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2020-10-22 15:38



What you can learn from the famous?
The actors that we pursue and the news buzz about reality stars. We
watch their every move and try to understand their decisions. Believe it
or not, the people in Hollywood are still human and are flawed like the
rest of us. They get depressed, they get sick, they get divorced and they
have family disputes. The only difference is that they are closely
monitored by gossip websites and many people crave to be like them.
There are always hidden morsels of wisdom we can gain from our public
figures. Here is what you can learn from the famous.
我们追随演员,总有关于现实中明星大大小小的新闻。 我们关注他们的一举一
动,并试图了解他们的决定。 信不信由你,好莱坞的人们仍然是普通人,也像
我们其他人一样存在缺陷。 他们会变得沮丧,会生病,会离婚并且有家庭纠纷。
我们总是可以从公众人物那里获得一些隐藏的智慧。 这里有你可以从名人身上
Put on a united front for others.
We know that not all marriages last and after 10 years together Angelina
Jolie divorced Brad Pitt citing irreconcilable differences. Of course,
rumors surfaced that Pitt's substance abuse was at the root of the

separation, but this was not substantiated. The both decided to seal the
court records and to see a private judge to protect the privacy their 6
kids. For the most part, the couple has been silent regarding the split.
When they were seen in public the family showed a united front so the
children would feel secure. When going through a nasty split, it is easy to
behave out of emotion. You need to think of others first to avoid causing
more damage. In this case, it was to protect the children. Think before
you act.
我们知道,并非所有婚姻都能持续下去,十年后,安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)
以有无法和解的分歧为缘由与布拉德·皮特离婚了。 当然,有传言说皮特的滥用
药物是分离的根源,但这没有得到证实。 双方决定密封法庭记录,并请私人法
官保护他们6个孩子的隐私。 在大多数情况下,夫妻俩对分手一直保持沉默。 当
安全。 当经历一场令人不愉快的分离时,很容易表现出情绪低落。 您需要先考
虑别人,以免造成更多伤害。 在这种情况下,这是为了保护儿童。 三思而后行。
Be a humble helper.
Actor Steve Buscemi was a firefighter in New York City before he became
well-known for films like
devastating attack on America on 911, the actor went back and pulled

12-hour shifts with FDNY Engine 55 to help the firemen find survivors.
The reason the public knows very little of this is because Buscemi didn't
want the publicity. He later said that
It was great to connect with the firehouse I used to work with and with
some of the guys I worked alongside.
for someone, we don't need to shout it from the rooftops. By serving
people quietly, we become giants in a sense.
演员史蒂夫·布塞米(Steve Buscemi)以前是纽约市的一名消防员,后因“水
库狗”和“法戈”等电影而闻名。 在911对美国的毁灭性袭击之后,这位演员
回去并进行了12小时的轮班,用FDNY Engine 55来帮助消防员找到幸存者。
公众对此知之甚少的原因是因为Buscemi不想进行宣传。 他后 来说:“能够做
联系非常棒。” 如果我们要为某人做某事,则无需从屋顶喊出来。 通过安静地
Follow your passion.
Director Steven Spielberg was rejected 3 times from the University of
Southern California School of Cinematic Arts because of poor grades. He
started to look for work and got a position with Universal Studios.
Eventually, he was able to show executives a short film that he directed

and they signed him. Over 30 movies later, Spielberg is one of the best
directors of his generation. You will be rejected, like Spielberg. However,
when you feel like that you have nothing left, that is when you have to
dig in and find more strength. Even if you never accomplish your dreams
like you want them, giving up is not an option.
史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)导演因成绩不佳而被南加州大学电影
艺术学院拒绝了3次。 他开始寻找工作,并在环球影城任职。 最终,他向高管
们展示了他执导的短片,而后高管与他签约了。 超过30部电影之后,斯皮尔
伯格成为了他这一代最好的导演之一。 你可能会像斯皮尔伯格一样被拒绝。 但
是,当你感觉自己一无所有时,那就是你必须挖掘并找到更多力量的时候。 即









本文更新与2020-10-22 15:38,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/418785.html
