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2020-10-22 00:58



点 之前发生的动作,简单地说就是“过去的过去”发生的事情。
过去完成时的构成很简单,即 had + 动词的过去分词。例如:had done, had gone, had built 等
1、表示在过去动作之前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。比如说, A事件发生在一个月前,
而B事件发生两个月前,那么B事件比A事件还要早发生,它就要使用过去完成 时。
例如:Most of the guest had left when he arrived at the party. (即:客人在他到之前已经离开
They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.(即:吃饭在先,他们到达在后。)
注意:在上面两个 例句,虽然表达时间的连词不同(when当……时;before在……前),但
两件事发生的先后顺 序很明显。请同学们不要被when, before之类的词搞混淆了,关键要抓

例如:How many English films had you seen by the end of last term ?
在这个例句中,没有两个事件作比较。但是,它有一个明确的时间作参考,即last year明确
了告诉我们是“过去”时间,而 by the end of last year说的是在last year之前完成的动作,
因此它也是“过去的过去”,可以用过去完成时。 请同学们仔细阅读下面的例句,注意时
间的先后关系和动作的先后顺序:I had finished writing my composition by 10:00 this morning.
She had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera.
I went over what I had written again and again so that I wouldn't make any mistakes.(我一遍又一
The film had already begun when I got to the cinema . ( 当我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。)

He had worked in the factory for five years before he moved here . ( 在他搬到这儿以前,他
I saw Li Ping yesterday . We had not seen each other since I left Beijing . ( 我昨天看见李平
By the time I got there, it had already finished.
When she got to the check-out, she realized she had left her purse at home.
He said he had never seen Xiao Wang before.
Ann had lived in a cottage for sixty years ever since she was born.
He arrived at 2∶30. He had been told to wait in the VIP lounge.
3、在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。
She said (that) she had never been to Paris.
4、①when引导的从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去式) ②by短语 ③by the time引导的从句(注:
从句谓语动词为过去式) ④before引导的从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去式)例如:

(1)Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ______ when he ______ at the party.
A. left;had arrived B. left;arrived

C. had left;had arrived D. had left;arrived
(2)We ______ four thousand new words by the end of last year.
A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. will have learned
解析:根据by短语中的last year得知是到去年年末,正确选项为A。
(3)He had already built his own lab by the time he was ten.到十岁时,他已经建起了自己的实
(4) He had studied English for five years before he came here.来这儿之前,他已经学过五年

5、(1)主语+had+ha rdly(scarcely)+过去分词+when(before)+主语+一般过去时。
(2)主语+had+no sooner+过去分词+than+主语+一般过去时。例如:
①They had no sooner got home than it began to rain.他们一到家,天就下起雨来。
②______ got into the room,______ the telephone rang.他一到家,电话就响了。
A. He hardly had;then B. Hardly had he;when
C. He had not;that D. Not had he;when
解析:正确答案为B。当否定词hardly,scarcely,no sooner放在句首时,主谓要倒装

1). The pen I ______ I ______ is on my desk,right under my nose.那支我以为已经丢了的钢笔。
A. think;lost B. thought;had lost C. think;had lost D. thought;have lost

2). Helen ______ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ______home.海伦把
A. has left;comes B. left;had come C. had left;came D. had left;would come
解析:正确答案为C。had to wait说明事情发生在过去,而“忘带钥匙”的动作发生在“等

7、表示过去未曾实现的愿望、打算或意图,用过去完成时。常用动词有:hope,think,expec t,
They had wanted to help but couldn't get here in time.他们本来是要来帮忙的,但未能及时赶
8、It was+时间+since+主语+过去完成时。例如:
They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I ______ a
good drink.他们邀请我和他们喝酒,我说,我已经至少十年没有好好喝过了。
A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying

1、句中如yesterday , last year , in 1986 , three days ago等明确地表示过去时间的状语,谓

例如: Peter didn`t play football yesterday . ( 彼得昨天没有踢足球。)
2、在叙述两件以上的事件时,如果事件之间连接地很紧凑的一系列的动作 ,一般仍用一
例如: They decided to stay here , and so they built their houses and made their farms . ( 他
们决定呆在这儿,所以他们建了房子,开垦了农场。 )

1、否定句 had not ...
例如:I hadn't learnt Lesson 20 yet.
2、疑问句 Had....?
例如:Had you ever seen such an exciting match before? Yes, I had. No, I hadn't.

四、 一般过去时和过去完成时用法有哪些不同?
1. 在主从复合句中的用法不同
(1) 用在宾语从句中
在主句谓语 为一般过去时的宾语从句中,既可用一般过去时,也可用过去完成时。但
两种时态的意义明显不同。试比 较下列两组句子:
She said she was a doctor. 她说她是位医生。(说话时仍为医生)
She said she had been a doctor.她说她曾当过医生。(说话时已不是)
She said she had been a doctor for twenty years.她说她当过20年的医生。(主要 强调说
He said he was born in 1986. 他说他是 1986年出生的。
(2) 用在含有after的主从复合句中
After he had done his homework, he went out to play football.
After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.
(3) 用在含有before的主从复合句中
Lily had written some letters before she went out shopping.
We got to the station before the train had left. 火车尚未开动之前,我们就到了车站。
We had got to the station before the train left. 火车开出之前,我们就已经到了车站。
像after一样, before本身就能明确 地表示时间的先后关系,故多数主从句均使用一
Many people left for home before the film ended.电影尚未放完,许多人就起身回家了。
(4) 用在含有when的主从复合句中
由于when本身不能明确表示时间的先后关系,故先 发生的动作应用过去完成时,后
发生的动作只需用一般过去时。这样用过去完成时的可能是主句,也可能 是从句。例如:

When all his money had been used up, Peter had to turn to a friend for help. 当他的钱全
有时,主句 和从句的谓语动词的先后关系十分明确,两个动作紧接着发生,前一动作
导致后一动作,这时两者均用一 般过去时即可。例如:
When the meeting was over, we left the hall. 散会后,我们就离开了大厅。
2. 叙述几个连续的动作用法不同
在叙述两个或两个以上接连发生的动作用and, but, so或then等连接并按时间发
She entered the room, turned on the light and found everything stolen.
I lost my pen but soon found it.
She lost her pen, so I lent her mine.
但是,如果两个先后发生 的动作不是按时间的顺序排列或叙述时,为明确动作发生的
先后顺序,先发生的动作就得用过去完成时。 例如:
The farmers were in high spirits because they had got another good harvest. 农民们兴高
3. 表示与过去还是现在相反的情况不同
一些表示心理活动的动词,如think, know, expect, mean, hope, want, suppose
I didn't know you were here. 我不知道你在这儿。
We had hoped that you would be able to visit us. 我们原本希望你去看我们。

现在完成时与过去完成时的区别 学生往往在初学现在完成时和过去完成时感到比较容易掌握,但在实际运用中却难以准确把
握。究其 原因主要是对两者的区别认识不清。下面将两者的区别概括总结如下:

在的动 作或状态。过去完成时表示在过去某一动作或时间以前已发生或完成的动作,也可指
从过去某时开始到过 去某时为止的动作或状态,即“过去的过去”。

现在完成时:主语 + have has + 过去分词 (肯定式)

主语 + have has + not + 过去分词 (否定式)

Have Has + 主语 + 过去分词 (疑问式)
过去完成时:主语 + had + 过去分词 (肯定式)

主语 +had + not + 过去分词 (否定式)

Had + 主语 + 过去分词 (疑问式)


现在完成时: 常用的时间状语包括 “now, today, tonight, this week, this year, already, yet,
just, recently…etc”。
过去完成时: 常用的时间状语包括 “by, at, before, until, when, after, once, as soon as等构成
注意:当表示一段时间,现在完成时和过去完成时都可以用for 或since引导的状语。
例如:Have you had your lunch yet?你吃午饭了吗?
Yes, I have . I’ve just had it.是的,我刚吃完。
I have had a clock now.我现在有一个闹钟了。
Have you already posted the photos?你把照片寄走了吗?
The meeting had begun when we got there.
We had learned about 5000English words by the end of last term.
They had done the work at five o’clock.
I’ve known Li Lei for three years.
I have worked here since ten years ago.
We had not heard from him since we left here.
They had then been without sleep for twenty-four hours.

1.“ have has got ”形式上是一种完成时,但和have has 为同一意义,即 “有”。
例如:Have you got a pen-friend?你有笔友吗?
Yes, I have.是的,我有。
Has he got a lot of work to do?他有许多工作要做吗?
No, he hasn’t.不,他没有。

2. have has gone to 与 havehas been to 的区别
have has gone to 强调“去而未归”; have has been to 强调“去而归还”。 have has
been to常和once, twice, never, ever连用; have has gone to则不可。例如:
— Have Jack ever been to Beijing?杰克去过北京吗?
— Yes, he’s been there several times.
— Where have Mary and Tom gone?
— They’ve gone to London.他们去伦敦了。

3.非延续性动词不能用于“现在完成时 + 表示一段时间的状语”的句型中。
这类动词有:come, go, start, leave, die, buy, finish, join, borrow, stop等。但它们能够

arrive, come → be here, be in
begin, start → be on
buy → have
die → be dead
fall asleep(ill) → be asleep (ill)
finish, end → be over
get to know → know
get up → be up
go out → be out
join → be in , be a + 名词
leave, move → be away, be out of

When she came into the room, she found them sitting together singing.
After we said good-bye to our friends, we left the village.


( )(1)The police found that the house _______and a lot of things_________.
A. has broken into, has been stolen B. had broken into, had been stolen
C. has been broken into, stolen D. had been broken into, stolen
( )(2)By the end of this century, we__ ours into a strong modern country.
A. will build B. had built C. have built D. will have built
( )(3)We _________the work by six yesterday evening.
A. finished finish C. had finished D. had been finished
( )(4)I _________to help you but couldn’t get here in time.
A. want B. had wanted C. have wanted D. was wanting
( )(5) Mrs. Wu told me that her sister___________.
A. left about two hours before B. would leave about two hours before
C. has left about two hours ago D. had left about two hours before
( ) (6)When I reached home, my parents __________their supper.
having already had
had D. had already had
( ) (7)It seems that the old man _________something important.
lost B. had lost C. lost D. would lose
( ) (8)She __________in this school ________the past ten years.
teaching, since B. had been teaching, since
teach, for D. has been teaching, for

( ) (9)Did you see Xiao Li at the party? No, ______by the time I arrived.
A. she’d left B. she's left C. She was left D. she must leave
( )(10)The job proved to be much more difficult than I______.
A. expect ed C. would expect expected
( ) (11)We couldn’t catch up with the others because they _____too long before us.
d starting started started
( ) (12)She felt anxious about her son as she ________for quite a long time.
't heard him B. hadn’t heard him
‘t heard from him D. hadn’t heard from him
( ) (13)By the time the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners_______.
A. had seated B. were seated C. seated D. were seating
( ) (14)By the end of next July this building__________.
A. will be finished B. will have finished
C. will have been finished D. had been finished
( ) (15)By the time the war ____, most of the people had left.
began B. was broken out
out D. had been broken out
( ) (16)If she ______harder, she would have succeeded.
A. had worked B. have worked C. should work D. worked
( ) (17)I wish ______I you yesterday.
A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see
( )(18)He is talking so much about America as if he _______ there.
A. had been been C. was D. been
( ) (19)That dinner was the most expensive meal we___.
A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had
( )(20)When Jack arrived he learned Mary ______for almost an hour.
A. had gone B. had set of C. had left D. had been away
1.I lost the book I ____.
A.have bought B.bought C.had bought D.had been bought
2.The bus had gone when I ____ at the bus stop.
A.have arrived B.arrived C.had arrived D.am arriving
3.Tom ____ of visiting his grandmother,but the bad but the bad weather made him
change his mi.
A.has thought B.thought C.had thought D.had been thought
4.—Did you meet Tom at the airport?
—No,he ___ by the time I ___ there.
A.has left;got B.had left;arrived
C.left;arrived D.left;had got
5.—Why didn't Tom attend the meeting yesterday?
—He ____ Beijing.
A.has gone to B.had gone to C.went to D.had been to
6.—I ____ to come to help you.
—But you didn’t come.

A.have meant B.had meant C.meant D.will mean
7.Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University,for which she___ five times.
A.had tried B.was trying C.has tried
8.—I have bought you the books you want.
—Oh,good,I ___ afraid you had forgotten.
A.was B.am C.had been D.have been
答案 (1)—(5)D D C B D (6)—(10)D A D A D
(11)—(15)D D B C C
Key: 1-5 CBCBB 6-8 BAA
(16)—(20)A C A D D。









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