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2020-10-23 20:49



4.6 英汉翻译中的减词翻译法
美国翻译理论家奈达曾经说过,“翻译就是翻译意思 ”,那么在两种语言之间
分了解源语和译 语在表达习惯上的区别。与英语相比较,汉语中代词(尤其是人
称代词)和连接词(尤其是并列连接词“ 和”)使用得很少,能省略的代词和连
接词一般都不在句子里出现。因此,在英译汉时,应该避免在句子 里过多地使用
词 翻译法是指在翻译的过程中省略原文中自然的、必不可少的、但在译文中却是
多余词汇的翻译方法。例如 :

The retailers perform many functions. First, he may provide a convenient
location. Also, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the
retailer aids in promoting the product, often through displays and advertising. Fourth,
the retailer may finance the customer by extending credit. Further, the retailer
performs storage function in his outlet, by having goods available.

译文:零售商还发挥许多功能。其一,( )可提供便利的场地;其二,( )
对他所经销的商品提供担保和服务;其三,( )帮助促销产品,经常进行商品
展示活动和发布广告;其四,( )为顾客提供信贷。另外,由于供货及时,零

析 :英语语篇的衔接手段常用的有:大量使用代词,指代前文中所提到的名
词,偶尔重复使用名词本身,使 用省略,使用上义词或同义词。汉语中最常用的
衔接手段则是多使用名词重复和省略,偶尔也使用代词和 上义词或同义词。在汉
语的语篇中,当所谈论的主语是同一个的时候,被谈论的主语往往只出现一次,< br>后面句子的主语可以省略。这种省略不仅不会引起误解,而且会使行文简洁流畅。
上面这一段汉语 译文可以充分说明这一点。再比如下面这一段汉语是地道的汉
语:柯灵,生于1909年,浙江省绍兴人 。中国现代作家。1926年发表第一篇作
品叙事诗《织布的妇人》。1930年任《儿童时代》编辑。 1949年以前一直在上海
从事报纸编辑工作,并积极投入电影、话剧运动。解放后,曾任《文汇报》副 总

除了英语中的代词和连接词在汉语译文中可以省略 外,还有冠词、动词不定


Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone
and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful!


都是泛 指。当英语中的“冠词the+名词”或者“冠词aan+名词”表示泛指时,
该冠词往往不翻译成汉语 ;但如果冠词是表示特指,就必须将该冠词翻译成汉语。

When mineral oil is refined into petrol, it is used to drive internal combustion
engine. To it we owe the existence of the motor-car, which has replaced the private
carriage drawn by the horse.

油,我们才能用上汽车,以代 替私人马车。

析:原文中短语carriage drawn by the horse 的意思是“由马拉的马车”,译成
汉语时如果直译就会使译文显得很罗嗦,这样就需要采用减词翻译法而 将其翻译

Such is the so-called cyclethat has characterized the industrialized
nations of the world for the last two centuries ever since an elaborate,
interdependent money economy began to replace the relatively self-sufficient
precommercial society.

译文:这正是近两个世纪(即自从一种复杂的、相互依赖的货币经济开始 取

它的意思 在汉语译文中虽然被省略末译,但既然全世界工业化国家具备所谓的
“经济周期”,那么,其基本意思“ 表现…的特色”就已经隐含在其中。

To avert the danger of major defaults and to restore security to the economic

systems, Western bankers and governments will have to ensure that they are imposing
reasonable repayment terms on developing countries, terms that will not provoke
revolution or chaos.

译文:为了防止发生重大的宣布无力 偿还债务事件,并使经济体制恢复巩固,
西方各国金融机构和政府必须确保对各发展中国家强制实行公平 合理的还债条

析:原文中avert的意思是“转移”,和名词danger搭配后构成短语avert the < br>danger,意思是“转移危险”,如果直译势必使得译文不通顺。汉语译文在这里
没有直译, 而是将danger省略不译,而将avert一词翻译成“防止”,这样做既
理顺了“防止”同后面的 宾语“发生重大的宣布无力偿还债务事件”之间的搭配,
“防止”这个短语本身又隐含了danger( 危险)的意义,真是一举两得。

Tariffs may be used simply to obtain revenue. In some developing countries,
revenue tariffs provide an important part of the government's income. Often, however,
tariffs are protective, and are designed to carry out a particular economic policy. They
may help to reduce a balance of payments deficit or to protect an infant industry
against strong international competition from older corporations. A revenue tariff will
always provide some protection, and a protective tariff will produce some revenue.
Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between revenue and protective tariffs from
economic evidence alone.
When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by
the amount of the tariff. Market factors, however, can modify this effect. Hence, the
final price increase due to a tariff may be less than, equal to, or more than the amount
of the tariff. In many cases, though, the final price increase is reasonably close to the
amount of the tariff. In ocntrast, the impact of a quota on price is much harder to
predict. The effects are particularly uncertain with goods which are not produced at all
domestically. For instance, many countries do not have their own car industry, so that
an import quota can cause a considerable shift in automobile prices.

Letters of Credit for the importation of goods from foreign countries into Canada
are frequently required by the supplier to be established in his favor; sometimes these
are for surprisingly small amounts, obviously where the importer is little known to the
exporter, otherwise ordinary
be followed. Many Canadian importers are therefore familiar with these instruments.

The Canadian importer, when faced with such a request, applies to his bank for the
facility. As the bank's undertaking will be replacing that of the importer, the bank will
treat this as an application for credit and will give consideration to setting up a
of creditin the same way as if it were an application for a loan. If the is
granted or has already been arranged, the importer competes an for
Commercial Creditwhich he gives full details of the Credit requires. Normally,
the Credit will be
beneficiary it cannot be retracted or changed without the beneficiary's consent, and
the opening bank must meet any drafts presented provided the terms of the Letter of
Credit have been complied with.
(Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade in Canada,
Sidney A. Shepherd, 4th ed., pp.95-96)

It is Shell companies' policy to promote a management style of direct
involvement of employees in decisions affecting their jobs. Staff are encouraged to
discuss the objectives of the unit in which they work before these are finally
established. Through the staff reporting system, staff are also encouraged to take part
in setting their work targets for the coming year, to identify their own training needs
and to develop their own ambitions so that these may be taken into account in career
planning. This approach which Group companies believe to be beneficial to the
business and to give recognition to the legitimate expectations of employees is the
core of its employee relations philosophy.

第五章 英汉翻译中的重复翻译法

词或词组的重复,是英语和汉语中的有效表达手段。利用这种手段 一般可达
一般讲来,如 果不是为了上述目的,回避重复是英语的一大特色,这不仅在
书面语言中十分突出,在口语中也相当明显 。回避的范围也很广,小自单词,大
至句子,凡是意义相同的或只是部分相同的词语,均在回避之列。在 汉语中,说
表达 习惯的缘故,在很多地方非重复不可,或者重复了反倒好些。也就是说,如
果使用得当,汉语里使用重复 并不会给人单调乏味之感。相反,重复反而可以起
到反复强调的作用。因此,与英语相反,重复是汉语的 一个明显特点。

5.1 英语回避得利的主要方法

5.1.1. 指代法
即使用 代词(主要是人称代词、物主代词、指示代词以及用于非限制性定语
从句的关系代词等)来回避重复。这 是英语中最普通、最常见,也是最有效的回

I met John on the street yesterday. He was walking beside his sister. They were
going to see a film.

Mary is standing at the door, with her hand in her pocket.

5.1.2. 换词法
即使 用范畴词、同义词或准同义词来回避重复。范畴词是一些具有概括意义、
表示人和事物范畴的词汇。如: man,woman,people,person,child,thing,object,
flo wer,machine,medicine,matter,idea,feeling,animal等。

The monkey's most extraordinary feat was learning to operate a tractor. By the
age of nine, this remarkable animal had learned to drive the vehicle single-handed.

换词是书面英语,尤其是现代新 闻英语主要特色之一。换词得当,可以避免
单调乏味,使文字新颖别致,焕然生色。如电视机,可说:t he television set,the

TV,telly,the tube,the goggle-box,the idiot box等。

5.1.3. 替代法
(1)常用的替代词语有:one, ones, that, those, it, the same (thing), so, such,
there, then, likewise, identical, different, like that, in like manner, (in) this way 等。
What kind of textbooks do you want? The ones with illustrations or the ones
A: I'll have a new pair of rubber shoes, please.
B: I'll have the same but with black laces.

He was ambitious, but his sister was even more so. She wanted to become a great
A: He'll arrive before six.
B: That seems too early.

a. 主语+do
A: Do you like English?
B: Yes, I do.
b. So (否定句用Neither Nor) + be (或 have, do) +主语
She is a student. So is her brother.

appear, fear, seem, expect
c. 主语 + hope, believe, say, suppose + so not
think, wish, claim, tell

A: He will come tomorrow.
B:I hope so.

A: Has everyone gone home?
B: I'm afraid so. (Or l hope not.)

d. 其它
He might be wrong. If not, why was he in such low spirits?
We have to hand in a book report every month, and that (= and have to hand in
the report) always promptly and in English.
In modern English a verb is often used as a noun, and vice versa. (= and a noun
is often used as a verb)

5.1.4. 省略法

I like strong tea, I suppose weak ( ) is better for you.
They are not known to retreat. They never have ( ) and never will ( ).
A: Sorry, I haven't finished the book yet.
B: I hope you will ( ) by tomorrow.
A: Would you like to go with me.
B: Yes, I'd like to ( ).
This orange is ripe. I know ( ) from its color.
A: I said you would rewrite it for him.
B: I hope you didn't say when ( ).

5.1.5. 保留介词法
保留介词法即保留同一个介词以回避名词、动词或形容 词的重复,这一般在
We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each
other--of everything but our host and hostess. (回避动词
Discipline is indispensable to victory in war, to success in our work, and indeed,
to the realization of our lofty goal. (回避形容词
They continue to observe the principle of depending on their own efforts as well
as of being thrifty in everything. (回避重复名词

5.1.6. 紧缩法
紧缩法就是将语句中两个或几个相关联的 成分合并在一起,以避免一些词语
He was particularly interested in the articles on and by Lu Xun.
You should practise speaking English both in and out of class.
She was accepted not because of but in spite of her birth.

5.2 汉语重复表达的特点
下面我们再看看汉语是否也有类似的特点呢?答案是 相反的。重复是汉语的
一个明显特点。汉语的重复不仅有语音上的需要,还有语法与修辞上的需要。 < br>(1)汉语第三人称“他”、“她”、“它”的发音同为ta:。汉语很少用指物的
“它”,而是 习惯重复原词,或借助指示代词。

(4)汉语缺乏与英语相像的关系代词、关系副词和动词非人 称形式一类的
来 表示。各短句之间的联系,有时靠“意合”,有时靠重复。这样才能承上启下,
(5)由于修辞上的需要。英语中的重复多 数是为了修辞,起强调作用。汉
语的重复,即使是为修辞,也不单一地为了强调。有时是为了排比整齐, 有时为

5.3 英汉翻译中的重复翻译法
知道英语同汉语之间的区别就能在英汉翻译过程中很好地进行操作。在具体< br>操作过程中,我们应该在译文中注意译语的表达习惯。在英汉翻译过程中应多使
用词语、短语甚至 是句子的重复来翻译原文中所表达的信息。下面我们通过实例

A more realistic approach toward international specialization is that of
comparative advantage. This concept says that a nation has a comparative advantage
in an item if it can produce it more efficiently than alternative products.

译文:参与国际分工的另一更为现实的做法是采取比较优势的做法。比 较优
该产品的比 较优势。

手段是使用名词重复 和省略,偶尔也使用代词和上义词或同义词。知道了英汉两

种语言的区别就可以在英译汉 时注意汉语的特点,充分地再现原文信息。本例句
中原文中的that指代前文中的approach, 在翻译成汉语时被翻译成了“做法”。
原文中的This concept指代上文中提到的comparative advantage,This concept是
Comparative advantage的上义词。汉语译文将其还原成“比较 优势”,由此可见

Over the last decade, the use of countertrade in international commerce has
become more widespread. The practice is emerging as a vehicle for financing capital
projects and production- sharing ventures, for ensuring the repatriation of profits from
investments in countriesbeset by external debt and hard currency shortages, and for
competitive bidding on major nonmilitary government procurements.

译文:在过去的十年间,对等贸易在 国际商业中的应用已越来越广泛。这种
贸易方式正逐渐成为资本项目和生产股份企业融资的一种渠道,正 在逐渐成为确
渠道 ,正在逐渐成为政府在大量采购非军用物资的投标中保持竞争力的一种渠

析:原文中的The practice所指代的是上文中的the use of countertrade,因此

Marketing is a pervasive social activity that goes considerably beyond the selling
of toothpaste, soap, and steel.


代词that所指代 的就是前文中出现的social activity,在将这类关系代词或者代词
翻译成汉语时,办法 之一就是使用汉语里的代词与之对应,即用代词重复指代前
面所提到的内容,但这样做的条件是:前面所 谈到的概念必须是单一的概念,如
果是多个概念而使用代词来指代就有可能引起误解。这里在前面所谈到 的内容是
代不明 的情况。

Needs are the basic, often instinctive, human forces that motivate a person to do

译文:各种需要是人类基本的、通常又是出于 本能的驱动力,这各种驱动力

析:在这一例句的原文 中,关系代词that所指代的是其前面的forces,forces
的意思是“推动力”、“驱动力 ”。在将原文翻译成汉语时,对于that的翻译可以
有两种方式,其一是使用代词“它们”指代for ces,其二是将forces重复提及。
使用代词“它们”有可能被误解为指代前面提及的“需求”。 为了避免歧义不能
也是非常符合汉语习惯 表达的。译文的黑体部分是对前面出现过的名词的重复,
但读来并末让人觉得累赘,由此可见在汉语中使 用名词的重复进行上下文的衔接

The purpose of public relations is to influence public opinion toward building
goodwill and positive reputation for the organization, and well-executed public
relations is a long-term activity that molds good relationships between an organization
and its publics.

译文:公共关系的目的是为了对公众舆论产生 影响,为某一单位树立良好的
形象和声誉;建立良好的、有效的公共关系是一种长期行为,这种行为有助 于在

析:关系代词that在定语从句中同时充当主语,其先行词是前面的a long-term
行为”。但 若将其翻译成“它”则指代不明,有可能被误解为指代前面所提到的
“目的”、“公共关系”、“影响” 、“声誉”等概念,因此,译为“这种行为”,使

Most notably, China has avoided the large output declines and, severe
macroeconomic instability that have tended to characterize the transition experiences
in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

译文:最值得注意的是,中国避免了 生产的大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定

性,生产的大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性曾经 是中、东欧以及前苏联经济过

析:译文将原文中的关系代词tha t所指代的内容全部重复一遍,使得译文的
意思清楚明了。当然,这里的that也可以翻译成“这种情 况”,这样翻译大概也

As each currency's value is stated in terms of other currencies, French francs,
then, have a value in US dollars, which have a value in British pounds, which have a
value in Japanese yen.

价值可以 用美元来体现,美元可以用英镑来体现,英镑可以用日元来体现。

析:在翻译定语从句中充 当主语的关系代词时,通常可以将关系代词还原成
其所指代的人或物,也就是重复译出前面已经出现过的 名词。这符合汉语的表达

Volvo earnings rise by eleven percent in first quarter Volvo, the Swedish
automotive, energy and food group, increased its profits by ten point nine percent in
the first quarter of this year despite a fall of five percent in group turnover.
Profits after financial items rose to two point four five billion Swedish kronor
(three hundred and forty-five million dollars) compared with two point two one
billion Swedish kronor in the first quarter of last year. The group was helped by a two
hundred and fifteen million Swedish kronor foreign-exchange gain on loans compared
with a gain of thirty million Swedish kronor a year earlier as well as by interest
earnings of a hundred and nine million Swedish kronor compared with seventy-seven
million Swedish kronor in the first quarter of last year.
Operating profits were virtually unchanged at two point one three billion
Swedish kronor compared with two point one billion Swedish kronor in the first
quarter of last year. Volvo expects to make a productivity gain this year of at least five
per cent.
The group's liquid funds, inflated by the record profits of the past two years,
climbed to eighteen point two five billion Swedish kronor by the end of the first
quarter from fourteen point four billion Swedish kronor a year earlier.
Volvo profits, at least in the short term, have been h ed[led against the impact of

the falling dollar, but the lower follar exchange rate shows clearly in the group's sales
figures. Volvo turnover fell five per cent to twenty point six billion Swedish kronor
from twenty-one point eight billion Swedish kronor in the first three months of last
year despite a substantial rise in the volume of car sales.









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