from … university 从某大学毕业

receiveget a doctor’s degree 获取博士学位

go abroad for further study 出国深造

eg:1.___________________________________, he began to
work as a lawyer. 在他大学毕业后,他成为了一名律师。

(tips:注意尽量用非谓语动词, 使文章精炼)

2.______________________________, he began to work as a
lawyer. 在他大学毕业后,他成为了一名律师。

3. 从北京医学院(medical college) 毕业后,她到了英国进行深造。

______________________________________________ ________

3. 生平与成就


oneself to 献身于、致力于

2. win the …prize 获得……荣誉

3. make a great contribution to 为……作出巨大贡献

eg: (tips:用复合句润色文章)

1. 1903年和1911成为世界上第一位两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。

she __________________scientific research and _____the
nobel prizes for physics and chemistry, ______ made her
become the first scientist in the world to win two nobel prizes.

2. 她一生致力于帮助病人,并为医学事业(medical career )做出了

________ ______________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ____
__________________________________________ ____________
__________________________________ ___________

4. 评价


think speak highly of .高度评价

be regarded as ….被誉为...

set a good example to sb 树立了一个好榜样


1. 了一个良好的榜样,所以大家对她高度评价,我们都很敬重她。

as a great woman scientist, she is ______________.she
______________________, so all the people ______________
her and all respect her.

2. 她考虑细致,耐心,而且负责任。她接生超过5万个婴儿,并因

_________________________________________ _____________

__________________________ ____________________________
__________________ ____________ homework


1. 1968年7月14日 出生于山东省一个小村庄。

2. 小时候在一次事故中致残。经常被周围的人的取笑。

3. 努力奋斗,生活能完全能独立。

4. 有学习科学的天赋。高中毕业后考上北京大学学习化学。1990

5. 2000年放弃美国高月薪,回国从事相关研究。

useful phrases

? go abroad for further study

? be patient with

? be strict with

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?be strong-willed
be on behalf of sb. when at college, he majored in … take great
pains to do sth. in my teens in my twenties be well-educated a
qualified teacher be recognized as … a talented boy a boy with
great ability lose one’s temper keep up with the times get the
bachelor’smaster’sdoctor’s degree have a good command of..
improve the quality of life lay the foundation for be in good
health win the goldsilverbronze medal show great exception
for sb give me great encouragement have a vital
effectinfluence on be admitted into a key university after
graduating from high school devote oneself to the better being
of our society facemeet the challenge hold on to the end



写人作文是中考的热门题材之一, 写这类作文时要注意以下几点:

1. 描写人物时,不能面面俱到,泛泛而写,要重点突出其鲜明特征,
以表现与其他人物的不同之处。 2. 叙述与人物有挂的事情时,要分
清主次,前后照应,选取典型事例来刻画人物。 3. 描写人物时,一


人物 part 1 外貌 性格

时间 part 2过程 事件 结果

part 3 感受

写作评分标准及进步方向: 内容要点

应用词汇: 高级词汇的合理使用(energetic, in telligence)、同义
词的变化使用(以likebeautiful为例)、短语的恰当使用 (come up

语法结构的准确性:适当运用较复杂的语法,固定 句式(感叹句、
不定式等。 taps must be turned off after being used. 上下文的连
贯性: 连接词、非谓语动词等结构。first of all , in a word等


1. 表示目的:for this purpose,for this reason,so that,in
order that,so as to,in order to… 2. 表示对照:but,however,
yet,on the other hand,on the contrary… 3. 表示结果:so,
thus,therefore,as a result

4. 表示因果:because,since,as, for, because of …, owing
to 5. 表示强调:indeed,in fact,as a matter of fact 6. 表示并列
观点:firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, first of all, also,and,in
addition,besides,what’s more,moreover…, last but not
least, what’s worse

7. 表示解释和说明:for example, for instance…

8. 表示比较:like,just like,just as,in the same way,
similarly… 9. 表示总结:finally,at last,in short,in a word

10. 表示让步:although,though, even though,no matter


11. 关系:father, parents ,
grandfather ,uncle ,aunt ,schoolmate, monitor等,cousin比较

12. 职业:teacher, doctor, nurse, dentist, cook, artist, scientist,
soldier, manager, businessman, journalist等

13. 外貌性格:pretty , good- looking, short , tall, lovely,
adorable, naughty, smart , wise, diligent, lazy, humorous,

attractive, funny, outgoing, serious, quiet. warm-hearted,
patient,strong- minded, hard-working等(介绍外貌时候可用上定

内部教材,请勿外传。vip教研组版权所有 未经允许,请勿外传。
第 1 页 vip教育贵族教育 专业品质 帝豪校区:2042800 厦门思明
区帝豪大厦2403 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:

2042700 银行家园二楼 瑞景校区:2042400 洪莲路21号5楼

14. 年龄: a twenty-year-old man, as a boy of 15, at the age of
10, during his childhood, middle-aged , in his forties 等 15. 兴趣
爱好: enjoy doing, like to do doing, be fond of, be crazy about,
be interested in , prefer to dodoing

16. 评价: be popular with , be respected by, be honored as,
be considered ad, be famous for, be regarded as, set a good



1. he shows great enthusiasm in pursuing knowledge. 2. she
is a ordinary-looking girl with short hair. 3. not only does she ..
but also… 4. he sets us a good example.

5. i’ll never forget the day when…

6. i’m so proud that i have such a good friend.

7. he is considered as an honest, humorous teacher and he is
respected and loved by the students and other teachers. 8.
owing to his patient guide and my effort , i learned quite well at
the end. 9. without his help, i would have…

10. it was because of their help and encouragement that i
could get the best result. 11. she has a great sense of

12. she always comforts me when i get into trouble. 13. i’m
very grateful to him for all that he has done for me.

14. during the process of my growth, there are lots of people i
want to thank, but the person i want to thank most is… 15. i
want to thank sb. from the bottom of my heart.



时光匆匆,不知不觉中,同学们的初中生活即 将结束,你们有一个
透了父母 的心血,充满了师长的关爱,得到了朋友的帮助,请以
my_______________为题,写一 篇短文,描述你心中最重要的人或
最令你难忘的人。要求:1. 把题目补充完整。

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 3. 词数在60 - 80之间。 4. 内

who is the person in your heart?

why is the person so important in your heart?what will you
learn from the person in the future?


my father is a hero in my heart. although he has been away for
many years, he still lives in my heart now.

as a father of the five children, he knew his duty. when i was a
little girl, i thought my father never knew tired. he always
worked and worked. he was a man of great strength both
physically and in the mind.

my father not only worked hard to support the whole family,
but also looked after my ailing(多病的) mother. day and night,
he struggled for years with mothers disease. at last, my mother
recovered because of my fathers love and help. however, my
father, a man who was great and gentleness, fell down. i lost
my hero. he was too tired. he slept for ever.

内部教材,请勿外传。vip教研组版权所有 未经允许,请勿外传。
第 2 页 vip教育贵族教育 专业品质 帝豪校区:2042800 厦门思明
区帝豪大厦2403 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:
2042700 银行家园二楼 瑞景校区:2042400 洪莲路21号5楼

a few years has passed, but i think my father never left me. he
always smiles at me and lives in my heart. i know i have my
fathers love. it gives me courage to do anything, to face any
difficulties in my him, i will learn to stand up straightly,
to be proud of who i am!

2. a real friend

提示:朋友,是思想上值得依赖,情感上 可以依托,学习上能得到
间真 挚的友情。


3、文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计; 4、短文必

参考范文: a real friend

everyone needs friends. friendship plays an important role in
our lives. friends can encourage us to be better and share our
hopes and dreams. amy is a real friend like this.

when i became a middle school student, i dont do well in
english or math. i fell behind others. i was worried and upset.
at that time, amy often lent me her notebooks and came to my
house to help me after school. when i wanted to give up, she
always encouraged me to hold on, thanks to amy, a month
later i caught up with others. now both of us are in grade 9, we
have the same dreams - to be a student in a good university. i
think we can achieve our dreams.a friend in need is a friend
indeed. amy is such a good friend.


1. suffer from 遭受, 忍受

2. thanks to 多亏了

3. getbe used to sth. 习惯于

4. be absorbed in 专心于,全神贯注于 5. concentrate on sth. 专

6. share your happiness and sadness with sb. 和某人

分享你的快乐和痛苦 7. pursue knowledge 追求知识

8. be in trouble 处于困境中,遇到麻烦 9. depend on sb. to do
sth. 依靠某人做某事 10. to be honest 老实说

11. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 12. be popular
with sb. 受到某人的欢迎

13. strengthen our friendship 增进我们的友谊 promote our

14. benefit a lot from sth. 从……中受益良多 15. speak highly of
sb. 对某人评价高 16. get along well with sb. 和某人相处得好 17.
put one’s heart into sth. 用心对待某事

18. make progress 取得进步

19. have trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难 20. come true 实现

21. realizeachieve one’s dream 实现某人的梦想 22. enjoy doing

like to do sth. like doing sth. be fond of sth. doing sth.

be crazy about sth. doing sth.

prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

23. is of great help for sb. 对某人有很大的帮助= very helpful

24. lose one’s temper 发脾

内部教材,请勿外传。vip教研组版权所有 未经允许,请勿外传。
第 3 页 vip教育贵族教育 专业品质 帝豪校区:2042800 厦门思明

区帝豪大厦2403 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼 思北校区:
2042700 银行家园二楼 瑞景校区:2042400 洪莲路21号5楼

内部教材,请勿外传。vip教研组版权所有 未经允许,请勿外传。
第 4 页 vip教育贵族教育 专业品质 帝豪校区:2042800 厦门思明
区帝豪大厦2403 吕厝校区:2042900 锦绣广场二楼

思北校区:2042700 银行家园二楼 瑞景校区:2042400 洪莲路

博物馆校区:2042008 厦门思明南路海洋花园一楼


?me (我)

my name is______(写自己的英文名哦). i am ___(数字) years old.
i am from china, and i am a student in _____________(写自己的
学校名称哦). my favorite subject(喜爱的科目) is______(写自
己喜欢的科目名称哦), because it is very interesting(有趣的). i
like ___________________ (写自己喜欢的运动哦){如swimming
and riding a bike}. i can ____________________(写自己的强项
哦){如 swim, play basketball and tennis}. there are _____(数
字) people in my family, they are________________{如 my
father, my mother and my brother and my sister and i}. my
father is ___(数字) years old, he is a ____(职业) { eg(例如).
doctor; teacher worker; policeman; manager }. my mother
is_____(数字) years old, she is a _______(职业). my
brothersister is a student, too. they are kind to me.(他们都对我
很好). i love my family, and we are happy every day.

this is me(这就是我啊).

?my good friend (我的好朋友)

i am ________(写上自己的名字哦). i am ___(数字) years old. i
am from china, and i am a student in _____________(写

自己的学校名称哦).my good friend is _________(写上你好朋友的
名字), heshe is ___(数字) years old. heshe is good at(擅
长)_______________ (写上你朋友擅长的东西啊){如科目,运动等,
一定要记住如果加动词一定要加v-ing哦}. hisher hobby
heshe can ________________(写你的朋友会什么东西

啊……).heshe is nice to everyone. heshe is always helping to
others, so we like to make friends with himher.(他她对每个人
都很好,经常帮助别人,所以我们都喜欢和他她交朋友). this is
my good friend----______(写上你朋友的名字哦).

己改一些关键词哦y(^_ ^)y}

?my family(我的家人)

my name is______(写自己的英文名哦). i am ___(数字) years old.
i am from china, and i am a student in _____________(写自己的
学校名称哦). my favorite subject(喜爱的科目) is______(写自
己喜欢的科目名称哦), because it is very interesting(有趣的). i
like ___________________ (写自己喜欢的运动哦){如swimming
and riding a bike}. i can ____________________(写自己的强项
哦){如 swim, play

basketball and tennis}. there are _____(数字) people in my
family, they are________________{如 my father, my mother
and my brother and my sister and i}. my father is ___(数字)
years old, he is a ____(职业) { eg(例如). doctor;
teacher worker; policeman; manager }. my mother is_____(数
字) years old, she is a _______(职业). my brothersister is a
student, too. they are kind to me.(他们都对我很好).

this is my family. i love my family, and we are happy every day.









本文更新与2020-10-20 19:33,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/414347.html


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