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2020-10-22 19:07



Songs of An Abandoned dog


An Abandoned dog is boarding at my bookshop. It is not my dog and I am
not its master.
它是一只狮 子狗,浑身白毛,相信在被主人抛弃前,一定是一只很帅气的公狗。现在,
整天一副病态,懒洋洋的样子 ,眼中充满忧伤,但从不媚态和可怜。浑身的白毛,皱巴巴的,
面前的毛都耷拉下来,盖住了眼睛和嘴巴 ,个别地方还有脏污。走近细闻,它还散发难闻的
It is one kind of Pekinese dogs, all in white. It is supposed to be a
handsome male dog before being abandoned by its masters. Now, it appears
some of sickness and slouching , filled with sadness in its eyes. However, it has
no subservience or pity. Its white fur is wrinkled, and the fur on his head
slouches and covers its eyes and mouth. There are stains somewhere. If you
go near to it, you can smell a nasty odour. It turns out that it has not been
washed for more than one year.
他是一只流浪狗,三五 年前,他被主人抛弃,来到我店铺所在的地方,被我隔壁的老
板好心收养,给他一个休息地方,老板不在 家,老板娘偶尔给他洗洗,偶尔给他剪毛,偶尔
给他点药粉,替他除去长在他身上的虱子。去年,主人为 了家庭的幸福,把他的妻子带出去
打工,把店铺租出去了,流浪狗再次被抛弃,但他还是眷恋这个曾经爱 他的家,他留守在这
He is such an abandoned dog. It is said that it was thrown away three or
five years ago by his master and he came to the place where my bookstore is
located and was adopted by the kind-heart shopkeeper. He gave him a shelter.
when he is out, his wife sometimes washed him, sometimes sheared him and
sometimes powdered him so as to remove the louse. Last year, The
master took his wife to work outside for the happiness of his family. And the
dog was abandoned again. But he has a sentimental attachment to his new

family. He stays here. He stays here to wait for his master to come back.
He stays here to keep the shop.
他是一只这样的流浪狗,据说,今年有近10岁 ,在狗的世界算是老者了 。主人外出
打工, 他被留守在家里,没人管他,没有住的,没有吃的,还好,他自己能走动,走出去就
可以找到吃的。他很 有骨气,他不向人讨,他不摇尾乞求。这两年来,我看得出,他很孤独,
但不知因为什么原因,他不离 开这个地方,他不出去找伴侣,找伙伴,也许他看破了狗世界
的冷暖,领悟了感情的真谛,或许,他在坚 守他自认为的“忠”,他忠他的主人,他忠于他曾
He is such an abandoned dog. It is said he is 10 years old. It is in his old
time as a dog. Because his new master went outside for work and he remains at
home, nobody care for him, no shelter, no food. Luckily, he can walk and there
food outside he can go and find food by himself. He is a dog of integrity, never
ask, never beg. These two years , I can see that he is lonely. But I don't know
why, why he did not leave here, why he did not go to find a partner . Maybe he
see through the vanity of the dog's world, understand the true love. Maybe he
insist on his loyal, to his new master, and to his wife. < br>他是一只这样的流浪狗,使我不仅想起了嘉贝丽画的《流浪狗之歌》,同样的流浪狗,
因主人出车 祸,孤苦无助,忠于主人,沿着主人车子去的方向去寻找主人,等待主人。最后
放弃等待,从荒野到海边 ,从河岸到城道,一路嗅着,好像还在寻找自己的主人。时而它停
止脚步,抬头向天空咆哮,好似在控诉 自己的命运……。但是,他不如嘉贝丽画的流浪狗幸
运,嘉贝丽画的流浪狗遇到一个爱狗的小孩,获得新 的希望。他遇见了只是心善的我,但是
我并不爱狗,更何况他是一只垂老的狗,更何况我还担心我是否可 以给他一个幸福的晚年。
He is such an abandoned dog. He remind me of the pictures
drawn by Gabrielle Vincent. It tells the story of an abandoned dog's day, The
similar dog become alone and helpless due to his master died in accident. it
shew its loyal to its master and searched its master towards the crashed car
waiting. At last it give up waiting smelt along the way from wilderness to the sea,
from the river bank to the city road, seeming it was seeking its master.
Sometimes it stopped and roared to the sky as if it is accusing its own
destiny ...However, he is not as fortune as the dog in Gabrielle Vincent's story.
Gabrielle Vincent's dog met with a young boy who love dogs and acquired its

hope. He just meets with me with kind heart, but I don't like dog. Moreover, he
is very old dog and I worry about whether I can give his happiness in the future.
What is more, he refused me as his master.
他之所以寄住在我店里,是因为......去年冬天,我看它可怜,怕他冻死在外 面,我留
他在我店铺里几晚,可能是他老了,可能是天气太冷了,他每晚住在我店里,都会让我损失,< br>他每晚都弄坏我几本书,他把我的书抓烂做他的被子。我给他弄一个破衣服,他不领我的情。
也许 ,我不是爱狗的人,我不知道如何养它,再说,我也不想夺他人之爱,让他忠于我。天
气好了,我就没有 留他在我店铺里。他知道我心善,也不想给我添麻烦。年后,每逢下雨天,
他会步履蹒跚地躺在我书店的 一角。晴天,他会躺在我店门口玻璃柜前晒太阳。晚上,他自
动走出我的店门,在隔壁的店门口或者我的 店门口,给我们看家。
Why is he boarding at my bookshop? Last winter, I found it very pitiful and
fear he would froze to death outside. I kept him in my bookshop for several
nights. Maybe it was too cold or maybe he is too old, he brought me loss when
he slept in my bookshop. He damaged my book. He made my books as his bed
and quilt. I gave him a rugged clothes, he did not accepted it. Maybe I am not
the people who love dogs. I don't know how to keep it. In addition, I don't want
to taking him away from his master and make him loyal to me. When it became
better, I did not leave him in my bookshop. He know I am a kind-heart one and
he also don't want to bring me more trouble. After year, he stumbles into my
bookshop in rain day and rest in the corner when it rains. he lies at my glass
glass-frame cabinet, enjoying the sunshine when it is sunny. At night,
he himself goes out , watch out for my shop and his master's.
He is such an abandoned dog, old, pitiful and of integrity.
He is such an abandoned dog, grateful, loyal and with no betraying









本文更新与2020-10-22 19:07,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/419142.html


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