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【牛津译林版】中考英语一轮复习教案:8下 Unit 1 Past and Present

2020-10-22 12:00



8下 Unit 1 Past and Present
present northern pollution factory realize situation however interview environment
condition abroad primary communication exactly
1、past n. “过去”, in the past 用一般过去时;
adj.“刚过去的”,during the past years 在过去几年时间里;
prep.“路过,过”,drive past the bank 开车经过银行;a quarter past seven 七点一刻。
pass v.“传递,通过”,pass sth. to sb.= pass sb. sth.把某物传给某人;
pass the exam 通过考试,考试及格。
Luckily, he ________ (pass). I walked _______(pass) the shop yesterday.
2、present [’preznt]
n. 1)现在,目前 at present=at the moment
.2)礼物 =gift
vt. 介绍; 出现; 提出; 赠送 present sth. with sb. 授予某人某物
3、marry. vi.& vt.“结婚;嫁,娶”; 三单marries 过去式、过去分词 married
A marry B=A getbe married to B =A and B get be married
marriage n.“结婚”,
married adj.“已婚的”,get be married; be married to sb (延续性动词)。
1) The boy ______(marry) the pretty girl and the girl is willing to marry him.
2) She has been married to Mr. Wang.
3) They are going to get married on New Year’s Day.
注意区别:They have got married. 他们结婚了。
They _________ for 10 years. 他们结婚10年了。
4、realize vt.“意识到,实现”,realize one’s wish (hopedream) = one’s wish (hopedream) come true;
realize how happy he was then
5、a bit “有点儿(同a little修饰形容词和副词或它们的比较级;
修饰不可数名词时用a bit of或a little)”
a bit little large(r);a bit of water =a little water。
not …a bit “一点也不” 同not… at all ;not …a little“非常”同very。
6、own adj.“自己的”,my own story=a story of my own
v.“拥有 [同]have”; owner n.“所有者”,the owner of the factory。
7、develop v.“发展”
a developing country一个发展中国家;a developed country一个发达国家;
development n“发展” with the development of a country 随着一个国家的发展。
8、relax v.“放松” ;relax oneself 。relaxing adj. “令人放松的”;
relaxed adj.“放松的”。
9、feeling n.“感受(常用复数)”hurt one’s feelings 伤了某人的感情;have the same feeling有同样
10、recent adj.“最近的”; a recent photo 一张近照
recently adv.“最近,近来”(可用于一般过去时或现在完成时, 不用于将来时)。
A _____(recent) report says that few murder has happened _______(recent)
11、lonely, 1)、作表语,表示心灵内部的孤独寂寞。alone指单独、独自的意思,作表语。
例如:He is _____, but he never feels ______.
2)、作定语,表示荒凉的、偏僻的、偏远的a lonely village 一个遥远的村庄
12、 wife –wives
A thief’s wife used a knife on the shelf and half a leaf to kill a wolf. 去 ffe为ves
13、interview n.采访、会见 have an interview with sb.
vt. 对….进行面试,采访 interview sb.
interviewer 采访者. These _______(interview) ________(interview) the stars.
14、 communicate with sb. 和某人交流= have __________ with sb.
have no communication with sb.和某人无交流
15、from time to time =sometimes = at times不时,有时,偶尔
16、since “既然,由于” Since everyone is here, let’s begin our class.

过去的时间点 since 1990, since last year
现在完成时+ since + 时间段+ago since three years ago
句子(一般过去时) since I went to school
17、over ①在……期间 over the 10 years 在10年间
②超过 He is over 30 years old. 他超过30岁了。
③从一边到另一边 jump over the chair 跳过椅子
④结束 Class is over.
⑤遍及 all over the world
link v 1)The tree turns green.
n. 2) It’s your turn now.
vt. 3) They turned the place into a big cinema.
19、waste n.[U] 废物 too much waste
[C] 浪费 Watching TV ads is just a _____ of time.
vt. 浪费 waste time 浪费时间 waste water 浪费水
Don’t____( waste) the time.
20、 return
vi 返回 return to …
vt 归还 return ……把某物还给……
return the book to the library 把书还给图书馆
21、 pollution n.[U] 污染 much pollution
pollute v. 污染 pollute the river 污染小河
polluted adj. 被污染的 a polluted river 一条被污染的小河
We should ________(pollute) the water. The water ________(pollute) is terrible. Drinking
________(pollute) water is bad for our health.
22、improve v. 提高;改善 n. [C] improvement
improve the environment 改善环境

in one’s way 挡某人的路;妨碍 Don’t be in my way. 不要妨碍我。
on one’s way 在某人去…的路上 on my way home (副词前不加to)在我回家的路上

in some ways 在某种程度上 In some ways , he is a good boy. 在某种程度上,他是个好孩

used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 I used to ______(go) to school by bus. 我过去常常坐

beget used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 I am used ________(go) here now. 我现在已经

25、improve v. 提高;改善 n. [C]improvement
improve the environment 改善环境
26、impossible adj. 不可能的
possible adj. 可能的
possibility n. 可能性
Nothing is ___________(possible). There is a high ___________(possible).
1. 你过去对我那么好。
You ________be so kind to me.
2. 你对阳光镇非常了解吗?
Do you know Sunshine Town very well?
3. 阳光河边曾经有一个钢铁厂。
There was once a ____________ near the Sunshine River.
4. 做某事对某人来说……。
It’s + adj + for sb to do sth.
It has become impossible for us to _________________
5. 我们过去常在一起打牌下中国象棋。

We used to _________________together.
6. 我有时会觉得有点孤独。
I feel a bit lonely from time to time.
7. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化,还是不错的。
Anyway, ________to see the amazing changes in the town.
8. 近几年我的家乡发生了许多变化。 (3种)
Many changes _________ in my hometown over the years.
There have been ________ in my hometown over the years.
My hometown _______ a lot over the years.
9. 自从他去世以来已经三年了。( 4种 )
He _______three years ago.
He _________ for three years since three years ago .
It is has been three years since ______.
Three years ________since he died.
10. 现在人们可以乘公共汽车、出租车或火车进出城镇,但是在过去,人们只能乘公共汽车或骑自行车旅行
People can now travel to and from the town by bus, taxi or train, but _______people could only
travel by bus or bicycle.
11. 当地人过去住在老房子里, 但现在大部分人已经搬进了新公寓。
Local people used to ________, but now, most of them have moved into new flats.
12. 他习惯于晚饭后散步。
13. 你们如何互相保持联系?

He is used to ________ after supper.
How do you _____________each other?
14. 我们主要通过QQ交流。
We ______communicate by QQ.
15. 我过去步行上学。
I used to walk to school. I used to go to school ______..
16. 因特使得交际容易得多。
The Internet makes communication ________..
17. 很快适应生活的变化不容易。
It’s not easy to __________the changes of life quickly.
18. 过去,小镇上的路又狭窄又脏;但是现在街道又宽又干净,两边绿树成荫。
In the past, there were (only) narrow and dirty roads in the small town. But now the streets are
wide and clean, __________________.
19. 政府也在一些大的空地上建了商店和高楼。
The government has also built shops and tall buildings ____________________
20. 现在人们正享受舒适的生活。
Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.
21. 现在政府把镇中心的一部分变成了一个新的公园。
Now the government ___________the town _______ a park.
肯定句:IWeYouThey have (IWeYouThey’ve) worked.
否定句:IWeYouThey have not (IWeYouThey haven’t) worked.

肯定句:HeShe It has(He’sShe’sIt’s) worked.
否定句:HeSheIt has not(hasn’t) worked.
一般疑问句: Have Iweyouthey worked?
肯定简略答语:Yes, Iweyouthey have.
否定简略答语:No, Iweyouthey have not(haven’t).
一般疑问句: Has heshe it worked?
肯定简略答语:Yes, he sheit has.
否定简略答语:No, hesheit has not (hasn’t).
例句:They have waited for more than two hours.他们等了两个多小时。
He has been an English teacher since 2002.自从2002年以来他一直当英语教师。
特别提示:常用的标志词有:for two days weeks…, for a long time, since last year 2005…
例句:I’ve already mailed the letter.那封信我已经寄出。
Have you ever eaten French cheese? 你(曾经)吃过法国奶酪吗?
Has it stopped raining yet? 雨已经停了吗?(yet表示期待雨停止)
I have just finished my homework. 我刚做完家庭作业。
特别提示 :常用标志词有:already(用于肯定句),never(用于否定句),ever(用于疑问句,问初次 经历),yet(用
于否定句、疑问句),just(位于实义动词前),before(一般位于句末 )
例句:She really loves that film. She has seen it eight times.她真的很喜欢那部电影。她已看了八遍
We have learned three English songs this term.这学期我们已经学了三首英语歌曲了。(所做工作
1)副词already和yet。already一般用于肯定句中, yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中。
e.g. We have finished our homework.
2)副词ever 和never。多用于否定或疑问句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。
e.g. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你曾经去过长城吗?
e.g. I have just seen her, but I don’t know where she is now .
注意:当在肯定陈述句中含有already或just 时,在转换成否定句或疑问句时,要把句中的already 或just 去
e.g. I have done my homework already.
I haven’t done my homework yet.
Mr. Chen lives in the n_______part of Sunshine Town. After he got m_______, he and his wife m_______
two blocks away. In the past there were small r___________, shops years ago in the town. Now the place
has c_______ a lot. The government has t_______part of town centre into a new park. The p________was
a problem. The steel factory put the w______ into the river. Later, the government r______the problem
and took action to improve the situation. People used to play c________ and Chinese c_______ with
Mr. Chen, but they do not often see each other. Mr. Chen feels l_______ from time to time.
请以“The changes in My Hometown”为题写一篇短文。
要求:1. 词数100个左右;2. 条理清晰,语义连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。
我的家乡泰州位于江苏中部。它以前空气新鲜。这些年, 随着城市的发展,它已经变成了一个现代化的城

市和有名的旅游胜地。人们可以坐公交、 火车或飞机进出泰州。泰州每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客。许
多人搬进了新公寓。然而,污染变得 严重了,政府已认识到保护环境的重要性,采取措施减轻污染。我希望我
The changes in my hometown
Taizhou, my hometown , is in the centre middle of Jiangsu . In the past , the air was fresh .With
the development of the city , it has become a modern city and a tourist attraction over the years .
People can go to and from city by bus , train or plane .Every year, thousands of people from all over
the world come to visit our city. Many people have moved into new flats. However , the pollution has
become is becoming more serious. Now the government has realized the importance of protecting the
environment and take action to reduce the pollution . I hope we will havelive a better life.

1 在碗里 in the bowl
2 一小时前 an hour ago
3 饥饿 be hungry
4 过去经常做某事 used to do sth.
5 与某人分享某物 share sth with sb
6 步行去某地 go to sp. on foot walk to sp
7 骑车去某地 ride a bike to sp go to sp by bike
8 乘车去某地 take a bus to sp go to sp by bus
9 开车去某地 drive a car to sp go to sp by car
10 飞往某地 fly to sp go to sp by airplane
11 周游城市 go around the city
12 太多的人 too many people
13 等待某人 wait for sb.
14 去其它城市 go to other cities
15 很了解某事 know sth very well
16 搬走搬家 move awaymove house
17 在镇北边 in the northern part of town
18 与某人结婚 getbe married to
19 搬开两个街区 move two blocks away
20 改变很多 change a lot
21 在镇中心 in the town centre
22 把……变成 turn…into…
23 把废物排进河里 put the waste into the river
24 采取措施改善这种情况 take action to improve the situation
25 更加干净得多 much cleaner
26 在某些方面 in some ways
27 我们中的大多数人 most of us
28 他们中的许多人 many of them
29 看见彼此 see each other
30 打牌 play cards
31 下象棋 play Chinese chess
32 感到有点儿寂寞 feel a bit lonely
33 有时 sometimes at times from time to time
34 令人惊讶的改变 the amazing changes
35 使某事更好 make sth better
36 由……制成 be made by…
37 因为孤独 because of being alone
38 一群建筑物 a group of buildings
39 关于……知道很少 know little about…
40 搬离某地 move away from sp
41 发生 happen take place
42 在某人的一生中 all one’s life
43 在过去 in the past
44 在最近几年里 induringover the past last few years
45 在过去的几年里 over the (past last) years


许多次 many times
到达(不及物)家这儿那儿 arrivereachget homeherethere
到达某地(及物) arrive inat get to reach sp.
教我们很多关于…… teach us a lot about…
中国的历史 the history of China
计划做某事 plan to do sth
生活条件 living conditions
向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb
旅游进出小镇 travel to and from the town
从美国归来 returncome back from the USA
出国 go abroad
在小学 at primary school
与某人保持联系 keep in touch with
通过电子邮件交流 communicate by email
使交际更加容易 make communication much easier
中国的首都 the capital of China
一个娱乐的好地方 a good place to have fun
流经镇中心 run through the centre of town
感到不开心 feel unhappy
习惯于(做)某事 be get used to (doing) sth
单独 alone by oneself on one’s own
在(做)某事上花时间 spend some time on (in) doing sth.
在路的两边 on both sides of the road
享受舒适的生活 enjoy a comfortable life
自从三年前以来 since three years ago









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