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2020-10-22 21:47



Unit 1
1) 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?
Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?
2) 警察想知道她长什么样儿。
The police wanted to know what she looked like.
3) 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?
Do you know what she was wearing?
4) 在报告中他们问到银行里有几个监控摄像头。
In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.
5) 面试官问他已经工作几年了。
The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.
6) 你想知道他什么时候去上海吗?
Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai?
7) 我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色, 红色还是黄色。
I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.

1) What’s your guideline in choosing songs for your audience?
2) The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on th
e climate in the future.
3) Barclays appointed Bob Diamond, the head of its investment-banking business, as its new chief
executive from March 2011.

4) Frankly speaking, I cannot uphold such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal intere
5) However, just because you can write statements in purely mathematical notations, this doesn’
t mean that you necessarily should.
6) That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the project plan.
7) Those studying abroad will most likely return home for better employment because of the tigh
t job market abroad.
8) It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand reception
and generous hospitality we enjoy here.
1) 2) 3) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。Americans usually make a
plane for their retirement well in advance. 他们通常被看成最有希望的歌
手。They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 我从你的
推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话 I have heard from references that
your employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当
的准备。Please inform us the exact time so that we can make proper
arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数差了一大截。Our
estimate of how many people would show up at the party 6) 只要不成为阅
读负担, 你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough
details as long as it will not be a burden to read.

Unit 2
1) 你需要的是更多的锻炼。
What you need is more practice
2) 他们什么时候来还没有公布。
When they will come hasn’t been made public.

3) 你可否告诉我你是哪儿的人?
Could you tell me where you are from?
4) 我们应该弄清楚展览馆是否开放。
We should find out whether the museum is open.
5) 问题是我们应该选择哪条路线。
The question is which route we should choose.
6) 他去北京的理由是很清楚的。
The reason why he is going has gone to Beijing is very clear.
7) 他们小组很可能会赶到我们前头去。
It is likely that their group will get ahead of us.
8) 你选择什么课程并不重要,重要的是要找出色的教授。
It doesn’t matter what courses you take, what matters is to find the great professors.
1) The world leaders outlined joint efforts to combat the spread of nuclear weapons.
2) He didn’t look nervous. If anything, he looked only slightly confused.
3) You can omit the last two sentences in the report.
4) Health and understanding are the two great blessings of life.
5) The amount of money spent on the design of interactive advertising on television is still small.
6) The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.
7) To our great disappointment, she did not come as expected that day.
8) In order to notify him, I put the notice on his door, but he didn’t come back to look at it.

8) 就个人而言,我将永远都习惯不了退休。Personally ,I will never get used
to being retired 你想找个机会去中国的西南部发现一个神奇又美丽的地方
吗?Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty .
9) 你学习英文时,会发现把英文句子逐字翻译成自己的母语并不是聪明的办法。
When you are leaning English , you well find out that it is not clever
to translate put the English sentences word for word into your own
language . 10) 如果我可以重提我们刚才讨论过的问题的话,我认为我们应该
尽一切努力保护大熊猫。If I would refer back to the problem that we were
talking ,I think (that) we should try our best to protect panda 11) 我
们没有一些线索可以串联起来, 以便更好的理解这件事。 we have any clues and
hints piece together Do so that we could have a better understanding of
this matter.

Unit 3
1) 我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助。 My idea is that we
(should) give them a hand when they are in trouble. 2) 我们系有必要再
建一个计算机中心。 It is necessary that another computer center (should)
be set up in our department. 3) 老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学。 The old
woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college. 4) 他讲
起那个城市来就好像本人去过那儿似的。 He talks about that city as if
(though) he had been there himself. 5) 如果我们当时准备充分的话,我们
就可能成功了。 Had we made (If we had made) adequate preparations, we might
have succeeded.

1 Her lawyer said that she understood the(consequence结果) of her action
2 New (advanced提高)in medicine improve the quality of health care
3 Without friends ,he felt (lonely孤独)in the city he had just arrived in
4 Music is (invisible看不见)we can hear it and feel it but not see it

5 She forgot to (insert插入) the letter into the envelope
6 The Queen's (attendants服务员)were always surrounding her
7 She loves her cat and often (pets抚摸) it on the back
8 What do you (intend打算)doin when you get to that place
9 A dark suit is (preferable更可取)to a light one for evening wear
10 Linda has $$500 on (deposit存款) in her account
11 The picnic was (interrupted打断)by a hard shower yesterday
12.(Evidently明显),he likes music so much that he’s taking piano lessons.
请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在去公司的路上 Please dial home and tell
them I am on the way to the company 13) 从那时起生产就没有倒退过。Since
then there was never been any setback in production 14) 我看见他把钥匙
插入锁中、I saw him insert the key into the lock 15) 你建议你把钱存入
银行。I suggest that you make a deposit the back 16) 你可以将这些扬声
器和你的激光机连接在起来。You can connect these loud-speakers to your
laser player.

Unit 4
1) 这就是车祸发生的地点。
This is the place where at which the traffic car accident occurred.
2) 他对国家做出的贡献将永远不会被人们遗忘。
The contributions (that which) he has made to the country will never be forgotten.
3) 我想见一见提出这项有价值的建议的员工。
I’d like to see the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion.

4) 你能不能告诉我,为什么拒绝接受他生日聚会的邀请。
Could you tell me the reason why you refused the invitation to his birthday party?
5) 我昨天买的钢笔将作为礼物寄给你。
The pen, which I bought yesterday, will be sent to you as a gift.
6) 我无法告诉你她来桂林的准确时间。
I can’t tell you the exact time when she will be in Guilin.
7) 他把房子卖了,这让他妻子很恼火。 He sold the house, which annoyed his wife.
8) 正在装货的那艘轮船明天离港。
The ship that which is being loaded is leaving sailing tomorrow.
9) 我的薪水没有提高,但这并不是我离开的原因。
I didn’t get a pay rise, but this wasn’t the reason why I left.
10) 我相信你做什么饭我都喜欢吃。
I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything that you cook.
1) What kind of accommodation did you have when you traveled on the ship?
2) The explosion did a great deal of damage to the entrance to the City Hall.
3) His office is in town, but his residence is in the suburb.
4) People often don’t realize how wonderful the services are in the library .
5) Read the instructions before you switch on the engine.
6) An additional charge is made for heavy bags.
7) I must apologize to you for not being able to go to your wedding.
8) It causes a lot of inconvenience when bus drivers go on strike.
9) We were soon comfortably settled in the place.
10) Free umbrellas are available at the entrance of the hotel.

1. in case of emergency , please dial the alarm number 110.
2. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus
3. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room .
4. Upon departure , please switch off turn off the air conditioner.
5. If you have any additional needs or requests , please contact the resident mananger .
Unit 5
1) 当他还是个孩子的时候,他就表现出非凡的天赋。
When he was a child, he displayed extraordinary talent.
2) 我们在做出任何决定之前,应该听一听其他人的意见。
Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say.
3) 除非发生意外情况,否则我一定来参加你们的聚会。
I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens.
4) 他受了处分,因为他打破了窗户的玻璃。
He was punished because he broke the window glass.
5) 她放弃了工作,以便能照顾两个孩子。
She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.
6) 即使大选失利,总统仍将控制国家的对外政策。
Even though if he loses the election, the president will still have control over the country’s forei
gn policy.
7) 如果你现在离开,两小时后就到家了。
If you leave now, you’ll be home in two hours.
8) 他们正在花园里玩,突然听到一声尖叫。

They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream.
1) He was writing his signature at the bottom of the page.
2) Guess what I did in the whole of the first week.
3) That afternoon I got bored and actually I fell asleep for a few minutes at the meeting.
4) When I was young she always treated me to ice cream.
5) We wondered what had happened to the old man.
6) It was the orange flavor that everybody likes.
7) I just spent a vacation there and would recommend it to anyone.
8) He left me a message that he would meet me in the classroom at 7 P.M.
9) He was a guy who enjoyed his life to the full.
10) Fortunately, the weather was reasonably mild that winter.
Unit 6
P134 1. 昨天讨论的问题十分重要。 The question discussed yesterday is
of great importance. 2. 他是一个在、举止得体的人。 He is a well-behaved
man. 3. 已经养成的习惯很难改变。 The established customs are difficult
to change. 4. 主席宣读了一份预先准备好的声明。 The chairman read out a
prepared statement. 5. 孩子们更喜欢由橘汁、糖和水制成的饮料。 Children
prefer the drink made of orange juice, sugar and water. 6. 他得在规定
时间内做出决定。 He has to make a decision within a given period. 7. 我
们将在下次是、会议上讨论他提出的计划。 We'll discuss the plan put up by
him at the next meeting. 8. 你认识在台上唱歌的那个女孩吗? Do you know
the girl singing on the stage?
1 Juile went to a wedding at theweekendand (had a good time 玩的愉快)there
2 most people believe that government'sactions are (contary to与什么相反 )the public interest

3 A new security system was installed( in addition此外)extra guards were hired
4 Staying on the farm (reminds)me (of) my childhood in the countryside(使想起)
5 There are plans to (break up解散 )the company into several smaller independent firms
6 you need a holiday or you will(wear) yourself(out)(使筋疲力尽)
7 (is known for因闻名) his excellent work and positive mental attitude
8 “I don't need it tonight” (in that case那样的话)I will keep it until tomorrow
) 医疗网可以使病人共享信息和相互给予支持。The medical website enables
patients to share information and offer each other support 18) 我很高
兴你和我们一起去,你不会因此后悔的。I’m glad you’re going with us ,you
won’t 20) 他以科普小说而闻名 he is known for his popular science novels
21) 二十年后他还能清楚的记起这件事。Twenty years later he could still
clearly recall the event 22) 那首歌总是让我想起我们的第一次约会 that
song always reminds me of our first date

Unit 7
1) 是她建议我们去图书馆的。
It was she who that suggested we go to the library.
2) 直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了。
It was not until dark that I realized it was too late to visit him.
3) 你们昨天工作得确实很苦。
You did work very hard yesterday.
4) 我是在上周接到通知的。

It was last week that I got the notice.
5) 我们的英语老师送给我的是这本字典。
It was this dictionary that our English teacher gave me.
6) 我一生中从未听说过这么奇怪的事情。
Never have I heard such a strange thing in my life.
7) 只有当你亲自去做时,才能明白这项工作是多么艰苦。
Only when you do it yourself can you understand how hard the work is.
8) 他不但答应帮助我们,而且还要借钱给我们。
Not only did he promise to help us, but he also wanted to lend us some money.

1) His television series (has) awakened popular interest in Chinese architecture.
2) Some drivers don’t have any respect for other motorists.
3) The country’s highest medal was bestowed upon him for his heroic deeds
4) The children spontaneously gave us hugs and kisses.
5) His enthusiasm made everyone else interested.
6) The First Lady addressed the meeting briefly.
7) Her beauty and intelligence was registered in my memory.
8) He is a curious boy who is always asking questions.
unit7 1. 那个建议在会上来引起多大兴趣。 The proposal aroused little
enthusiasm at the meeting. 2. 新来的军官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。 The new
officer soon earned the respect of his solders. 3. 全村很快便人心惶惶
了。 Fear spread quickly through the village. 4. 现在主席要向大会发表
演讲。 The chairman will now address the meeting. 5. 好教师总是鼓励学
生独立思考。 Good teachers often encourage their students to think for

them selves. 6. 我正想把实际发生的情况告诉他,但他打断了我的话。 I was
going to tell him what really happened, but he cut me short. 7. 孩子
们急切地等着儿童剧开演。 The children were waiting expectantly for the
pantomime to start. 8. 她退休到了佛罗里达,仍然过着忙碌的生活。 She
retired to Florida and still led a busy life.

Unit 8
1) 总而言之,我们应该为学生创造一个较好的学习环境。
In a word, we should create a better environment for students to study in.

2) 从上述讨论来看,我们得出的结论是:必须立即采取措施来控制空气污染。

From what we have discussed above, the conclusion we have come to is that we must take imme
diate measures to control the air pollution.

3) 显然,家长必须为孩子们树立一个好榜样。
Obviously, parents must set a good example for their children.

4) 吉姆是一个有能力的人,毕竟他受过良好的教育。
Jim is an able man, and after all he had a good education.
5) 我们曾试图帮他摆脱困境,总而言之,我们尽了最大努力。

We tried to help him with his problem. In a word, we did the best we could.


1) The winner of the election assumed the office of senator.
2) The old man lightened up when he heard the news of the successful operation on his son.
3) On seeing the pictures, he began to recall his experiences during World War II.
4) About 200 heart operations a year are performed in Brook Hospital.

5) He is such a good story- teller that he can make his characters come alive.
6) Our teacher was trying to present an accurate picture of history.
7) He put her aboard the ship bound for New York.
8) It took them a few years to convince me that it was possible.

9) The children were eager to see the performance.

10) Your happiness, that is the only thing that matters.


Unit8(P187) 1. 只要你做好准备,面试时你就会充满自信。 You will be full
of confidence during the interview as long as you are well prepared. 2.
这家商店向顾客允诺绝不卖假货,而且它确实做到了。The shop promised its
customers that it would never sell fake goods, and sure enough it did so.
3. 由于他努力工作,最近他被提升为部门经理。 Because he is working hard,
he has been promoted to the position of department manager. 4. 他受到
他人的尊重,因为他有很强的正义感。 He is respected by others because he
has a strong sense of justice. 5. 汤姆叔叔在病中,所以我们现在不想让他
知道这个消息。 Because uncle Tom is ill, we don’t to let him in ,on
the ,news, right now. 6. 一个好的上司应当鼓励他的助手坦率地发表意见。

good boss should encourage his assistants to be outspoken in expressing
A their opinions.










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