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2020-10-20 19:39




1、Pumas are large ,cat- like animals which are found in America.
★本句话亮点:当前一句末尾的一个名词和后一 句开头的名词或者代词重合时,可以用
Pandas are large, bear-like animals which are found in China.
Dragons are mysterious, snake- like animals which are described in Chinese

2、When London Zoo received reports which said that a wild puma had been spotted
forty-five miles south of London ,they were not taken seriously.
当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英 里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有
★本句亮点:西方的文化精神一直表现为 对“客观性”的重视。义物本为主体,以自然
为本位。而中国文化则以人为中心,认为世界一切皆因人的 活动。因此,讲地道的英语
The news came to me that he was down with pneumonia.
The advertisement entitle “Tide’s in ,Dirt’s out” suddenly caught our eyes.
The fierce garnished with cooking utensils has caught every guest’s attention.
3、However, when experts from the Zoo received more and more evidence, they
felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed
to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
★本句亮点:中文习惯用一个主语贯穿到底,以人物的主要动作串联起来。这样的句 子
妙而紧 密地连接。
When the little boy at last came into their sight, their impatience is clearly
bubbling up toward the boiling point, for the post the boy had taken was not
what they wanted.
Although the intimidation to Premier Zhu began to accumulate, he was not worried
at all, for the anonymous intimidation was na?ve and ridiculous.
4、The city was even equipped with a drainage systems, for a great many clay
pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.
★本句亮点:为了写出生动的句子,我们应该避开简单乏味的“there be ”结构。放
Hundreds of people gathered in the open to watch the film.
Volumes of the dictionaries line the shelf.
A dangerous spy is planted among us.
5、 Despite her great age, he was very graceful indeed.

Despite a shortage of steel, industrial output has increased by two percent.
Despite the better weather condition, the captain resolutely decided to abandon
the warship.
Cloning technology progresses quickly despite controversy.

6、Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice
higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.
本句亮点:such 提到句首,敲到好处的起到了强调的作用。句子重心是that从句,他
做such 的同位语,因为太长,所以放在了最后。整个句子使用倒装语序,一气呵成。
Such is human nature that when the teacher gave the class twenty more hours
of homework for summer vacation, the class kicked up a fuss.
Such is arrangement by God that he met his future wife at a friend’s party.
Such is the rule of nature that the fittest survive.

7、This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of John who
worked as a dustman for a famous corporation.
★本句亮点:如果用“John … was just an example ”这个句子,读者会很困惑。
As it did 中,it 指的是上一句的that 从句所指代的内容,did 指代give rise to
curious situation。我们要学会用主动词do或be来代替前文出现的动词或动词短语。
Sudden success can give rise to the loss of one’s integrity, as it did in the
case of Ryan who took the first place in this year’s baseball championship
Forcing a child to learn can give rise to the opposite effect, as it did in
the case of my seven-year-old nephew who went to school last year.
Illness can be a sham to gain sympathy, as it did in the case of Tom’s wife
who often makes troubles.
Reading can keep one’s mind from rust, as it did in the case of my early retired
grandma who reads for hours every day.
8、Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as
★本句亮点:本句的倒装,显示了英文‘变化就是 美丽’的特点。记住:倒装句的使用
Not only am I going to pattern myself on Hiber, but I will do better than him
as well.
Not only did his devotion win people’s recognition, but it was well paid in
the end as well.

Not only was the prince disinherited, but he was thrown out on the pavement
as well.
9、However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the
editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the
fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president’s palace.
不过,他终于获准发回了一份传真。在传真中他告诉编辑 ,他被转起来了。那时候,
他正好在数那1084级台阶,这些台阶通向15英尺高的围墙,围墙环绕着 总统府。
Soon afterwards, the government was forced to give out the announcement in which
it informed the mass civilians that the government had taken measures to
investigate the source of the illness in January while curbing the epidemic
causing over200 deaths which panicked the whole country.
Last weekend, the famous singer had an interview with the reporter in which
he spoke highly of a currently popular TV series while pointing out some of
its weak points leading to the series controversy which absorb more audience
to watch the TV series.
10、Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money!
★本句亮点:“it seems”在句中作插入语,这一类型的插入语主要表达人们对事物的
态度或推测,比如“I hope , I guess , I believe, he suppose, I wonder, I tell
you ,I say ,I’m afraid ,I sure ,you can see , you know”等,对文章某骗布局
Drinking more water, I think ,will do good to your health.
The snow, he reflected, would continue to fall and curtained the outlook from
the citizen.
The automobile, all of us could see, slowed down to go around the curves in
the road.
Rest in bed ,the doctor concludes, may cure a cold.
11、Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes
turned to ash..
可以想象他们发现一只煮的很好看的钱包、钞票已经化为灰烬时的沮丧心情。 ★本句亮点:以为found后面接了一个宾语从句。然而仔细发现,如果是宾语从句则是
时态用错 了,那么 turned to ash 就是notes的宾语补足语,正是这种运用使得整句
话简练 的多。通过这句话,要学会直接用过去分词作宾补,从而省去罗嗦的被动语态的
Imagine her happiness when the secretary found the papers signed by the manager
before dinner.
Imagine their ecstasy when they found the lanterns lighted and placed near the
I abused myself deeply after I found myself deceived by a quack.

The woman cried out in surprise when she found her husband invited to the same
12、Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.
★本句亮点:双重否定表达强烈的肯定,很有力度,于是常常不可避免的 带有作者的情
绪:”nothing is impossible”
No one failed to notice that she went out in a hurry without the red overcoat.
Enthusiastic workaholics and strict bosses are hardly unknown in Japan.
There is no one here but wishes you well.
If you meet a girl as polite as her , you will never fail to give her a hand.
13、He wad greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him I was telling
the truth.
★本句亮点: 拟人句使得句子更加精彩。“greet”这个词语在拟人手法中很常见,主
A somber (阴森)and terrible sight greeted her eyes.
A smoker’s cough greeted his ears.
The atmosphere that greeted the chairman was active and warm.
When the door of the toilet was opened, offensive odors greeted the cleaner’
s nose.
14、Not wanting to frighten the poor man, she quickly hid in the small storeroom
under the stairs.
★本句亮点:一般人写句子 多用不定式来表示目的,这样的目的状语太千篇一律。我们
还可以用现在分词来表示谓语动词的目的。尽 量的用上。
The two countries sat down to talk, hoping to avoid further conflict.
Not wanting to tear the clothes, the naughty boy gave up climbing the tree.
Showing a desire to behave modestly, he did not want his renown(名声)to get
15、There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had
to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for “protection”.
was a time when….”。注意一定要用过去时。当我们蓦然回首往事的时候我们就派
There was a time when they got along with each other well. However , a slight
misunderstanding severed the lifelong friends.
There was a time when severe weather conditions hindered the rescuers.
There was a time when she coldly refused his advances.
16、He described it as “a very agreeable situation located within two small
hills in the midst of which flowed a great river”

从句,却不很习惯 的应用“in the midst o which, among which, before which“等
The hotel has a very convenient situation located in the downtown before which
stand a bus stop and a metro station.
You can find the falls hanging on the steep cliff located beside the corn field
to the east of which lies a cool cave.
He described the on-water restaurant as “a very special situation located on
the mirror-like lake on the both sides of which is the picturesque scenery
composed of coco forest.”
17、Despite its immensity ,its both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer’
s dream to create “an enormous object draw as faintly as possible.”
尽管此桥很大,但他结构简单,造型优美,实现了设计者企图创造一个“尽量 用细线条
★本句亮点:这是一个分词作结果状语的典型例子。使 用现在分词作结果,能成功的把
两个句子合为一个紧凑的长句,但是要注意,两个句子的主语要一致,习 惯在前面加
The train began to accelerate its speed, hissing great cloud of smoke.
When sleep came hard, even with a couple of sleeping pills, she got up and played
some music, only making things worse.
Modern people have been shooting and trapping the wildlife crazily since last
century, creating dreadful havoc in nature.
18、The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860, when the Marquis drew up
the first set of rules.
★本句亮点: 用not…until…引导的时间状语比一般的时间状语从句更加富有感情色
彩,能表达出恨之太晚的 情绪当然,要求主句的动词是短暂性动词,如果是延续性动词,
则表示“此动作一直发生,直到。。。。 ”
He did not get up in the world until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China
was founded.
The government did not put up a monument in honor of those killed in battle
until five years later, when the civil war came to an end.
The government did not succeed in getting the bill through until two months
later, when the new Premier took the chair.
They did not bury the hatchet until 11:00PM, when they at last decided to finish
the five- hour-long argument.

19、On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes
in animal fat.

★本句亮点:书面英文中,“名词优于动词或形容词”。这里的at the idea of 中的
名词idea 代替了动词think。要学会用类似的短语:at the sight of ,at the smell
of, at the taste of ,at the touch of ,at the news of等。
Many of them decided to stay on at the sight of the injured soldiers.
At the news of the godfather’s coming, the whole town rolled out the red carpet.
20、No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.
★本句亮点:“no…more…th an…”的模式看似比较及,实为最高级。它比普通的最
No operation has received more praise and abuse than the cosmetic surgery.
No classmate is more willing to do a favor for friends and neighbors than he.
There is no better way than loud curing for his anger to find expression.
No subject has the greasier feel than the wet soap.
21、I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified.
★本句亮点:不仅副词可以做状语,形容词也能做状语。形 容词作状语的妙处是,可以
When it was getting dark, he at last got home, hungry and thirsty.
If you loose the imagination, passion and curiosity in your twenties, you would
die young.
The boy who had been in the kidnappers’ hands for the past two days returned
home, safe and sound.
The beautiful girl student was sitting in the front of classroom, silent.
22、Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free
to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.
尽管我们可以自夸自己鉴 赏力如何敏锐,但我们已经无法独立自主的选购自己所需的
东西了,因为广告在我们身上施加着一种潜移 默化的影响。
★本句亮点:把让步状语从句用的更活灵活现的方法,就是将其倒装。让步状语从句一< br>般由though, although, even though, granting that, admitting that 等来引导。
在倒装句中一般使用though, as 。倒装结构:强调部分+asthough +句子剩余部分。
Strange as it may seem, I only did it for you .
Experienced though they were, they were caught in a crunch.
Much as I may pride myself on my good eyesight, I cannot see the dimples of
the mattress.
23、There are times when we could willingly give everything we possess to save
our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us
precisely this service.
有时,我们为了挽救自己的生命,愿意付出我们所拥有的一切。但 就在外科大夫给
★本句亮点:将“sometimes”这个再普通不过的单词换成句型“There are times

There are times when he has a great repugnance to cleaning up this disgusting
There were unhappy times when Hiber reproach his wife with extravagance.
There are quiet times when he reads the hours away.
There are times when the uproar reaches the ears of the students in the classroom.
24、Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran
after me and thrust the pen into my hands.
★本句亮点:课文妙 在:用现在分词作;伴随状语将第一句话的结构变得紧凑后,接着
用‘when’把两个句子连接在一起 。“when”在这里显然不是“当…的时候”的意思,
而是指在前一个动作的过程中,另一个动作突然 发生了。“when”的这个用法值得学习,
以后我们就能用它来连接表一前一后不同动作或状态的句子 。
Staring at him for a long time, I wondered why he saved every penny he had earned
when, a minute later, he told me about his tough situation.
Living alone for the past twenty years, she pondered bitterly upon the meaning
of life when, after her graduation, she met her soul-mate in Rome.
Crying ‘help’, he scrambled the children out of the burning house when, five
minutes later, five trucks arrived on the scene.
25、He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the
fact that he had become the ghost of Endley.
★本 句亮点:有时一个简单的替换,会让你的句子正式不少。如很多情况下,可以用
fact+同位语从句, 来替换其他从句。在fact 之前还能假上不同的形容词。
In spite of the commonly-known fact that it was not his fault, there was a grudge
against him all over the country.
He acted high-hat toward anyone poorer than he, unaware of the fact that every
one is created equal.
Because of the hard fact that his wife is really impossible, he has made up
his mind to divorce her.
Newspapers inform their readers of the fact that inflationary fears are
depressing stock prices.
26、Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and
reprimanded the assistant severely.
★本句亮点:现在分词作状 语时,千万不能忽略现在分词也能做原因状语这一条。有一
些现在分词已经变为了固定的短语。如 being… knowing that…. Seeing that ….

Seeing that it was too crowded, he stayed away from home all summer long .
Being an enthusiastic philatelist, he was fascinated by those rare stamps.
Having stayed in his bedroom for a whole day, he wanted to go outside for some
fresh air.

27、Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to
the surface proved to be of great interest.
★本句亮点:再 一次重复书面英语的原则:“名词优于形容词或动词”。“valuable”
和“of value”相比后者显然更加正式讲究。所以应该熟悉的掌握一系列的“形容词=of+
His brave act earned him the opportunity to go to the university of dream,
American Navy Academy.
Your help is of great value to correcting the weather forecast.
28、What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go wrong
at precisely the same moment.
★本句亮点:要写出好句子 并不难,平日里多积累一些能广泛使用的经典句型,尽量用
他们取代自己写的那些平淡得不出奇的句子即 可达到这个目的。如:“always” 可以
变化为”“What invariably happens is that”,反之,“never”可以变化为“What
never happens is that”,类似的句型还有很多。注意,不要犯重复的错误。
What invariably happens is that when a cabinet goes out of office, it carries
the entire ministry with it.
It rarely happens that the victims can guess out the mint of these plots and
It never happens that he deals with the delicate situation with diplomatic
It sometimes happens that he conciliates the respect of his associates with
his cooperativeness.
29、Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.
★本句亮点:翻译“某人钟爱某物”的典型思维模式是:“sb. Love likebe interested
in sth”然而,如果过来翻译,将sth作主语,用上“sth exert a fascinate on sb ”
The newly published book exerts a fascinate on many young readers.
Which kind of music exerts more fascination on you, country music or jazz?
The pretty girl with large liquid eyes exerted a fascination on the young hunter.
The report tells that that vodka exerts a common fascination on all Russian
30、Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.
★本句亮点: 这句话中有两个替换的亮点都值得仿效:介词“without”被转换作介词
短语,“quite independent of” 干扰这一个意思的动词形式被形式。
He mimicked the famous singer’s voice reasonably well well quite independent
of his teacher’s instruction.
They held actives marking the 10
anniversary of the founding of the club quite
independent of the school authorities’ permission.

They gave a near-perfect performance quite independent of the national opera
house’s aid.
The population of this city has always been increasing quite independent of
the government ‘s curb.
31、At the time, this did not strike me as odd.
★本句亮点:当我们翻译“我没感到奇怪时”,我们脱口而出的句子肯定是“I did not
feel odd”,因为这是符和中文的思维习惯的表达。然而我们要练到大师级的写作水平,
一滴积累起来的 ,一篇出色的文章也一点一点改漂亮的。
When he appeared ten minutes after the teacher’s departure, it did not strike
me as unusual.
The comedian on the stage had been telling jokes for half an hour, but it did
not strike the audience as funny.
The idea that one can communicate with a tiny spider does not strike the kids
as silly.
32、It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line
at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty.
行,时速仅30英 里。
★本句亮点:表示“某人突然想到。。。”,用句型“It suddenly dawned on me that”
或“It suddenly occurs to sb that…..”会更经典。这里it作为形式主语,句末
It suddenly dawned on him that last month two of the best-selling singles in
china were by Hong Kong singers.
It suddenly dawned on the mother that milk scorches easily, which would damage
the bottom of the pot.
It suddenly occurred to him that the company’s tax situation had been rigorously
probed by revenue officials.
34、Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the
dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.
★本句亮点:模仿课 文这句话的结构,表示“某人不理解。。。。。”或“某人不知道。。。。”
时,使用“...is beyond sb.”。同理,表示“某人够不着。。。。”,不说“sb cannot
reach…”,而是说”…is beyond sb’s reach”;表示“某人无法控制。。。。”不
说“sb. Cannot control…”而使用“...is beyond sb’s control”等。
He arranged the first blind date of my life and my gratitude to him is totally
beyond words.
Why sometimes they battled for hours over a single word or sentence is beyond
The bedlam in the downtown on the day of carnival is beyond the control of the
riot police.

Whether the Polar station can be maintained by air is beyond the knowledge of
the volunteers.
35、Cave exploration, or pot-holing, as it has come to be known, is a relative
new sport.
★本句亮点:在表的 众所周知的 意思的时候,很多人会写成“Everybody knows ….”
or “It is known that…”现在我们学习一种很棒的替代方式,用“as it has come
to be known” 作为插入语放在句子中间,前后用逗号隔开。如果具体指“某人知道”,
则在“as it has come to be known”后面加上“to sb.”。
The new president, as it come to be known, is insensitive to public opinion.
The enemy nation, as it has come to be known, is leading up to an impertinent
request during the negotiation.
Their mission, as it had come to be known to the solders, was to seize the village
as soon as possible and overwhelmed the garrison.
36、The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading
or sleeping.
★本句亮点:课文的句子直译过来时“旅程非常平稳,没有什 么能够阻拦你鱼肚或者睡
眠”,听上去很拗口,不太符合中文的习惯。但正是这种中国人听上去不习惯的 句子,
恰恰是英文地道的表达。所以,以后“你完全可以……..”翻译成“there is nothing
to prevent you from doing….”。
This arrangement suits us so well that there is nothing to prevent us from
enjoying the whole sea journey.
The new flat is advertised as being made to measure for the modern housewife
and all her needs, so there id nothing to prevent us from considering moving
into it.
He is considerate, enthusiastic and knowledge, so there is nothing to prevent
him from winning a great measure of support across the town.
The study is so big and secluded that there is nothing to prevent him from using
it as a lounging and smoking-room.
36、Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reports can cause untold
suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
★本句 亮点:表示“某人因某一想法而产生某一行为”,我们不再用两个句子,而仿效
文章中用现在分词作原因 状语,不出现“think”一词。而要记住这个表达法“acting
on the contention that….”。
Acting on the contention that the village would be engulfed by drifting sands,
he demanded all the villagers evacuate the valley by publishing a new notice.

Acting on the contention that the sport of diving has leaped into a new era,
the coach is resolved to devote hid lifelong energy to the diving career by
training ten more athletes.
Acting on the contention that his fingers would gum together as the candy melted,
he put on gloves before touching the candy.
37、Mainframe computers were very large indeed, often occupying whole
air-conditioned rooms, employing full-time technicians and run on
specially-written software.
计算机的主机确实很大,常常 占据里装有空调的多间房间,雇用专职的技师,而且得
这一点容易 被英语学习者忽略。在写作文是,可以利用“分词做主补“来讲一些没必要
单独成句的段句子合成一个有 份量的长句。记住,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被
动。如果像课文当中这样,几个现在分词和过去 分词同时出现在一句话中作主补,那么
The teacher was very popular indeed, often infecting his pupils with his
enthusiasm, paying close attention to the poor students and visited by students
in a life dilemma on weekends.
Invented in the 19
century by accident and having experienced several
improvements during last century, now the zipper is a necessary in daily life,
functioning well in clothes and bags.
38、Despite the fact that the bottle id tinted a delicate shade of green, and
observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a
thick, grayish substance.
★本句亮点:第一、以后文章中的although…通通可以换作despitein spite of the
fact that…,这样做的好处是fact 之前还可以加上,修饰性的形容词,使文章更加
细腻。同理,because…可以换作for the reason that…;第二,中国学生喜欢用the
thing 后面加个定语从句去修饰,更地道的表达法是用what引导名词性从句。
For the simple reason that most majority of the population in the city is
composed of senior citizens, the topics of many talks shows involve what old
people are interested in.
Despite the fact that she often flies off the handle for nothing, her husband
takes good care of her and cares what she does not care.
39、Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his preciouse
bottle of mud.
★本句亮点:表达“某人高兴做某事”,“ 某人总是习惯做某事”,都可以用上这个看
上去别扭,其实很值得仿效的表达法“sb. Does not need to be prompted to do sth.”。

Shanghai men are adored by many ladies throughout the country for the simple
reason that they need to be prompted to share the household chores.
As a sport fan, he does not heed to be prompted to go to gym each afternoon
for the muscle exercise.
The government official does not need to be prompted to travel from one village
to anther, dropping in on families and listen to their problem.
The retired professor does not need to be prompted to educated bad manners out
of the ten-year-old boy living next door.
40、Next came a horse, swimming bravely, but we were afraid that strength of
the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted.
它无法上岸。 ★本句亮点:表达“某人因为…….而无法做到”,惯常思维会让英语学习者写出这样
的句式“sb . Cannot do… because….”, 可这种表达太普通,要学会仿造课文,用
以句式:“sth. Prevent sb.’s + 名词”。尤其是原句can后的动词很容易转化成
The electricity through the railings prevent the troop of tank’s crashing,
which decided their defeat in the battle.
The heavy traffic on the street prevented the goodbye handshake of the boy who
looks like a cross between a Malay and a Chinese with his mother.
His subordinates’ strong hatred prevents the director’s signing in the
41、It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during
her absence.
★ 本句亮点:在clear 之前用多少个very来加深程度,都不如漂亮的写上一个合
适的比喻。除了“as clear as daylight”,还有“as clear as crystal”或者“as clear
as sky”。英语中这样的比喻非常的多,搭配也相对比较固定,平时多积累,以便灵活
的 用在作文中,增加情趣。
Receiving royal entertainment given by the small county, the investigation
official was as happy as a lark.
He discovered the fire when he was doing the rounds of the factory and put it
put all by himself. Ever since then he is famous for being as brave as a lion.
A singer must learn to project his voice so that it is as clear as crystal to
reach every corner of a large hall.
42、Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person
contented, with no time for boredom.
★本句亮点:表原 因不用because而用by,这是本句较有新意的地方。使用by来代替
because的条件是主 语从句一至。另外,还可以学习这句话将by doing插到主语之后。
On these occasions he, by having relevant experience and strong professional
background, might sit in on drums.

The general, by having a spy planted in the enemy army, will smell out the
betrayer and give him the severest punishment.
Cameramen, by obtaining the special permission, snapped celebrities while TV
men interviewed them.
The oncoming generation of students, by having an open and positive heart, might
succeed at this.









本文更新与2020-10-20 19:39,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/414363.html
