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2020-10-21 02:35



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1326 在一个完整的句子中,主语之外的部分称为谓语,共有5种类型的
He came.
My wife cried.
John likes me.
His uncle wrote letters.
They teach me English.
I bought Mary sugar.
He is a teacher.
She looks sad.

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We made him king.
She left the house dirty.

1302 根据其结构,句子可以分为5类:
a.主语 + 不及物动词
John came.
(S) (IV)
b.主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
John likes
(S) (TV)
c.主语 + 双宾动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语
John gave
Mary books.
(S) (DV)
(IO) (DO)

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d.主语 + 系动词 + 主语补语
John is
(S) (LV) (SC)
e.主语 + 宾补动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补语
John makes
Mary angry.
(S) (FV) (
O) (OC)
主语、不及物动词、及物动词、双宾动词、 系动词、宾补动词、宾语及补语
可以称为基本句子成分。在上面的句子中,如把任何一个成分删除,都会 成为病

1303 基本成分可以加修饰语:1)定语(即用来修饰名词的 单词、短语或
面 例句中,修饰语为斜体字,被修饰的词为黑体字:
1)Poor John tottered toward a hospital nearby.
John likes oranges imported from the U.S..

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John gave Mary many books,which are full of illustrations.
2)John often came to chat with me.
John likes oranges very much.
Whenever he gets drunk,John makes Mary very angry.
上很 重要,但在结构上不影响句子的完整性,因此称作附属成分。

1304 句中还有一类成分,可以去掉,不影响句子的完整性,并和句子的
其他词没有语法 的关系,可以称作独立成分。
Oh!What is that!(惊叹词)
He has,alas,failed again.
Come here,John.(呼语)
Roll on,Ocean,roll on.

1305 此外还有一类被省略的成分,虽然未说出来,却在句中表示一定的
(You) Come here.

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(I wish you)Good luck!
Some gave him praises,but others(gave him)rotten eggs.

1306 最后还有连接成分,它实际上是一个并列连词,用来连接两个或几
1307 ,一个完整的句子(从句或分句)必须包含2个到4个基本成分,
此外,如果意思 上有需要,还可包含一个或更多其他的句子成分。



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解析对词的分类处 理过多,不甚有用。分析说明了句中词之间的关系,但有
时显得很复杂。图解最有用,因为它以最简单明 了的方式说明了词与词之间的关

1309 5类基本句及4种基本成分可以用下面的方式加以图解:

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一个词的特定地位意味着它的特定作用 。和横线交叉的左边竖线把主语S
(在左面)和动词V(在右面)分开。斜线表示它右面的词为主语或宾 语的补语。

1310 主语、动词。宾语及补语这4种基本成分都放在横线的 上方,附属
们所 修饰词的下面:
My father left yesterday.
Some people write commercial letters skillfully.
Some naughty little children broke his expensive spectacles
A downright bad man is very often a wonderfully successful man.
The old man opposite the street visited his children in Francein 1968.

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1311 应 当记住,一个空位通常只容一个词(类),但成语由几个词构成
却起一个词(类)的作用。因此有必要把 构成成语的几个词放在一个空位中,因
The Minister of Economics paid attention to the inflation.
She has been raising her children for the last ten years.
介词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语或名词从句,在用作主 语、宾语或补语

He is in a bad temper.
注意,这个句子有3个基本成分:主语+系动词+补语。第三部分in a bad
temper的图解,不仅说明了这 4个词之间的关系,还通过使用

个单一词类和其他词之间的关系, 即起形容词的作用,作为系动词is的补语。

v1.0 可编辑可修改 < br>在下面图解中,这个短语占了2个空位,这样容易引起误会,因为人们会以为这
个句子包含4个基 本成分:
To tell lies is not always successful·
上面图解中to tell lies这个不定式短语,一方面表明了to tell 是一
个及物动词,lies是它的宾语,另 一方面说明整个短语起名词作用,只占一个
He likes playing tennis in the morning.
注意上面动名词playing tennis in the morning的图解,一方面说
明playing为及物动词,tennis为其宾语,而in the morning为其修饰语,另
一方面说明这个短语起名词作用,用作及物动词(谓语动词)l ike的宾语。
He washes before taking dinner.
注意,talking dinner这个动名词短语,通过使用

类,起名词作用,用作 介词before的宾语。如作下面图解则会引起误会:

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know that you speak English well.
注意that引起的从句的图解,一方面表明了这5个词之 间的关系(that为
连词,主语为you,speak为及物动词,宾语为english,well 为speak的修饰

1312 在图解中省略的词应用圆括号标出:
He has walked fifty miles.
Come here.
What(=The thing which)I know is unimportant.
Can he come
What a trip we have had!

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He left for France yesterday.和Yesterday he left for France.图
同样,I sing this song specially for you.和Specially for you I sing
this song.图解的方式一样:
My happy days are gone!和 Gone are my happy days!也如此:
某个特殊的句子,根据不同的理解可有不同的图解方式。例如在 He is out
of temper.中,out of temper可看作是成语,是一个整体,这时图解方式如
在Walking along the street,John met Mary.这个句子中,Walking along
the street可以看作定语,这时可以按下面方式图解:

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在主要横线左端 下方的竖线来表示它后面或下面的词和全句有关,可以是一
个句子修饰语或是一个把这个句子和另一句子 连接起来的并列连词:
Luckily,I found the lost ring.
In at word,I can do no more.
I study music and my wife does housework.
He is a great politician;besides,he is an artist.
He worked very hard;on the other hand,his children played all day.
Indeed he knows his fault,but he refuses to own it.


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1314 Books are good companions.
London is populous.
He is a nice fellow,your uncle.
It is truly long,that bridge across the Yellow River.
They have gone away,those rascals.
There it stood a monument of all ages.
It is funny the way(that)he teaches his children.
It astonishes me the number of the wives he has.
It is inscrutable the rumour that is spreading.


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1315 “Crocodile tears”means pretended sorrow.The dog star is the
largest fixed star.A“field piece”means a cannon.
The river bed is muddy.I wore a sun hat.He is a paper tiger and who
is afraid of him(名词+名词)
His maiden speech is wonderful.A leap year comes every fourth year.His
untimely end is beyond belief.A wet blanket and a queer fish are coming
toward us.Is a heavy hand enough to suppress the revolt(形容词+名词)
Today is All Fools'Day.A cat's paw may be a scapegoat.This printer's
ink is poor.“Man's estate”means the age of manhood.(名词所有格+
An apple of discord was thrown among them.A Jack of all trades may
be a good-for-nothing.A fish out of water will die soon.Here is a case
in point.A friend at court will help me.(名词+介词+名词)
The ins and outs of this scandal interested us.The long and short
of the story is this.The ups and downs of life are familiar to my uncle.(名
词+and +名词)
Guangdong Province is in the south of China.Stratford-on- Avon is
the birth-place of Shakespeare.The Ministry of Education has issued an
important ordinance.(专有名词短语)
A curtain lecture,elbow room,an insect bite,fairy tales

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The Almighty Dollar,the Dark Continent,the black market,a dark room,
a golden wedding,an aching void,a low diet
The bull's eye,a sheep's eye,a fool's cap,a sailors home,Achilles'
heel,Adam's apple,the lion's share,the king's evil
The age of machinery,the art of God,the man in the street,a bed
of roses,a woman of the world,a man of family,a letter of credit,a
word of honour,castles in the air,a friend in need,a man about town
All beer and skittle,the alpha and beta,the why and where- fore
the sum and substance,Darby and Joan,David and Jonathan


1316 We shall start tomorrow.She likes it.
Mine(= My family)is an unhappy family.His(=His fate) has been
the fate of an unusual artist.Hers is a car made in Germany.(名词性
We(= Our class)are full up.We(= Our office)close on
Saturday afternoon.He(= His watch)is too fast.We(= Our things)
have been packed.(人称代词有时可用来表示属于某人的东西)

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My uncle he(名词+多余的代词)wants it done.People in town they have
never seen cows.(文化低的人的语言或歌谣中的说法)
She is a nice girl,Mary.They are very selfish,those people.(代
It is hot(or cloudy,snowing,raining.)(It指天气)
It is spring(or morning,Sunday,my birthday);struck three,
is growing towards evening.(It指时间)
It is ten miles(or a long way).(It指距离)
It is I(or me).(It指一个身份尚不清楚的人)
It is all over with him.How is it with himHow goes it(It 泛指一
It is my sister(主语受到强调)that(or who) studied English at
A.A.A.School when she was seventeen.(用It is…that…这种结构可以
对主语、宾语、状语短语或状语从句加以强调。My sister studied at
A.A.A.School when she was seventeen.是原来的句子,对主语加以强调时
It is English(宾语受到强调)that(or which) my sister studied,
It is at A.A.A.School(状语短语受到强调)that(or where)my sister
studied English,etc.

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It is when she was seventeen(状语从句受到强调)that my sister studied
English at A.A.A.School.
It is I that said so.
It is waiting for a chance that will not do.
It is here(or then,for this reason,with a lightning speed)that
he married her.
It was after seeing her that he became crazy.
Who is it that you wantWhat is it that he is looking for
It is only arithmetic that he is afraid of.It is only her idols that
she pays attention to.It is not his children that he cares about,but
his business.
It is a good horse that never stumbles.(= No horse is so good as
to never stumble.)(这类常在谚语中出现的句子,结构虽和上面句子相同,
It is a silly fish that is caught twice.(= no fish is so silly as
to be caught twice.)
It is an ill bird that fouls his own nest.(= No bird is so ill as
to foul his own nest.)

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It表示 the thing,th at引起的从句可以看做定语,修饰主语It。that
起从属连词和代词的作用,图解记号异于并列连 词。


1317 The brave deserve the fair.The young are to be educated.There
are the dying and the dead,the slain and the van- guished.(复数主
The beautiful and the good is our ideal.The middle or the thick
of the forest has many animals in it.The accused(or The deceased)is
a rich man.The French is different in character from the English.(单


1318 作主语的不定式常常由it代替,本身放到句末作为it的同位语:
To live in Tokyo would be too expensive.It would be too expensive
to live in Tokyo.

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To go out of town every weekend became our custom.It became our custom
to go out of town every weekend.
To have broken his leg is his bad luck.It is his bad luck to have
broken his leg.
To be happy requires(or needs,wants)no great fortune.
It requires no great fortune to be happy.
To be rich or to be poor makes a lot of difference.It makes a lot
of difference to be rich or to be poor.
To raise the fund,to set up the building,to employ workers,all these
take time.
The story makes me sick to repeat.To repeat the story makes me sick.It
makes me sick to repeat the story.(这三句意思相同,却有不同的主语。)
This theory takes much time to understand.To understand this theory
takes much time.It takes much time to understand this theory.
To answer the question you asked in your letter is easy.
It is easy to answer the question you asked in your letter.
The question you asked in your letter,it is easy to answer.

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To handle a wife who comes of a rich family seems difficult.It seems
difficult to handle a wife who comes of a rich family.A wife who comes
of a rich family,it seems difficult to handle.
For John to live in Tokyo would be too expensive.It would be too
expensive for John to live in Tokyo.
For a commoner to marry a nobleman's daughter does not astonish me.It
does not astonish me for a commoner to marry a nobleman's daughter.
For politicians to talk about peace is as funny as for drinkers to
talk about temperance.It is as funny as for drinkers to talk about
temperance,for politicians to talk about peace.
下面句子中的不定式没有意义上的主语。 for you,of you等和 it is有
It is for(or up to)you to say yes or no.(=
To say yes or no is for[or up to] you.)
It is easier for you to speak to the boss than for me.(=To speak
to the boss is easier for you than for me.)
It is very kind of you to do so.(=To do so is very kind of you.)
It is natural in Mary to love John.
It is inconvenient to her to wait so long.
It is up to you to apologize.

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注意意义上的主语 for John是如何图解的。


1319 和不定式一样,作主语的动名词也可以用it代替:
Living in Tokyo would be too expensive.It would be too expensive
living in Tokyo.
Crying over spilt milk is no use.It is no use crying over spilt milk.
There is no climbing up the cliff.(= Climbing up the cliff is
There is no denying the fact.(=Denying the fact is impossible.)
John's(or His)living in Tokyo would be too expensive.
It would be too expensive John's(or his)living in Tokyo.

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1320 由 that引起的主语从句常可用 it代替,而本身则移到句尾,作为
That he had succeeded pleased me very much.It pleased me very much
that he had succeeded.
That he was killed is a serious matter.It is a serious matter that
he was killed.
That he has done his best is clear.It is clear(that)he has done
his best.(如果句子不长,that可以省略。)
The fact(or The circumstance)that he was killed was a serious
matter.(that引起的从句前面常可放 the fact或the circumstance)
It is clear(or likely,certain)that he likes his job.
It would be better that he give up smoking(=He had better give up
It is rumoured(or said,learned,denied)that the premier decides
to resign.
It is a pity that he should die so young.

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It happened(or chanced,came about,developed,turned out)that the
detective himself was the thief.
It came about that we had not enough money to pay the bill.
It seems(or appears,occurs) to me that she is a poet.
It struck me that I could be a lawyer.
He is poor,but it does not follow that he will cheat anyone.
It is not that A is an upright man,but that he has no chance to do
evil.It may be that B is too hungry to do any good,but it cannot be that
he is willing to do any evil.
It is(high) time that we started.
How is it that you know so muchHow comes it(about) that you know
so muchHow come(=why) you know so much
(It is)Some(Little,No)wonder(that) he failed.
(在用 wonder作补语时,it is可以省略。)
(It was)A wonder(that) he did not fall.What wonder (was it)
that he falled(= It was natural that he failed.)
It is said(or denied,rumoured)that the Mayor fell in love with
Mary.The Mayor,it is said(or denied,rumoured),fell in love with Mary.(这
两句意思几乎相同,但在第二句中不能用 that。)

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1321 由疑问词引起的从句,和that引起的从句一样,可以由it代替:
How he could do it seemed a mystery.It seemed a mystery how he could
do it.
Where he had escaped puzzled me.It puzzled me where he had escaped.
What is it to me who he is
It does not matter when you get married,but…


1322 疑问词引起的不定式,和连接词引起的从句一样,也可以用it代替:

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How to escape seems to be a problem.It seems to be a problem,how
to escape.
What to say puzzles me.It puzzles me what to say.
Whether or not to follow the policy depends upon circumstances.It
depends upon circumstances.whether or not to follow the policy.


1323 On is a preposition.Buy means“get by paying a price”.“Look
before you leap is a famous proverb.“Honesty is the best policy”is a
saying often ridiculed by people.


1324 From seven to seven is our store hours.From infancy to manhood
is an important period.From here to there is a short distance.Good in
the saddle is good for everything.(这样的短语用作主语时很少)


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1325 (You)Sit down,please.(You)Wait a minute.(Do you) Like

(You had)Better say no.(Are you)Feeling any better(It)Seems to
be impossible.(作主语时,有些代词有时省略。)


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1326 在一个完整的句子中,主语之外的部分称为谓语,共有5种类型的
He came.
My wife cried.
John likes me.
His uncle wrote letters.
They teach me English.
I bought Mary sugar.
He is a teacher.
She looks sad.
We made him king.
She left the house dirty.


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1327 不过动词、宾语及补语的意义还应当广一些,上面例句中的及物动
词、不及物动词 或其他动词都是一个单词,但有时可以是一个起同样作用的短语
或成语。例如“及物动词+名词”可以看 作是一种不及物动词:
He lost heart.(他灰心了。)
This habit has struck root.(这种习惯已根深蒂固)
I looked for my lost dictionary.(我在找我弄失的字典。)
He paid attention to his lesson.(他很注意他的功课。)
He gave up drinking.(他戒酒了。)
He is afraid of blood.(他怕血。)
He can't get along with anyone.(他和谁都处不好。)
I waited for him to come.(我等他来。)
详见 1182—1206节。


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1328 此外,也不只是名词或代词可用作宾语,共有9种东西可用作及物
动词、双宾动词 及宾补动词的宾语。由于它们是名词或起名词的作用,可以称作
名词等同体(Noun-Equival ent),名词等同体,可用作动词的宾语:
I know John(名词).
She kept the floor dirty.
I will teach John Chinese.
I know him(代词).
She kept it clean.
That depends upon them.
He threw out an apple of discord(名词短语).
I have just visited the Board of Trade.
I am not fond of wild goose chase.
This matter interests the rich and the poor(the +形容词或分词).
The general visited the dying and the wounded.I know the long and
(the) short of this case.
He wants to go to college(不定式).
She refuses to marry me.
I asked to see a friend in prison.

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He is fond of swimming in the morning(动名词).
He avoids meeting any of his friends.
I postponed going to the doctor.
I know that she loves me(that引起的从句).
I am sure that you will succeed.
Is he afraid that he will be defeated
I wonder what he wants(疑问词引起的从句).
I asked where he had been.
I don't know which way I should go.
I don't know what to do(疑问词引起的不定式).
I am doubtful how to settle this problem.
I do not care where to eat dinner.

1329 不只是名词和形容词可用作补语,上面所提的9种名词等同体以及
下面例句中的6 种形容词等同体(Adjective-Equiva-lent)都可用作系动词

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He is a king(名词).
We chose him chairman.
It is me(代词).
He became a fish out of water(名词短语).
I find it a moot point.
The victims are always the poor(the +形容词).
To respect others is to be respected(不定式).
Seeing is believing(动名词).
His purpose is that all children should be educated(that引起的从
The problem is who is to blame(疑问词引起的从句).
My problem is how to learn(疑问词引起的不定式).
He seems happy(形容词).
You look young.
He makes me angry.
He is out(地点副词).
The show is over.

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Time is up.
He is at home(介词短语).
We are on good terms.
He leaves his desk out of order.
It seems interesting(现在分词).
The situation grows encouraging.
I saw Mary smoking.
I am astonished(过去分词).
He looked frightened.
I had my clothes washed.
He is to blame(不定式).
It is to be thrown away.
He wants his daughter to marry a rich man.

1330 因此我们可以把许多词看成一个词,把许多不同形式 看作同类东西,
从而使句子的结构变得简单化。例如我们可以把I know that he does not like
to live in this country.中的10个斜体词和I know John.中的一个斜体词
看作是有同一语法作用 的东西,因为两者都是及物动词的宾语。我们也可把He

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begged to see a friend in prison.中的 6个斜体词和He begged pardon.中
同样,我们也可把He is to come to the office at eight.中的7个斜
体词和He is punctual.中的一个斜体词看作相等的东西,因为两者都是补语。
另外下面4个句子中的 斜体词,形式不一,我们却可看作一类东西,都是及物动
He likes chocolate.(他喜欢巧克力。)
He is fond of teaching.(他爱教书。)
John pays attention to his business.(约翰关心他的买卖。)
I am sure that he will be a good husband.(我肯定他会是一个好丈夫。)
此外,在上面单元中,我们已谈到名 词、名词成语、不定式、从句等等,尽
管形式不同,字数不等,却都起同样作用,担任句子的主语。这样 ,不管多复杂

1332 为了更好了解这些谓语类型,先看看下面句子:
a.I know him to work hard.
b.We want him to come.
c.She let us to use her car.

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d.They suppose all of us to obey.
e.John saw Mary to walk with a boy.
所有这些句子的谓语都属于第42种类 型,即“宾补动词+名词+不定式”,
但只有b.句的谓语是正确的,因为只有want这一动词可用于 这个类型,其他
a.I tried advising her.
b.I asked seeing the boss.
c.He thinks going with you.
d.We wish moving to another place.
e.They refused helping us.
是正确的,因为动词tri ed可用于这种类型,而其他动词不可这样用。
从上面10个例句我们可以看出,一个特定动词只能用 在某一特定的类型中,
1333 从下面句子中可以看出know可用在多少类型的谓语中:
I know John.(及物动词+名词)(正确)
I know John to come tomorrow.(宾补动词+名词+不定式)(错误)
I know that John comes tomorrow.(及物动词+that引起的从句)(正

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I know to answer this question.(及物动词+不定式)(错误)
I know the work easy.(宾补动词+名词+形容词)(错误)
I know how to answer this question.(及物动词+疑问词引起的不定式)
I know the work to be easy.(宾补动词+名词+to be+形容词)(正确)
I know John coming(宾补动词+名词+现在分词).(错误)
I know organizing a political party(及物动词+动名词).(错误)

1334 有些类型中可以使 用很多动词,另一些却只能使用少量动词。例如在“系
动词+that引起的从句”这种类型中只能用b e这一个动词。在“不及物动词+介
词+疑问词引起的从句”这种类型中约可用20个动词,在“及物动 词+不定式或
部列出并加上例句, 以便读者了解并掌握什么动词在何种类型中使用。不过某些
谓语类型中可用的动词极多(可说是成百上千 )。在这种情况下只能给出一小部


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1335 关于上面提到的类型有几点值得注意:
1.动词只须与主语在人称和数上一致,因此它们之间的关系相 对比较简单。
如 果对主语不加考虑,这47种谓语类型也就是47种句型。事实上在下面讨论中,
谓语类型的公式都采用 “S+TV+N”,“S+DV+N+N”,“S+FV+N+A”这类
形式,里面包含了主语(S), 因此也就代表了句型。
John knows how to play football.
He avoided meeting her at some party.
He knows what you are doing.
I asked where he got it.
I have decided to go(一个句型)and he will go too(一个句型),but
she decides to remain at home(一个句型).(共包含三个句型)


1336 句型指一个完整句子的骨架,它可包含任 何数量的修饰语(即形容

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法上却是可以删除的,在我们考虑句 型,也就是句子的基本结构时,可以对它们
不加考虑。所有下面句子都属于同一句型,即“主语+及物动 词+名词”,但却可
I saw a house.
I saw a big house.
I saw a big house on the opposite side.
I saw a big house on the opposite side,which was said to be haunted
by a ghost.
Yesterday I saw a big house….
Yesterday when I sailed down the river I saw a big house….
That man is crazy.
Oh!that man is crazy.
Oh!that man is crazy,I am sure.
Oh!that man is crazy,you may be sure,Mary.


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1337 在下面讨论中,所列出能用于某句型的动词的数目只是大致估计。
列出的目的只是说明某一句型使用范围 大致有多广。一般说来,数目越小,越难
使用,因为如果这个句型只限于用少数动词,则用错的机会更多 。
1338 偶尔也会有些例外的句子无法归入这47种句型的任何一个。但如果
把某些不 规则的动词短语适当转换为规则的动词短语,则它们大部分仍可归入某
I have a good mind(=intend)to punish you.(have a good mind可
He will have it(=insists) that I have cheated him.(主语+及物动
“Who has taken my pen”“John(has taken your pen).”
(It was)No sooner said than(it was) done.
(You) Live and let(others)live.
(I wish you)Good luck!
1339 确定一个句子属于哪个句型是有好处的。下面的句子都是错的,因
为它们不代表4 7种句型中的任何一个:

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1.I hear about that John has arrived.(主语+不及物动词+介词+that
2.I paid attention what he was doing.(主语+及物动词+名词+疑问词
3.He is afraid of that he will be assassinated.(主语+系动词+形
4.He is afraid being assassinated.(主语+系动词+形容词+动名词)
5.I know that who has broken the window.(主语+及物动词+that+疑
6.We want peaceful.(主语+及物动词+形容词)

1.主语+及物动词+that引 I
hear that John has ar-

2.主语+及物动词+名词+ I
paid attention to what

v1.0 可编辑可修改
介词+疑问词引起的从句 he was doing.
+ He is afraid that he will
句 be
+ He is afraid of being as-

5.主语+及物动词+疑问词 I
know who has broken

the window.
词 We want peace.


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1340 每种句型都可以用一个公式来代表,例如:“S+IV”,“S+TV+N”,
“ S+LV+AP”,“S +FV+N + PaP”,“S+DV+N+that-Cl”.下面列出了
S= Subject(主
O= Object(宾
C= Complement(补语)
or Pronoun(名
IO= Indirect Object(间接

R= Reflexive Pronoun(反
DO= Direct Object(直接

A= Adjective(形容词)
N= Noun



v1.0 可编辑可修改
IV= Intransitive Verb
(不 P= Preposition(介词)
AP=Adverb of Place,or
TV=Transitive Verb
(及 Adverbial Particle,as
DV= Dative Verb(双宾动 (地点
LV=Linking Verb(系动
W-Cl = Interrogative-
FV= Factitive Verb(宾
补 Clause,(疑问词引起的动词)

从 句,由whether,

v1.0 可编辑可修改
I= Infinitive(不定
式) what,which,who,
G= Gerund(动名
词) whom,whose,where,
PrP = Present
Participle when,why,how


Noun-Clause inn.=
从 dreds or
“·”表示它前后的词构成成语 ,如IV.P,LV.A.P.,TV.N.P,LV.PaP,

v1.0 可编辑可修改
1341 一个“+”号表示这个句型包含2个基本成分,即主语及不及物动词,
S+IV.P+ that-Cl
S+LV+ that-Cl
S+DV+N+ that-Cl

v1.0 可编辑可修改
S+FV +N +PaP
这里我们可以了解 一个十分重要的事实,即英语句子是很简单的,它少则包
了 解了公式及图解的意义,现在就可开始藉助它们研究47种谓语类型或句
型。注意:句子末尾的星号表示 这个句子将在每一类句型讲完之后进行图解。

1.S+IV(John laughed.)
1342 不及物动词不跟有宾语或补语,其数量不可胜数:
They smiled.John died.Mary walked slowly.Fire burns.
I dreamed last night.He wept bitterly.You must dress for dinner.That
depends.It does not pay.
1343 通常跟有宾语的及物动词 ,如果宾语可以猜出,着重点不是宾语,
A tractor can cut,push,pull,dig,lift,pump,carry and spray.The
blind do not see.We must eat.I will change (my dress).The knife cuts
well.I will consider.If time permits.He can read.Don't trouble
(yourself).The stain shows(itself).They married(each other).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
1344 有些动词用在表示数量的名词前,看起来像及物动词,实际上却是
The thermometer rose(or fell)two degrees.
He waited ten minutes.The wedding lasted three days.
I walked five miles.
1345 图解:

2.S+IV.AP(John moved in.)
1346 无数的不及物动词可以 跟有特定的地点副词,与之构成成语。但在
多数情况下,这些副词并不表示地点,而有其他意思,因此可 以称作副词性小品
词(Adverbial Particle).
a.Don't answer back(=answer rudely)when a superior speaks to you.He
backs away(=draws back)from her because he has made her angry.Don't
worry,I will never back out(=fail to fulfil a promise).In order to
survive, we must band together(=unite).He barged in(=inter- rupted
rudely) while we were talking.The storm will soon blow over(=pass away
without injurious effect).The dynamite placed beneath the bridge blew
up(=exploded).He blows up(=loses his temper)at every small
incident.Quick!The soup is boiling over(=over-flowing the side of a
pan).Brace up(=take courage)if you really want to get married.Many
prisoners broke away(=suddenly escaped).Our car suddenly broke down

v1.0 可编辑可修改
(=failed to function)on our way home.A fire broke out(=started suddenly
and violently)on Sixth Street.Tears burst forth(=suddenly appeared).
b.She colours up(=blushes)if we mention her love.An accident like
this comes about(=happens)every day.My wife and I come together(=
are reconciled)after ten years of quarrel.The seeds have come up(=shot
up above the ground).When we were talking,a young man came up
(=approached).Three days after the quarrel,I cooled down(=became
calm).She was shocked at the bill,but she had to cough up(=pay,perhaps
unwillingly).Hardly a week had he learned computer science when he cracked
up(= suffered a mental breakdown).An error may creep in(=steal in
unnoticed).This old empire crumbled away (=disintegrated gradually)
because of misrule.I should not take much sugar,but I cannot cut down
c.All members of my family dine out(=eat away from home)every
Sunday.They drink liquor every day and can- not do without(=dispense
with it).We dressed up(= put on formal clothes)for a banquet.I will
drop by(=call casually)when I am free.The production of rice dropped
off(=decreased)last year.He dropped out(=left school before finishing
his courses)at fifteen.The well has dried up(=become dry).The road
is rough,we should ease down(=lessen speed).Let us ease down(=work
less,make less effort).His reputation faded out(=gradually disappeared)
after his death.The country fell apart(= fell to pieces)because of civil
war.I never fall back(=re-treat)before difficulties.Our country falls
behind(= drops behind)in science and technology.Let us fall to(= begin
to eat or to work.)

v1.0 可编辑可修改
d.We were unable to get by(=pass)because the road was blocked.She
got down(=dismounted)from her horse.The train got in.We got off(=
started a journey).How are you getting onI get up at six in the morning.At
last I have to give in(=yield).Rice is going down(= becoming cheaper).A
rumour went forth(=became public).The gun went off(=exploded)
suddenly.Our work went on(=continued).The candle has gone out(= ceased
to burn).I won't hold back(=keep behind)if every one goes forward.Since
I have started,I can't leave off(=stop).Look in(=Pay a short visit)
as you pass.While all are busy,don't look on(=be a mere spectator).Look
out(=Take precaution),here comes a truck!I moved in(=moved into a
house)after he moved out.All trouble will pass away(=cease to exist).She
passed away(=died)a month ago.
e.The clock ran down(=stopped running,because the battery had
exhausted itself).She ran on(=talked incessantly).Supplies have run
out(=become exhausted).Bad weather set in(=began).We set out(=set
off)on February 16.He settled down(=established himself) at a small
village. I don't want to listen any more,so shut up! He stood aside
(or apart,aloof) while we were quarrelling.Some stood back(=
retreated),some stood out (=refused to yield).The proposal will stand
over(=be postponed)till next Friday.At the bad news I stepped back from
surprise.The tyrant should step down(=re-sign).Many volunteers stepped
forward(=offered help).My brothers quarrelled,but my father never
stepped in(=interfered).He stowed away(=hid in a ship or plane to get
a free ride).The band struck up(=began to play).He summed up
(=summarized)after a debate.The son tagged behind(or along)(=followed
closely)wherever his mom went.Before I think ahead(=anticipate),I

v1.0 可编辑可修改
think back(=recall).Our business is just ticking over(= getting on
in a routine way).We touched down(=landed after a flight)at 6 p.m.Many
workers walked out(=re- fused to work).
1347 图解:

3.S+ IVp(This cloth wore well.)
1348 约有九十个不及物动词用于主动形式却有被动意义,它们通常和表
a.This play acts excellently.The figures will not add up.The bread
bakes well.The door blew open.The candle blew out.This bottle does not
break.The dust won't brush off the hat.The luggage carries easily.David's
raincoat caught on the nail.Some of the documents don't seem to check
with the facts.This cannot compare (favourably)with that.Some of the
sentences won't construe.Potatoes will cook slowly.Every minute
counts.These people mostly count for nothing.The potatoes cropped well
last year,but I think will crop badly this year.This light wood cuts
like butter.The pineapple doesn't cut easily.This piece of cloth will
cut up into two suits.Instinct derives from ancestors.Milk digests
easily.Thie wine drinks well.The tooth draws easily.The frog eats like
b.This dress fastens down the back.The toilet does not flush.The
eggs hatch out easily.This rice won't grind fine.Water heats readily.This

v1.0 可编辑可修改
cloth irons easily.This house lets well.The door will not lock.These
books pack easily.My watch pawns for two dollars.These potatoes peel
easily.She photographs(takes) well.The land ploughs hard.The film
does not print well.This story reads ill(or well).The photo reproduces
c.His house rents at$800 a month.This poem does not rhyme.A shame
does.not rub off.This plastic scratches easily.The play screen badly
(=is unfit for filming).The book sells well.This door won't shut.This
cigarette smokes better than others.This wood split straight.This
material stains easily.The ship steers with ease.The match will not
strike.This paper will not tear.His de- scent traced back to a king.This
poem translates easily.The TV set won't turn on.This board will never
warp.This material washes easily.Such shoes wear badly.The plan worked
out well.The photo washes out a little.
d.Drums are beating(=are being beaten).The book is binding(=is
being bound).Some trouble is brewing.Young people are always brimming
with new ideas.The house is building.The bridge is completing now.The
meal is digesting well.What is doing nowThe task is finishing.Guns are
firing.Friendship is forming.The theatre is rapidly filling up with
people.The fish is frying.The house is leasing.The cows are milking.One
boy is missing(or wanting).He paid what was owing.Music was
playing.Something is preparing.My application is processing.The problem
is settling this way.A new film is showing.The boy is shaping well.The
seeds of trouble are sowing.The fruits are spoiling quickly.Measures
are taking.

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1349 图解:

4.S+TV+N或 S+TV.N(John learned Japanese.)
1350 无数的及物动词可以用名词或代词作宾语:
John has a plan.Do you like himWhat an interesting book
I am reading!

He speaks English.I love cats.
1351 不及物动词有时和后面跟的名词构成成语。整个成语,如果被化作
一 个整体,可以看成是一个不及物动词:
He lost hope(=despaired).He gave ground(=retreated)

The accident
took place(=happened)this morning.
He made the grade(=succeeded).We made our way(= advanced)to the
a.He will bear witness.Her beauty beggars description(= makes words
poor).Don't borrow trouble(=worry about trouble that won't come).We
broke ground(=ploughed,untilled ground,began an undertaking).Our boat
cast anchor.I often caught cold.He caught fever(or infection).Her
house caught fire.He changed colour(=be- came pale).His personality

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commands esteem(or respect).He never did evil(or ill,wrong).None
of us care whether they do right or wrong,good or harm.We did(=produced)
Romeo and Juliet.Jan did(=acted) Juliet.I did(=prepared)omelette
(or breakfast).Tom did(=wrote) poetry.His brother did(=translated)
French into English.I did(=studied) electricity.They cry wolf(=give
a false warning)just for arms aid.
b.One must exercise patience and caution when one exercises authority
and discipline.He felt regret,but not satisfaction.He found time(or
leisure) to study.He has finished college.After he took the lead,
we followed suit.They gained time by giving me ambiguous answers.My watch
gained time.We have gained ground(=got an advantage).We will soon gain
power,if we are patient enough.He gave evidence in the law-court.He
gave ear(or heed,credit)to the rumour.He gave judgement (or advice,
notice,warning,trouble).I've had it(= can't suffer any more).You
hit it(=said the right thing).This theory doesn't hold water(=isn't
valid).The criminal jumped(or skipped)bail(=gave up the bail money
and ran away to avoid trial).
c.My mother kept house and kept books.Being hospitable he kept open
house(= provided hospitability for any comer).He cannot keep body and
soul together(=keep away hunger).He kept bad company(=associated with
bad people).My watch does not keep(good)time,so I am late.He killed
time by reading novels or doing another thing interesting.
d.He left school last year.We may lose ground but will never lose
hope.I never lost courage(or heart)after I fail.Be quick,don't lose
time.He lost self-contrcl(or himself)in moments of stress.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
e.Mother makes dinner.It seemed late,but he made good time(=
travelled fast and arrived on time).He doesn't work hard,but he makes
good salary.Make haste(or speed).He can make money(or profit),
but spend much.After so many years of war we must make peace.I made tea
(or hay).We made way(=stood aside) for others to pass through.We
made way(or headway)(= advanced)in the face of difficulty.He marked
time(= spent idle hours)while waiting for his wife.
f.The soldiers mounted(or kept,relieved,stood) guard.He moved
heaven and earth(=did everything)to attack his opponent.They opened
fire(=started shooting)and killed three of us.The children often play
havoc(=do great damage).He plays politics(=attains political aims
by hook or by crook).He had broken the window,so he played possum
(kept quiet to avoid attention)He played second fiddle(=held a
subordinate place).He failed be- cause he had often played truant.
g.We raised money for a great project.I can read character from
handwriting.He can read music.I must say goodbye now.We said grace
(=said a prayer of thanks before or after a meal).We set(or made,
struck)sail(=began a voyage)in February,1969.He refused to yield,
he showed fight.He showed courage(or fear).He sowed discord among his
enemies.He struck oil(=had good luck in some enterprise).He suffered
(or sustained) defeat.
h.Don't take alarm if I tell you some bad news.He has to take breath
after climbing upstairs.He took cold and could not work.He takes drink
and drugs.Take heart,don't be afraid.The law will soon take effect
(=be effective).Take exercise every morning and keep healthy.He took

v1.0 可编辑可修改
flight after murdering a woman.He took medicine(or poison).Don't take
offence(=be offended).Something strange took place(=happened)in this
old house.Let's take rest.We take stock every week.The evil has taken
root(=become established).My dream will take shape (=materialize)
next year.He took trouble to help me.
i.Don't tempt providence(=take an unnecessary risk).He has touched
bottom(=is begining to prosper after his worst days).The boat turned
turtle(=turned upside down).
j.He often acted a double part

(=was deceitful).Since I criticized
him,he has borne a grudge(=nursed a grievance).The enemy beat a retreat
(=retreated in a hurry).Thomas Edison blazed a torch(=started some
- thing new)in various fields.Don't breathe a word(=say a word) about
this secret.When angry,he calls names(= call somebody by abusive names).I
would like to cross swords(=argue)with this boaster.You have done a
good job(=done something well).I drew a blank(=failed to get any
information)when I returned to the office.We must draw a line
(=distinguish)between right and wrong.We down tools(=stop work)at
k.My sister fixed a date for the celebration.This evening I have
a date(or an engagement)(=have a social meeting) with her.I have a
job(or a time)(=have trouble)writing this first love letter.(但:
I have myself a time [= have a good time]writing it.)As they didn't

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lift a finger (or a hand)(=didn't give help),I lent(or gave) a hand
(=gave help) to the old lady.
1.I made an appointment(=had an engagement to meet some one)for
3 p.m.He made a boast,but who believed himHe made a call over the phone.He
made a face(= twisted his face),and then we were no more angry.Don't
make a fuss(=get excited about a trifle).John made a hit(=gave a good
impression)at the exhibition of his works.Shall we make a move(=start)
right nowDick made a public appearance after nine years in prison.Thomas
makes a quick buck(=earns money quickly).We make a row(or a scene)
(=started a violent quarrel) from time to time.As soon as we arrived
we made reservations for hotel rooms.I must make tracks(=set off)before
it is late.William made waves(=created a sensation to impress others)
at the party.
m.A big boss behind pulls strings(=secretly exerts influence).Don't
run a risk(=put yourself in danger).The patient ran a temperature
(=had a fever).The criminal has served a sentence(or time)(=passed
term of imprisonment).I smell a danger in this desolate area.We struck
a happy medium(=found an answer between two extremes).As you committed
mistakes for the first time,we might stretch(or strain)a point(=allow
an exception to the rules).
n.I would willingly take a back seat(=occupy an unimportant
position).We take a coffee break(=drink coffee and rest a short while)
after two hours of work.He took(or drew)a long breath before he spoke.The
situation took a turn(=changed) for the better.He wouldn't turn an honest
penny(=make money by honest means).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
o.Act your age(=Don't be childish).My warning merely beat the air
(= made useless efforts).I must bide my time (=wait for a good
chance).Someone blacked his eye(= gave him a blow).He blew his own
trumpet(=praised himself).He has blown his mind(=becomes wildly
enthusiastic because of drugs).He bossed the show(=con- trolled
everything).She boxed his ear(=smacked him on the ear).I have to
break(or cancel,change,postpone) the appointment.After half an hour
of silence,I broke the ice(=overcome reserve).The news broke her
heart.He broke his word(=failed to keep his promise).I broke the news
(=announced the news) to her.They broke the peace(= quarrelled).He
burned his fingers(=suffered a loss through a rash action).We buried
the hatchet(= made peace).I am not buying it(=am not to be deceived).
p.He calls the roll(=calls the names to check who are absent).Dick
carried the ball(or the can)(=did the hardest part of the work).I
carried(or gained)my point(= succeeded).We carried(or gained)the
day(=won).I caught my breath(=rest after hard breathing)after running.He
tried to catch the train but missed it.This advertisement catches my
eye.He changed his coat(=became a turncoat).Don't change your mind.He
changed his tune (=changed his policy).He cleared his reputation
(=free his name from reproach).He cracked the whip(=suddenly became
bossy)to impress me.We crossed the Rubicon (=took a decisive step
forward).When nobody could settle the problem,he cut the Gordian knot
(=settle it in an unusual rapid way).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
q.I did the sights(or the travel)(=went sightseeing or took a
trip).The little girl can do(=make clean and tidy) her hair,her teeth,
her nails,even the laundry,the bed- room,the dishes.She does(=learns)
her lessons well,and can do(=solve)any sum(or problem).She does her
bit(=does her share of duty)splendidly.He dogged my footsteps
(=constantly followed me)because he suspected I was a spy working for
foreigners.He drags his feet(or heels)(=hesitates)when asked to work.We
drew the swords(=were ready to fight).He has to eat his words (=take
back his words).Although small,this table fills the bill(=is just
right).I have to face the music(=face trouble).He is feeling his
way(=proceeding carefully but slowly).Although they were cripples,
they fought the way up the hill.We all follow the crowd.Don't worry,
I'll foot the bill(=pay all the expenses).This number of persons will
not form the majority.
r.He got the sack(=was dismissed).He got the upper hand (=gained
control).He has the courage of his convictions (=acts bravely according
to his belief).This car has had its day(=fallen into disuse).This
small affair hits the headlines(=becomes important news)in this small
town.The music hits the public taste.He hits his stride(=exhibits his
best ability)when he tells a story.We will hold the fort(=defend the
position)to the last.Hold your temper(=Don't get angry).I have to
hold my tongue(or my peace)(=keep silent).I must hold my own(=keep
what I have).We must hold(or keep,maintain)our ground(=keep what
we have).He has always husbanded his resources(=been frugal against
an emergency).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
s.I jogged his memory(=reminded him).He jumped the gun(=started
to run before the starter's gun),and jumped the traces(=didn't obey
the rules).The train jumped the rails(or the track)(=suddenly,left
the rails) and many were killed.Dick slipped but kept his feet(= kept
standing).He knows his way about(or around)(= understands the ways
of the world).He knows the ropes (or the score)(=knows the special
rules)in the export business.He will lead the way(=be a guide) to the
old castle.I left the beaten track(=did not follow the crowd).He lost
his reason(=became mad).
t.He made the grade(=succeeded)in business.The doctor makes
(or goes)the rounds(=goes from place to place to inspect)every
morning.We made our way(=advanced) through the forest.He mended his
fences(=made peace with people who dislike him).You missed the boat
(= missed the opportunity).The company opened its doors (=started
doing business)in 1950 and closed its doors(= stopped doing business)
in 1983.This exhibition opened our eyes(=made us see the truth).I picked
my way(= proceeded)up a steep hill.I must play the game(=do what is
right).You played your cards well(=acted cleverly).Dick played the
market(=bought and sold stocks) and lost lots of money.Jim pocketed
his dignity(=laid a- side his pride)and even pocketed an insult(=
accepted it).He has poisoned your ear(or mind)so that you can't be
u.Every member should pull his weight(=does his part).Don't pull
my leg(=fool me).Once you succeed,never push your luck(=expect to
continue to be lucky).He has to run the gauntlet(=receive a series of

v1.0 可编辑可修改
ill treatment).He ruled the roost(=lorded it over).We must save the
situation(=do something to improve the situation).Anew method will see
the light(=be disclosed).This serves my turn(or purpose).I have served
my apprenticeship for seven years.She set the table for ten persons.He
shows his face after ten years of absence.I will show the way.Everyone
sings his praises(=praises him strongly).He sowed his wild oats(=led
a dissipated life when young).I will speak my mind(=speak candidly).He
stole the show(=acted so well that the audience ignored the other
performers).He stole the spotlight(=made people watch him instead of
what they should watch).You stole my thunder(=said before me what I
intended to say).Jim has strained every nerve(=used every effort).He
swallowed the bait(=was offered a big promise and was caught).
v.Mary took it(=endured it without complaints)though she was ill
-treated.You can take your ease(or your own course)(=act your
pleasure).The doctor took my pulse and temperature(=ascertain
them).Where does this custom take its rise(=originate)Take your time
(=Don't rush).We must not tie our own hands(=restrain our- selves
from action).We have to tighten our belts(=eat less and spend less than
usual).Just one vote tipped the balance(or the scale)(=turned the
scale,decided some- thing doubtful).I would try my hand(=try).Should
I turn the other cheek(=be patient and not hit back) when I am injured
or insultedHis success has turned his head (=made him act foolishly).The
dead body turned her stomach(=made her sick).The reinforcements turned
the tide(=change the situation favourably).He turned his thought to
something much more important.He just twiddled his thumbs(=didn't do

v1.0 可编辑可修改
w.She walked the floor(=walked back and forth)all night,she was
so worried.He walked the plank(=was forced to resign).Watch it(=Be
不说“ I cook.”“ He laughed.”“We chatted.”“Tom repairs.”“ we
acted.”而说“I do the cooking.”“He gave a laugh.”“We had a chat.”
“Tom makes repairs.” “We take action.”也就是把一个词换成了两个词,
用一个do 或give这样色彩不重的动词加上一个大多由动词变来的名词。
x.I DO the cleaning,the reading,the shopping,the translating,
a little sewing;a nap,a try,a brisk walk.
He GAVE a cry,a groan,a jump,a shout,a shrug,a long sigh,a satisfied
We HAD a bath,a dream,a fight,an interview,a quar- rel,a shave,
a shower,a smoke,a swim,a talk,a taste,a try,a walk,a wash,a chat,
a go,a rest,a sleep.
She TOOK a bath,breath,a nap,a look,notice, objection, recreation,
a rest,a solitary stroll,a long walk.
Paul MADE an announcement,an answer,an application,an appointment,
an attack,an attempt,a beginning,a bid,a call,a check-up,a comment,
a comparison,a copy,criticism,a decision,a declaration,a demand,
experiments,an explanation,a guess,inqu iries,investigations,notes,
payment,preparation s,progress,a proposal,a recovery,a remark,a request,

v1.0 可编辑可修改
repairs.re- searches,a sacrifice,a selection,a slip,a formal statement,
another start,a long stay,a deep study,a helpful suggestion,a general
survey,several visits.
1352 图解:

5.S+TV+R或 S+TV.R或 S+TV+(R)(John hid him- self behind it.)
1353 无数的及物动词可用反身代词作宾语( S+TV+R):She reproached
herself.He killed himself.He praised himself.Don't deceive yourself.He
cut himself.The dog choked itself.
1354 有些动词和反身代词构成成语,相当于一个不及物动词(S +TV.R):
He avowed(or declared)himself(=showed his character openly);
collected himself

(=regained self-control);conceal himself(=hid);
enjoyed himself(=had a good time);exerted himself(=endeavoured);
can't find himself(=provide his own living,or find out his abilities
and use them).I lost myself(=demeaned myself,lost my way,or became
absorbed in something);pulled myself together(=became composed);
seated(or settled)myself(=sat down); washed myself(=bathed).
I overworked myself,overslept myself,overate myself.
He disported(=amused)himself.He perjured himself.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
He busied himself.He absented himself from school.
Bestir yourself.I bethought myself of it.You must demean (or bear,
comport,deport,conduct,ac quit,quit)yourself properly.Help yourself
(=Serve yourself with food).He relieved himself(=went to the bathroom).
1356 约有50个及物动词可跟有反身代词,也可以不跟( S+TV+(R)):
The bubble bursts(itself).The clouds dispersed(themselves).He
dressed(himself)for a party;engaged(himself)in a contest(or a
quarrel).The horse fed(itself)on grass.He guarded(himself)against
vice;hid(himself) behind;never intruded(himself)on anybody's
company.Can I qualify(myself)for the postI reformed(my- self).I rested
(myself)on the couch.He set(himself) up as a scholar.He shaved
(himself)for a dinner; stripped(himself)for a shower-bath.I could
not submit (or surrender)( myself)to the enemy(or insult).I trained
(myself)for the race.I never troubled(myself) to help anyone.He turned
(himself)to me for advice.He washed(himself).He worried(himself)
about nothing.He wrapped(himself)before going out.
No suspicion attaches to John.A chicken develops in the egg.The road
extends for miles.His heart fills with sorrow.Don't hurry.Keep quiet.Make
sure that the journey is safe.We made merry.Don't misbehave.I cannot
refrain from laughing.We removed from place to place.John separated from
Mary.I withdraw from society.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
The child does not behave(himself)(=show good manners).
He behaved well(or gallantly,properly).
He drew himself up(=assumed an erect attitude).
He drew up(=came near).
He gorged himself with meat.
He gorged on meat.
He indulged himself with wine.
He indulged(himself)in wine.
We have to prepare ourselves.
We have to prepare(ourselves)for the worst(or the exam).
d.He is recovering himself (=becoming calm).
He is recovering from illness(or madness,fatigue,shock,fright).
He set himself to write letters(or to writing letters)(=began to
write letters).
He set to work(=began to work).
He set out to do it,set about doing it(=began to do it).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
He settled himslef(=became calm).He settled himself (=sat down)
in a chair.
He settled(himself)down(=became established in a new way of life)
in London.
It(Thing)will settle.
1357 图解:

6.S+TV+N(John lives a happy life.)
1358 约有60个动词,通常用作不及物动词,却可以有同源宾语(Cognate
O bject),这种宾语几乎和动词的意思相同,通常都有一个形容词或形容词短语
修饰它。同源宾语可 以和动词同形:
She blushed an innocent blush; bowed a little bow;coughed a terrible
cough;danced a silly dance.He died a natural death(or a thousand deaths,
the death of a martyr,the death he deserved); dreamed a sweet dream;
laughed a hearty laugh;lived a happy life;look a look of weariness;
could not say his say.He sighed a deep sigh(or a sigh of satisfaction);
slept a sound sleep(or the sleep of the just).It smelled a strange smell.He
smiled a sad smile;talked foot-ball talk;thought all good thought.
1359 有些同源宾语可以和动词不同形:
It blew a brisk gale.He danced a phantom ballet;did a great deed;
fought a brave war(or fight,battle,action);went a long way(or a dangerous

v1.0 可编辑可修改
journey);harvested a good crop;lived a hand-to-mouth existence;
played a silly game;played(or acted) a great part;plod a weary way;
prayed an earnest prayer;saw a strange sight;ran a long race.The bell
rang a merry peal.He sang a beautiful song;struck a deadly blow.
1360 有些动词后的同源宾语常常省略,代之以一个表示情绪或态度等的
He beamed satisfaction(=beamed a beam of satisfaction,showed
satisfaction by beaming); bowed his obedience(or his thanks)(=showed
his obedience or thanks by bowing);danced his joy(=danced his dance
of joy,showed his joy by dancing);gesticulated his love ;giggled
agreement;laughed dissent;look inquiry(or his thanks);nodded his assent
(or welcome);roared approval;shouted applause

;sighed disappointment;
smiled his welcome(or his relief,his approval,his thanks); whistled
his contempt,wept tears of joy.
1361 有些同源宾语在最高级形容词后常常省略:

The fire blazed its brightest(blaze).He breathed his last (breath);
did his best(deed);fought his bravest(war);laughed his loudest;
looked his best;ran his fastest;shouted his loudest;sang his sweetest;
tried his hardest.
1362 在口语中一个没有意义的it常可用在某些动词后作同源宾语,表现
He braved(or brazened)it out(=faced trouble bravely[or
shamelessly]).We'll face it out and fight it out .As it was getting

v1.0 可编辑可修改
dark,I had to hotel(or inn)it.She queened it(=domineer)over them.He
used to rough it (=live an uncomfortable life).I'll go it alone(=act
independently).He's starring it in a film.As there's no cab,I've to
trudge(or walk,foot)it.
1363 图解:

7.S+TV.AP+N or G(John gave up his plan.)
1364 无数及物动词后面跟有一地点副词来构成成语,整个成语相当于一
个及物动词。但 这些地点副词(Advorb of Ploce)多不表示地点,而表示其他
东西,因此这种副词也可 称作副词性小品词(Adverbial Particle),可以用
He gave up his plan. I have to think out new methods.
She folded up his coat.We may pass over the details.
The plague swept off many people.He has taken over a business.He
gave in the paper.He closed down the store.
The bell bellowed(or pealed)forth the anniversary(or the victory
of our army).
有些“动词+地点副词”构成的成语可以用作 不及物动词,如1340节中句
An ammunition dump blew up(=exploded).(作不及物动词)

v1.0 可编辑可修改
The enemy blew up(=destroyed by explosion)the bridge.(作及物动
The noisy children cleared off when I came.(作不及物动词)
I have to clear off those noisy children.(作及物动词)
Our conversation broke off as a lady came in.(作不及物动词)
That fellow broke off our conversation.(作及物动词)
He showed off before girls.(作不及物动词)
He showed off his new car.(作及物动词)
如果宾语较短,特别是由人称代词表示时,地点副词可以甚至必须放在宾语< br>后面,在对副词加以强调时尤其如此(可参阅1497节):
Put the money by .She called him back.Don't break it off.He dreamed
his hours away;slept the clock around;cried his heart out;laughed
(or talked)them down.He ate it up;closed it up;packed it up;tied
it up.He sent me away,saw her off,called me out,drew us aside.
1365 其它例子:
a.They backed up(=supported)Johnson and his policy.They bailed
out their friend.They beat back our attack.I must beat up(=beat severely)
those mischievous children.I blew out(=extinguished)the candles.We
bolstered up(=supported)this old system.I booked down (=wrote down)
the sum.We booked up(=fixed an engagement with)several singers.They
boss us about(=order us about).The news bowled over(=overwhelmed)

v1.0 可编辑可修改
my family.We broke up(=dispersed)the meeting at 11∶00 p.m..The mistake
brought about(=caused)a lot of trouble.Can you bring down the priceThe
tax brought in ten million dollars a year.The examples bring out(=explain
clearly)the meaning of this word.She brushed off(=jilted)her lover.We
must build up our own armed forces.He will buy off(=pay money to get
rid of)my interest.
b.This strong measure called forth(=provoked)a revolt.We called
in a doctor.We have to call off(=cancel)the picnic,which we have prepared
for so many days.Call (=Wake) me up at 6 a.m..I'll call you up
(=telephone to you).The music carried off(=moved)everyone.He carried
off(=won)all the prizes.Let's carry on(=continue)the work,We carried
out(=performed)the plan.
c.He can dig up(=discover)some important information.He drew on
(=pulled on) his socks after getting up.I drew up(=prepared)a bill
(or a list).The taxi dropped me off(=let me get off) at my hotel.The
noise drowned out(=made inaudible)our conversation.
d.The mother fed up(=gave extra food to) her sickly son.We filled
in(or out,up)the form.He fenced off(=built by means of a fence)a
garden.Figure out(=count)the sum.He fired off many questions,which
nobody could answer.They fitted out their son with everything
necessary.We fitted up(=installed)the machine.We fixed up(=arranged)
a trip.He flagged down(=stopped by waving to it) a passing car.Follow
up(=Continue)your success with something more ambitious.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
e.He gambled away his last cent,even all he had won be-fore.He will
get over(=finish)his job.He gave away (=gave free of charge) his
property.He gave away(=betrayed)his friends.We gave in(=handed in)
the exercise books.The food gave off(=emitted) a bad smell.He gulped
down his coffee.Heat up(=re-heat)the leftovers.He helped me out
(=help me get over a difficulty).She held back(=kept back)her tears.Can
we hold down (=keep down)costsWe could not hold off(=keep at a distance)
the attackers.
f.The enemy kept up(=maintained) the attack for three months.I
knocked off(=ate up quickly)five bowls of rice.I laid aside(or by)
(=saved for future needs) some dollars.I laid down(=state clearly)
some rules for the office.Our company laid off(=dismissed)five
workers.Leave off(=stop)fighting.He left out(=didn't include)Mary
in the invitation.Don't let down(=disappoint)your parents.The driver
let off(=dropped)a lady at the hotel.The judge let him off(=did not
punish him).I will look you up(=visit you) tomorrow.The manager looked
the applicant up and down(=examine him carefully).A girl will liven
up(=make lively) our party.He lived out his years(or days,life)
(=lived all his life)in this small village.He will make out(=write
out) a cheque.My father can't make out(=see)these small letters,
for he is farsighted.
He makes up(=invents)all kinds of lies.The boss marked down(=reduced
the price of)all articles.He messed up(=put in disorder)my desk.I
nailed up(=closed up with nails)the window.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
g.He packed off(=sent away hurriedly)all his children to the
country.Partition off(=Divide with partition) your living room.Pass
on(=Hand)this notice to other people.We passed over(or up)(=overlooked)
the chance.I've paid off(=paid the wages of) the workers.I have to
pay off(=pay for safety)the blackmailers.I will pick out (=select)
the best necktie for you.He picked up(=found)a cab at the cross- roads.He
picked himself up(=got up after a fall).He picked up(=learned without
teachers)English so quickly.I pinned him down(=got him to commit himself)
as to the question of socialism.
h.I played back the recording,so that what has been recorded about
her speech could be heard.He played down(=made less emphatic)the defects
of his factory products.Plug in(=Make connection,by means of a plug,
with) the radio.He can polish off(=finish off)all these grapes.He
pulled on(=put on) his pants and then went out.I pulled up(=stopped)
my car at the post office.His brother pushes him about(or around)(=orders
him about).I put aside(or by)(=saved) a few thousand pounds.After
five hours of work,I put away(=re-placed)the tools.Put forward your
viewpoint.I put in (=spent)five hours repairing this radio-set.He
put in (=submitted)an application months ago.We have to put off
(=postpone)the trip until next month.Instead of losing weight I put
on some weight lately.We put on(=presented)a show.
i.I'll ring you up(=telephone to you).They roared out a 21-gun
salute.Roll up the sleeping bag before we leave.We roped off(=enclosed
with a rope) a space for dancing.Round up( or down)the price(=Bring
it to a whole number by raising [or lowering]it).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
j.We save up some money for future needs.I will see(=ac-company)
you back(or home).She sent away(=dismissed)all her suitors.Send in
(=Submit)your photos for the contest.He sent out invitations to his
wedding.His departure was set back two weeks.This discontent set off
(=caused)a revolt.We set out(=arranged)the goods for sale.We set
up(=establish)a small store on the third floor.Can he shake off(=get
rid of) his bad habitShe showed off(=displayed to impress people)her
hands.He shut himself away(=confined himself)in his attic.
k.He signed away(=sold by signing legal papers) all his houses.He
signed his house over to me.Let's size up(=make a judgement of) the
situation.This small accident sparked off(=touched off) his temper.He
sorted out (=arranged in classes)all the books he had collected.Switch
off(=Turn off) the tape recorder.Sum up(=State briefly)your opinion.
l.Take down(=Write down)my speech,please.I will take over the
business he decides to give up.I took up(=got interested in) painting
last year.This bed takes up(=occupy) too much space.You can take up
(=mention and discuss) the matter with the boss.I can talk round
(=persuade)anybody who refuses to cooperate.I have to tear down(=take
to pieces)the broken machine.He will tear up(=tear to pieces)the contract
when it is no more useful to him.He told off(=reproached)his employees.He
can think up(=devise)all kinds of lies.He threw on(=put on)his gown.
1366 在上面所有例句中,及物的动词成语都用名词或代词作宾语,但有
He kept on asking me. He put off going to the doctor.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
He left off studying French.He gave over(or gave up)smoking.
1367 注意不要把地点副词错误地看作是介词,把及物动词看作不及物 动
1368 图解:
这个符号表示,上方所有的词(动名词 短语)应看作是一个词类(名词),
尽管它们内部各有特定的作用。Asking作为动词,以 me作宾语,而 me和 kept

8.S+IV.P+N or G或S+IV.P.N(John laughed at me.)
1369 无数的不及物动词 可跟特定的介词构成成语,整个成语起及物动词
a.You must abide by(=keep) your promises.The river abounds with
(=has many)fish.I agreed to his view.We aim at success in the
examination.This answer amounts to refusal.I must apologize for my
fault.I ask for(=demand)nothing luxurious.He depended upon me for
advice.He dreamed of his grandfather.He got into politics.Don't gamble
on it.He imposed on(=deceived)her.He laughed at(=derided)me.She
looks after her child.He looked into(=examined)the matter.He sent for
(=summoned)them.I thought of(=considered)this matter.Don't trifle

v1.0 可编辑可修改
b.He abstained from drinking.His reply amounts to refusing her
demand.We began with learning A B C.Happiness consists in being easily
pleased.My success depends on my friend helping me.He died from drinking
too much.I felt like beating him.He got to drinking.He goes about
(=is busy)repairing a car.He heard of his brother having succeeded.We
look to moving to a more peaceful country.He objected to being treated
like a dog,a slave.He took to reading novels.The paper tells of the
enemy having captured th city(=The paper says that the enemy has captured
the city).He thought of going abroad.He wondered at being praised for
doing nothing.
1370 无数不及物动词不仅和介词,还可和名词构成成语。这种成语可以看作是不及物动词,因为它们后面既不跟宾语,也不跟补语。
They burst into laughter(=suddenly laughed). A steamer came into
sight(=appeared).When did this world come into existence(=come out)
The new law comes into force (=functions)next September.My son came
of age last year.He came to grief(=suffered misfortune).Your letter
has come to hand(=arrived).He cried over spilt milk.Everything ended
in smoke.He fell into poverty.The law has fallen into abeyance(=been
no longer observed).Many slang words have fallen out of use (=been
no longer used).They got into trouble.We got into hot water(=became
involved in difficulty)because of jealousy.I went on sick leave.He has
gone through fire and water(=undergone the greatest perils)They go to
law(=appeal to court).The school went to great expense (=spent very
much).I will go to sea(=be a sailor).He will go to rack and ruin

v1.0 可编辑可修改
(=perish).Robbers lay in wait for us.We live from hand to mouth(=can
save nothing).The ship put to sea(=began a voyage) this morning.Don't
stand on ceremony(=be formal).
She burst into tears(=suddenly cried).The building burst into flames
(=suddenly burned).He fished in troubled waters(=looked for personal
advantage in times of national calamity).The fence fell into pieces.They
fought against odds(=fought with men much more than they).We should
keep within bounds(=act with propriety).They played at cross purposes
(=opposed each other).They played into the hands of another(=acted
so as to give some advantage to another).Don't play with edged tools
(=play with things dangerous).We took to the boats(=used the lifeboats
to escape).
We came to a conclusion.His plan came to a bad end(or no good)
(= failed).Business has come to a standstill(=stopped).The two came
to an understanding(=began to understand each other).We will go for
a drive(=go in a car for relaxation).Your argument goes(or flies)
off at a tangent(=changed suddenly in its direction).His life hung by
a thread(=depended dangerously on something small).Provide against a
rainy day(=Prepare for any emergency that may arise).

v1.0 可编辑可修改
These two plans come to the same thing(give the same result).He
erred on the safe side(=chose a course erroneous but safe).His works
have fallen into the shade(=ceased to attract attention).They fought
to the bitter end (or to the death).He goes by the name of Joo (=is
familiarly called Joo).He will go to the bad(=sink into poverty and
disgrace).The situation is going to the bad(=is becoming worse).The
weak will go to the wall(=be pushed aside as helpless).He need not go
to the trouble of employing a tutor(=trouble himself to employ one).Don't
harp on the same string(=keep saying the same thing).Keep in the shade.He
rose to the occasion(=showed that he was equal to it).
Come to your senses(=Stop behaving like a madman).He fell on his
knees(=knelt down).Poverty fell to his lot (=became his destiny).He
is going about his work(=doing it).She lies at your mercy(=is subject
to your control).The old widow lives on her own(=lives without help
from others).Do not quarrel with your bread and butter(=do anything
harmful to your livelihood).It rises from its ashes like a phoenix
(=live again).He rose to his feet(=stood up).The chance slipped through
my fingers (=escaped).My work will speak for itself(=be visible to
all).He stood on his dignity(=insisted on being treat-ed with proper
respect).He stood to his guns(=defended his rights).You tread on his
toes(=offend him).He worked on my fears(=caused me to do something
for him,by taking advantage of my fears).
1371 不要错误地以为下面句子的谓语和上面句中的谓语属于同一类型:

v1.0 可编辑可修改
He came on Sunday.(S+IV)
The children are playing by the tree.
1372 图解:

9.S+IV.AP.P+N or G(John looked down on me.)
1373 无数不及物动词可与地点副词和介词构成成语。整个成语可以看作
一个 及物动词,因为它们可用名词、代词或动名词作宾语:
a.The loss added up to(=amounted to) a million dollars.He bows
down to(=flatters)nobody.He broke away from(=cut his ties with)all
his friends.Carry on with (=continue)your work. Lee cashed in on
(=made a profit from)tea.We don't really catch on to(=under-stand)
this custom.I can't catch up with(=overtake)the class this year.I checked
out of the hotel two days after I checked in(=signed the register on
arriving).The police checked up on(=investigated)the suspect.He came
around to(=agreed,after disagreeing,to) my views.The teacher came
down on(=reprimand) him.I came down with(=caught)a flu.I came near
to death(=almost died).No result came out of the test.He came out with
a question.Last year no plays came up to(= equalled ) the standard.My
friend came up with a good idea.We all cried out against(=opposed)
favoritism.Most important,you must cut down on(=reduce consumption of)
sugar.He cut in with(=insert)a terribly saucy remark while we were

v1.0 可编辑可修改
b.This custom dates(=or goes)back to the early eighteenth century.We
should do away with(=get rid of) all social evils.Everyone does well
with him(=treats him well).He dropped in on(=made an unplanned visit
to) my family.He dropped off to sleep(=fell asleep).He dropped out
of(=quit)high school.He ended up as(=finally be-came)a manager.He
ended up with not a cent in his pocket.I have to face up to(=bravely
accept) the situation.We have to fall back upon(=depend upon) his sup
-port.He fell out with(= quarrelled with)all his friends.I feel up
to(=feel capable of undertaking)this job.He will find out about(=get
facts about) this matter.He didn't fit in with(=live in harmony with)
those foreigners.How can I get away from(=avoid)her naggingHow are you
getting on(or along)with(=living together with)your brideI cannot get
out of(=avoid)this trouble.Have you got through with(=finish)that
jobDon't give in to(=yield to)your impulse.He goes along with(=agrees
with)our party.He goes( or plays)around with(=fools around with)
all kinds of girls.He went in for(=got interested in)stamp collecting.He
will go on to college.This store will soon go out of business(=end a
business).This sweater has gone out of fashion(=is no more
fashionable).He often goes out with that pretty Japanese girl.She held
on to(=kept grasping) his arm.

c.She keeps away from(=avoids)him.We should keep in with(=keep
friendly with)our neighbors.I can not keep up with(=overtake)my
classmates.This small event led up to(=prepared the way for)his
death.Live up to(=Act according to)your promise.I often look back on
(=recollect)the old days.He looked back over(=reviewed)his record.Don't

v1.0 可编辑可修改
look down on(=despise)small people.We are looking forward to
(=anticipating with pleasure)your visit.Look out for(=Watch out for)
the car.He cannot make up for(=compensate)the loss I have suffered.He
made off with(=stole and hurried away with)all my money.Does his school
work measure up to(=come up to) his hopesLast year I met up with(=met
by chance)Jane,who I hadn't seen for ten years.The child messed about
with(=made a mess of)my desk.
d.He played up to(=tried to please)her.I had to put up with(=bear)
these terrible noises every day.I must settle up with(=get even with)
the man who has insulted me.Many signed up for(=joined in) the contest.The
guests sat down to dinner at eight.I can't sit down with(=suffer without
complaint)that insult.We should speak up for (=speak in a loud voice
for)justice.This policeman stood in with(=was in secret league with)
those gangsters.Why don't we stand out against(=oppose)this evil practice
We should stand up for(=support)this good policy.I always think back
to(=recall)my childhood.Think twice about it before you act.Tune in
to another radio station.We should wake up to(=realize)the seriousness
of our situation.They wait up for me(=They stay awake until I come home).He
walked away with(=easily won) the election.He walked off with(=took
away)my umbrella.We walked out of the meeting as an expression of
protest.I want out of(=want to be freed from) her nagging.I warmed
up to(=became friendly with) my neighbors.We should wise up to(Am.)
(=finally under-stand)what is going on.I can't work together with him.

v1.0 可编辑可修改
e.He got out of(=avoided)smoking.We moved on to getting married.We
stood up for prohibiting narcotics. I never turn aside from(=avoid)
doing anything good.He went near to(=narrowly escaped) being killed.










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