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2020-10-23 02:21



1:单项选择 20*1’=20’
2:阅读理解两篇 10*2’=20’
3:汉译英 5*3’=15’
4:英译汉 6*5’=30’
5:专业问答 15’

Ⅰ Multiple choice.
1. What function is money serving when you buy a ticket to a movie?
A. store of value B. a unit of account C. transaction demand D. a medium of exchange
2. Which of the following statements is not true of central banks?
A. they pay the government’s salaries B. they are always the lender of last resort
C. they always undertake the regulation of the banking system
D. none of the above
3. What is the reserve requirement?
A. The requirement for cash reserves B. The requirement for deposits in cash
C. The percentage of a bank’s deposits in the form of cash reserves
D. The requirement of a bank to deposit a percentage of money
4. Regulation of the money supply and financial markets is referred to as
A. fiscal policy B. monetary policy C. income policy D. budgetary policy
5. Financial markets serve to channel funds from .
A. savers to investors B. investors to consumers
C. consumers to producers D. the government to contractors
6. If the central bank wishes to increase the level of bank reserves temporarily, it should .
A. purchase government securities outright
B. raise reserve requirement
C. buy government securities under a repurchase agreement
D. sell government securities under a reserve repurchase agreement
7. A commercial bank wishing to increase its capital should
A. issue new stock B. acquire new deposit
C. make more commercial loans D. acquire government securities
8. The following are the three main instruments used by the central bank to implement its monetary policy except

A. reserve requirement ratio B. credit quota
C. open market operation D. discount rate

9. are the major target which the central bank buys and sells in the open market.
A. financial institution bonds B. corporate bonds C. stocks D. government securities
10. Financial intermediaries are institutions
A. that borrow funds from investors in productive facilities
B. that act as middlemen in transferring funds from ultimate lenders to ultimate borrowers
C. that lend funds to small savers D. all of the above
11. Financial markets can be classified as
A. debt and equity markets B. primary and secondary market
C. money and capital markets D. all of the above
12. Commercial banks participate in the money market as
A. lenders only B. borrowers only C. both lender and borrowers D. trustees only
13. The major expense of commercial bank is
A. wages and salaries B. dividend payments to stockholders
C. interest on deposits D. taxes
14. Stocks are also referred to as
A. securities B. equities C. shares D. all of above
15. Which of the following is not a type of bond?
A. corporate B. treasury C. Eurodollar D. municipal
16. Which of the following is a debt instrument found in the capital market?
A.U.S. treasury bill B. commercial paper
C. residential mortgage D. demand deposit
17. The foreign exchange market is organized as
A. a physical market B. a capital market
C. a speculative market D. over-the-counter market
18. Exchange control require the government
A. to ensure that the foreign-exchange market is perfectly competitive
B. to stop buying foreign exchange
C. to sell more foreign exchange than it buys
D. to balance inflows and outflows of foreign exchange at the current exchange rate
19. The forward rate is calculated by adjusting the spot rate by a
A. premium B. discount C. margin D. difference
20. When the U.S. real interest rate is low, owning U.S. assets is and so U.S. net foreign investment
A. more attractive…high B. more attractive…low
C. less attractive…high D. less attractive…low
main liability on a bank balance sheet is ______.
A. deposits B. capital and reserves C. loans and overdrafts D. cash

22. Why must the liabilities and assets of a bank be actively managed? ______.
A. Because assets and liabilities are not evenly matched on the same time scale
B. Because assets and liabilities are evenly matched
C. Because the interbank market uses LIBOR
D. Because assets and liabilities can be underwritten
23. Financial intermediaries by
A. short-term rates are falling B. long- term rates are rising C. deposits increase too rapidly
D. short-term rates rise relative to rates of their holdings
E. long-term rates rise more sharply than short-term rates
24. Banks manage their assets considering ______.
A. risk B. some optimum combination of the above C. earnings D. liquidity
25. Indirect finance is also known as .
A. financial intermediation B. intangible finance
C. disintermediation D. the futures market
26. Which of the following financial institutions have the most assets?
A. life insurance company B. private pension funds
C. commercial banks D. credit unions
27. By purchasing government securities commercial banks are .
A. borrowing from the government B. acquiring earning assets
C. making a “loan” to the government D. both B and C
28. Which of the following financial intermediaries operate in primary securities markets?

A. brokers B. dealers C. commercial banks D. investment banks
Which of the following would be considered a disadvantage of allocating resources using a
market system?
A. Income will tend to be unevenly distributed.
B. Significant unemployment may occur.
C. The wastage of scarce economic resources cannot be prevented.
D. A misallocation of resources may occur where there is a discrepancy between private and social costs.
30. Which of the following is not a factor of production according to economists?
A. Land B. Labor C. Entrepreneurship D. Trademark
31. Which of the following is not a function of money?
A. To act as a medium of exchange B. To act as a unit of account
C. To act as a store of value D. To act as a means of payment

E. To provide a double coincidence of want.
32. Legal tender includes .
A. coins only B. notes only C. notes and coins D. notes, coins and checks
33. Commercial bank deposits with the central bank are part of the bank’s
A. net worth B. demand deposits C. loan portfolio D. reserves
34. The key factor limiting how much a commercial bank has immediately available to lend is the amount of its
A. demand deposits B. excess reserves C. vault cash D. savings deposits
35. Which of the following central bank action would be appropriate to combat rapid inflation?
A. A reduction in the discount rate B. A reduction in reserve requirement
C. A cut in tax D. A sale of government securities
36. A commercial bank wishing to increase its capital should
A. issue new stock B. acquire new deposits
C. make more commercial loans D. acquire government securities
37. The price in the foreign market is called
A. the trade surplus B. the money price C. the exchange rate D. the currency rate
37. Monetary policy and policy are the two basic tools used by the government to influence the
course of economic activity.
A. accounting B. fiscal C. financial
38. if the nominal rate of interest is 10 percent and the expected rate of inflation is 7 percent, the real rate of
interest is .
A.27 percent B. minus 3 percent C. plus 3 percent D. minus 27 plus
39. A money market instrument usually used for importexport payment is known as .
A. repurchase agreement B. Eurodollar C. Certificate of deposit D. Banker’s acceptance
40. Bonds that can be changed to shares of common stock are said to be .
A. callable B. general obligation C. convertible D. zero-coupon
41. Preferred stockholders receive .
A. coupon payments B. fixed dividend payments
C. variable dividend payments D. payment in the form of additional stock
42. Bank manage their assets considering .
A. risk B. liquidity C. earnings D. some optimum combination of the above
43. Which of the following would be considered a loan secured by real estate?
A. A credit card loan B. Subordinated debt C. Bank capital D. A mortgage
44. will be either the sole or the main source of a project loan repayment.
A. capital funds B. investment gains C. the cash flow arising from the projects D. all of the above

45. In a syndicated loan, handles the negotiations with the borrower, prepares the relevant
documentation and disburses the full amount of the loan to the borrower.
A. the lead bank B. the accounting bank C. the participating bank D. the agent bank
46. Repayment of a borrowing for working capital purposes usually comes from .
A. profits B. sale of fixed assets C. cash flow D. capital introduced
47. A loan agreement is normally prepared by and reviewed by .
A. the lending bank’s legal counsel…the borrower’s attorney
B. the borrower’s attorney …the lending bank’s legal counsel
C. a third party other than the lending bank and the borrower… the lending bank’s legal counsel
D. none of the above
48. For the most bank, are the largest and most obvious source of credit risk.
A. guarantees B. interbank transactions C. loans D. equities
49. A customer has deposited a gold watch with the bank for safe-keeping. This is an example of
A. lien B. pledge C. bailment D. mortgage
50. A pledge provides a bank with .
A. possession of the goods B. rights over items held in safe custody
C. legal ownership of the goods D. the ability to transfer interests in certain assets
51. Which of the following is true of a mortgage?
A. the mortgage retains possession of the mortgaged property
B. the mortgagor retains possession of the mortgaged property
C. the lender acquires the right to retain the mortgaged property until the mortgaged debt is repaid
D. none of the above

1.我们银行经办定期存款、活期 存款和定活两便存款。
4.小额消费信贷 是一种由贷款人向具有良好资信状况的借款人提供的用于资助其正常消费,劳务和其他支
出的消费性贷款 。

(1)第9页supervisor and regulator这一段:as a regulator …..a regional basis.
(2)第14页Line 7-L13:从the PBC’s main function…..state administration of foreign exchange.
(3)第19页第3段Line 1-L3:从the bank offers a wide range…..and wireless banking services.
(4)第32页第2段Line 1-L6:从fist of all you should know that…..savings optional deposit.
(5)第34页第2段Line 2-L4:从it refers to savings deposit….is repaid when on due date.
(6) 第36页第6段:从all convertible foreign exchange remitted….and then deposited in the
(7)第49页第2段:从as far as the borrowing limit is concerned…..as provided by the lender.
(8) 第53页第2段:从state educational loans belongs to…..limited to commercial loans.
(9) 第55页第2段:从The length of maturity of a state educational…..本段结束。
(10) 第64页第1段:从第4行this first question any one may ask……本段结束。
(11)第67页第1段:从DD is a method of remittance……..本段结束。
(12)第69页第1段:从it refers to firm foreign exchange dealings…..set by the bank.
(13)第72页第1段Line 3-L7:从The next thing the client…in a single day is RMB 5000。
(14)第81页票据贴现第2段:从as an efficient financing method….improve the efficiency of
fund utilization.
(15)第85页Line 37-L11:从well, what we can provide to you is RMB….high revolving nature
and lower cost。
(16)第88页最后一段Line 2-L8:从the applicant should have……and credit policies.
(17)第91页最后一段Line 1-L5:从it refers to the practice that……as the guarantee.
(18)第91页最后一段Line 5-L7:从this financing mode…… airport, bridge, etc.
(19)第107页Line 3-L5:从export buyer’s credit refers to……and electrical products.
(20) 第108页倒数第六行开始,从commercial contract under export buyer’s credit….本段结束。

1. What is the role of the people’s bank of china?
2. Who can apply for export buyer’s credit?
3. How many ways are there in remitting out foreign currency?
What is a housing loan?

李白写的“举头望明月,低头思故乡”,看月亮,必须得抬头看,不然你看见的月 只是水中月,而思故乡,必须得低头,看着脚下的土地,土地连结深情,传递的思念感应才会自然。可见,李白对 抬头和低头,有看似经典
的认识,只是李白的脖颈不听使唤,该低头时却抬头,该抬头时却低头,搞得李 白一辈子光碰头,有时被摔的鼻青脸肿的,但这时的李白爱喝酒,喝了酒就疯疯癫癫的,于是,李白就借着痛感籍 着癫意把一肚子的酒吐出

元 萨都剌 《北人冢上》诗:“低头下拜襟尽血,行路人情为惨切。”可见,古人从心里是不喜欢低头的,喜欢的是抬头。
记得我以前在学校操场里喜欢低头,体育老师说我是一个没有自信的学生,还说我是一个没有阳光心 态的人。记得体育老师说过这样的一句话:“瓜子之所以长的粒粒饱满,那是因为向日葵始终抬头向着太阳。”
那我就 抬起头吧,进家门的时候,由于我抬起头,我的头一下子就被碰出了血来,搞得我在家里好几天就不想出门的。
我走下坡的时候,依然是抬起头,这样显得自己有自信,冷不防,我一连向下栽了好几个跟斗,摔的 我头破血流的。

有人 说走下坡路就必须低头,言下之意就是人走背时运的时候要低着头,就像罪犯低着头接受审判一样。那当年毛泽东 同志遭到王明等人的排挤时干嘛就不低头呢?那当年红军第五次反围剿失败后被迫长征干嘛就不
低头举起 手来呢?那赵一曼和江姐被敌人抓去明知只有无尽的酷刑干嘛就不低头屈服呢?那当年的灾荒岁月里全中国人民饿 的吃粗糠啃树皮干嘛就不低头消沉下去呢?那有人第九次高考依然名落孙山干嘛就不低头认命了
呢?有人 写文章写了一百篇写了一千零一夜依然是没有读者依然是没有一个读者看好时干嘛就不低头呢?李嘉诚当初做生意 是做一次亏一次时干嘛就不低头呢?你、我、他经过了这么多的困苦折磨干嘛还要坚强的活下去
呢?我们 的人类和整个社会经常就处在风雨飘摇里干嘛还要坚定不移向前进呢?
人的一生,几乎有过半的时 候是在走下坡路,低着头走下坡路确实是不摔跟斗,但低着头只能看见脚下的一方寸路,却看不见天上的太阳和高 空的明月,特别是最容易忽视身边的风景。
有人说走上坡路低着头最好,言下之意就是人走好运的 时候要低调要谦虚谨慎。确实低着头走上坡路由于身体前倾走起路来更有劲而且更能看清脚下的路,但太阳会照在 低头者的脸上吗?天上的神仙们真的就喜欢这
些整天低着头的人吗?你看,孙悟空低着头只能做弼马温, 但孙悟空抬起头来就成了齐天大圣;你看,刘邦把头低着,低了48年,只能是个混混,但刘邦把头一抬起来,三 五年之后就开创了汉朝;你看,朱元璋低着头只
能做乞丐,因为抬起头来是讨不到饭的,但朱元璋后来把 头索性抬起来,结果就建立了明朝;当年美国有核武器,而中国没有,但毛泽东领导的中国人民就是不低头,中国 人民就是要把头抬起来,抬起头的中国人民没有
爱低头的人,看似是低调的人和谦虚谨慎的人,实则是只看着自 己眼前的人,窃喜着眼前的平安和太阳慷慨的一点光辉。
爱抬头的人,看似昂扬向上心里充满了自 信,实则是脸上洋溢着阳光脑后却是布满了阴暗,即是摔了跟斗手里依然抓着一抹明媚。
有人说该 低头时就低头,该抬头时就抬头,那敢问,什么时候什么情况下才该低头或才该抬头呢?倘若天上真的掉下了冰炮 ,你抬头被砸着,你低头还是会被砸着,只不过抬头是冰炮砸在了脸上,低头是冰炮砸在了
头顶而已。只 有做缩头乌龟,冰炮才只能砸在护身的壳壳上。
有人信仰低头,这也不错,低头自有低头的妙处。 自然,你的人生就是低头人生,所谓中庸哲学,大概就是这个道理。
有人信仰抬头,这也很好,抬 头自有抬头的灿烂。自然,你的人生就是抬头人生,所谓“生当作人杰,死也为鬼雄”大概是这个意思。
有人信仰一会儿低头一会儿抬头,这也是一个妙。一会儿低头一会儿抬头,脖颈得到了锻炼,因之肌 肉和心理机能就更加的发达,展现给别人的是一会儿方型的一会儿圆型的,所谓圆滑,大概就是如此。
没有谁对谁错,也不存在谁高尚和谁卑微的问题,各有各的哲学,这就是多样的人和人的多样性。其实,不是人世 太复杂,而是你只顾着自己的低头或抬头而不懂别人为什么会低头和抬头?
人的脑袋瓜不过三斤半 ,由于低头和抬头的缘故,造成有的人头成了“巨头”,而有的人头却成了“狗头”,还要来一点狗血喷头……唉 ,看来抬头与低头之间的学问确实太高深了,像我这样的孺子是搞不明白的,只能

就我为例,大学期间,常一个人钻在图书馆,早进晚出,看完一本书,常有感悟到笔尖,亦能有几篇 散文杂评登报。毕业后,到西双版纳工作,与内心的对话少之又少,每日工作之余,与友聚餐、喝酒、烧烤,不到
写作的人,几乎都远离正常人生活,也不遵守惯常的生活秩序。安妮宝贝曾说,只有死去的繁华,能 让我安静,所以,她常在黑暗中敲打键盘。太温馨的生活,亦会使写作者陷于温柔之乡,懒得思考,更懒得动笔,
路遥在写《平凡的世界》时,因为忽略家,忽略妻女,造成与林达的婚姻不睦,这或许不能怨路遥,因为 他是个真正的写作者,是写作对孤独的需要,离间了他们的感情。
张爱玲,荒原上的孤独者,以2 3岁的人生阅历对人性作出冷酷、深邃、老道的剖析,生逢苍凉时代的孤独,成就了她文坛奇女的地位。一代文学 大师川端康成亦是孤独成就了他,出生不久,父母去世,7岁,祖母去
世,10岁,姐姐去世,14岁, 祖父去世,孤独是他500多篇小说永远的笔调,最终,他也选择在孤独中毁灭了自己。诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言 说,在我少年时期,吃不饱、穿不暖,牵着一头牛或者羊,在四面看不到人
的荒凉土地上孤独地生存。饥 饿和孤独是我写作的源泉。
所以说,很多人不是写不出来东西,只是缺乏独处的机会,一旦自处, 孤独,下笔,无需微言大义,只需直言生活,定会渐渐文思汹涌,像有神魔推动。这种深入骨髓的孤独,能让人打 开灵感的黑匣子,在里面不能
看到多少美好东西,却能自由的在一片完全属于自己内在精神空间翱翔,在 孤独中煎熬自己、消耗自己的过程,亦生脱胎换骨升华自己的过程。孤独的写作,让文学变得更具魅力。
所以,从现在开始,告别与日同醉,除去浮华,静下心来,提起笔与自己谈心,与孤独相伴,这是个 决绝的行动,但是伟大作品都来自于孤独的写作,出自于决绝的人。










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