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2020-10-22 10:24



学习用品(school things)
pen pen 钢笔 pencil 'pensl 铅

pencil-case 'penslkeis 铅笔盒
ruler 'ru:l? 尺子 book buk 书
bag b?g 包
post card p?ust kɑ:d 明信片
newspaper 'nju:z,peip? 报纸
schoolbag sku:lb?g 书包
eraser i'reis? 橡皮
crayon 'krei?n 蜡笔
sharpener '?ɑ:p?n? 卷笔刀
story-book 'st?:ri] buk 故事书
notebook 'n?utbuk 笔记本
Chinese book 't?ai'ni:z 语文书
English book 'i?gli? 英语书
maths book m?θs 数学书
magazine ,m?g?'zi:n 杂志
newspaper 'nju:z,peip? 报纸
dictionary 'dik??neri 词典
二、 身体部位(body)
foot fut 脚 head hed 头
face feis 脸 hair h?? 头

nose n?uz 鼻子 mouth mauθ

eye ai 眼睛 ear i? 耳朵
arm ɑ:m 手臂 hand h?nd 手
finger 'fi?g? 手指
leg leg 腿 tail teil 尾巴
三、 颜色(colours)
red red 红 blue blu: 蓝
yellow 'jel?u 黄 green gri:n 绿
white wait 白 black bl?k 黑
pink pi?k 粉红 purple 'p?:pl

orange '?:rind? 橙 brown braun

四、 动物(animals)
cat k?t 猫 dog d?g 狗
pig pig 猪 duck d?k 鸭
rabbit 'r?bit 兔子 horse h?:s

elephant 'elif?nt 大象 ant ?nt
fish fi? 鱼 bird b?:d 鸟
snake sneik 蛇 mouse maus 鼠
kangaroo ,k??g?'ru: 袋鼠
monkey 'm??ki 猴子
panda 'p?nd? 熊猫 bear b?? 熊
lion 'lai?n 狮 tiger 'taig?
fox f?ks 狐狸 zebra 'zi:br?
deer di? 鹿 giraffe d?i'rɑ:f
goose gu:s 鹅 hen hen 母鸡
turkey 't?:ki 火鸡 lamb l?m 小

sheep ?i:p 绵羊 goat g?ut 山

cow kau 奶牛 shark '?ɑ:k 鲨鱼
seal si:l 海豹
五、 人物(people)
friend frend 朋友 boy b?i 男

girl g?:l 女孩 mother 'm???
father 'fɑ:?? 父亲 sister 'sist?
brother 'br??? 兄弟 uncle '??kl
man m?n 男人 woman 'wum?n女人
Mr先生 Miss小姐 lady 'leidi 女士
mom m?m 妈妈 dad d?d 爸爸
parents 'p??r?nts 父母
grandma 'gr?ndmɑ:
grandmother 'gr?nd,m???(外)祖母
grandpa 'gr?ndpɑ:
grandfather 'gr?nd,fɑ:??(外)祖父
aunt ɑ:nt 阿姨 cousin 'k?zn 堂兄

son s?n 儿子 baby 'beibi 婴儿
kid kid小孩 classmate'klɑ:smeit 同

queen 'kwi:n 女 visitor 'vizit?
neighbour 'neib? 邻居
principal 'prins?p?l 校长
pen pal pen p?l 笔友
tourist 'tu:rist 旅行者

people 'pi:pl 人物
robot 'r?ub?t 机器人
六、 职业(job)
teacher 'ti:t?? 教师
student 'stju:d?nt学生
doctor 'd?kt? 医生
nurse n?:s 护士
driver 'draiv? 司机
farmer 'fɑ:m? 农民
singer 'si?? 歌唱家
writer 'rait? 作家 artist 'ɑ:tist
actor '?kt?男演员 actress'?ktris
TV reporter ri'p?:t? 电视台记者
engineer ,end?i'ni? 工程师
policeman p?'li:sm?n (男)警察
salesperson 'seilz,p?:sn 销售员
cleaner 'kli:n? 清洁工
baseball player'beis,b?:l 'plei?棒球
assistant ?'sist?nt 售货员
食品(food and drink:)
breakfast 'brekf?st 早餐 lunch l
?nt? 中餐dinner 'din? 晚餐 egg
eg 鸡蛋
rice rais 米饭 cake keik 蛋糕
bread bred 面包
jam d??m 果酱 biscuit 'biskit 饼
干 sausage 's?:sid? 香肠
sandwich 's?ndwit? 三明治
dumplings 'd?mpli? 饺子
French fries frent? fraiz 薯条
meat mi:t 肉 chicken 't?ikin 鸡肉
mutton 'm?tn 羊肉 beef bi:f
pork p?:k 猪肉 fish fi? 鱼

hamburger 'h?mb?:g? 汉堡
hot dog h?t d?g 热狗
noodles 'nu:dl 面条 soup su:p
汤 salad 's?l?d 沙拉 milk
water 'w?:t? 水
ice-cream ais kri:m 冰淇淋
cola 'k?ul? 可乐 juice d?u:s
tea ti: 茶 coffee 'k?fi 咖啡
fruitfru:t 水果 apple '?pl
苹果 banana b?'nɑ:n? 香蕉

pear p?? 梨 orange '?:rind?
橙 watermelon 'w?:t?,mel?n
grape greip 葡萄 cherry't?eri
lemon 'lem?n 柠檬 mango 'm??g?u
芒果 coconut'k?uk?n?t 椰子 peach
pi:t? 桃
strawberry 'str?:b?ri 草莓
vegetable 'ved?it?bl 蔬菜
eggplant 'egplɑ:nt 茄子
green beans gri:n bi:ns 青豆
tomato t?'meit?u 西红柿
potato p?'teit?u 土豆
cucumber 'kju:k?mb? 黄瓜
onion '?nj?n 洋葱 pea pi: 豌
豆 carrot 'k?r?t 胡萝卜
cabbage 'k?bid? 卷心菜
pumpkin 'p?mpkin 南瓜
sweet potato swi:t p?'teit?u 红

八、 衣服(clothes)
jacket 'd??kit 夹克衫 shirt ??:
t 衬衫
T-shirt T恤衫 skirt sk?:t 短裙子
dress dres 连衣裙 jeans d?i:nz 牛
pants p?nts trousers 'trauz?z 裤

socks s?ks 袜子 shoes ?u:z 鞋

sweater 'swet? 毛衣 coat k?ut 外

raincoat 'reink?ut 雨衣
shorts ??:ts 短裤 sandals 's?ndl
boots bu:ts 靴子 hat h?t 有边

cap k?p 无边帽 tie tai 领带
sunglasses 's?nglɑ:siz太阳镜

scarf skɑ:f 围巾 gloves gl?vz
bike baik 自行车 bus b?s 公共汽

train trein 火车 boat b?ut 小

ship ?ip 轮船 yacht j?t
car kɑ: 小汽车 taxi 't?ksi出租

jeep d?i:p 吉普车 van v?n 小货

plane plein飞机 subway 's?bwei地

motor cycle 'm?ut? 'saikl 摩托车
十、杂物(other things)
window 'wind?u 窗户 door d?: 门

desk desk 课桌 chair t???
bed bed 床 computerk?m'pju:t?计
board b?:d 写字板 fan f?n 风

light lait 灯 mirror 'mir?
teacher’s desk 'ti:t?? desk 讲台
picture 'pikt?? 图画 photo 'f?ut
?u 照片
wall w?:l 墙壁 floor fl?: 地

football 'futb?:l 足球
present 'preznt gift gift 礼

walkman 'w?:km?n 随身听
lamp l?mp 台灯 phone f?un 电

sofa 's?uf? 沙发 shelf ?elf
fridge frid? 冰箱 table 'teibl
air- conditioner ?? k?n'di??n? 空

key ki: 钥匙 lock l?k

plate pleit 盘子 knife naif 刀
fork f?:k 叉 spoon spu:n 勺

chopsticks 't??pstiks 筷子
pot p?t 锅 toy t?i 玩具
doll d?l 洋娃娃 ball b?:l 球
balloon b?'lu:n 气球 kite kait
jigsaw puzzle 'd?igs?: 'p?zl 拼图游

box b?ks 盒子 umbrella ?m'brel?

zipper 'zip? 拉链 violin ,vai?'lin
nest nest 鸟窝 hole h?ul 洞
toothbrush 'tu:θbr?? 牙刷
menu 'menju:菜单 e-card kɑ:d电子卡

e-mail meil电子邮件 money 'm?ni

traffic light 'tr?fik lait 交通灯
medicine 'medisin 药
home h?um 家 room ru:m 房间
bedroom 'bedrum 卧室
bathroom 'b?θrum卫生间
living room 'livi? ru:m 起居室客

kitchen 'kit?in 厨房
classroom 'klɑ:srum 教室
school sku:l 学校 park pɑ:k 公园
library 'laibr?ri 图书馆
post office p?ust '?:fis 邮政局
hospital 'h?spitl 医院
cinema 'sinim? 电影院
bookstore 'bukst?: 书店
farm fɑ:m 农场 zoo zu: 动物园
garden 'gɑ:dn 花园
playground 'pleigraund 操场
canteen k?n'ti:n 餐厅
teacher’s office '?:fis 教师办公室
gym d?im 体育馆
washroom 'w??rum 盥洗室
art room ɑ:t ru:m 美术室
computer room k?m'pju:t? 电脑房
music room 'mju:zik 音乐教室

TV room电视房 flat fl?t 公寓
company 'k?mp?ni 公司
factory 'f?kt?ri 工厂
pet shop pet ??p 宠物店
science museum'sai?ns mju:'zi?m科学
the Great Wall greit w?:l 长城
supermarket 'sju:p?,mɑ:kit 超市
bank b??k 银行 country 'k?ntri乡

village 'vilid? 村庄 city 'siti
cold k?uld 冷的 hot h?t 热的
warm w?:m 温暖的 cool ku:l 凉爽的

snowy sn?ui下雪的 sunny 's?ni晴
rainy 'reini 下雨 windy 'windi 刮
cloudy 'klaudi 多云的
weather report 'we?? ri'p?:t 天气
river 'riv? 河流 lake leik 湖

stream stri:m 小溪 forest 'f?rist
path pɑ:θ 小路 road r?ud马路
house r?ud 房子 bridge brid?

building 'bildi?建筑物 rain rein

cloud klaud 云 sun s?n 太阳
mountain 'mauntin 大山
sky skai 天空 rainbow 'reinb?u 彩

wind waind风 air ?? 空气
flower 'flau? 花 grass grɑ:s 草
tree tri:树 seed si:d种子 leaf li:f
plant plɑ:nt 植物 rose r?uz 玫瑰
Monday'm?ndei Tuesday'tju:zdi

Wednesdaywenzdi Thursday'θ?:zdi
Friday 'fraidi Saturday'
Sunday 's?ndi weekend'wi:k'end周

January'd??njueri February'febru?
March mɑ:t? April 'eipr?l
May mei June d?u:n

July d?u:'lai August ?:'g?st

September sep'temb?
October ?k't?ub?
November n?u'vemb?
December di'semb?
spring spri? summer 's?m?
fallautumnf?:l '?:t?m winter'win
southsauθ南 northn?:θ北 easti:
westwest西 leftleft 左 rightrait

have a fever 'fi:v? 发高烧
hurt h?:t 疼痛
have a cold k?uld伤风
have a toothache 'tu:θei牙疼
have a headache 'hedeik头疼
have a sore throat s?: θr?ut喉咙疼
have a stomachache'st?m?keik胃痛
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen
twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十
fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十
eighty八十 ninety九十
hundred 'h?ndr?d 一百
first第一 second第二 third第三
fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六

seventh第七 eighth第八
ninth第九 tenth 第十
eleventh 第十一 twelfth第十二
big big大的 smallsm?:小的
long l??长的 tallt?:l高的
short??:t短的 youngj??年轻的

old?uld老的 strongstr??强壮

thinθin瘦的 active'?ktiv积极
的 quiet'kwai?t安静的 nicenais 好

kindkaind善良的 strictstrikt严格的

smartsmɑ:t聪明的 funny'f?ni滑稽

sweetswi:t甜的 salty's?:lti 咸

sour'sau?酸的 freshfre?新鲜
favourite'feiv?ri t最喜欢的
cleankli:n干净的 tired'tai?d累

happy'h?pi高兴的 boredb?:d无聊

sads?d难过的 taller更高的
shorter更短的 stronger更强壮的
older更老的 younger更年轻的
bigger更大的 heavier更重的
longer 更长的 thinner更瘦的
smaller更小的 good好的
better更好的 higher更高的
finefain好的 greatgreit棒

heavy'hevi重的 newnju:新的
fatf?t胖的 right rait对的
hungry'h??gri饿的 cutekju:t可爱

little'litl小的 lovely'l?vli可
pretty'priti漂亮的 cheapt?i:p便
juicy'd?u:si有汁的 healthy'helθi
helpful'helpf?l 有帮助的 highhai
easy'i:zi简单的 proudpraud骄傲

in在……里面 on 在……上面
near ni?在……附近
next to 在……旁边
in front offr?nt在……前面
Iai我 wewi:我们 youju:你,你们
hehi:他 she?i:她 itit它
they?ei他们 mymai我的
our'au?我们的 yourju?你的,你们

hishiz他的 herh?:她的
playplei玩 swimswim游泳
skateskeit溜冰 flyflai飞
jumpd??mp跳 walkw?:k走
runr?n跑 climbklaim爬
fightfait打架 swingswi?荡秋千
eati:t吃 sleepsli:p睡觉
likelaik喜欢 haveh?v有
buybai买 taketeik 拍(照),带
liveliv居住 teachti:t?教
gog?u去 study'st?di学习
learnl?:n学习 singsi?唱歌
dancedɑ:ns跳舞 rowr?u划
read books读书
do homework做作业
watch TV w?t? 看电视
cook the meals kuk mi:l 烧菜
water the flowers 'flau?浇花
sweep the floor swi:p fl?:拖地
clean the bedroom kli:n 'bedrum打扫房
间make the bed铺床叠被
set the table 'teibl摆餐桌
wash the clothes w?? kl?u?z洗衣服
wash the dishes di?洗盘子

use a computer k?m'pju:t?用电脑
do morning exercises 'm?:ni? 'eks?sa
eat breakfast i:t 'brekf?st吃早餐
eat dinner 'din? 吃晚饭
go to school去上学
have English class上英语课
play sportsplei sp?:ts体育运动
get up起床
climb mountainsklaim 'mauntins爬山go
play the piano pi'?n?u 弹钢琴
visit grandparents 'vizit 'gr?nd,p??
go hiking haik 去远足
fly kites flai kaits 放风筝
make a snowman meik ? 'sn?u,m?n堆雪

plant trees plɑ:nt tri:z 植树
draw pictures dr?: 'pikt??z画画
cook dinner kuk 'din?烧晚饭
read a book 读书
answer the phone'ɑ:ns? f?un 接电话
listen to music 'lisn 'mju:zik听音乐
clean the room打扫房间
write a letter rait 'let? 写信
write an e-mail写电子邮件
drink water dri?k 'w?:t? 喝水
take pictures teik 'pikt?? 拍照

pick up leaves pik ?p li:vz 摘树叶
write a report rait ri'p?:t 写报告
play chess t?es 下棋
have a picnic 'piknik 野餐
get to到达
ride a bike raid baik 骑自行车
play the violin ,vai?'lin 拉小提琴
collect stamps k?'lekt st?mp 集邮
meetmi:t 遇见 welcome'welk?m 欢迎
thank θ??k 谢谢 work w?:k 工

drink dri?k 喝 taste teist

smell smel 闻 feed fi:d 喂
milk milk 挤牛奶 look luk 看
guess ges 猜 help help 帮助
passpɑ:s 传递 show??u展示,
use ju:z 用 clean kli:n 打扫
open'?up?n 打开 close kl?uz

put put 放 read ri:d 读,看
write rait 写 paint peint 画画
tell tel 告诉 kick kik 踢
ride raid 骑 stop st?p 停
wait weit 等 find faind 找
drive draiv 驾驶 fold f?uld 折

send send送,寄 wash w?? 洗
shine?ain照耀 becomebi'k?m变

feel fi:l 感觉 think θi?k 想
fall f?:l 掉下 leave li:v 离

wake upweik ?p醒过来 put on穿上
take off 脱下
hang up h?? ?p 挂起来
wear w?? 穿 go home回家
go to bed去睡觉
play computer games k?m'pju:t? geims
play chess t?es 下棋
do housework 'hausw?:k 做家务
empty the trash'empti tr??倒垃圾
put away the clothes kl?u?放好衣服
get off下车 take a triptrip去郊游
read a magazine ,m?g?'zi:n读杂志
go to the cinema 'sinim?去电影院
what什么 what colour什么颜色 what time
几点 what day星期几 how怎样 how old年
how many多少 how much 多少钱 how tall
多高 how heavy多重 how long多长 ho
w big多大 how large hau lɑ:d? 面积

whohu: 谁 whenhwen什么时候 whos
ehu:z 谁的 wherehw??在哪里 whyhw
ai为什么 which hwit? 哪一个

学习用品(school things)
pen pen pencil 'pensl
pencil-case 'penslkeis
ruler 'ru:l? book buk
bag b?g
post card p?ust kɑ:d
newspaper 'nju:z,peip?
schoolbag sku:lb?g
eraser i'reis?
crayon 'krei?n
sharpener '?ɑ:p?n?
story-book 'st?:ri] buk
notebook 'n?utbuk
Chinese book 't?ai'ni:z
English book 'i?gli?
maths book m?θs
magazine ,m?g?'zi:n
newspaper 'nju:z,peip?
dictionary 'dik??neri
二、 身体部位(body)
foot fut head hed
face feis hair h??
nose n?uz mouth mauθ
eye ai ear i?
arm ɑ:m hand h?nd
finger 'fi?g?
leg leg tail teil
三、 颜色(colours)
red red blue blu:
yellow 'jel?u green gri:n
white wait black bl?k
pink pi?k purple 'p?:pl
orange '?:rind? brown braun
四、 动物(animals)
cat k?t dog d?g
pig pig duck d?k
rabbit 'r?bit horse h?:s
elephant 'elif?nt ant ?nt
fish fi? bird b?:d
snake sneik mouse maus
kangaroo ,k??g?'ru:
monkey 'm??ki
panda 'p?nd? bear b??
lion 'lai?n tiger 'taig?
fox f?ks zebra 'zi:br?
deer di? giraffe d?i'rɑ:f

goose gu:s hen hen
turkey 't?:ki lamb l?m
sheep ?i:p goat g?ut
cow kau shark '?ɑ:k
seal si:l
五、 人物(people)
friend frend boy b?i
girl g?:l mother 'm???

father 'fɑ:?? sister 'sist?
brother 'br??? uncle '??kl

man m?n woman 'wum?n
Mr Miss lady 'leidi
mom m?m dad d?d
parents 'p??r?nts
grandma 'gr?ndmɑ:
grandmother 'gr?nd,m???
grandpa 'gr?ndpɑ:
grandfather 'gr?nd,fɑ:??
aunt ɑ:nt cousin 'k?zn
son s?n baby 'beibi
kid kid classmate'klɑ:smeit
queen 'kwi:n visitor 'vizit?

neighbour 'neib?
principal 'prins?p?l
pen pal pen p?l
tourist 'tu:rist
people 'pi:pl
robot 'r?ub?t
六、 职业(job)
teacher 'ti:t??
student 'stju:d?nt
doctor 'd?kt?
nurse n?:s
driver 'draiv?
farmer 'fɑ:m?
singer 'si??
writer 'rait? artist 'ɑ:tist

actor '?kt? actress'?ktris
TV reporter ri'p?:t?
engineer ,end?i'ni?

policeman p?'li:sm?n
salesperson 'seilz,p?:sn
cleaner 'kli:n?
baseball player'beis,b?:l 'plei?
assistant ?'sist?nt
(food and drink:)
breakfast 'brekf?st lunch l?nt
? dinner 'din? egg eg

rice rais cake keik
bread bred
jam d??m biscuit 'biskit
sausage 's?:sid?
sandwich 's?ndwit?
dumplings 'd?mpli?
French fries frent? fraiz
meat mi:t chicken 't?ikin
mutton 'm?tn beef bi:f

pork p?:k fish fi?

hamburger 'h?mb?:g?
hot dog h?t d?g
noodles 'nu:dl soup su:p
salad 's?l?d milk mil
water 'w?:t?
ice-cream ais kri:m
cola 'k?ul? juice d?u:s
tea ti: coffee 'k?fi
fruitfru:t apple '?pl
banana b?'nɑ:n?
pear p?? orange '?:rind?
watermelon 'w?:t?,mel?n

grape greip cherry't?eri
lemon 'lem?n mango 'm??g?u
coconut'k?uk?n?t peach pi:
strawberry 'str?:b?ri
vegetable 'ved?it?bl
eggplant 'egplɑ:nt
green beans gri:n bi:ns
tomato t?'meit?u
potato p?'teit?u
cucumber 'kju:k?mb?
onion '?nj?n pea pi:
carrot 'k?r?t
cabbage 'k?bid?
pumpkin 'p?mpkin
sweet potato swi:t p?'teit?u
jacket 'd??kit shirt ??:t

T-shirt T skirt sk?:t
dress dres jeans d?i:nz
pants p?nts trousers 'trauz?z
socks s?ks shoes ?u:z
sweater 'swet? coat k?ut
raincoat 'reink?ut
shorts ??:ts sandals 's?ndl
boots bu:ts hat h?t
cap k?p tie tai
sunglasses 's?nglɑ:siz
scarf skɑ:f gloves gl?vz
九、 (vehicles)
bike baik bus b?s
train trein boat b?ut
ship ?ip yacht j?t
car kɑ: taxi 't?ksi
jeep d?i:p van v?n
plane plein subway 's?bwei
motor cycle 'm?ut? 'saikl
十、杂物(other things)
window 'wind?u door d?:
desk desk chair t???
bed bed computerk?m'pju:t?
board b?:d fan f?n
light lait mirror 'mir?

teacher’s desk 'ti:t?? desk
picture 'pikt?? photo 'f?ut?u

wall w?:l floor fl?:
football 'futb?:l
present 'preznt gift gift
walkman 'w?:km?n
lamp l?mp phone f?un
sofa 's?uf? shelf ?elf
fridge frid? table 'teibl
air- conditioner ?? k?n'di??n?


key ki: lock l?k
plate pleit knife naif
fork f?:k spoon spu:n
chopsticks 't??pstiks
pot p?t toy t?i
doll d?l ball b?:l
balloon b?'lu:n kite kait
jigsaw puzzle 'd?igs?: 'p?zl
box b?ks umbrella ?m'brel?

zipper 'zip? violin ,vai?'lin

nest nest hole h?ul
toothbrush 'tu:θbr??
menu 'menju: e-card kɑ:d
e-mail meil money 'm?ni
traffic light 'tr?fik lait
medicine 'medisin
home h?um room ru:m
bedroom 'bedrum
bathroom 'b?θrum
living room 'livi? ru:m
kitchen 'kit?in
classroom 'klɑ:srum
school sku:l park pɑ:k
library 'laibr?ri
post office p?ust '?:fis
hospital 'h?spitl
cinema 'sinim?
bookstore 'bukst?:
farm fɑ:m zoo zu:
garden 'gɑ:dn
playground 'pleigraund
canteen k?n'ti:n
teacher’s office '?:fis
gym d?im
washroom 'w??rum
art room ɑ:t ru:m
computer room k?m'pju:t?
music room 'mju:zik
TV room flat fl?t
company 'k?mp?ni
factory 'f?kt?ri
pet shop pet ??p
science museum'sai?ns mju:'zi?m
the Great Wall greit w?:l
supermarket 'sju:p?,mɑ:kit
bank b??k country 'k?ntri
village 'vilid? city 'siti
cold k?uld hot h?t
warm w?:m cool ku:l
snowy sn?ui sunny 's?ni
rainy 'reini windy 'windi
cloudy 'klaudi
weather report 'we?? ri'p?:t
river 'riv? lake leik
stream stri:m forest 'f?rist
path pɑ:θ road r?ud
house r?ud bridge brid?

building 'bildi? rain rein
cloud klaud sun s?n
mountain 'mauntin
sky skai rainbow 'reinb?u
wind waind air ??
flower 'flau? grass grɑ:s
tree tri: seed si:d leaf li:f
plant plɑ:nt rose r?uz
Monday'm?ndei Tuesday'tju:zdi

Wednesdaywenzdi Thursday'θ?:zdi
Friday 'fraidi Saturday'
Sunday 's?ndi weekend'wi:k'end
January'd??njueri February'febru?
March mɑ:t? April 'eipr?l
May mei June d?u:n

July d?u:'lai August ?:'g?st

September sep'temb?
October ?k't?ub?
November n?u'vemb?

December di'semb?
spring spri? summer 's?m?
fallautumnf?:l '?:t?m winter'win
southsauθ northn?:θ easti:st

westwest leftleft rightrait
happy'h?pi boredb?:d
sads?d taller
shorter stronger
older younger
bigger heavier
longer thinner
smaller good
better higher
finefain greatgreit
have a fever 'fi:v?
hurt h?:t
have a cold k?uld
have a toothache 'tu:θei
have a headache 'hedeik
have a sore throat s?: θr?ut
have a stomachache'st?m?keik
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen
twenty thirty forty
fifty sixty seventy
eighty ninety
hundred 'h?ndr?d
first second third
fourth fifth sixth
seventh eighth
ninth tenth
eleventh twelfth
big big smallsm?:
long l?? tallt?:l
short??:t youngj??
old?uld strongstr??
thinθin active'?ktiv quie
t'kwai?t nicenais
kindkaind strictstrikt
smartsmɑ:t funny'f?ni
sweetswi:t salty's?:lti
sour'sau? freshfre?
favourite'feiv?ri t
cleankli:n tired'tai?d
excitedik'saitid angry'??gri
heavy'hevi newnju:
fatf?t right rait
hungry'h??gri cutekju:t
little'litl lovely'l?vli
pretty'priti cheapt?i:p
juicy'd?u:si healthy'helθi
helpful'helpf?l highhai
easy'i:zi proudpraud
in在…… on 在……
near ni?在……
next to 在……
in front offr?nt在……
Iai wewi: youju:
hehi: she?i: itit
they?ei mymai
our'au? yourju?
hishiz herh?:
playplei swimswim
skateskeit flyflai
jumpd??mp walkw?:k
runr?n climbklaim
fightfait swingswi?
eati:t sleepsli:p
likelaik haveh?v
buybai taketeik
liveliv teachti:t?
gog?u study'st?di
learnl?:n singsi?

dancedɑ:ns rowr?u
read books
do homework
watch TV w?t?
cook the meals kuk mi:l
water the flowers 'flau?
sweep the floor swi:p fl?:
clean the bedroom kli:n 'bedrum
make the bed
set the table 'teibl
wash the clothes w?? kl?u?z
wash the dishes di?
use a computer k?m'pju:t?
do morning exercises 'm?:ni? 'eks?sa
eat breakfast i:t 'brekf?st
eat dinner 'din?
go to school
have English class
play sportsplei sp?:ts
get up
climb mountainsklaim 'mauntins
go shopping
play the piano pi'?n?u
visit grandparents 'vizit 'gr?nd,p??
go hiking haik
fly kites flai kaits
make a snowman meik ? 'sn?u,m?n
plant trees plɑ:nt tri:z
draw pictures dr?: 'pikt??z
cook dinner kuk 'din?
read a book
answer the phone'ɑ:ns? f?un
listen to music 'lisn 'mju:zik
clean the room
write a letter rait 'let?
write an e-mail
drink water dri?k 'w?:t?
take pictures teik 'pikt??
pick up leaves pik ?p li:vz
write a report rait ri'p?:t
play chess t?es
have a picnic 'piknik
get to
ride a bike raid baik
play the violin ,vai?'lin
collect stamps k?'lekt st?mp
meetmi:t welcome'welk?m
thank θ??k work w?:k
drink dri?k taste teist
smell smel feed fi:d
milk milk look luk
guess ges help help
passpɑ:s show??u
use ju:z clean kli:n
open'?up?n close kl?uz
put put read ri:d
write rait paint peint
tell tel kick kik
ride raid stop st?p
wait weit find faind
drive draiv fold f?uld
send send wash w??
shine?ain becomebi'k?m
feel fi:l think θi?k
fall f?:l leave li:v
wake upweik ?p put on
take off
hang up h?? ?p
wear w?? go home
go to bed
play computer games k?m'pju:t? geims

play chess t?es
do housework 'hausw?:k
empty the trash'empti tr??
put away the clothes kl?u?
get off take a triptrip
read a magazine ,m?g?'zi:n
go to the cinema 'sinim?
What what colour what time
what day how how old
how many how much how tall h
ow heavy how long how big
how large hau lɑ:d?
whohu: whenhwen whosehu:z
wherehw?? whyhwai which h












本文更新与2020-10-22 10:24,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/418209.html
