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2020-10-22 02:29



专题十 名词性从句

A组 三年模拟精选(2015~2013)(改编)
1.(2015·辽宁鞍山联考)One day,he came up with an idea he would pluck
up all of his crop a few inches.
解析 考查同位语从句的引导词。因后面是一个完整的句子,且该句是说明空格前面an
答案 that
2.(2015·广西南宁二中月考) is important is that we let others know we
care about them.
解析 考查主语从句的引导词。根据句子结构可知,系动词is前的句子缺少主语,表示“重
要 的事情”要用what。
答案 What
3.(2015·内蒙古师大附中月考)Over the next several months,my professor taught me
one story was so much better than the other.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。教授教给我的是为什么一个故事比另一个更好。根据句意
答案 why
4.(2015·河南开封四模)A study found girls who ate five or more family
meals a week had a much healthier relationship with food in later life.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。谓语动词found后为宾语从句,宾语从句中不缺少成分 ,
答案 that
5.(2015·四川成都七中二诊)Perhaps my mother had told me was deeply
rooted in my mind.
解析 考查主语从句的引导词。妈妈说的话深深地扎根于我的思想中。系动词was前为主
语从句,从句中缺少 宾语,故要用what引导。
答案 what
6.(2015·山西太原五中月考)Even more upsetting was the fact the driver

didn't stop afterward.
解析 考查同位语从句。the fact后面是同位语从句,要用that来引导。
答案 that
7.(2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)But,from I've heard,perhaps he worked
too hard.
解析 考查宾语 从句。从我听说的来看,也许他更努力些。介词from后是what引导的宾
语从句,what作动词 hear的宾语。
答案 what
8.(2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Well,there is a rumor going around the
head of the Department is leaving.
解析 考查同位语从句。有一个谣言说,部门的领导马上就要走了。that引导的 是名词
答案 that
9.(2015·云南玉溪一中月考)The easiest way to do this is to make a simple list of
it means to be respectful at school.
解析 考查宾语从句。根据句子结构可知,此处为what引导宾语从句,在从句中作动词
答案 what
10.(2015·甘肃兰州一中月考)There is a new market near my mother often
goes there and buys we need for our meals.
解析 考查宾语从句。 我的妈妈经常去那买我们吃饭所需要的东西。what引导宾语从句作
答案 what
11.(2015·河北衡水中学月考)The pandas are very dear to human people
have been doing they take to save them.
解析 考查宾语从句。熊猫对人类来说很宝贵,因 此人们一直在做任何需要做的事情来保
护它们。whatever引导宾语从句,表示“无论什么”,相 当于anything that。
答案 whatever
12.(2015·山西大学附中月考)To tell the truth, you do rather than what you
say matters.

解析 考查主语从句。说实话,是你所做的而不是你所说的真正起作用。rather than连
答案 what
13.(2015·辽宁东北育才中学月考)What the government cares about most is
action they are going to take.
解析 考查表语从句。政府最关心的是他们将采取何种行动。what action什么行动。
答案 what
14.(2015·黑龙江牡丹江一中月考)I need to put a cross on the map to show
that famous hotel is.
解析 考查宾语从句。我需要在地图上放个十字来表明这个饭店的位置。
答案 where
15.(2015·河北邯郸市一模)We've got to remember this group wants to look at how
the Internet is being used in the 's they are coming for.
解析 考查表语从句的引导词。这就是他们为什么而来。what在表语从句中作介词for的
宾语,for what相当于why。
答案 what
16.(2014·甘肃民乐一中诊断)Her smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me
a completely new sense of life is all about.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。介词of后为宾语从句,从句中about缺少宾语,故要用
答案 what
17.(2014·宁夏大学附属中学一模)Therefore,it is advisable you should
value and treat them with care.
解析 考查主语从句的引导词。it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面that引导的主语从句。
答案 that
18.(2014·广东湛江一中综合检测一)When the other frogs saw a deep pit
it was,they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。saw 后面接的句子是感叹句,用what引导,what a deep pit
it was!多深的一个坑啊!
答案 what

19.(2014·山东师大附中一模)Then they had to know stories could be
told without words,using only gestures and expressions.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。由结构可知此处是宾语从句,根据stories could be told
without words, using only gestures and expressions.可以判断出,此处指如何去做到
答案 how
20.(2014·贵州六校联盟联考二)His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in
arithmetic,and told his parents she thought in order that they would not
expect too much of him.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。“what she thought”她的想法。从句中动词thought缺
答案 what
21.(2014·黑龙江哈三中一模)Jack:I usually surf the net,read news...Maybe I can
find a girlfriend online like a fairy tale.
David:Well,I 's you are so stuck to it.
解析 考查表语从句的引导词。我明白了,这就是你坚持上网的原因。that's why...这就
答案 why
22.(2014·贵州铜仁一中模拟)After all,with the help of my electronic brain that never
forgets anything,using my intelligence is I'm all about!
解析 考查表语从句的引导词。表语从句中about缺少宾语,故要用what引导。
答案 what
23.(2013·广东肇庆二模)I didn't understand this would happen and my
credit card had already been charged for the reservation.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。我不知道为什么这种事会发生。这里why引导的是宾语从
答案 why
24.(2013·广东揭阳一模)The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all
the other students wondered the boy would do.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。其他的学生想知道这个男孩将要干什么。根据句子结构可

wo nder if结构。
答案 what
25.(2013·广东佛山模拟)Hai demonstrates teachers can get
students actively engaged in the learning process and take charge of their learning
by giving them the opportunities to find and correct mistakes themselves.
解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。Hai 说明老师怎么 可以让学生积极的参与到学
习的过程中。根据句子结构可知,宾语从句不缺少主语和宾语,再结合句意可 知,how如
答案 how
B组 一年创新导向
1.(关注what在名词性从句中充当主语、宾语、表语或定语)—You can't imagine
fantastic fun web chatting is.
—Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes.
解析 句意:——你无法想象网上聊天多么有趣。——真的吗?但有时会产生很 多麻烦。
答案 what
2.(关注that在名词性从句中的使用) the young man is in great need of a
computer in his work is known to his boss.
解析 句意:据他的老板了解,这个年轻人在工作中急需一台 电脑。本题考查主语从句的
用法。从属连词that引导主语从句时没有实际意义,不担当句子成分,只 起连接词的作用,
不能省略。该句还可改写为:It is known to his boss that the young man is in great
need of a computer in his work。
答案 That
3.(原创)(关注wh-ever与what, who, which等词的区别)—I'm afraid I have to give
—Don't be discouraged. Remember sticks to his work will succeed one day.
解析 句意:——恐怕我得放弃了。——别灰心。记住 坚持的人迟早会成功。所填词引导
remember的宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,故用whoeve r,意为“无论谁”。
答案 whoever

C组 语境对点演练
I like reading very classmates' question is 1 I began to love
ly,I love reading as a child.I grew up in a college town and I spent
all my summer vacations in this I meant was 2 I was surrounded
by libraries and the people who loved to read. 3 I went to the library to read
every day was one of my favorite love of reading was credited with the
fact 4 my parents only let me watch an hour of TV a day.I learned to entertain
myself through my mind and 's not really surprising 5 literature
became my vocation.
Recently I have been reading a lot of multicultural women's Goodall
went to Africa and studied chimps instead of going to university. 6 there are some
connections between chimps and human beings puzzles me a to Jane Goodall,
her research showed me the argued 7 wild animals should be left in
the wild and not used for finishing her story,I still have some
doubts 8 she could achieve great success on her own in the Qiaozhi,
a doctor,became a specialist in women's devoted all her life to medical
work for Chinese women and children. 9 made her succeed later on was the kindness
and consideration she showed to all her patients. 10 she didn't choose to have a
family of her own is clear to me now.
答案 r

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个 适当的
(2015·广东清远模拟)Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize
in a dream about 1 we would do with the money,but we rarely stop to
think about how the money would change us.
For most of us,our way of life is closely linked 2 our economic

different parts of 3 lives fit together like a jigsaw(拼板玩
具)—work,home,friends,hobbies,and sports make up our world. 4 sudden fortune
would change it all and break the example,most people like the idea 5
not having to work,but winners have found that without work there is no reason to
get up in the seems great 6 (move) to a bigger house in a wealthy area,
7 if you do that,you leave old friends behind.
Usually,winners 8 (advise)not to publicize their address and phone number,
but begging letters still arrive. 9 they are not careful,most of their money will
be spent on the 10 (protect) of their homes and swimming pools and their sanity!
【语篇导读】 几乎我们所有人都梦想过中彩票大奖,我们都梦想着如何处理我们的钱,
但是我 们很少停下来思考一下钱会如何改变我们的生活。
1.解析 考查宾语从句。用what引导宾语从句,且what在从句中作do的宾语。
答案 what
2.解析 考查介词。固定搭配:link towith与……连接,联系。
答案 towith
3.解析 考查代词。此处用形容词性物主代词our修饰后面的名词lives与前面的
答案 our
4.解析 考查冠词。fortune是可数名词单数,此处用不定冠词a表示泛指。
答案 A
5.解析 考查介词。此处用of表示从属关系。句意:例如,大多数人喜欢不用工
答案 of
6.解析 考查常用结构。此处为“It beseems+
.+to do sth”结构,It是形式主
答案 to move
7.解析 考查连词。but表示转折。句意:搬到一个富裕地区的大一点的房子似乎
答案 but
8.解析 考查动词语态。动词advise和主语winners为被动关系,故用被动语态。

答案 are advised
9.解析 考查连词。此处用If引导条件状语从句。句意:如果他们不小心,他们
答案 If
10.解析 考查词性转换。在定冠词the和介词of之间,应用名词。the protection of...
答案 protection









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