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2020-10-23 20:32



第二单元 名片翻译
一、1. Room 室 2. Unit 单元
3. Building No. 楼房号 4. Street 街
5. Road 路 6. District 区
7. County 县 8. Municipality 直辖市
9. Town 镇 10. City 市
11. Province 省 mous Region 自治区
二、1. 马龙翔 2. 李云飞 3. 司马相如 4. 王洪祥 5. 文树安
Longxian 2. Li Yunfei 3. Sima Xiangru 4. WangHongxiang 5. Wen Shu’an
6. 李安 7. 陆克文 8. 梁朝伟 9. 孔子 10. 李小龙
9. Confucius Lee 6. Ang Lee 7. Kevin Michael Rudd 8. Tony Leung
三、1. 部长 Minister 2. 司长 Director General
3. 局长 Bureau Director 4. 省长 Governor
5. 县长 Chief Executive, County Government
6. 镇长 Chief Executive, County Government
7. 秘书长 Secretary-General
8. 办公厅主任 Director, General Office 9. 处长 Division ChiefDirector
10. 科长Section Chief 11. 科员 ClerkOfficer
12. 发言人 Spokesperson 13. 顾问 AdviserConsultant
14. 巡视员InspectorMonitor 15. 特派员 Commissioner
16. 总领事Consul General 17. 审判长 Chief Judge
18. 警督Supervisor 19. 法医 Legal Medical Expert 20. 领事 Consul
1. 会长 President 2. 主席ChairChairperson

3. 名誉顾问 Honorary Adviser 4. 理事TrusteeCouncil Member
5. 总干事 . Director-General
7. 董事长
6. 总监 Director
Chairman 8. 总裁 President
9. 总经理 General ManagerC.E.O 10. 财务主管Finance Controller
11. 公关部经理 PR Manager 12. 营业部经理Business Manager
13. 销售部经理 Sales Manager 14. 出纳员 Cashier
15. 车间主任 Workshop Manager 16. 采购员 Purchaserbuyer
17. 技师 Technician 18.领班 Captain
19. 仓库管理员 Storekeeper 20. 审计员. Auditing Clerk
六、1. 总公司 Head Office 2. 分公司Branch Office
3. 总务部 General Affairs Department 4. 人事部 Personnel Department
5. 财务部 General Accounting Department 6. 销售部Sales Department
7. 国际部 International Department 8. 出口部 Export Department
9. 进口部 Import Department 10. 公共关系部 Public Relations Department
11. 广告部 . Advertising Department 12. 企划部 Planning Department
13. 培训部Training Department 14. 质量控制部 Quality Control Department
15. 董事会Board of Directors 16. 营销部 Marketing Department
17. 物流部 Logistics Department 18. 工程部Engineering Department
19. 研发部 Research and Development Department
20. 售后服务部 Customer Service Department
市场部 经理

TEL: 转500
Toyota Motor Finance (China) Co.,Ltd
Liu Genbao
Marketing Dept. Manager
Add: Rm 818, 8th fl, No.1, Jianguomenwai Street, Beijing, China Postcode:100004
TEL: Ext.500 Fax:
Mob: E-mail:
第三单元 公示语翻译
一、1. Staff Only 非公莫入员工通道 2. No Parking 禁止停车

3. Bicycle Parking自行车停放处 4. Cargo Lift
5. Sightseeting ElevatorLift 观光梯 6. FillingGas Station加油站
7. Escape Route疏散通道 8. Fire Engine Access 消防通道
二、1. Detour. Maintenance in Progress. 正在检修,请绕行
2. Wait. Maintenance in Progress.正在检修,请您稍候

3. Escalator Out of Service电梯维修,暂停使
4. Horn Prohibited 禁止鸣笛
5. Service Area 服务区
6. Service & Complaint Hotline 服务监督电话
7. Ticket Check 检票处
8. Ticket OfficeTickets 售票处
1. Conference Center(会议中心),Registration(注册登记),Information(咨询服务)
2. No Stopping(请勿停留),Resting Place(休息区),No Spitting(禁止吐痰)
3. Keep Silence(保持安静),Slow Down(减速慢行),Sold Out(售完)
4. F&B(Food and Beverage,餐饮服务),VIP Suite(Very Important Person Suite,贵宾
室),ENT Department(Ear, Nose, Throat Department耳鼻喉科)BRT(Bus Rapid Transit,
5. Don’t Drive When Tired. (严禁疲劳驾驶。)
Please Don’t Push or Lean Against the Door. (请勿挤靠车门。)
Please Use Handrail. (请站好扶稳。)
6. The shopping cart is for store-use only. (购物车仅限超市购物使用。)
Value our lives and keep away from drugs(远离毒品,珍爱生命)通常使用一般现在时
1) Attention: Swimming is not advised at this time.注意:此时请勿游泳
2) Buckle up: it’s the law. 法律规定:请系安全带。
3) Winding Road Ahead 前方弯道

4) Do not extinguish with water 勿用火浇灭
5) This sign has sharp edges. Do not touch the edges of this sign. 本告示牌边缘锋利,请勿

2. 翻译下列汉语公示语:
1) 老弱病残孕者专座 Priority SeatsCourtesy Seats
2) 注意:请勿攀爬墙体 Caution: No Climbing

3)果皮、纸屑、酒瓶等废弃物请扔进垃圾箱 No Littering
4)小心试穿,避免口红蹭在衣服上 Please Don’t Get Lipstick Stain on the Dress
5)夜间有事,请按此铃 Night Bell
五、1. Buy One and Get One Free买一赠一
2. Please Do Not Feed the Goats 请勿投喂山羊
3. No U Turn 禁止掉头
4. Road Work Ahead前方修路
5. Gift Wrap 礼品包装
6. No Horn Blowing Except for Danger 除危险情况,禁止鸣笛
7. Beware Pedestrian 注意行人
8. No Trespassing 严禁穿行
9. Toll Gate收费处
10. Lost and Found 失物招领处
11. 同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World, One Dream
12. 禁止排放污水No Waste Water DischargeDon’g Discharge Waste Water
13. 殿内请勿烧香 Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall
14. 一米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐 Children Under 1 Meter Must Be Accompanied by
an Adult 15. 票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange.
16. 请您穿好救生衣 Please Wear Life Vest
17. 婚纱摄影室 Wedding Photography Studio

18. 全家福摄影室

Family Portrait Photography Studio
19. 亚运商品专柜 Asia Games Official Licensed Product Counter
20. 票款当面点清 Please Check Your Change and Tickets Before Leaving
六、1. 自备零钱,不设找赎Please Tender Exact Fare
2. 汽车行驶中请勿站立. Please be Seated When the Bus is in Motion
3. 注意安全,请勿靠近 Keep Away for Safety
4. 请勿携带外食进入(麦当劳餐厅)
5. 严禁非本部门人员入内 Staff Only
6. 防洪通道,请勿占用 Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!
7. 非机动车禁止入内 Motor Vehicles Only
8. 请勿触摸展品 Please Keep Hands OffHands Off
9. 请勿将手臂伸出车外 Keep Arms Inside Carriage
10. 衣冠不整,谢绝入内 Shirts and Shoes Required
七、1. 警告:恶犬出没! Warning: Bad Dogs!
2. 不要闯红灯 Don’t Dash through the Stop Light!
. Consumption of MacDonald Foods Only
3. 补票处 Fare Adjustment Pay Upon Arrival
4. 大宗购物处 Bulk Purchase Reception
5. 当心扒手Beware of Pickpockets
6. 请使用旋转门 Please Use the Revolving Door
7. 禁止超车Do Not Overtake
8. 切勿挤压 Do Not Crush
9. 压缩气体Compressed Gas
10. 易燃固体Inflammable Solid
八、1. 原文:欢迎您再来!改译: Please come again

2. 原文:水深危险 请勿下水游玩 (深圳水池)Caution: Deep Water, No Swimming
3. 原文:小草正在长,踏入想一想(广州某公园)Please Keep Off the Grass
4. 原文:青青绿草,请勿践踏 改译:Please Keep Off the Grass
5.原文:贵阳乘警支队(火车公示语)改译: Guiyang Train Police Detachment
6. 原文:垃圾在此投放(火车公示语)改译: Dust Bin
7. 原文:请您带好随身物品Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Unattended
8. 原文:万绿湖景区由此购票,游览(广东河源万绿湖)改译:Ticket OfficeBox
9. 原文:零散外宾接待站 改译: Center for Foreign Individual Tourists
10. 原文:小心行走,以免摔倒 SlipperyWet Floor
11. 原文:请自觉购票(白云山售票说明)改译: Tickets Only
12. 施工给您带来不便,请原谅 Under ConstructionRepair, Sorry for the Inconvenience
13. 原文:请您保留好购物凭证 Please Keep the Receipt as Proof of Your Purchase
14. 原文:人类的净土,靠你我共同维护。
Please Help Us to Protect the Environment Keep it Clean and Tidy .
15. 原文:禁止携带托运易燃及易爆物品No Flammables or Explosives
16. 原文:云山是我家,你我爱护她(白云山)
Keep Baiyun Mountain Clean Do Not Litter No Littering
17. 原文:非欧咪基食品饮料,请勿在本餐厅进食! Omic Food Only
18. 顾客朋友若需要帮助,请找员工帮忙
Please Ask Our Associates for Help if You Need Any
19. 原文:保护环境从我做起Keep Our City Clean
20. 原文:注意安全请勿攀爬单边墙Danger: Do Not Climb the Wall Danger: No Climbing
第五单元 企业简介翻译
一、1. General asset 资产总额 2. Joint venture 合资企业

3. Operating income 营业收入 4. State-owned enterprise 国有企业
5. Manufacturing business 制造业 6. 资本 capital
7. 股东 stockholder 8. 合伙企业partnership
9. 管理水平 management level 10. 全球化 globalization
二、1. 本公司全体同仁竭诚为各界服务。Our corporation will provide thorough services.
2. 原文:四川省房地产开发总公司系经四川省政府批准成立。
Sichuan Real Estate Development Corporation was set up with the approval of Sichuan
provincial government.
3. 原文:公司年产150万至180万双鞋,远销美国、加拿大、欧盟各国、中南美、东
欧 诸国、中东地区、俄罗斯、东南亚以及中国香港等40多个国家和地区。
The company’s annual output of shoes ranges from 1.5—1.8 million pairs which have
been exported to more than 40 countries and regions such as America, Canada, the
members of European Union, Central and South America, East European countries, the
Middle East, Russia, the Southeast Asia and China’s Hong Kong.
4. The company has been in the manufacturing business since 1950, adopting the corporate
name of GUMOTEX in 1952.本公司自1950年起从事制造业,1952年命名为GUMOTEX。
5. 原文:Reliability, security and customer proximity is included in the philosophy of
PostBus Switzerland. 瑞士邮政巴士旅游局的理念是可靠、安全、亲近顾客。
1.. 原文:西北国棉一厂是大型棉纺织企业,创建于1951年,占地43.5公顷 ,注册资
Northwest No.1 National Cotton Mill, established in 1951 and covering an area of 43.5
hectares, stands as a large textile enterprise with the registered capital of RMB 210 million.
2. 原文:虎豹人以其特有的灵气,极目一流,精益求精,集 世界顶尖服装生产技术装

备之大战。裁天上彩虹,绣人间缤纷,开设计之先河,臻质量之 高峰,领导服装潮流,
The Hubao Group has a high standard of quality and is well-equipped with the world’s most
advanced technology. It is taking the lead in designing new fashions and maintaining high
quality products.
3. 原文:A world leader in mobile communications, Nokia has established itself as the
leading manufacturer in the whole mobile industry. Backed by its experience, innovation,
user-friendliness and secure solutions, Nokia is the world’s leading supplier of mobile
phones, fixed broadband and IP networks.
诺基亚是全球移动通讯业的领头羊,现已成为全球最大的移动电话生产商。 凭借丰富
宽 频及IP网络方面均遥遥领先。
4. 原文:The additional excursions are exceptional and can be adapted to the needs and
requests of our customers. The trips do not end at the national border. PostBus Tourism will
also accompany the holiday group abroad to the neighboring countries of Switzerland.
其他游览也非比寻常,可以根据客户的需求量身定做。游览并不限于瑞士境 内,邮政
5. 原文:东鹏产品被广泛 应用于天安门城楼、国务院办公楼、国家大剧院等全国上万
个政府工程,成为消费者和装饰行业人士推崇 的品牌。
Dongpeng, a household name among consumers and decoration industry insiders, has been
dazzling in more than ten thousand key projects of the country such as Tian’anmen
Rostrum, the State Council Administration Building, and the National Grand Theater.
[例1]原文:pillar industry 支柱产业

[例2]原文:the open-door policy门户开放政策
[例3]原文:Considering the friendly business relationship between our two banks, we
decided not to charge you the overdue interests.
[例4]原文:每个人都 有一天会变老,如果人们确信老年时生活一定幸福、安康,就
译文:For everyone gets old some day, and when people feel perfectly secure of a happy
and comfortable life in old age, they will devote themselves wholeheartedly to work.
[例5]原文:a Napoleon of finance金融巨头
[例6]原文:五湖四海all corners of the country
[例7]原文:Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of
red tape. 政府部门的繁文缛节使得向某些国家的出口贸易困难重重。
译文:As the contract has been signed, what’s done is done and can’t be undone.
[例9]原文:In some automated plants, electronic computers control the entire production
[例10]原文:Earnings per share have mushroomed at a 34% annual compounded rate.
五、1. Today, American Express is known in four major business areas: travel, insurance,
banking and investment.
2. 30% of offices around the world are lit by Philips Lighting, which also lights 65% of the
world’s top airports, 55% of soccer stadiums, and 30% of hospitals.
译文:世界上有30%的办公室采用飞利浦照明产品,我们同时还为世界上6 5%的主

3. Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. is a Swiss company, because it is established under the
laws of Switzerland, it has its legal domicile in Switzerland and its Board of Directors consists
mainly of Swiss nationals.
译文:瑞士国际航空有限公司 是一家瑞士公司,根据瑞士法律设立,其法定地址位
4. Royal Philips Electronics is tenth on Fortune’s list of global top electronics corporations.
We are active in about 60 businesses, varying from consumer electronics to domestic
appliance and from security system to semiconductors.
译文:皇家飞利浦电子集团在《财富》杂志电子行业排行榜中名列 第十。公司经营
60多种业务,涵盖范围从商品电子元件到家用小电器,从安全系统到半导体等多个领< br>域。
5. Established in 2005, the company with its qualified and highly skilled 106-member
strong workforce is focusing on superior customer care when managing air transport
requirements and logistics solutions to Royalty, governments, multinationals, humanitarian
and relief organizations alike.
译文:自2005年 成立以来,公司及其106名技术熟练的员工始终致力于为王室、
政府、跨国公司、人道主义和救灾机构 等组织提供一流的服务,满足他们的航空运输
六、1. TCL 集团股份有限公司创办于1981年,是一家综合性大型国有企业。
译文:TCL Corporation is a comprehensive large-scale state- owned enterprise,
established in 1981.

2. 该厂已经通过了ISO9002和SQ9000国际质量体系认证。
译文: The factory has been registered to ISO 9002 and SQ 9000 International Quality
System Standard.
3.“快速反应,马上行动,质量第一,信誉至上”是公司的宗旨。我们将以客户 的需求
译文:Under the principle of “Promptness, Quality and Credit”, we will offer you our
products and services to your every satisfaction.
4. 北京留民营新世纪养殖场位于中国生态 农业第一村留民营生态农场内,优良的生态
环境,标准化的生产模式,快捷的配送渠道,保证了所有上市 鸡蛋的安全、新鲜。
译文:Beijing Liuminying New Century Farm is located in China’s First Ecological
Agriculture Village Liuminying Ecological Farm. Its excellent ecological environment,
standard production and convenient distribution channel guarantee the safety and
freshness of all the eggs it has launched onto the market.









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