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2020-10-22 11:19



A 1. As well as this, there must be wild beasts upon 此外,我呆的地方一定有野兽会把我咬
h the circumstances were different during my 虽 然说现在的环境和我在解放前的情况
大不相同,但我知道,突然让人剥夺了一切,生活一夜之间发生了变 化是什么滋味。
Italian father may also continue to bankroll his 在意大利,父亲甚至还可以继续从经济上
资助他自己成年并已挣工资的儿子 ,因为作为一家之主,他很乐意去资助他的“孩子们”,不
4.A speech community ,then ,is any group of people who speak 因此,所谓语言群体是指讲同一
gh I’ve never worked for a bank before,虽然我以前为在银行工作,但是我在那儿工作
machine that can control itself and do things that 任何能够自行控制,能够做通常需要人
类的双手和聪明的头脑来进行工作的机器,都可以称为 “机器人”。
those who whole-heartedly served the people and 所有那些全心全意为人民服务,把人民
的利益放在个人利益之上的人,是伟大的 ,应当把他们当作学习的榜样。
we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow 我们大家的确都知道,人不同于其
它动物,设法发 出某种声音来表达思想、感情、行动和其他事情,以便能彼此进行交流。
9.“Automation” means, as we know, running a factory almost entirely by 我们知道,“自动化”的
意思是指一个工厂 几乎完全由自动化的机器来管理,一切工作都由“机器人”来做,而不是由
relaxing over a cup for a few minutes,休息喝茶后不久 ,我们和那一群一直陪同我们的
the third millennium begins, society 在第三个千年开始的时候,人类社会 面临着创造一
12.A jet plane rushes through the sky so fast 喷气式飞机在空气中飞行的快,以至于它的引擎
所发出的声音被留在飞机的后面。在飞机从我们上空飞过 去以后一会儿,我们才能听见它的
13.A group of scientists were planning to go to 一群科学家曾计划去农村作科学研究,以便发
C ers , however ,can not think or reason in the 然而计算 机不像人脑一样进行
consists of decayed vegetation that, over 煤是由腐烂的植物组成的,这些植物经历了几
D s believe that cigarette smoke has some 医生认为香烟散发的烟雾与非吸烟者
e the fact that there would probably be more 尽 管在一段时间内,男孩可能生得多,但
妇女数量的不足终究会导致女孩出生数目的增加,以便更多的女性 作为配偶。
E h has continued as one of the important 由于说英语国家的政治和经济影响超
h is the language of the majority of published 英语是世界 上大多数出版物所使用的语
言,因而使得教育,特别是高等专业教育,在很大程度上取决于对英语的掌握 。
at this moment many of the earth’s natural 甚至就在现在,地球上的许多自然财富还要

遭受破坏,许多珍禽异兽和奇花异草面临灭顶 之灾。为了使地球上大多数人免于饥饿,要生
F convenience, we may classify the English 为方便起见,我们可 以把讲英语的人分
为两类:把英语作为本族语的人归于第一类,把英语作为第二语言为了教育、商务等目 的而
G writers are those who not only have great thoughts 伟大的作家不仅具有伟大的
H your request been made at an earlier stage, we 如果你们能早一些提出这个要求,
r, much more efficient policing is required,然而警察工作应该更 有效,因为他们不仅
promised that the change would cost 他担保这个变化实施起来不需要任何成本,如果他
I 1.I know that as a small boy I wanted my father 我知道你,我作为一个小孩,希望我父亲
is believed that before writing was 据认为,在文字出现以前,中国人常把若干石子放在一
now occurs to me that you’re the gentleman 现在我想起来了,你正式电视中报导国际新闻
4.I must make use of what time there is left to me 我必须利用我剩下的不多的时间,尽量为人
5.I should wish to die still at work, knowing that 我希望我在工作死去,并且我也为自己已经尽
the world today, despite all running water to 现在世界上尽管有水力可以发电,有石油提供
bad weather is expected,the forecaster must 如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在
is the struggle of the masses and not 在世界历史上,起决定作用的是群众的斗争,而不是
you were asked to name the one factor that had 如果有人要你说出对现代文明贡献最大的
the process of the brain drain ,在人才外流过程中,使许多不发达国家损失的不只是人才
you think of those things that feel the best 如果让你想想什么事让你感觉最好,我想你会
12.I came away certain that ,whatever our view of 当我离开时,我坚信,不论我们对于西安正
在发生的事情持有何种看法,它毕竟是我们时代发生的 伟大的历史事件之一。
a machine makes a mistake or if it runs out of material,如果有一台机器出了差错,或者材
料用完的话,这台机器 就用红灯或铃声发出警告,这时只要有一个人来处理一下就行了。
14.I asked a man who has a wife and three children who did我问一个有妻子和三个孩子的人,
15.I asked the doctor if he was ever called out 我问那位医生他是否曾经被人请去看过急诊,他
告诉我两个月前,就在我们当时谈话的那个房子 里,他曾做过了一次手术。
an old man who has known human joys and sorrows,对一个经历了人生悲欢,而且取得过

自己成就的老 人来说,对死亡的恐惧在某种程度上来说是可怜的,不光彩的。
rial development also has brought something 工业的发展也许给许多国家带来了不
尽人意的东西--- 垃圾,工业化学品,家庭和医院的废弃物,空气和水污染。
18.I have included some essential data which I believe 我收集了一些主要资料,这些资 料我认
the last few years so much has happened in 最近 几年,中国发生了许多引起人们深刻关
切的重大事件,因此编辑们决定用整个一期的篇幅来出版有关的文 章。
countries are to gain from trade, they should 如果一个国家想在贸易中获利,它就应该出
is very strange that the underdeveloped countries which 奇怪的是,不发达国家最需要科学
家、工程师、管理人才和其他专业 人员,然而,事实是那些受过最好教育的年轻人源源不断
no sense does English replace the culture heritage and 英语决不会取代第一语言所起的本
民族文化传统与感情纽带的作用。但对世界上众多讲英语的人 来说,用它与受过类似的教育
I have Internet access and can do business on line,如果我能接上因特网,能在网上做生意,
而我的供应商、顾客和竞争对手都是全球性的,那么 我也将是全球性的,而且无论是否有世
M people are afraid that fruit and vegetables许多人担心喷洒了化学药物的水果和
has squandered the earth’s natural resources with 人类浪费了地球上的自然资源,而不考
虑将来。人类已想出了最灭绝人性的手段来屠杀自己的 同胞,还有其他各种生物。
people feel that whenever it becomes possible 很多人感到,一旦父母有可能选择自己
孩子的性别,就应该允许他 们进行选择,即使会导致男性多于女性。
N who has ever seen good-quality co lour television 凡是欣赏过高质量彩色电
the president undertook to answer this question,现在主席在谈 话中对这个问题作了答
one ,however, seemed to have realized the importance of 然而,在发现从这种油田中能够
提取出煤油以前,似乎没有人认识到这 种油的重要性。这一发现带来了油井的发展并带来了
sources of energy must be found, and this will take必须找到新的能源,这 需要时间;而过
only does three quarters of the heat disappears up这不仅使四分之一的热从烟囱消失,而
且失去了所有宝贵的化学副产品,因为煤含有丰富的化学物质 ,这些化学物质是由形成煤
O the problems of modern industry is the transfer 现代工业的问题之一,就是把能
the one hand, the motor car has brought mobility to 一方面,机动车给千百万人提供了行
动的方便;但是另一方面,它却导致了产生噪声与危险越来越 大的道路,并且它排出的废气
P s women and men, working together ,will be 也许妇女和男人在一块工作,将
R ,who is majoring in elementary education ,is one of 罗伯特主修基础教育,它

ly in Europe ,the United States,and Russian, 目前,在欧洲、美国和俄罗斯已经研究
which used to be polluted by industrial chemical 过去受工业化学废物污染的河流现在
S and planes have a system for “seeing”through darkness,船舶和飞机装有一个能
is careful to markher place before she shuts a book 在和书之前她仔细地对读过的地方做
people have come to believe what we need for success are 一些人认为,只要具有才华、
精力和人品就能获得成功。但是,历史的经验告 诉我们,为人比身份、外表更加重要。
ites are capable of transmitting not only 卫星不仅能够传送电视广播,也可传送电话及
ists wanted to put each of the communications科学家把每颗通讯卫星 送入能够固定在
few American professionals head out to 由于美国有专长的人没有几个愿意到其他地
方 定居,于是受到教育的人才外流只能扩大富国与穷国间的差距。
T talents we possess do not count so much in the 在世界进步事业中,重要的不在
who moved to colder climates developed light 迁移到较冷地带的人为了利用日光合成
newspaper published what it said was a letter这家报纸刊登了一封信,据它说这一封信是
house well on its way to completion, they began to 房子快落成了,他们开始考虑买些什
average energy consumed per head of population 世界头号能源用户美国按人口计算的
are basic scientific skills, and they are used by 这些是基本的科学技能,不管探讨的问
题是简单还是复杂,专业科学工作者都用这些技能来解决这些问题 。
owners of houses destroyed for road 因为兴建道路而住房遭毁的人,不得已只好忍受
who support technology argue that 那些支持科技的人指出,计算机可以成为“辅导老
supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at 石油供应可能随时被切断;不管怎样,以目
combination of satellites which transmit传送信息的 卫星,储存信息的计算机和显示信
point is, whenever you give you to others, 关键是,无论何 时为他人付出,无论选择怎
样的付出方式,你总会注意到,你会感到轻松些,你会为自己感到更加自豪, 会觉得世界更
first to leave are outstanding students 首先外流的是被美国各大学录取的优秀学生,自
然在他们毕业之后便可在美国获得富 有挑战性的工作和高薪。
is nothing quite like the feeling of knowing 如果你知道自己真的为了别人做了件好
事,那么你肯定有一种不寻常的感受,即 使那个人不知道是你做的也无所谓。

word “science”is heard so often in modern 在当今时代,“科学”一词已为人熟悉,每个
人 对它的含义都有些概念。从另一方面讲,它的定义对许多人来说有时很难理解的。
environment is everything that surrounds 环境是指我们周围的一切:植物、动物、建筑
物、土地、空气和水----- 实际上就是在各方面对我们有影响的东西。
is no denying that English is a useful 不可否认,英语是一种有用的语言。今天除了
principal methods by which energy is 将能量从一地传输 到另一地去的主要方法,就是
people who support having computers in 那些主张在教室里配备计 算机的人强调学
生们使用新技术的兴趣。他们觉得因特网是源源不断的信息来源,它使所有学校之间不再 有
loss of brains drain is physically 人 才外流的损失,从大多数第三世界国家首都的一个
普遍现象就可以具体看到:美国大使馆的周围每个工作 日都总是排着一条蜿蜒不绝的长队。
environment of a town ,with its building 城镇的环境包括建筑物、交通、噪音、和气味,
还有人挤人的那种拥挤不堪 的状况。它与乡村的环境有天壤之别;乡村有田野和庄稼,野生
动物和驯养的动物,以及一种开阔的感觉 。
is no doubt that the present drive to 目前这个旨 在使亿万中国农民享受现代保健条件
的运动正日益扩大。毫无疑问,这不是一个临时性的措施,而是一个 能够满足现在和将来需
increasing speed of scientific development 电视机、宇宙飞船和核动力舰艇今天已被人
们视为惯 常的事物,但对于仅仅在19世纪20年代去世的人们来说,它们似乎都是不可思议
W there no dust in the air,如果空气中没有灰尘,天空就会是黑的,中午就能看见
engineers refer to oil ,they always 当工程师说起油时,他们指的是矿物油,即用来开
we are learning about the ways in 我们在了解过去做出科学发明的途径时,我们也会
might bear in mind when we pass a big 当我们经过一幢大楼或者看 见一架飞机或一辆汽
the stone enters the water, it sets in motion 当石头进入水中时,石块就拢动所接触的水
you step from the shade into the 当你从阴凉处踏入阳光充足的地方时,你马上意识到
happens in your head and 如果有一天,在没有任何准备的时候,你一直依赖着丈夫 突
notice the pressure of air pushing 当风吹来的时候,我们感受到空气 对我们的压力。但
是,我们平时并不感到由于我们周围空气的重量而产生的空气压力,因为在我们身体内 部也
are always willing to offer best service 我们向来不仅提供高质量的货 品,还提供我们的
Y 1. You can also be giving by helping 你也能为迷路的人指路,跟某 个新来的同学打招

1、 把瓶子放在孩子们够不着的地方Put the bottle in a place that the children can’t
2、 被洪水围困的村民,被解放军战士求出并脱离危险Villagers who were trapped in the
flood were saved by PLA men and escaped from the danger.
3、 不管要花多少时间,我也要做完这项工作I’ll finish the job, no matter how long it takes.
4、 不管天气如何,我一定要外出Be the weather what it may, I will do.
5、 除了他来自英国外,别的我都不知道I know nothing about him but he comes from
6、 从那件事情上我清楚地认识到他要比我聪明得多I clearly recognized from that
matter that he was for cleverer than I was.
7、 当老板来的时候,她假装在努力工作。When the boss came, she pretended that she
was working hard
8、 当我在街上行走时,听到有人喊我的名字While I was walking along the street, I
heard my name called.
9、 到上星期为止,汽车的生产已经增加到每天50辆By last Sunday the production of the cars
had increased to 50per day.
10、 当布朗小姐去拿她丢在办公室的书时,学生们正忙于写论文The students were
writing their papers busily when Miss Brown went to get the book she had left in the office.
11、 电视和无线电使我们可以知道全世界正在发生的事情Television and radio have
made it possible for us to know what is going on all over the world.
12、 给我们留下最深印象的是在这么大的一家工厂里只有这么少的人在工作What
impressed us most was that there were so few people working in such a big factory.
13、 关于在哪建新厂的建议应予以考虑The suggestion where we should build a new
factory should be considered.
14、 过不了几年,我们选择爱好的东西就会大不相同Only a few years later our choices in
the things that we like would be greatly different.
15、 毫无疑问,人们借助于科学最终将征服大自然There is no doubt that with the help
of science man will finally be able to conquer nature.
16、 和先进单位的成就相比,我们的确有很大差距Compared with what the advanced units
have archive we still have a long way to go
17、 机器帮助我们用越来越少的能量做越来越多的工作Machines help us to do more
and more work with less and less energy
18、 假如没有人告诉我,我不会知道这些东西是做什么用的I wouldn’t have known what
these were for if I hadn’t been told.
19、 警察问她,是否从十岁起就一直住在这个城市The policeman asked her whether she
had been living in this city since she was ten.
20、 今天早上去银行的路上,我碰见了一位我多年未见的老学友On my way to the bank
this morning, I came across an old school friend whom I hadn’t seen for years.
21、 尽管我多年没看见她,但我突然看见她,我就认出好敢Hardly had I caught sight of
her when I recognized her though I hadn’t seen her for ages.
22、 军民关系如鱼水情 The relationship between the army and the people is as close as
fish to water.

23、 据报导,地震后很多人无家可归It is reported that thousands of people are homeless
after the earthquake.
24、 科学家们说,五或十年之后才有可能将这种药在病人身上做试验Scientists say it
may be five or ten years before it is possible to test this medicine on patients.
25、 玛丽嫁给了一位你可能听说过的科学家Mary has been married to a scientist of
whom you may have heard.
26、 玛丽小姐喜欢游泳而不喜欢骑马作为运动,而我喜欢打网球而不喜欢游泳Miss
Mary prefers swimming to riding as a sport; but I prefer to play tennis rather swim
27、 名叫史密斯先生的部门老板原意让李小姐留在公司里The boss of the department
whose name was Mr. Smith would like Miss Li to stay in the company.
28、 明天请再提醒我一下,以免我忘了Please remind me of it again tomorrow, in case I
should forget.
29、 你最好别老想将来会发生什么You’d rather not attempt to guess what would
happen to you in the future.
30、 你真是太好了,给了我那么多怎样提高英语的建议You are so kind as to give me
some advice on how to improve my English.
31、 你能告诉我他何时到达的消息吗?Can you give any information about when he will
32、 你判断一个人不能只凭他说什么,还要看他做什么You should judge a person not
only by what he says, but also by what he does.
33、 能不能尽快地把科学技术搞上去,这是一个关系到我国命运和前途的大问题
Whether science and technology can be pushed forward as quickly as possible is a question of
great importance for the destiny and future of our country.
34、 青年问题日益增多,政府应采取措施予以制止Teenagers’ problems are increasing
day by day, and the government should take measures to stop them.
35、 瞧,街上的汽车开得飞快,你必须小心Look! The cars are being driven so fast t in the
street that you must be careful.
36、 去年暑假,我们在那河边的小山村度假The small mountain village where we spent
our holiday last summer lies at id of the river.
37、 让我们把孩子分为四组,每组将分别有一间能睡觉的房间Let’s divide the
children into 4 groups. Each group will have a separate room to sleep in.
38、 人类在文化和身体方面都能适应他们迁进去的新环境Man adapted physical as well
as culturally to the new surrounding into which he moved.
39、 人们相信,书写的出现使人们记录历史成为可能It is believed that the development of
writing has made it possible for people to record history.
40、 若不是他们的帮助,我真不知道我会做什么Were it not for their help, I really don’t
know what I would have done.
41、 如果我们继续污染这个世界,那么,这个世界就不适合我们居住了If we go on
polluting the world, it won’t be fit for us to live in.
42、 如果当时不使用电子计算机,他们解决这个复杂的问题要花很多时间It would have
taken them a long time to solve the complicated problem if electronic computers had not been
43、 如果我们以坚强的意志工作的话,不管有多大困难,我们都能克服I f we work with
a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, however great it is.

44、 如果我们乘火箭到月球上去,我们会发现它与地球大不相同If we were to travel by
space-rocket to the moon, we should certainly find it quite different from the earth.
45、 如果没有电子计算机,就没有宇宙飞船和火箭If there were no electronic computers,
there would be no spaceships and rockets.
46、 说英语时,一定要让人听懂When you speak English, be sure to make yourself
47、 所有的灯都熄了,他们不可能在教室里学习All the light were e out .They studied
have studied in the classroom.
48、 蔬菜价格又涨了,高得一些人负担不起The price of vegetable which has risen again is
too high for some people to afford.
49、 他们刚离家去车站,就下起雨来了They had hardly left home for the station before
it began to rain
50、 他坚持要单独留下He insists that he be left alone.
51、 他吃得如此之多,似乎有几天都未吃饭了He ate so much as if he hadn’t had a meal
for days.
52、 他讲得很慢,以便让别人听明白He spoke so slowly that he could make himself
53、 他表示希望你会很快恢复健康He expressed a hope that you would soon be well again
54、 他说,他没有去那里的原因是他生病了He said that the reason why he didn’t go there
was that he was ill.
55、 他们研究出一个能大规模提高农业产量的办法They have worked out a method by
which the agricultural production could be raised on a large scale.
56、 他们答应给我们的房子,结果矿务局一个小公寓The house that they have promised
us turned out to be a tiny flat.
57、 他们现在一个月生产的钢顶得上1986年一年的数量The output of steel they now get
in one month as much as that they got in the whole of 1986.
58、 他建议医生应该去看看病人,而不是等病人来找医生He suggested that doctors go to
the patients, instead of waiting for the patients to come to them.
59、 汤姆到达晚会时,大部分人都走了,他非常失望Tom was disappointed that most of
the guests had left when he arrived at the party.
60、 她说,她自从去年就没有收到过他的来信She said she had not heard from him since
last year.
61、 她非常快乐,也许因为她想象的生活本应是这样的She was very happy with what she
had; perhaps it was because she didn’t expect life to be very different.
62、 她一到校,铃就响了No sooner had she reached school than the bell rang.
63、 太阳内温度如此之高,以至于没有东西能以固体存在The temperature in the sun is so
high that nothing can exist in solid state.
64、 太阳晒热大地,这就使植物有可能生长The sun heats the ground, which makes it
possible for plants to grow.
65、 我永远不会原谅你昨晚对我所说的话I’ll never forgive you for what you said to
me last night.
66、 我们大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息We all insist that we will not react until we
finish the work.
67、 我很担心,孩子们放学后没有回家I was anxious about the children when they didn’t

come home from school.
68、 我们各他们表达了希望他们能再来访问中国的愿望We expressed the hope that they
would come and visit China again.
69、 我不麻烦你送我I don’t want to put you to any trouble of seeing off.
70、 我不知道把自行车钥匙放在哪个抽屉里了I don’t know which drawer I put the key to
my bike.
71、 我想要这个问题尽快得到解决I wanted the question to be solved as quickly as
72、 我不得不向公司说谎,因为似乎女士要找到一份好的工作是不可能的I had toile to
the company, because it seemed that it was impossible to get a good job as a woman.
73、 我离家如此匆忙,以至于忘记带门上的钥匙了I left my home in such a hurry that I
forget to take my key to the door.
74、 我们阅读和学习得越多,意味着给我们增加的词汇量越多The more we read and
learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases
75、 我很遗憾地通知你,你将不能参加这个会议I regret to inform you won’t be able to
attend the meeting.
76、 我很抱歉使你等了很长时间I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time
77、 我想我八点钟以前回不来I don’t suppose I shall be back until eight o’clock.
78、 我有时问自己做这种试验是否值得的问题I sometimes ask myself the question
whether it is worthwhile making such an experiment.
79、 我刚收到父亲来信,太长读不完The letter which I have just received from my father is
too long to read.
80、 我不知道他什么时候来,要是他来了,我找他谈一谈I don’t know when he will come;
but when comes, shall have a talk with him.
81、 我尽量不挨着桌边,以免掉下来I kept as far as possible from the edge of the desk so
as not to fall off
82、 我们应想国家之所想,急国家之所急We should think and worry about what the
country thinks and worries about.
83、 为了防止沙尘暴对城市的污染,已经种植了许多树Many trees have been planted to
prevent the city from being polluted by the sandstorm.
84、 问题是我们下一步应该做什么The problem is what we should do next.
85、 许多人感到妇女应做她想做而能做的任何事情Many people feel a woman
should be able to do anything that she wants to do and can do.
86、 许多人认为解决交通拥挤的途径在于国家为公共交通提供更多的资助Many people
believe that the answer to traffic jam lies in more public aid for public transport.
87、 许多东西没有世界市场的主要原因是它们价格昂贵或运输困难The main reason
why many things don’t have a world market is that they are costly or difficult to transport
88、 学习先进的东西,我们才能赶上先进和超过先进Only by learning what is developed
can we catch up with and surpass the advanced.
89、 相信妇女解放的人认为对一个想留在家里的妇女来说并不是坏事People who
believe in woman’s liberation do not feel that is bad for a woman to remain at home if she
wants to.
90、 与19世纪80年代初相比,中国人口增长率已下降了一半The rate of population
growth in china has dropped by half compared with the early 1980’s

91、 在你离开以前,请务必将房门锁好Please make sure that the house is locked before
you leave.
92、 造纸术直到八世纪才传到欧洲The making of paper didn’t reach Europe until the
eighth century
93、 昨天我看见一个被警察当场抓住(catch doing)正偷一位女士钱的小偷I saw a thief
being caught stealing money from a lady by the police yesterday.
94、 直到天黑,他才意识到太晚了,回不了家了It was not until dark that he realized it was
too late to return home.
95、 只有在做了几百次实验之后,他们才把这一问题解决了 Only after they had done
hundreds of experiments, did they succeed in solving the problem.
96、 这些机器只能做人们告诉它们的事This kind of machine can only do what people
have told them to do.
97、 这个男孩告诉警察,他看到有人偷了一辆自行车The boy told the police that he had
seen someone steal a bike.
98、 这场大火毁掉了属于这座大楼工作人员的汽车The fires destroy the cars which
belonged to people who worked in the building.
99、 这个女孩告诉我她长大后想成为一名作家The girl told me that she wanted to be a
writer when she grew up.
100、 中国政府正在考虑和解决的重要问题之一是如何保护森林免受砍伐Of the
important problems which are being considered and solved by the Chinese government is how
to protect the forest from being cut down









本文更新与2020-10-22 11:19,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/418293.html


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