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2020-10-21 05:58



Grammar one

1. 状语从句中,一般现在时
2. 瞬间性动词的一般现在时

A. The flight for Shanghai leaves
B. Your job description clearly
表示将来. at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
表示将来行为发生的计划 tells you your role within your
性和规划性。 family.
3. 一般现在时可用于新闻标

Task 2

1. –Mom, I have cut my finger.
-You_______(ask) for it!

Task 3

1. 图书馆晚上10点闭馆。
2. 下次来上课前请预习课文。
3. 我早就告诉过你。
4. 新教学楼落成 (News headline)
5. 去纽约的航班明天早上8点起飞。

Grammar two


Task 1

Study the following grammar tips for continuous tenses and match them with the sentences in the column
Translate the following into English.
2. American delegation _______(leave)Beijing for Shenzhen this afternoon.
3. I will give it to her as she_______(come) bake to the office.
4. The book______(aim) at teaching freshmen how to read faster.
5. Train Accident______(kill) 23 People (News Headline)
Complete the following sentences using proper form of the given verbs.
4. 一般过去时用来表示某种

C. George Bush Holds Talks with
Tony Blair.
D. Who told you this!
Study the following grammar tips for simple tenses and match them with the sentences in
the column on the right.
感情色彩。 E. I’ll tell him about it if he
comes tomorrow.

on the right.

1. 有些动词表示的动作不能延
2. 进行时与表示经常性的频度
3. 连系动词的进行时强调被描
4. 在时间、条件状语从句中现在

Task 2

1. Jack is constantly leaving his things about.
2. Their uncle is arriving very soon.
3. She is being nice to you.
4. If they are not doing it, what am I to do?

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 他老是撒谎。
2. 飞机就要起飞了。
3. 这会儿我不觉得累。
4. 你这可不大客气呀。

Grammar Three
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for perfect tenses and match them with the
sentences in the column on the right.


3.在“It is was the first second
Put the following into Chinese.

E. Don’t interrupt him if he is
D. You are being modest.
C. They are leaving tomorrow.
B. He is always making trouble.
A. Are you seeing someone off?

Time day month year。。。

A. We had learned 2,000 words by the
end of last term.
B. Her brother has been in the army
for two years.

Task 2 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. He has left Shanghai for a long time.
2. He has got up for two hours.
3. This is the first film I saw this term.
4. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone interrupted
me that evening.
5. We will finish the repairs to your car by tomorrow morning. It will be ready
for you at 11 o’clock.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 到明年这个时候,你们将学完英语课程。
2. 他当医生已10年了。
3. 这是我今天喝的第一杯咖啡。
4. 到上月底,她已经花完了所有的钱。
C. Our country will have become a
powerful one by the middle of the
21 century.
D. It was the second time (that)you
had asked me that question.
E. It is the third time I have spoken
in public.


Grammar Four
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for comparative and superlative degrees
and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

1. 表示两者间“较??的一个”时,
The + 比较级 + of the two 结构。
2. 比较级前的修饰语有 much, far,
even, a lot, a littie, somewhat
3. 当形容词最高级用作表语而又并非
4. 如果形容词最高级前有物主代词,
5. 倍数的比较可用“倍数 half + as
much many + as + 被比较方的结

6. “The more? the more?”表示
A. Fruits are best when they are
B. This room is the bigger of the
C. Today is our busiest day.
D. This one is far better than that
E. The harder you work, the
more you get.
F. My new glasses cost me half as
much as yours.


Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the best choice.
1. The market in the country is (busiest, the busiest) in winter.
2. “How tall is Ralph?”
“He’s (far taller, slight taller)than you are.”
is (happiest, the happiest)when he plays the piano.
is (the stronger, stronger)of the two.
price was very reasonable;I would gladly have paid
(as three times much as, three times as much as)
He asked.
Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 她帮助别人时感到最幸福。
2. 这种水果夏季最好卖。
3. 他看起来比实际年龄小得多。
4. 我服药越多,似乎感觉越糟。
5. 两人中,他高一些。
Grammar five
Task1 Study the following grammar tips for the passive voice and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.
1.有些动词的-ed 形式既是形 A.
容词 又是其过去分词。在系
2.有些动词以主动语态表示 B . The classroom can hold
被动意义。 fifty students.
状态,不能用于被动语态; C. The window was shut when
如:have ,fit ,suit ,hold (容 I went by.
纳),pass ,suffer 等。
也可以表示行为执行者不明。 D. She had her purse stolen.
5.在make ,let ,see ,hear ,watch , E. The vapor can be seen to
Feel ,notice 等动词后作宾语 come from the wet clothes.
补足语的不定式需省去 to ,
为主语补足语的不定式必须带to 。
Task2 Put the verbs in brackets into their proper tenses and voices.
1. She had her finger____(cut)when she peeled an apple.
2. The boy was seen____ (run away) barefooted.
3. The old woman____ (worry) about her granddaughter.
4. In such weather meat won’t____(keep)long.
5. Machines made in china____ (sell) very well abroad.
Task3 Translate the following into English.
1. 这本书写得很好。
2. 他从树上跳下来的时候摔断了腿。
The poem reads well


3. 这扇门 很好开。
4. 人们经常听见她唱这首流行歌曲。
5. 这个西瓜重10 公斤。

Grammar six
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for infinitives and match them with the sentences in the column on the right。

adj. +for someone to do…”句型中,该形容词主要说
3. 介词of常用于“It is+ adj.+ of some to do…”句型
be句型的动词不定式形式为there to be;复合
式为“for there to be…”。
语不一致,须用“for” 将逻辑主语引出。

Task 2 Rearrange the following to form sentences.
1. he seems,for a whole day,to have worked,looking tired.
2. there to be, I never imagined,so many students,on campus.
3. really difficult,to train an animal,to dance,it is,for us.
4. impolite,of you, it is, to talk back to your father.
5. every citizen,protecting the environment,has a share in,to be healthy,for a city.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 据说他上星期已经被开除了。
2. 我没料到我的班上会有那么多学生。
3. 你只身一人进入森林真是太勇敢了。
4. 何时出发由你来定。
5. 要说好英语,就必须大量练习。
Grammar seven
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for infinitives and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

A. It is kind of you to look after my puppy while I’m away.
B.For one to borrow books,it is imperative to have been
C .He is said to have been promoted last week
D. It is very easy for you to learn how to drive.
E.I don’t want there to be any disagreement between us.
2. 介词for常用于引出不定式的逻辑主语。在“It is+ promoted last week.


1.某些动词如escape,avoid,enjoy,love,like,hate,A.He often goes fishing with his son.
2 .形容词busy,hard和名词difficulty,problem,trouble
等后常接 动名词。
3.某些句子结构中常用动名词,如:“spend time
doing”,“be worth doing”,“cannot help doing”。

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words below.
1. the whole family went_____(camp)on the beach last weekend.
2. There is no_____(smoke)area in the office building.
3. She couldn’t help_____(laugh)when she was told the funny story.
4. Missing the last bus might mean_____(return)to the hotel on foot.
5. She was busy_____(prepare)for dinner.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 你常去溜冰吗?
2. 这篇小说值得一读。
3. 她读英语有困难。
4. 她厌恶抽烟。
5. 医生建议他戒酒。

Grammar eight
participles (现在分词和过去分词的特殊用法)
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for infinitives and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

3.分词短语作状语时,如果与句子主语不一致 ,应
A.All the tickets having been sold,they went
home disappointed.
B. Satisfied with her work,her boss gave her
a pay raise.
C. Before leaving the room,he turned off all
D .On his way home,he saw an old man dying in
the snow.
Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words below.
1. If_____(heat),water will boil.
2. _____(See)in the distance ,the mountain looks like a woman lying by the side of the lake.
3. The police caught him_____(steal)the bike.
4. Weather_____(permit),they are going to have a spring outing tomorrow.
5. _____(Have finished)his homework, Jack joined his friends playing football.

B.It is no use crying over spilled milk.
C. She used to wear that brand of swimming suit.
D.It was hard dealing with naughty boys.
E.She tried to avoid quarrelling with him.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 因为太兴奋,他昨晚两点才睡觉。
2. 她发现两扇玻璃窗被打破了。
3. 天色已晚,我们只好返回学校。
4. 一到面试的时候,他就不知道该如何表达了。
5. 要是多给我点时间我会做得更好。

Grammar nine
Task1 Study the following grammar tips for attributive clauses and match them with the sentences in the right.
1.在非限定性定语从句中,只能 A. He talks about the teachers and
用which, 而不能用that 。 Schools that he had visited.
2.当先行词为不定代词时,限定 B. That was the house in which I
性定语从句通常用 that 引导。 Once lived.
3.当先行词由指人和物的名词并 C. He answered me in a polite
列构成时,限定性从句为that。 But firm way, which made me
4.当关系代词前需要加介词时,如 disappointed.
果指物,该关系代词为which。 D. This is the first time that Mark
5.当先行词前有序数词或最高级形式 has been in china.
修饰时,定语从句引导词为 that 。 E. Everything that we saw was of
Great interest to us.
Task2 Fill in the blanks with the best choice.
1. I’ve lost the pen____ (in that, with which) I wrote my paper yesterday.
2. This is the best novel____ (which, that) I have ever read.
3. You’ll just ask me anything ____ (that, which ) I don’t make clear.
4. She mentioned some books and writers_____ (which, that ) I have never heard of.
5. I told the waitress to ring me up at six ,_____(which, that)she did the next morning
Task3 Translate the following into English.
1. 那就是我爷爷曾经住过的房子。
2. 这是我听过的最好笑的笑话。
3. 在这儿我没有什么可做的。
4. 这就是我放书包的那把椅子。
5. 昨天我们开了一个会,在会上大家接受了他的建议。
Grammar ten
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for adverbial clauses and them in the column on the right.
1. while引导的时间状语从句常 A.I am going whether it is
用进行时态。 raining or not .
2. lest引导的状语从句常用动词 B. Take your umbrella with you
Should, would, might等表示 lest it should rain.
3. 从属连词whether,,, or...意 C. Exhausted though he was ,
思是no matter whether... there was no hope of his
or...,引导让步状语从句。 being able to sleep.


4. 在正式文体中,as或though
引导的让步状语从句必须以形 D. He broke his leg while he was
容词、名词或动词(原形)等 playing football.
5. 含有关联词hardlyscarcely... E. He had hardly entered the room
When和no sooner ...than的 when the telephone rang.
Task 2 In each of following sentences, one of the underlined words or phrases is incorrect. Find the mistake and correct it.
1. Hardly did he begin to speak when the audience interrupted him.
2. Strong while he was, he could not lift the weight.
3. He handled the instrument with care so that it should be damaged.
4. Tried as he might, his experiment was still a failure.
5. Whether you believe it not,it is true.
Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 我们一到家,就开始下雨了。
2. 不管你是和我一块去还是待在家里,我都要去。
3. 你尽管试吧,但你决不会成功。
4. 他读书时睡着了。

Grammar eleven
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for nominal clauses and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

1. 在what引导的名词性从句中, A. She knew nothing about his
What相当于the things thatwhich。 Journey except that he was
2. 当whether引导的名词性从句充当 likely to be away for two
介词的宾语时,whether不能用if weeks.
替代。 B. What they need most is food.
3. 关系代词that的前面不能加介词, C . We are discussing about whether
但在but, except和in后面除外。 we will accept the proposal.
4. 在名词性从句中,if只能引导宾语 D. They didn’t accept his plan that the
从句,表示“是否”。 old library should be pulled down.
5. “that”引导同位语句时,在从句 E. I don’t know if he will come here
中补充当成分。 on time.

Task 2 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.


Please show me the books what you bought yesterday.
If he will be sent abroad remains unknown.
They are talking about if the book will sell well.
We must pay much attention to that we have found.
Tommy did not approve of the idea what they had a trip together.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 我对他一无所知,只知道他住在隔壁。
2. 他没有告诉汤姆他要结婚的消息。
3. 我不记得经理要你做什么事。
4. 露西的去留问题我们还没有讨论呢。
5. 他需要的是经验。

Grammar twelve
Modal Auxiliaries(情态动词的特殊用法)
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for modal auxiliaries and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.
1. 在否定疑问句中,情态动词通常都用缩 A. When we were students we
略形式。 would spend our holidays in
2. would可用来表示过去常发生的行为或 the countryside.
动作。 B. You should have come here on
3. “情态动词+have+过去分词”结构用于 time.
对过去所发生的事进行推测。 C. Can’t you help me look after
4. “needn’t +have+过去分词”表示在行 the baby while I’m busy.
为发生后说话人认为“本不必去做”。 D. You needn’t have bought me
5. “should(not)+have+过去分词”用于 such an expensive watch.
表示责备;肯定式表示说话人认为“该 E. She must have been caught in
做的事没有做”,而否定式则表示“不 a traffic jam.

Task 2 Complete the following sentences using proper forms of modal verbs.
1. When he was in his thirties he ______ get up early and do some running.
2. You _____ have typed the contract for me yesterday. You knew we must sign it today.
3. She _____ have overslept. She never comes late for work.
4. (not)_____ you have another cup of coffee?
5. She invited all of you but me .She(not)_____ have taken me for her good friend.
Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 我昨天不该喝那么多啤酒。
2. 你本不必来那么早。会议9点才开始。
3. 过去一遇到问题,她就会去找她姐姐帮忙。
4. 地面是湿的。刚才一定是下过雨了。
5. 难道她不该涨工资吗?

Grammar thirteen


Task1 study the following grammar tips for subjunctive mood and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

1在主谓状和主系表句型中,当状语或表语前置时句子须全部倒装。 A、Away ran the man as he saw the policeman.
3、当only,often,so 等副词位于句首时,句子需要倒装。 C、In no way can he solve the problem if he hesitates.
4、当out,in,away,down,up 等方位副词位于句首时,句子须全部倒装。 D、Under the table lies a white cat

Task2 Change the following sentences into inverted order.
1、 The headmaster stood there.
2、 I could hardly recognize him.
3、 The students rushed out when the English class was over.
4、 A small tree stood on the top of the hill.
5、 The notice is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood.

Task3 Translate the following into English.
1、 瞧!你要找的人来了。
2、 直到天气已晚我们才回家。
3、 刚发生地震又闹水灾。
4、 那个学生一见外国人扭头就走。
5、 只有到毕业后我们才认识到学英语的重要性。

Grammar fourteen
Sub junctive MoodⅠ(虚拟语气的特殊用法I)
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for subjunctive mood and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.

A. If you had followed his advice,you
would not be waiting for the next
train now
B. If only I had a car!
C .Were I five years younger,I would learn another
D.A wise man would not lend him such a large
sum of money.
2、带否定意义的词或带否定词的短语位于句首时,句子须部分倒装。 B、often does my mom tell us to study hard.


Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of verbs.
1. If only I_____(be)there yesterday!
2. Had she studied harder, she_____(speak)English better now.
3. _____(be)I a bird, I could fly home.
4. A nice girl_____(not say)this to her father.
5. Were it to rain tomorrow, we______(not come)here.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 如果你昨天参加了晚会,我肯定会看到你的。
2. 如果你再做那样的事,就会受到惩罚。
3. 好学生是不会旷课的。
4. 要是我们早点起床,昨天我们就到北京了。
5. 要是她跟我在一起多好啊。

Grammar fifteen
Sub junctive MoodⅡ(虚拟语气的特殊用法Ⅱ)
Task1 Study the following grammar tips for subjunctive mood and match them with the sentences in the column
on the right.
1.由without,but for引出的虚拟式。
4.由as if,as though引出的虚拟式。
5.由would ratherwould sooner引出的虚拟式。
A .She gave him a lot of help,or he would not be so
successful now.
C.I couldn’t have passed the piano test without your
D .She treated the boy as if he were her own child.
E.I would rather you stayed here for dinner.

Task 2 Change the following sentences into subjunctive mood.
1. With the help of his teacher,he succeeded in his research work.(but for)
2. He regrets that he said too much at the party last night.(would ratherwould sooner)
3. She treats us as children。(as if)
4. She walked out quietly so as not to wake up the baby.(lest)
5. He did not have money so he could not help me.(otherwise)

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 我宁愿你这个月不要离开本市。
2. 没有水人类就无法生存。
3. 当时我很忙。要不然我回参加你的生日晚会的。
4. 她把钱藏在床底下以防被人发现。
5. 她谈起美国就像她去过那里似的。
Grammar Sixteen
Sub junctive MoodⅢ(虚拟语气的特殊用法Ⅲ)
Task 1 Study the following grammar tips for subjunctive mood and match them with the sentences
in the column on the right.
3.由lest,for fear that,fearing that等引出的虚拟式。 B. Please remind me lest I should forget.


的谓语用should+动词原形。Should可 以省去。
2.在important, necessary等形容词后的从句中谓
语用should+动词原形。Should可以省去。 < br>3.在表示建议、命令、请求等动词后的同位语从句
中谓语用should+动词原形。Shou ld可以省去。
中谓语用should+ 动词原形。Should可以省去。

A. It is important that children be taught at
an earlier stage.
B .He suggested that the assignment not be put
off to the next week.
C. The committee accepted his proposal that new
technology should be introduced.
D. It is required that every employee should
master certain computer skills.
Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words below.
1. It is______(decide)that some employees______(lay off)next month.
2. His mother______(advise)him that he______(turn to)his tutor.
3. It is______ (significance)that another library______(establish)in such a big community.
4. The doctor______(urge)him that he______(take)a physical checkup.
5. It is______(nature)that young man______(give)his seat to senior people.

Task 3 Translate the following into English.
1. 你有必要亲自来开会。
2. 她的英文老师建议她每天朗读课文。
3. 她建议我们五一节出去爬山。
4. 你去向她道歉是明智之举。
5. 你必须先做完作业然后才能去踢足球。










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