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2020-10-23 04:23



1, 名词互译(10个,5个英译中,5个中译英)(10*2=20分)
2, 句子互译(5句,3句英译中,2句中译英)(5*7=35分)
3, 段落互译(3段,2段英译中,1段中译英)(3*15=45)
SECTION I: NOUN(第一部分:名词解释)
1. 紧急停机Emergency Shutdown
2. 电流 Current
3. 电压 Voltage
4. 阀门 Valve
5. 传感器 Sensor
6. 遥控 Remote control
7. 现地 Local
8. 可编程控制器PLC
9. 手动控制Manual control
10. 导叶Guide vane
11. 人机接口HMI
12. 熔断器Fuse
13. 同步Sync
14. 装机容量Installation capacity
15. 发电机后备保护Generator backup protection unit
16. 高低压开关设备HV&LV switchgears
17. 转换开关Transfer switch
18. 污水处理Water treatment
19. 输入输出端子IO terminal
20. 监控系统Monitoring system
21. 自动化控制Automatic control
22. 光纤电缆Optical fiber cable
23. 水轮机调速器Turbine governor
24. 相Phase
25. 冗余Redundancy
26. 短路 Short circuit

27. 变压器Transformer
28. 配电Power distribution
29. 屏柜 Panel cubicle
30. 触摸屏 Touch screen
31. 额定值 Rating Rated Value
32. 二极管 Diode
33. 报警 Alarm
34. 馈线 Feeder
35. 接地 Ground Earth
36. 主控室 Main Control Room
37. 无人值班水电站 Unattended Hydropower Station
38. 小型断路器 MCB
39. 微机励磁系统 Microprocessor-based Excitation System
40. 数字式继电器 Digital Relay
41. 操作员工作站 OPSOperator Workstation
42. 指示灯 Indication Lamp
43. 带电显示器 Live Displayer
44. 风机 Fan
45. 电压表 Voltmeter
46. 试验 Test
47. 升压变电站 Step-up Substation
48. 泵站 Pump station
49. 闭锁 Block
50. 备用 SpareReserved
51. 热备用 Hot standby
52. 绝缘 Insulation
53. 调试 Debug
54. 整流桥 Rectifier bridge
55. 脉冲 Pulse
56. 母联 Busbar

57. 避雷器 Arrestor
58. 单线图 Single line diagram
59. 打印机 Printer
60. 中性 Neutral
61. 参数 Parameter
62. 布局图 Layout
63. 故障 Fault
64. 接线图 Wiring diagram
65. 测量 Measure
66. 温升 Temperature rise
67. 定值 Setting
68. 绕组 Winding
69. 电容器 Capacitor
70. 隔离开关 Disconnector
71. 伺服电动机 Servo motor
72. 充电Charge
73. 放电 Discharge
74. 后备保护 Backup protection
75. 零序 Zero sequence
76. 输电线路 Transmission line
77. 采样 Sampling
78. 谐波 Harmonics
79. 软硬件 Hardware and software
80. 功率因素Power factor
1. 设备在发货之前应该进行工厂试验。
The test specified here shall be carried out at the factory before delivery.
2. 保护设备的结构设计得很好。
The protection unit is a well-designed structure.
3. 请确认电池已经充电完毕。

Please make sure the battery is completely charged.
4. 这些电机需要修理一下。
These motors need fixing.
5. 机器运行时,千万不要靠近它!
When the machine is in operation, do keep away from it.
6. 了解数模转换器对设计数字控制系统是重要的。
An understanding of a digital-to-analog (DA) converter is important in the designing of
digital control system.
7. 可以用这些计算机组成一个小型局域网。
It is possible to form a small LAN by using these computers.
8. 根据要求,应给客户提供接线图、布局图和端子图等图纸。
It is required to provide the user with drawings including wiring diagram, layout diagram and
terminal diagram,etc..
9. 因为密码错误,这个操作被取消了。
The operation has been canceled owing to the wrong password.
10. 备用信号可根据现场实际情况定义!
Define the reserved signal according to the filed situation.
11. 屏柜是由钢板制成。
The panel is made from the steel sheet.
12. 电能通常用瓦特、千瓦特和兆瓦特计量。
Electric power is usually measured in Watts, kilowatts and megawatts.
13. 开关关上时,电路断开。
When the switch is off, the circuit is open.
14. 那个电路中的负载不直接与电源连接。
The load in that circuit does not directly connect with the power source.
15. 当操作有误时能自动闭锁并报警;
It will block automatically and alarm at misoperation.
16. 油箱里边的油位过高。
The oil level in the tank is over high.
17. 语音报警系统采用在工作站上配置声卡、音箱和语言软件的方式,用于当发生事故或故

It equipped with sound card, sound box and language software at workstations to give a
voice alarm at faults or accidents.
18. 晶体管的体积小、重量轻、功耗小,同时不需要预热过程。
Transistors are small in side and light in weight. They consume very litter power and have no
warm up.
19. 系统抗干扰能力强,计算机监控系统软硬件安全可靠,能适应电站现场环境的要求。
The system is excellent in the anti- interference performance and reliable in the
softwarehardware operation, which meets the requirement for a normal operation in the
power station field.
20. 公司推出并不断升级的高冗余、高抗干扰系统,在国内同行中处于领先地位。
The highly redundant and anti-jamming system developed and upgraded by the company
enjoys the leading position in this industry of China.
21. 我们经常使用一个并联电容作为整流器的滤波电路。
We often use a paralleled capacitor as the filtering circuit of a rectifier.
22. 需要注意,增加导线的长度就会增加其电阻。
Note that increasing the length of the wire increases its resistance.
23. 晶体管有三个电极, 即发射极、基极和集电极。
There are three electrodes, the Emitter, the Base and the Collector, in a transistor.
24. 示波器右边有一个信号产生器和一个万用表。
On the right of the oscilloscope there is a signal generator and multimeter.
25. 我们采用一个阻抗元件来检测失磁。
Loss of excitation is detected with an impedance element.
26. 这些定值可能用于在开机或者试验的过程中检测输入模拟量是否运行正常。
These settings may be used during startup or testing to verify that the analog outputs are
functioning correctly.
27. 它用于显示所有的测量电流值。
All measured current values are displayed here.
28. 通过控制电源负载之间的大功率晶体管,来达到电路通断的目的。
By controlling the giant transistor between source and load, the goal of switching on and off

the circuit is attained.
29. 电路和电网是由电阻、电感和电容等元件按某种方式互联而成的。
An electric circuit or network is composed of elements such as resistors, inductors, and
capacitors connected together in some manner.
30. 保险的作用就是保护电路。
The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.
31. 点击“设备设置”按钮打开设置窗口。
Click Device Setup button to open the device setup window.
32. 本插件将系统电压互感器(TV)、电流互感器(TA)二次信号变换为装置所需的弱电信
The plug-in converts the secondary signal of the voltage transformer (TV) and the current
transformer (TA) into the weak current signal required by the devices.
33. 脉冲输出:可设定继电器脉冲输出时间,时间一到自动复归继电器;
The impulse output is to set up the impulse output time for the relay that will be reset
automatically once reaching the time limit.
34. 此试验期间,每五分钟记录下来以下数据。
The following data shall be recorded every 5 minutes during this test.
35. 逐步增加励磁电流至接近发电机电流的百分之十。
The excitation current shall be increased gradually to approx. 10% of the generator current.
36. 按下紧急停机按钮,停止发电机的运行。
Stop the generator by the Emergency Shutdown button.
37. 手动工作回路与自动工作回路互不影响﹑互不干扰。
The manual operation circuit and the auto operation circuit work independently and are
immune to each other.
38. 失磁保护详见说明书保护原理介绍.
Please refer to the protection principle in the instruction for the detailed description for the
39. 通信建立后,继电器必须重新下载存储的定值。
When communication is established, the saved settings must be reloaded back into the relay.
40. 电流大到一定程度,走上方的插头和插座便会烧坏。

If the current is large enough, the plug and the socket on the left and upward are burn out.

SECTION III: Passage Translation 段落翻译
1. 虽然工程师不需要亲自设计抽水机械设备,但他应能够根据要求确定适宜的泵型、台数、
尺寸以及动力机 组的型号。此外,可能还要求他设计抽水站的设备, 估计运行成本, 监
Although the engineer is not required to design pumping equipment, he should be able to
determine the proper type of pump, the number and size of pumps required, and the size of
power units. In addition, he may be called upon to design the plant installation, estimate the
cost of operation, and supervise construction and operation of the plant.
2. 即便 在发电机运行时,定值修改也会即使生效。然而,我们也不推荐这种做法,因为此
时的一点点错误都可能 引起误操作。
Setting changes take effect immediately, even when the generator is running. However,
changing settings while the generator is running is not recommended as any mistake may
cause an unwanted operation.
3. 水坝对社会有许多积 极的影响。水坝为人们积聚饮用水;帮助农民饮水8农场;有助于
用水发电;防止洪水;提供人们游泳和 航行的湖泊;也使水体更深更平静以利于航行。
Dams affect society in many positive ways. Dams gather drinking water for people. Dams
help farmers bring water to their farms. Dams help create power and electricity from water.
Dams keep areas from flooding. Dams create lakes for people to swim in and sail on. Dams
also aid in navigation by making waters deeper and calmer.
4. 变压器是一种电气装置,通过电磁感应将交流电流或 者电压干一个线路转移到另一个线
A transformer is an electrical device used to transfer an alternating current or voltage from
one electric circuit to another by means of electromagnetic induction. The simplest type of
transformer consists of two coils of wire, electrically insulated from one another.
5. 电压由电压表测量。有些电压表可以用来测量电压,有些却由于测量精度的原因不能使
The voltage is usually measured by the voltmeter. Some voltmeters can be used for

measurement but others can not because of precision.
6. 如果在电力系统中使用一些可靠和速度快的电力电子控制器,电能质量就能得到控制。
Using reliable and high-speed electronic controllers in power system, power quality can be
well controlled.
7. 我们必须将电能转换为其他形式的能,比如热能、光能、声能和机械能 等,这些能量才
We must convert electric energy to other energy forms, such as heat, light, sound and
mechanical energies, which are directly useful to human being and society.
8. 人机界面可以实时显示电流、电压、频率、功率及各种事件信息外,还可显示 接线图,
显示界面可通过前面板的RS-232接口在线组态。按键操作简单,中英文操作界面,多级< br>用户权限管理,便于现场运行维护人员操作。
It is capable of displaying current, voltage, frequency, power, various events information and
the wiring diagram in real time with HMI. The interface can be configured on line via RS-232
port in the front panel. It is provided with the press key, Chinese and English operation
interface and multilevel user authority management, all of which facilitates the operation
and the maintenance on site.
9. 运行值班人员可以通过监控系统的大屏幕彩色显示器对电站水利机械、机组、 配电系统、
By a large color LCD, The on-duty operator can monitor the operation state and operation
parameters of hydraulic machines, units, distribution system, common system, gate and
water level, etc.
10. 过负荷保护反应电动机定子电流的大小,可通过【压板设置】选择投退。当电流大于整
The overload protection denotes the intensity of the motor stator current and is
enableddisabled by【Links Setup】. When the current is larger than the setting, it will either
trigger the overload protection or the alarm.
11. 设备内部的电气接线已由制造商设计完毕,而外部接线需由设计或安装单位实 施,包括

The internal electrical wiring is completed by the manufacturer but external connections
including signal circuits, control circuits and power supply circuits are finished by the design
or the installation units. Please select cables and conductors as specified in Cable
Configuration Diagram.
12. 包装好的产品应保存在温度为25°~ 40℃相对湿度不大于80%,周围空气中不含有酸性
The packed product should be stored in the rainproof and snow proof place without acidic,
alkaline, corrosive and explosive air. The storage temperature should be 25°~ 40℃ and the
relative humidity is not more than 80%.

13. 注:网络的传输距离最好在60米以内,超过这个距离用光纤.辅机部分至后台交换机用
Note: the network transmission distance is preferred to be within 60m, otherwise, adopt the
optical fiber. The auxiliary is connected to the background switch via the optical fiber or just
set up a switch on the generator floor, forming a monocyclic network.
14. 装置采用双CPU结构, 一片高性能32位DSP(数字信号处理器)实现保护计算等主要功
能,另一片高性能单片CPU实现显 示功能。
It is provided with dual CPU structure--- a piece of high performance 32-bit DSP (digital signal
processor) to realize main functions including the protection, the calculation, etc., and
another single-chip CPU to realize the display function.
15. CPU插件是装置的核心部分,采用多层印制板及表面 帖装技术,采取多种抗电磁干扰措
As the core of the device, the CPU plug-in is provided with the multilayer printed circuit
board (MLPCB) and SMT (surface mount technology); it adopts various electromagnetic
interference immunity means and features excellent EMC performance.
16. 水轮机调速器的任务是:控制水轮发电机组自动开机、停机、转速调节、负荷调整、机
组各种运行工况的 转换、机组或电力系统故障时紧急停机。必要时还可以通过调速器的
The governor is used for all kinds of operations of the turbine generator, including auto
startstop, speed regulation, load adjustment, switching under various work conditions, and
emergency shutdown under unit fault or power system fault. Manual operation is workable

if necessary.
17. 在【版本信息】菜单中可以查询本装置的类型、类型代码、硬件版本号及软件版本号。
View the type, type code, hardware version No., and software version No. in the 【Version
Info】menu. If type codes of the display software and the protection software are inconsistent,
the message “DSP and MMI do not match!” will pop up automatically.
18. 装置将自动 记录事件发生的时间、故障信息及故障数据,可掉电保存最后200次事件记
录。通过通讯网将事件顺序 记录传至后台机进行存贮及处理。
The device can record the event time, fault information and data, and even the latest 200
events at power failure automatically. It will send the event sequence record to the
background machine for storage and processing through the communication network.
19. PWL-2B的所有参数都可以通过面前板上的人机接口、软件或通过协议查看,而无需密码。
All the parameters of PWL-28 can be viewed through HMI, the software or the protocol in
the front panel without using passwords. However, the password is required at changing the
20. 系统设计有完备的容错功能和故障智能检测功能,最大限度地避免了可能出现的异常工
The system is designed with the perfect fault-tolerant and intelligent fault- detecting function,
avoiding the possible abnormal work conditions and unwanted operations to the full extent.









本文更新与2020-10-23 04:23,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/419992.html
