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英语语法体系(English Grammar)

2020-10-21 05:31



英语语法体系(English Grammar)

Pron. SVP
Adj.P SVO(A)
Inf.P P
Non- GP
finite .P
VP Past Part. P O SVOO
Nominal P-clause C
clauses O-clause
App.-clause A SVOC
(Adverbial clause)
(Attributive clause) (Attr)



1. 词性 2. 语法层次 3. 词类的功能(常规非常规)
4. 分句成分(常规非常规) 4. 词类与成分对应关系 5. 基本句型

1. 支配关系(动词概述)
3. 动名词
6. 名词性从句
9. 动词的时与体
11. 虚拟语气
13. 名词及其属格
15. 形容词
18. 英汉句型比较
20. 英汉词汇搭配、词义对比
22. 英汉连贯与衔接对比

3. 强调句
5. 分隔(前置与后置)

3. 语法手段判断

2. 一致关系
4. 动词不定式 5. 分词
7. 状语从句 8. 定语从句
10. 将来时间表示法
12. 情态助动词
14. 限定词
16. 副词 17. 介词
19. 英汉句子结构比较
21. 英汉表达法比较
2. It 句型与There be 句型
4. 倒装
6. 省略 7.替代
2. 联句
4. 长难句结构分析

Language possess grammatical systems not, as some learners might be
inclined to think, simply to make the learning of the language more difficult, but to
express meanings. The grammatical devices of a language are not to be learned as
an end in themselves. It is the capacity to express meaning that is the end. The
grammatical system provides the necessary means.

第一讲 语法的内容

英语的基本结构单位有词和句两个,因而词的构造规则和句的构 造规则就成为英语语法
词的语法分类就是将词分成名词、动词和形容词等的词类。为什么要分词 类?这是由于
以分 为名词、动词、形容词和副词,它们与句子成分之间存在着对应关系,因而人们称它为
双轨制的语法结构 :

主语、宾语 谓语 定语 状语

名词 动词 形容词 副词

一轨是以“主语——谓语”结构为框架的句法,其中的核心的规则 就是主、谓语
是做 状语用的。这种状况如用演戏作比喻,大致情况是:“主语——谓语”框架好像是舞台,
名词、动词、形 容词、副词好像是演员,而主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语犹如演员所扮演
的角色,而一个个具体的句子 就犹如一出出戏剧;舞台、演员、角色和演出的戏剧在演出中
相互依存,形成一个整体,缺一就演不成戏 。所以,由两个基本结构单位构成的双轨是相互
依存的,在造句的时候二轨合而为一,彼此拧成一股绳, 造出一个个合格的句子。
词法和句法的构造规则虽然很多,但核心的规则只有一条,这就是一致关系所 维
这 条总原则的精神,也就容易把握印欧语语法的基本脉络了。


研究词形变化的部分称为词法(morp hology),如名词的数、格,动词的时态、语态都属
于词法范畴。研究句子结构的部分成为称为句 法(syntax),如句子的成分、语序、句子结构、
句子种类等,都属于句法范畴。这两部分虽有不 同内容,中间的关系却非常紧密。在词法时
不可避免要涉及句法,在句法中也有许多部分与词法有关。因 此在学习过程中,既要注意两
者之间的差异,又要注意两者之间的联系,机械地把它们分割开对学习是不 利的。
所谓“语篇text”,不论是口头形式或书面形式 ,都是一些意义相连的句子为达到一定
交际目的并通过一定手段连接起来,从而具有结构上的粘着性(c ohesion)意义上的连贯性
(coherence)的语义整体。(A text, spoken or written, is a structurally cohesive and semantically
coherent unit realized by a string of sentences for communicative purposes.)句子 是语法结构的
语篇分析研究的是语篇的结构以及构成语篇性(texture)的机制, 即语篇内部的衔接与连

2 语法与词汇
语法虽有一定的独立性,但 它与词汇是密不可分的。语法指谴词造句的规律,但它离
不开词汇。语法体现在词汇中,而词汇受语法制 约。语法好比是骨架,而词汇好比是血肉;
语法也可说是一棵树的躯干,词汇则是枝叶。要形成有机的躯 体几根深叶茂的大树,必须
把两者结合起来。可以说每个词汇中都有语法问题,语法体现在整个词汇之中 。孤立研究
语法不可能掌握语法,干巴巴的语法条文绝不代表语法,语法要在活生生的语言中体现。 < br>在英语入门阶段,主要学词汇,也学少量语法,到词汇积累到一定程度,则应比较系
统地学习语法 。学语法可帮助更快地积累词汇和掌握词汇,提高语言学习的自觉性。不论
是加强语言理解力或语言的使 用能力,语法都可以发挥重要的作用。比较理想的做法是把
语法和词汇交叉学习,经过多次反复,才可更 深入掌握语言。学词汇他体上是加强感性认
识,学语法则是提高理性认识。只有把两者结合起来才能真正 掌握语言,才能学到有血有
3 词类(parts of speech)
在这十种词类中,前六种可以在句子中独立担任成分,称为实意词(notional words)。介
词、连词和冠词都不能独立在句子中担任任何成分,称为虚词(form words )。感叹词一般不
构成句子成分,可以看作特殊的一类。除了这十大类之外,还有表示肯定与否定的ye s 和
no,还有不定式前的小品词(particle) to。实意词大多数在句子中重读,只有助 词,情态动词


Noun (n.)
Pronoun (pron.)
Numeral (num.)
Verb (v.)
Adverb (adv.)
Article (art.)
Conjection (conj.)

4 限定词
归在一起,成为限定词( determiners), 主要指用在名词前帮助说明词义的词,如
冠词a, an, the
物主代词,如my, your, his
用作定语的某些不定代词,如some, any, many, little, few, both, each.
用作定语的指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词等,如this, what, whose, whatever.

This is Helen‘s room. (代词)
This room is mine. (形容词)
You can have either of them. (代词)
You can have either one. (形容词)

作用 例词
girl, history
they, many
nine, third
brave, small
Adjective (adj.)
hear, know
nicely, very
a(n), the
for, from
and, if
oh, ah

5 分清词类至关重要
是 动词,这样区分至关重要。各种词类都有自己的特点,只有知道一个词属于哪个词类,才
能正确使用它。 同时还应弄清各个句子成分应由哪类词来担任,例如:
The success of the play has been a great encouragement to him. (作主语)
She wished him success. (作宾语)
The experiment has succeeded. (作谓语)
He is a successful writer. (作定语)
He worked successfully. (作状语)


6 同一个词可用作多种词类
It is easy to be wise after an event.
I will tell them the news after you leave.
A moment after there was a knock at his door.
In after years I became familiar with it.

He again did double work that day.
Jane and Tom won the mixed doubles.
The price of vegetables has been doubled because of the weather.
Many things now cost double what they did a year ago.

In the middle was a round table.
She looked round her in astonishment.
The children gathered round to hear the story.
Charles was on his rounds.
We round our lips to say oo.

7 词尾

名词词尾–er (fighter), -or (sailor), –ist (artist)
-ant (assistant), –ee(employee)
-ian (librarian), –tion (action)
-ment (government),
-dom (wisdom), -ness (eagerness),
-ism (terrorism), -ship (friendship,
-ure (pleasure), -ty (cruelty),
-ence (reference)


形容词词尾 –ful (careful), -less (careless)
-ish (selfish), -ive (active)
-ous (famous), -able (drinkable)
--ible (audible), -y (easy)
-ese (Chinese, -al (natural)
-ent (different), -ant (important
动词词尾 –ize (realize), -en (strengthen)
-ify (simplify)
副词词尾 –ly (luckily), -ward(s) (homeword)
-wise (likewise)
数词词尾 –teen (fifteen), -ty (thirty),
-th (fourth)

8 词缀、词义与词性
大多数前缀不影响词根的词性,而仅仅对词根的意义加以修 饰,表示否定、相反、贬低、
但英语中有几个前缀,如be-, enem-, a- 等,并不改变词根的基本意义,而是引起词性
belittle, befriend, benumb(使…失去知觉,使…麻木), enforce, encourage, enslave, enable,
embody, empower, asleep, ablaze(燃烧,着火)
英语的后缀具有较强的语法作用, 加在词根上构成派生词,并不改变词根的基本意义,
但也有一些带后缀的派生词仅仅改变词义,而不改变词性。 例如:
Gangster(匪徒,歹徒), boyhood, impressionism, kingdom, spoonful, Londoner, machinery,
matting(粗糙编织物), booklet, idealism, friendship, drudgery(繁重、乏味的工作)。
(1)某一特定词缀仅与某种词性的词组合, 如-ative一般只与动词组合
comparative, informative, preventive, talkative
-ee只能与动词组合成“被动者”:appointee, employee, examinee, invitee, interviewee,
dependable, movable, adjustable;
centralize, economize, industrialize, modernize, normalize, realize; airproof, fireproof,
lightproof, rainproof, soundproof, waterproof

9 语法层次(Grammatical hierarchy)
It is usually assumed that the grammar of the English language is organized into five ranks:
the sentence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the morpheme. Let‘s look at Quirk‘s
categorization first. According to Quirk et al.(1985), units of grammar may be placed in a
hierarchy of potential size or extensibility as follows:


HIGHEST UNIT: sentences, which consist of one or more
clauses, which consist of one or more
phrases, which consist of one or more
words, which consist of one or more LOWEST UNIT: morohemes.

By clause, Quirk et al. include the finite clause: a clause whose verb element is finite (such as
―takes‖, ―took‖, ―can work‖, ―has worked‖, ―is writing‖, ―was written‖), the nonfinite clause: a
clause whose verb element is nonfinite (such as ―to work‖, ―having worked‖ and ―taken‖) and the
verbless clause: a clause that does not have a verb element, but is nevertheless capable of being
analyzed into clause elements such as ―although always helpful‖ in the sentence: Although always
helpful, he was not much liked. And they divide sentences into the simple and the multiple. A
simple sentence consists of a single independent clause and a multiple sentence contains one or
more clauses as its immediate constituents. Multiple sentences are either compound or complex. In
a compound sentence the immediate constituents are two or more coordinate clauses while in a
complex sentence one or more of its elements are realized by a subordinate clause. It must be
pointed out that in their classification a sentence with a clause functioning within a phrase (such as
―You can borrow the car that belongs to my sister‖) is regarded as a simple sentence and that a
nonfinite construction (which has a nonfinite verb as its verb element) is considered as a clause.
However, in other traditional grammars, the former is usually viewed as a complex sentence and
the latter a phrase.

粘着词素-ish, -s, -un, -able
自由词素:book, store, explain
book, store, bookstore;
-ish, bookish,
-s, books

(2) 词 book; do; pretty

作为词和分句之间的中间层次,词组是按照 一定语法规则围绕一个中心词
(headheadword)结合起来的一组词,中心词所属词类决定着 词组的 性质、类别及其结合
方式。所谓“中心词”就是在词组重起支配作用的词,例如名词词组是以名 词为中心词,
A. 名词短语(NP);中心词为名词的短语。 an interesting book;
a very interesting book;
a book on the table;
the book my father bought yesterday;
all the college students;
his new book on music;


the tall boy sitting in the corner
the author‘s new novel that will soon come out
B. 动词短语(VP): 动词短语是以主动词为中心词的短语。动 词短语可能只包括一个主动词或
She looks beautiful.
John arrived last night.
They fully appreciate our problem.
We utterly detested him.
It is getting dark.
She ought to have told him about it.
The children might have been playing in the garden.
Joan will certainly object and so will Mary.
I have rarely reviewed a more dishonest book.
He may really have injured innocent people.
live in China; live happily; study hard

C. 形容词短语(AdjP):
very good; quite young;
pretty difficult; careful enough;
too difficult for that child
too hot to be enjoyable;
glad to help you repair the car

D. 副词短语(AdvP):
very early; far away;
loudly and clearly;
so slowly; very clearly indeed;
far from the station

E. 介词短语(PrepP):
on the table; from your friends; by the window; in the classroom; across the river; at school;
about him; with my father


“分句=名词词组+ 动词词组”的提法与“分句=主语+谓语”的提法是一致的:前
者是就分句结构形式而言;后者是就分句 的表意功能而言(一个词的语法功能指的是这个词
在句法结构里所能占据的语法位置)。分句之所以不同 于词组在于前者具有述谓性,而后者
没有这种特性。正因为如此,所谓分句应该是一种主谓结构,这是分 句之所以谓分句的本质




Subject Predicate


The little girl is happily eating a big apple.

B. 从属分句:从属于其他结构的分句。
He knows everything about it. (独立分句)
I don‘t think he knows everything about it. (从属分句)
That hat does not fit; you may try another. (独立分句)
If that hat does not fit, try another. (从属分句)
Some of your answers were correct, but I do not remember which. (独立分句)
I do not remember which of your answers were correct. (从属分句)
His new book will soon come out. It is on grammar. (独立分句)
His new book that will soon come out is on grammar. (从属分句)

C. 简单分句:仅包括一个主谓结构的分句。 上述各句的斜体部分都是简单分句;单独出

D. 复杂分句:带有其他主谓结构作为分句成分的分句;一个单独出现的复杂分句也就是“复


It is not true. (独立简单分句简单句)
What you said is not true.(独立复杂分句复杂句)
He said that it was not true.(从属简单分句)
He complained that what you said was not true.(从属复杂分句)

E. 主句和分句
主 句是相对于从句而言。“从句”即从属分句,可以直接从属于另一个分句,作为分句
成分,也可以从属于 一个短语,作为短语的一部分,例如:the book my father bought
yesterday中my father bought yesterday是名词短语的修饰语( 定语),属于名词短语的一部
分。带有从属分句作为自己成分的分句便是主句,充当主句的一个成分的分 句便是从句。
主句和从句的关系是相对的: 在一个复杂结构中是主句的,在另一个复杂结构中则又可能

He complained that what you said was not true.





E. 限定分句、非限定分句、无动词分句

心的动词词组表 示,它便是限定分句;如果充当谓语的动词词组中心词是个非限定动词(非
谓语动词),这便是非限定分 句;如果作为分句谓语的动词词组中心词没有表示出来,而仅
保留被省略的动词的连带成分(通常是主语 补语),那便是无动词分句,如,

I signed the paper to get the license.
Renee bought a book to read on the plane.
It is forbidden to smoke in this room.
Can‘t you recall telling me that story last week

The man,wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly.
Leaving the room, he tripped over the mat.
Covered with confusion, they apologized abjectly. (绝望无助,怯懦)
The discussion completed, the Chairman adjourned the meeting for an hour.


Hungry and exhausted, the climbers returned.
Confident of the justice of their cause, they agreed to put their case before the arbitration panel.
One of the most popular tourist sites in Italy, Pompei was viewed by nearly two million visitors
last year.
Christmas then only days away, the family was pent up with excitement.


The students have made better grades in the past few weeks.
The boy can stay in the room only for a few minutes.

The students I teach have made better grades in the past few weeks.

The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard.
The boy can stay in the room so long as he keeps quiet.
What he said is not true.
I didn‘t understand what he meant.

Miss Lindstorm came to the party, but Mr and Mrs Sherman did not.
Most of us were in the hall, the doors had been closed, and the latecomers had to wait outside.

They watched television and enjoyed themselves immensely, but we couldn‘t see the program
because our television was broken.
It would be dark before he could reach the village, and he heaved a heavy sigh when he
thought of encountering the terrors of Dame Van Wrinkle.

10. 句子成分
句子是表达思想的基本单位,就象家庭是社会的基本单位一样。只 有完整的句子才能
表达完整的思想。句子由单词组成,但组成时要遵循一定的规律,这就是语法。违反了 这些
汉语也有语 法,有些地方与英语是相似的,但在更多地方是不同的,在学习过程中要
注意两种语言的异同。实际上, 学习英语的过程,也是一个与母语干扰作斗争的过程。
主语 谓语部分


We are Chinese.
Chinese is our mother tongue.
We love our motherland.
Everybody is working hard.
(1)主语(Subject, 缩写成S)——是一句话的中心,整句话都是谈它的情况。
My sister is a nurse.
Her room is on the fifth floor.
(2)谓语(Predicate, V)——是主语的主要情况,可表示动作,也可表示状态。
She works in a hospital.(动作)
She knows a little English.(状态)
(3)宾语(Object, O)——表示动作的承受者,也可表示动作的结果。
Everybody likes her.
She is writing a letter now.
(4)表语(Predictive, P)——说明主语的性质、特点、状况、身份、位置等的句子成分,和
She is a conscientious girl.
(5)宾语补足语Object complement, C)——补充说明宾语的性质、特点、状况、身份、动
We made him our class president.
The noise was driving him mad.
I felt myself unworthy of the praise.
I saw him studying in the classroom.
I found him in the libraryin low spirits.
(6)状语(Adverbial, A)——修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。
She goes to work very early.
She feels very happy.
She swims like a fish.
Luckily, she was not in when the fire broke.
(7)定语(Attribute, Attr.)——修饰名词、不定代词等。
Her hospital isn‘t very big.
But everybody in the hospital works hard.

其中,S, V, P, O与C 是句子成分,A有时是句子成分,有时则是短语词组成分; Attr.
此外,还有同位语(Appositive, App.)、插入语(Parenthesis)及呼语(Vocative):
This is my sister Mary. (同位语)
Mary is a good girl, they say. (插入语)
Sit down, Mary. (呼语)


第二讲 各 词 类 的 语 法 功 能

1 名词短语(NP)
(1) 主语(subject---S)
[1] A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.
[2] The first half of our life is ruined by our parents, the second half by our children.
[3] The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to
[4]The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent promises of
Love’s highest intensity doesn’t necessarily mean its highest quality.
[5] Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot
Knowledge is power.
Where there is a will, there is a way.

(2) 表语(predicative----P)
[6] Life is at best only a children’s game. Yet the game must be played conscientiously.
[7] Jealousy is the fear of losing the thing you love most. It’s very normal. Suspicion is
the thing that’s abnormal.
Animals are such agreeable friends --- they ask no questions, they pass no criticism.
[8] Committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours.
[9] A committee is a thing which takes a week to do what one good man can do in an hour.
[10] My way of joking is telling the truth; that is the funniest joke in the world.
Ignorance is the mother of all evils.
Smoking is my only weakness.
The affair remained a complete mystery.

[11] One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of
one extraordinary man.
Man often applauds an imitation, and hiss the real thing.
Did you get my letter?
They agreed to fax us their proposal tomorrow.

B. 介词宾语
[12] When he was expected to use his mind, he felt like a right-handed person who has to
do something with his left.
She majored in physics at Yale.


He was devoted to pure science.
(3) 定语(attribute -----Attr.)
[13] A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has had
a university education, he may steal from the whole railroad.
We bought a new color TV.
Would you like to go to the flower show?
(5) 同位语(appositive----App.)
This is our department head, Mr. Owe.
You girls sit on this side.
(6) 宾语补足语(complement-----C)
They elected James Chairman.
He painted the door a brighter color.
(7) 状语(Adverbial---A)
Wait a minute. I‘ll call her.
We will meet Monday.
(8) 呼语(vocative----V)
Morning, Helen.
Come in, Mrs Patterson.
(9) 引导状语从句-----兼作连词
The day he returned home, his father was already dead.
Next time you come, please bring your book.
We‘ll leave the minute you‘re ready.
She came to the scene the moment she heard of the accident.

2. 代词(pron.)
(1) S
This is our new home.
Both are from the south.
Who is on the phone?
(2) O
[14] When people are free to do what they please, they usually imitate each other.
[15] If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it.
[16] You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both.
I have read neither of the books.
Take good care of yourself.
We should help each other.
(3) P
That is not mine.
Who is it? --------It‘s me.
I‘m not quite myself today.
(4) App.
We both live in the dorm.
You yourself are to blame.


He ate them all.
(5) V
You sit here.
Get out, both of you.
Be patient, everybody.
(6) Attr.
It‘s my book.
I‘ll take that shirt.
(7) C
What do you call it?
You should make what you have learned yours.

3. 数词(Num.)
A. 基数词(cardinal)
Over 4,650.000 workers were involved in the strike.
(2) S
There were millions of blooms.
Two of the girls are from Shanghai.
Three will be enough.
(3) O
I read four of her novels.
The city has a population of three million.
(4) P
He is a little over five.
Its population is nearly 2 million.
(5) App.
You two take these seats.
Have you got tickets for us three?

B. 序数词 (ordinal)
(1) Attr.
We live on the 5
We gave a party to celebrate her twentieth birthday.
(2) P
Who was the third?
You are the second to make that mistake.
(3) S
First went to American team.
The first (one) was no good, the second was even worse.
(4) O
I was among the first to learn of this.
She is arriving on the second of June.
She got a third (丙级分,不及格分) in biology.


(1) Attr.
[17] College students should become tramps in the spiritual world but not on campus or in
the streets.
[18] Love is a fan club with only two fans.
[19] Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps most fatal to true happiness.
[20] Every rose has its thorn; you never find a woman without pins and needles.
[21] Notice the difference between what happens when a man says to himself, “I have
failed three times” and what happens when he says, “I am a failure.”
[22] Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious
He is a man of integrity. The skyscraper in the distance is a five-star hotel.
(2) A
[23] Nothing comes from nothing.
[24] We should learn grammar through language, not learn language through grammar.
Her eyes were tired from long reading.
In all probability, he will decline your invitation.
(3) P
Men are like that------ they can resist sound argument and yield to a glance.
The decision is of great importance to me.
Hundreds of new products are on display in the shop windows.
(4) C
They found the machine in a bad state.
A conceited man always thinks himself above others.
(5) O of a preposition
A pretty girl appeared from behind the curtain. A snake appeared from under the rock.

5. 形容词短语(Adj.P)
(1) Attr.
He is the greatest writer alive. Someone else has done it.
[25] Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book.
Ignorance is the necessary condition of life itself. If we knew everything, we could not
endure existence for a single hour.

(2) P
[26] Journalism largely consists in saying “Lord Jones Dead” to people who never knew
that Lord Jones was alive.
The bird‘s song is very sweet. He remained silent at the meeting.
(3) C
果(eg. Knoch sb senseless),并常用在表示“认为、看待”的动词如 believe, prove, consider
[27] As the faculty of writing has been chiefly a masculine endowment, the reproach of


making the world miserable has always been thrown upon the woman.
[28] When you make a world tolerable for yourself, you make a world tolerable for others.
The news made her very sad. The bottle was found empty.
The facts proved his accusation groundless.
He died young. Don‘t marry young.
She came back sick. He beat her black and blue.
He acted strange. He sat silent at the meeting.
He likes to drink wine hot. The farmer sold the oranges green.
(5) A
Ripe, the oranges will sell at a good price. Alice tiptoed to the bed, careful not to wake the baby.
Cheerful and warm-hearted, she gave help to a lot of people.
Eager to see the sunrise, they got up at four. Large or small, all countries are equal.
Breathless, she rushed in through the back door. Angry with him, she complained all day.
He approached, careless of danger. Young in years, he is old in experience.

6. 副词短语(Adv.P)
(1) A----修饰v, adj, adv, prep, conj, sentence
He runs fast. The book is very interesting.
[29] Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them.
[30] Although it is dangerous to have too much knowledge of certain subjects, it is still
more dangerous to be totally ignorant of them.
[31] History is, indeed, little more than register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of
The bus came quite early.
He knocked the man right out. 他把那个人完全打败了。
They left her well behind. She left shortly after the meeting.
He is much against the proposal.
He made his application well within the time. 他按时递交了申请书。
She failed entirely through her own fault. He fell ill mainly because he ate too much.
I heard of her long before I met her. They caught him exactly when he got off the bus.
Happily, he was not in the house then. Frankly, I don‘t agree with you.
Ordinarily we eat breakfast at seven. Hopefully we can get this work done before dark.
(2) P--- 只有与介词拼写相同的副词才能作表语及宾补。
Time is up. The book will be out(出版)soon. Jack was down with a fever.
Is the TV on? What‘s up? School is over. The village is 10 miles off.
Oranges are now in (上市).
Please ask her in. I went to her room only to find her out.
The woman walked along the river with her head down.
It was a quiet night, with the moon high up in the sky.
(4) Attr.--- 以-ly结尾的副词不能作定语,副词作定语一般后置
The buildings around are of modern style. The students there are from India.
I met her on the way home. This is my first day off.


I saw her the week before. Her life abroad was colorful.
the way aheadthe hall downstairs the neighbors upstairs
The up train leaves at 8. She flew to a far country.
Who was the then president? She had inside information about it.
an away match
(5) O of a preposition
Please put the key under there. She looked everywhere except there.
You can leave the goods anywhere but here. A cry from above warned me of the danger.
Come over here! He lived not far from here.
Don‘t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. It happened the day before yesterday.
come up from below I don‘t know her until quite recently.

Nearly everybody came to our party. They have improved roughly half their equipment.
Virtually all the students participated in the discussion.
We counted approximately the first thousand votes.

有 时还可以修饰名词,置于“不定冠词+名词”之前,勇于增强语气。这类副词最常用的有
quite 和rather
We had quite a party. 我们举行了一个蛮好的晚会。
It was a rather mess. 事情相当糟。 Even a child can understand that.

7. 限定动词短语(finite VP)----作谓语V
She works in a hospital. (动作) She knows a little English.(状态)
They have been working on the project for many years. How did things turn out?
I’m running up against (遇到)problems. You needn’t worry.
They aren’t going to make any concessions. She doesn’t seem to like the idea.
We used to work in the same department. He is said to know many languages.
8. 非谓语动词非限定动词短语(non- finite VP)
A 动名词短语(gerund----G)(V-ing): S P O Attr
B 动词不定式短语(infinitive---Inf): S P O C A Attr
C 分词 (participle----Part.) (V-ing, V-ed): A P C Attr

9. 从句(clause)
A名词性从句(nominal clauses)
主语从句—— S 宾语从句—— O 表语从句—— P 同位语从句—— App.
B 定语从句—— Attr.
C 状语从句—— A


第三讲 句 子 成 分(Clause Elements)

1. 主语S--- 一句话的中心,整句话都谈它的情况。
(1) NP
[1] Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
[2] A beggar can never be bankrupt.
[3] One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of
one extraordinary man.
[4] The whole significance of life lies in the unremitting efforts to explore the unknown
and become wise.
[5] Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize our age.
[6] A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
Our plane is taking off in five minutes.
Beijing is a beautiful city.
(2) Pron.
Who is speaking, please?
Both were offered jobs immediately.
One-tenth of the population are elderly people.
Two will be enough.
(4) G
Singing is one of my interests.
There is no denying the fact.
(5) Inf
To act like that is childish.
It‘s better to be on the safe side.(保险行事)
(6) Subject clause

What I say goes! (我说了算)
Whether it is a good plan remains to be seen.
(7) 名词化的其他词类
The unemployed lead a hard life.
The old are taken good care of in China.

2. 谓语 V——主语的主要情况,可表动作,也可表状态
Time flies. I know him.
We’ve long been hoping to visit your country.
He has fallen in love with her.
I would like to say a few words in this regard.
(2) 复合谓语——情态动词+动词
Can you speak English?


You needn’t worry.
They ought to have stopped at the traffic lights.
She didn’t have to go there in person.
Do you happen to know her telephone number?
She doesn’t seem to like the idea.
We are likely to fall behind.

3. 表语P——说明主语的性质、特征、状态、身份等。
Life is at best only a children’s game. Yet the game must be played conscientiously.
[7] Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge.
[8] I’ve never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a
temporary situation.
[9] Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others.
[10] No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great
What nationality is this man?
Now she looks a grown-up young woman.
(2) Pron.
[11] A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.
Seventy-four! You don‘t look it.
Oh, that‘s nothing.
(3) Num.
She‘s now twenty.
You‘ll be the first to speak.
(4) Adj.P
No manners are finer than even the most awkward manifestations of good will to others.
The children mustn‘t go hungry.
She looked nervous and apologetic.
(5) Adv.P
She‘ll be along in a minute. (一会儿来)
He‘s down with bronchitis(气管炎).
(6) Prep.P
[12] He that is not jealous is not in love.
[13] If we cannot love unconditionally, love is already in a critical condition.
To endeavor to work upon the vulgar with fine sense is like attempting to hew blocks with
a razor.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
(7) Part.
The year‘s sales figures are quite encouraging.
The glass is broken.


She is gone.
The sun is set.
Her hobby is painting.
His first job had been selling computers.
(9) Inf.
All you have to do is to listen.
My plan is to go from Egypt to India.
(10) Clause
[14] Bad men do what good men only dream.
This is where our basic interest lies.
Sophia‘s idea was that they should lock up the house.

4. 宾语O——表动作的承受者,也可表动作的结果
(1) NP
[15] A brave man risks his life, but not his conscience.
Show your boarding cards, please.
May I have your attention, please?
(2) Pron.
Do you want anything to drink?
I want a little.
(3) Num.
I need two.
They laid off one-third of their workers.
(4) 名词化形容词等
Take the injured to hospital immediately.
Respect the old and cherish the young.
[16] Life is easier than you think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do
without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable.
[17] American motion pictures are written by the half-educated for the half-witted.

(5) G.
We avoided talking about the subject.
She enjoyed being praised.
(6) Inf.
He offered to carry my bags.
Hope to see you soon.
(7) Clause
See that everything is ready by ten.
Did you write down what she said?

5. 宾语补足语C—— 某些及物动词除要求带宾语外,有时还需要有一个成分补充说明宾语
的动作、状态、性质、特征等,意思 才完整,该成分就是宾语补足语。


[18] Nothing in the world renders a man indispensable save love.
[19] Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse.
He said waltzes made him dizzy.
She had proved them all wrong.
(2) NPPron
He appointed her Secretary of State.
They call this numerical control.
[20] Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; it is thinking
makes what we read ours.
[21] As cause sheer reading-matter, I still find the English dictionary the most interesting
books in our language.
[22] When a subject becomes totally obsolete, we make it a required course.

(3) Adv
You don‘t find him in at this time.
(4) Prep.P
I found her in excellent condition.
LI found her in the classroom.
(5) Inf
He told me to be cautious.
I often saw him do this.

(6) Part.
Man will do many things to get himself loved; he will do all things to get himself envied.
[23] You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word
He saw two men fighting in the street.
I‘ll get your blood tested.

6. 状语A——修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词或这个句子。
She welcomed us warmly.
You‘re quite wrong.
(2) Prep.P
She did this out of kindness.
We discovered it by chance.
(3) Inf.
They did everything they could to save her life.
I‘m very pleased to have made your acquaintance.
(4) Part.
Please fill in the card, giving all the information required.
Compared to many women, she was very fortunate.
(5) Adj.P


He rushed over, eager to help.
Enthusiastic, they are quite cooperative.
She jumped two meters.
She nursed him day and night.
This morning I got up early.
(7) Absolute construction of Part.
That being the case, we‘ll have to put off the meeting.
He dashed into the room, gun in hand.
(8) Adverbial clause
Patient as he was, he had no intention of waiting for three hours.

7. 定语 (Attribute)——修饰名词

(1) Adj.P
She is a responsible girl.
The girl responsible was expelled.
(2) Pron.
Whose fault is it?
This could change our lives.
(3) Num.
She bought two kilos of apples.
Our office is on the 15
(4) Noun or its possessive case
They are going to send a trade delegation to China.
What‘s your government’s view about it?
(5) Inf.
Perhaps in years to come we shall meet again.
There are a lot of things to be done.
(6) G
a washing machinea walking sticka reading room
(7) Part.
There is a door leading to the garden.
What do you think of the proposal put forward by the Green Party?
[24] There is no great concurrence between learning and wisdom.
[25] The lust for power, for dominating others, inflames the heart more than any other
That has no relation to the matter under discussion.
Plans for the weekend are still tentative.
(9) Adv
The buildings around were badly damaged.
The scenery up at the lake is just breathtaking. (湖上风光令人惊讶。)
(10) 词组或合成词


Is there anything the matter with you?
They were mostly well-to-do farmers.
(11) 定语从句(relativeattributive clause)
[26] One can always recognize women who trust their husbands,. They look so thoroughly
There are a number of factors we’re to consider.
This is the only reference book I find useful.

8. 同位语(appositive)
(1) NP
[27] We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.
Mr. Li our director has gone to shanghai.
You girls are much more active than us boys.
(2) Pron.
We each put forward a proposal.
(3) Num.
You three sit there.
(4) Adj.P
People, old and young, came out to greet the distinguished vistors.
(5) Xiao Yan, normally a timid girl, argued heatedly with them about it.
Formerly a worker himself, he is now an engineer.


第四讲 基本句型 Basic Clause Types


1 S+V+Adj.P 2 S+V+NP 3 S+V+Pron. 4 S+V+Num.
5 S+V+Prep.P 6 S+V+Adv. 7 S+V+Inf.P 8 S+V+GP
9 S+V+Present Part. 10 S+V+Past Part. 11 S+V+P-clause 12 S+V+Adj+Prep.P
13 S+V+Adj+Inf.P 14 S+V+Adj+Clause

1 S+V+Adj.P
[1] Happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
[2] All work, even cotton spinning, is noble. Work is alone noble.
[3] You cannot adopt politics as a profession and remain honest.
He has gone madblind. She looked quite cheerfula little tired.

2 S+V+NP
All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.
[4] Life is a one-way street, and we are not coming back.
[5] Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is a duty. Laughter is a
[6] I have always observed that to succeed in the world one should seem a fool, but be wise.
[7] Man’s best possession is a loving wife.
[8] People who cannot bear to be alone are generally the worst company.
[9] Politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.
[10] Our lives are but our marches to our graves.
[11] Leisure is the mother of philosophy.
He proved a trustworthy friend. You‘re looking a different person.

3 S+V+Pron.
Seventy-four! You don‘t look it. It‘s something to be home again without an accident.

4 S+V+Num.
My daughter is sixteen next month. Tom was third.

5 S+V+Prep.P
His show is on the air at 6. The Conservatives were once more in power.

6 S+V+Adv.
[12] When the candles are out all women are fair.


I‘m off to Europe on Monday. Sales are down.

7 S+V+Inf.P
[13] The true pleasure of life is to live with your inferiors.
All you have to do is to press this button. My plan is to go from Egypt to India.

8 S+V+GP
My aunt‘s hobby is growing roses. His first job had been selling home computers.

9 S+V+Present Part.
This food looks inviting. She remained standing for a good hour.

10 S+V+Past Part.
Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it.
She don‘t look convinced. The glass is broken. After a time I grew dissatisfied with the wirk.

11 S+V+P-clause
A husband is what is left of a man after the nerve is extracted.
That‘s where we differ. Money is what they are after.

12 S+V+Adj+Prep.P
[14] Winter is in my head, but spring is in my heart.
[15] Wealth is like seawater; the more we drink, the thirstier we become and the same is true
of fame.
[16] An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.
We are short of funds. He proved equal to the task. She looked astonished at the news.
[17] The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportionate to the amount
of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contains.
[18] The man who tried his best and failed is superior to the man who never tried.

13 S+V+Adj+Inf.P
[19] If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.
She was eager to see her people. Glass is liable to break. He‘s always ready to help people.

14 S+V+Adj+Clause
You must be aware that what you are doing is illegal. He‘s doubtful whether he can afford it.
He‘s confident that he will pass the exam.


1 S+Vi 2 SVA 3 S+Vi+Adv 4 S+Vi (主动含被动之意) 5 S+Vi+Inf.P

1 S+Vi
It doesn‘t pay. The blind don‘t see. Tom is sleeping. I‘ll try.
[20] Peace begins just when ambition ends.
[21] Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

2 SVA(有些不及物动词后需一状语意思才完整)
He lived in China. He lived then. He‘ll be flying to Shanghai. She swims like a fish.
The train leaves at 7. She often dreams. They stayed in a hotel.

3 S+Vi+Adv(成语动词)
The engine broke down. The economic crisis broke out first in the US.

4 S+Vi (主动含被动之意)
[22] A best-seller was a book which somehow sold well simply because it was selling well.
Cheese cuts easily. The window won‘t shut. She photographs well.
The book sells well. The shoes wear well The pen writes smoothly.
Does the cloth wash well? The door blew open. The vegetables are cooking.

5 S+Vi+Inf.P
I shudder to think of the problem ahead of us. (原因)
He smiled to see the children so happy. (原因)
He woke to find himself alone in the house.(结果) He lived to see many changes. (结果)
We eat to live not live to eat.(目的) We stayed to see what would happen. (目的)
He hesitated to phone her. (方面) I can‘t wait to read his latest novel. (方面)
He failed to keep his promises. (方面) He agreed to come at once. (方面)
He volunteered to join the army. (方面)
I hasten to tell you that your son is not badly hurt, although it was a serious accident. (方面)

Note: there be 句型中的there是引导词,无意义, be 不是连系动词,它的意思是“存在”,
[23] There is no formula for success. But there is a formula for failure and that is trying to
please everybody.
There is an ABC ignorance which precedes knowledge and doctoral ignorance which
comes after it.
[24] There are no warlike peoples, just warlike leaders.
[25] There are only two races on this planet----the intelligent and the stupid.



1 S+Vt+NPPron 2 S+Vt+Reflexive Pron. 3 S+Vt+O+A 4 S+Vt+Coganate Object
5 S+Phrasal V+O 6 S+Vt+Inf.P 7 S+Vt+GP 8 S+Vt+O-clause

1 S+Vt+NPPron
[26] Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.
[27] A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers
her age.
[28] Ordinary people find no difference between men.
[29] Marriage, if one will face the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil.
[30] If you are losing your leisure, look out. You may be losing your soul.

(1)Do you know these people?
(2) 有些Vt+N构成成语,有特别的意思。
This theory doesn‘t hold water. This sentence doesn‘t make sense.
The idea took root in his mind. When will the drug take effect?
He always takes offence at any kind of criticism.

2 S+Vt+Reflexive Pron.
I can‘t express myself in English. He often contradicts himself.
They blamed themselves for the accident.
(2)有些Vt+Reflexive Pron 已构成固定词组
Don‘t overwork yourself. She prided herself on her financial success.
She busied herself tidying up her desk. Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?
They seated themselves on the bench.

3 S+Vt+O+A(有些及物动词后面需要一个状语意思才完整)
[31] Old age puts more wrinkles in our minds than on the faces.
I put the material evidence in front of him. He treated her badly.

4 S+Vt+Coganate Object
Alice laughed a scornful laugh. He smiled a strange smile.
As he slept, he dreamed a terrible dream. She closed her eyes and wished a wish.
She lived a long happy life and died a natural death.

5 S+Phrasal V+O
(1) Vt+Adv
[32] The university brings out all abilities, including stupidity.
He had carried out instructions to the letter. We can put off the meeting.
(2) Vi+Prep.
They will not agree to that arrangement. I don‘t object to the idea.


We‘ll look into this matter together.
Thus the organization came into being. The treaty will come into force next month.
The spring term had come to an end. The old building was falling into pieces.
He rose to his feet to reply to the speech of welcome.
(4) Vi+Adv+Prep
We shouldn‘t look down on this work. The children were eagerly looking forward to the party.
He‘ll carry on with his plan.
A bad workman finds fault with his tools. Suddenly he caught sight of Mary.
We‘ve lost touch with him.
(6)Vt+Reflxive Pron.+Prep.
Finally he avenged himself on the enemy. Help yourself to some more meat.
He applied himself to the task before him. He had to accustom himself to the cold weather here.
She dedicateddevoted herself to helping the poor.

6 S+Vt+Inf.P
I don‘t expect to find you here. He explained how to use the machine.
He promised to see her home.

7 S+Vt+GP
Why have they delayed opening the new school? I can‘t imagine lying like this. I would go crazy.

8 S+Vt+O-clause
I guess we‘ll leave now. I hope that I have said nothing to pain you.
I wonder whetherif you would give me some advice. Do you see now why I did it?
I‘ll see whether I can find time to do it. You can do whatever you like.


1 S+V+NPron+N 2 S+V+NPron+O-clause
[33] If you do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.
1 S+V+NPron+N
She gave me her telephone number. She gave a job to John.
He handed the letter to mehanded me the letter.
(2) 有些间接宾语可改为for引导的短语
She sang us a folk songa folk song for us. I‘ll make you some fresh teasome fresh tea for you.
(3) 有些间接宾语则不能改为tofor引导的短语
I envy you good luck. They fined her $$20. Careless driving cost him life.
She kissed her mother goodbye. I‘ll stay and keep you company. I mean you no harm.
The teacher set us a difficult problem.


2 S+V+NPron+O-clause
Tell him I‘m out. I‘ll remind her that we are meeting at 8.
Our teacher notified us that there won‘t be a test on Monday.
Please advise me whether I ought to go with them. Show me where your leg hurts.


1 S+V+O+AdjP 2 S+V+O+NP 3 S+V+O+Prep.P 4 S+V+O+Adv.
5 S+V+O+Inf.P 6 S+V+O+Present Part. 7 S+V+O+Past Part

1 S+V+O+Adj.P
(1) He found his new job rather boring.
Good food keeps you healthy. Facts have proved these worries groundless.
Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful
by association with men who think.

(2) it作形式宾语代替不定式短语宾语从句
I found it difficult to satisfy their needs. I felt it necessary to make everything clear.
Germany made it clear that she would support OPEC.
I think it likely that we will get a certain amount of money.

2 S+V+O+NP
(1) We elected Smith our chairman.
They appointed him chairman of the committee. We all consider the book a masterpiece.
(2) it作形式宾语代替不定式短语宾语从句
He felt it his duty to mention this to her. He made it a rule to go jogging every morning.
I felt it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly.

3 S+V+O+Prep.P
I found her in better spirits when we met again. They soon got the fire under control.

4 S+V+O+Adv.
I‘m having some friends over for bridge tomorrow. Don‘t leave me behind.
They declared the war over.

5 S+V+O+Inf.P
(1) He urged me to join their company. What causes an object to fall onto the ground?
She asked me to answer the phone in her absence. I wrote him to come at once.
[34] To take a wife merely as an agreeable and rational companion will commonly be found
to be a grand mistake.

(2)有些动词后的不定式只能用to be
We thought him to be an honest man. Do you consider that to be important?


She found this to be true in all the cities she visited. They suspected her to be my sister.
They believe Tom to be innocent.
(3) 但这些动词后可用其他不定式的完成或进行式
He believed them to have discussed the problem. He believed her to be telling the truth.
She suspected him to be lying. She suspected me to have done it.
(4) (某些动词后不定式符号to省略)
What makes you tremble so? Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense.
(5) 个别成语动词可跟复合宾语
He called on Jack to answer the difficult question. I‘m counting on you to support us.
We depend on you to do it. He pleaded with me to go back.
We‘re waiting for the train to stop.
Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers to help usfor help.

6 S+V+O+Present Part.
He found Helen knitting there. I could smell trouble coming.
She looked at him waiting here. Can you imagine me doing such a thing?

7 S+V+O+Past Part.
He watched the piano carried upstairs. I have heard it said that he is a miser.
He can‘t make himself understood. Father has had his hands burned.
He kept his eyes shut and stayed where he was. I noticed his car parked outside.
I have seen that method applied to many people. He felt himself compelled to take his action.


从二年级起,老师还要求我们用英英词典。我记得第一次拿到Advanced Learners‘
Dictionary时,查了一两个词,心里就十分激动:我可以用英文解释英 文了!初用英英词典
时,当然也遇到不少困难。为了查一个词,不知道要查多少其他词。有时查来查去, 就忘了
英词典,才 能真正搞清一个词的确切含义和用法。随着词汇量的扩大,使用英语词典的兴致
也越来越高。有时,查上 瘾来,会查上个把小时,忘记了正在读的文章。那时,我们都把
Advanced Learners’ Dictionary上标的 25个句型背得滚瓜烂熟。总之,查英英词典本身

Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary

Verb Pattern Scheme
(1) La (Linking verb + Adj) The soup was delicious.
(2) Ln (Linking V+NP) Frank became a teacher.
(3) I (Vi) France is reading.
(4) Ipr (Vi+Prep.P) People are complaining about the traffic.


(5) Ip (Vi+Adv) The monkeys chattered away.
(6) Inpr (Vi+NpPrep.P) The meeting lasted three hoursfor three hours.
(7) It (Vi+to-Inf.P) Fack hesitated to phone the office.
(8) Tn (Vt+NP) A small boy opened the door.
(9) (Vt+NP + Prep.P) The accused convinced the court of his innocence.
(10) Tn.p (Vt+NP+Adv) The nurse shook the medicine up.
(11) Tf (Vt+that- clause) Officials believe that a settlement is possible.
(12) Tw (Vt+wh- clausewh-phrase)
We hadn‘t decided what we ought to do nextwhat to do next.
(13)Tt (Vt+Inf.P) Mary hates to drive in rush-hour.
(14) Tnt (Vt+NP+to-Inf. P)
I expect the parcel to arrive tomorrow.(不是主语动作的结果)
(15) Tg (Vt+ GP) Peter enjoys playing football.
(16) Tsg (Vt+N(?s)+GP) We dread MaryMary‘s taking over the business.
(17) Tng (Vt+N+Present Part.)
She spotted a man waving in the crowd. (不是主语动作的结果)
(18)Tni (Vt+N+不带to的Inf.P)
We watched the men unpack the china. (不是主语动作的结果)
(19) Cn.a (复合及物动词Vc+N+Adj.P) The fridge keeps the beer cool.
(20) (Vc+N+-ed Part.) You must make your view known.
(21)Cn.n (Vc+N+N) The court considered Smith a trustworthy witness.
(22) (Vc+N+as+NAdj.)
The police didn‘t accept the story as the truthas genuine.
(23)Cn.t (Vc+N+to-Inf)
The thief forced Jane to hand over the money.( 主语动作的结果)
(24)Cn.g (Vc+N+-ing Part)
The police got the traffic moving. (主语动作的结果)
(25)Cn.i (Vc+N+不带to的Inf)
Mother won‘t let the children play in the road. ( 主语动作的结果)
(26)Dn.n (双及物动词Vd+N+N) Henri taught the children French.
(27) (Vd+N+prep.P) Henri taught French to the children.
(28)Dn.f (Vd+N+that-clause) Colleagues told Paul that the job wouldn‘t be easy.
(29)Dpr.f (Vd+prep.P+that-clause)
Employers announced to journalists that the dispute had been settled.
(30)Dn.w (Vd+N+wh-clausewh-phrase)
The porter reminded guests where they should leave their luggagewhere to leave their
(31)Dpr.w (Vd+prep.P +wh-clausewh-phrase)
You should indicate to the team where they are to assemblewhere to assemble.
(32)Dn.t (Vd+N+to-Inf.P)
The director warned the actors not to be late. (主语动作的结果)
(33) Dpr.t (Vd+prep.P+to-Inf.P)
Fred signaled to the waiter to bring another chair.


第五讲 动词概说

系动词(link- verbs)
及物动词(transitive verbs----vt)
不及物动词(intransitive verbs----vi)
兼作及物动词与及物动词的动词(ergative verbs)
双(宾)及物动词(ditransitivedouble-transitive verbs)
复合及物动词(complex-transitive verbs)
成语动词(phrasal verbs)

(1) 说明主语处于什么样的状态,具有什么样的属性、特征,包括be, look, appear, seem, feel,
sound, taste, smell

Now she looked a grown-up young woman. He appeared quite well.
It appears (to be) a true story. It appeared that he had an unusual taste for music.
She seems happy to me. She seemed lacking in enthusiasm.
I‘ve been feeling awfully bad about it. The meat tastes good.
Your idea sounds (like) a good one. Roses smell sweet.
It sounded like Beethoven. The soup smells of garlic.

(2) 说明主语所处状态的转变或证明结果怎样,包括become, get, turn, grow, go, come, fall,
run, prove, turn out, etc.
They became dizzy with the momentary ―victory‖. The weather is getting quite warm.
It‘s getting near dinner-time. He turned rather pink.
He has turned a traitor to his country. These ideas have grown out of date.
The noise grew louder. She went pale at the news.
His dream has come true. Soon she fell asleep.
I have run short of money. The well ran dry.
It might prove the best plan. The extra room proved useful.
He has turned out (to be) a very able man.

(3) 说明主语保持着某种状态。包括remain, keep, stay, rest, continue.

She still remains unconvinced. The door remained closed.
The problem remained unsolved. Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever.
The weather is keeping fine. He stayed single for many years.
The affair rests a mystery. The weather continued to be fine for some days.
The shop stays open until 9 o‘clock. The temperature has stayed hot this week.



She committed a serious error. They were busy making artificial flowers.
The child needed constant attention. Where did you put the key?

I‘ll contact you as soon as I arrive. Her attitude surprised me.
He often teased his sister. Her words comforted the sobbing boy.
常见的这类动词有:anger, comfort, contact, frighten, interest, shock, suit, surprise, tease, thank,

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. This song reminded me of my childhood.
I couldn‘t rid myself of this melancholy mood. He promised to treat us to dinner.
(4)有几个及物动词和许多名词一道表示动作,这类动词称为虚意动词(delexical verbs)
最常见的有:have, give, take, make
例如make 可以与以下名词搭配:
advance, answer, apology, appeal, appearance, arrangement, arrest, appointment, attack, attempt,
change, choice, comment, comparison, concession, change, deal, decision, demand, distinction,
confession, effort, enquiry, examination, excuse, experiment, explanation, fight, fuss, guess, go,
inspection, investigation, love, mention, move, noise, objection, proposal, protest, preparation,
progress, promise, purchase, recovery, reference, remark, reply, resolution, sacrifice, scene, search,
slip, start, statement, study, success, suggestion, trip, visit 等。

Go and do your hair. Have you done your teeth?
She was doing the dishes. Can you do the room now?
When are you to do the windows? He found her doing the flowers.
Do they do science at school? He‘s learning to do sums.
The group is dong ―Macbeth‖? We did two concerts last week.
Have you done the Tower? We did Spain in two weeks.
He does seventy-five on the freeway. We did the journey in six hours.
He did ten years for armed robbery. The barber will do you next.
He does his guests well. That shopkeeper did me.
He has done an excellent article. She did some pretty sketches.
Jane did most of the talking. Who does the cooking?
She‘s doing her knitting.

He married the daughter of a millionaire. (与…. 结婚)
He greeted me with a nod. (与….打招呼)
Is she old enough to dress herself yet?(给…穿衣服)
He excels his opponents at playing chess. (比….高明)


He survived the car accident. (幸存)
Serve one‘s country (为…服务)

I think, therefore I am. (我思故我在。) Whatever is is right. (凡存在的都是合理的。)
I itch all over. She flushed and made no answer.
When did it happen? He was shivering all over.
She doesn‘t run fast. She runs a store. They advanced 40 miles.
He advanced a new theory. The sun is shining. Shine your shoes.
Why are you crying? She cried herself to sleep.
还有少数动词通常作不及物动词,但可跟同源宾语,如laugh, smile, dream, sleep, die, live等

The plan depends on the weather. She objected to the idea.
Don‘t refer to that matter again. I care very little for fame now.

(4)有些词义的动词在汉语是及物的但在英语是不及物的, complain (about), revolt (against),
wait (for), apply (for), consent (to), object (to), agree (toon with), depend (on), rely (on), approve
(of), disapprove (of), arrive (at), call (onat), comment (on), congratulate (on), deal (with), dispose
(of), dream (about), interfere (inbetween with)等

4 兼作及物动词与及物动词的词(ergative verbs)
英语中的大部分动词既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,只能作一种动词而不能作另一种动词的是少数,(如enjoy只作及物动词,depend, rely 只作不及物动词)。兼作两种动
Mind the dog. I‘m sure he won‘t mind. She couldn‘t stand the cold.
Don‘t stand in the rain. Don‘t move my things. The train is moving now.
Smoking hurts you. My head hurts. He hanged himself in sorrow.
Her portrait hangs over the mantelpiece. They beat him unconscious.
Her heart was beating violently. Please pass me the salt. The winter finally passed.
(2) 有些动词在意思基本不变的情况下,有时用作及物,有时用作不及物。
Can you help me? Every little helps. Tigers eat meat. We eat at seven.
She is going to marry him. Don‘t marry in haste. She‘s studying medicine. She studied hard.

(3) 有些动词通常作及物动词,但有时宾语不必讲出 (从上下文中可以看出),因此也就成
His father came yesterday. Yes, I know (it).
I‘m sure she didn‘t notice (it). ―What‘s her name?‖ ―I forget (it).‖
Why didn‘t you answer (me)? He aimed at the black spot and missed (it).
He didn‘t understand (it) very well. Who won (the game)?


I‘ll fight you. They fought with each other. England is playing Australia.
David played against Louise. He wandered the street. They wandered in the park.
Will you check the figure? First check on your answers. She walked the street.
She walked along the street. He ruled Britain for sixty years.
He ruled over the empire for a long time. The whole nation mourned his death.
We mourn for our fallen officers and men. Tom mocked him as a country boy.
He mocked at my pronunciation.

(5) 有些动词,随着主语不同而可用作及物或不及物。
The continual strain aged her.(持续的劳累使她衰老。) He‘s ag(e)ing fast.
He began a series of experiments. When does the play begin?
Boil the potatoes for 0 minutes. The water is boiling.
Take care not to break it. Brittle things break easily.
fall, come, go, grow, stay, rest等,还有些动词既可作及物动词又可作连系动词,get, keep等

5双宾动词(ditransitivedouble-transitive verbs)
(1)有不少动词后面可以跟两个宾语, 前面为间接宾语,后面为直接宾语。
They granted us a loan. I will lend you my computer.
We owed him 100 dollars. Hand me the timetable.
They granted a loan to us.

Sing us a song, please. Please sing a song for us.
Fetch me the evening paper. Fetch the evening paper for me.

(3) 有少量动词,后面的直接宾语要放在一介词后。
I reminded him of his promise. I have notified them of my arrival.
He has informed me of his plans for holidays. Accuse sb of cheatingcharge sb with murder

(4) 还有少数动词也跟两个宾语,但很少把间接宾语放到句子的后面。
I‘ll never forgive you that lie. I wish you good luck.
I envy you your health. How dare you ask me such a question?
He didn‘t want to cause you any inconvenience.
The hotel charged me $$ 50 for a room for the night.
That suit cost me over $$100. They denied the prisoner all freedom.
I want you to promise me one thing. She can‘t refuse him anything.

Play us some folk music, please.
Let‘s get the children something to drink.
The street committee found us four new rooms.


She wrote him a long letter. He cooked us a delicious meal He sang us a pop song.
6 复合及物动词(complex-transitive verbs)
有些动词有时后面需要跟一宾语足语意思才能完整,如find, make, get, paint, keep, think, consider,
declare, push, prove, set, believe, like, beat, wish, count, judge, deem等

He counted himself fortunate to have such an opportunity.
They may hold you responsible for the consequence.
The noise was driving me mad.
She pushed the door open.
She dyed her hair brown.
He got his clothes wet.
Good food keeps you healthy.
The accused man declared him innocent.
I like my tea very hot.
Finally they set them free.
He beat her black and blue.
I felt myself unworthy of the praise.

7成语动词(phrasal verbs)
有时两个或三个词在一起构成一个成语,作用与 一个单一动词差不多,称为成语动词。这种动
The war broke out in 1939.
She didn‘t want to fall behind in her studies.
How did the accident come about?
The wind has died down a bit.

He could not account for his absence from school.
I ran across her in the library yesterday.
I called on her this morning.
You‘d better wait and watch for a better achance.
● 有些不及物动词可以跟副词也可以跟介词构 成成语动词
We mustn‘t lag behind.
We mustn‘t lag behind others.
They hope to break through soon in this research.
The allies sought to break through the German
We must be getting off now. (动身)
Then they got off the bus.
Let‘s all join in. He joined in the march.


He is trying to bring about a reconciliation.
I‘ll try to hurry him up.
The trolley-bus stopped to put down three passengers.
● 也有部分成语动词是由及物动词+介词 构成
Don‘t build on his promises. (信赖)
He talked me into changing my job.
They showed her round the house.
She set her children against their father.

I can‘t put up with these noisy people.
You might come up against a bit of opposition.
Don‘t look down on this kind of work.
I‘m looking forward to her arrival.

有些由动词构成的成语包含有一个名词,多数语言学家都不把它们 成语动词范围之内,但
A. 动词+名词
bear a grudge; break the ice; catch fire; hold water; change one‘s mind; face the music(承担后
果); lose face; take place; take root; take sides; take action; make sense; make a fuss; lose heart;
take a chance; take care; take effect; take heart; take offence; play truant; hold one‘s tongue等

B. 动词+名词+介词
Attach importance to; catch sight of; catch a glimpse of; find fault with; get rid of; make a mess
of; make a note of; pay a visit to; make room for; take care of; take delight in; take hold of; take
advantage of; lose sight of; take interest in; take leave of; take notice of; take pity on; take
revenge on; take liberalities with等。

C. 动词+介词+名词
bring to an end; burst into tears; fall to pieces; go to pieces; come into fashion; put on airs; take
into account; take into consideration; put on weight; put to death; come to c conclusion; call to
mind; keep in mind; get to work; come to life; come into blossom; catch by surprise等。

学习知识 pursue knowledge
学习讲英语 learn to speak English
学习榜样 follow the example
打开电视turn on the TV
打开箱子 open the box
打开敲门 answer the door
打开领结 loosen the tie
打开信件 unfold the letter


打开奥秘 discover the secrets
打电话 make a phone
打毛衣 knit a sweater
打文件 type the document
打瞌睡 nod
恢复健康regainrestore one‘s health
恢复谈判 resume the talk
恢复秩序 restore order
恢复正常 return to normal
恢复知觉 recover consciousness
恢复镇静 regain composure
恢复疲劳relieve fatigue
恢复经济reconstruct the economy
He has booked the train ticket to Beijing.
The two sides agreed on a cease-fire.
They have drawn upworked out the production plan for next year.
I will subscribe to a Water Margin.
We have entered into a treaty with them.
She has ordered a piece of pizza for herself.

wear a coata watcha pair of spectaclesa bearlong haira hatperfume
尤其是英语的一些笼统词,如do, make, play, carry, 起搭配能力相当强,如do housework; do
the floor; do the dishes; do the lawn; do the teeth; do the flowers; do ironing; do some reading等。
番茄汤 牛肉汤 人参汤
tamato soup beef broth ginseng decoction
个人卫生 公共卫生
personal hygiene public health
环境卫生 environmental sanitation
自然环境 社会环境
natural environment social circumstances
舒适环境 comfortable surroundings


国税 关税
government revenue customs dutiestariff
所得税 税率
income tax tariff rates
球迷 影迷
football fan movie fan
计算机迷 棋迷
computer addict chess addict
竞争意识 自我意识
competitive spirit self-consciousness
黄色小说 黄色音乐
filthy novels vulgar music
黄色电影 pornographicblue movies 红茶 black tea 浓茶 strong tea
青山绿水 green mountains and clear water
副总统vice president 副经理 deputy manager 副教授 associate professor 副司令assistant
commanding officer 副食品 non-staple food 副作用 side-effects 副标题
浓汤 thick soup 浓茶 strong tea 浓发 thick hair 浓眉 thick eyebrow
假牙false teeth 假象 false appearance 假肢artificial limbs 假花 artificial flowers 假钞
counterfeit money 假警察 fake policemen 假医生phonyquack doctors
假话lie 假山rockery 假意hypocrisy
假装 pretend假扮 disguise 假造 forge
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor
恶性循环 vicious circle
一次性付款lump-sum payment
一次性拖鞋 disposable slippers
双人间a double room 双重标准 double standards 双刃剑 a double-edged sword
双塔 twin towers 双峰 twin peaks
双星twin stars
图书馆 library 水族馆aquarium 博物馆museum 旅馆hotel 饭馆 restaurant
体育馆 gymnasium 展览馆 exhibition hall 照相馆photo studio 大使馆 embassy 茶馆
teahouse 咖啡馆 café
啤酒beer 白酒liquorspirits 鸡尾酒 cocktail
葡萄酒 wine香槟酒 champagne
红葡萄酒Chianti 黑啤酒stout 公猪boar 母猪sow 小猪piglet 野猪boar 猪肉pork
羊肉mutton 牛肉beef
汽车car 轿车limousine 火车 train 公共汽车bus 长途公共汽车coach 中巴车mini-bus
有轨电车tram 无轨电车trolly
货车trucklorry 板车 cart小车wheel手推车barrow 自行车bike三轮车 rickshaw 出租车
taxi 机车locomotive 吉普车jeep 救护车ambulance 消防车fire engine 越野车land rover 铲
车forklift 吊车crane 风车windmill 洒水车sprinkler 灵车hearse 机动车vehicle

He ran his faster. 他尽力奔跑


The river runs clear. 水流清澈
His nose is running. 他在流鼻涕
He runs the bookstore. 管理、经营
He ran through his money. 浪费金钱
The ship ran on a rock. 触礁
The novel has run into ten editions. 出到第十版了
The play ran for six months on Broadway.
He killed the man. 杀
He killed the dog. 宰
They killed the proposal. 断然拒绝
Please kill the engine. 熄灭
She is dressed to kill. 她穿得很时髦,十分吸引人。
You‘re killing me. 你说的话你的动作笑死我了。
She kills her child with kindness.宠坏
He took a snack to kill his hunger.充饥
He killed time everyday at the park.消磨
He killed the motion when it came from the committee.否决
He killed himself with overwork.过劳而死
He killed the spirit of the group.抹杀了团队精神
The news killed their hope.希望破灭
These flowers kill easily.枯死
He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.喝了
kill one‘s appetite 使某人倒胃
kill time 打发
kill the peace 扼杀
kill the mood 破坏气氛
kill a marriage 解除婚约

10 学英语动词是关键,谓语动词的性质决定了其后的后续成分,也即决定了整个句子的


第六讲 主谓一致
(subject-verb concordagreement)

五、 某些名词后的谓语
六、 一些结构中的谓语

一致指词语之间在人称、数、格、性等方面的一致 。人称、格和性的一致比较简单,在

一、 基本原则(Guiding principles)
1 语法一致(grammatical concord)即形式上的一致。
The body shows his mother much attention.
The boys are playing outside.

2 意义概念一致(notional concord)指意义或意念上的一致。
The crew are paid to do all the work on the ship.
Five minutes is enough.

3 邻近原则(principle of proximity)即谓语动词的形式与邻近的名词一致。
Neither I nor he is to blame.
Neither he nor I am to blame.

1 一 般来说,主谓必须在数上一致,即复数主语必须用复数谓语,单数主语必须用单数
谓语,不受修饰语的影 响。
The results of the exam show that you‘ve all made good progress.
The building among the trees is our public library.

2 如果主语表示一个抽象概念,一般都用单数谓语。
Growing flowers is no easy job.
That we have made amazing achievements is an undeniable fact.
―Senior citizens‖ means people over sixty.

3 当主语中 包含and,若指的是一个东西,可用单数谓语;若指两样东西,则用复数谓
语,有时虽是两件,但常被 看作是不可分的整体;谓语动词用单数。
The iron and steel industry plays an important part in our national economy.


The food and the textile industry depend mainly on agriculture for raw material.
The writer and teacher is coming.
Bread and butter is their usual breakfast.
The wheel and axle was bought yesterday.
Trial and error is the source of our knowledge.
Truth and honesty is the best policy.
Wit and humor abounds in the book.
Salt and water is also a kind of medicine.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

4 如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with, together with, as well as, but, except, no less than,
rather than, more than, besides, accompanied by, like, including, in addition to, combined with 等
An expert, together with some assistants, was sent there to help in the work.
Justice, as well as the law, demands that these bandits be severely punished.
No one but myself knows what really happened.
Everybody except you is down on me.

1 each, some, any, no, every 构成的代词作主语时都用单数谓语。
Each of the houses is painted a different colour.
Everything was ready.
Somebody wants to see you.

2 有些代词作主语时谓语常作复数。
Both of them were men of the highest position in England.
All (of them) were ruthlessly suppressed.
Many of us were too tired to go further.
Few of us are any good.
Some are wise, and some are otherwise.
So all is going well.
Some of the milk has turned sour.
There‘s little to be done about it.

3 有些代词,有时跟复数谓语,有时跟单数谓语。
Which is your room?
Which are your books?
Who is on the phone?
Who are those people
Any is good enough for me.
Any are at liberty to express an opinion.
None of my friends has ever been to Paris.


None of us are perfect.
Neither was satisfactory.
Neither are suitable for a newspaper.
IsAre there any?
Neither of us isare happy about the situation.
None of my friends hashave been invited to the party.

1 有些集体名词通常都作复数,因此谓语也用复数形式
Cattle are grazing on the pasture.
The police are looking for him.
The poultry are being fed.
The medium are covering the presidential election thoroughly.
还有crew, military, bacteria等

2 很多集体名词后可跟单数或复数谓语,作为整体是可视作单数,向导所包含的成员时,
His family isn‘t very large.
His family are all music lovers.
The committee meets twice a month.
The committee are divided in opinion.
The audience were greatly moved at the words.
The audience was numerous.
The team is the best in the league.
The team are driving to the game is their own car.
The British public is interested in sports.
The public were deceived by the newspapers.
The Iranian government is expected to resign.
The Government are discussing the proposal.
The enemy has suffered heavy losses.
The enemy are in flight.
The company has its headquarters in London.
The company are excited with their success.
The school‘s teaching staff isare excellent.
The enemy isare retreating.
A company of travelers isare expected to arrive soon.
The jury isare about to announce the winners.
The local council isare in charge of repairing roads.
The data isare correct.

3 有些集体名词通常跟单数谓语
The play‘s cast was given a standing ovation.


The opposition was quick to reply to the charge.
The entire community is behind the appeal.
The gang is being hunted by the police.
The press was full of lies.

五、 某些名词后的谓语
1 一些表示时间长度、数量、上速度等的词组可以作一个整体看待,后面可跟单数谓语。
Ten years is a long time.
Ninety miles an hour is much too fast.
Two hundred pounds is a lot of money spent on a dress.
Forty miles is a long way to walk in a day.

2 有很多名词,随着意义的不同,可以跟单数或复数谓语。
Half of his work is to design programmes.
Half of them go to private schools.
Ninety percent of most food is water.
Ninety percent were self employed.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
These statistics show that exports are still low.
Youth is the time for action.
The youth of today areis better than we used to be.

3 有些单复数同形的名词,要根据意思决定谓语的形式。
All means have been tried.
One means is still to be tried.
There are thousands of species of butterflies.
This species of rose is very rare.
The works have been closed since January. 这些工厂
The steel works is closed for the holidays.
Her offspring are all like her.
Her offspring is like her in every aspect.

4 一些以-s结尾的单数词,后面多跟单数谓语。
Mathematics is a compulsory subject at school.
Billiards is becoming more and more popular.
Measles is a contagious disease.
Phonetics is the science of sounds made in speech.
A crossroads is a place where roads meet.
Mumps areis fairly rare in adults.
Their headquarters areis in New York.


5 用作书名、剧名、报纸名、国名、组织机构等的复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数,但
The New York Times still has a wide circulation.
―The Arabian Nights‖ is a very interesting story-book.
The United nations ia an international organization.
Gullivers’s Travels is very interesting.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy.
The Himalayas are the roof of the world.
The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River.
The Great Lakes lie between the USA and Canada.
The Philippines lie on the southeast of China.
The Olympics are held every four years.
注:the Alps, the Rockies, the Solomon Islands作主语谓语用复数。

六、 一些结构中的谓语
1 在带either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also…的结构中,谓语通常和最邻近的主语
Either Tim or his brothers have to shovel the snow.
Neither you nor she is wholly right.

2 由 there或here引起的句子中的谓语,通常也和最邻近的主语一致。
There was a bed and two chairs in the room.
There were two apple trees and a pear tree in the garden.
Here is a pencil-box and a few pencils for you.
Here are my replies to your questions.

3 这种受邻近词影响的情况在现代英语中越来越多了。
Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away?
One in ten are expected to take part in the contests.

4 有时主语似乎是单数,其实是复数,因为有的词被省略了。
White and brown sugar are both acceptable for this recipe.
The short-term and (the) ling- term loan are handled differently.
5 “a series of, a portion of, a species of, a piece of 等+名词(单数或复数)”做主语时, 谓
A series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by Mr. Stone.
A large portion of her poems was published after her death.

6 表示数量的one and a half 后面一般要接复数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。
One and a half bananas is left on the table.
One and a half dollars was spent on sugar.
It is one and a half meters long.


A year and a half (One and a half years) has passed.

7 a herd of, a pack of, a school of, a swarm of, a drove of等表示数量的集体名词短语,如
果指的是一个整体(一群人或动物)谓语 动词用单数;如果侧重于群体中的每一个成员则用
A flock of sheep were running into the road and causing confusion among the traffic.
A pack of wolves was following them closely.

8 用and连接的两个单数名词作主语,若前面有each, every, no等修饰,谓语动词用单
In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education.
No teacher and no student is admitted.
Many a boy and many a girl has seen this painting.
Many is the man she has helped.
Many’s the job he‘s left unfinished.
Many’s the time I‘ve seen him walk along the lake.

9 a kind of和 this kind of等后面的复数问题
A a kind (sort) of +单数名词和this kind of+单数名词,用单数谓语动词。后接复数名词
时,也可用复数谓语动词,这时,强调名词的复数概念 。
There is a kind of tree in the garden which flowers once every two years.
This kind of book is worth reading.
This king of men areis dangerous.
The kind of books you‘ve just mentioned are valuable.
B thesethose kind of +单数名词或复数名词,要求用复数动词
These kind of tree(s) are rare now.
C thesethose kinds of+单数名词或复数名词,要求用复数动词
Those kinds of fruit(s) are cheap.
D what kinds of +单数名词, 要求用复数动词
What kinds of bird stay here for the winter?
注:What kind of flower do you like most? =What kind of flowers do you like most?
What kinds of flower do you like most?
=What kinds of flowers do you like most?

10 two lumps of sugar等的单复数问题
Two lumps of sugar areis in the box.
Three slices of bread havehas been thrown away.


11 在one of +复数名词+定语从句的句型中,定语从句中的谓语动词一般用复数形式;
This is one of the rooms that were damaged in the fire.
He is one of the persons who always think they are right.
This is the one of the books on the subject that has ever been written in Chinese.
She is the only one of my students that comes from Beijing.

12 “the+形容词”泛指一类人时,谓语用复数形式,指个别人时,用单数形式。
The old are well looked after by the government.
The good are happy.善者常乐。
The walking wounded (轻伤员)were left behind.
The wise are perceptive men.
His intended is a pretty girl.未婚妻
The dead was about thirty years of age.
The accused was found guilty.
The mentally ill was sent to hospital.
The departed is gone forever.逝者长已矣(一人)
The departed are gone forever.(多人)


第七讲 动名词(Gerund)

一、 特征
At the meeting he stressed the importance of defeating their competitors.
Getting up early is considered a good habit.
He dreamed of becoming a pop singer.

He insisted on his being assigned the mission.
I know nothing about his having served in the army.

具有名词特征:可以充当主语、宾语与表语; 可以受形容词、代词、名词的修饰,可以
[1] Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.
There is no justification for the running away in such haste.
All seems smooth sailing.
What do you think of our class going out for an outing this weekend?

二、 功能
1. S
[2] Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires and remaining the same under
all circumstances --- that is nobility.
Saying is easier than doing.
His coming here will be a great help.
(1) use, good, pity, funny, nice, odd, worth, difficult, worth while作表语,可用it作形式主语
It‘s no good writing to her.
It‘s no use waiting here.
(2) there is no +G==It is impossible to do sth
There is no accounting for tastes.
There is no getting along with him.

2 P
[3] The chief excitement in a woman’s life is spotting women who are fatter than she is.
Her job was keeping the hall as clean as possible.
Denying this will be shutting one‘s eyes to facts.

3 O
(1) O of the Vt
[4] There is only one thing to do for a man who is married to a woman who enjoys
spending money, and that is to enjoy earning it.
[5] Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.


[6] A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well-known, then wears
dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
[7] How can you say my life is not a success? Have I not for more than sixty years got
enough to eat and escaped being eaten?
[8] If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.
Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where
we ought to feel.
He admitted taking the watch.
I appreciate her devoting herself to the cause of education.

常用的这类动词有:admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, detest,
enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mind, pardon, postpone, practice,
prevent, propose, quit, recall, recollect, resent, risk, resist, suggest, advise, allow, permit,
recommend, acknowledge, require, resent, tolerate, favor

但在advise, allow, permit, recommend后,如果提到有关的人,则用不定式
He advised me to leave right now.
They don‘t allow us to park here.

(2) O of the prep
[9] The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in
trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable
[10] By working faithfully eight hours per day, you may eventually get to be a boss and
work twelve hours a day.
[11] A woman begins by restricting a man’s advance and ends by blocking his retreat.
[12] He who is slowest in making a promise is the most faithful in the performance of it.
[13] If we had no faults of our own we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those
of others.
[14] Man is the only animal who causes pain to others with no other object than wanting
to do so.
[15] Originality does not consists in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying
exactly what you think yourself.

I‘m looking forward to meeting her.
He bribed the boss into taking him.
She left without saying good-bye to us.
His method of organizing the work is commendable.
He hasn‘t much experience in running factories.
He felt like going out for a walk.

A 以下结构中的to为介词,后跟动名词be used to, be opposed to, object to,
with a view to, look forward to,


devote… to, appeal to, assent to, allude to, amount to, adhere to, accede to, accustom to,
dedicate… to, defer to, limit (oneself) to, confess to, take to(开始), confine to, revert to,
contribute to, resort to, conform to, respond to, yield to, doom sb to, subscribe to(同意、
赞成), reconcile (oneself) to, reply to, resign (oneself) to,(听任、顺从),be confined to,
be opposed to, be related to, be suited to, be used to, be subjected to, be indebted to, be
dedicated to, be committed to, be attached to, be accustomed to, be adapted to,

What he said amounts to denying us.
He took to learning the piano last spring.
She confessed to having taken the money.
They were confined to living in the concentration camp.

B cannot help+ G=cannot avoidresist+G=
cannot refrainkeepresist abstain from +G=cannot holdkeep back from +G=cannot choose
but +V=cannot but +V

I cannot abstain fromkeep back from smiling at the nodding flowers.

C 以下结构,两者皆可
entitle so to doing
entitle sb to doing sth
see one‘s way to doing sth
see one‘s way to do sth (设法)

Their educational qualifications entitle them to gettingget a high salary.
Father hoped that she could see her way to settling settle the dispute.

D 在There is difficulty (trouble, pleasure) in doing sth, have difficulty (trouble, pleasure) in doing
sth, spend time (money, enegery) in doing sth, busy onself in dong sth, ―in‖ 常省略。
[16] Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product as they do
on advertising, and they wouldn’t have to advertise it.
She is busy preparing for the journey.

在句子She was a long time replying to my letter.
He was a whole month writing the paper.
The man was a long time getting rid of his bad habits. 中, 可看作G前省略了in 表示某方
面;这种句型中的动名词也可换成before 从句; 有时这种句型可译为“化了…干某
事”,有spend 的含义。

E refusal, promise, effort, desire, attempt, ability, ambition, resolution, tendency, determination,
failure 后不可接of +G, 要接不定式。
He burns with an ambition to win fame.


He has the ability to translate the book in translating the book.

F 但在purposal, method, idea, habit等后只能接of+G , 不能接不定式。
the good idea of playing snowball
for the purpose of winning
in the habit of rising early
a new method of learning

G 某些形容词后既可接Prep+G,也可接不定式。
content with doing sthto do sth;
proud of being to be
fortunate in doing sthto do sth
unworthy of being to be

4 Attr.
No one is allowed to speak aloud in the reading room.
That is a shop dealing in walking sticks.
writing table, dinning-car, sleeping-bag, fishing rod, cooking oil, racing car, operating
room, dressing table, sleeping pill, parking lot, parking space, hearing aid
family planning, zebra crossing, job-hunting, stamp collecting, house-warming,
window-shopping, horse-riding, weightlifting

三、 动名词的复合结构
(1)逻辑主语是有生命的名词时, 用名词或代词所有格,作主语时,只用所有格, 作宾
(4)逻辑主语是 数词、指示代词、不定代词,如this, that, somebody, someone, nobody, none,
anybody, anyone等时,一般用通格。
Tom‘s coming is what we have expected.
His leaving is a great loss.
Mother disliked memy working late.
He cannot permit his daughter and son being insulted.
She is afraid of youyour ruining yourself.
She is ashamed of her son being a prisoner.
I am astonished at Mary suddenly becoming rich.
I don‘t like Jack and Henry speaking ill of each other.
I am not surprised at old and young falling in love with her.
I never heard of a person of character doing such a thing.
It was quite unexpected the students finishing the exam so soon.
His sister Helen getting married last week was a great event in the town.


This cannot be said without some getting angry.
I am doubtful of this being the best house.
She is fond of coffee being served after dinner.
In spite of the four telling the same story, I couldn‘t believe it.
He is opposed to the idea of money being everything.
He was awakened by someone shouting outside.
He disapproved of that being said about Jane.

四、 动名词的时态、语态意义
I‘m thinking of getting a new dictionary. (将来)
I approved of his taking part in the project. (同时或以后)
I‘m confident of his succeeding. (以后)
Learning is important to modern life. (一般情况)
I enjoy listening to classical music.(一般情况)
He is proud of having won the first prize.(之前)
He never talked to me about his having been in Paris. (之前)
He doesn‘t like being flattered.
Respecting others means being respected.
She likes being seen.
The housing problem is far from being solved.

(1)与onupon 或after连用, G的一般式也可表示一个先于谓语的动作,“一…就….”
On coming in she laid a file of documents on the table.
(2) remember, forget等后用一般式,完成式意义无什么差别,只是一般式表示一个单纯的事
Do you remember seeing him when he was a small boy?
I remember having told him the story.

(3) need, want, deserve, repay, require, bear, take(需要), brook(忍受), stand等表示“需要、
The job will take noticing a lot.
She can‘t brook interfering.
The scandal won‘t bear thinking of.(不值一提)
The situation requires careful handling.
This method deserves recommending.
A 除take, brook, stand外,后也可用不定式的被动式
It won‘t bear to be thought of.
[17] If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth
reading or do things worth writing.

B. stand, bear, brook 后也可用动名词的被动式
She can‘t stand being teased with questions.


C 介词past后用动名词的主动、被动均可
The watch is past repairingbeing repaired.

1 动名词; 泛指
不定式: 特指,具体某一次
He likes riding.
He likes to ride the little white horse.
They prefer staying indoors when the weather is cold.
Would you prefer to stay at home this evening?
2 begin, start, continue, cease后用动名词、不定式含义并无大的差异,但如果表示“有意地开
始,停止”等,多用动名词,否则更多用不定式; begin, start 后跟静态动词只能用不定
式,begin, start的进行体后也用不定式
I began writing the book in 1999.
It began to rain as soon as we got home.
His words ceased to have effect on her.
At last they ceased talking.

3 不定式的逻辑主语常是句子的主语或句中的某个词,动名词的逻辑主语可能是句子主语或
句中 某个词,也可能是泛指一般人,在句中找不着。
I hate to be sitting idle.(自己闲坐)
I hate saying nothing at a meeting but gossiping afterwards. (自己或泛指一般人)

4 跟动名词与不定式意义不同
stop, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, want, cease, can‘t help 后跟动名词与不定式 意义
[18] When one begins to live by habit and by quotation, one has begun to stop living.
They want to repair the house.
The house wants repairing.
I can help doing it.
I can‘t help to do it.
The buses have ceased running. (暂时停开)
The buses have ceased to run. (长期或永远)

另外, 在afraid 后跟of+G, 表示害怕发生某种后果,也可以跟不定式,表示不敢做某
She is afraid of spoiling the flower.
She is afraid to enter the forest alone.


第八讲 动词不定式(Infinitive)

He tried to work out the problem in 5 minutes.
I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting.
I‘m glad to have given a chance to visit your country.
The matter to be discussed at the meeting is a hard nut to crack.
She has no need to be worrying.
We decided not to buy that house.
She wished never to see her again.
I don‘t know what to do.
We can‘t let him go.


1 S
[1] To live is also to suffer.
[2] To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization.
[3] To be educated is to be changed intellectually, mentally and spiritually.
[4] To be nobody-but-yourself-----in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make
you everybody else----- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight;
and never stop fighting.
---- e. e. cummings
[5] To be ignorant of one’s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.
[6] When you’re as great as I am, it’s hard to be humble.
[7] To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent. To do what is impossible
for talents is the mark of genius.
[8] Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand
[9] To be in love is merely to be in a state of perpetual anesthesia (长久的感觉缺失状态)
---- to mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god or an ordinary young woman for a

To hesitate means failure.
To obey the laws is everyone‘s duty.
形式主语it (anticipatory it), 多见口语
It is very difficult to drive in the mountains.
[10] Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it.
[11] It is not necessary to advertise food to hungry people, fuel to cold people, or houses to
the homeless.
[12] It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.


[13] When you’re as great as I am, it’s hard to be humble.
[14] It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy but it’s good to check up
once in a while to make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.
[15] It is not good to have too much liberty. It is not good to have all one wants.

2 P
[16] The utmost shame is to lose one’s soul.
[17] One of the difficult tasks in this world is to convince a woman that even a bargain
costs money.
[18] About all some men accomplish in life is to sent a son to Harvard.
To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.
[19] To ask for advice is, in nine cases out of ten, to tout for flattery.
The most important thing is to become whatever you are without shame.
[20] Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart’s desire; the other is to
get it.
The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.
The purpose of the exchange program is to promote the understanding between the two countries.

3 O
[21] The youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon, or, perchance, a
palace or temple on the earth, and, at length, the middle-aged man concludes to build a
woodshed with them.
[22] Women deserve to have more than twelve years between the ages of twenty-eight and
I can‘t afford to take driving lessons.
I prefer to call off the meeting on account of our director‘s absence.

常跟不定式作宾语的动词有:decline, refuse, offer, promise, choose, decide, determine,
attempt, intend, manage, ask, hope, want, except, long, wish, tend, desire, seek, claim, plan,
prepare, learn, mean, pretend, dare 等。

[23] So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work.
She thought it unnecessary to do it again.
Don‘t you think it better to water the flowers right now?

4 C
[24] The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to
[25] Reading enables me to tolerate the intolerable and bear the unbearable.
[26] To expect a man to retain everything that he has ever read is like expecting him to
carry about in his body everything he has ever eaten.


[27] Allow children to be happy in their own way, for what better way will they ever find?
[28] Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it
easier to do don’t need to be done.

I wrote him to come at once.
She asked me to answer the phone in her absence.
常跟的C动词有:ask, request, tell, invite, force, compel, press, get, cause, beg, wish, prefer,
want, intend, expect, encourage, advise, persuade, instruct, allow, permit, remind, urge, order,
command, warn

Note: hope, demand, suggest 等后不带C
He hoped his sister to lend him a hand. (W)
He hoped that his sister would lend him a hand.
He demanded me to give up the chance. (W)
He demanded me that I give up the chance.
I suggested him not to go there alone.(W)
I suggested that he not go there alone.

5 Attr.
[29] The wind is the only thing in civilization to enjoy freedom.
He is a pleasant fellow to work with.
She bought a bookshelf to put her books on.
There is nothing to worry about.
This is a good rule to go by.
(2) 有些名词后需跟不式作定语,如time, way, reason, effort, ambition, chance, movement
The longer we dwelled on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.
I had ambition not only to go father than any man had been before, but as far as it was
possible for a man to go.
It‘s already time to start spring sowing.
Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.
(3) 有些动词、形容词常跟不定式,它们派生出来的名词后也用不定式, ability, agreement,
anxiety, attempt, claim, decision, determination, need, plan, promise, readiness, tendency,
willingness, wish,, etc
[30] Ideally, every course should be first a reading course and then a writing course; every
class should be an oral class. Only in this way can we improve our ability to understand
English and to express ourselves in English.
[31] My most brilliant achievement was my ability to persuade my wife to marry me.
[32] We should come out of university not as worldly and stick-in-the-mud(目光短浅、思
想迟钝) men and women but as individuals with the ability to think for ourselves, judge for
ourselves and decide for ourselves.
[33] There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the
ability to recognize ability.


Your ability to analyze the problem really surprised us.
His eagerness to get back home was quite obvious.
The lecture to follow will include the radical changes brought about by the French
The conference to take place next month is bound to be a great success.
(5) the first, the second, the last, the best后常跟不定式
He is always the first to answer questions.

6 A
一般句子后部,但如强调,可句首,前可加in order 但不能用so as。否定为in order
not toso as not to
[34] In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
[35] To do great work, a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.
[36] Work is not to make money; you work to justify life.
[37] He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
[38] I am not denying that women are foolish: God Almighty made them to match the
[38] A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes
a fool of him in twenty minutes.

We eat to love, not live to eat.
The whole family went to beach to spend their weekend.
Let‘s hurry so as not to be late for the meeting.
(2) 结果状语
[40] Advertisements may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence
long enough to get money from it.
[41] I feel like the small boy who stubbed his toe; he was too old to cry, and it hurt too
much to laugh.

A few days later he came back only to find that the troops had left.
What have I said to make you so excited?
He lived too see many changes.
(3)原因状语, 一般句尾
I shudder to think of the problems ahead of us.
They laughed to see the clown.
We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the project.
Happy, lucky, fortunate, pained, ashamed, surprised, grieved, frightened, shocked, sorry, glad,
delighted, eager, disappointed, right, anxious, ready, clever, unwise, quick, slow, foolish, rude,
considerate, cruel, wrong


[42] I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.
To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me.
To be sure, we can do it.
[43] Bad administration, to be sure, can destroy good policy, but good administration
can never save bad policy.

(6)还可以和连接副词(代词)连用,可以有逻辑主语,在句子中作S, O, Attr., P, A
It is quite possible for you to catch up with them in a short time.
We do not know what to do with this short life, yet we want another which will be eternal.
How to improve English is often discussed among the students.
I think it better for you to see the doctor.
He is an example for us to follow.
I sent him some pictures for him to see what Paris is like.
(7)以下形容词常与of搭配: bold, brave, careful, careless, clever, cruel, considerate, foolish, good,
honest, kind, nice, rash, right, rude, stupid, silly, thoughtful, wise, etc.
It‘s careless of you to make such a mistake.

1 一般式表同时发生或其后发生
Thousands of young people are learning to ski.
Where can we get some sickles to cut the rice with?
2 进行式表同时发生,且正在进行
I hate to be lying in bed like this while other students are having class.
3 完成式表之前发生, 有时在intended, expected, meant, hoped, promised, wanted等后表示过
We are glad to have visited so many of your beautiful cities.
I intended to have come to see you.
She intended to do that, but she didn‘t.
She had intended to do that.
She intended to have done that.
4 完成进行式表动作在谓语动词前发生,且一直在进行着
He was happy to have been staying with his uncle.

1 不定式可以有逻辑主语。如果逻辑主语是动作的执行这,有主动,如是承受这用被动
The doctor recommended him to air the room.
The doctor recommended the room to be aired.
[44] Life is short, but it is long enough to ruin any man who wants to be ruined.
Advertisements contain the only truth to be relied on in the newspaper.
(Nothing is true in the newspaper except the names; everything is true in fiction except


the names.)
She felt a bit puzzled to be asked such a question.
These are the books to be distributed among the students.
2 在“名词(代词)+be +easydifficultfit+Inf‖结构中,有时尽管主语是动作的承受者,不定
式在意义 上是被动的,形式上却是主动的。这时可看成是省略了动词的逻辑主语for meusyou

This book is difficult to read.
He is hard to convinceplease.
The film is great fun to see.
The food was not fit to eat.
3 在某些以there be 等揩油的结构中主动、被动均可,有些意义没区别,有些有区别。
There are a lot of letters to writebe written this evening.
There is a lot of work to do be done.
There is a lot to say be said.
There is nothing to fear be feared.
There is nothing to do now=We have nothing to do now.
There is nothing to be done.=We can do nothing now.
There is nothing to see.=nothing worth seeing
There is nothing to be see.=nothing there at all
There is only one thing to do.=only one thing that you should do
There is only one thing to be done.=There is no other way.
He has a child to look after.(自己照看)
He has a child to be looked after.(自己或别人照看)
Note: 下列以there be 开头的句子须用被动式
There‘s still much left to be desired.
There‘s nothing to be had.
There‘s no sound to be herad.
3 ―too..to‖与“enough…to‖结构中可用主动表被动,且主动更常见
The book is cheap enough to buy be bought.
The box is too heavy to cary.
4 blame 的不定式作标语,可用主动或被动表被动, 但含义有所不同
You are to blame=You are at fault.
You are to be blamed=You are going to be blamed.

5 something, little, what, much, a great deal等作主语,表语为to do 时,多用主动表被动
A great deal of work remains to do.
What is to do tomorrow?
6 to let, to be let 作“出租”解作表语,含义有细微差别
The flat is to let. (从房屋主人的立场讲话,主人讲)
The flat is to be let.(从房屋本身来说,代理人想租房人讲话)
7 与worth连用的不定式一般用主动表被动
The book is worth going to buy.
The sight is worth traveling to see.


1 几个不定式具有同样的功能,to只用于第一个
He decided to settle down in Switzerland and continue his fiction writing.
[45] It is better to work and fail than to sleep one’s life away.

He hasn‘t decided whether to go home or to stay at school during the vacation.
2 在以why引导的疑问句中不用to
Why worry about such triffles?
Why not do it right now?
3 在had better, had best, would rather, would rather …than, rather than, would sooner, would
sooner…than, cannot but, cannot help but, do nothing but 等后不用to
They would rather die than surrender.
[46] The only thing some people do is get older.
She can‘t do anything but ask silly questions.
但上句中如果but或 except前的动词不是do,要用to
She had no choice but to fight to the end.
4 hear, listen to, feel, see, look at, watch, notice, observe, perceive, let, make, bid, have等后的宾
语补足语 中的不定式 to省略
[47] I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
[48] If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart.
The spirit should not grow old.
He that thinks too much of his virtues bids others think of his vice.
[49] Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do
that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
[50] If you want to make people weep, you must weep yourself. If you want to make
people laugh, your face must remain serious.
[51] I am sure that since I have the full use of my reason nobody has ever heard me

He made her give up the property.
What would you have me do?
5 help后可用可不用
6 know sb do sth 结构意为“看见过,听见过”,仅用于完成时或过去时
I‘ve never known her lose her temper.
7 go, come,和run后可省略to , 直接接另一动词
Come have a drink with us=come to have…
I‘ll go see my sister.


第九讲 分词(Participle)

Having hurried through his breakfast, he went to wait for the school bus.
The plant being built is a steel mill.
When asked such a queer question, he was at a loss how to answer.
Having been writing the book, I have no time for other things.
Having been written in haste, the paper is far from being perfect.
Not wanting to continue my service in the plant, I joined the army.


1 语态:现在分词(出被动式)表主动
What he said was very touching.
I as touched by the sight.
the rising sunthe risen sun;
the fallen autumn leavesthe falling leaves;
boiling waterboiled water
fading flowersfaded flowers
the changing worldthe changed world
the developing countrythe developed countery
the surprising newsthe surprised people
the tiring workthe tired worker

2 英语中有几十个动词(大多数为不及物动词)的过去分词用 作前置定语时,表示的是
已完成的主动动作。主要指一种变化、一种状态,没有被动意义,几乎已成为形 容词。
The decayed leaves were blown about in the wind.
We should adjust ourselves to the changed modes of life.
withered leaves
the settled couple (安居的夫妇)
returned students (归国留学生0
vanished youth
expaired pact (期满的协议)
assembled soldiers
gone summers
grown trees
abdicated emperor (弃位的皇帝)
eloped pair (私奔的男女)


aged painter (年迈的画家)
newly-arrived guest
recently-arrived soliders
a run-away criminal
failed candidate (失败的候选人)
fled robber
fallen angel (堕落的天使)
traveled poet (交游广的诗人)
absconded debtor (潜逃的债务人)
foregone days (往昔的岁)
a full-grown elephant (成年象)
a swollen face
revolted subjects
a dated map
wilted flowers(枯萎的花)
vanished jewels(失去的珠宝)
a lawyer-turned president(律师出身的总统)
a full-blown rose(盛开的玫瑰)
a drunken man

3 合成现在分词表主动
far- reaching effects
an easy-going person
an epoch-making event
high-sounding words(高调)
oil-bearing crops (油料作物)

an elegantly-furnished room
a clear-cut reply
a dimly-lighted room
a well-read person
a much-travelled man

4 作前置定语的现在分词可表正在进行中,也可不表正在进行
raging flames (肆虐的火焰)
howling wind (狂风)
setting sun
barking dog
twinkling stars (闪烁的星星)


neighbouring countries
promising young man
running water
convincing argument
burning question (燃眉之急的问题)
reading public(读者)

5 语态服从时态
过去分词作前置定语可以表示 已完成的被动动作,也可表示已完成的主动动作。不
管是及物动词还是不及物动词,凡是“已经完成了的 ”主动动作或被动动作,前置定语一律
escaped prisoner
retired general
one‘s deceased husband
departed relations
the confessed thief (已招认的小偷)

smoken fish
armed forces
canned food
planned economy
a long- lost child
6 但下面几个前置定语的过去分词只表主动, 没有“已完成”的含义。
mistaken opinion
well-behaved young man
a professed friend (自称是朋友的人)
a professed scientist (假冒的科学家)
a professed Muslim (一个公开承认信仰的穆斯林)
a confessed alcoholic (自认是个酒鬼的人)
his devoted followers (忠实的追随者)
a contented man (知足的人)
a learned man
an experienced man
a learned book (学术著作)
a practiced man (技术娴熟的人)
the cultivated people (有修养的人)

7 有些过去分词作前置定语,既可表主动也可表被动
a threatened foe (构成威胁的敌人)
threatened species (有灭绝危险的物种)
a surprised look(惊奇的表情0


a surprised boy (受惊吓的男孩)

8 有些作前置定语的过去分词不表示动作的完成与否,只表示被动这一概念。
so-called professor guided missile
a man-made satellite the interested party (有利害关系的一方)

1 定语
(1)单个 分词一般放在被修饰词前;短语则后,往往课余用定语从句代替。但完成式的
现在分词短语不能用作定语 。
The unexamined life is not worth living. ------- Plato
[1] Advertising is legalized lying.
[2] Bachelors know more about women than married men. If they didn’t they’d be
married too.
[3] When I see the ten most-wanted list, I always have this thought: if we’d made them
feel wanted earlier; they wouldn’t be wanted now.
[4] An educated man may earn more, but it takes him about twenty years after
graduating to get educated.
[5] Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the
stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury(狂怒),
signifying nothing.
-----William Shakespeare

A barking dog seldom bites.
[6] Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently
arranged have a different effect.
------Blaise Pascal
[7] A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
[8] The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.
[9] The music at a marriage procession always reminds me of the music of soldiers
marching to battle.
A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
[10] Literature is language charged with meaning.
(The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep pace in their
downward tendency.)
The suggestion sent to the committee was adopted.
[11] You must adjust. ?? This is the legend imprinted in every schoolbook, the invisible
message on every blackboard. Our schools have become vast factories for the manufacture
of robots.
[12] The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is


generally interrupted by someone doing it.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.

(2) 有些单个分词(尤其过去分词)作定语时,也可放在后。
the experience gained
the method adopted ( the adopted child)
the authorities concerned (a concerned expression)
the stamps collected
the people involved (the involved sentenceexplanation)
The bridge being built is the largest one in this area.
the raging storm=the storm that is raging
scorching heat=heat that is scorching
sleeping car=car for sleeping
working method=method of working

2 表语
The music is much pleasing to the ear.
They are satisfied with their present job.
(2) 与动名词作表语的区别
现在分词保持它的形容词特征,对主语加以描述, 而动名词作表语则表示一个行为
The game is very exciting.
The most important thing is giving the new generation a good education.

3 作宾语补足语
(1)分词长放在see, notice, watch, observe, look at, listen to, hear, feel, smell, find, have,
set, make, get, keep, start, leave 等后面作宾语补足语。
When you get there, you will find them cutting wheat in the field.
You‘d better get the work done. She smelt something burning.
The joke set them all laughing. She felt a great load taken off her mind.
The teacher often caught him dozing off in class.
(2) 作宾语补足语的分词与动词不定式的区别
动词不定式只说明宾语的一个动作(过程), 而分词则强调动作的正在进行。
Just then he heard someone sing in the next room.有人在唱歌
Just then he heard someone singing in the next room.正在唱歌
She heard the door slamming.(反复的动作)
She heard the door slam. (一次性动作,已完成)


4 作状语
分词作状语时表示的动作是主语动作的一部分, 与谓语表示的动作(或状态)是同时
(1)时间状语:相当于when从句,通常放在前,若两个动作 同时发生,可加when

Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.
Seen from the pagoda, the south foot of Purple Mountain is a sea of trees.
When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us.
(2) 作原因状语相当于as, since, because引导的从句,常放在句子的前半部分
Being a layman in matters of culture, I would like to study them.
Overcome with surprise, she was unable to utter a word.
He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself.
He hurried to the hall, followed by two guards.
Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you said ---
after marriage, he’ll fall asleep before you finish saying it.

(4)作条件状语相当于if, unless引导的从句。常见引导条件状语的分词有:given,
supposing, considering, provided, granted, compared with, 通常位于前半部分。
Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to his cottage.
Given another chance, I‘ll do it much better.
(5)作结果状语相当于so that从句。这类状语通常位于后半部分,前面往往有thus或
The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving the project unfinished.
He turned off the lamp, (thereby) seeing nothing.
(6)作让步状语相当于though, even if引导的从句
Admitting what she has said, I still think that she hasn‘t tried her best.
Granting his honesty, we still cannot employ him.

1 作定语,逻辑主语就是被修饰词
an interesting book=a book that is interesting
a rolling stone= a stone which rolls
2 一般情况下,作状语的分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,应避免垂悬结构。
Turning around, an old woman was seen walking towards the river. (W)
Turning around, we saw an old woman walking towards the river.
Seen from the hilltop, the traveler was delighted to see a wonderland of a valley. (W)
Seen from the hilltop, the valley looked like a wonderland.
When using this machine, the instructions must be read first. (W)
When using this machine, you (one) must read the instructions first.
3 分词作状语时,在少数情况下,其逻辑主语与主句主语不一致,分词用来修饰全句。


Judging from appearance, he seems to be a strong man.
Generally speaking, this novel is not very inspiring.
上述这种结构只限少数几个动词, 如broadly speaking (大体上说), considering, talking
of, putting it mildly (说的客气一些)等。
4 分词的独立结构
分词的独立结构由名词或代词+分词构成, 可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随
This done, he left the room.
The meeting being over, the delegates went out of the hall one by one.
Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed.
That being the case, we‘d better make another plan.
Weather permitting, we‘ll go there on foot.
Everything taken into consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.
He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head.
He returned three days later, his face covered with mud and his clothes torn into pieces.
有些独立结构省略being或 having been 但‖there being+过去分词‖结构中being不能省。
Breakfast over, he went to school. He stood on deck, pipe in mouth.
There being no cause for alarm, she went back to her room.

若分词动作先于位于动作,则用分词的完成式或用 过去分词(当分词作定语时)。另外,
Arriving at the station, he found the train had left.
Students sitting in this classroom are having an English contest.
The man planting trees in front of the building is our dean.
Not having tried his best, he failed in the exam.
Having been beaten seriously, the enemy retreated.
The idea put forward aroused great interest among us.
Don‘t talk while eating.
When leaving, she waved to everyone of us.

六、 分词的被动语态
The questions being discussed are of great importance.
In those days they often went to the wharf to watch the ships being loaded and unloaded.
Having been warned about typhoon, the fisherman sailed for the nearest harbor.
Who is the person breaking the window? (W)
Who is the person that broke the window?
Finishing his work, he went out to play. (W)
Having finished his work, he went out to play.


第十讲 名词性从句(Nominal clauses)

1 连接词that, whether和if
连词that本身无意义,有时可省略;whether和 if本身有意义,均不能省略,that 和
whether可以连接所有的名词性从句, 而if只能引导宾语从句。Whether可以作介词宾语,
后面可以接动词不定式,有时可加or not。Whether引导 的句子可以放在句首。If则不具有
这些性质。连接宾语从句时,if 和whether可以互换。动词wonder 可以接whether或if从
句,也可接that 从句。动词doubt的肯定句接whether或if从句,但否定句要接that从句
[1] I slept and dreamed that life was beauty, I woke ----- and found that life was duty.
You can never prove to the mind of the ingenuous mollusk that such a creature as a
whale is possible.
[2] I sometimes wonder whether our planet is the asylum of our universe for disordered
That he survived the accident is a miracle.
Whether (不用if)she comes or not makes no difference.
I don‘t know whetherif he will attend the concert.
The problem is (that) we can‘t get there early enough.
I haven‘t settled the question of whether(不用if)I‘ll lend him the money.
He didn‘t know whether(不用if)to get married or to wait.
I don‘t doubt that (不用ifwhether)he will come soon.

2 连接代词
who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whichever, whoever
Who will preside at the meeting has not been decided yet.
[3] I forget what I was taught; I remember what I have learned.
[4] Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.
[5] Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; it is thinking
makes what we read ours.
He asked whom I borrowed the money from.
Which team has won the game is not known yet.
This is what he said to me.
注:(1)whatever=no matter what (anything that)
whoever=no matter who (anyone who)
whichever=no matter which (anything which)

The longer I live, the more keenly I feel that whatever was good enough for our fathers is
not good enough for us.


Whatever that is worth doing should be done well. (W)
Whatever is worth doing should be done well.
The gold medal will be presented to whoever that comes out first. (W)
The gold medal will be presented to whoever comes out first.

(2) what有时保留它原有的疑问意义,表示“什么”,有时作双重关系代词, 等
于“the thing which”, 这时, what前面不能再加that 或all。
He asked the pupils what water was composed of.
[6] What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.
The picture reminded me of what that I had ever seen near a lake. (W)
The picture reminded me of what I had ever seen near a lake. (=the things which)
All what she said is true. (W)
All that she said is true.
What she said is true.
3 连接副词
when(=the time when)
where (=the place where)
how(=the way in which)
why (=the reason why)
When we can begin the expedition is still a question.
We didn‘t know why she didn‘t come.
The question is how we can get the loan.
How is he going to do it is a mystery. (W)
How he is going to do it is a mystery.
It is still a question whether can he buy a train ticket. (W)
It is still a question whether he can buy a train ticket.

二、 主语从句
1 主语从 句在复合句中充当主语,大多数主语从句都可以用形式主语it代替,把真正的
主语置于句后。但是,当 what引导的主语从句表示“…的东西”时,一般不用形式主语代
替。(whatever, whoever, whichever一般也不用形式主语代替)
[7] What we know is nothing; what we do not know is immense.
[8] Men always want to be a woman’s first love; women have a more subtle instinct:
what they like is to be a man’s last romance.
[9]What is called a great master is a person who sees with his own eyes what others have
seen, but he can find beauty in the common sights.
What countsmatters is not what one sees but what one finds in what he sees.
[10]What is striking and beautiful is not always good, but what is good is always beautiful.
[11] If you cannot work with love but only with distaste it is better that you should leave
your work and sit at the gates of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
[12] Love does not need any words to serve as a medium, but what it needs is


[13] It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives.
[14] If you have charm, you don’t need to have anything else, and if you don’t have it, it
doesn’t much matter what else you have. (例外)

What he needs is more experience.
It is more experience what he needs. (W)
That a round- trip to Mars would take more than a year and a half is estimated.
It is estimated that It is still a question whether can he buy a train ticket.
Whether she would the part is still doubtful.
It is still doubtful whether she would play the part.
How the prisoner escaped is a mystery.
It is a mystery how the prisoner escaped.
2 it形式主语与 it引导强调句比较
It作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构(特别是谓语较短时), 主
是‖it is was +被强调部分—+that‖。无论强调的是什么成分, 都要求用连接词that (强
调人时, 也可以用who, whom, whose)。 要特别注意的是, 当强调部分是状语时,
也只能用that, 不要误用when, where, how, why等。

It was in Paris where they met for the first time. (W)
It was in Paris that they met for the first time.
It was last summer when he graduated from the college. (W)
It was last summer that he graduated from the college.
It was because of the heavy snow why the train was late. (W)
It was because of the heavy snow that the train was late.
3 用it作形式主语的主语从句结构
1)主语+be +名词+从句
It is a pitya factgood newsno wondera shamean honourcommon knowledge
[15] What a pity it is that nobody knows how to manage a wife but a bachelor.
[16] It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good
fortune must be in want of a wife.

2) 主语+be +形容词+从句
It is natural fortunate possible unlikely strange that…
[17] It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of
the people all the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.

3) 主语+不及物动词+从句
It seems that …
It turned out that..
It (so) happened that….
4)It + be +过去分词+从句


It is not known not decided said reported must be pointed out to be discussed
has been proved that…..
It doesn‘t make too much difference that…
It doesn‘t need to be bothered that…
It is of little consequence that….无关紧要
It suddenly struck me that…..我突然想到…
It occurred to me that…..
注:在第四类结构或某些其他结构中, 有时也可用连接代词或副词引导的从句。

1 作动词的宾语
1)由that 引导的宾语从句
[18] All animals except man know that the ultimate end in life is to enjoy it.
[19] Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that
thoughts rule the world.
[20] Discard the old maxim, “Do not get others to do what you can do yourself.” My
motto is, do not do that which others can do as well.
He told me that he had been a lonely wolf when he had had a long purse.
(他对我说,他当年腰缠万贯时更是天马行空,独来独往。 )
Jim suggested that we go to Huang Shan during the summer.
I remember that I have seen her somewhere in the past.
admit, agree, answer, believe, complain, confess, decide, declare, deny, dream, expect,
explain, feel, hear, imagine, intend, insist, mean, notice, order, propose, remember, reply, request,
require, say, see, suggest, think, wish等。
2) 由what, whether (if)引导的宾语从句
[21] It is easy to despise what you cannot get.
[22] When I was a boy, I used to do what my father wanted. Now I have to do what my boy
wants. My problem is: when am I going to do what I want?
[23] Tell me what you like, and I’ll tell you what you are.
[24]I forget the greater part of what I read, but all the same it nourishes my mind.
[25]Television is a kind of radio which lets people at home see what the studio audience is
not laughing at.
[26] People who don’t cherish their elderly have forgotten where they came and where
they go.
Let blockheads read what blockheads write. 让笨蛋去读笨蛋写的书吧。
I don‘t know what she has bought for Father‘s birthday.
He wondered if the letter was miscarried.
下列动词后常跟what, whether (if)引导的宾语从句: advise, ask, discover, discuss, doubt,
find out, imagine, inform, inquire, know, question, show, tell , understand, discuss, wonder 等
He has informed me when they are to discuss my proposal. (me 不可省)


She promised (us) that she would give us more help later on.
advise, ask, assure, inform, promise, question, remind, show, teach, tell, warn等
2 作介词的宾语
[27] There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have charge of children,
but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst.
[28] We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.
[29] Language can only be learned through what is expressed in the language.
[30] To give an accurate description of what never happened is the occupation of the
(God can not change the past, but the historian can.)
Whether we can succeed depends on how well we cooperate
He was not conscious of what an important discovery he had made.
I was curious as to what we would do next.
注:只在in, but, except 等少数几个介词后可用由that 引导的宾语从句,已形成规定搭配,
即in that(在于,因为), but that(要不是,只是…), except that(除了…)。
He differed from his colleagues in that he devoted his spare time to reading.
The paper was perfect except there were some misprints.
I would have come to see you but that I had something urgent to do then.
3 作形容词的宾语
I am afraid (that) I‘ve made a mistake.
We are not sure whetherif we can persuade him out of smoking.
That引导的宾语从句常跟在下列形容词后做宾语:anxious, aware, certain, confident,
convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried等
4 动词+it+that从句
正如我们常用it作形式主语,代替真正的主语一样,我们也常用it作形 式宾语,把作
I heard it said that she had gone abroad.
I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.
We consider it absolutely necessary that we should open our door to the outside world.
He has made it clear that he won‘t agree to the plan.
5 that 的省略
引导宾语从句的that 常可省略,从句简短是尤其是这样。
I believe (that) you are right.
I remember (that) she is a nurse.
[31] Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize it bears
a very close resemblance to the first. (prostitution)
[32] I believe there is nothing among mankind swifter than rumor.
[33] I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
[34] I don’t think I’ll get married again. I’ll just find a woman I don’t like and give her a
(She cried and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook.)


但是当一个句子很复杂,句中有很多状语时;或者当一个句子 有多个并列的宾语从句时,
We hope, in case that the mother could not be back, that the children would stay with us for
the night.
I wished (that) we could go sightseeing in Hangzhou this summer and that we could buy
some books on our way back in Shanghai.
如果consider, suppose, believe, expect, think后的宾语从句是否定的, 一般要把否定词
I don‘t think he can do it better than me.
I don‘t believe he treated the child like that.

四、 表语从句
可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。引导表语从句的that常可省略。
另外,还有常用的the reason …that(不用because) itthisthat is because…结构。
[35] The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing.
[36] To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of
[37] My guess is that well over 80% of the human race goes through life without having a
single original thought. Whenever a new one appears the average man shows signs of dismay
and resentment.
[38] Two illusions fostered by higher education are that what is taught corresponds to
what is learned, and that it will somehow pay off in money.
[39] The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to
[40] The only value in achieving one’s ambition is that you then realize that they are not
worth achieving.
[41] The only comfort of my life is that I never yet had wife.
[42] The great tragedy of life is not that men perish but that they cease to love.
[43] Gossip is what no one claims to like --- but everybody enjoys.
[44] The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.
[45] The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that
men may become robots.
It seems that (as if) it is going to snow.
The question remains whether we can win the majority of the people.
[46] What really counts is not how much you know but what you know.
[47] What really counts is not what you know but how much you practice what you believe
is right.
This is how Jane lives.
That is why Jack got scolded.
The reason (whythat) he was dismissed is that he was careless and irresponsible.
The reason he did not come is that he was ill.
[48] Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? Is it because we are not
the person concerned?
(To live is also to suffer.)


[49] The measure of a man is not where he he stands in moments of comfort and
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
[50] Folly is our constant companion throughout life; if someone appears wise, it is only
because his follies are suited to his age and station.

同位语从句用于对名词作进一步解释,说明名词的具体 内容,能接同位与从句的名词有:
belief, fact, hope, idea, doubt, news, rumor, conclusion, evidence, suggestion, problem, order等。
同位语从句一般由that 引导,但也可以用连接代词、连接副词或whetherif引导。
[51] I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either
success or happiness. Hothouses of learning do not always grow anything edible.
[52] The supreme happiness of our life is the conviction that we are loved.
[53] The rich who are unhappy are worse off than the poor who are unhappy, for the
poor, at least, cling to the hopeful illusion that more money would solve their problems--- but
the rich know better.
[53] It has ever been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.
When a true genius appears in the world, you know him by this sign that the dunces are
all in confederacy against him.
The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.
Einstein came to the conclusion that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of
There arose the question where we could get the loan.
I have no idea what has happened to him.
2 在certainty, probability, likelihood, on condition, on the supposition, on the ground, with
the exception, in spite of the fact, on the understanding等后,也可以跟同位语从句。
I lent him the dictionary on the condition that he would return it before Friday.
3 同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别的词分隔开。
An idea came to her that she might do the experiment in another way.
He got a message from Mr. Johnson that the manager could not see him that afternoon.
4 同位语从句与定语从句的区别
1)定语从句中的that既作引导词代替先行词,又在从 句中担任某个语法成分(主语或
宾语):而同位语从句中的that是连词,只起连接主句和从句的作用 ,不充当句中任何成分。
2)定语从句是形容词性的,其功能是修饰先行词,对先行词进行限定,描述 它的性质
The proposal that he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting.
The proposal that we should import more equipment from abroad is to be discussed at the
[55] The chief knowledge that a man gets from reading books is the knowledge that very
few of them are worth reading.


第十一讲 状语从句(Adverbial clause)

1 when, as 和 while
when表示某个具体的时间,所引导的从句动作或是与主句的动作同时发生, 或是先与主句
动作。when可指一段时间, 也可指一点时间, 既可表示一时性的动作,又可表示持 续的
while 只能表示持续性的动作或状态,不能表示一时性或暂时性的动作。as 和while可译为
[1] When I came back to Dublin, I was court-martialed in my absence and sentenced to
death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.
[2]When I was a boy, I used to do what my father wanted. Now I have to do what my boy
wants. My problem is: when am I going to do what I want?
(The first half of our life is ruined by our parents, the second half by our children.)
(The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them.)
[3] When the waitress puts the dinner on the table, the old men look at the dinner and the
young men look at the waitress.
[4] Most men, when they think they are thinking, are merely rearranging their prejudices.
[5] When a husband or wife is “stolen” by another person, that husband or wife was
already ripe for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner. The
“lovebandit” was only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.
(On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party.” This is,
however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely severs as a
pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.)
[6] In the vast majority of cases, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long
before any “third party” has appeared on the scene.
He entered the room when (while, as) the meeting was going on.
When he comes, I shall tell her to wait for you.
[7] What do you learn when you learn a foreign language?
WhileAs Jim was reading, Jack was writing.
AsWhen he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.
I was walking along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.
(该句中when引导的从句相当于一个由and连接的并列分句,这里只能用when, 常译
注:(1)while还可以用作并列连词,引导并列分句,相当于whereas, 表示对比, 可译
为“……而……”,“… 但是”。有时相当于although
I am fond of English while he likes maths.
While I admit that the problem is difficult, I don‘t think that it can‘t be solved.
(2)when 有时表示“虽然”, “尽管”的含义,相当于although; 有时具有“既然”的含
He walked when he might take a taxi.
How can I help them when they won‘t listen to me?


2 before 和after
before 和after表示的是两个时间或两个事件之间的先后关系。before 引导的从句的动
作通常发生 在主句动作之前,如果从句是过去时,主句一般用过去完成时。After引导的从
句的动作通常发生在 主句动作之前,如果主句用过去时,从句要用过去完成时。
They had got everything ready before I arrived.
After he had worked in the factory for ten years, he went abroad.
注: 如果不强调时间的先后, 或是因为从句使用的是某个状态动词,after和 before
He arrived after the game started.
She did not understand me before I explained it to her.
3 no sooner…than和 hardly (scarcely)…when…表示“一…就…”, “刚刚…就…”,主句
动词用过去完成时,如no sooner, hardly ,scarcely位于句首,主句要倒装,即had提到
He had hardly gone to bed when the door bell rang.
No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him.
4 as soon, the moment, directly, immediately, once, the instant, the minute等,表示从句动作
I shall come as soon as I‘ve finished supper.
They told me the news immediately they got the message.
She came to the scene the moment she heard of the accident.
5 until和 till
两词用法相近,都表示“直到….”,但在句首只能用until。在肯定句中,主句 要用延续
性动词,在否定句中,until或 till可以与非延续性动词连用,这时,not…until 与 not…. Before
意思相同,表示“直到…才”, “在…以前不”。
[8] A woman is like a tea bag. You don’t know her strength until she is in hot water.
-------Nancy Reagan
[9] Call no man unhappy until he’s married.
[10] There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to
recognize the individual as higher and independent power from which all its own power
and authority are derived and treats him accordingly.
She stood there till (until) he had passed out of sight.
He entered the room until (before) I returned.
Until they had finished the work, they did not go home.
Not until they finished the work, did they go home.
It was not until they finished the work that they went home.
6 since
since 所引导的从句一般用非延续性动词,主句中用完成时。
Since he graduated from the college, he has worked in this city.
Jack came to see me last month. Since we left school, we had not seen each other.
注:since所引导 的从句如果用延续性动词或状态的过去式,所表示的就是动作或状态的
Since he lived in Nanjing, I have not heard from him. (=Since he left Nanjing..)
Since she was in Yangzhou, she has kept correspondence with her former friends.
(Since she left Yangzhou….)


[11] Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
You should put the book where it was.
Wherever you go, you should do your work well.
[12] Where there is a difference, there is a way.

1 if和unless, once
if 表示正面条件,意为“如果”;unless表示反面条件,意为“除非…)”, “如果不…”
(if …not )
A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can’t expect an apostle to peer out.
[13] In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a
woman. ------Margaret Thatcher
[14] If we encountered a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he read.
[15] Nothing is ever accomplished by a committee unless it consists of three members,
one of whom happens to be sick and the other absent.
[16] If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.
[17] If a man’s education is finished, he is finished.
[18] Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
[19] Marriage, if one will face the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil.
[20] Perseverance is a great element of success; if you only knock long enough and loud
enough at the gate you are sure to wake up somebody.
[21] Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the
other ingredients have been sacrificed.
[22] If a pupil looks up at the teacher as a model, but not as rival he can never surpass the
Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first overcome.
]If you are poor, though you dwell in the busy market place, no one will inquire about you;
if you are rich, though you dwell in the heart of the mountains, distant relatives will come
over to see you.
[23] If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself,
you should say: “He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other
faults he could have mentioned.”
[24] If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool.
[25] You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not
trust enough.
[26] If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.
[27] Once a woman has given you her heart, you can never get rid of the rest of her.
If he doesn‘t come before 12 o‘clock, we won‘t wait for him.
I shall go tomorrow unless it rains.


2 providing, provided (that), supposing, suppose (that), as long as, so long as, on condition that,
和in case
So As long as you keep on trying, you will surely succeed.
SupposeSupposing (that) I don‘t have a day off, what shall we do?
In case John comes, please tell him to wait.
3 only if和 if only
only if 引导的从句用陈述语气,意为“只要…”;only if引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为
“但愿…”, “只要…就好了”。
Only if we persist in carrying out the open-door policy, will we achieve greatest success in
every field.
If only she were with me!
If only I had known, I wouldn‘t have troubled him.
4. “祈使句,and +句子”表示条件
[28] Be good, and you will be lonesome.
[29] Tell me what you like, and I’ll tell you what you are.
As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, and he will be sure to
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.

1 because, since, as 和for
because表示原因语气最强,常用于回答以 疑问词‖why‖引导的疑问句。Because从句一
般位于主句后面(也可防在主句前),但当表示 理由时,只能放在主句后面。For引导的从
句并不说明主句行为发生的直接原因,只是提供一些有助于 说明情况的补充说明。Since表
示一种附带的原因,或者表示已知的、显然的理由,意为“既然”, 引导的从句长放在句首。
as所表示的理由最弱,只是对主句的附带说明,重点在主句。as从句 通常放在主句前,有
[30] Television is called a medium(媒介;中庸、中等) because nothing is well done.
[31] They are able because they think they are able.
[32] Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. Both are
[33] Any great work of art is great because it creates a special world of its own. It revives
and readapts time and space.
[34] Always be nice to children because they are the ones who will choose your rest
[35] A man’s intelligence does not increase as he acquires power. What does increase is
the difficulty in telling him so.
He was punished because he did not obey the regulations.
Because he didn‘t obey the regulations, he was punished.
Because I didn‘t see her in the hall, she probably didn‘t attend the meeting. (W)
She probably didn‘t attend the meeting, because I didn‘t see her in the hall.


Since you say so, I suppose it is true.
As I am about to start a journey, I shall not be able to begin the work before I return.
I am about to start a journey, so I shall not be able to begin the work before I return.
for 是并列连词,只用于连接一个 表示原因的分句,因此不能用于句首。此外,for还可
以表示推断式解释,而because却不能。 但是,如果for 从句表示原因,有时可与because
互相替换。另外,for可以一道一个句子 ,为上文陈述的情况说明原因或提供理由,这时for
[36] Never lend books, for no one ever returns them. The only books I have in my
library are those that other folk have lent me.
[37] Excess of grief for the deceased is madness, for it is an injury to the living, and the
dead know it not.
[38] A man ought to read just as inclination leads him, for what he reads as a task will
do him little good.
I didn‘t go to see him because (for) a heavy snow was falling.
Because (不能用for) a heavy snow was falling, I didn‘t go to see him.
There must be no one in the house for (不能用because) the door is closed. (推断)
The men‘s and the women‘s shops are indistinguishable from each other. For the women‘s
shop windows display masculine shirts, while the men‘s windows are full of scarlet
mini- underpants.
(2)强调原因状语只能用 ―It is because‖结构,这里的because不能换成since, as或for。
It was because he was too careless that he failed in the exam.
2 seeing (that), now (that) 和considering (that)
这几个连词同since, as意义相近,都有“鉴于某个事实”的意思。
Now (that) you are old enough to judge things, you should start your own career.
Seeing (that) she was seriously ill, they sent for the doctor.
3 because 从句中否定的转移
She didn‘t marry you because you had money. (=She married you not because you had
The machine did not stop because the fuel was used up.
The mountain is not famous because it is high.
4. It is not that…. but that….
[39] Why is woman persistently regarded as a mystery? It’s not that she has labored to
conceal the organic and psychological facts of her constitution, but that men have showed no
interest in exploring them.

1 though, although, even if和even though
even if和even though带有强调意味,语气较强,though, although语气较弱。though,比
although通俗,不如 although正式。让步状语从句可放主句前或后。
[40] Beggars do not envy millionaires, though of course they will envy other beggars
who are more successful.
I had a very good time althoughthough, even if even though I didn‘t know anybody at the


[41] Though I have no academic qualifications, I am in fact much more highly educated
than most university scholars.
Even if Even though Although you don‘t like wine, just try a glass of this.
注:though, although后不能用but,但可以用 yet或 still。
Although she has a lot of money, yet still she is unhappy.
2 while和 whereas
while和 whereas也可以引导让步状语从句,突出对比主句和从句所表示的两种差异情
He is experienced whilewhereas he is young.
I prefer working late into the night, while whereas he would rather work early before dawn.
3 whether….or (not)
whether….or (not)可以引导让步状语从句,提供两个对比情况,意为“不管…”。
Whether it rains or not, I shall go out for an outing tomorrow.
Whether she comes here or we go there, the topic of discussion will remain unchanged.
4 whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, whichever和 however
相当于no matter whatwhenwhere who whichhow.
We have got but one life here. It pays, no matter what comes after it, to try and do things,
to accomplish things in this life and not merely to have a soft and pleasant time.
[42] No matter how eloquent one is, he is bound to say something silly if he talks too
[43] Whenever a man’s friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be
sure that they think he is growing old.
Whatever No matter what happens, we shall never lose hope.
WhoeverNo matter where you go, I would keep you company.
[44]Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it.

5 for all (that)
for all (that)意为“in spite of the fact that”。
For all (that) you say (Whatever you may say No matter what you say), he will never
change his plan.
For all that he has made mistakes (Although he has made mistakes), he is still a noble man.
6 granting that 和granted that----“即使、就算”
Grantinggranted (that) you don‘t like the proposal, you shouldn‘t have rejected it without
consulting others.
Grantinggranted (that) he has ability, it does not mean that he can do the work well.

Now that……
[45] When I was young, I used to say good-natured things, and nobody listened to me.
Now that I am old, I say ill-natured things, and everybody listens to me.

7 让步状语从句的倒装
Though引导的让步从句可以倒装。在倒装句中though可以用 as或 that 代替,但用as
和 that引导的让步从句必须倒装;如果动词或现在分词提前放在句首,谓语要补加助动词


do, does, did或 will等。作标语的单数可数名词放在句首, 该名词前不可加定冠词或不定

动词 +though as that +主语+ 谓语
Patient though as he was, he was unwilling to wait three hours.
Hard as though she tried, she failed to pass the exam.
Fail though he did, he would never give up.
Child asthat he was, he had a good command of English.
Standing as it does at the top of the hill, the temple is well preserved.
Living, as I do, so remote from the town, I have many visitors.
注:(1)本句型中从句的这样于若是代词,主谓语序不需倒装;如果从句的主语 是名词,
Difficult as was the work, they finished it in time.
(2) 名词或现在分词防在句首是,也可以表示原因。
Child as he was, he couldn‘t understand these complicated social problems.
Hidden as it is by the trees, the tower can scarcely be seen.
Tired as he was, he stayed up studying last night.
Tired as he was, she went to bed early.
Burden as he was, he couldn‘t walk fast.
Burden as he was, he could walk fast.
Come what may (Whatever may come happen), you must remain optimistic.
Be he friend or enemy (Whether he is a friend or enemy), he shall be punished for doing that.
8 让步状语从句中的虚拟语气
实性的, 动词常用虚拟语气(动词原形或should+动词原形)
Though the weather be unfavorable, I shall leave tomorrow. (“天气不好”是假设情况)
Whatever be the reason, you are wrong to have done that. (“不管是什么理由”不是事实)
Even though it (should) not succeed at home, there is no harm in trying.(“会不会成功”不

1 as和 just as
just as比as的强调性更强。


The childhood shows the man as morning shows the day.
[46] Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product as they do
on advertising, and they wouldn’t have to advertise it.
[47] In important matters, we expose our best sides; in trivial matters, we disclose
ourselves as we really are.
[48] In one way books give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality, just as
reflections are often more beautiful than real nature.
Some parents take the path of least resistance with their children and let them do as they
please; others spare no pains with their children and never let them do as they please.
Please do it as I told you.
She did her work as her manager had instructed.
Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases.
She watched her husband closely as a cat watches a rat.
[49] A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man’s life as in a book.
He is as brave as wise=He is as brave as he is wise. (他既勇敢又聪明。)
2 as if 和 as though
as if 或 as though从句可以用陈述语气,表示(可能)符 合事实的情况,也可以用虚拟
[50] It is foolish to tear one’s hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less with
It looks as if as though it is going to rain.
He treats me as if I were a stranger.
注:(1) as if 和 as though从句可以用省略形式,后面通常接不定式、分词、形容词或介
Some flowers shut up at night as if (they did this in order) to sleep.
She stood at the door as if (she was) waiting for someone.
The boy looked as if (he was) in search of something.
(2) as 和like的比较
as 是连词,后面接句子(有时可省略主语或谓语的一部分),like是介词 ,后面只接名
[51] When a man speaks or acts with good intention, then happiness follows him like his
shadow that never leaves him.
Air is to man like water is to fish. (W)
Air is to man aswhat water is to fish.
Etiquette is to society what apparel is to the individual. Without apparel men would go in
shameful nudity which would surely lead to the corruption of morals; and without etiquette society
would be in a pitiable state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered
with by needless offences and troubles.
礼仪之于社会犹如衣着置于个人。人若不穿衣服,就会一丝不挂,令人 耻笑,必然导致
道德败坏;社会要是没有礼仪,就会陷入可悲的境地,而社会成员之间所必需的交往就会 被


In New York, like in some other cities, environmental pollution is becoming more and more
serious. (W)
In New York, as in some other cities, environmental pollution is becoming more and more
No one sings the blues like she did.(唱blues谁也比不上她)
Don‘t think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables.(不能象记乘
She acts like she owns the place. (她很霸道, 就好象那地方都是她的。)
3 what与as
what与as是连词,引导方式状语从句,意思为“就如…, 好比…,恰似…”。
[52] Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.
[53] Grace is to the body what clear thinking is to the mind.
Air is to man aswhat water is to fish.
Twelve is to three whatas four is to one.
Reading is to mind what food is to the body.
Food is to men what oil is to machine.
Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.
Parks are to the city what lungs are to the body.
Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body.
To the Portuguese, the dry salted cod is what pasta to the Indian.
An individual is to the revolution as a screw is to a machine.
As water is to fish, so air is to man.
What water is to fish, that air is to man.
As food is to man, so manure is to crops.
Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep wrong ideas from our minds.
As two is to three, so is four to six.(主谓倒装)
As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue. (主谓倒装)
What salt is to food, that wit and humor are to conversation and literature.
What blood vessel is to a man‘s body, that railway is to transportation.

4 according as 和according to
according as是连词词组,后面接句子;according to 是介词短语,后面只接单词或短语。
They are paid according as how well they work according to their performance at work.
The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold.
According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8:30.

1 as…as, the same as和such…as用于表示同等程度的比较,否定句用not soas ….as, not
the same …as, not such…as。
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man’s life as in a book.
[54] A bone to the dog is no charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you
are just as hungry as the dog.


[55] A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crisis.
[56] Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is
wrong as a cure for poverty.
[57] There is no squabbling so violent as that between people who accepted an idea
yesterday and those who will accept it tomorrow.
[58] I never found the company that was so companionable as solitude.
What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we do our
She dances as gracefully as her sister.
Your watch is not the same as mine.
Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they eat twice as they did before their diet.
Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner as much as to the professor.
注:(1)as …as 可以用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,指程度相当或相等,意思是
One is as light as the other is heavy.(一个轻,而另一个重。)
He was as experienced as his brother was green. (他经验丰富,而他的兄弟却涉世未深。)
(2) 在as与 than连接的从句中,常用替代词do或其他助动词或情态动词的某种形式代
Jack works as hard as Jim does.
I bought fewer books than you would.

2 than
[59] Life, like a mirror, never gives back more than we put into it.
Fat cannot change into muscle any more than muscle changes into fat.
John is no less hard-working than his sister, but he failed in the exam.
[60] Rich men without convictions are more dangerous in modern society than poor
women without chastity.
注:(1)not +比较级+than 意为“不如…”,“不比…”;no+比较级+ than意为“和…一样
John is not better than Tom. (John没有 Tom人好。)
John is no better than Tom. (John 比 Tom好不到哪儿, John 与Tom两个一样坏。)
You can not change their nature any more than you can make leopards change their

(2)no more (less) than 和not more (less ) than
no more (less) than意为“只不过(不亚于)”,not more (less ) than则意为“不多于(不少
John is no less hard-working than his sister, but he failed in the exam. 中“no less
hard- working than”强调John学习非常刻苦; I have no more than 5 dollars in my pocket. 强
调我只有5元,钱很少;I have not more than 5 dollars in my pocket. 只表示事实“我的前不


as与 than连接的比较状语从句常常省去同主句相同的部分,只留下相比的
[61] Bachelors know more about women than married men. If they didn’t they’d be
married too.
Bill is taller than Bob. I know you better than he.
I know you better than him.

The experiment requires more money than has been put in.
There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than exists in the
public mind today.
The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great more luxurious than is necessary.
Don‘t eat more than is good for you.

B省去部分谓语,保留主语和be, have或助动词。这时,从句中的be, have或助动词
Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than does Eastern Nebraska.
No leader of a party has kept himself in greater detachment from the sentiment of his than has
the late Prime Minister.

C 省去整个谓语部分,保留主语。
Creditors have better memories than debtors.
Mary is a more experienced teacher than Alice.
She eats less than a bird.

[62] Women who are in love forgive grave infidelities more than petty indiscretions(细
[63] The great society is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their
goals than the quantity of their goods.
I could sooner reconcile Europe than two women.
I love him more than her.
It‘s pleasanter traveling by day than by night.
[64] Old age puts more wrinkles in the mind than on the face.
E 省去宾语
The box is bigger than I wanted.

F 在一些比较省略结构中,than之后可用动词不定式或动名词。
I know better than to mention it. (我才不会提它呢。)
There was nothing he desired more than to see the matter end. (他最喜欢不过的是…..)
He thinks that driving himself is safer than letting me drive.


1 so that 和in order that
so that较常见,in order that用于正式文体。如果从句是一般现在时,从句中的动词通常
用may或 can; 如果从句是一般过去时,动词通常用could, should或 might, in order that
从句可放在主句前面或后面,而so that从句一般放在主句的后面,间或也可放在句子前面。
Study hard so that you can (may) pass the entrance examination.
The teacher underlined the words so that (in order that) the students might pay special
attention to it.
In order that (不能用so that) everybody should hear him, he spoke loudly.
[65] Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that
they may live.

注:(1) so that中的so有时可省略。只用that.
She got up early (so) that she could catch the first bus.
(2) so much so that 为so that的强调形式。
He walked quickly, so much so that no one could follow him.

2 lest, for fear that 和in case
这三个连词(词组)意思是“以防,以免”。Lest从句一般要用虚拟 语气,形式为should+
动词原形或只用动词原形。for fear that从句 和in case从句一般用虚拟语气,但有时也可用
He emphasized it again and again, lest she 9should) forget.
Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain (it rains).
They hid themselves behind some bushes for fear that (in case) the enemy should find (find)

1 so…that, such…that和 such that
so +adjadv+that
so +adj+a(n)+n+that
such that-clause
[66] The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is
generally interrupted by someone doing it.
[67] Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.
[68] Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.
The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.
It was such a hot day that even the crops withered.
It was so hot a day that even the crops withered.
He made so inspiring a speech that everybody got excited.
He made such an inspiring speech that everybody got excited.
He made a speech so inspiring that everybody got excited.


He is such that everyone likes him.
He is such that everyone hates him.
The damage was such that it would cost too much money to repair.
The pain in her foot wasn‘t such as to stop her walking.
2 so, that 和so that
这三个连词都可引导结果状语从句。so that最常用。so和that多用于口语或非正式文体
中。so that从句常用逗号同主句隔开。
He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.
He didn‘t abide by the contract, so he was fined.
His statement was clear that everybody was convinced.
3 but, but that 和but what
如果主句含有never, never so, not so, not such等否定词。可用but, but that或 but what引
导表示结构的状语从句,构成双重否定,相当于that…not或unless, 可译为“没有….不”。
She never comes but she borrows.=She never comes unless she borrows.
She is not so old but that she can read.= She is not so old that she can not read.=She is not too
old to read.
There is no man so learned but what he can learn something from this book.

4 如何辨别so that引导的是结果状语从句还是目的状语从句。
目的状语从句中的动词前要用may, might, can, could, would等情态动词,表示某种可能
性,是主观意念;而结 果状语从句则不用,表示的是客观事实;引导结果状语从句的so that
前常用逗号,而目的状语从 句则一般没逗号分隔;结果状语从句都放在主句后,而目的状语
She left early, so that she caught the train.
She left early so that she could catch the train.
So that we should (might) see the sunrise, we started for the peak early.
Nothing was heard of her, so (that) people thought that she was dead.
The hall was guarded by soldiers so that no outsiders might get in. (目的)
The hall was crowded with people so that they couldn‘t get in. (结果)
注:(1)在过去时中,so that引导的状语从句时,其否定结构只能用might not, should not
或would not,不可用could not; 但如果so that引导的是结果状语从句,则可以用could not.
She got up early so that she would (might, should) not miss the train. (目的,不可用 could
The heavy rain lasted the whole day so that they couldn‘t continue their journey.
(2) 有时候,引导目的状语从句的so that前也可用逗号,这时,要判断它是何种从句,
He explained the poem in great detail, so that the students understood it. (结果)
He explained the poem in great detail, so that the students might understand it. (目的)

5 He never played with the children that a quarrel did not follow. 中的that
也可改为but that, but what或 but,全句意为He never played with the children without
quarrelling with them.


Hardly a month passed that she did not get another new idea.= Every month she got some new
There is no man so friendless that he can not find a friend.=there is no man too friendless to
find a friend.

十一、the way +句子的用法
1 the way相当于how,这时the way作副词
I should like to know the way (in which) you learned the technique within so short a time.
That‘s the way she did it.
2 the way相当于as, 这时the way作连词,表示方式
She doesn‘t speak the way he does.
I shall do the work the way my father did.
She played the violin the way the old violinist had taught her.
3 the way相当于if从句, 这时,the way作连词,表示一种条件关系,意为“如果照
The way you are studying now, you won‘t make much progress.
The way you are doing it, it is completely crazy. (=if you do it, ..)你做这件事完全是发疯。
4 the way相当于the manner, 这时the way作名词,表示方式。
I don‘t like the way she walks.
注:(1)有的语法学家认为,the way充当从属连词, 是in the way in which 或in the way
(2)in a way表示“以某种方式”,in 不可省, 后接从句。
She cooks chicken in a way I like.
She spoke in a way that reminded me of her mother.
(3) 下面两种结构均正确,意义没什么差别。
There‘s no way to prove (of proving) he was a spy.
What‘s the right way to do (of doing) it?
(4) on the way to 表示“即将,正走向”,后接名词、动名词或动词原形均可。
He is on the way to becomebecoming an engineer. 他快要成为工程师了。
He is on the way to success.


第十二讲 定语从句(Attributiverelative clause)

Elements which can be relativised in the relative clause:
(1) subject
Emily Bronte was the sister who wrote Wuthering Heights.
It was the Star of David that had been swallowed up by the ocean ten years before.
(2) Object: The place that he visited was called Blenheim Palace.
(3) Indirect object
The student (whom) he lent the book was Mark.
(4) Object of preposition
The hotel (which) she stayed at was in Woburn Place.
(5) Genetive
The woman whose handbag he stole was furious.
(6) Object of comparison
The man whom Mary is taller than is John.

1 关系代词用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词。

用于限制或非 用于限制
在从句 限制性从句
中的作用 代替人 代替物

[1] English majors should not become machines which can speak a little daily English.
[2] Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
[3] He who travels far knows much.
[4] I like men who have a future and women who have a past.
[5] An optimist is a guy that has never had much experience.
[6] A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is a man who hopes
they are.
[7] Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and
the part that is original is not good.
[8] A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well-known, then wears
dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
[9] People who cannot find time for idleness are obliged sooner or later to find time for
[10] The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t
read them.

whose whose
(=of which) (=of which)

[11] The chief knowledge that a man gets from reading books is the knowledge that very
few of them are worth reading.
[12] There are two kinds of books, those that no one reads and those that no one ought to
[13] To be nobody-but- yourself-----in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to
make you everybody else----- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can
fight; and never stop fighting.
---- e. e. cummings
[14] A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has had a
university education, he may steal from the whole railroad.
One who sells his freedom for gold will be reduced to the status of a slave forever.

[15] Marriage is the miracle that transforms the kiss from a pleasure into a duty.
[16] You leave your family for the sake of love to create another family which you may
leave someday for another love.
[17] We hate those who will not take our advice and despise those who do.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in
accordance with the dictates of reason.
[18] He is a man who (that) means what he says.
[19] We should never judge those whom we love. The affection that is not blind is no
affection at all.
Those who have most virtue in their mouths have least of it in their bosoms.
[20] He who has never hoped can never despair.
[21]The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never
He who multiplies riches multiplies cares.
The man who is born with a talent which he has meant to use finds his greatest happiness
in using it.
[22] I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.
There is hardly any grief that an hour’s reading will not dissipate.
[23] He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for
those which he has.
The people whom (that) you met on the campus yesterday are from England.
Is there anyone in your department whose father is a painter?
The young man with whom I traveled could speak English.
The book which (that) you are reading is written y a contemporary American novelist.
The bicycle the brake of which was damage has now been repaired.
The river whose banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.
The river of which the banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.


The river the banks of which are covered with trees flows to the sea.
A teacher is a person whose duty the duty of whom is to teach.
I ran across many words whose meanings I didn‘t know.
I ran across many words the meanings of which I didn‘t know.
I ran across many words of which I didn‘t know the meanings.

2 使用要点
A 在从句中作直接宾语时可以省略
[24] A person can be judged by the books he keeps and reads.
[25] A university can be judged by the books which are sold in the bookstores in and around it.
Those who have done nothing in life are not qualified to judge of those that have done little.
[26] Those who love reading have received one of the greatest gifts God can offer. They can
become acquainted with, friends of and even intimate with all the great minds the world has
created and will create through the written world.
[27]A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has had a
university education, he may steal from the whole railroad.

[28 Where is the life we have lost in living?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
------T. S. Eliot

Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
[29] I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve.
[30] In examinations the foolish ask questions (that) the wise cannot answer.
[31] The amount of eccentricity in a society is generally proportionate to the amount of
genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contains.
[32] A woman will buy anything she thinks the store is losing money on.
We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we possess, but we excel in
those which also make use of our defects.
在能够发挥我们长处的领域,我们可以取得成功;但在既能发挥我们的长处 又能利用我们的短
The test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves.

The man (whom) you saw just now is our dean.
[33] A nation reveals itself not only by people it produces, but by people it honors and
Is there anything (that) I can do for you?

B 在“there +be” 结构的从句中作主语的关系代词可以省略


This is the only bus (that) there is to that park.
The old professor made full use of the time (that) there was left to him to continue his research in the
field of electronics.
This is the girl with whom he worked.
This is the girl (whom) he worked with.
This is the room in which Churchill was born.
This is the room (which) Churchill was born in.
2) 如果关系代词紧跟在介词后,不能用who或that,只能用whom或which.
[34] Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness.
[35] We sometimes think that we hate flattery, but we only hate the manner in which it is done.
There are no conditions to which a man cannot become accustomed, especially if he sees that
all those around him live in the same way.
No task is a long one but on which one dare not start.

This is the question about which they have had so much discussion in the past few weeks.
The people with whom he worked thought he was a bit strange.
3) that和which
A 如果先行词是all, much, few, little, some, any, anything, something, nothing, everything等不定代
[36] We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our schoolmaster, and one
from the world. The third contradicts all that the first two teach us.
[37] There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability
to recognize ability.
[38] We cannot all be great, but we can always attach ourselves to something that is great.
[39] There are hazards in anything one does, but there are greater hazards in doing nothing.
Please tell me anything (that) you know about the author of the book.
That‘s all (that) I could do at that time.

B 先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody等不定代词,关系代词一般
[40] One can find women who have never had one love affair, but it is rare indeed to find any
who have had only one.
Is there anyone here who can speak English?
He saw the manager talking with somebody (whom) he didn‘t know.

C 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any ,only, few, much, no, some, very 等词修饰,关系
[41] A classic is something that everyone wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
Please send us any information (that) you have about the subject.
He was the only person that was present at the time.
This is the best TV set that is made in China.


No sample (that) we have received is satisfactory.
This is the very book (that) you are looking for.

D 在非限制性定语从句中,不能用that, 只能用which, 作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略,此时,which指代的可以是一个名词,也可以是前面的整个句子或句子中的一部分。在后一种情况下,whic h
可以作主语、宾语或表语,多数情况下意思和and this 相似,并可以指人。
The Heavenly Lake, which is one of the most famous scenic spots in China, is on Tianshan Mountain.
There are thirty students in the class, the majority of whom are from the city.
New Concept English is intended for foreign students, which is known to all of us.
She was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honour.
He lost the manuscript during the war, in which case he had to rewrite the book.
She was very patient with the children, which her husband seldom was.
I told him to go to a doctor, which advice he took.
She died three years ago, which I can‘t believe.
She is studying economics, which knowledge is very important today.
They bribed the officials, which practice was common here.

E 如果有两个或两个以上的先行词,兼指人与 物,应用that
The famous writer and his works that the radio broadcast have aroused great interest among the
They spoke highly of the diplomat and his brilliant success that they read about in the newspaper.
He was watching the children and the parcels that filled the car.
A victim is a person, animal or thing that suffers pain, death, harm, etc.

如果作先行词的集体名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which, 如果指集体中的各个成员,则用
The basketball team, which is playing very well, will come out first.
The basketball team, who are having a rest, will begin another match in twenty minutes.

5) 用作表语的关系代词
A 关系代词that可指代人或物,用作表语,仅用语限定性定语从句中。
He is no longer the simple-minded man that he was five years ago.
He is said to be everything an honest man should be.
It is not a profound book that you think it to be.
She is not the sweet girl (that) she was.
He is all (that) a man should be.
He is not the man (that) he seems.

B which 可用作表语, 可指人或物; 指人时,一般指从事某种职业或是具有某种品质,特性
或才能的人。可以是限制性的,也 可以非限制性的。


He is a fool, which you are not.
She wrote a great novel, which it still is today.
The modern car is no longer the car which it was in 1930‘s.
He will become the man which his father wants him to be.
She is not the selfish woman which she is generally represented.
She looks like a Russian, which you are not.= She looks like a Russian, while you are not like a
He is exactly the man which such a family was likely to form.
She did it like a clever girl which she undoubtedly is.

C what 可用作表语, 指人或物
He is not what he was before.
The situation isn‘t what it used to be.

D as可用作表语,同such, the same as连用,音带限制性定语从句; as也可单独使用,引导非
He looks like an honest man, as he is not.
He is patient this time, as he has never been.
The town is about the same distance from Nanjing as from Yangzhou is.
The question is very difficult, as (which) indeed it is.

E where 用作表语,指地点
He went to the river bank where the tall tree was.

A 这些介词大多是定语从句中某个词或短语的习惯搭配,但有些固定动词短语不宜将介词分开前
Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness.
The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which
he has attained liberation from the Self.
This is the ring on which she spent 1,000 dollars.
There is only one problem about which they disagree.
但是, He is the boy I‘m looking aftertaking care of.
B 此结构在定语从句中或单独作状语,或连用其他名词一起作状语。
Sound is a tool by means of which people communicate with each other.
Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first

C “介词+whom或which+不定式短语”作后置定语, 相当于一个定语从句。此时若将介词还
She is a pleasant girl with whom to work.=She is a pleasant girl to work with.
He has a knife with which to defend himself.
= He has a knife to defend himself with.


D 表示部分所上于关系的两种结构:“名词代词数词+of whomwhich
The committee consists of 0 members, 5 of whom are women.
The book contains 50 poems, most of which were written in the 1980‘s.
There are thirty students in the class, the majority of whom are from the city.

7)句子+and that…和and …at that
这种结构中的that为代词,代表前面句子中的意思。and that…和at that可译作“而且”,表示强
He can climb up trees, and that very quick.
Tom is a sportsman, and an excellent one at that.

8) 特殊先行词case, point, condition, etc.
There are some cases where this rule does not hold good.
There are many instances where he is cool-headed.
He had to face the condition where pressure was heavy.
They are in a difficult situation where all efforts seem futile.
I will show you the point where you fail.
This is a job where you can learn something.
This company has now introduced a policy where pay rises are related to performance at work.
She remembered several occasions in the past when she had experienced a similar feeling.
Have you ever been in a situation where you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with
But many fail to do so either because of an over-strict system where what is most important is memory
work; or because or a careless and lazy one where even the basic disciplines of literacy are ignored in the
sacred name of free expression.

9) than 用法要点
A than 兼有连词和代词的性质
在 带有比较级的句子中,than可以作代词,兼有连词和代词的性质。也有学者认为这种用法的
than 是连词,后省略了主语what.
The boy has eaten more food than is good for his health.
Never give him more money than is necessary.
That evening he drank more beer than had been his custom.
There are more demands than can be satisfied.
The house was more luxuriously decorated than suited his taste.
The question is more complicated than appears on the surface.
He did more than was required of him.
There is more to it than meets the eye.
She ate just as much as was good for her.


B than whom
Than可同 whom连用,构成比较结构,引导限制性非限制性定语从句。
She is a woman than whom no one is more selfish.
He is a scientist than whom I can imagine no one greater.
Here is our manager, than whom a more capable man does not exist.
这就是我们的经理, 世上再没有比他更能干的人了。

(1)在下面的句子中,that 或as的先行词作另一个名词或代词的同位语。
I lent her the money, fool that I was.
He sent some flowers to Mary, angel that she is.
He didn‘t love her, pretty girl as she is.

(2)在下面句子中that, which或 as作宾语的补语。
He is not the gentleman (that) people thought him.
He is still the optimistic man as you used to find him.
(3)一个先行词可以跟两个定义从句,可以是限制性的或非限制性的,用and, but或or连接起来
The book which you are reading and which is read by many young people is written by Mark Twain.
The man whom you met yesterday and whose name often appears in the newspaper is a famous
(4) 在某些句子中,第一个定语从句同先行词关系 密切,表示一个统一的意思,后面在跟一个定
He is the only man that is alive who witnessed the accident.
There is not a day (that) he spent with her that does not arouse sweet memory.

(5) 定语从句在一定的上下文中具有状语从句的作用,可以表示条件、原因、目的、结果、让步
He would be a stubborn man who always went it alone and never gave an ear to other people‘s
suggestions. (条件)
Harry was clever, diligent and willing to help others, for which he was often praised by the teacher.

1 关系副词的意思相当于“介词+which‖结构
when=at, in, on, during which; where=in, at which; why=for which

[41] The great society is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goals
than the quantity of their goods.


[42] Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no
[43] There’s no place where success comes before work, except in the dictionary.
[44] My idea of a good television program is one where it’s hard to detect the sponsor.
He will always remember the day when (on which) his father returned from America.
This was the time when (at which) she left for Beijing.
The book-store where (in which) his sister works is the largest one in Nanjing.
I don‘t know the reason why (for which) he didn‘t come to the meeting yesterday morning.

2 that有时可以代替when或 why 等引导的定语从句,表示时间或原因,that也可以省略。
Do you still remember the day that (when) he arrived?
The reason that (why) he missed the train is that he got up late.
I don‘t like the way that (in which) he did it.
It happened on the day that I was born.
3 since, before, after 也可以作表示时间的关系副词。
Every hour since I came has been most enjoyable.
On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm.
The year after she had finished college, she spent abroad.

4 how 不能引导定语从句
This is the way how he behaves. (W)
This is how he behaves.

三、as 在定语从句中的作用
1 引导限制性定于从句
在限制性定语从句忠,as多和such或the same连用,构成“such …as”和“the same…as”结构,
可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。在“the same…as”结构中,“as”也可以用“that‖代替。例如:
Such people as were recommended by him were reliable.
Such books as I have read are classical works.
I‘ve never seen such a talented young man as he is.
I‘d like to use the same tool as (that) is used here.
Is this the same pen as (that) you‘ve lost?

在非限制性定语从句中, as作为关系代词代替整个主句。as引导的从句未知较灵活,可以位于
主句前面、中间或后面,一般用 都好语主句隔开,通常译为“(正)如…一样”,“(正)象…一样”
等。Which 作为关系代词也 可以指前面的一个句子或词组所包含的内容,但which指的通常是前面
提到过的情况或事实,而不是 后面提到的情况或事实。as既可以指前面提到的情况,也可以指后面
将要提到的情况。另外,as后若 为is或was+过去分词构成的被动语态,is或was可省掉。Which
后的is或was在同意 的情况下则不可以省。例如:
As(不用which)might be expected, John was admitted to the university.
More American troops are being sent to the Middle East, as (可用which)I have learnt from the


The material is elastic, as (不用which)shown in the figure.
as is well knownas is often the caseas may be imaginedas often happens
as had been said beforeas has been pointed outas will be shown in
注:‖the same…as…‖结构中的as有时也可作关系代词
I ever studied at the same college as (that) she did.

but作为关系代词也可以引导定语从句,同具有否定意义的 主句连用,其先行词可以是人或
物,but在意义上等于‖that….not‖, ―who…not‖, ―which…not‖,实质上是一种双重否定结构。 but
There was not a single student in my class but (who did not) learn a lot from him.
There was not one house but (which was not) was burnt down.
Not a day went by but (which did not) brought us good news.
There are few of them but admire your achievement.
[45] When I play with my cat, who knows but that she regards me more as a plaything than I
do her.


意义 结构要



功能 引导词 译法
性 意义不完整


[46] Many professors, who live up to that decadent university ideal, “the passionless pursuit of
passionless intelligence” are merely the unburied dead------clean and noble, like well-preserved
I don‘t like the people who lose their temper easily.
Boys who attend this school have to wear uniforms.
He lent me a thousand dollars, which was exactly the amount I needed.
He was left on a desolate island, where he stayed for as long as three months.
He has two sisters who are working in the city.
He has two sisters, who are working in the city.
He will wear no clothes which will distinguish him from his fellow men.
He will wear no clothes, which will distinguish him from his fellow men.










本文更新与2020-10-21 05:31,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/415382.html

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