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2020-10-22 08:22




persimmon 泼细门柿子
mangosteen man葛死din山竹
chicosapodilla 七口人心参果
salasnake fruit 蛇皮果
sugar applecherimoya 番荔枝
rose applewax apple 莲雾
passion fruit 百香果西番莲
rambutan 红毛丹
lycheelitchi 荔枝
pomegranate 帕米鼓懒你t石榴
guava 番石榴
tamarind at么酸角
acidic flesh 果肉酸
granular flesh 颗粒状果肉
plantain 潘挺芭蕉
nectarine 无重读油桃
avocado 阿v卡抖牛油果
cantaloupe 哈密瓜
muskmelon 网纹蜜瓜
honeydew melon 黄香瓜
herbal tea 凉茶
decaf 无咖啡因的咖啡
diet soda 爱低卡路里汽水
champagne 香槟
scotch 苏格兰威士忌
whisky 威士忌
brandy 白兰地
rum 朗姆酒
alcoholic cider 赛得苹果酒
house red wine (餐厅)招牌红酒
draft beer (生)扎啤
on the rocks 加冰的
straight up 不加冰
skim milk 脱脂牛奶
margarine 不读哥人造奶油
milkshake 奶昔
yoghurt 酸奶
jelly 果酱,果冻
rock candy 冰糖
vinegar 维你革醋
blend 什锦,混合物
spices 香料
condiments 看底门此调味品
salad dressing 沙拉酱
tangerinemandarin orange 橘子
starfruitcarambola 杨桃
dragon fruit 火龙果
jackfruit 菠萝蜜
prune 瀑嗯西梅
plum 李子
ripe 成熟的
raisin 同reason葡萄干
raspberries 掠z覆盆子
grapefruitpomelo 趴么搂柚子
fig 无花果
walnut 核桃
chestnut 栗子
pine nut 松子
cashew 腰果
yam 淮山
taro 他搂芋头
lotus- root 莲藕
coriander 香菜
peppercorns 青胡椒
parsley 趴死里西芹,欧芹
asparagus 芦笋
string beans 豆角
chinese cabbage 小白菜
cabbage 卷心菜(绿)
sprout 甘蓝(紫)
broccoli 西兰花(绿)
cauliflower 花椰菜(白)
turnip 白萝卜
radish 小红箩卜
beetroot 逼鲁t甜菜根(大红萝卜)
scalliongreen onion 青葱
red shallots 说辣t红葱
blackwhite fungus 木耳银耳
cordyceps 无重音冬虫夏草
bottle gourd 葫芦瓜
wax gourd 冬瓜
hairy gourd 毛瓜
towel gourd 丝瓜
squash 倭瓜(小)
pumpkin 南瓜
bitter melonbitter cucumber 苦瓜
dumpkin 土鳖
burdock 牛蒡
mung beans 绿豆
bean sprouts 豆芽
alfalfa 苜蓿(类似豆芽)
broad beans 蚕豆
winged bean 龙豆,四角豆
four-angled bean 四角豆
rib 菜梗
leaf 菜叶
dandelion 蒲公英
daylily flower 黄花菜
morning glory 牵牛花
water morning glory空心菜
water spinach 空心菜
chive try- v细香葱,韭菜
scallion 青葱
green onion 球头葱
leek 大葱
rosemary 迷迭香
peppermint 薄荷
produce 农产品
coca 扣可可可
fruit punch 综合果汁
black team 红茶
dressing 调料
paste 酱料
mayonnaise 妹儿内z蛋黄酱
dipping sauce 蘸酱
relish 腌制菜,泡菜酱
pickles 酸黄瓜
preserved vegetable 咸菜
strawberry jam 草莓酱
goose liver paste 鹅肝酱
chili con carne 香辣肉酱
chili sauce 辣椒酱
ground beef 碎牛肉
pork chop 猪排
pig’s knuckle 猪蹄
lean pork 瘦肉
fat pork 肥肉
shredded chicken 鸡丝
drumsticks 鸡腿(含骨)
chicken thighs 鸡腿(去骨)
perishable 易腐烂的
weever 鲈鱼
salmon said门鲑鱼,马哈鱼
broiled fish 烤鱼
smoked salmon 熏三文鱼
flounder 奥比目鱼
trout 奥鳟鱼
catfish 鲶鱼
tuna 金枪鱼
squidsleeve fish 鱿鱼
inkfish 墨鱼
shellfish 贝类
scallops 扇贝
clam 蛤蜊
swamp eel 黄鳝
mussel 青口
conpoy 粤:干贝瑶柱
prawn 对虾
deli 熟食类
preserved egg 皮蛋
corned beef 咸牛肉
gravy 跪肉汁
meatloaf 烤肉饼
veal cutlet 炸小牛肉排
porterhouse steak 上等腰肉牛排
come up immediately 马上送来
fried eggs sunny side up 只煎一面
what goes best with steak 牛排配啥
noodles with gravy 打卤面
spaghetti bolognese 意大利肉酱面
macaroni cheese 奶酪通心粉
spaghetti and meatballs 意式肉丸面
chorizo pasta 口利左面(西班牙香肠)
a loaf ofloaves条(面包等)
a dozen of eggs 一打蛋
a bunch of 串(香蕉,葡萄,萝卜)
a head of颗(甘蓝,芦笋类)
a package of包
six-pack 六只装
stick 根,条
tube 管,筒
pint 品脱
quart 夸脱
liter 公升
lbpound 磅
ozounce 盎司
chop (up) 剁(碎)
cut (up) 切(碎)
grate 刨丝
break 打(鸡蛋)

broil 烤
saute 瘦忒煎
simmer 炖
stir-fry 炒
combine egg and water 放入鸡蛋水
mix flour and water 就水和面
put buns in stove 放面包进炉
cheeseburger 夹有一片奶酪的汉堡
a slice of pizza 一片披萨
tortilla chips 托替了墨西哥玉米片
nachos 墨西哥辣味玉米片
burrito 不类头墨西哥卷饼(kfc)
taco 他口墨西哥玉米饼
potato skins 焗烤马铃薯皮
tossed salad 凉拌沙拉
coleslaw 抠死落凉拌菜丝沙拉
tofubean curd 豆腐
pretzels 蝴蝶饼
macaroni 怄通心粉
sticky rice 糯米
rolls 小圆面包
roll 卷,筒
buns 面包
gutter oil 地沟油
cooking oil 食用油
light meal 便餐
doggie bag 打包袋
box up 打包
pack the leftovers 打包
to gotake away 带走
for hereeat in 堂食
settle the bill 结账
food keeper 保鲜盒
sandwich bags 保鲜袋
plastic wrap 保鲜膜
aluminum foil 哦路米喃铝箔纸
baggerpacker 装袋员
return machine 回收机
water fountain 饮水机
eski 旅行冰箱
cooking utensils 炊具
cutlery 餐具
plastic utensils 塑胶餐具
silverware 银制餐具
café 小餐馆,咖啡厅
are refills free? 续杯免费?
fanta 芬达汽水
muffin 松饼
bagel 背狗硬面包圈
danish pastry A丹麦酥饼
croissant 夸萨牛角包
waffles 华夫饼
savoury muffin 玉米松饼
cheese platter 芝士点心
pita bread 皮塔饼(似千层饼)
frittata 鸡蛋饼(菜肉)
omelet 鸡蛋饼
scrambled eggs 炒蛋
poached eggs 荷包蛋
fried eggs 煎蛋
boiled eggs 水煮蛋
blt 培根生菜番茄(三明治)
green salad 蔬菜沙拉
hostess 带位女侍
donut store 甜甜圈店
fast-food restaurant 快餐店
host 老板
diner 用餐者
a party of sb 随行人员
buffet 波费自助餐;餐具柜,小卖部
booth 包厢
booster seat 儿童垫高椅
high chair BB凳
busperson 传菜生
leave a tip 给小费
a la carte 阿拉卡特点菜
buy one portion 买一份
set the table 摆放碗筷
clear away table 收拾桌子
serve food 端菜上桌
seat the customers 带客人入座
a table for two 双人桌
in the cornerby the window 角落
hold the table 留桌
drink fluids 补充水分
set meal 套餐
combo 套餐
counter meal 简餐
go well with 跟…相配
bouncer (酒吧)保安
luncheon 午宴,正式的午餐
calcium 钙
magnesium 镁
calcium carbonate 碳酸钙
crispy 松脆的
hot pot 火锅
porridge (马)大米粥
cereal 麦片粥
plain rice 白米饭
laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花汤
shrimp cocktail 鲜虾盅
why is it taking so long? 这么久
allergic to seafood 海鲜过敏
soup is too greasy 汤太油
meat is overcooked 肉太老
not cooked properly 还没熟
in season 应季
taster plate 餐前小菜
beef satay 沙嗲牛肉
sundae 圣代冰激淋
kebab 烤肉串
family bucket meal 全家桶
onion rings 洋葱圈
chicken nuggets 鸡块
deep fried 油炸
sprite 艾七喜汽水
cokecocacola 可口可乐
mirinda 美年达
pepsi 百事可乐
half serve 半份
take off 拿走,剔除
say grace 祷告
pray 祈祷
on memy shout 我请客
will this table be all right? 这桌行不?
put the knife and fork diagonally 对角
further side of the plate 盘子外侧
place the sharp side in 刀刃向里
whet the appetite 开胃,吊胃口
i’ll leave the choice to you 你来定
to dine with friends 戴和朋友吃饭
hospitality 殷勤,好客
hospitable 殷勤的,好客的
stubby glass短粗的酒杯
ruby 红宝石
pitcherjug 大水罐
canister (有盖的)罐子
platter 扑led大浅盘(公共)
plate 餐盘(自己)
kitchen counter 厨房的洗手台
do the dishes 洗碗
dishwasher detergent 低特准t洗碗精
dishwashing liquid 洗洁精
paper towel holder 纸巾架
dish towel 洗碗布
dish rack 碗架
spice rack 调味罐架
blender 榨汁机
insulation mat 因色累熏隔热垫
potholder 隔热垫
placemat 餐垫
wicker basket 大竹篮(美)
wicker chair 藤椅
tea kettle 茶壶
ice cube tray 冰块盒
refrigerator compartment 冷藏室
freezer compartment 冷冻室
room temp water 温水
cold or not cold 冻的还是不冻的
-------------------------------------- ---------
beige 被举米黄色
turquoise 特葵z蓝绿色,青色
pants 长裤(通称,指正或非正式长裤)
slacks 长裤(过时词汇, 宽松休闲裤)
jerseyknit shirt 卓zPolo衫
three- piece suit 三件式西装
jumpsuit 连身工装裤
overalls 背带式工装裤
jumper 无袖连衣裙
tunic t优你可束腰外衣
turtleneck 高领毛衣
tuxedo 燕尾服
coat hanger 衣架
overcoat 长大衣
sportswear 运动衣
bow tie 领结
starch 浆洗,淀粉
evening gown 晚礼服
nightgown 睡袍
dressing gown 睡袍
nightshirt 长睡衫
long underwear 长袖睡衣裤
bathrobe 浴袍
tracksuit 田径套装(校服)

sweatband 防汗发带
sweatshirt 长袖运动衫
sweatpants 运动长裤
swimming trunks 男式泳裤
wetsuit 冲浪衣(连体长)
leotard 立恶塔的紧身运动衣
pleated shirt 百褶裙
plain shirt 普通款裙子
windbreaker 防风夹克
trench coat 风衣外套
poncho 丑斗篷
rain boots 水鞋
waistcoat 男式西装背心
vest 背心
down jacket 格子有袖羽绒服
down vest 格子无袖羽绒服
parka 趴可套头毛外套
ear muffs 耳罩
fitting room 试衣间
locker room 更衣室
boxer shorts 毛式平腿短裤
pantiesbriefs 女内裤
slip 长或短衬裙
cardigan 开襟毛衣
terrace 天台,梯田
satellite dish 卫星天线
TV antenna 电视天线
classified ads 分类广告
tenant 房客
landlord 房东
fire escape 走火梯
stairway 楼梯
peephole 猫眼
buzzer 八惹儿门铃
doorbell 门铃
door knob 门把手
door latch 门栓
door chain 门链
hinge 门铰链
write it down for me 帮我写下来
pay with a credit card 信用卡付款
additional charge for damage to
gymnasium 体育馆,健身中心
sauna 哨哪桑拿
spacious and airy 宽敞通风的
in the name of 以…的名义
happen to be 碰巧
pay 10 as a deposit 付10块作订金
camisole 开米手打底内衣
spaghetti strapped shirt 细吊带上衣
tank top 宽吊带上衣
striped 条纹的
pantyhose 潘体吼死裤袜
stockings 长筒袜
suspenders 吊裤带,吊袜带
suspend 暂停;悬挂,吊
knee socks 及膝长袜
leggings 哥女式紧身长裤,绑腿
tights 紧身长或七分裤
thin and opaque 欧配可薄但不透光
cover-up 罩衫
high-tops 高帮鞋
thongsflip-flops 人字拖
work boots 工作靴
beads 串珠项链
locket 可放照片的坠链
barrette at-at发夹
cuff links 袖扣
shoulder bag 单肩包
briefcase 公文包
makeup bag 化妆包
long-sleeved shirt 长袖衬衫
short- sleeved shirt 短袖衬衫
pierce the ears 打耳洞
pierced earrings 穿洞式耳环
clip-on earrings 夹式耳环
checked 方格纹的
plaid at苏格兰格纹的
polka-dotted 圆点的
print 印花的
solid blue 纯蓝的
extra-small 特小号
medium 中号
extra- large 特大号
regular cut 合身剪裁
slim cut 修身剪裁
skinny cut 紧身剪裁
loosebaggy 宽松的
fancy 花哨的
plain 朴素的
stained collar 脏的衣领
button hole 纽扣眼
sandal 凉鞋
pant leg 裤腿
rippedtorn pocket 扯破的口袋
broken zipper 坏掉的拉链
missing button 不见的纽扣
shorten the skirt 改短裙子
lengthen the sleeves 放长衣袖
take in the jacket 改小外套
let out the pants 放宽长裤
fixrepair the seam 补好裂缝
I’m just browsing 随便看看
measure my size 量我的尺寸
too tight in the front 前面太紧
will it shrink 会不会缩水?
wrap a tower around sb 裹住身子
step into pants 把脚伸裤子里
pull the pants up 提裤子
zip up the fly 拉上拉链
slip a belt through the belt loops 穿皮带
buckles it 扣皮带
slip an arm into a sleeve 伸进袖子
button the cuffs 扣上袖口
straighten the collar 拉直衣领
tuck the shirt into pants 掖好衣服
patio 趴体呕露台
attach a to b 把a系b上
do I have to pay 要付钱吗
gratuity 郭tiur体小费,退休金
expressing gratitude 表达感谢
hot tub 按摩浴缸
shower gel 沐浴液
dry-cleaning service 干洗服务
bring up 送来
to cool the room 制冷
vacate the room v哦尅t退房
ring … through 给我们电话
boutique 不替可精品店
bouquet 不尅(Kei)花束
banquet 葵宴会
wreath 瑞f花环
fax machine 传真机
facsimile service at系么里传真服务
hire a laptop 租台电脑
breakdown 明细,细目
hotel courtesy vehicles 饭店接驳车
deposit luggage 寄存行李
leave baggage 寄存行李
bag drop 存包处
cloakroom 寄存处
bell desk 行李柜台
bellboybellmanbellhop 行李生美式
porter 行李生英式(大门到房间)
doorman 门童(车门到大门)
minimum charge 最低消费
be clear about 对…很了解
key deposit 钥匙押金
key ring 钥匙圈
CCTV closed circuit tv闭路电视
we cordially invite call底儿里诚挚邀请
pane 窗玻璃
recommend sb sth 推荐
recommend sth to sb 推荐
a head for figures 算术好
home away from home 宾至如归
preferential code 优惠代码
complimentary rate 优惠价格
compliment 赞美,表扬
complement 补充
mending service for clothes 缝补
darn socks 单缝袜子
money laundering 洗钱
similar to sth 与sth很相似
it runs $$100 要花100块
half board 含餐(一早一正)
full board 含餐(三餐)
forwarding address 转投地址
extend it for one more night多一晚
do sth on my behalf 代表我做
in a sense 某种意义上说
housekeeping dept. 客房部
chambermaid 川薄美的客房大姐
meter maid 昧的纠正乱停的女警
mermaid 美人鱼
valet service at,i洗熨衣物
pressing 熨衣服
more inviting 更加温馨
leave for bangkok 去曼谷
distinctive features 特点
please count them 请清点一下
rather than a seal 不用印章,封存
signing is hard to imitate 难以模仿
transfer affection to other移情别恋
do sth without liability 不负责

the fewer problems, the better
that’s a nuisance 妞审死真烦人
hotel count 酒店清点的数目
aloofness 爱搭不理的冷淡
over-attentiveness 过分殷勤
what’s more 更过分的是
effusive greeting伊f又洗v频繁叨扰
effusive talk 滔滔不绝的说
it is on the tip of my tongue烫想不起
conserve environment 保护环境
block letters 印刷体,中文就是正楷
rooftop swimming pool 顶楼游泳池
ground floor 大堂
patronage 怕扯内举惠顾
a room commanding the sea 俯瞰
we're booked solid 客满,实心无空隙
mini bar 小冰箱
electronic safe 电子保管箱
duty manager 值班经理
who is it? 问门外哪位
chinkchinkie 中国佬
siblings 西不零兄弟姐妹,同科属
binder 活页夹
gust 阵风
tornado 托内斗龙卷风
cyclone 塞科漏嗯龙卷风
piercing wind 刺骨寒风
cold front 冷空气
cold spell 寒流
subzero 零度以下的
heat wave 热浪
drought 奥干旱
gloomy 阴天的
hailing 嘿零下冰雹
blizzard 暴风雪
dust storm 沙尘暴
precipitation 降雨量
monsoon zone 馒舜季风带
clear to overcast 晴转多云
mild 温暖的
thermometer 温度计
Fahrenheit 华氏温度
Centigrade 摄氏温度
Celsius 稍息啊死摄氏温度
cardinal numbers 基数词
ordinal numbers 序数词
spiral notebook 螺纹笔记本
spiral 斯败尔搂螺旋形的,急剧升降
spine 斯败嗯脊柱
spinal column 脊椎
spinal cord 脊髓,脊椎神经
cerebral spinal fluid CSF脑脊液
graph paper 方格纸
thumbtack 图钉
pin 大头针
safety pin 别针
teacher’s aide 助教
projector 投影仪
overhead projector 高射投影仪
bulletin board 布告栏
loudspeaker 喇叭
put away your book 收拾
bring in your homework 带(进)来
hand in your homework交(上)来
go over the answers 仔细核对
correct our mistakes 改正
look in the dictionary 翻字典
look up a word 查单词
look up the schedule 查班次
break up into small groups 分成作
break into 5 twenties 把钱分成
take out a piece of paper 扯下张纸
take out the garbage 倒,拿走去除
take one down 取下
pass it around 传下去
pass out the tests 分发考卷
collect the tests 回收考卷
mark the answer sheet 涂选答案
bubble the answer涂选答案
cross out the word 划掉
unscramble the word 拼出
put the words in order 事情安排好
write on a separate paper 另一张纸
to the leftright of 在…的左右边
hallwaycorridor 走廊
bleachers 露天看台架
breach 破坏,违反
beach 海滩(长)
bitch 婊子(短)
auditoriumhall 喔嘀拓里唔大礼堂
guidance counselor 辅导咨询师
P.E. teacher 体育老师
custodian 喀斯斗典舍管,看守人
librarian 图书馆老师
do the laundry 洗衣服
feed the babycat 喂…
walk the dog 遛狗
go to work 上班
leave work 下班
play cards 玩扑克
to relax 休息
not (too) much (近况)老样子
leave taking 道别
getting sb’s attention 引起注意
bring to sb’s attention 引起注意
misty 薄雾的
foggy (宜昌)有浓雾的
smoggy (兰州)有烟尘的
muggy 闷热的(容易一身汗)
damp 潮湿的(书房墙)
humid 潮湿的(回南天)
drizzling 桔日零下毛毛雨
down pour 大雨
gale wind 大风
two oh five 两点零五
penny 一分硬币
nickel 五分硬币
dime 一角硬币
silver dollar 一元硬币
twenty dollar bill 二十元纸币
buck 美元(俚)
quid 英镑(俚)
nursing home 敬老院
shelter 收容所
air raid shelter 防空洞
houseboat 船屋
apartment 公寓
townhouse (低层)多联栋
duplex (低层)双联栋
housedetached house 独立别墅
condo 看抖共管公寓
ranch house 带车库的长平房
ranch 乱曲牧场
pasture 趴死曲儿牧场草场
orchard 哦瘸3的果园
orchid 哦kid 兰花
barn 牛圈,粮仓
the country 乡下
painting (墙上)画
mantel 馒头壁炉台
end table 墙角小茶几
screen door 纱门
window screen 纱窗
lower the drapes 拉下窗帘(厚长的)
lower the price 便宜点
blinds 百叶窗,遮光帘
shutter 百叶窗,快门
shuttle 航天飞机,穿梭工具
shuttle bus 穿梭巴士
lampshade 灯罩
shade 灯罩,窗帘,太阳眼镜
floor lamp 落地灯
fluorescent lamp灯管
ceiling fan 细零吊扇
chandelier 拴的粒尔吊灯
candlestick 烛台
wall unit 壁柜,立柜
headboard 床头板
night table 床头柜
nightstand 床头柜
chest of drawer 衣柜
dresser 梳妆柜
bureau b优搂梳妆柜
box spring 弹簧垫
bed frame 床架
electric blanket 电热毯
bedspread 床罩
comforter 堪佛t被子
quilt 被子
jewelry box 住蕊首饰盒
wastebasket 废纸篓
trash bags 垃圾袋
garbage pail 垃圾桶
rubbish bin 垃圾桶
trash container 垃圾桶
trash chute 垃圾滑道
vanity 浴室盥洗台
changing table 换尿布台
washer 垫圈,洗衣机
intercom 对讲机
toddler 他的了一岁以下的幼儿
stretch suit 连身装

crib 婴儿床
cradle 盔抖摇篮(木重)
bassinet at西摇篮(藤轻)
stroller 讴婴儿车(坐式)
baby carriage 婴儿车(躺式)
high chair 宝宝凳
peepiss 撒
poop 拉
potty 婴儿马桶
baby frontpack 前背带
baby backpack 后背带
pack n.包,盒,背包,一组;v.打包,携带
soap dish 香皂盒
soap dispenser 按压式洗手液
laundry soap 烂嘴肥皂
toilet soap 香皂
bar soap 香皂
tissue holder 卷纸筒
fan 抽风扇
ventventilation 排气窗
plunger 盼觉儿通马桶吸盘
air freshener 空气清香剂
the sink is clogged 水槽塞住了
drain 排水孔
day care center 托儿所
optician 眼镜店,配镜师
florist 花农
gas stationservice station 加油站
hair salon 发廊
hardware store 五金店
Laundromat 自助洗衣店
maternity shop 母婴店
fire hydrant 消防栓
city hall 市政府
newsstand 报刊亭
forked road 三岔路口
intersection 十字路口
crossroad 十字路口
crosswalk 斑马线
pedestrian 行人
curb 人行道边缘
office building 办公楼
street sign 路牌
signpost 告示牌
street vendor 路边摊贩
senior citizen 老人
middle-aged 中年的
heavy 胖的
manhole 下水道井
sewer 树尔阴沟
street light 路灯
lamppost 路灯柱
front porch 门廊
lawnmower 割草机
tool shed 工具储藏室
yardstick 码尺,检验标准
courtyard 庭院
courthouse 法院
court 法院,球场
doorway 玄关
driveway 私家车道
laneway 巷道
drive-through window 打包车道
parking lot 停车场
parking space 停车位
parking garage 专用停车楼
moving van 搬家车
whirlpool 窝欧铺呕按摩池
air conditioner 空调
smoke detector 烟雾探测器
cockroaches 蟑螂
termites 特买t白蚁
cicada 知了,蝉
locksmith 锁匠
superintendent 物业管理人员
sprinkler system 自动洒水系统
hot water heater 热水器
the paint is peeling 油漆剥落了
the wall is cracked 墙壁龟裂了
pest control specialist 杀虫专业人员
chimney sweep 扫烟囱工人
home repairperson 杂工(打眼埋线)
handyman 杂工(打眼埋线)
the light doesn’t go on 灯不亮
the doorbell doesn’t ring 门铃不响
the power is out 停电了
the tiles are loose 瓷砖剥落
the door doesn’t open 门不开
heating system 暖气
sweep the floor 扫地
clean carpet 清洁地毯
vacuum the floor 吸尘
mop the floor 拖地
dust cloth 抹布
feather duster 鸡毛掸子
dust the sofa 掸沙发
wax the floor 地板打蜡
dustpan 簸箕
whisk broom 小扫把
vacuum attachments 吸尘器配件
ammonia 氨水
furniture polish 家具亮光剂
cleanser 洁厕剂
cleaners 干洗店
scrub brush 厕所刷子
vise 台式钳
pliers 钳子
wheelbarrow 独轮手推车
rake 耙子
fly swatter 苍蝇拍
mousetrap 捕鼠器
buginsect spray 杀虫剂
paintbrush 油漆刷
paint roller 油漆滚筒
barber shop 理发店
child care center 托儿所
thinslim 瘦的苗条的
physically challenged 身障的
vision impaired 视障的
hearing impaired 听障的
handicapped parking only残障车位
handicapped- accessible room无障碍设施房
shoulder length 披肩长的
wavy 大波浪的
curly 小卷发的
bald 秃顶的
gray hair 白发
crooked road 弯曲的道路
neat 整齐的
messy 杂乱的
shiny 有光泽明亮的
dull 暗淡陈旧的
miserable 不幸的
annoyed 恼怒的
annoyances 恼怒的事(被偷抢)
disgusted 恶心的
sick 恶心的
store directory 楼层介绍
pick up 提货区
housewares dept. 餐厨用品部
household appliances 家电部
electronics dept. 电视音响部
men’s room 男厕
ladies’ room 女厕
return 退货,退钱
try on 试穿
pay for 付款
sale sign 特价招牌
on sale 大减价
bargain sale 大减价
casual wear 休闲服
be not in stock 缺货
dry-cleaned 干洗的
price tag 价格标签
care instructions 洗涤说明
regular price 原价
sale price 折扣价
sales tax 营业税
video taping 录像
video camera 录像机
stereo system 音响系统
stereo headphones 立体声耳机
audio tape 录音带
videotapes 录影带
tape deck 录音带卡匣
boom box 旧手提式录音机
flash 闪光灯
attachment 配件
floppy disk 软盘
joystick 摇杆,手柄
plug 插头
socket 插座
make a withdrawal 提款
cash a check 兑现支票
withdrawal slip 取款单
vault 银行金库
safe deposit box 保管箱(custody)
money order 汇票
household bills 家庭开支账单
heating bill 暖气费
waterelectric bill 水电费
cable TV bill 有线电视费
check register 支票明细账
monthly statement 月结单

get cash 取款
transfer funds 转帐
PIN: Personal Identification Number
package 包裹
parcel post 包裹
certified mail 挂号信
sheet of stamps 整版邮票
mailing address 收件人地址
return address 寄件人地址
mail slot 邮箱投递口
mail carrier 邮差
delivery person 快递员
courier 快递人员(邮局)
school badge 校徽
backpacking 背包徒步旅行
trekking 徒步旅行
lodging 住宿
constitute 组成
heterogeneous 混杂的
rationale 原因
group tours 跟团游
the Hippie Trail 嬉皮之路
capitalize on 利用,善用
coupled with 再加上,此外
break 骨折
itchy 发痒的
bandage 绷带
sterile pad 消毒敷垫
hydrogen peroxide 双氧水
antibiotic ointment 抗生素软膏
gauze 纱布
adhesive tape 胶布
tweezers 镊子
get an injection 打针
put sb on a drip 打点滴
feel slightly feverish 低烧
prescribe a medicine 开药
look pale 看着面色苍白
roll up the sleeve 卷起袖子
insomnia 失眠
anemic 贫血的
have an upset stomach 胃不舒服
keep muscle from cramping 防抽筋
aspirin 阿司匹林
pain reliever 止痛药
CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
CRP 心肺复苏术
urine sample 尿样
reliant on 依赖
authenticity 真实性
perceive 认为
sneaking backstage 一探究竟
flashpacking 预算充足的背包旅行
affluent 富裕的
disposable income 可支配收入
advent of sth 某事物的出现
itinerary 旅行日程
annoyances 烦心事(偷抢)
fangsuo commune 公社
card catalog 卡片式书目
library card 借书证
periodical section 期刊区
encyclopedia 百科全书
atlas 地图集
paramedic 急救人员
recreation center 活动中心
recreation 文体活动
dump 垃圾堆放场
sanitation worker 垃圾清洁工
child-care worker 保育员
nursery 育儿室
play room 儿童娱乐室
senior center 敬老院
eldercare worker 敬老护工
mosque 清真寺
pisspeego number 1 小解
poopgo number 2 大解
wink 使眼色的眨眼
blink 普通的眨眼
gums 牙龈
abdomen 腹部
waist 腰
calf 小腿肚
shin 胫骨(小腿前侧)
knuckle 指关节
gallbladder 胆囊
large intestine 大肠
small intestine 小肠
pancreas 胰脏
bladder 膀胱
veins 静脉
arteries 动脉
ribcage 胸腔
pelvis 骨盆
sore throat 喉咙痛
rash 出疹子
sunburn 晒伤
stiff neck 脖子僵硬
bloody nose 鼻子流血
cavity 蛀牙
blister 脚上的水泡
wart 疣(小肉瘤)
chills 畏寒
cramp 抽筋
have a diarrhea 腹泻
shortness of breath 气喘
laryngitis 咽喉炎
faint 头晕的(轻)
dizzy 头晕目眩的(重)
nauseous 恶心的
bloated 胀气的
congested 鼻塞的
wheeze 气喘
bruise 淤青
scratch 抓伤(一条)
scrape 擦伤(多条)
dislocate 脱臼
has no pulse 没有脉搏
rescue breathing 人工呼吸
sb isn’t breathing 没有呼吸
sb is choking 异物哽塞
a ultrasound check B超检查
to be hospitalized 住院
MBBS 临床本科
splint 夹板
tourniquet 止血带
in shock 休克
heat stroke 中暑
frostbite 冻伤
allergic reaction 过敏反应
everything is spinning 天旋地转
aching muscles 肌肉酸痛
ankles are puffy 脚踝肿了
red and swollen 红肿的
swollen 浮肿的
numbness 麻木
tingling 麻刺感
have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通
get an electric shock 遭到电击
influenza 流感
strep throat 链球菌性喉炎
measles 麻疹
mumps 腮腺炎
chicken pox 水痘
asthma 气喘
depression 抑郁症
diabetes 糖尿病
hypertension 高血压
TB: tuberculosis 肺结核
draw some blood 抽血
blood pressure gauge 血压计
examination room 诊疗室
stethoscope 听诊器
dress the wound 包扎伤口
close the wound 缝合伤口
give you a shot of anesthetic 麻醉剂
medical history form 病历表
medical chart 病历记录
stitches (缝的)针
gauze 纱布
crutches 拐杖
sling 吊带
brace 支架
braces 牙套,齿颚矫正器
hygienist 洗牙师
filling 补牙材料
cast 石膏
rest in bed 卧床休息
gargle 漱口
mouthwash 漱口水
ear nose and throat 耳鼻喉科
get acupuncture 接受针灸
humidifier 加湿器
air purifier 空气滤清器
cane 拐杖
crane 起重机,仙鹤
walker 医用助行器(凳式)
counseling 咨询
cough syrup 止咳糖浆
throat lozenges 润喉糖
antacid tablets 解酸药片治胃痛
decongestant spray 鼻塞喷剂
nasal spray 鼻塞喷剂
eye drops 眼药水
ointment 软膏
creamcrème 乳霜

lotion 乳液
pill 药丸
capsule 胶囊
caplet 囊片(百服宁)
patient’s room 病房
hospital gown 病号服
hospital bed 病床
call button 呼叫钮
I.V. 静脉注射
vital signs monitor 生命特征监视器
bed tables 病床桌
bed pan 便盆
dietitian 营养师
orderly 护工
health-care aide 看护
anesthesiologist 麻醉师
delivery room 产房
obstetrician 产科医生
nurse-midwife 助产士
gurney 担架
radiologist 放射科医生
personal hygiene 个人卫生
tampon wsj
floss my teeth 牙线清洁牙齿
right angle 直角
base 底边
hypotenuse 斜边
isosceles triangle 等腰三角形
acute angle 锐角
obtuse angle 钝角
radius 半径
diameter 直径
circumference 圆周
ellipseoval 椭圆
solid figures 立体图形
pyramid 三角锥体
declarative 直述的
interrogative 疑问的
imperative 祈使的
exclamatory 感叹的
preposition 介词
pronoun 代名词
speech 口语
period 句号
exclamation point 感叹号
apostrophe 撇号
quotation marks 引号
novel 长篇小说
dental floss 牙线
conditioner 护发素
nail file 指甲锉
nail clipper 指甲剪
nail polish 指甲油
put some deodorant under arms体香剂
cologne 古龙水
prickly heat powder 痱子粉
baby powder 婴儿爽身粉
sunscreen 防晒乳
blush 腮红
rouge 腮红
mascara 睫毛膏
lipstick 口红
bib 围嘴
nipple 奶嘴
formula 配方奶粉
wipes 婴儿用湿巾
disposable diapers 一次性纸尿裤
cloth diaper 布尿片
diaper pin 尿片别针
baby shampoo 婴儿洗发水
cotton swab 棉签
baby lotion 婴儿润肤露
pacifier 安慰奶嘴
nursing 喂奶
read … to … 读给…听
cubby 收纳柜收纳箱
government 政治
home economics 家政
industrial arts 工艺
driver’s education 驾驶训练
orchestra 管弦乐团
choir 合唱团
chorus 合唱团
football 橄榄球
footie 足球
cheerleading 啦啦队
pep squad 啦啦队
student government 学生会
school newspaper 校刊
yearbook 毕业纪念册
nonsuch 极品
vulnerable groups 弱势群体
arithmetic 算术
addition 加法
subtraction 减法
multiplication 乘法
division 除法
2 plus 1 equals 3
8 minus 3 equals 5
4 times 2 equals 8
10 divided by 2 equals 5
fractions 分数
one fourth 四分之一
two thirds 三分之二
one half 二分之一
algebra 代数
trigonometry 三角函数
calculus 微积分
measurements 尺寸
footfeet 英尺(12 inches)
yard 码(3 feet)
curved line 曲线
perpendicular lines 垂直线
geometrics shapes 几何图形
diagonal 对角线
right triangle 直角三角形
apex 顶点
short story 短篇小说
biography 传记
autobiography 自传
editorial 社论
mountain range 山脉
mountain peak 山峰
plains 平原
meadow 草地
plateau 高原
canyon 峡谷
dunesand dune 沙丘
(sea)shore 海滨
peninsula 半岛
slide 载玻片
Petri dish 培养皿
flask 烧瓶
funnel 漏斗
beaker 烧杯
test tube 试管
forceps 镊子
crucible tongs 坩埚钳
Bunsen burner 本生灯
graduated cylinder 量筒
prism 三棱镜
dropper 滴管
balance 天平
state the problem 提出问题
form a hypothesis 建立假设
plan a procedure 设计实验步骤
record observation 观察记录
babysitter 保姆
bricklayer 泥水匠
mason 泥水匠
butcher 肉贩
janitor 工友
foreman 领班,工头
landscaper 园林设计师
homemaker 主妇,主夫
housekeeper 女管家,女佣
manicurist 美甲师
mover 搬运工
serviceman 男军官
servicewoman 女军官
shopkeeper 店主
veterinarianvet 兽医
welder 焊接工
fly a plane 开飞机
grow vegetables 种菜
guard buildings 看大门
mow lawns 割草
take inventory 盘点库存
help wanted sign 用工告示
job notice 招聘启示
Monday through Friday 至
ask about the benefits 询问福利
conveyor belt 传送带
forklift 叉车
hand truckdolly 手推车
payroll office 出纳部
personnel office 人事部
sledgehammer 大铁锤
pickax 十字镐
jackhammer 手持式风钻
tape measure 卷尺
tool belt 工具腰带
trowel 灰浆刀
scaffolding 鹰架
dump truck 翻斗车
cherry picker 电动升降车

backhoe 挖土机
drywall 石膏预制板(墙板)
plywood 胶合板
insulation 绝缘体
shingle 屋顶板
girder 主梁
beam 次梁
hard hat 安全帽
helmet 头盔
earplugs 耳塞
safety earmuffs 耳罩(飞机机械师)
safety vest 安全背心
latex gloves 乳胶手套
respirator 防毒面具
corrosive 腐蚀性的
radioactive 放射性的
biohazard 生物危害品
defibrillator 电击器
conductor 列车长
past the school 经过学校
dead end 此路不通
no outlet 此路不通
merging traffic 右侧汇入车流
detour 绕道
Frankfurt 法兰克福
Melbourne 墨尔本
Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
bonded storage 存关保管
clearing customs 通关
confiscate 没收
narcotic 那阔体可麻醉品
obscene publications 淫秽出版物
layover 短暂停留
stop over 中途停留
stop off 中途停下
galley 飞机的厨房
trunk airlines 骨干航空公司
regional airlines 地区航空公司
reissue 改签
refuel 加油
special package deals 优惠套票
trolley 行李推车
weighscale 称
checked-in luggage 托运行李
consign vt.托运
left baggages 行李寄存处
check through to 托运
shipping service 托运服务
compass 指南针
parallel parking 路边停车
make a 3-point turn 3点调头
use hand signals 使用手势
suitcase 手提箱
security checkpoint 安检站
amusement park 欢乐世界(长隆)
craft fair 手工艺品集市
yard sale 二手市集
swap meet 旧物交换
flea market 跳蚤市场
aquarium 水族馆
conservatory of music 音乐学院
planetarium 天文馆
carnival 流动游乐场
fair 庙会,集市,展会,露天游乐场
casino 赌场
inline skating 滑轮
rollerblading 滑轮
racquetball 壁球
pool 台球
billiards 台球
billiards room 台球房
ball room 舞厅
golf course 高尔夫球场
martial arts 武术
gymnastics 体操
apparatus 器械,仪器
even and slow 平稳缓慢
work out 健身
exercise 健身
wrestle 摔跤
softball 垒球
lacrosse 曲棍球
hockey 冰上曲棍球
hockey rink 冰上曲棍球场
soccer field 足球场
basketball court 篮球场
volleyball court 排球场
ballet 芭蕾舞
hip hop 嘻哈音乐
drama 剧情片
quiz show 竞赛类节目
talk show 访谈节目
guided tour 跟团游
study tour 游学观摩团
eco tour 生态游(农家乐)
safari 狩猎;乘车游览
expedition 探险队
freeze! 不许动!
burgleburglary 入室行窃
hands up 举起手来!
arctic ocean 北冰洋
Atlantic ocean 大西洋
pacific ocean 太平洋
Indian ocean 印度洋
Mongolia 蒙古
Philippines 菲律宾
Brunei 文莱
Laos 老挝
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Myanmar 缅甸
Bhutan 不丹
Bangladesh 孟加拉
Nepal 尼泊尔
sri lanka 斯里兰卡
Pakistan 巴基斯坦
Detroit 底特律
Columbus 哥伦布
bag wrap 行李打包
announcement 广播
overweight 超重的
annotation 批注
lighter 打火机
ashtray 烟灰缸
cigarette ash 烟灰
cigarette butt 烟蒂
cigarette filter 过滤嘴
tobacco 烟丝,烟草
quarantine 检疫
contraband 违禁品,走私品
formality 手续
prefer tea to coffee 要茶
boarding bridge 廊桥
standby passenger 候补乘客
immensity 幅员辽阔
comparatively low 相对便宜
trading seats 换座
be stowed under a seat 放凳子下
subject to taxchange 需要…的
effects 物品
weary 疲倦的
a week or so 大约一周
a carton of cigarettes 一盒烟
cigar 雪茄
disease agents 病原体
cell cultures 细胞培养
be in close proximity of密切接触
overpass 立交桥
hail 招手
hold fast 握紧
hold tight 抓紧
straight bus 直达车
bus conductor 售票员
in the opposite direction 反方向
double decker 双层巴士
hale here 招手停车
signal the driver 招手停车
press the buzzer 按铃
move down 往里走
gateway 过道
fare adjustment 补票处
exchange machine 兑硬币机
passport-size photo 护照相片
pull into the station 进站
override sb's station 坐过站
make a connection 转车
i kinda get lost 迷路
go three stops 坐三站
a short walk away 走一小段路
boot 汽车后备箱
detour 绕道
flag fall 起步价
drop off 让…下车
sleeper 卧铺车
overhead storage 行李架
swap bunks with me 换铺位
no worries 别客气,没事
Athens 雅典
Bern 瑞士伯尔尼
Denver 丹佛
softhard sleeper 软硬卧
have tickets punched 检票
excuse me, can I get by? 借过
1 hour behind schedule 晚点一小时
lifeboat 救生艇
liner 客轮
bridge 驾驶台

life preserver 救生员
mechanical failure 机械故障
muster station 集合处
vehicular ferry 汽车轮渡(人车)
sea sick 晕船
embarkboardaboard 登船
embarkation card 登机牌上船票
disembark 上岸(下船)
dock in 进港
skipper 船长
the sea is rough today 今天风浪大
the Opera House 悉尼歌剧院
mmm 唔…
briefcase 公文包
felt 毛毡,毛线制品
felt brooches 毡毛胸针
studded bag镶珠的
hair clip 发夹
hair band 发带
hair ribbons 发带
tie clip 领带夹
hair ornaments 发饰
show case 橱窗
tennis bracelet 块状手链
tough bag 硬皮纸袋
forged check 伪支票
number slip 号码牌
loss report 挂失
backlighting 逆光
focal length 焦距
shops carry it 店里有得卖
a bit nearer 再靠近一点
have the film developed 洗胶卷
crown 头顶
foam 泡沫
wig 假发
perm 烫发
wax 发蜡,耳屎
manicure 剪指甲
thin out 打薄
hair coloring 染发
central parting 中分
side parting 侧分
block coloring 全染
highlight coloring 挑染
rinse your hair 冲水
relieve the tension 缓解压力
costume (道具)喀死tium服装
bead bracelet 珠状手链
watch band 手表带
watchstrap 手表带
straw hat 草帽
drawstring bag 拉链包
clutch purse 手握式钱包
overnight bag 睡袋
it’s not much 不太贵
beret 软帽,贝雷帽
brass buckle 黄铜皮带扣
do the colors coordinate 颜色搭不?
ruby 红宝石
platinum 铂金
pendant 坠子
gold plated 镀金的
quartz 石英
Alps 阿尔卑斯山
Alpine 阿尔卑斯山的
green jade 碧玉
flawless 无暇的
they look elegant 看着高贵
luminous watch 夜光表
pocket watch 怀表
pair watches 情侣表
hourminutesecond hand 时针
Omega 欧米茄手表
water proof 防水浸的
water resistant 防水溅的
18-karat gold 18k金
how do you do it up?怎么系上去的
second watch from the left 左手边
anti-shock 防震
anti-shake 防抖
mobile phone charm 手机挂饰
porcelain doll 瓷娃娃
linen 亚麻布
sheepskin 羊皮
handicrafts 手工艺品
flash 闪光灯
stylus 触控笔
LCD liquid crystal display 液晶屏
video camera 录像机
disposable camera 拍立得相机
free gifts 赠品
sneakily hiding online 偷摸躲着
despicable person 卑鄙的人
gram 克
aerogram 航空邮件
postmark 邮戳
half a kilo 一斤
checker 收银员
tenant 租客
pier 码头
sunblock 防晒霜
sun screen lotion 防晒霜
put me through to sb 帮我接sb
hold on a moment 请稍等
you’re wanted on the phone 有人找
printed matter 印刷品
recorded delivery 挂号信
registered mail 挂号信
certified mail 挂号信
commemorative stamp 纪念邮票
big heart 心胸广阔
postage paid 邮资已付
COD cash on delivery 货到付款
manuscripts 手稿
surface mail 平邮
air mail 航空邮件
i’ve had a rotten today 今天不爽
cabin 小屋
cottage 农舍
villa 别墅
caravan 房车
set up camp 搭帐篷
dusk and dawn 晨昏
generator 发电机
referee 裁判
pitch 球场
point 分数,积分
swell 海浪起伏
low swell 小波浪
sand dune 沙丘
board shorts 沙滩裤
high tide 涨潮
low tide 退潮
kneel on it 跪在上面
lean forward 身体前倾
paddle with your hands 手拍水
get the hang 搞懂,抓住重点
renovation 装修
cross stitch 十字绣
aerobics 有氧健身
for my own enjoyment 学来好玩
detective novel 侦探小说
very rewarding 很有益
cross talk 相声
New Year's Gala 春节晚会
Chinese skit 小品
Peking Opera 京剧
lantern festival 元宵节
double ninth festival 重阳节
water splashing festival 泼水节
potala palace 布达拉宫
paper cut 剪纸
imperial garden 皇家园林
the great hall of the people 大会堂
the water cube 水立方
the bird’s nest 鸟巢
the palace museum 故宫
the summer palace 颐和园
steep 陡峭的
green hills 山青
clear water 水秀
pretty rocks 石美
peculiar grottoes 洞奇
four wonders 四大奇观
a man-made wonder 人造奇迹
embody 包含了
natural scenery 天然景观
cultural heritage 文化遗产
mural 壁画
a-ma temple 妈祖庙
mogao grottoes 莫高窟
set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
hang out lanterns 挂灯笼
in memory of 为了纪念
patriotic poet 爱国诗人
burn incense 烧香
four-faced Brahma 四面佛
worship the Buddha 拜佛
make a promise 许愿
fulfill a promise 还愿
embassy 大使馆
report a theft 失窃报案
sensation 灵感感觉,轰动事件

be robbed 被抢
sex harassment 性骚扰
hitting people 撞到人
they stole my money 偷钱
borough of Queens 纽约皇后区
no ragging 不欺负人,不搞恶作剧
run into a lamppost 撞到路灯
be supposed to do sth 应该做
i suppose we have no choice 没招
trailer 预告片
board game 棋盘游戏
neutral ground 中立的立场
on the spur of the moment一时冲动
eternal 永恒的
boarding house 寄宿宿舍
attic 阁楼
hideout 秘密据点
stable 马厩
unpatriotic 不爱国的
acres 英亩
hectares 公顷
farther than 比…更远
hectic dayswork 繁忙的日子工作
squeeze into the crowded bus 挤进
the most streamlined 现代化的
dry sb off with a towel 擦干
run some water over sth 用水冲
squeeze toothpaste onto 挤牙膏
swish water back and forth in mouth 漱口
pull the shower curtain shut 拉上浴帘
shower head 喷头
swear 咒骂
over and over 一遍又一遍
international roaming 国际漫游
attraction 景点
splendid 壮观的
gourmand 吃货
flock 聚集
vibrant street stand 充满生气的大排档
adjacent 邻近的
catering services 餐饮服务
early riser 早起的人
late riser 晚起的人
wonder 奇迹
chapel 教堂,殿堂
be liable for 对…负责
ammunition 弹药
stunning scenery 美丽的景色
stunning devices 电击或迷魂装置
knock out the crew 瘫痪机组人员
patron 顾客
lifeguard 救生员
trekking 徒步旅行
ATV(all-terrain vehicle) 越野车
off road 越野
cross 攀爬
Xtrem 拓展训练
zipline 滑索
rubber tapping in plantation 农场割胶
transfer 接送
canoe 独木舟
prestigious 著名的
marina 码头
basking in the sun 晒
sunbathing 日光浴
picturesque 风景如画的
inhabitant 土著民
sumptuous 豪华的
magnificent marine life壮观的海生物
great coral reef 大珊瑚礁
excursion 短途旅行
limestone formations石灰岩产物
fascinating 迷人的
knot 海里小时
snorkelling 浮潜
tour itinerary 行程
pier 码头
teeming 丰富的
minivan 小面包车
trolling 钓鱼
tremendous 巨大的
angler 垂钓者
abundant 大量的
tide 潮汐
amenity 便利设施
VHF Radio 甚高频广播
sounder 音响
lures 鱼饵
mountain buggy 山地车
obstacle 障碍物
rollerballzorb 悠波球
splash ball 飞溅球
descent in 钻进去
upright 竖直的
bungy jump 蹦极
lagoon 潟湖,小湖
catapult bungy弹弓蹦极
tandem bungy 双人蹦极
go-kart 卡丁车
quick response code 二维码,QR码
boredom 无聊
nominal cost 成本价
luster 光泽
blemished 有瑕疵的
baroque 奇形怪状的
intricate process 错综复杂的
thai massage 传统泰式按摩
foot massage 脚底按摩
herbal compress 草药球按摩
ayurvadic 阿育吠陀按摩
hot stone 热石按摩
body scrub 磨砂按摩
back&shoulder relaxation 肩背按摩
body wrap 裹敷
oil massage 精油按摩
four hands massage 双人按摩
SPA(hydrotherapy) 水疗
facial relaxation 脸部护理
insect repellant 驱蚊药
gibbon rehabilitation 长臂猿康复中心
rice paddy 水稻田
fauna 动物群落
sauna 桑拿
in the vicinity of 邻近地区
deserted beaches 人迹罕至的海滩
flat terrain 平坦地带
throw in 忽然出现的
rafting 漂流
paddle 划船
emerald 绿宝石
cove 小海湾
cave 洞
botanic garden 植物园
exotic plants 外来植物
horticultural display 园艺展
cashmere 开司米,山羊绒
mink 貂
linen 亚麻布
kimono 和服
fabric 布
workmanship 工艺
marvelous 非凡的
garment 服装
dressage riding 花式骑马
carafe 玻璃瓶装
brunch 早餐和午餐
panoramic ocean views 全景海景
intimate dining 温馨的餐饮
unpretentious 真切的,不装腔作势的
gourmet 美食家
finger food 手抓食品
suki set (日)寿喜餐
overlook 俯视
aptly 巧妙地
pastry 糕点
patisserie 法式糕点店
boardwalk 木板铺的小道
gastronomy 美食,烹调
cookery 烹饪
culinary 烹饪的
ornate setting 华丽的布置
impeccable 非常棒的
sumptuous boutique 豪华精品店
breathtaking sight 壮观的景观
white snapper 白甲鱼
crispy pancetta skin 脆猪皮
ossobuco 炖牛胫肉
complimentary transfer 免费接送
ambience 环境,气氛
bustling area 嘈杂的地区
top off 画上句号
succulent fish 鲜美的鱼肉
generous 丰富的
acoustic 听觉的
sea bass 海鲈鱼
libation 酒水
oversized 特大的
terrazzo bar 石米铺的
thoughtful 体贴的
unsurpassed 卓越的
exquisitely food 精致的食物
regal 华丽的
savour 去品位
food critic 美食评论家
oyster 蚝
feature 扮演,承担…角色

tantalize 引诱
tempt 勾引
palette 调色板
renowned 有名的
meander 闲聊
serenade 小夜曲
tapas 餐前小吃
cellar 酒窖
couche 倾斜的
Adventist Hospital 基督医院
flourished 兴旺的

catch up on the news 得到消息;赶着做完
email is rapidly catching up 赶上
catch up in compliance 达到合规
I'm beginning to catch on vi.明白,理解
call on vt.要求,拜访
call in 请来,找来
turn up at different times vi.出现
call up information on any clients 回忆起
loans have made up the difference vt.补足
allowing sb to mark it up for retail vt.提价
draw up a contract vt.起草一份合同
to wind up a company vt.关闭公司
rise up of the ladder 晋升
if i stuck at the work, i can move up the company 坚持做,就会升
dry up 使…干涸
be fed up with sth 受够了某事
to see a pick up in business好转
economic turn around 好转,扭亏为盈
two hours commuting on the bus车程

[BEC Vantage]
the penalty clause vt.放弃权利

belated adj.

in the
she has a
my steps
of somewhere


influence on the other students. adj.

routine type of person
get the kids ready for school
start work at nine
finish work at five
decide to have the morning off

stick to a diet
stick to his word
end up watching TV
take the kids to school

get the kids home
i’ve been with the same company since I left school.

come to work
go ininto work
all too often

it’s nice to

go public vi.
go in every so often 偶尔上班
come along with
go along with
along with
go ahead


management was
go without saying

go unopposed

check up on people
as opposed to B(表转折

to consult a legal adviser
he failed the test in spite of all his studying.
despite oneself
older companies will need to

traditional moral values
in today's economy. vi.

quickly if they are to

first- tier cities
packaging n.
elite n.
photocopier n.
conference 记者招待会;新闻界,记者
xerox .
advertising campaign

billboard campaign
publicity campaign
to generated enormous
literature n.宣传材料

publicity n.关注;宣传
sophisticated logistics network
illiterate 电脑盲
performance appraisal
retail outlet n.
substantial discount adj.

boardroom n.
ahead of schedule
on schedule

behind schedule
stay ahead of the competition
flexible adj.
winning formulasuccess recipe
fall sharply
a steady drop
a dramatic riseincrease sharply

pilot factory
pilot project
sleeping partner

financial markets
the cost vt.

pound adj.
recovere strongly强劲反弹
our business vt.
cutting edge

in short supply
well-established companies

strongly vi.起主要作用
customer-driven culture
the market as a whole

amount to

account for
register n.语域



discourse management 语言组织
modal n.情态动词
collocation n.词的搭配
collaboration n.合作
elaboration n.细化
monologue n.独白
utterance n.发音
salutation n.敬语,致敬
superficial adj.表面上的
provisional plan 暂时的计划
royalty card 会员卡
strategic adj.战略的
tactical adj.战术的
to see how it goes 看看效果如何
interlocutor n.谈话考官
assessor n.评价考官
mailshot n.邮寄来的大量广告
leaflet n.传单
flier n.促销传单
flair n.才华
acting (代理的)[省长主任等等]
amalgamation n.重组
appeal to 呼吁上诉对…有吸引力适合
appear to 好像
appropriate vt.拨款
aptitude n.天资
arrears n.欠账
current asset 流动资产
fixed asset 固定资产
frozen asset 冻结资产
resistance n.抗拒,阻力
backing n.支持,赞助
backhander n.贿赂
backlog n.积压
fringe benefits n.附加福利
infringe vt.违法
make a bid for 出价买
takeover bid n.收购出价
in the black adv.盈利
bounce vi.拒付
word of mouth
brochure n.

spam n.
starting point

decent adj.
astonished adj.

sweetener n.

colorant n.
deduction n.
past participle

after all, nobody forces them

bits and pieces
financial or psychological reward
switch to our rivals
maintain competitiveness
update knowledge
develop new skills

run a program

common objectives

due to

due for
be due to

concentrate vt.

overcommitted adj.
unit performance
soaring cost of
leisure facilities
come into operation
prompt reply 及时的回复

put into practice
put into place:
look into a matter

pull into
the car park vi.


hand in one’s notice
a problem 解决问题

one month’s notice
please note therefore that …

out with 说出
up with 想出个主意;拿出钱
jargon n.


the bank will never

incoming n.
solicit your info

outgoing n.
world beater n.
set aside

set aside differences
some time 留出时间
abroad adv.

break even point n.
book value n.
bookkeeper n.
as long as I
get well on with
get the work done
get locked into
don’t get sidetracked

get hold- up
get stuck in
get into debt

be out of debt
sort through
your weeks

break through
sorted out
come through


put through
put a stop to

put sb. in charge of

put forward

put forth my best effort
put pen to paper
put on the spot
on the spot

put new ads.
on hold

fire exit
on hold
how should I
and so forth

consumables n.
put it 怎么

consumer durables n.

buy up





business angels

credit worthiness

cut-throat business adj.
cut-price adj.

move off
move on (to sth)

pay off
write off
a debt vt.
the agenda vt.离开
fire off
stop off

side effect n.
aged debtor

deferred payments

dimensions n.
dismiss vt.
be dismissed

out of hand
dismissal n.

make five people redundant 裁5人
downsize vt.精简
dispose of 处理
divest vt.剥夺
dog n.滞销品
down-market adj.低档的商品
up-market adj.高档的商品
equities n.股票;股东权益
equity capital n.股本
exaggerate vt.夸张
entitlement n.应得的权利
factoring n.折价购买债券
factor in sth to do sth vt.把…考虑进去
engage with sb 尽力去理解
engagement n.雇佣,建立关系
commitment n.投入;花费(时间,精力)
be committed to 致力于
fail-safe system n.失效保护系统
freebie n.赠品
gimmick n.好点子
over-demanding adj.供大于求
overdraft facility n.透支限额
working capital n.营运资本
overhead costs n.营业成本
capital outlay 基建投资n.开销
reduce overheads n.日常开支
reduce waste 减少浪费
bring down cost 降低成本
annum 每年
per-tax adj.税前的
take-home pay n.税后工资
perk n.额外福利
petty cash n.零用现金
phase out n.逐步淘汰
in the pipeline 筹备中的
plot vt.绘制,制订
plough back n.再投资
product mix n.产品组合
prospect n.热门的候选人;前景
prospective adj.有希望的
going rate
grapple with


earned income n.
unearned income n.
industrial action
industrial relations
solvent adj.
insolvent adj.
buffer inventory
decoupling inventory
just-in- time

rights issue
preference shares

job reference


nominal ledger

purchase ledger
sales ledger

liability n.
reliability n.

line process n.
assembly line n.
lose sight of the original

bone marrow


market penetration n.

break into the market
market segmentation n.

mass-marketing n.
niche n.市场商机

materials handling n.
merchandise n.

off-season adj.

off-the- shelf adj.
off-the-peg adj.现成的



,最好的; n.奖赏,保险费



shelf-life n.


shop steward

shop floor

flow shop

sick pay n.

skimming and scanning

price skimming
skimmed milk

hard-sell n.
soft-sell n.
spare part n.
The Great Depression





ordinate n.
abscissa n.

take on
task force n.
value added tax n.

tax allowance n.
tax-deductible adj.
taxation bureau n.

tender vt.投标

transformation n.加工
USP:unique selling proposition独特提案
venture n.商业冒险
vision n.发展前景
vocational adj.职业的
product distribution network 产品营销网络
practical solutions n.行之有效的办法
initiate adj.首创的
initiative n.新方案
lead time n.准备时间
lead to sth 导致了某事
resulting in a loss 导致损失
outstanding motivation 非凡的动力
product excellence 优质产品
high-street name 大牌实体店
dispatch work 分派工作
pay invoices 付款
seckill vt.秒杀
furious adj.愤怒的
first made one’s approach 首次接洽
AGM:Annual General Meeting 股东年会
breakneck speed 惊人的速度
contrasting idea adj.不同的
prestigious adj.著名的
dominant player 龙头老大
take actions
take measures
take steps
make preparations
make sacrifices
make suggestions for change
give a wipe 擦一擦
reveal vt.透露
exactspecific adj.具体的
nobody n.小人物
somebody n.大人物
tremendous training ground 巨大训练场
three years in a row 连续三年
impersonal office 没有人情味的办公室
elevation 提拔
get the best out of
make the best of
make the most of
in one’s best interest

interest sb vt.

short-termist n.
rise and fall

keep knowledge to themselves
tendency n.
their approach to pricing vt.隐瞒
knowledge champion n.
company ethos
sb maintains that
session n.

section n.

claim for compensation n.

for health and safety reasons
at the touch of the button
turned out to be the best lens maker
there was 成为了当时
hire purchase
interim payment

intermittent production


as a result

fortnight n.


vague adj.
vogue adj.n.



industrial treatment
60 units 总计
track record
a larger font
career prospect


slump in sales n.

assault from



generate growth

take great care

key people

track down



if approached
the potential benefit

be motivated to
in contrast

more encouraging than we expected

nothing at the moment
strike you as …
strike a deal

don’t bother asking for

a millimeter across
the point to get across at the beginning
a matter of course
course of action
all the harder
metamorphosis n.
polymorphism n.
Jini surrogate Jini
hand in hand

labor- intensive

salary increases n.
with the assumption of
well-organized person
well away adv.完全地

less explicit
youngster n.





complete faith
have faith in
out of this


, came their unique selling point

in favor of


undertake some projects vt.

overtake vt.打败;超车
cost-conscious 注重成本的;vi.意识到
health-conscious 注重健康的
credibility 公信力
skills-based training 技能培训
customer retention挽留顾客
retain high-flyers 挽留员工
retained earnings n.留存收益
ordering and labeling 订购和有意向
come a close second to Zenon 紧追第一
have stripped the rest of the industry 除去
asset stripping n.资产剥离
jump at the chance 急于接受
in some respects 在某些方面
first and foremost 首要的
unheard 前所未有的
unprecedented adj.前所未有的
set foot outside their doors 足不出户
not because…but because…不是…而是…
not in order to … but in order to …不是而是
long haul 长途
short haul 短途
over the long haul 长久
be in sth for the long haul 愿意坚持的
sole distribution n.独家分销商
sole trader n.个体户
franchise n.特许经营权;加盟店
nine out of ten 十之八九
entrepreneurial adj.创业的
entrepreneur n.创业者
ludicrous adj.荒唐的
ridiculous adj.荒唐的
radically 彻底地
branch out into sth拓展新业务;涉足某事
set out 动身,启程
set out to do 开始做
range from .. to 范围从…到…
anecdote n.轶闻,掌故
anecdotal adj.传闻的
norm n.规范,惯例
heading that way
marketing specialist
sb are most likely to go
most at risk 谁最

shift vi.
articles 一次性用品

nevertheless conj.
channel the creativity vt.
intuition n.
tuition n.
lead the way
dictate vt.

perception n.

coherent adj.



in- person


lie in

risk vt.



legitimate [
paradoxical [
] adj.合法的
saturated market
declining market
] adj.适得其反的

slow stock market

to face


Eurozone debt crisis
civil unrest n.
dry run of
credit and blame

play to sb’s strength

given the chance
given the emergency
thank you for your
take sth with a pinch of salt
custom 光顾
once-in-a- lifetime
the benefits

once and for all
one-size-fits- all

haul n.行程



attribute to

obsessional about
remaining in one organization adj.

reasondesire adj.不可抗拒的
attractive adv.


debt levels

in publicin private
and respect n.
enhance brand awareness

fit aroundaccommodate

vt. 配合

establish a good
offset cooling demand 抵消乏力
do justice to
not do its justice
with 良好关系
in connection with
with regard to

in respect of
as for

as thoughas if
as from 1

prime area
August 从8.1起
run into problems
you really
on good terms with
it could be a
save my day 使转危为安

your colleagues will
opt in
step in

opt out 参加退出

take on board
rejigger vt.重新调整

bend over backwards to do sth
lean over backwards to do sth
make me
turn down
see red 发火

storefronts n.
pop in
my first promotion

to stores vi.
carve out our own
behind-the- scenes
be left to
Garden Plaza 60


fall victim to
say vi.

argue that

a sign of

in return (for sth)


convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事正确
a way forward 前进的道路
in the same way 同样地
excess capacity 过剩的产能
excess baggage 超重的行李
bit by bit adv.一点点地
considerable dangers adj.相当危险
point of contact n.连结点
play a part 参与,扮演一个角色
in the absence of 缺乏…时
scarcity n.不足,缺乏
on one's own terms 根据自己的主张
in turn 相应地;轮流
repeat custom 老客户
awkward customer 棘手的客户
a can-do mentality 有闯劲的心态
many think un.想法
successive generations of sth 下一代
pharmaceutical company n.制药公司
speak about vt.提到
bring to their attention 使达到
bring about effective change vt.引起,产生
elicit responseinformation vt.获得
incur expensesdebtwrath vt.产生了,引起
lifting machinery n.升降机械
spacious and airy adj.宽敞通风的
plus points n.长处
the plus side adj.好的一面
the downside adj.不好的一面
social phenomenon n.社会现象
chip in vi. 凑钱;插嘴
an increasing take up of our capabilities on the back of proven ability
take up a proportion 占去一部分
leverage .影响力,利用;加大支持
facilitate vt.帮助,促进
mock-up of the high street大马路(街景)模型
handwriting is legible 笔记清晰易读
imply and infer reading order vt.暗示和推断
year-on-year revenues increased 收入同比增长
trade-off n.权衡比,消长(关系)
underlying pre-tax profits 直接税前利润
paydraw attention to 注意
be entitled to 有资格的
avenue n.途径,手段
美国街道:横street, 纵avenue
at the expense of 以…为代价
hold sb to account 使承担责任
under scrutiny of our business practices n.审查
unfold the facts vt.曝光真相
refine product range vt.改良产品系列
interim managers 临时经理
cope with these hurdles 应对困难
drive for growth 推动增长
deliver growth 实现增长
deliver performance 交出成绩
achieve these excellent results 取得成果
be capable of 能够
speak for itself vi.不言而喻
well-thought-out training policy 深思熟虑的
acquire knowledge vt.学习知识
miss out elements vt.跳过
give thought to … 考虑
drop-out rate 辍学率
at set times 在指定时间
bring students up to speed on topics使跟上negligible adj.可忽略的,
customer base n.客户群
to one’s surprise 让…惊奇的是
the link between A and B: A与B的联系
park-and-ride facilities 停车换乘设施
say something word for word 一字一字地
out company has outgrown the space vt.撑爆
event page 新闻版面
in-house course 机构内部课程
companies in town 本城的企业
not to move around too much 别总换工作
absolutely flat with less rich people vi.摔倒,失败
get participants on your side 吸引听众
hang on every word we say 坚持,言必信
it’s a good confidence booster 助力器
it’s fascinating, but no one’s listening 迷人的
we never look back 从未倒退
strengths and weaknesses 长处短处
run out in the field 在比赛中耗尽了
keep your ear to the ground对身边事了如指掌
at the helm 掌权,掌舵
cross-selling 基于过去的消费特点来促销
to widen the customer’s reliance 增加信任
dire adj.十分不好的
autocratic adj.独裁的
be on the horizon 即将到来的
way below the industry norm 远低行业标准
contemplate vt.仔细考虑,细看
a feeling of mutual distrust 相互不信任
testimonial n.证明书,推荐信
fault products n. 次品
velocity n.速率,周转率
will revert shortly vi.很快会回复
put sb responsible for 让某人负责
I practice what I preach 以身作则
be empowered to make decisions 授权
develop closer ties with them 发展关系
be in a position to 有资格做某事
so badly need 非常需要
exposure to something vi.接触到
reorient the business culture vt.重新调整
the experience is disorienting 使迷失方向
undermining the very characters损害
the very position I am looking for 就是,正是
in such circumstances 在这样的情况下
to overwhelm prospects 吓跑潜在的客户
joint forces with 联合
assume responsibility 承担责任
mergers and acquisitions 合并与收购
cautious optimistic 谨慎的乐观
sth are on sale 在售
it can spell the end of … 意味着
it transpires that client wants mixture表明
glossy corporate brochure 精美的
collection n.系列产品,收藏品
copywriter n.文案编辑
breadth of range 广泛的
run of the mill adj.普通的
cutout n.图样
the designer’s whims n.突发奇想,异想天开
be commissioned to 委任
rather 在一定程度上
overstate vt.夸大
revitalize vt.使恢复元气
get the company on its feet 使恢复元气
to avoid alienating customers 疏远
customers’ elasticity 灵活性,伸缩性
coincide with 和…吻合,与…一致
to extend credit vt.延长赊欠期
drastic measures adj.严厉的
goodwill n.商誉
be on the up and up 蒸蒸日上
step down 退位
put in one’s hand 交到…手上
to advance the business vt.提升,推动
proposal aims to make recommendations on sth 本报告
recommendations are outlined as follows 我的建议如下
is suggested that ., furthermore, it has easy access to public
the plan on our website so that customers can be well
5. With profits rising by 15% last year
With export accounting for 80% of our biz
the earnings are up by 40%

6.20 staff left here, thus resulting in low staff morale (thus doing…这
was a dramatic rise of 50% in Asia over the previous three
is mainly because of 主要因为
9. Four times as many as our rivals
is a growing demand for luxury products 需求强劲
create a less stressful and more pleasant working
12. Speak louder, so that all can hear you
I think is important when doing … can be outlined as
then can managers see只有…才
15.I am writing to you concerning…
16.I would be grateful if you could…
that I can benefit greatly from …
’s my belief that 我相信
Revenue: 营业额.企业在一段特定时期内实际收到的现金数量,也
称作top line或者gross income. revenue减去costs就是net income.
revenue可以由 商品或服务的销售价格乘以销售数量得到.简写为
REVs.在行政领域,revenue指代财政收入 .
Margin: 利润.一个单位的产品或服务的销售价格与成本之差.
Gross profit margin: 毛利. 总收入与总支出之差.
Profit: 毛利. 由经济活 动中获得的总收入数额减去人员开支,成本,
税收余下部分实现的经济收益,毛利可用也可不用于再生产 . Profit
= Total Revenue – Total Expenses (expenses+costs+taxes). Profit就是
Income: 收入. 劳动或资本投资产生的经济财富. 收入用于支付
日常开销. Income 指的是企业收入的剩余部分,已经扣除所有开销
及税费, 在这前提下,也被称作earnings. Individual income指个人
Earnings: 收入. 企业在特定阶段内,通常是一个季度或一年,所创
造的Prof it数额,Earnings通常指税后的net income. 企业的
Earnings是其股价的主要决定因素. Earnings是企业的财务报表中
仅有的一个最重要的研究指标,因为它揭示了企业的盈利能力. 当
方面,当实际E arnings大大超过该预期时,股价趋向上升.
Employee benefit: 额外员工福利, 非工资现金收入的额外个人所
得, 包括月饼票,年糕,代金券等.
Turnover: 营业额. 会计学里, Turnover指的是应收账款, quick
turnover 快速周转是有利的,它意味着库存存放的时间很短.
Profit margin: 利润率. 盈利情况的比值,由net income除以
revenue或net profits除以sales得到. 它衡量企业每一美元的销售
额所获取的Earnings. 也称为Net profit margin.
Cost: 成本. 包括depreciation折旧,interest利息,taxes税费及其它
总收入:revenuegross incomerevstop linesalesturnover
净收入:net incomebottom linenet earningstotal earningsoverall
profitprofit incomeearningsgross profit margin
利润率:profit marginnet profit margin

[A year at a construction site]
tear down an old building 拆除
this work is called demolitionconstruction 清拆
demolition contrasts with deconstruction与.不同
wrecking ball 破碎球

raze a building 摧毁一栋楼
broken-up bits and rubble 碎片瓦砾
some narrow paths are called trenches壕沟
oceanic trench 海沟
one worker finds an old pillar 柱子
other workers spot a fossil 发现 化石(发手)
trucks bring slabs to make the floors 板材
concrete slab 混凝土板
long pieces of wood called timbers 木料
lumber 木料
workers hammer them into place 锤打
roofers unroll thick paper called felt 毛毡
they nail it to the timbers 钉在
they put roof tiles on the paper 瓦片
an earthmover has come back 挖推土机
excavator 挖土机

bulldozer 推土机
trucks carrying hot tarpitch arrive 沥青
they tip the tarpitch onto a machine 倒出
How should I tip the waiter? 怎么给小费
plasterers coat the brick walls with plaster 泥水匠涂抹灰泥
electricians wire the school 给铺电线
plumbers put in water pipes 水管工
some students stop by 路过

[A year at a farm]
look out for the farmer 找找
the process is called lambing 产羔
the cattle stay in barn 牛在棚
spread fertilizer on a field 化肥
a car gets stuck in the mud 陷入
archaeologist starts digging 考古学家
to shear the sheep 剪羊毛
to form hay into bales 把干草打成垛
hikers pitch their tents 搭帐篷扎营
a summer fair is in full swing 全面展开
uncover an old building 发现
campers are setting up tents 野营者
a combine pours wheat into a trailer 联合收割机
grandma is knitting 织衣服
rabbits stay snug in burrows 舒服的;洞窟(博楼)

[A day at a zoo]
zookeepers look over each cage 检查
look after vt.照顾
gibbon 长臂猿
okapi 欧卡皮鹿
pickpocket 扒手
veterinarianvet 兽医
munch on green leaves 咀嚼
a gibbon dashes around the zoo 横冲直撞
he zips by visitors 绕着快跑
meerkat 蒙哥(咪儿卡特)
the raccoon creeps out of its hut 溜出棚子
pizza hut 必胜客
curl up 蜷缩
mongoose 猫鼬

[The Firefighters’ Busy Day]
he sleeps soundlysnugly in his bed 香甜地
make way everybody 大家都让开
give way 让路
His key fell into the gutter 天沟,排水沟
Sounds the alarm 响了

Sounds the alarm again 再次响了
Sounds the alarm once again 又一次响了
Smoke billows out of a garage door 涌出,巨浪
Squirty shoots the water cannon 高压水枪
With a spray of water, the fire is out in an instant 水一喷过去,火就灭了
stew 炖菜(斯度)
bon appétit 祝你好胃口

[A day at an airport]
Did you spot the stowaway 逃票者
A dog is on the loose 逛荡
Security guards patrol the area 巡逻
A stray dog has wandered into the area 走失的
Photographers fall over one another trying to take her picture 争先恐后
holy, cow! 不是吧?!
duh 废话(大~)
bullbullshit 胡说八道(没有道理)
beyond crap 那是扯淡
don’t talk a pile of crap 别瞎说
don’t talk nonsense 别瞎说
stop that nonsense 别胡闹了

sometimes 有时; some times 几次;
sometime将来某个时候; some time 一段时间;
a few times: 几次
i’m not a picky eater: 挑食的人
i’d like to have something light tonight: 清淡的
i’ll have a bellboy take your baggage up to your room for you. 找个人做
Fans rush to ask for an autograph 亲笔签名
Her bodyguards make sure that no one to gets too close 保镖
A fuel tanker arrives to put gas in a plane 油罐车
A sniffer dog finds a stowaway 嗅探犬
A thief suddenly snatches so’s purse 抢夺
ppl try 2 catch a glimpse of the president 看一眼
a group of nuns is waiting to check in 尼姑,修女
cleaners make sure the plane is spotless 干净
Mechanic takes care of problems with engines or other machinery 机器
Watch events unfold from morning to night 展现

[I’m an English Conversation Book]
what time is it over there? 那边几点了?
how is it going? 最近忙吗?
you will be arriving at 5:20 pm on Monday.
on the plane 乘坐飞机
in the plane 在飞机里
i’m looking forward to seeing you. 后接名词
at the airport 露天的小地方用at;
at a hotel并不强调包含在内而只是小地方,用at
pick somebody up 接某人
pick up the phone 接电话
hang up the phone 挂电话
one moment just a moment 稍等
what time does boarding start? 几点登机?
step right this way, ma’am. 小姐,过来这边。
would you mind opening your bag? 后接名词
don’t slam the door 别摔门
kind of kinda or Soft of sorta: 有点儿
i really like this house, but the thing is, how much is it? 关键是,要多少
key point 关键
do you mind if I lean backrecline my seat?
she has to drive into town to run errands: 跑腿
i made some mistakes
you can go now 你可以走了
that’s very thoughtful of you 体贴的
you bet: 你说得对,的确.
oh, boydeargoshmy: 天哪
have something flat 清淡的
it’s past eight already 已经过了8点了
maybe a sandwich will do: 就解决了
i don’t eat much late at night: 深夜
on the night 某个特别的晚上
no wonder you have such a great bodyare so slim. 身材好苗条
your total comes to $$125.5: 总共是
convenience store: 便利店
here is what to do: 这里有说明
are you feeling any jet lag? 时差反应
you should go homeshould be getting home
don’t worry about me: 别担心我别烦我
leave me along: 别烦我
adjust to the time change: 调整时差
i’ll be here around at 9 tomorrow morning
sleep tight: 睡个好觉
let me take you to a nearby hospital: 附近的
what seems to be the problem? 哪儿不舒服?
this woman has been in a car accident
calm down: 冷静点
we’ll have a doctor examine her right now: 检查
i feel some pain in my wrist:
i’ll for sure: 我一定会的
not that much: 没那么疼了
if you are still in pain: 不舒服
what are your office hours?: 上班时间
please drop by again: 顺便来看看
this map sure is handy: 方便
that is equivalent to $$300: 等价
that’s about right: 大概就是这样
ballpoint pen: 圆珠笔
let’s head over togo over toget to the foreign books section: 去
a wide range of books:
i’m not much of a Tom Clancy fan: 称不上
i’ll be right with you: 我来帮你
do I have to type in a password: 输入
there are many street stalls here: 路边摊
light snacks: 小吃
pupa: 蛹, pupae(复数)

i’ll look around a little more: 再看看
this street is known for its shops: 出名
genuine antiques: 古董真品
fake 假货
pottery: 陶器
handicraft 手工艺品
each place has its own unique trait: 特点
trace (抽象的)痕迹;追踪
track (具体的)铁轨;赛道;踪迹
trail (具体的)痕迹;小路; 跟踪
authentic Lanzhou restaurant: 正宗兰州拉面
flea market: 跳蚤市场
side dish: 副菜
try some of this: 尝尝这个
i felt so close to her right from the start 亲切
are you jealous of her?
i’m not jealous whatsoever 从来不
don’t act like you don’t care
did you get back all right
what do you think of him
he’s a warm-hearted person
he really is a sociable person
please come by my house tomorrow morning
who is it? 敲门问是谁。
it’s me, minsoo
you left this wallet at my car.
i didn’t even notice it was gone.
it’s a little salty: 这个有点咸
this orange tastes rather sour 有点酸
sweet 甜的
bitter 苦的
spicy 辣的
panfried filleted fish: 煎鱼排(filitit)
my mouth is watering: 流口水
Their insulting remarks were a provocation
two-story pavilion: 两层的小阁楼(pervlin)
lotus pond: 荷花池
a little bit: 有一点
a better-known tourist site: 有名的旅游景点
folk meseum: 民俗博物馆
we took a train headed for kecun yesterday 开往
i arrived in guangzhou yesterday. 不要was
where in guangzhou do you live?
i live in guangzhou: 不要am
do you live near here?
are you guys in school right now? 在上学
i already graduated: 不要was
quit smoking: 戒烟
are you still a student?
fine arts: 美术
that’s so pathetic: 真可怜
don’t pretend like everything is fine.
aren’t you angry at minsoo?
i think he has a crush on her: 喜欢
i admit I was a little upset about that
how can he do that to you?
did you guys have a fight or something
stop it 住口;停止做某事
cut it out 停下;住嘴;剪下来
cut the crap out 住嘴,屎
i do not give a shit 不在乎
I won't give a shit about politics 对…毫无兴趣
stop fighting 别再打架了
it’s no big deal 不要紧的
let’s make up 我们和好吧
the mere thought of eating snake it makes me feel like throw up 一想到吃
you came all the way here just to drop off my wallet?
you dragged me all the way out here for a bath?
but most of all, I wanted to see you again.
before I forget, here you go.
three cloves of garlic. 三瓣大蒜。
three tablespoons of soy sauce. 三勺酱油
first, soak the dried seaweed. 先把干海带泡着
stroll along the narrow streets or linger over a meal to soak up the
feeling of the city.
after about 10 minutes take the seaweed and cut it into the desired
cut the beef into small pieces.
season it with the sesame oil.
slice the garlic thinly.
when the meat is cooked, pour in 4 cups of water and boil.
finally, taste it to see if you need more soy sauce.
to visit my little brother in the army.
i have always envied friends who have money.
what do your parents do?
my father is a university professor.
my mom is a kindergarten teacher.
to pray for good luck for the harvest.
percussion instruments. 打击乐器
many musical instruments are playing in harmony with one another.
the music makes me want to dance along with it.
speak of which.
this music is somewhat similar to techno
the wine is a little thick 浓稠的
you might have a hangover after drinking
you can make liquor by fermenting rice.
that’s interesting
this lunch is on me
i enjoy listening, but I’m not good at singing.
you are drunk.
let’s go home before it gets too late.
minsoo and mina are seeing each other.
i’ve been such an idiot
minsoo is at fault too 有错
i really care for mina 喜欢
i fell for you the moment we met

i’m in love with her
are you interested in minsoo
i’m in a relationship with someone right now
i’ve been crazy about math since middle school
love at first sight 一见钟情
tom goes in for sports while I go in for a movie
To go in for 喜欢;爱好
but it must be very difficult for her
to be honest
where am i
i don’t want to bother you
i’d better wash up 我洗漱一下
what’s wrong
do you have an upset stomach 肚子疼
i'm annoyed with the landlord. 房东
i can give it to u for $$10. 10块给你
could you wrap it up for us?
the stadium is so crowded
what inning is it right now? 局
it’s the bottom of the second inning
what’s the score 比分如何
what's it like to watch it live? 现场
my mum being rich at an early age.
is she still alive?
have you seen a tall girl, by any chance? 碰巧
i finally found you
i’ll follow you everywhere
look out the window.
take these two digestive pills 消化药
she will be fine in no time 马上
you might get scared 可能吓到你
it’s a lovely day today
it gets up to 36 centigrades here 达到
it falls to 15 centigrades below zero. 降到
a great place away far from the hustle and bustle of the city 熙熙攘攘
i usually come here when I’m stressed out
the flowers have a unique color and fragrance.
you sure surprise me
my love is like a melody 像一首歌
the music is sweetly played in tune. 合调子
do you want to take a ride on this ferry
i suffered so much after breaking up 结束
i haven’t date anyone since broke up
we are more friends than lovers. 朋友多些
perhaps mina loves you deep inside her heart
the price includes three night’s accommodation
just do what I do 跟着我做
mop the floor 拖地板
scrub the floor 擦地板
there’s one right across from a cosmetics store
one is on top of the stationery store
can I take a message
so sorry I’m late
i’ll let you off this time 放过
tell fortune 算命
marital harmony
have a seat please
u r meant to be with this woman 注定
my birthday is coming up 快到了
do you ever go there?
she's turning 70 on the 17th
what you want to get her? 送她啥?
a necklace with a crystal pendant坠子
we have a wide selection here
can u lower the price a bit 便宜点
would you slow down please 开慢点
i’m flattered 过奖了
dont flatter urself so much 别吹了
how do you like this place?
what do you think about this place?
i can let go of all my worries and stress. 放开
soar through the sky high like an eagle. 划过
let’s ask sb to take our picture. 照相
the little boy sure is adorable 可爱
i has to work to feed so many mouths
i got so depressed when I think about my departure tomorrow.
your wish will come true if you make it at dawn 实现,拂晓
it dawns 天亮了
did you make a wish 许愿
i’ll stay with you
i was just getting to know you
she bursts into tears. 哭
worship Buddha 拜神
i’m here to look around 随便看看
are you Buddhist? 信佛?
i feel awful to accept gift. 不好意思
this gives her a reason to slap me 扇
you should get going now 你该走了.
is it already time? 到点了吗?

[Children’s illustrate dictionary]
abacus 算盘
bead 珠子
acorn 橡子
alien 外星人;外国的;外国人
cross 生气的;穿过;十字;交叉
ape 猿的总称
archer 弓箭手
avocado 鳄梨
atlas 地图集
shopping 一次购入的物品
in bunches 成捆的
bank 银行;河岸
coast 海岸(海洋陆地界限)
beach 海滩(可或不可娱乐的沙滩)
seashore 海滨(可娱乐)

beak 鸟喙
I tickled the baby's feet and made he laugh.
hollow 中空的,虚伪的
push on 用力推
bison 野牛
blizzard 暴风雪
weight lifter 举重运动员
cardboard 硬纸板
sum 算术
wire 金属线
trick 戏法; 技巧
nativity play 基督诞生记
comic 漫画;喜剧的
straw 茅草;吸管
cattle 牛,牲口
crisp 鲜脆的;炸薯片
crooked 弯曲的
cuddle 搂抱,依偎
cuddly 让人想抱的
brooch 胸针
jog 慢跑;轻撞
lumps and bumps 凹凸不平
burglar 窃贼
pavement 人行道(英)
side walk 人行道(美)
prick 刺;戳;dick
antelope 羚羊
gazelle 瞪羚
centipede 蜈蚣
aquarium 鱼缸
stone 果核
wide awake 完全醒了
badge 徽章
ballet 芭蕾
band 乐队;发带;电波段
bark 树皮;吠
toucan 巨嘴鸟
robin 知更鸟
teddy bear 玩具熊
upside down 倒立的;颠倒的;混乱的
shipwreck 海难;失事船只
raft people acrossover a river 渡河
hedge 篱笆; 避免
fence 栅栏
snuggle 依偎;舒服地躺
bold 勇敢的;无礼的;粗体
puddle 水坑
hang from 悬挂在
bride 新娘
bridegroom 新郎
row 划船;争吵
stream 小溪
brook 小小小溪
broth 肉汤
bulb 球茎;灯泡
patty 小馅饼
sack 麻袋;解雇
cactus 仙人掌
hamster 仓鼠
canary 金丝雀
canal 运河
chemist 药剂师
choir 唱诗班
cling 抓紧
patch 小块(云,土地);补丁
blow one’s nose 擤鼻涕
prickly 多刺的;扎手的
icing 酥皮
frosting 霜皮
crust 酥皮
hump 驼峰;山包
wax 石蜡;耳屎;(文)兴旺,月圆
wane (文)衰亡
go down 下去
go up 上去;起
come down 落
paddle 桨;划船;玩水
chest 柜子;大箱子
lorry 卡车
steep 陡峭的;冲泡(茶)
brew 酿(酒);泡(茶)
cobweb 蜘蛛网
spike 梳齿;耙齿;尖钉
crack 裂缝;断裂;咔嚓声;毒品
crawl 爬
ruby 红宝石
streamer 彩色纸带
disco 舞厅
dove 鸽子;鸽派
jungle 热带丛林
crop 庄稼,种植
come across 偶然发现
cycle 骑自行车;自行车;洗衣机的模式
tart 蛋挞
tart up 浓妆艳抹
fossil 化石;老顽固
gallop 奔驰
gentle 柔和的
gaze 凝视
stare 凝视
stripy 有条纹的
guinea pig 天竺鼠
balance beam 平衡木
hatch 孵化
spin 旋转
hutch 笼子

cage 鸟笼
drip 滴下
wasp 黄蜂
paw 爪子(one paw, many claws)
claws 爪子
hoof 蹄
in hospital 住院
join up 连接
wand 魔杖;指挥棒
fierce 凶猛的
put out 扑灭
foal 马驹
plural 复数
frown 皱眉
straight 直的
trampoline 蹦床
kennel 狗舍
say one’s prayers 祈祷
lizard 蜥蜴
charm 吉祥物
magnet 磁铁
mane 鬃毛
maze 迷宫
trophy 奖杯
nasty 卑鄙的,下流的
mermaid 美人鱼
whistle 口哨,吹口哨;汽笛
whisper 说悄悄话
mend 修理
gerbil 沙鼠
glove 五指手套
mitten 连指手套
easel 画板;白板架
palette 调色板
eraser 板擦
staple 钉书钉,主要产品,主食
stapler 订书机
handle 公车把手,提手,处理
sailboat 帆船
yacht 私家游艇;赛用帆船
blade 叶片
windmill 风车
mast 桅杆;风车的转轴
sail (风车的)翼板; 顺利前进
hot air balloon 热气球
icicle 冰柱
igloo 冰屋
squishy 软绵绵的
carton 纸盒
tin 罐头盒
pouch 育儿袋,小袋子
lace 鞋带
list 清单
horseshoe 马蹄铁
pin 大头针
medal 奖牌
metal 金属
ice lolly 冰棍
moat 护城河
moss 苔藓
mow 割草

oar 桨

oats 燕麦
omelet 鸡蛋饼
squiggle 弯曲的
saucer 茶碟
note 短信;便条
sheepdog 牧羊犬
orchard 果园
ranch 综合农场
bamboo shoots 竹笋
bamboo sprouts 竹笋
pane 窗玻璃
pasta 意大利面食
peacock 孔雀
go uphill 上坡
pelican 鹈鹕
pastry 糕点
pinch 捏;夹住
quill (刺猬的)刺
porch 门廊
hall 走廊
corridorhallway 走廊
balcony 阳台
window sill 窗台
pump 泵,打气筒
pushchair 婴儿车
stroller 婴儿车
quack 鸭子叫;庸医
shhh 嘘
arch 拱桥
palm 手掌
parachute 降落伞
parasailing 帆伞运动
paragliding 滑翔伞运动
jug 水罐;监狱
pitcher 水罐
pod 豆荚 内有(peas)
cream 奶白色
sprinkle 喷洒
sprinkler 喷洒器(消防);灌溉喷头
splash over 溅洒
splash against (大海)拍岸
pillar 柱子
post 柱子

shiitake 香菇
in the open 户外
plain 朴素的
hockey 曲棍球
pony 矮种马
spiky 有尖刺的
poppy 罂粟花
puffin 海雀
python 蟒蛇
quarter 两毛五的钢镚
radiator 水箱;暖气
raspberry 山莓
rattle 拨浪鼓
rattlesnake 响尾蛇
saucepan 锅
fit 安装
plank 厚木板
from side to side 旋转
stitch 针脚;缝线
put up 建立
give out 发出(光等)
glow 发光
fly a flag 悬挂旗帜
shiver 哆嗦;颤抖
signpost 告示牌
guidepost 告示牌
skull 骷髅头
bushy tail 毛茸茸的;浓密的
recipe 烹饪方法
reindeer 驯鹿
scaly 多鳞的
scale 磅秤;刮鳞;比例尺
knee pads 护膝
twist 拧
rug 小块地毯
carpet 地毯
grain 谷物;颗粒
scarecrow 稻草人
shepherd 牧羊人
colt 小马
calf 牛象鲸犊;小腿
lamb 小羊
cub 幼兽
chick 小鸡幼禽
puppy 小狗
kitty 小猫
piglet 小猪
duckling 小鸭
gosling 小鹅
flipper 鳍
maraca 沙球(乐器)
shallow 浅的
wool 羊毛
playtime 玩耍时间
bedtime 睡前
sink 水槽;下沉
polka dot 波尔卡圆点(花纹)
cookery book 烹饪书
reed 芦苇
reptile 爬行动物
reservoir 水库
rollerblade 溜冰鞋(英)
in line skate 溜冰鞋(美)
fall over 摔倒
bumpy 崎岖不平的
cheetah 猎豹
eat sth cold 生吃
spray 喷
sledge 雪橇
still 静止的
loaf 长条面包
sling 吊腕带
cozy 舒适的
slug 蜒蚰 (害虫,无壳的蜗牛)
take someone’s photograph 照相
give off 放出(烟火)
wind 缠绕
sole 脚掌
ticklish 怕痒的
sore 酸痛的
sow 母猪; 播种
spark 火星
speck 小点
sparkler 烟火棒
stable 马厩
stencil 模板纸
to air 晾晒(衣服)
laundry 洗衣店;洗好的衣服
laundromat 自助洗衣店
rice fields 稻田
bed time 睡前时间
spoonful 一匙
sundial 日晷
tadpole 蝌蚪
polliwog 蝌蚪
curly 卷曲的
tambourine 铃鼓
tap 水龙头, 轻敲
tanker 油轮, 罐形车
tape measure 卷尺
tassel 流苏
tear up 撕碎
teenager 青少年(13-19岁)
toner 墨盒
court 球场;法院
thorn 荆棘;刺
throne 宝座

stick up 竖起
thumbtack 图钉
push pin 图钉
banging 巨响
gangster 歹徒
tiptoe 踮着脚
toadstool 毒蘑菇
toddler 学走路的小孩
wiggle 扭动
cut up 切碎
stick out 伸出
tornado 龙卷风
tuck into 缩进; 美容手术
Rapunzel 长发姑娘
scent 气味
trawler 拖网渔船
bury treasure 藏宝
trough 槽
trunk 象鼻; 树干
tusk 象牙
umpire 裁判
undress 脱衣服
untidy 凌乱的
messy 肮脏的
barrow 手推车
whisker (动物的)须
flap (翅膀的)轻拍
make believe 虚构的
xylophone 木琴
yell 大喊
yelp (狗等)哀号
yolk 蛋黄
white part 蛋清
eggshell 蛋壳
yoyo 摇摇乐
zigzag 之字形
hexagon 六角形
cuboid 长方体
cube 正方体
cylinder 圆柱体
cone 圆锥体

[Basic English 850]
a place of amusement 娱乐场所
apparatus 仪器总称,器官
made of brass 黄铜做成的
copper 红铜
bronze 青铜
canvas 帆布,油画布
grip 抓紧,把子
polish 擦亮,润色
porter 搬运工,护工
slope 斜坡,斜率
smash 扣球,打碎
plough 犁,耕田
rod 棍棒
conscious 意识
elastic 弹性的,松紧带
fertile 肥沃的,想象力丰富的,能生的
feeble 虚弱的
cork 软木塞
corkscrew 开塞器
crush 压碎,挤入
crust 地壳
destruction 毁灭
disgust 厌恶
impulse 脉冲,冲力,冲动
linen 麻布
protest 抗议
vessel 船舶,容器,血管
fowl 家禽
poultry 家禽
stiff 僵硬的
prose 散文
verse 诗句;主歌
chorus 合唱;副歌

[Disney Initiation English]
car door 车门
they three uplift bathtub 抬起
commode 小柜子(床头柜)
courtyard 庭院,院子
clock tower 钟楼
the hour-hand 时针
the minute-hand 分针
the second-hand 秒针
dial 钟表面
the cold winter goes by 过去了
codfish 鳕鱼
salmon 三文鱼
locust 蝗虫
rim 圆形的边;轮骨
mole 痔;鼹鼠;内奸
gopher 鼹鼠
the mole is choked 鼹鼠呛着了
it’s clarity liquid 这是透明液体
viewer 观众
trombone 长号
cello 大提琴
Donald is ashamed 羞愧的
the aircraft flies about 飞来飞去,四处飞
canyon 峡谷
with incaution 不小心地
whirlwind 旋风
carnage 大屠杀

[Winnie the Pooh]
the Winnie the pooh works 著作
one fine autumn day 晴朗的
hundred- acre wood 百亩森林
pooh wondered 维尼琢磨着; 自问
buzz 飞近
buzzing 嗡嗡声; 嗡嗡响的
amble over to 慢慢走到
climb out onto a skinny limb 径直爬上; 大树枝
wiggly 左右摇摆的
it broke with a crack 啪的一声断了
oh bother 唉呀,真烦人; 讨厌
he tumbled downward 他突然摔掉下去
pooh landed with a thud 呯的摔掉在地
he just happened to be in 碰巧在
whatever for? 用来做什么用的
he rubbed his tummy 他摸了摸肚子
hurry over to 匆忙赶到
snuggled cosily in bed 舒服地蜷在床上
shivering a little 有一点哆嗦
is that you, piglet 是你吗?问敲门
knock sb over 撞倒某人
hoo 呼(高兴)
why (表惊讶)啥!
be on guard 保持警惕
extra precaution 加强防范
heffalump 长鼻怪
woozle 大臭鼠
weasel 黄鼠狼(黄)
skunk 臭鼬(黑白)
raccoon 浣熊
campfire 篝火
bonfire 篝火
fall asleep 睡着了
pooh awoke with a start 猛然
spread out to search 分头找
i rolled in a mud puddle and got all dark and muddy 打滚,泥塘,满身泥
spot 找到,发现; 地点,场所
right away 立刻
pooh didn’t budge, no even one inch 稍微移动
that would fool them for sure 肯定会把他们蒙了
pooh dips his roly-poly body in a puddle 肥胖的
pooh scooped up some honey 舀起
the bees swarmed around pooh 成群的
cry 大叫; 哭
the two friends huddled under an umbrella 挤
the grumpy bees dived down and bounced off 生气的
honey rhymes with bunny:压韵,小兔子
pooh’s nose twitched 抽动
i’m stuck 我被卡住了
tut 哼, 切
old 表示亲密的
is anybody home 有人在家么
excavation 挖掘
scene 事发地点
whew 呀
pick up speed 加速
smash into sth 冲撞某人物
might 力气
pop 砰的一声; 破裂; 出来
holler 叫喊
blustery 刮大风的
manage to grab hold of 设法抓住
it began to unravel 事情清楚了
goodness 叹词, 代替god
hang on 坚持
whoosh 快速运动
drop in 顺便走访
exclaim 呼喊, 叫喊
terrific 令人恐怖的
gust 阵风; 狂风
tip to one side 斜向一边
drift 漂流
all at once 突然, 同时
call 喊叫
upset 弄翻; 扰乱
he sputter 语无伦次的说
ruin 毁坏
as usual 跟往常一样
teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训
bounce 弹跳; 活力
scratch head 挠头
pit 深坑
declare 郑重地说
you wait here 你们在这等着
wail 哭着说
humble 沮丧的; 谦虚的
all they way 一路
snowfall 降雪
snowflake 雪花
giggle 咯咯笑, 傻笑
startle 惊吓
booming 有回声的
whee 噢!(高兴)
gee 嘿(惊奇)
thrill 兴奋, 激动
ah-ah-ah 啊!啊!啊!

[Kungfu Panda]
in search of worthy foes 寻找
go blind from overexposure to light 失明
How can we repay you? 报答
It matter not how many foes he faced 不重要

They were no match for his bodacity 打不过
bowed in respect to this great master尊敬地鞠躬
We should hang out出外玩儿
All that noise 那么吵
What else would I be dreaming about 还能梦啥
This is a sign 征兆
Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret 托付
Broth runs through our veins 流过
Something besides noodles 除了
I thought about running away 考虑,离家
Can you imagine me making tofu 想象
Service with a smile 微笑服务
run away 离家出走
I have had a vision 预感
I’m coming at you with crazy feet 袭击
I’m feeling a little nauseous 恶心的
There’s no words 无语了
There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad
to worse. 无可否认
He is so mighty 趾高气扬
He fell out of the sky on a ball of fire 从天而降
When he walks, the very ground shakes 地颤抖
You’re up 你醒了
That kungfu stuff is hard work 艰苦的
Are your biceps sore? 二头肌,酸痛的
big fan 忠实的粉丝
The nays out numbered the ayes 反对票,超过
veto 否决权
Tai Lung will return 回来
let him march on the valley 行进
take his revenge 报仇
your mind is agitated 内心激动
allow your mind to settle 使内心平静
suck it up 算了吧
They're about to go bad 马上要变质
one day I feared I would not live to see 看不到
Whomever I choose 无论选谁
Let the tournament begin 开始
Hey! Get out of the way! 闪开
What does it look like I'm doing?! 看着像干啥
How interesting 真有意思
this is the answer to our problem 问题的答案
You were about to point at Tigress 就要,马上
If the panda has not quit by morning then I will have failed you 将来完成
extra precautions 加强防范
I've got him completely immobilized 完全动不了
a hero’s armor 盔甲
a tea urn 茶壶; 瓮
My patience is wearing thin 我已经不耐烦了
it's not like you were going anywhere 你也不像
Would you turn around? 转身
a splinter 小碎片
I'll hand you the secret 交给
look at you 看看你
utter disregard for personal hygiene 不理会
Now, wait a minute 等等(打断别人一下)
That's uncalled for 这个不算
don't stand that close 别站那么近
I flex my pinky(pinkie) 运劲,小指
prop door for open 保持
keep the window open adj.开着的

to open (not to be opened)

great changes has taken place 发生没有被动式
I can't wait to get started 等不及要开始了
There is no such thing 没有这样的东西
hit it 打他
you picking on my friends? 你招惹我朋友?
They out numbered us 人数超过我们
out numbered a thousand to one 一千多打一个
I didn’t mean to wake you 想要
I probably sucked more today 烂,糟糕
venom 毒液
dice 丁;骰子
to your battle stations 各就各位,战斗岗位
at the ready 预备
not going anywhere 哪都别去
let go of me 放开我
you’re stuck 卡住了
don’t mention it 不用谢
to apply it in combat 将它用于实战
put that down 把那放下
you’re not my opponent 对手
he’s trying to get rid of me 摆脱,除掉
he seems kind of heartless 无情的
we’re not supposed to talk about him 不该[被动]
I supposed it wrong to tell a lie 认为[主动]
He turned bad 变坏了
Now he’s in jail 在坐牢
He believed in him 信任
He laid waste to the valley 破坏,糟蹋
Before or since 在那之前或从那以后
He is stuck with you 被烦到了,绊着
A big fat guy 大胖子
I tweaked this facial nerve 拧
generic tweak makes virus favor human nose and throat 基因变异使病
he’s on his way 在路上
you let go of the illusion of control 控制错觉
my time has come 我的时候到了
it’s about time 时间快到了
time is up 时间到
you may be the scariest bandit 最凶的土匪
you’re a lousy tipper 给小费少;没教养的人
order up 上菜了
what do you think I’m doing? 你以为我在干啥
you got no sense of humor 幽默感
from the beginning 从一开始

you smelled 你很臭
I thought you might be Monkey 以为你是某人
You’re ten feet off the ground 离地十尺高
Come with me 跟我来
We do not wash our pits 腋窝
Unraveled the mysteries 弄清楚,揭示
unravel 觉悟;弄清楚
When you concentrate, you stink 糟透了
I now see the way to get through to you 使明白
No sit-ups? No ten-mile hike? 仰卧起坐
I vowed to train you 承诺
You think I’m a fool 傻瓜
The mark of a true hero is humility 谦虚
You can defeat him 打败
I’m just one me 只有我一个
To hear a butterfly’s wing beat 扑腾
To feel the universe in motion around you 运动
Can I punch through walls 破墙
Do a quadruple back flip 后空翻四周
I probably loosened it up 4 u though不过,弄松
Oogway was a crazy old turtle after all 说到底
come on! face it. 认了吧
face facts 面对现实吧
for our next shop, it's time to face it面对(某事)
i can hold him off long enough 4 all 2 go 拖延
evacuate 疏散
there’s a saying 俗话说
unveil 揭幕;揭露
reveal 透露
stick with 跟着
opponent 对手,敌手
We are noodle folk. 我们是面条世家.
It's just plain old noodle soup? 普通的
This is no longer your home. 这里不再是你的家
You have a new favorite 你另有新欢了
Did I scare him off? 我把他吓跑了吗?
I rotted in jail for 20 years 憔悴
I would rather die 我宁可死了
Sit on me? 欺负我
Don't tempt me. 别怂恿我
I'm gonna pee. 我憋不住了
You're bluffing 你装腔作势;吹牛
I figured it out 我自己想出来的
you are alive 你还活着
aftereffect – n. 余波(负面)
aftertaste – n. 余味
afterthought – n. 马后炮
aggression - n. 侵略,挑衅
airtight - adj. 密封的,无漏洞的
algebra - n. 代数学
plane geometry - n. 平面几何
circumference –n. 圆周
perimeter –n. 周长
radius –n. 半径
diameter –n. 直径
arc –n. 弧
congruent –adj. 全等的
contour –n. 轮廓;等高线
numerator –n. 分子
denominator –n. 分母
creeper –n. 攀藤植物
ally – n. 盟国
ammonia –n. 氨
ammunition - n. 弹药.
amplitude - n. 振幅;射程
anarchy - n.无政府状态.
anesthetic - n. 麻醉剂;麻木的
aesthetics – n. 美学
appendage - n. 附属物;附肢
arbitration - n. 仲裁
armistice - n. 停战协议
ceasefire - n.停战协议
truce - n. 休战 (暂时)
studio album – n. 专辑.
antiwar activist - n. 反战分子
prowar activist - n. 好战分子
arms - n. 兵器.
artillery - n. 火炮
asbestos - n. 石棉
ash - n. 灰烬
astronomy - n. 天文学.
asylum - n. 庇护;精神病院
backwoods – n. 偏远地区
bale – n. 包;打包
bail – n. 保释金
bailout –n. 财政援助
ballot - n. 选票.
bang – v. 呯;XJ
beaker – n. 烧杯
flask – n. 烧瓶
bacteria – n. 细菌
fungus – n. 真菌
germ – n. 病菌(非医总称)
lump 肿块(内);一揽子
parasites – n. 寄生虫
migraine –n. 偏头痛
beeswax – n. 蜂蜡
don't die, please

you idiot 你个白痴
foretell 预言


accuse - vt. 控告
activist – n. 激进分子

bill - n. 议案.
birefringence – n. 双折射
birthright –n. 生有权
blackbird –n. 乌鸦
bluebell – n. 蓝铃花
boycott - v. 联合抵制.
brushwood –n. 干柴
buoyancy –n. 浮力
burial –n. 土葬
buttercup –n. 毛茛
carefree –adj. 无忧无虑的
cartilage –n. 软骨
catarrh –n. 粘膜炎
cusp –n. 交界点;牙尖;端点
ethnic group –n. 少数民族
gland –n. 腺体
sweat glands –n. 汗腺
glycerin –n. 甘油
grease –n. 油脂
lining –n. 粘膜,衬里
hysteria –n. 歇斯底里
malaria –n. 疟疾
mania –n. 躁狂症
metabolism –n. 新陈代谢
evaporate - v. 蒸发.
vapor –n. 蒸汽
execute - v. 处死.
exile -v.驱逐;流亡
inflammation –n. 发炎
chauffeur –n. 专用司机
civilian – n. 平民.
civil rights - n. 民事权力.
citron –n. 柠檬
citrus –n. 柑橘属
clash - n. 发生冲突.
clergy - n. 牧师
diabetes –n. 糖尿病
priest -n. 牧师
coalition - n. 联合政府.
cognac –n. 干邑白兰地
commencement address - n.毕业演讲
convocation - n. 正式集会
compromise - n. 折衷.
convention - n. 大会.
crush - v. 压碎.
curfew - n. 戒严.
damping –n. 衰减
damp –adj. 潮湿的
march degenerated into riot 恶化
deficit - n. 赤字
denounce - v. 谴责;告发
deplore - v. 强烈谴责;悲痛
overcome with grief 忍住悲伤
dictator - n. 独裁者.
dilution –n. 稀释
concentration –n. 浓度;专心;集中精神
disarm - v.解除武装.
dismiss - v. 解散.解雇
dispute - v.争执.
dissident - n.反对派.
drown - v.溺水.
ecology - n.生态学.
embassy - n. 大使馆.
enforce - v.强制执行
erection –n. 架设;BQ
eruption –n. 爆发;出疹子
tooth eruption 长牙
ethnic - adj. 种族的.
extinction –n. 绝迹
expel - v.开除.
extremist - n.极端主义者.
flee - v.逃走;逃命
fleet 舰队,车队,机群
friction –n. 摩擦力;冲突
furnace –n. 熔炉
genocide –n. 种族灭绝
deliberate killing of people 故意杀人
germinate –v. 萌芽
funeral - n.葬礼.
grind - v.磨碎.
guerrilla - n.游击队员.
horn – n. 汽车喇叭;勃起
honking – vi. 鸣喇叭
hostage - n. 人质.
hostile - ad.敌对的.
incite - v.煽动.
innocent - ad.无辜的.
insane - ad.患精神病的
insult - v.侮辱.
interfere - v.干涉.
intervene - v.干预.
jury - n.陪审团.
march - v.游行.
measure - v.测量. n. 措施, 议案.
mercy - n.仁慈.
militant - n. 激进分子.
mob - n.暴徒.
flashmob –n. 闪客党
mourn - v.哀悼.
nowhere - ad. 到处都没有.
oppress - v. 压迫..
oust - v.剥夺.
overthrow - v.推翻.
parliament - n. 议会.
Pentagon - n. 五角大楼;五角形
plot - v.密谋,画图; n.阴谋,故事情节
publicity – n. 宣传
propaganda - n.宣传.

protest - v. 抗议.
radar - n. 雷达..
raid -v. 突袭.
refugee - n.难民.
repress - v.压制.
resist - v.反抗.
resolution - n.决议.
restrain - v.抑制.
revolt - v. 造反.
riot -v.暴乱.
sabotage - v. 阴谋破坏
shell - v.炮轰; n.炮弹.
smash - v.打碎.
subversion - n.颠覆.
I loathe you 我恨你
dike –n. 堤坝;Les
disgrace –n. 耻辱
dissipation –n. 损耗;浪费
disturbance –n. 干扰;失调
domesticate –vt. 驯化
dominion –n. 统治权;领土
downfall –n. 垮台
groove –n. 槽底
land –n. 槽顶
dynamite –n. 炸药
a stick of dynamite 雷管
corrosion –n. 金属腐蚀
erosion –n. 风化侵蚀
suppress - v.压制.
surplus - n.过剩.
swear in - v.宣誓就职.
torture - v.折磨,拷打.
treason - n.叛国罪.
veto - v.否决.
wreck - v. 毁灭.
wreckage - n. 残骸
prominent position 显著位置
itinerary 行程,旅行指南
vicious 堕落的,邪恶的
summit 峰会
appreciate 认识到
attorney 出庭律师
breed 交配,饲养
confine –v. 限制,监禁
confront 正视
curb 控制
on the curb 在路上
deliberate 故意的
estate 厂区,私有土地,遗产
exaggerate 夸大

irritate -vt. 气(人)
irrigate –vt. 灌溉
resort 借助;度假村
he resorted to low cunning 采取卑鄙的诈骗手段
operating theatre 手术室
indicate pitch.音调
four tones 四声调
syllable 音节
pitchfork 干草叉
seat pitch 座位前后宽度
seat width 座位左右宽度
i detest you 我恨你
resistant to corrosion 耐腐蚀性
flint –n. 打火石
glacier –n. 冰川
gravel –n. 碎石
lava –n. 岩浆
igneous –n. 火山岩
limestone –n. 石灰岩
granite –n. 花岗岩
headland –n. 海角
inland –n. 内陆的
inlet –n. 小水湾;入口
peninsula –n. 半岛(pnansela)
strait –n. 海峡
dismiss –vt. 解雇;不考虑
discharge –vt. 出院

dig 挖
pick 刨; 摘下
pickaxe 镐
saw 锯
cut 切
measure 量
scissor 剪
climb 攀
anchor 锚搭
shield 盾
grapple 格斗
hammer 锤
nail puller 起钉
bottle opener 启瓶
can opener 开罐
tightening 紧固
stab 捅
poke 戳
break 折断
build 搭
jump over 跳过
crawl under 爬过

peek 偷看
go in 进去
come out 出来
fall down 摔倒
tip a hat 摘帽致意
stir-fry 炒
mix 搅拌
stir 搅和
sift 筛滤
simmer 炖
yeast 酵母
pancake 煎饼
tablet 药片
capsule 胶囊
please hand me the salt shaker 盐瓶
what a surprise to meet you here
he waved at me: 他跟我摆了摆手
the issue happens intermittently 间歇性地
make acquaintance with sb 认识
chinese proverb 谚语名句
empathy 心有灵犀
go with the flow 随大流
cockroach 蟑螂
lexical 词汇的
tent 帐篷
dress up the Christmas tree with ornaments
i wanted to be a scientist all along 从始至终
he groped his way in the dark 黑暗中摸索
needle 针
acupuncture 针灸
muggy 闷热的
drizzling 毛毛雨
hailing 下冰雹
hailstone 冰雹
breeze 微风
breezy 刮威风的
sleeting 雨夹雪的
it’s miserable 天气真糟糕
Halloween 万圣节
scrub board 洗衣板
dowry 嫁妆
ward 病房
marrow 骨髓,要点
third wheel 电灯泡
shrine 神殿
intonation 语调
phantom 幽灵
raisin 葡萄干
hourglass 沙漏
get on with sth 继续做某事
trade–off 权衡
stale 不新鲜的
gargle 漱口
i just can't place him 我想不起来在哪见过他.
please pass the handout 请帮我拿那本讲义.
you must be kidding 你在开玩笑吧?
i know how you feel 我了解你的感受
he is on another phone 他在跟别人讲电话
fairy tale 童话故事
keep off the grass 勿踏草地
do not feed the animals 勿喂动物
pay here 付款处
pinyin is the standard transcription of Chinese that uses roman letters. 音

pinyin also includes four tonal markers to
i’m sorry, but he is not in. 不在
please raise your arms up 举起
hilt 刀把
immigration 移民;入境检查
trespass 侵入
carousel 行李转盘; 旋转木马
baggage claim 行李提取处
country of citizenship 国籍
nationality 国籍
on vacation 度假
on holiday 放假
shuttle 机场巴士;班车;班机
airport security 机场安检
prohibited articles 违禁品
economybusinessfirst class 经济商务头等舱
airport lounge 候机厅
trolley 推车
trolley car 电车
tram 电车
streetcar 电车
cart 推车
automatic walkway 电动步道
mechanical passage 电动步道
travellator 自动步道,港
toll area 收费区
hard shoulder 路肩
overtaking 超车
reduce speed 减速
get in lane 进入车道
bliss 幸福
crunchy lettuce 脆的生菜
turn overleaf 翻到背面
scam 骗局
fragile item 易碎品
open return ticket 回程不定的往返票
open ticket 时间不定的单程票
carry on baggage 随身行李
excess baggage 超重行李
baggage allowance 免费行李
scheduled time 预订时间
established time 实际起飞时间
overhead compartment 头顶行李舱

conveyor 传送带
flight attendant 空乘
steward 空乘
stewardess 空姐
transit flight 转机
connecting passengers 转机乘客
stopover 中转时间
disembarkationarrival card 入境申请表
embarkationdeparture card 出境申请表
lost and found office 失物招领处
personal effects 个人财产
personal belongings 个人财物
personal articles 个人物品
tobacco 烟草
life preserver 救生圈
life guard 救生员
turbulence 气流
throw up vomit 呕吐
ringing in the ears 耳鸣
centigrade 摄氏度
Fahrenheit 华氏度
fastenunfasten the seat belt 系紧安全带
some more rolls 还要面包吗?
Would you care for sth to drink? 想喝啥?
pick up check out 提车
drop off check in 还车
accelerator 油门踏板(非正式)
throttle 油门(正式)
spirits 烈酒
liquor (通称)酒;烈酒
duty 关税
be exempted from examination 免检
arm rest 座椅扶手
lavatory 洗手间
occupied 有人
vacant 无人
tear off to open the air sickness bag 撕开,晕机袋
disposal bag 垃圾袋
sanitary bag 清洁袋
cup noodle 杯面
bowl noodle 碗面
instant noodle 方便面
vegetarian 素食者
compact car 两大两小
full size car 五个大人
premium car 六个大人
luxury car 六个大人
limousine 超豪华轿车
sedan 轿车(美) 四门三厢
saloon 轿车(英)
coupe 双门跑车 两门三厢
hatchback 揭背式 五开门两厢
wagon 旅行车
convertible 敞篷车
roadster 跑车
pick-up truck 皮卡(轻型货车)
van 客货两用(奥德赛)
MPV: Multi Purpose Vehicle 多用途车(一种van)
SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle 运动型多用途车
ABS(Anti-lock Brake System) 防锁死刹车系统
gear stick 变速杆
stick shift 手动挡
manual transmission car 手动变速车
automatic transmission car 自动变速车
all terrain 越野车
mileage 英里里程数
life jacket 救生衣
gas pedal 油门
petal 花瓣
shift the gear 换挡
reverse gear 倒档
neutral gear 空档
freeway expressway 高速公路
meter parking 投币停车
premium 92# 或 93#
plus 89#
regular 87#
one way 单行道
flat tyre 爆胎
highway patrol 公路巡警
fill up 加满油;填完表单
carpool 拼车
brake 刹车
decelerate 减速
cab 出租车
double park 并排停车
be towed away 被拖走
tow truck 拖车
wrecker 拖车
sticker 罚单;贴纸
car accident 车祸
number plate 车牌
license plate 车牌
steering wheel 方向盘
gauge 仪表盘
gas gauge 油表
unleaded gas 无铅汽油
nozzle 加油枪;喷嘴
exhaust pipe 排气管
gallon 加仑 128
quart 夸脱 32
pint 品脱 16
cup 杯 8
ounce 盎司
liter 升(1美加仑=3.785升)
litter 乱扔(垃圾)
traffic congestion 交通堵塞

route map 路线图
monthly pass 月票
get onget off 上下大车
get inget out 上下小车
one day pass 日票
one way ticket 单程票
round trip ticket 往返票
relatives 亲戚
penny 一分钱
nickel 五分钱
dime 一毛钱
quarter 两毛五
buck 一块
windshield wiper 雨刷
signal light 转向灯
turn lamp 转向灯
hostel 青年旅馆
single room 单间
double room 双人间(1床)
twin room 双人间(2床)
double room and an extra bed 双人间加床
king size bed 1米8乘2米
queen size bed 1米5乘2米
I’ll take it 我要了
toll free number 对方付费电话
toll booth 收费站
telephone booth 电话亭
bill 纸币
be equivalent to 等价于
where to? 去哪
to this place, please 去这
i’m in a hurry 我赶时间
please take a shortcut 抄近道
locker 寄存柜
car 列车地铁车厢
locomotive 火车头
conductor 列车员
boxcar 货车车厢
flatcar 平台货车
caboose 乘务车厢(最后那节)
intersection 岔路口
crossroad 路口(可虚指)
3 way intersection
4 way intersection
T junction
hitchhiking 搭便车
give a ride 让搭车
go straight ongo down 直走
go along 沿着走
turn rightmake a right turn 右转
left turnmake a left turn 左转
cross the street 穿过街
crosswalk 斑马线
next to sth 在某物旁边
sleeper 卧铺车
through train 直达车
excursion 短程旅行
local train 慢车
uppermiddlelower berth 上中下铺
rate 费用
parking space 停车位
parking lot 停车场
parking garage 室内停车场
scrape 刮痕
dent 凹痕
security deposit 保证金
security guard 保安
you are all set 你都办好了
what bad luck 真倒霉
high seasonbusy seasonpeak season 旺季
off season 淡季
in season (蔬果)当季
thermos flaskvacuum bottle 暖瓶
high caliber 高素质的
have since become legend 后来成了传奇
fluorescent lamp 灯管
ceiling fan 吊扇
swamp eel 黄鳝
cordyceps 冬虫夏草
wood ear 木耳
black fungus 木耳
vellus hair 毫毛
peach fuzz 毫毛
pubic hair YM
glans GT
syringe 针筒
syndrome 综合症
mortuary 太平间
stethoscope 听诊器
thermometer 体温计
dental hygienist 牙齿保健师
pills 药片
syrup 糖浆
tape 胶布;磁带
bud 发芽;芽;花蕾
cotton bud 棉签
cotton swab 棉签
cotton balls 棉球
cotton rolls 棉球
cotton wool 药用棉
tweezers 镊子
forceps 手术钳
aspirin 阿司匹林
eye chart 视力表
rote learning 死记硬背
grocer 店员

grocery 杂货店
establishment type 家庭旅馆
property details 物业信息
room rates 房费
attraction 景点
complimentary 赠品;赞美的
lightning rod 避雷针
door bolt 门插梢
door latch 门安全锁
door chain 门安全链
door knob 球状门把手
door handle 柄状门把手
keyhole 钥匙孔
keycard 门卡
if anything turns up 如果有消息
hobby 业余爱好
optimistic 乐观的
pessimistic 悲观的
generous 慷慨的
gorgeous 华丽的
horoscopes 星座
capricorn 摩羯座
cancer 巨蟹座
the tropic of capricorn 南回归线
the tropic of cancer 北回归线
the antarctic circle 南极圈
the arctic circle 北极圈
tour guide 导游
preview 预告片
buffet restaurant 自助餐厅
gymnasium 健身房室内运动场
stadium 室外运动场
gymnast 体操运动员
gymnastics 体操
playground 游乐场
swing 秋千
roundabout 转盘;环形岛
seesaw 跷跷板
field 运动场所
sauna 桑拿
don’t bother 不用麻烦了
kettle 水壶
bath plugstopper 塞子
she pulled the plug out of the bathtub and the dirty water ran away. 流走

opera 歌剧(纯唱)
musical 音乐剧(对白,唱,跳)
applauseclap 鼓掌
assign seat 选位
caption 字幕,说明文字
subtitle 字幕
scripts 字幕
I’m so touched 我好感动
amazing 叹为观止
gallery 陈列室
sculpturestatue 雕塑
plaque 解说牌
tripod 三脚架
speedlite 闪光灯
shutter 快门; 百叶窗
blind 遮光板; 百叶窗
collection 样品,收藏品
the light bulb has burned out 烧掉了
drain 阴沟;排水
bankbook 存折
portfolio 作品集
prestige 名望(褒)
reputation 名声(中)
souvenir 纪念品
admission 门票
group admission 团体票
oil painting 油画
water painting 水彩画
masterpiece 名作
soapsuds 肥皂泡
foam 泡沫的(材质)
suds 肥皂泡
bubbles 吹出的泡泡
aquatic 水的
girder 主纵梁,桁架
beam 次横梁;光束
this place is incredible 这地方不错
I like your T-shirt, it’s gorgeous 很好看
gorgeously 华丽丽地
food court 美食广场
I’ll be right back 我马上回来
wash basin 洗手盆
what if I want to return or exchange to other colors 如果我要退货或者换
how long until you can give me a new one?
I’m all ears 我洗耳恭听
gossip 八卦
Miranda sacked two girls last week 解雇
trap 陷阱;诱捕
pitfall 难点,易犯之错
chime 编钟
are you nuts? 你傻了吗,你有病啊?
screw the lid onoff a jar 从瓶子上拧上开盖子
you have to twist the lid off, not pull it 拧不是拔
take the lid off 把盖子取掉
a bottle top 瓶盖
screw closure 螺纹盖子
greed 贪心
burn incense to show your respect to the budhha
surrender 退回,返还;投降
gangway 过道
make a case for 说出有利理由
warranty 可用性

utility 实用性
responsible 部分负责
accountable 总责
axe 斧头;解雇
hatchet 短柄斧
ferry 渡轮;码头
fire works 烟花
fire crackers 爆竹
games day 运动会
ham 火腿;蹩脚演员
jelly 果冻
lollipop 棒棒糖
with a baby in arms 抱小孩
holding a baby 抱小孩
hangar 飞机库
fuselage 机身
fire balloon 热气球
airship 硬飞艇
blimp 软飞艇
chilly pepper 辣椒
wear a long face 愁眉苦脸
eat like a horse狼吞虎咽
I can eat a horse 我饿死了

tie your shoes 系紧鞋带
pocket 口袋
braces 背带裤
shoelace 鞋带
hairpin 发夹
one of the best known tragedies is Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
cartoon 卡通
genre 风格
register 风格
setting 故事背景
the definitive guide 权威指南
in the company of 和…一起
excuse me, please make way 请让让
kangaroo 袋鼠
kiwifruit 猕猴桃
koala 树袋熊
lantern 灯笼;天窗
jackolantern 南瓜灯
cruise 邮轮
motor boat 摩托艇
speedboat 快艇
lion dance 舞狮
dragon boat 龙舟
zongzi 粽子
opposite 反义词
penguin 企鹅
postcard 明信片
principal 校长;本金;主角;主犯
I’m still sleepy 我还想睡
I’m still yawning 我还在打呵欠
I forgot my lunch box in a hurry 匆忙之中
hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. 赶紧的
stretch 伸懒腰
yawn 打呵欠
slide 滑梯
glide 滑翔
glider 滑翔机; 摇椅
fighter 战斗机
scout 侦察机
bomber 轰炸机
propulsion 推进
propeller 螺旋桨
awacs 预警机
weather vane 风向标
wind sock 风向袋
wallet 钱包
vest 背心
puzzle 拼图游戏
jigsaw 拼图游戏; 线锯
recorder 横笛短
flute 竖笛长
harmonica 口琴
rectangle 长方形
red packet 红包
sailor 水手
santa claus 圣诞老人
scarf 围巾
sushi 寿司
sweep 打扫;掠过
let me sweep it up 让我来扫
wipes 湿巾
wipe 擦
swipe 刷(卡)
cardigan 开襟毛衣
pullover 套头毛衣
put away 放回原处
apparel 服装
lord 阁下;贵族
button hole 钮扣孔
button up 系上扣子
zip up 拉上拉链
tuck in your shirts 塞好衣服
your shirt is on backwards 衣服穿反了
are you awake 你醒了吗?
you are up 你醒了
I’m awake now 我现在醒了
gown 女长服
morning gown 宽松长睡衣
coax the baby to sleep 哄宝宝睡觉
uniform 制服,校服
relish 腌菜
wok 铁锅
a quarter past seven 7点15
a quarter to seven 6点45
push up 俯卧撑

sit up 仰卧起坐
sit up 有事做的熬夜
stay up 没事做的熬夜
stay in 宅在家
stay out 不回家
the doctor told him to stay in for a few days
squeeze the toothpaste 挤牙膏
brush your teeth thoroughly 仔细地
wash away = rinse 冲洗
hot water 热水
hot spring 温泉
hot temper 坏脾气
hot potatoes 烫手山芋
heater 热水器;电暖器
aisle 队伍
how much are these altogether 总共多少钱?
dressing code 着装规定
do you want your sprite refilled? 续杯
coke 可乐
fish fillet 鱼排
take a dish out of the bill 不算一道菜钱
take out box 打包盒
doggie bag 打包盒
I just dropped my fork 我叉子掉了
please come early 早点来
take a nap 去打个盹
built-in wardrobe 嵌入式衣柜
peg 挂钩
bend your knees 半蹲
kneel 跪
stretch your arms 伸直双臂
shake your body 扭动身体
can you page her for me? 广播找人
pricy 昂贵的
stain 使变脏
outlet store 处理品零售店
fitting room 试衣间
do not bleach 勿用漂白剂
extra large 加大XL
stationery 文具
statutory 法定的
newsstand 杂志摊
tampon WSJ
deli section 熟食区
delicatessen 熟食店
top sellers 排行榜书籍
best sellers 畅销书籍
bakery 面食品
conditioner 润发乳
shower gel 沐浴液
liquid soap 洗手液
shampoo 洗发液
body lotion 润肤露
shower head 喷头
I’m leaving 我走了
don’t forget to come straight home after school
have you got everything? 你有没有带上…
shuttle cock 毽子
diabolo 陀螺
lead 铅笔芯
mechanical pencil 自动铅笔
pencil case 铅笔盒
cutter 美工刀,刀片
bookshelf 书柜
globe 地球仪
sin 原罪
wash up sins in India
guilty 罪恶
clothes peg 夹子
clothes hanger 衣架
clothes line 晾衣绳
let’s fold up the quilt 叠被子
make up cabinet 梳妆台
dresser: chest of drawers with a mirror on top
chest of drawers 衣柜
comforter 被子
mattress 床垫
sleeping bag 睡袋
wash your hands before you eat. 饭前洗手
beef curry and rice 咖喱牛肉饭
what’s for dinner 晚餐吃啥?
mantou 馒头
steamed bread 馒头
it’s yummytastydelicious 好吃的
it’s tastelessnot good to eat 不好吃的
cutlery 餐具
culinary skill 厨艺
starch 淀粉
raw 生的
rare 三分熟
medium 半熟
medium well done 七八成熟
well done 全熟
main course 主菜
side dish 副菜
chef’s choice 主厨推荐
chef’s recommendation 主厨推荐
special 特色菜
what can I get quickly? 什么菜比较快?
I’ll have the same 我也要一份
dressing 沙拉酱汁
yuck, they smell 唉呀,好难闻
don’t talk with your mouth full 吃饭别说话
finish up your bowl 把碗里的东西吃完
this is on the house 本店赠送
let me get this 我请客
It’s on me 我请客
let’s eat out 出去吃

let’s drink till we drop 一醉方休
let me buy you a drink 我请你喝酒
cheers 干杯
bottoms up 干了
whisky 威士忌
on the rocks 加了冰块
I like it straight 给我来杯纯的
heavy drinker 酒鬼
feel tipsy 喝醉
be buzzed 觉得轻飘飘的
let’s make this the last one 最后一杯
let’s go bar hopping 换个地再喝一轮
black out 脑袋短路
quit drinking 戒酒
soybean 黄豆
mung bean 绿豆
abalone 鲍鱼
oyster 蚝
murex 螺
clam 蚬
mussel 青口
scallop 扇贝
shellfish 贝壳类
conpoy 瑶柱
shrimp 虾
crab 蟹
hermit crab 寄生蟹
skate fish 鳐鱼
quit smoking 戒烟
hurray 太好了!
take away 打包
appetizer 前菜
blind alley 死胡同
proof 证据
black sheep 害群之马
big shot 大亨
small potatoes 小人物
lousy 差劲的
smoothies 冰沙
whipped cream 拌好的奶油
run out of mango 芒果卖完了
heat something up 加热
tangerine 橘子
mandarin 橘子
bump into 偶然遇见
no sooner had I finished the job 一旦我完成了
hit 有意或无意地打
beat 1.连续地运动:如心跳打鼓打拍子拍翅膀
beat 2.毒打;打败
hold off 拖延
packed like sardines 拥挤
movies are not my cup of tea:我不喜欢看电影
I feel sick 我好像生病了
I feel dizzy 我觉得头晕
vodka 伏特加
I feel chilly 我觉得冷
I feel sluggish 我觉得浑身乏力
you should get a shot 你应该去打针
catch a cold 会感冒的
have a cold 已经感冒了
bad cold 重感冒
runny nose 流鼻水
taro 芋头
guava 番石榴
chive 韭黄
bitter cucumber 苦瓜
parsley 香菜
brussels sprouts 甘蓝包菜
flounder 比目鱼
tuna fish 金枪鱼
xiphias 剑鱼
kelp 海带
seaweed 海草
donut 面包圈
coffee of the day 例牌咖啡
citrus 柑橘
original 原味的
you don’t try it, you don’t know it
scrutiny 彻底审查
drive through 免下车点餐道
as if I’m distracting you 好像我打扰你了
all you can eat 自助餐
combo 套餐
food vouchers 餐券
I’m stuffedI’m so full 吃饱了
chicken nugget 鸡块
golden nugget 金块
vacuum bottle 保温瓶
thermos 保温瓶
for here or to go 打包还是这里吃
are all the drinks refillable 都可续杯?
check please 买单
toothpick 牙签
I’ve diarrhea all day long 拉肚
stomach trouble 胃痛
he can’t stop coughing 咳个不停
my throat’s sore 喉咙疼
my fever has gone down 退烧了
don’t go too far away 别走太远
can I go out to play ball 出去打球
he sprained his ankle 他扭伤了脚
he’s got a cut on hand 手割破了
he broke his leg 摔断腿
he burned his hand 手烧伤
he got stung by a bee 被蜜蜂蜇
painkillers 止痛药
antiacid 胃药
cough drop 喉片

are you allergic to any kind of medicine 过敏
are you all right? 你咋样啊?
prescription 开处方
nightclub 俱乐部
therapy 治疗。非药物治疗如针灸
remedy 药物治疗,治愈率高
treatment 药物治疗,癌不能remedy
cure 治病,治愈
rock the boat 自寻烦恼
make waves 找事
disease 疾病(传染,易治)非典,感冒
condition 疾病(不传染,难治)糖尿病
tummy 肚子(非正)
belly 肚子(非正)
stone wall 石头墙
fireplace 火炉
tricycle 三轮车
building block 积木
somersault 翻跟头
leapfrog 跳小牛游戏
sliding pole 爬竿
rings 吊环
bubble blowing 吹泡泡
top 陀螺
tag 捉人游戏
ring toss 套圈游戏
climbing frame 攀爬架
carpenter 木匠
stomach 肚子(正式)
forearm 前臂
fingernail = nail 指甲
nail polish 指甲油
I’ll put the band- aid on 我会贴创可贴的
my nose is bleeding 我在流鼻血
did you have a fight 你打架了吗?
I’m picking my nose 挖鼻子
I sprained my ankle 我扭伤脚了
ouch, it hurts! 唉呀,好痛
flu 流感
sore throat 喉咙疼
pull a muscle 肌肉拉伤
sprain 扭伤
itch 痒
contact lens 隐形眼镜
robbery 抢劫
pickpocket 扒手
ice pack 冰袋
put on 敷上
call somebody names 骂人
call him names 骂他
tell offtell sb off 骂人
scratch 擦伤
bruise 瘀伤
wound 伤口
snot 鼻涕
booger 鼻屎
wag 摇(尾巴)
chimney 烟囱
pickle 泡菜,腌黄瓜
lawn 草坪
lawn mower 割草机
doormat 擦鞋垫
bunk bed 双架床
outside light 门灯
porch light 门灯
boardwalk 木板路
boarding house 寄宿宿舍
stone walk 石子路
sandpaper 砂纸
yarn 毛线
twine 麻绳
smock (农民,画家的)工作服;孕妇服
pastels 彩色粉笔
rocking horse 木马
croquet 门球
jacks 抓子游戏
lego 乐高积木
hoop rolling 滚铁环
hula hoop 呼啦圈
marbles 玻璃子
hopscotch 跳房子
crotch 胯部
prepaid phone card 电话卡
area code 区号
local call 市话
long distance call 长途电话
parliament 国会
mean 粗暴,凶狠, 卑鄙的;自私的;小气的
Jack is a mean guy 狠角
you are very rude 粗鲁
sale tax 购物税
美国街道概念:drive->boulevard->aven ue->street->lane->way
wood shavings 刨花
sawdust 锯末
meat cleaver 切生肉刀
carving knife 切熟肉刀
hook 钩子
hood 车前盖;兜帽;抽油烟机帽
kitchen fume hood 抽油烟机
hoop 篮框;铁环
hoot 喇叭声;猫头鹰叫声
butcher 屠夫
hacksaw 钢锯
bucksaw 木锯
plane 刨子
sawhorse 锯木架
woodpecker 啄木鸟
cash register 收银机

file 锉子
spinach 菠菜
chinese spinach 空心菜
asparagus 莴笋
plywood 胶合板
jackknife 折叠刀
square 卡尺
putty knife 灰浆刀
trowel 抹泥刀铲
cement 水泥
brick 砖头
bricklayer 泥瓦工
brick wall 砖墙
tile 瓷砖, 瓦片
wreath 花环
ear muffs 耳套
menorah 烛台
crane 仙鹤;吊车
woods 树林
dustpan 簸箕
broom 扫把
seaport 海港
ball point pen 圆珠笔
fountain pen 钢笔
workbook 练习本
modeling clay 橡皮泥
paste 糨糊
paper shapes 剪纸
tie 打结; 领带
beets 甜菜
beetle 甲壳虫
radish 白萝卜
carrot 胡箩卜
wax gourd 冬瓜
hairy gourd 毛瓜
turnip 芜菁(萝卜叶)
tulip 郁金香
almond 杏仁
red beans 红豆
mashed potatoes 土豆泥
squash 倭瓜
leek 韭菜
fried rice 炒饭
sesame 芝麻
pirate 海盗船
kayak 皮艇
canoe 独木舟
raft 筏
freighter 货轮
oil tanker 油轮
fishing trawler 拖网渔船
compass 指南针;圆规
light buoy 航标灯
the Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷
gorge 峡谷
the Three Gorges 三峡
I’m kind of lost 我好象迷路了
do you offer free pick up from the airport? 接送
tangible 有形的
intangible 无形的
resort 度假村
innkeeper 旅馆老板
closure 盖子
cap 盖子
lid 盖子
cover 盖子
plug 盖子
hair ribbon 蝴蝶结
overalls 背带裤
suspenders 背带裤
lingerie 女内衣
table spoon 大汤匙
soup spoon 中汤匙
tea spoon 小汤匙
freezer 冷冻室
spill 溢出
dough 生面团
strainer 滤网
closet 壁橱
pot 锅
pan 平底锅
wok turner 锅铲
utensils 炊具
vent 排气孔
platter 公共碟
plate 自用碟
couch 沙发
drawer 抽屉
stool with arms 扶手凳
corncrib 玉米仓库
crib 婴儿床
baby bottle 奶瓶
bib 围嘴
bathtub 浴缸
sponge 海绵
plier 钳子
comic book 漫画书
guitar 吉他
cot 折叠床
bar 块
8 bar of soaps 八块香皂
rake 耙子
hoe 锄头
chestnut 栗子
eggbeater 打蛋器
rolling pin 擀面杖
funnel 漏斗
mop 拖把

flyswatter 苍蝇拍
iron 熨斗
meat grinder 绞肉机
cutting board 案板
garage 汽车修理厂
judge 法官
mud 泥
dirt 土灰尘
soil 土壤
earth 泥土
clay 粘土
pepper grinder 研磨器
piggy banks 小猪钱罐
bell 铃铛
rope 绳索
jujube 红枣
cord 线
string 线
strap 把手
clown 小丑
turnstile 旋转闸
ferris wheel 摩天轮
puppet 木偶
loud speaker 喇叭
stretcher 担架
acrobat 杂技演员
tightrope 钢丝
juggler 玩杂耍的人
wrench 扳手
bolt 螺栓
nut 螺母
sneaker 运动鞋
blouse 女式上衣
backpack 双肩书包
leopard 豹子
rhinoceros 犀牛
ostrich 鸵鸟
thong T字裤
plum 李子
apricot 杏
dump truck 翻斗车
tractor scraper 平土机
tractor shovel 挖土机
roller 压路机
rough dirt 坑洼的土地
smooth dirt 平整的土地
gasoline truck 油罐车
broken down truck 抛锚的汽车
semi-trailer truck 拖车式卡车
heavy hauler 牛鼻子卡车
trailer 拖车
qntique car 老爷车
radio-controlled car 遥控车
high chair 宝宝凳
bush 灌木
shrub 灌木
fern 蕨类植物
willow 柳枝
pebble 鹅卵石
fountain 喷泉,饮水器
frisbee 飞盘
sweet potato 地瓜
skate board 滑板
eggplant 茄子
yam 淮山
trip 旅游;绊倒
helmet 头盔
napkin 餐巾
whip 鞭子;鞭打
staff 棍棒;金箍棒
birdcage 鸟笼
fire marshal 消防队长
fire chief 消防队长
fire engine 消防车
fireboat 消防船
take a shit 拉
take a piss 撒
take a pee 撒
take a number 2 拉
take a number 1 撒
wee-wee 嘘嘘
fart 放
sink stopper
tub stopper
fire hydrant 消防栓
megaphone 扩音器
did you hurt yourself? 你受伤了吗?
I slipped and fell over 我滑倒了
you hit me on purpose 故意的
magenta 洋红色
polka dots 圆点花样
stripes 条纹的
plaid 苏格兰格子
pyramid 金字塔
mummy 木乃伊
scooter 女式摩托
payphone 公用电话
barber 理发师
parade 游行
stand 展台;(车)支架
saddle 车座;马鞍
cockpit 驾驶舱
straw-roofed house 茅草房
tile-roofed house 瓦房
cabin 客舱;小屋
shack 窝棚(铜鼓岭)
cottage 农舍
a country cottage 乡村小屋

mansion 公馆;大厦
villa 别墅(七指岭)
vanilla 香草
pumpkin 南瓜
bumpkin 乡巴佬
antenna 天线
sew 缝纫
gum 牙龈;口香糖
tropical plant 热带植物
stall 小棚
hay stack 草垛
hayloft 干草棚
haystack 草垛
pail 水桶
wharf 码头
fishhook 鱼钩
fingerprint 指纹
stem 树干;花茎
stalk 花梗;主茎
trunk 树干;后备箱
bough 粗枝
twig 细枝
sprout 发芽
shoot 笋
bloom (草的)花;开花
blossom (树的)花;开花
wither 凋谢
cosmos 波斯菊
bucket 水桶
barrel 大桶
meadow 草场
salt shaker 盐瓶
pepper shaker 胡椒瓶
well 井
crow 乌鸦;鸡鸣
4 way socket 四口插座
extension cord 插线板
newspaper stand 报纸架
towel 洗澡毛巾
wash cloth 洗脸毛巾
hand cloth 擦手毛巾
dish cloth 洗碗毛巾
table cloth 擦桌布
pigsty 猪圈
pigpen 猪圈
shed 牛棚流下(眼泪)
silo 粮仓(高,圆柱状,铁皮)
chicken coop 鸡舍
sheepfold 羊栏
rooster 公鸡
hose 软管
ladybug 瓢虫
foxtail grass 狗尾巴草
charcoal 木炭
screen 纱窗
water lily 荷花
lily 百合
cherry 樱花树
betel palm 槟榔
camellia 茶花
jasmine 茉莉
azalea 杜鹃
orchid 兰花
banyan 榕树
marina 码头
dock 码头
pier 码头
marguerite 雏菊
daisy 雏菊
chrysanthemum 菊花
baby's breath 满天星
seedling 秧苗
stake 木桩
annual ring 年轮
sand fort 沙堡
sand castle 沙堡
sand dune 沙丘
corn stalk 玉米秆(新鲜)
corn shock 玉米垛(枯干)
corn ear 玉米穗
fertilizer 化肥
porcupine 刺猬
beaver 海狸
telescope 单筒望远镜
binoculars 双筒望远镜
flashlight 手电筒
fall 跌到;飘落
tail 尾
trail 羊肠小道
skis 滑雪橇
sled 雪橇
sleigh 雪橇
santa sleigh 圣诞老人雪橇
ski 滑雪
ski pole 滑雪杖
shovel 平头铲
walking stick 手杖
walking pole 手杖
elf 坏小妖精(尖耳朵)
pixie 好小精灵(有翅膀)
sprite 小妖精(有翅膀)
fairy 仙女
to clap 拍手(动)
applause 鼓掌(名)
tea leaf 茶叶
tack 大头针(布告栏)

moth 蛾子
safety pin 别针
paper clip 曲别针
cricket 蟋蟀;板球
falling leaves 落叶
fallen leaves 落叶
street stall 大排档
street stand 大排档
snowball 雪球
spare tire 备胎
cider 苹果酒
soldier all wrapped up 全副武装的士兵
flag pole 旗杆
freight train 货运列车
cram school 补习班
a fair weather friend 酒肉朋友
I’m scared 我吓到了
I’m frightened 我吓到了
The power went out 停电了
The power is back on 来电了
stormy temper 脾气暴躁
out of order 坏了
ruthless 无情的
victim 遇难者,灾民
reel 卷轴(火,影)
spool 卷轴(线)
panoramic view 全景图
Peter was born and raised in china. He holds a U.S. green card but
plow 犁;犁地
snowplow 扫雪车
puck 冰球
hockey stick 冰球棍
snowboard 滑雪板
skateboard 滑板
surfboard 冲浪板
roller skates 溜冰鞋
inline skates 滑轮
ice skates 滑冰鞋
slippers 拖鞋
bat 球棒
submarine 潜水艇
goalie 守门员
spectator 观众
speculator 投机商
racket 球拍
dribble 运球
footie 足球
bloke 家伙(男)
confederation 联盟
league 俱乐部;联赛
referee 裁判
kit 队服
footy 足球
walrus 海象
sea lion 海狮
knight 骑士
spell 咒语
wizard 巫师
witch 巫婆
crutch 拐杖
gloomy 阴天
overcast 阴天
cloudy 阴天
dull 阴天
I doubt it 不可能
It is supposed to rain 应该要下雨
food stuff 干粮
China is his country of citizenship. 生长;国籍
commute 上下班的一程
my morning commute takes 45 minutes.
railing 栏杆
handrail 扶手
snail 蜗牛
assimilate these facts 消化真相
assimilate into the community 同化
mingle 融入
integrate into the host’s family 融入家庭
shout 喊
ink spot 墨水滴
confetti (欢庆)彩色纸屑
spring -> warm
summer -> hot
autumn -> chilly
winter -> freezing
wet 含有水分的湿润
dank 阴湿(洞穴)
moist 微湿的(舒服)
damp 湿漉漉的(不舒服)
humid 潮湿的气候(正式)
dew 露珠
honeydewdew melon 香瓜
cantaloupe 哈密瓜
dewberry 悬钩子
do you have time 你有空吗?
do you have the time 几点了?
make lunch for sb 给人做饭
hang over 出去玩(中)
hang around 出去野(贬)
make food 准备食物
take a walk 散步
bobber 鱼漂
the small boat was bobbing on the rough water of the lake 上下起伏(移
what’s the date today? 今天几号
what day is today? 今天周几?
a promise is a promise 一诺千金

small talk 闲聊
I’d rather stay at home all the day than hangout.
It’s for your own good 为你好
pensioner 老人;领退休金的人
don’t give me any hassle 别给我找麻烦
they were on me (抱怨)他们欺负人
they sit on me 欺负我
allowance 零花钱
pocket money 零花钱
what for? 用来干啥
tell a lie 说谎
tell the truth 说实话
flower bed 花坛
balsam 凤仙花
beehive 蜂窝
chore 家务
kidnap 绑架人
hijack 劫持(交通工具);劫机
written test 笔试
driving test 路考
pen pusher 办公室文员(贬)
it’s frustrating 郁闷
it’s just plain stupid 相当地
don’t be upset 别生气
what a relief!终于松了一口气
I’m with you 我站你那边
I agree with that 我赞成
I don’t agree 我不赞成
dandelion 蒲公英
morning glory 喇叭花
maple tree 枫树
laurel crown 桂冠
verdant 郁郁葱葱
ginseng 人参
narcissus 水仙花
fodder 草料
hybrid 杂交的
wicker basket 柳条篮子
shredder 碎纸机
buds 芽
fragrant 香的
fragrance 香味
narcissism 自恋
narcissistic 自恋的
daffodil 水仙花
hay 干草
don’t lie to me 别骗我
it sounds fishy to me 我听着有些可疑
this is just between you and me 别告诉别人
don’t tell anyone 别告诉别人
they are snoring like pigs 像猪一样打鼾
he snores every night 每晚打鼾
I like being alone 我喜欢独自一人
put yourself in my shoes 站在我的立场想想
make up 化妆;收拾房间;和好;组成
make tea 泡茶
make coffee 冲咖啡
make a fire 生火
make the bed 铺床
set the table 摆放碗筷
make up room 收拾房间
it’s worth a try 值得一试
I’m mad, I said now! 我生气了,我说现在!
ditch 水沟
leech 水蛭
carp 鲤鱼
tortoise 陆龟
stamina 精力
I object 我反对
I guess so 应该是吧
no way 不可能,不要
get along with 和…好好相处
he dries himself off with a towel 擦干
after using the toilet and flushing it 冲厕
he gets dressed 穿衣
he gets out of bed 起床
I’m a little thirsty 我有点口渴
Jack in the box 玩偶匣(跳出)
take out 拿出来
put in 放进去
bow 蝴蝶结;弓;琴弦;船头
stern 船尾
leftovers 剩菜
serving bowl 上菜用碗
spice jar 调味瓶
spice 香料(生姜,肉桂)
condiment 调料(盐,胡椒)
season 进行调味
cushion 靠垫
bed spread 床罩
pillow cases 枕套
throw pillow 抱枕
dust 灰尘; 掸灰尘
be hanged into 撞击
durable plastic 耐用塑料
light blue 浅蓝
chest of 2 drawers 两斗抽屉柜
clothes rail 挂衣杆
pendant lamp 吊灯
wall lamp 壁灯
floor lamp 落地灯
table lamp 台灯
waffle 华夫饼干
juice squeezer 榨汁机
cupboard 碗柜
candle 蜡烛
red and blue make violet 红加蓝变紫
vocation 职业,使命

a vocational college 职业技术学院
dead against 强烈反对
a living skeleton 行尸走肉
gauze curtain

gauze bandage 纱布
adhesive tape 胶布
cavity 虫牙
radio tower 广播塔
waterfall 瀑布
drawbridge 吊桥
mosquito net (美)
bed canopy (英)
potty 便盆
shoulder bag 单肩包
fry 油炸
boil 水煮
who’s speaking? 哪位
who’s this? 哪位
I’m sorry for calling this late 这么晚打
My purse was gone 我的钱包丢了
I most my purse 女士提包
that’s scary 太可怕了
that’s creepy 让人毛骨悚然
curious 好奇的
pack up 收拾行李
pilot to fly planes
fireman to put out fires
mailman to deliver mails
shade 灯罩
frame 相画框
scented candle 香味蜡烛
tealight 装饰小蜡烛
snuff out 熄灭
snuff out the candlesflame 熄灭
candle stick 烛台
ivory 象牙
think before your leap 三思而后行
mail mancarrier 邮差
florist 花店老板
announcer 播音员
rag 抹布
feather duster 鸡毛掸子
scrubbing brush 硬毛刷
bleach 漂白剂
soap powder 洗衣粉
peel the potatoes 削皮
chop up the carrot 切丁
turn down the stove 把火调小
mince the porkonions 切碎
wash the vegetables 洗菜
cut the tomatoes 切西红柿
mix the eggs and the flour 把鸡蛋和面粉搅和
stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste 搅拌
let me fry some eggs for my breakfast 煎
I grilled the steak for 30 minutes 烤
Mash the potatoes with a spoon 捣泥
I’m steaming a fish 蒸鱼
bake bread and cake in the oven 烘烤
we cooked the chicken in the microwave 煮
pour 倒入
peel 剥去
carve 切开
beat 搅拌奶油,鸡蛋等
slice 切片
chop 排骨; 切碎斩
steam 蒸,焖
broil 烤箱烤
fisherman to catch fish
farmer to grow corn
florist to grow flowers
driver to drive a car
baker to bake bread
painter to paint houses and rooms
dentist to treat the teeth
doctor to help sick people
nurse to take care of sick people
chef to cook food
waiter to serve people at a restaurant
entertainer to make people happy
hairdresser to cut people’s hair
singer to sing songs
carpenter to make and repair wooden objects
police to help people to live safely
dancer to move with the rhythm
artist to make the world beautiful
pianist to play the piano
judge to judge whether people are guilty
lawer to help people in court
actor to act in a film or television
astronaut to travel in outer space
teacher to teach students
announcer to read news
scientist to study space and the earth
architect to design buildings
computer programmer to program the computer
butcher to prepare and sell meat
it’s your turn to do the dishes today
it’s not my turn
it’s dusty everywhere in the house, can you help me do the
I’m going to do the laundry
please dust the shelves
would you put upthe clothes to dry?
He wanted his wife to keep house and not to work in an office
what a mess
what a pigsty
put your toys away in the cupboard

she put the toy aside and picked up a book
sweep the floor
mop the floor
vacuum the room
wipe the table
dust the sofa
iron the shirt
water the plants
scrub the sink
sort out the garbage
put in some water 加入些水
hang out the clothes 晾衣服
grabcollect the clothes 收衣服
bring the laundry in 收衣服
thrilling 激动人心的
moisture 水分
can’t I play more 我能再玩一会儿吗?
I’ll be finished soon 很快就好了
what’s on movie today? 今天有啥片?
what’s on TV? 电视放啥呢?
nothing special 没啥特别的
what’s on CCTV1? 中央一台放啥呢?
only for an hour 只能看一个小时
stop flipping channels 不要一直转台
changeswitch the channel 转台
Movie Genre 电影风格
romance 爱情片
action 动作片
empty the clothesline 收衣服
clean up the room before you go out 收拾屋子
can I keep a pet 我能养个宠物吗?
My cousin rears a bird on the balcony 养鸟或鱼
i plan to grow some roses in the yard 种植
i grew up in Hainan 长大
my mom planted a lot of flowers 种
the garden is fully grown with weeds 杂草丛生
earthworm 蚯蚓
watering can 喷壶
water the plants 浇花
wheelbarrow 独轮推车
every dog has his day 人人都有时来运转的时候
all work and no play makes tom a dull boy 学傻了
that’s my good boy 我的乖宝宝
don’t judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人
appearances are deceiving 骗人的
never judge something by its looks 以貌取人
serving chopsticks 公筷
go play with your friends 去和你的朋友一起玩
do you want to play poker 想玩扑克吗?
whose turns is it? 到谁了?
don’t be so naughty 别那么调皮
don’t be so boring 别这么无聊
let’s go exercise 我们去运动吧
practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
mountain hiking 爬山
climbing 爬山
jogging 慢跑;轻碰;撞
I go jogging every morning 我每天早上慢跑
she seduced him that day 勾引
运动――― play 各种球类运动
|―― go 慢跑,爬山,游泳等
i’m a soccerbasket fan 我是一个球迷
rowing 赛艇
gym 体操
riding 骑马
archery 射箭
amusing 有趣的
thaw 解冻
comedy 喜剧片
tragedy 悲剧片
science fiction 科幻
drama 文艺
historical 历史片
western 西部片
pornography 色情片
animator 动画片
suspense 悬念片
horror 恐怖片
thriller 惊悚片
adventure 冒险片
crime 警匪片
fantasy 奇幻片
family 家庭片
General Audiences 普通级 (G)
Parental Guide Suggested 保护级(PGs 12↓)
Parental Guidance 辅导级 (PG 13-18)
Restricted Guidance 限制级 (R 18↑)
hype 炒作
a hyped-up movie 一部热炒的电影
TV classification
soap 肥皂剧
news 新闻
sports 体育
educational program 教育
documentary 记录片
talk show 脱口秀
quiz show 益智竞猜
commercial 商业广告
live 现场直播
rerun 重播
you don’t need to memorize it 不用记
you’ve to write it down 写下来
could you hand in your homework 交
pay attention and listen to me 听我说
learn by heart 默记
can you solve this problem 解答
16 divided by 2 equals 8 除
3 times 5 is 15 乘以

2 plus 3 is 5 加上
5 minus 3 equals 2 减去
this is three fifths 五分之三
how do you sayreadspell this word? 说读拼
test 小考
exam 大考
better late than never 亡羊补牢,为时未晚
sketch book 素描本
she painted in the foreground 把眼前景色画下来
diamond 菱形
cone 圆锥形
oval 椭圆形
crescent 新月形
in the interest of security 为了安全
patient 耐心的
I just like to watch 我只是喜欢看(比赛)
when will the ceremony be held 举行
when will the ceremony be taken place 举行
jeopardize 危害
dilemma 进退两难
she rubbed her wrist 揉搓手腕
she rubbed her eyes 揉眼睛
winds from the sea are usually moist 潮湿的
be dying for sthto do sth 忍不住想要做
his stomach bulged 肚子凸出来
bugle 军号
trumpet 喇叭
horn 喇叭;角
crumb 面包屑
caterpillar 毛毛虫
grasshopper 蝗虫
flat fee 固定收费
color your paper green 把纸涂成绿色
paint your box yellow 把盒子涂成黄色
glue them altogether 把它们粘在一起
fold the paper like this 把纸这样折
I’m home 我回来了
please yourself 请自便
enjoy yourself 请自便
a little bit hard 有一点点难
tutor 私人教师;家教
coach 教练
off you go 你去吧
I ran into him 我碰巧遇到
I bumped into him 我碰巧遇到
he’s acting big 他很自大
he’s selfish 自私
i’m a member of the school choir 合唱团
calligraphy 书法
track and field 田径运动
nice 友好的
intelligent 聪明的
kind 亲切的
smart 机灵的
honest 正直的
cool 冷冰冰的
cheerful 和善的
talkative 爱讲话的
outgoing 外向的
hyper 热情的
distracted 爱走神的
moody 情绪化的
stubborn 倔强的
jealous 爱嫉妒的
lazy 懒散的
weird 古怪的
witty 幽默的
funny 爱开玩笑的
bass drum 大鼓
they took hold of his hands 抓住他的手
all of a sudden 忽然
the seductions of big cities 大城市的诱惑
take exercise if you’re out of shape 身体不好
this stream is currently up-to- date with respect to the specified baselines
hands on abilities 动手能力
innovative abilities 创新能力
how strong are your glasses 你近视多少度?
gumdrop 水果软糖
bastard 家伙 (贬口:男性老友)
waist 腰
fettuccine 粗面条
vermicelli 细面条
Easter bunny 复活节小兔子
frankfurters 法兰克福香肠
tin can 罐头盒
get under shelter 找到庇护所
Ring the bell in case of fire 万一
take an umbrella in case it rains 以防
dwelling unit 居住单元
diary 日记;日记本
correspondence course 函授课程
nah 算了
captivating 有魅力的;吸引人的
a captivating account of her childhood 叙述
wind up 上发条
wind down the window 摇下车窗
autobiography 自传
your english is impeccable 非常好
patron 赞助商
do you find me ugly 你会不会觉得我
low key 低调
I've been back and forth.我犹豫不定
squeezed juice 鲜榨的果汁
juice with pulp 带果肉的果汁
he can't come to the phone now.现在不能接电话
ready for a refill?我再给你倒一杯吧?
I love what u have done with this place.布置

what was tonight?今晚本来要做什么?
I can't feel my hands.我手麻了。
have an affair 外遇
will anyone miss me if i weren't here?我在不在 saw a lot of stuff.我大开眼
call security 通知警卫
dog walker 遛狗的人
does sth. mean squat to u? sth狗屁不是?
what's up with the greedy? 怎么这么贪啊?
work an extra shift 多轮一班
go on, i dare u!有种你就去!
u r a freak!你这个变态!
I sensed it was u.我感觉到是你了
I apologize on behalf of him.我替他道歉。
make a huge fool of myself出了洋相
r u mocking me?你嘲笑我?
hatrack 草包
any luck?找到了吗?
don't u rush me.别催我!
it doesn't count.那不算。
she's gonna be crushed.她会崩溃的。
she's healed.她(伤病)好了
goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩
overreact 反应过度
patch things up with sb.和某人修复关系
pierce my ears 打耳洞
corss that off my list 从单子上划掉
how did it go?怎么样?
why are u changing the subject?为啥转移话题?
this is so meant to be!这就是天意!
there's no need to place blame.没有指责的必要
curling iron 卷发机
it's gonna leave a stain。这要留印子的。
I have part of the fault.我也有责任。
distract her with a doll 拿娃娃哄她
they are all well received 收到的反响都很好
talk u up 说你的好话
stand firm to 努力坚持
I was just leering 我只是用余光看看
organize my thoughts 整理思绪
get a little preoccupied 事先有事
no way to recover 没有掩饰的机会了
bouncy 活泼
drug dealer 毒贩子
admire your candor你还真胆大
we are rolling摄像机正在拍摄
go through this stack 看看这一叠
r u spying on me?你监视我?
just messing with u!跟你开玩笑呢!
enough is enough!闹够了
flyers 寻人(物)启示
it's insensitive of me。我这么做很伤人
u don't have to be brag。拽什么啊?
nod along 跟着点头
a totally separate subject 完全题外话
I thought it was the other way around反过来的
close my account 注销银行卡
cuff him 把他铐起来
woody,tingly 痒
creep me out 雷死我了
no peeking不要偷看啊
sneakbite kit毒蛇解药
I feel wild today 我今天好亢奋!
I'm kind of beat 我有点累了
my ears r ringing so bad.我耳鸣得厉害。
can u get the door?你能去开门吗
present an award 颁奖
natural charisma 天生丽质
cut him some slack 放他一马
get over with 忘记
everybody get in line大家排好队
stand in line排队
cut in line 插队
I don't have the energy for this我没力应付这个
you got me.你还真问住我了
thousand times no! 绝对办不到!
easy does it. 慢慢来。
don't push me. 别逼我。
have a good of it.玩的很高兴。
what is the fuss? 吵什么?
still up? 还没睡呀?
It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
don't let me down. 别让我失望。
god works. 上帝的安排。
don't take ill of me. 别生我气。
does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?
don't flatter me. 过奖了。
big mouth! 多嘴驴!
sure thing! 当然!
I'm going to go. 我这就去。
can-do. 能人。
close-up. 特写镜头。
drop it! 停止!
bottle it! 闭嘴!
don't play possum! 别装蒜!
there is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。
break rues. 反规则。
How big of you! 你真棒!
Poor thing! 真可怜!
Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋
Make it up! 不记前嫌!
Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。
Any urgent thing? 有急事吗?
Don't over do it. 别太过分了。
Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?
You want a bet? 你想打赌吗?

What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样?
Who wants? 谁稀罕?
Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。
Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。
I'll be seeing you. 再见。
see sb off 送别
tom gave me a send-off at the airport 送别
I wonder if you can give me a ride?能搭我一程吗
I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。
Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定?
Is that so? 是这样吗?
Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。
Don't get high hat. 别摆架子。
Right over there. 就在那里。
produce section 农产品区
bean paste 豆瓣酱;豆沙
detergent 洗衣液
merchandise 货品
cartilaginous fish 软骨鱼类
display case 陈列柜
end aislegondola display 终端促销台
magnetic stripe 磁条
scorpion 蝎子
no show 订了机票酒店而不到
you stand me up 你放我鸽子
she is on a diet 她在减肥
gain weight 长胖
munchies 零食(snack的俚语)
doggy bag. 打包袋。
That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。
Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。
Play hooky. 旷工、旷课。
I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家.
It's up in the air. 尚未确定。
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。
Good for you! 好得很!
Help me out. 帮帮我。
Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。
Lose head. 丧失理智。
Talk truly. 有话直说。
He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌
That is a boy! 太好了,好极了!
It's up to you. 由你决定。
The line is engaged. 占线。
My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。
Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事实。
absence makes the heart grow fonder小别胜新婚
she makes a mess of things. 她搞得一塌糊涂。
Get an eyeful. 看个够。
He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。
Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。
Tell me when! 随时奉陪!
Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至
carry on the back 背
astringent 涩的;止血药
wasp 黄蜂
overpass 天桥
footbridge 天桥
pedestrian bridge 人行天桥
chamber 室,房间
gondola 货品陈列架
air raid shelter 防空洞
air strike 空袭
i connect 我打中了〔棒球〕
reach in freezer 玻璃双开门立式冷藏柜
walk in freezer 玻璃十开门立式冷藏柜
open case refrigerator 开放式冷藏柜
snacks 点心(本组区别不大)
have the munchies (习语)觉得饿了
tidbit 少量的美食
refreshment 茶点(包括吃的喝的)
luscious 汁多味美的;性感的
do you deliver 送外卖吗?
trim the fat off the meat 剔肥肉
make a face 不耐烦
gibberish 胡扯
starve to death 饿死了
i have a wolfish appetite 食欲旺盛
macerate 把…浸软
nutrient 营养物质
rice cooker 饭锅
rice scoop 饭勺
sunny side up 半熟的煎鸡蛋
scrambled egg 煎鸡蛋
make a reservation 预订(位,机票,旅馆)
bits of thread 线头
clearance sale 甩卖
window shopping 只看不买
what a rip off 这是敲竹杠,宰客
take it or leave it 爱买不买
look around 再看看
dutch auction 降价拍卖
public auction 公开拍卖
mock auction 模拟拍卖
carrefour 家乐福
suggested retail price 建议零售价
on credit 赊账
no credit, cash only 不赊账,要现金
on a 12-month installment plan 12个月分期付款
scratch and win lottery ticket 刮刮乐
haggle 砍价
how much discount do we get? 打几折?
30% off 七折
do you have this in a larger size 这个有没大点的
podium 课堂讲台;演讲台
physical stamina 体魄
juvenile delinquent 少年犯

equator 赤道
embryo 胚胎
embryo bud 胚芽
cooking 煮饭
keeping warm 保温
vending machine 售货机
kapok 木棉
bombax ceiba flower 木棉花
cotton tree 木棉树
mangosteen 山竹
gecko 壁虎
break ground 破土动工
housewarming party 乔迁庆宴
welcoming party 欢迎宴会
aerated drinks 汽水
climb 3 flights of stairs without panting 爬三段楼梯不喘气
affirm to yourself that … 证明你自己
setback 挫折
scolding yourself for slip-ups 斥责自己所犯的错
odour free 无气味
lean pork 瘦肉
fat pork 肥肉
lean poultry 瘦禽肉
resolve to sleep early 坚持早睡
toxins 各种毒素
cholesterol 胆固醇
glowing bulb 电灯泡
humidifier 加湿器
top floor 顶层
rooftop 屋顶
penthouse 顶层复式房
attic 阁楼
public housing 公屋经济适用房
hideout 秘密据点
driveway 私人车道
drapes 窗帘
end table 茶几
fishbowl 鱼缸
stick up your ass 你又得意了
corkscrew stair 螺旋梯
study 书房
perishable 易腐的
decay 衰亡,腐烂
slaughter 屠杀,屠宰
massacre 屠杀
sweetbread 胰脏
rafting 漂流
makeshift 临时代用品
indulge 纵容
rambutan 红毛丹
ecotourism 生态旅游
spa 水疗
testimonial 感谢信
manifest 表明,显示
it’s expressed in … 体现在
reference groups 相关群体
calory 卡路里
fatty acids 脂肪酸
EPA 不饱和脂肪酸
high-impact exercises 高强度锻炼
irritability 易怒
intake 摄取
sodium 钠
retention 滞留
arteries clogged 动脉阻塞
non-invasive 无创的
unrefined grain 粗粮
binge eating 暴饮暴食
royalty 版税
steeple 教堂的十字尖塔
get a bead on sb 瞄准
great oaks from little acorns grow 高楼平地起
to go window shopping 只看不买
wicked girl 死丫头
beneath 在底下
underneath 在底下
truth be told 老实说
touch wood 菩萨保佑
lighter 打火机
spade heart club diamond 黑红草方
video surveillance 监控录像
security camera 监控录像
hit and run 肇事逃逸
kerosene 煤油
2 scoops per serving for children 每次2勺
lurking –n. (论坛)潜水
distance running 长跑
gill –n. 鳃
grind –v 磨碎
headstone –n. 墓碑
tombstone –n. 墓碑
gravestone –n. 墓碑
grave –n. 坟墓
headway –n. 前进;间隔
make headway 取得进展
hinge –n. 门铰链
hiss –v. 发嘶嘶声
talon –n. 鸟爪
hostage –n. 人质
hyena –n. 非洲鬣狗
incite –v. 煽动
inferno –n. 大火;地域
instep –n. 脚背
insulator –n. 绝缘体
intervene –v. 干涉;时间间隔;发生
locus –n. 中心场所;轨迹
macaroni –n. 通心粉

ravioli –n. 小方饺
militia –n. 民兵
momentum –n. 动力;冲劲
propaganda –n. 宣传
prorate –v 按劳分配
regime –n. 政体
sabotage –n. 蓄意破坏
destroy deliberately 故意破坏
ubiquitous –adj. 无处不在的
pontoon –n. 浮桥;平底船
release form –n. 授权书
pool cue cue stick 桌球杆
forfeit 失去;被没收
confiscate 没收
idol 偶像
his dogs trail him 狗跟着
conceive 构思;怀孕
hurdle 成功解决;跳过
he hurdlesgoes around Mount Everest 跳过绕过珠峰
tree stump 树墩
foyer 门厅
rudder 方向舵
cross my heart 保证
no backing out 不许反悔
practice 制度
underpin 支撑的
proprietary 私有的
accredited 官方认可的
lounge 休息室;闲坐
transcript 稿件;成绩单
news transcript 新闻稿
mentor 人生导师
supervisor 研究生导师
tutor 习题课老师
advisor 咨询师
concourse 中央大厅
philanthropy foundation慈善基金会
jade 玉器
torpedo 鱼雷
valor 勇士
trekking 徒步旅行
expedition 探险
rescue admidst devastation 破坏中拯救
elderly and disabled passengers 老残
taffy fudge 太妃糖
casino 赌场
admiral 海军上将,舰队司令
nimble 敏捷的
candidly 坦率地
utmost 尽可能的
headwind 逆风
in tackling 抱团
brutal 残酷的
darn it 见鬼
damn it 更强烈
grope around sw 4 st摸索
grope 摸身体
i wake up stiff 浑身酸疼
I get out of bed 起床
my eyes are puffy 浮肿的
look in the mirror 照镜子
bookend 书挡板
storage box 储物箱
ventilator 换气扇
chronological 按时间排序
newsreel 旧式新闻影片
majestic 宏伟的
mouth agape 吃惊张大嘴
non-prescriptive 非强制的
carry out 执行
reactive 被动的
proactive 主动的
catalogue 目录
perception 看法
perceive 认为
warranty 功效
utility 功用
distinctive 有特色的
definitive 最终的
business case 商业论证
business imperatives 需求
answer rationales 题解
metric 指标
discernable 可辨认的
make sense of 搞清楚
make a case for 给出理由
scrutinize 仔细检查
resilient 适应性强的
decommission 使退役
remediation 补救
backout 退回去,退出
back off 少罗嗦
error prone 出错的倾向
master copy 原版拷贝
discrete fact 离散的事件
tacit experience 无言的经验
snapshot 每次的快照
baseline 正式的一个基线
evaluation 评价
cost justifiable 成本合理的
momentum 势头
syllabus 课程提纲
walkthrough 攻略
provision 提供
encompass 包含
collate 整理
mean time 平均时间
context 背景,环境

course of action 行动过程
course correction 修正措施
trick question 偏题
pandemic 流行病
value proposition 价值主张
enabling service 支持服务
in their own right 自己
entice 诱惑
alignment 整合
profile 描述,资料
charter 许可
accounting 核算
accountancy 会计学
accountant 会计师
fella 小子
reef 礁石
bonjour [法] hello
perhapspossibly 可能性不大
probably 可能性很大
decontaminate 消毒
oui [应答] 是
deflate 使漏气
never stopped me 那又怎样?
can't complain [应答] 还行
duck 闪开
awning 顶棚
foolproof 万无一失的
go easy on him 对他好点
application sizing 应用选型
disruptive 破坏性的
turn over 流失率,营业额
impractical 不切实际的
stepping stone 跳板
be accounted for 对…负责,解释
in terms of 从…方面说
key performance indicators 关键绩效指标
in the form of 以…的方式
source and deliver 寻求与提供
embark 从事,进行
mitigated 减轻的
a loss of faith 失去信心
dilemma 进退两难
food vouchers 餐券
sit up仰卧起坐
push up 俯卧撑
bailout 财政援助
inflammation 发炎
concentration 浓度
lining 粘膜,衬里
miming 比划,不讲话
scrooge 小气鬼,吝啬鬼
carol 圣诞歌,颂歌
commitment 奉献
accountability 义务
empowerment 放权
anemone 海葵
freak-out 慌张
drop-off 峭壁
woozy 头晕
misconception 误解
sea cucumber 海参
tentacle 触角
twirl 摇摆
gather 围过来
I can assure you 我向你保证
dodgy 危险的
group hug 拥抱一下
you clocked me 你打到我了
oceanic current 洋流
league 里格,约等于3英里
pick me 算我一个,我玩(游戏)
wedge 堵
kill the motor 别紧张
totally 那当然了
diver 潜水员
ferocious 凶残的
a dedicated father 有责任心的爸爸
and so forth 等等
celestial beauty of voice 天籁之音
duke 公爵
look up to sb 尊敬某人
on a diet 在减肥
on medicine 在吃药
be on edge 害怕
be on pins and needles 如坐针毡
on the shelf 搁置
on the ropes 骑虎难下
out of shape 身体不好
under care 接受治疗
look down on sb 鄙视某人
look away from the accident 不忍再看
ask around 打听
talk sb into sth 劝某人做某事
talk sb out of sth 阻止某人做某事
red algae 红海藻
consonant 辅音
integrity 完整性
to stay fit 锻炼身体
sports complex 运动中心
complex 活动场所
I’m gaining weight 最近长胖了
eat soup 喝汤
seminar 研讨会
at the meeting 会上
at first glancesight 第一眼
leave work 下班
a stitch in time saves nine 小洞不补大洞吃苦
charismatic 有魅力的

venus 金星,维纳斯
pinch her cheeks 捏她脸蛋
polo shirt (泼搂)球衣
halter top 露背装
ball 舞会
fancy dress 别致的洋装
she is fine 她很漂亮
cake parlor 蛋糕店
nail parlor 美甲店
scrawny shrimp 小白脸
hunk 更猛的猛男
beefcake 猛男
cheesecake 奶酪蛋糕
fruitcake 干果蛋糕
drool over 痴迷的看…
public relations 公关
clean-cut 干净整洁的
but off set 但私底下
on screen 萤幕上…
sophisticated 谈吐得体
classy 有气质的
rough games 粗俗的游戏
don’t be buddy-buddy with me 别跟我套近乎
courteous 彬彬有礼的
courageous 大胆的
slick 圆滑的
know whose manner 知道分寸的
big daddy 老大(正)
big shot 头头(反)
guardian angel 守护天使
stingy 小气的
sly 狡猾的
sociopath 反社会者
annoying 烦人的
etiquette 礼仪
you may get the idea 你懂的
respect 崇拜
spooky 诡异
good call 提醒的好
completely nuts 非常牛逼
sensational 太了不起了
I’m in awe 我很敬畏
brace yourself! 打起精神
be in hospital 住院
be in the hospital 在医院里(工作或生活)
must I …? no, you needn’t
be used to doingn. 习惯于做某事某事
be made to do sth 被动还原to









本文更新与2020-10-22 08:22,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/417991.html
