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2020-10-21 11:44



We meet at a time of risk and challenge in the global economy, and we both face
considerable economic challenges at home.
In the United States, we are making progress in repairing the damage from the financial
crisis and putting in place a stronger foundation for future economic growth. We are putting
in place a comprehensive program of economic reforms to improve education, increase
investments in scientific research and innovation, improve incentives for private investment,
and reform the financial system. And we are working to legislate a comprehensive program
of reforms to restore fiscal sustainability, building on tough, 10-year spending cuts we
put in place last summer. While there is still a long way to go to recover from the financial
crisis, the economic expansion in the United States is now more broad based and resilient,
and we are significantly more advanced than are the other major developed economics in
addressing the imbalances that helped cause our crisis.
In China, you are in the process of exploring the next frontier of economic reforms,
recognizing as your predecessors did more than 30 years ago, that future economic growth
will require another fundamental shift in economic policy. These new reforms recognize the
new reality that China must rely more on domestic consumption rather than exports, and more
on innovation by private companies rather than capacity expansion by state owned enterprises,
with an economy more open to competition from foreign firms, and with a more modern financial
在美 国,我们正在努力修复金融危机造成的破坏,为未来经济发展建立更坚实的基础,现在已经取得
了一定的 进展。我们制定了全面的经济改革计划,以改进教育、增加科研创新投资、改善鼓励私人投
资的激励政策 和改革金融体系。去年夏天我们制定了大刀阔斧的削减支出十年计划,如今正在此基础
上再接再厉,努力 通过立法制定全面的改革计划,以恢复财政的可持续性。尽管要从金融危机中复苏
还有很长的一段路要走 ,但美国的经济扩张现已有了更广阔的基础,并具有了更强的适应能力。在解
决导致危机不平衡的问题方 面,我们远远走在其他主要发达经济体的前面。
在中国,你们正在探索经济改革的新前沿。正如30多 年前你们的前辈们所认识到的那样,你们意识
到未来的经济增长需要在经济政策上再次做出根本性的改变 。这些新的改革是基于新的现实:中国必
须更加依赖国内消费,而不是依赖出口;更多地依赖民营企业的 创新,而不是依赖国有企业扩大产能;
中国经济应更加开放地接受来自外国企业的竞争、建立更加现代化 的金融体系。
自工业革命以来, 人类社会创造了超过以往所有时代的物质财富,同时也面临
人口膨胀、发展失衡、资源枯竭、环境恶化等 重大挑战。20年前,在这里举行的联
合国环境与发展大会,开启了人类可持续发展的新纪元。20年来 ,可持续发展理念
变化、能源和粮食 安全、地区冲突等因素给可持续发展带来新的严峻挑战。今天的
世界,已经没有新的大陆和绿洲可被发现 ,保护资源环境、实现永续发展是我们唯
一的选择。展望未来,我们期待一个绿色繁荣的世界,这个世界 没有贫困和愚昧,
这应当是我们携手 推进全球可持续发展的长期愿景。

Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind has created more material wealth
than in several thousand years before it. But we also face major challenges
such as population explosion, imbalances in development, resource depletion
and environmental deterioration. The UN Conference on Environment and
Development held here 20 years ago ushered in a new era of sustainable
development for mankind. We are heartened to see that in the past 20 years,
the concept of sustainable development has been widely accepted, and major
progress has been made in meeting the Millennium Development Goals. On the
other hand, the global sustainable development is not balanced. The gap
between the North and the South is widening. Resources and environment related
issues remain acute. Sustainable development faces new and grave challenges
posed by the international financial crisis, climate change, energy and food
security and local conflicts. In the world today, with no new continent or
oasis to be discovered, preserving resources and the environment to achieve
sustainable development is the only choice we have. Looking ahead, what we
expect is a green and prosperous world. In this world, there is no poverty
or ignorance, no discrimination or oppression, and no excessive exploitation
or human destruction of nature. In this world, there is a balance among
economic development, social equity and sound environment. In this world,
the progress of modern civilization benefits all the people and their
posterity. Such a world should be the ultimate goal we will pursue as we work
together for the global sustainable development.
丝绸之路 < br>丝绸之路,是指西汉(公元前202年——公元8年)时,由张骞出使西域开辟的以长安(今西安)
物中以 丝绸制品的影响最大,故得此名。汉朝张骞两次出使西域,开辟了中外交流的新纪元。这
条东西通路,将 中原、西域与阿拉伯、波斯湾紧密联系在一起。经过几个世纪的不断努力,丝绸
之路向西伸展到了地中海 。广义上丝路的东段已经到达了朝鲜半岛、日本,西段至法国、荷兰。
通过海路还可达意大利、埃及,成 为亚洲和欧洲、非洲各国经济文化交流的友谊之路。唐朝时期,
往来于丝绸之路的人们也不再仅仅是商人 和士兵,为寻求信仰理念和文化交流的人们也逐渐出现
在这一时期。中国大量先进的技术通过各种方式传 播到其他国家,并接纳相当数量的遣唐使及留
The Silk Road refers to the road opened up by Zhang Qian through his diplomatic
mission to
in the West Han Dynasty -8A starting from Chang’an (Today’s
Xi’an) through Gansu and Xinjiang to Central Asia and West Asia and even
the countries around the Mediterranean. Since silk was the main product
transported westward on it, it was named the Silk Qian’s mission ushered
in a new era for Sino-foreign exchanges. Through centuries’ effort, it was
extended to the Mediterranean and in a broad sense, to the Korean Peninsula
and Japan in the east and to France and Holland in the west, and even to Italy
and Egypt across the sea. It became a road for the economic and cultural
exchanges between Asia, Europe and the Tang Dynasty -907A.), not only
businessmen and soldiers were seen traveling along the Silk Road, but also
those who were seeking their beliefs and the cultural exchanges. Thanks to
the Road, a great deal of advanced Chinese technology was spread to other
countries in different ways and so many envoys and foreign students were sent
to China to study the Chinese culture.

来越多。这些孩子为此 损害了身心健康,浪费了时间,荒废了学业,让教师和家长
伤透脑筋却又无能为力。面对这种情况,这些 大人大都是要么苦口婆心地“摆事实
讲道理”,要么就用强制的手段来限制甚至处罚孩子,其结果不是毫 无功效,就是
让他们难以解决的“问 题”,而沉溺于虚拟世界对他们来说则成为一种最合适、最
Limit: if you limit something, you prevent it from becoming greater than
a particular amount or degree

Restrict: to restrict the movement or actions of someone or something
means to prevent from moving or acting freely.
Essential exact Drug addict
Actually, they have met with problems they are unable
Indulge absorbed into
Everyday Routine Vigor
end up In vain Sentimental access
Health is harmed, time wasted, and study neglected
Anxious headache troublesome
Powerless helpless You are grounded
In vain end up
Put to an end it ends up in vain
Some a few few
夜品 红茶温暖;春秋有青茶养生,四季有普洱作陪。花茶时时飘香,黄茶色泽耀眼,
白茶药效显着,黑茶醇厚 回甘。真是说不尽的中国茶好,品不够的中国茶香。有了
茶,就有了更幸福的人生,而茶馆给了你幸福人 生一个更精彩的去处。现代的茶馆
也同样热闹,真正是小小茶馆,大大社会;小小茶馆,大大文化!茶馆 的功能在日
言 ,最重要的文化自然应该是茶文化,而茶文化最直接的表现形式应该首推茶艺,
所以,几乎所有的茶馆都 在创造、创新着自己的茶艺。当然,最重要的文化自然应
该是茶文化,而茶文化最直接的表现形式应该首 推茶艺,所以,几乎所有的茶馆都
Scented tea
Dazzling bright
We go to teahouse for different purposes.
Teahouse welcomes people with different purposes.
Tea is drunk throughout China. The Chinese have been showing their love for
it since the ancient times. We feel cool when drinking green tea in summer,
and warm when drinking black tea in winter. Oolong tea keeps us healthy in
spring and autumn, and
tea serves as our good companion all year around.

Besides, scented tea smells good, yellow tea has bright colour, white tea
serves as herbs and dark tea tastes mellow. To be short, the Chinese tea is
such an irresistible drink. Tea makes your life better, and the teahouse is
a place worth visiting.
Today’s teahouses are lively places too. A teahouse can be likened to a
society and a culture. Teahouses today welcome people with different purposes.
You can come here to drink tea, relax yourself, negotiate on business, or
experience culture.
Since the most important culture should be the tea culture embodied firstly
by the art of tea making,
almost every teahouse is creating and innovating its own tea art.
We feel cool when drinking green tea in summer, and warm when drinking black
tea in winter. Oolong tea keeps us healthy in spring and autumn, and

tea serves as our good companion all year around.
white tea serves as herbs and dark tea tastes mellow.
To be short, the Chinese tea is such an irresistible drink.
Even before
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
, Chua’s proudly politically
incorrect account of raising her children “the Chinese way”, arrived in
bookstores , her parenting methods were the incredulous, indignant talk of
every playground, supermarket and coffee shop. A prepublication excerpt in
Wall Street Journal
Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
) started
the ferocious buzz; the online version has been read more than 1 million times
and attracted more than 7,000 comments so far. When Chua appeared on the
Today Show
, the usually sunny host Meredith Vieira could hardly contain her
contempt as she read aloud a sample of viewer comments: “She’s a monster”;
“The way she raised her kids is outrageous”; “Where is the love, the
Chua, a petite 48-year-old who carries off a short-skirted wardrobe that
could easily be worn by her daughters (now 15 and 18), gave as good as she
got. “To be perfectly honest, I know that a lot of Asian parents are secretly
shocked and horrified by many aspects of Western parenting,” including “how
much time Westerners allow their kids to waste---hours on Facebook and
computer games---and in some ways, how poorly they prepare them for the
future,” she told Vieira with a toss of her long hair. “It’s a tough world
out there.”
Chua’s reports from the trenches of authoritarian parenthood are indeed
disconcerting, even shocking, in their candid admission of maternal
ruthlessness. Her book is a
Mommie Dearest
for the age of the memoir, when
we tell tales on ourselves instead of our relatives. But there’s something
else behind the intense reaction to Tiger Mother, which has shot to the top
of best- seller lists even as it’s been denounced on the airwaves and the
Microsoft founder Bill Gates has launched a revolution in international
health. Long-term, he hopes to shatter the vicious cycle of disease and
poverty by eradicating illnesses, finding new vaccines for old scourges,

helping governments improve such basic services as clean water and giving
developing nations financial incentives to improve the health of their
Bill Gates says that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune,
largely to the cause of global health, during the course of his lifetime.
With an estimated worth of more than $$40 billion, according to
, the
project will be no small feat for Gates. Having already endowed the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation with $$24 billion to address global health issues,
Gates says that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause
except for “a few percent left for the kids”.
Gates reveals that his interest in philanthropy comes in part from his
parents, who both set an example for him as a child. His father, William H.
Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary,
volunteered for the United Way. As he amassed his fortune, Gates knew he would
eventually want to give back as well, but didn’t expect to devote himself
whole- heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
However, Gates, 47, began to question his ability to wait that long. “It
seemed there was a real time urgency,” Gates said. “I started to think,
‘How many lives could I save before then?’”
As early as 1994, the Gateses narrowed their focus of charitable giving
to causes addressing global health issues, education, libraries and community
service organizations in the Pacific Northwest. In January 2000, two existing
organizations, the Gates Learning Foundation and the William H. Gates
Foundation, were merged to form the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a new
enterprise devoted to “improving people’s lives by sharing advances in
health and learning with the global community”. The Seattle-based charity
is being co-chaired by Gates’ father and Patty Stonesifer, the foundation
但是,现年 47岁的盖茨开始反思自己能不能等那么久。“现在看来时间真的很
紧,”盖茨说,“在这之前我究竟能 多拯救多少人的生命?”
早在1994年,盖茨一家就将慈善捐赠的重心缩小到解决全球医疗卫生问题 的事
会和 威廉﹒盖茨基金会合并成了比尔与梅琳达﹒盖茨基金会,这一新的基金会旨在
“通过全球共享医疗卫生进 步和共享教育进步来改善人民的生活”。该基金会总部
设在西雅图,由盖茨父亲与基金会负责人帕蒂﹒斯 通斯弗共同担任主席。
he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune during his lifetime,
largely to the cause of global health.
he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause
of global health, during the course of his lifetime.
Phil A e I o u y v Pre pro Phil love f v t d Philanthropy
anthropology Zoo philia
Truly appreciating the beauty of Paris is a pleasure that can’t be time
to wander down its wide boulevards, savor every sip of strong, black coffee
and resist the temptation to fall into step with the throng of tourists and
advice to anyone who finds themselves with 24 hours to spare in the French

capital is to stop, breathe, appreciate and the day with a walk down the
Champs-Elysees. For some, it retains the title of the world’s most beautiful
avenue. For others, the road’s historical charm has been blighted by the
arrival of global brands, traffic and offers the history without the hurry.
Take a leisurely stroll down its expansive pavements and look up for
impressive architecture without fear of bumping into yourself to breakfast
at one of Paris’ oldest tea salons. Laduree was founded as a family business
in 1862 and now appears in luxurious locales in London, Monaco, Switzerland
and Japan. The original, Laduree Royale on Rue Royale, doesn’t open until
8:30am (and later on Sundays), so for early morning pastries drop into the
Champs-Elysees store which opens at 7:30am every queues at Paris’ most
famous art gallery, the Louvre, are notorious so impatient visitors are
advised to go to the Musee de l’Orangerie, set in the historic Jardin des
Tuileries. You won’t see the
Mona Lisa
, but the gallery does boast a
collection of Claude Monet’s
Water Lilies
. The queues are shorter the earlier
you go, and to really beat the crowds pre-book your time slot online.
如果您想真正欣赏巴黎的美,就请放慢脚步,因为审 美是一种享受。可以在宽阔的
大街上悠闲漫步,品味浓烈咖啡,但一定要抵制住诱惑,不要与成群的游客 和观光
呼吸, 欣赏浪漫风情并沉醉其中。请从香榭丽舍大街开始美好的一天。对一些人来
说,这仍是世界上最美丽的大 街。对另外一些人来说,这条街道的历史魅力已遭到
世界名牌产品、车辆和游人的损害。初升的朝阳缓缓 地打开了历史的扉页。可以沿
着宽阔的人行道悠闲散步,仰视雄伟壮观的建筑物而不必担心撞到购物者。 早餐可
哥、 瑞士和日本的繁华地段都设有分店。而位于皇家大道上的第一家拉杜丽店——
皇家拉杜丽早上八点半才会 开始营业,星期天就更晚了,所以要想吃早上的油酥
面,得去位于香榭丽舍大街上的拉杜丽店,该店七点 半就开门营业。巴黎最有名的
艺术馆卢浮宫前的队伍是出了名的长,所以,建议耐不住性子的游客去橘园 美术馆
但可 以看到一组莫奈的《睡莲》画。去的越早,队伍就越短。如果想避开拥挤的人
我们知道:It be…that是一个强调句结构,在任何语法书中都有很详细的阐述,但
唯独It be+a+adj +n+that…这样的结构却难在诸如张道真,薄冰等语法大家专着中
占一席之地。我查了几乎所有的 语法书,都没有对这个结构进行过一丝一毫的论
述,它只散见在一些附带论述语法的文章中,并且只是一 笔带过,如象钱歌川这样
试看:It is a wise father that knows his own child.(Merchant of

a)It is the first step that is troublesome.
???????b)It is a wise father that knows his own child.

以上两句都有It be…that…形式,看起来似乎是一样的。按英语语法规则,It
be…that…为强调句型,把It be…that…去掉,a)句就成为The first step is
troublesome为普通句。译成汉语就是:第一步是麻烦的。也可:万事开头 难。那
么b)句能否也一样去掉It be…that…,剩下A wise father knows his own child,
译成“一个聪明的父亲知道自己的儿子”呢?如果这样译就 大错特错了。因为b)句
的句式为It be+a+adj+n+that…,它有无论怎样…也未必… ,无论怎样…也未免…


a)句和b)句不仅含义不同,在语法结构上也不同,a)句以It be…that…为表
现形式的强 调句,that为关系代词,修饰前面的先行词,that后的谓语动词还要当
先行词的人称,数、性一 致(见钱歌川《翻译的技巧》,第127页)。如先行词是人
时,That还可用who代替,如:It was Edison who invented the grammophone,b)
句不允许 如此改动。b)句中的that虽是关系代词,但不修饰father,而是修饰主句
相关的It be+a+adj+n+that…句型还有:
①It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.
②It is a hard winter that one wolf eats another.
③It is a poor hen that can't scratch for one chick
④It is a good machine that can work without power.
⑤It is a good fisherman that catches fish all time.
⑥It is a wise man that never makes mistkes.
⑦It is a good horse that never stumbles.
⑧It is a long lane that has no turning.
但这并不意味着所有的“It be+a+adj+ n+that…”结构,一律都要按“无论怎
样…都不免…”或“无论怎样…都未必…”等规则来翻译。 根据一些资料来看,无
论在古体英语中或在现代英语中,“It be+a+adj+n+that…” 结构,按一般强调结
构来理解并翻译的例子也不少,也就是说,这种结构的真正含义与字面上的完全一< br>致。
⑨It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.

10. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.
11. It is an old rat that won't eat cheese.
综合上述,我们可以看出:“It be+a+adj+n+th at…”结构,无论在古体英语
或现代英语,都可能有两种理解,因此,也就有两种翻译方法。一种是按 强调结构
方面 而忽视另一方面。应当具体问题具体分析。特别在文章里出现这种句型时,我
们要尊重英国语言和谚语的 习惯译法,也要结合上下文和逻辑关系正确地判断和理
解,以求以忠实地表达作者的真正意思。至于单个 句出现时,最好能将两种意思都
1. 词性转换:原文和译文中某个词的词性做了转换
例: It is now
the law to throw anything into the sea within five kilometers of land.

法行为. (介词 →动词)
2. 肯定否定:分两种情况——正说反译和反说正译
例: Please tender exact fare.
例: There is not any advantage without disadvantage.
3. 主动被动:哎呀这个就是主动被动的转换嘛,略讲
例: The whole country
was armed
in a few days.
例: 这栋房子将在明年年底建成。
The building will
be completed
by the end of next year.
4. 结构转换:原文和译文中对于句子的结构进行了一个调整(这个技巧建议看看书)
例: The government is determined to keep up the pressure
whatever the cost it will pay in
the end.

not unexpectedly
, did not respond.
5. 省译: 减词法,减词不减义
例: 质子带正电,电子带负电,而中子既不带正电,也不带负电。
A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has
6. 增译: 增词法,增词不增义
例:In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis
exhibitions , he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.
晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会和观看乒乓球表演以后 ,他还得起草最后公报。









本文更新与2020-10-21 11:44,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/415955.html
