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2020-10-22 03:59



连接代词what, who,whose,whatever,whichever,whoever等;
①That the college will take in more new students this year is true.今年这所大学将招收更多新
Whether he can finish his task on time is of great importance他是否能按时完成任务非常重要。
It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure.很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。
It is our hope that the two sides will work towards peace我们希望是双方能朝着和平方向发展。
It is announced that the plan has been successfully carried out.据宣布计划已经顺利实施。
①What we can’t get seems better than what we already have.我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥
②who the letter was from is still unknown.这封信是谁寄出的还不清楚。
③Whichever of you gets here first will get the prize.你们当中第一个到达这里人将获得奖项。
①How acupuncture ['?kjup??kt??] reduces and relieves pain is unclear.针灸是如何减轻和解
②why dinosaurs

suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.恐龙为什么突然消
引导宾语从句的 连接词主要有三类:连接词that,whether,if等,连接代词what,who,
whos e,whatever,whichever,whoever等,连接副词when,where,why,h ow等。
①I think(that)you should turn to the teacher for help.我认为你应该向老师寻求帮助。
②I don’t know ifwhether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道这么多年后他是否还
特别提示:whetherif都意为 ―是否‖。一般情况下,它们可以互换,口语中常用if,
wh ether

(1)与or not紧接连用时。如:
Let me know whether or not you can come.请让我知道你是否能来。
We are interested in whether you will attend the meeting.我们对你是否参加会议感兴趣。
连接代词有what,who,whose,whatever ,whichever,whoever等,连接副词有when,where,
why,how等。如 :
①She asked me whose handwriting was the best in the class.她问我班上谁的书法最好。
②I’11 just say whatever comes into my mind.我想到什么就说什么。
③Do you know when the ancient Olympic Games began?你知道古代的奥运会是什么时间开始
④I’ve been thinking about how we can make the newspaper more interesting.我一直在考虑如何

①He asked me when we could set out the next day.他问我第二天什么时候可以出发。
②Did you find out where she lost her car?你查出她在哪里丢的车了吗?
①She says(that)she works from Monday to Friday.她说她周一至周五上班。
②she says(that)she will leave a message on his desk.她说她要在他桌子上留个便条。
③She says(that)she has never been to Mount Emei.她说她从来没有去过峨眉山。
①He said there were no classes yesterday afternoon.他说昨天下午没有课。
②He said that he was going to take care of the baby.他说他会去照看这个婴儿。
③He said that they were having a meeting at that time.他说他们那时正在开会。
①The teacher told us that nothing is difficult if we put our hearts into it.老师告诉我们世上无难
②He said that light travels much faster than sound.他说光比声音传播得快。
在使用宾语从句时需要注意下面几点: < br>(1)动词find,feel,think,consider,make,believe,gues s,suppose,assume等后有宾语补
足语时,则需要用it作形式宾语,而将that宾语 从句后置。如:
①I think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day.
②I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.我每天写日记成了惯例。
(2)hate,like,take,owe,have,take for granted等表示―喜欢;痛恨;认为‖的动词或动词短
语和see to

①I hate it when they talk with their mouth full of food.我讨厌他们满嘴食物说话。
②When you start the engine,you must see to it that the car is in neutral.启动发动机时,一定
①She is always thinking of how she can do more for others.她总想着如何才能为别人做更多。
②We are talking about whether we admit students into our club.我们正在讨论是否让学生加入
我们的俱乐部。 (4)宾语从句的否定转移。将think,believe,suppose,expect,fancy ,imagine等动词后面宾


①I don’t think I know you.我想我并不认识你。
②I don’t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。

常由连接词that,whe ther;连接代词who,whom,whose,which,what,whoever,whomeve r,whichever,
①The reason for his absence is that he hasn’t been informed.他缺席的原因就是他没接到通知。
②The question remains whether they will be able to help us.问题还是他们能否帮我们。
①The problem is who will take charge of this shop.问题是谁将接管这家店铺。
②That is when I realized the importance of journalism.那时我才意识到新闻工作的重要性。
(1)asas ifas though引导的表语从句常跟在特定动词后面,
①It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door.听上去好像有人在敲门。
②At that time,it seemed as though I couldn’t think of the right word.当时我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字
(2)当主句的主语是reason时,表语从句一般由that引导,这种用法常见于句型The reason why…is that…。

如:The reason why he came late was that he got up late.他来得晚是因为起床晚了。

同位语从句在句子中作某一 名词的同位语,一般位于该名词之后,说明该名词的
的有id ea,fact,news,hope,belief,thought,doubt,promise,sug gestion,
1.通常用连词that引导同位语从句,that无词 义,也不作句子成分,但不能省略。注意从句用陈述句语序。
①They expressed the hope that we would go and visit Shanghai again.他们表示希望我们再去访问上海。
②I have no idea that she quit her present job.我不知道她辞掉了现在的工作。
③Give me your promise that you will come to our party this evening.答应我,你今天晚上会来参加我们的聚
①The student asked me the question whether the book Was worth reading.学生问了我这个问题:这本书是否
②I have no idea why he was excited at that time.我不知道当时他激动的原因。

宾语从句中 有时可以省略

。如:They share little in common except that they are from the same
(2)当主句 谓语动词后接两个或两个以上的宾语从句时,可以省
I believe(that)you’ve done your best and that things will improve.我相信你已经尽力了而且情况会得到改善。

2 .that与what的区别。that在从句中不能够充当句子成分,也没有含义;what可以在从句中作主 语、表
①The hope that he may recover is not gone yet.他会康复的希望没有消失。(that不充当成分,也无含义)
②What he said proved to be true.他所说的话证明是正确的。(what作said的宾语,可以翻译为―……的话‖)
< br>3.定语从句与同位语从句的区别。
①The news that our team has won the game Was true.我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。(同位语从句,补
②The news that he told me yesterday Was true.昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。(定语从句,news在从句中
③I made a promise that if anyone set me free 1 would make him very rich.我许诺如果谁让我自由,我就让他
④The mother made a promise that pleased all her children.妈妈许下了一个令她的孩子 们高兴的诺言。(定语

1 My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I __D___ half of it. 过去发生的事情
A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed
2 You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is __B____I disagree.
A why B. where C. what D. how
3 I think father would like to know _C_ I’ve been up to so far, so I decided to send him a quick
note. A. which B. why C. what D. how
4 Parents are taught to understand __B____ important education is to their children’s future.
A. that B. how C. such D. so
5 –Tom was Jane’s brother. -C he reminded me so much of Jane. 难怪看到他就使我想起Jane
A. No doubt B. About all C. No wonder (难怪)引导条件状语从句D Of course
6 I’ve learnt ___B__, no matter what happens and how bad _____seems today, life goes on and it
will be better tomorrow A. it; that B. that;(宾从,) it(让步状语从句) C. it; it D. that; that
7 –It’s wrong for a student to follow ___D__ his teachers say. --It’s true. I can’t agree more
A. what B. no matter what C. however D. whatever

8 The reason _C__ he was late for the meeting was _____his car had been blocked by an accident.
A that; why B. how; why C why; that D. why because
9 Determination is a kind of basic quality and is ___D___it takes to do jobs well.

10 Black should have taken the doctor’s advice __C___in bed for a day or two.
A. that he would lie B. he would lie C. that he lie D. that he must lie
11 –Hi! Lily, Come in.
--Oh, yeah, I stopped by to see __B_ you were still looking for a roommate to share your house.
A. that B. if C. how D. why
12 –Why are you always making such mistakes?
--Sorry. I think I was not ___A_____ this morning (be not oneself 表示身体,精神状态不好)
A. myself B. for myself; C. to myself D. by myself
13 Nowadays the doctors are trying their best to reduce people’s fear _D__ they would be affected
by the present disease. A. why B. how C. if D. that
14 The small mountain village where we spent our holiday last summer is _B_ is now part of
Hunan. A. which B. what C. that D. where
15. –Who was the first man on the moon?-- I have no idea(同位语)_ __C______
A. who was the first man on the moon B. if the first man on the moon was
C. who the first man on the moon was D. whether the first man on the moon was
16 We were interested in ___D__ we had seen at the exhibition.
A. which B. that C. all what D. All (all(=all(that)=what),)
17. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was __B____ it
was rather closely modeled on his own life. 在此表语从句中不缺少任何成分
A. what B. that C. why D. Whether
18. We haven’t discussed yet ___D___ we are going to place our new furniture.
A. that B. which C. what D. where
19. Teachers recommend (建议)parents __A__ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school
for safety. A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow
20. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew _D_____ she was
so angry. A. where B. whether C. that D. why
21. I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.
-That’s ___A____I don’t agree .You should have a more active life.
A. where 表示的是抽象概念 B. how C. when D. what
22. —It’s no use having ideas only .
—Don’t worry. Peter can show you ____A__ _to turn an idea into an act.
B. who C. what D. Where―疑问词+动词不定式‖代替名词性从句
23. Tina was hesitation about the job offer as she did not know __A____ the company was an
established (稳固的)one. A.whether B.what C.until D.Although
24. There is no obvious evidence ___B___ there is life on any other planet in the solar system(太
阳系). A.which B.that C.how D.where
25. As a new graduate, he doesn’t know _B_ it takes to start a business here.
A. how B. what C. When D. Which


26. How about camping this weekend, just for a change?
—OK, ____C__ you want. 你想干啥咱就干啥
A. whichever B.however C.whatever D.Whoever
27. It is uncertain __B____ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand
patients have taken it.
A.that B.what C.how D.Whether
28. She is very dear(珍贵的) to us. We have been prepared to do C it takes to save her life.
A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever
29. The fact has worried many scientists ___C__ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these
years. A. what B. which C. that D. though
30. Could I speak to C is in charge of International Sales please?
A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever
31. One of the most important questions they had to consider was C of public health
A. what B. this C. that that 作代词,往往用于特指,只代替事情 D. which
32. The book can be of help to D wants to do the job.
A. who B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever
33. As a new diplomat(外交家), he often thinks of B he can react more appropriately on such
occasions. A. what B. which C. that D. how
34. News came from the school office __C___ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.
A. which B. what C. that D. where
35. It is obvious to the students __D____ they should get well prepared for their future.
A. as B. which C. whether D. that
36. -Is there any possibility ___B___ you could pick me up at the airport?
-No problem.
A. When B. that . whether D. what
37. We should consider the students’ request _A__ the school library provide more books on
popular science. A. that B. when C. which D. where
38. Many young people in the West are expected to leave _D_ could be life’s most important
decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck. A. as B. that C. which D. what
39. The little girl who got lost decided to remain __A____ she was and wait for her mother.
A. where B. what C. how D. who
40. The companies are working together to create C they hope will be the best means of
transport in the 21stcentury A. which B. that C. what D. who
41. The last time we had great fun was __C___ we were visiting the Water Park.(水上乐园)
A. where B. how C. when D. why
42. Students are always interested in finding out_A__they can go with a new teacher.
A.how far B.how soon C.how often D.how long
43. When asked A they needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.
A. what B. why C whom D. which
44. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea D the party is to be held?
A. what B. which C. that D. where
45. People in Chongqing are proud of C they have achieved in the past ten years.


46. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from __A____
their parents speak at home.
A. what B. that C. which D. one
47. B is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

48. C was most important to her,she told me,was her family.

49. A

50. The seaside here draws(吸引) a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands
make A (宾语从句中的表语)
51. You can only be sure of B you have at present; you cannot be sure of something

;what that D.;that
52. Having checked the doors were closed,and B all the lights were off,the boy opened
the door
A. why B. that (宾主从句) C. when D. where
53. C parents say and do has a life-long effect on thei

54. Why not try your luck downtown(市中心的),Bob? That’s A

55. It is none of your business B

56. Choosing the right dictionary depends on A
57. Could I speak to C is in charge of International Sales,
r matter who
58. D
— It depends on C
ver er
60. What we used to think B
been be
61. D

62. A warm thought suddenly came to me C I might use the pocket money to buy some
flowers for
63. —
—But I still remember the story

believe it or not


64. See the flags on top of the building? That was D










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