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大学英语六级 219 1

2020-10-23 19:54





二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:30.00)

reading is suitable for night. √
t plan can kill the time.
g is better than reading.
g is the mans favorite.
W: Reading at night always makes me bored. Lets stop for dancing.
M: Honey, I have some problems with my new project plan. If I were you, Id choose a light reading.

Q: What do we learn from the mans remarks?
由reading,night,Dancing可以推测本题考查内容与阅读或者跳舞有关。 < br>娱乐休闲类,弦外之音题。女士不喜欢在晚上看书,希望与男士一起跳舞来放松一下;男士说他的新工程计 划有一些问
题需要处理,并说如果他是女士,晚上就会选择一些休闲读物来读。言外之意,男士认为休闲 读物适合晚上阅读。
the paper immediately.
out in that Italian restaurant. √
to the office near the corner.
the news with her colleagues.
M: Do you know this new Italian place? Its right around the corner.
W: Really? You know how I am about Italian food! Im just taking a break from all this paper work!

Q: What will the woman probably do?
生活交际类,行动计划题。男士说拐角处新开了一家意大利餐厅,女士听到这个消息后非常激动,提到自 己向来爱吃意
大利食物,还提到她刚刚完成了所有的文字工作。由此可知,女士接下来很可能会去新开的 意大利餐厅用餐。
her hairstyle. √
for her hair.
her hair quality.
her hairstyle.
W: I tried a perm last time and it was too curly.
M: I suggest you try a straight hairstyle. That will give you a fresher look and it might be good

for the quality of your hair.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
由her hairstyle和hair可以推测本题考查内容与女士将怎样修剪自己的头发有关。

生活交际类,请求建议题。女士说她感觉自己上次的发型有点太卷,男士建议女士把头发拉直,也就是改 变一下她的发
best place to park is the blue spots.
best place to park is the handicapped lot.
man can park on the street. √
man has a special permit.

M: What is the best place to park?
W: You can either park in the student lot or on the street. When you see the blue spots with the

handicapped logo, do not park there unless you have a special permit.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
由place,park,blue spots,lot,street可以推测本题考查应该在哪里停车。
旅行交通类,事实细节题 。男士问女士哪儿是最好的停车地点,女士提到学生停车区和街道上都可以停车,但是没有特
殊许可证是 不能在标有残疾人标示的蓝色停车区内停车的。
is sick of the concert.
likes the concert very much. √
concert is complex.
concert is lack of passion.
W: How was that? Ive heard you have seen a super awesome concert recently.
M: I have to say, Ive seen them several times, and they just...they have brought the stage show

to its ultimate. They have so much energy and are constantly switching instruments.
Q: What does the man mean?
四个选项中都有concert,结合选项中的sick,likes,passion可以推测本题考查对音 乐会的评价。
娱乐休闲类,语义理解题。女士询问男士对音乐会的感受如何,男士提到自己在此之 前已经看了很多次这样的音乐会,
他认为音乐会的演出到了极致,乐队成员激情四射。由此可知,男士非 常喜欢音乐会。
has heard of the plan before.
would like to have dinner with John.
will have dinner in a French restaurant.
doesn like the same list like before. √

M: John invites us to his wifes birthday party.
W: The same list? We
e going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then go out dancing?

Q: What does the woman mean?
四个选项都以 She开头,结合plan,dinner,restaurant,list可以推测本题与女士对某物的看法 和感受有关。
生活交际类,弦外之音题。男士说John邀请他们出席John妻子的生日聚会, 女士很自然地反应到“还是同样的安排?
先去墨西哥餐厅吃饭然后去跳舞?”言外之意,女士并不喜欢和 以前一样的安排。

man looks like a genius.
aren adept at using the software. √
man can solve the problem.
woman wants to change the software.
W: The new computer software is driving me crazy! As far as Im concerned, it takes a genius to

figure it out.
M: I know what you mean, Carol. Ive had nothing but trouble with it.

Q: What do we conclude from the speakers remarks?
生活交际类,语义理解题。女士抱怨说新的电脑软件快使她发疯了,她认为只有天才才能弄懂该软件;男士很赞同 女士
downstairs to buy lottery.
upstairs to take the wallet.
dinner together.
√ coffee together.
M: Wait a second! I was just heading downstairs for a cup of coffee. You want to come? Its my


W: This is a first! You must have won the lottery.
Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?
四个选项都以动词的- ing形式开头,由此推测本题与某人的行为动作有关。
生活交际类,行动计划题。男士说他正要 下楼喝杯咖啡,并问女士是否同去,他请客;女士很惊讶男士的邀请,调侃男
士一定中了彩票。由此可知 ,对话双方接下来可能一起下楼去喝咖啡。
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
wants the woman to explain her major.
woman is from a famous university.
womans major is irrelevant to a tour guide. √
is also from the university.
M: It says here that you graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a major in philosophy.
W: Right. Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.

But I want to be a tour guide very much because I like travelling and meeting various kinds of
people. So I took an evening course at the Tourism School after graduation and I have gotten a
qualification certificate.
M: What do you think are the responsibilities of a tour guide?
W: A tour guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering

service of transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

M: Then I want to ask you some questions about the emergency. If there is an accident—for example
a tourist falls ill—what would you do?
W: I think I will call the office to send someone to meet us, and escort that person to the nearest
hospital without interrupting our trip.
M: If one of them forgot a camera in a restaurant, would you let the tourist bus go back?
W: In fact, prior to their boarding the bus and their getting off the bus, I will make an
announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings.
M: Well, it seems that you have all the practical experience to handle these cases. Is there

anything you want to ask about?
W: Id like to be an overseas tour guide someday. Would there ever be any chance of that?
M: Certainly. But in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas
with a tour group.
Why does the man refer to the womans education?
原因目的题。本题问的是为什 么男士要提到女士所受的教育。由对话可知,女士应聘的职位是导游,而男士提到了女士
大学所学专业为 哲学。由此可知,男士提及教育的原因是觉得女士的专业不符合所应聘的职位。
ing cameras and belongings.
ing service of transportation. √
ng the practical experience.
nating tour accidents.
Which of the following is the responsibility of a tour guide?
事实细节题。本题问的是下 面哪项是导游的职责。对话中间部分女士提到导游的职责是安排、协调旅行活动,提供交通、
食宿、观光 、购物及娱乐服务。
wants to tell the woman what steps should be taken.

experience is beneficial for overseas tour guide.
has handled these accidents successfully.
wants to know the womans practical experience. √
Why does the man ask questions about emergency coping?
原因目的题。本题问的是男士为什么要询问关 于如何应对紧急情况的问题。对话中男士问到两个有关紧急情况的问题,
女士一一作了回答。在女士回答 后男士表示该女士有处理紧急问题的经验。由此可知,男士的目的是了解女士的实践经
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
ping various applications.
ing foreign markets for his materials.
ing leisure shoes with different materials. √

ing the quality of his leisure dress.
W: OK, Ive got all the paperwork here for your application. Everything seems to be in order.
Lets just have a look at your business plan. Perhaps you could tell me about your ideas?
M: Yes, of course. We plan to make leisure shoes, from various materials. At the moment, weve

only got a couple of styles for young girls and boys, but we want to expand our range to include
more styles.
W: You say that youve got some styles. Have you already started promoting and selling your shoes?
M: Only on a small scale, but they
e selling really well and we receive some support from the
W: Right, so why exactly do you want a loan? Are you going to expand your range or increase your

M: Well, both, we hope.

W: And how do you plan to sell the shoes? Direct to the public?
M: No, we
e going to sell through other ways. You know, in supermarkets, at outlets on campus

and by online stores. Weve already had talks with a company that runs the Travel chain. They

are going to stock our shoes in their main outlets.
W: OK, what about your market? Who do you think is going to be your main market?
M: So far most of our customers have been young people—you know, students, teenagers, people

who are interested in sports. Most of them like the healthy and natural life. So we
e going to

try to consolidate that market. I don want to change our strategy at the moment.

What is the mans business plan?
事实细节题。本题问的是男士的商业计划是什么。对话中男士提到 他的想法是用各种材质制作舒适的休闲鞋。
increase shoe series and output. √
consolidate different styles on campus.
receive more support from the society.
promote and sell the leisure shoes.
Why does the man want a loan?
原因目的题。本题问的是为什么男士想要一笔贷款。对话中女士问男士为什么想要 贷款,是想扩大产品范围还是增加产

g direct to the public.
g through their own chain.
√g by online stores.
g through small shops.
Which marketing channel would be chosen by the man?
事实细节题。本题 问的是男士将会选择什么样的销售渠道。对话中女士问男士将通过何种渠道销售休闲鞋,男士回答说
他们 会通过多种渠道进行销售,如超市、校园专卖店以及网上商店等。
are interested in the market.
are interested in nature life and sports. √
can change the strategy quickly.
own the sense of latest fashion.
Why does the man choose young people us the main market?
原因目的 题。本题问的是为什么男士选择年轻人作为自己的主要销售对象。对话最后男士提及他们一直将年轻人作为自己产品的主打市场,接着男士提及了年轻人的特点:他们热爱运动,崇尚健康、自然的生活。

三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
四、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:12.00)

Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.
the milk automatically.
the milk back to the supermarket.
the milk to the front of the shelf. √
fresh milk to replace this one.
A refrigerator of the future that tells you what to cook with your leftovers and automatically
re-orders fresh food is being designed in the UK. The self-cleaning
efrigerator of the future

will automatically place supermarket home delivery orders when required and move food near its

use by date to the front of the shelves. Researchers hope the fridge could clean itself, cut down

on wasted food and offer up recipes—which could be tailored to different countries, cuisine and
seasons. With Brits putting in 36 million hours every year of free overtime—leaving little time

for household chores—the refrigerator could help save precious time during modern-day lives.

These new developments are in the pipeline thanks to collaborations between scientists at the
university and online supermarket Ocado. The planned new features include the ability for

refrigerators to scan their shelves to see what is in stock and use this information to both plan

meals and automatically place a supermarket food order. The smart fridge will use

ano- articulated technology shelf surfaces which will accomplish products which soon need to
be eaten to the front of the refrigerator. Ultrasound-scanning technology built into the door

will allow the refrigerator to swipe and capture the food on a plate before and after mealtime,

meaning it can assess what type and amount of food is wasted. Cookbooks are essentially inventory

lists of food items. The key concept in the successful implementation of this process is accurate
inventory tracking.
How will a future refrigerator deal with the milk that is near its sell-by date?
事实细节题。本题问的是未来冰箱会怎样处理那些要超过保质期的牛 奶。短文开头提到,这种自洁式“未来冰箱”会自
动下订单让超市送货上门,还会把接近保质期的食物放 在架子的前面。
helps the British save time. √
British like doing housework very much.
will help the British with their work.
British like working overtime.
Why will a future refrigerator be important for the British?
原因目的题。本题问的是为什么未来冰箱对于英国人来说会十 分重要。短文介绍英国人每年要加班很长时间,几乎没有
时间做家务,这种冰箱可以帮助人们在繁忙的现 代生活中节约宝贵的时间。
meals automatically.
the stock automatically. √
shopping in supermarket.
room automatically.
What can a future refrigerator do according to the designed plan?
推理判断题。本题问 的是根据既定计划,未来冰箱具有什么功能。短文中介绍到,按照计划,未来冰箱的新特点包括扫
描货架 上的食物、清点库存,并利用这些信息安排用餐,以及自动创建一份超市购物订单。
refrigerator door. √
refrigerator plate.
refrigerator shelves.
refrigerator engine.
Which part of the refrigerator can warn people against wasting? 事实细节题。本题问的是冰箱的哪一部分可以提示人们不要浪费。短文中提到,冰箱门所采用的超声波扫描技 术可以对

五、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:9.00)

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.A phenomenon of aging face because of facing computer for long. √
B.A feature of screen- shape face because of people following fashion on the Internet.
C.A symptom of urkey neck because of people imitating the turkey.
D.A representation of wrinkles because of people lifting their heads for long.
A growing number of women are developing something called computer face, a leading cosmetic

surgeon said. Dr. Prager said professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending

up with hung loose skin, urkey neck and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their

eyes. The specialist said that, of all his clients, office workers were most likely to show

premature signs of ageing. If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint when they
are concentrating at the screen, then over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines.
What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with loose jaws because they are sitting
in one position for too long. If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles
shorten and go loose, eventually giving you a second neck. We are seeing a lot of women who work
in executive jobs in offices who have this problem. Dr. Prager, who has a practice near Harley

Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they

can see if they are frowning at the screen. A generation of younger men and women who had grown

up with information technology were developing computer face at a much earlier age. Dr. Prager
said there were several simple steps which could avoid computer face such as regular screen breaks

and stretching the neck muscles.

What is called computer face?
推理判断题。本题问的 是什么是“电脑脸”。短文开头介绍,一些女性白领由于经常在电脑前工作,脸部肌肉出现松弛
下垂,出 现“火鸡颈”以及前额和眼睛周围皱纹增多的现象,这种现象被称为“电脑脸”。由此可知,“电脑脸”是一种< br>皮肤老化的现象。
can warn office workers not to frown at work. √
can reduce the harm of facing computer.

can make office ladies expressions lovelier.

can absorb the computers radiation.
What is the function of the mirror next to the computer?
推理判断题。本题问的是在电脑旁 边放一面镜子的作用。短文中提到,Prager医生建议他的客户们在电脑旁边放一面镜
子,这样他们 可以从镜子中看到自己是否皱眉了。由此可知,镜子的作用是提醒办公室人员工作时不要皱眉头。
mirrors along with them.
more money on make-up.
some body exercise during work. √
much more sports after work.
What should office workers do according to Dr. Prager?
行动计划题。本题问的是根据Prager医生的说法,办公室人员应该怎么做。 短文中提到,Prager医生说几个简单的措
施可以避免“电脑脸”,如定时从电脑屏幕前休息以及伸 展颈部肌肉。

六、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:9.00)

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
and more crops are wasted by developed countries.
grain production countries limit their export of grain.
crops become raw materials for making fuel. √
countries reduce the supply and export of food.
Food prices are at their highest level since the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
began keeping records in 1990. The causes include bad weather and growing demand. Some experts

also blame the use of food crops to make fuel. But higher food prices are not always the result

of limited supplies. Coffee prices have jumped almost 50 percent in six months. Prices have reached
a 13-year high. Yet growers expect their current crop to be almost ten percent bigger than the
last one. JM Smucker is an American company known for its jellies and fruit spreads. But Smucker
also owns Folgers, Americas top-selling packaged coffee. On Tuesday, Smucker said it would raise
the prices of its coffee products by an average of ten percent. It said the increase is driven
by the higher prices for coffee beans. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people
are willing to pay more. Coffee sellers like Mark Warmuth say tastes are changing and more people
want a good cup of coffee. Theres no right or wrong answer with regard to Whats a good cup
of coffee? A lot of it has to do with personal preference or taste. Those bigger companies like

Starbucks have spread the idea of coffee as an affordable luxury. The thinking goes that during

hard times, people might not go on a trip but they might be willing to pay extra for good coffee.
Greater demand for high-quality coffee has helped drive coffee prices higher. People in India
drink lots of coffee. Starbucks just announced plans to enter that market in a deal with Indias

Tata Coffee Company.

Which reason is referred to for food price rising in this passage?
事实细节题。本题问的是短文中提到的食品价格上涨的原因。短文开头提到,粮 食价格上涨的原因包括恶劣的天气状况
和不断增长的需求。一些专家也认为使用粮食作物来生产燃料也是 其中一个原因。由此可知,粮食被作为制造燃料的原
hard to say whether the coffee is good or bad.
s taste is always the same.
is a luxurious but affordable choice. √
is a must for business contact.

Which idea of coffee is promoted by some bigger companies like Starbucks?
事实细节题。本题问的是 关于咖啡,诸如星巴克这样的大型公司宣扬的是什么观点。短文中提到,星巴克那样较大的公
司传播了咖 啡是可以支付得起的奢侈品的观念。
stic. √
What is Starbucks attitude to the Indian market?
观点态 度题。本题问的是星巴克对待印度市场的态度如何。短文中提到,星巴克公司已经与印度塔塔咖啡公司达成协议,

七、Section C(总题数:1,分数:40.00)

More than 100000 international students will spend this summer working and traveling in the United
States. They 1 the Summer Work Travel program through the State Department.

The program has 2 for years. This year there are some changes. The State Department recently amended
the employment rules. These changes follow a 3 last summer by foreign students working at a
distribution center for Hersheys chocolates.
The State Department said the students were put to work for long hours in jobs that provided little
or no 4 with the outside world. The students complained about having to lift heavy boxes and to
work overnight. They and other workers 5 conditions at the plant in Palmyra, Pennsylvania. The
students also complained about being underpaid as a result of deductions from their 6 . Some of
their pay had to go to subcontractors 7 the operations.

The State Department has now banned the use of Summer Work Travel students in warehouses or
packaging plants. More jobs will be banned in the fall. These include most 8 , manufacturing and
food processing jobs. Summer Work Travel students will also not be allowed to work in most mining
and agricultural jobs.
Daniel Costa at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington welcomed the new limits on jobs that
the students can fill. He also praised a requirement that employers only fill 9 or seasonal jobs
with Summer Work Travel students. He noted that some employers have 10 hired new student workers
to avoid having to hire regular full-time employees.
The State Departments changes will help return the program to its original purpose as a cultural
exchange program.
More than 100000 international students will spend this summer working and traveling in the United
States. They 1 the Summer Work Travel program through the State Department.

The program has 2 for years. This year there are some changes. The State Department recently amended
the employment rules. These changes follow a 3 last summer by foreign students working at a
distribution center for Hersheys chocolates.
The State Department said the students were put to work for long hours in jobs that provided little
or no 4 with the outside world. The students complained about having to lift heavy boxes and to
work overnight. They and other workers 5 conditions at the plant in Palmyra, Pennsylvania. The
students also complained about being underpaid as a result of deductions from their 6 . Some of
their pay had to go to subcontractors 7 the operations.

The State Department has now banned the use of Summer Work Travel students in warehouses or
packaging plants. More jobs will be banned in the fall. These include most 8 , manufacturing and
food processing jobs. Summer Work Travel students will also not be allowed to work in most mining
and agricultural jobs.
Daniel Costa at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington welcomed the new limits on jobs that
the students can fill. He also praised a requirement that employers or seasonal jobs
only fill 9

with Summer Work Travel students. He noted that some employers have 10 hired new student workers
to avoid having to hire regular full-time employees.
The State Departments changes will help return the program to its original purpose as a cultural
exchange program.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:are participating in)
解析: are participating in [听力原文]
More than 100000 international students will spend this summer working and traveling in the United
States. They are participating in the Summer Work Travel program through the State Department.
The program has existed for years. This year there are some changes. The State Department recently
amended the employment rules. These changes follow a strike last summer by foreign students working
at a distribution center for Hersheys chocolates.
The State Department said the students were put to work for long hours in jobs that provided little
or no contact with the outside world. The students complained about having to lift heavy boxes
and to work overnight. They and other workers protested conditions at the plant in Palmyra,
Pennsylvania. The students also complained about being underpaid as a result of deductions from
their earnings. Some of their pay had to go to subcontractors involved in the operations.
The State Department has now banned the use of Summer Work Travel students in warehouses or
packaging plants. More jobs will be banned in the fall. These include most construction,
manufacturing and food processing jobs. Summer Work Travel students will also not be allowed to
work in most mining and agricultural jobs.
Daniel Costa at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington welcomed the new limits on jobs that
the students can fill. He also praised a requirement that employers only fill temporary or seasonal
jobs with Summer Work Travel students. He noted that some employers have continually hired new
student workers to avoid having to hire regular full-time employees.
The State Departments changes will help return the program to its original purpose as a cultural
exchange program.
[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入谓语动词(词组)。结合录音可填入are participating in,意为“参与”。

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:existed)
解析: existed[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入谓语动词(词组)。结合录音可填入existed,意为“存在”。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:strike)
解析: strike[解析] 根据空格前的单词a可知,空格处应填入名词的单数形式。结合录音可填入strike ,意为“罢工”。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:contact)
解析: contact[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入名词(词组)。结合录音可填入contact,意为“联系”。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:protested)
解析: protested[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入谓语动词(词组)且应使 用过去式。结合录音可填入
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:earnings)
解析: earnings[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入名词(词组)。结合录音可填入earnings,意为“收入”。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:involved i)
解析: involved in[解析] 分析句子结构可知,空格所在的句子不缺少主干成分,由此 可以推断,空格所在部分作后
置定语修饰空格前名词subcontractors。结合录音可填入i nvolved in,意为“参与”。
)constructio(正确答案:1:__________________ 填空项.
解析: construction[解析] 根据空格所在位置可知,空格处应填入名词(词组)。结 合录音可填入construction,意为
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:temporary)
解析: temporary[解析] 根据空格后的or seasonal jobs可推断,空格 处应填入形容词,与seasonal构成并列。结
合录音可填入temporary,意为“临时的” 。拼写单词时应注意,不要漏写字母o。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:continually)
解析: continually[解析] 空格所在句子 不缺少主干成分,结合句意,空格处应填入副词。结合录音可填入continually,
意为“持续 地”。拼写单词时应注意双写字母l。









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