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自考 商务英语翻译

2020-10-23 21:05



考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。
2. 考试时间150分钟。
I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each)
1. In addition to visible trade, which involves the importing and exporting of tangible goods,
there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations.
A. 除了这种进出口商品的可视贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的无形贸
B. 除了这种进出口商品的有形贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的看不见
C. 除了这种进出口商品的看得见贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的难捉
D. 除了这种进出口商品的有形贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的无形贸
2. But our products have never been all that dominant on the American market, a result which
goes against our expectation.
A. 但是我们的产品从未在美国市场占据那样的主导地位,这样的结果和我们的预计相
B. 但是,我们的产品从未在美国市场垄断过,这样的结果和我们的预计相反。
C. 但是,我方的产品从未在美国市场上占据着主导地位,这样的结果同我方的预计刚
D. 但是,我方的产品从未像那样在美国市场上占据着主导地位,这一结果同我方的预
3. The financial information provided by an accounting system is needed by managerial
decision makers to help them plan and control the activities of the economic entity.
A. 会计系统提供的金融信息对于帮助管理层决策人员制定计划和控制该经济实体的
B. 金融信息是由会计系统提供,它对于管理决策者是必须的,能制订计划和提供经济
C. 会计系统提供的金融信息对于帮助管理决策者计划和控制经济部门非常重要。
D. 金融信息由会计师提供,对于管理部门制定计划和控制经济部门非常重要。
4. As each currency’s value is stated in terms of other currencies, French francs, then, have a
value in US dollars, which have a value in British pounds, which have a value in Japanese
A. 由于每一种货币的价值是用另外的货币说明出来的,那么法国法郎的价值可以用美
元来体 现,美元可以用英镑来体现,英镑可以用日元来体现。
B. 由于每一种货币的价值是用另外的货币表 现出来的,那么法国法郎的价值可以用美
C. 由于每一种货币的价值是用另外的货币表达出来的,那么法国法郎的价值可以用美

D. 由于每一种货币的价钱是 用另外的货币表现出来的,那么法国法郎的价值可以用美
元来体现,美元可以用英镑来体现,英镑可以用 日元来体现。
5. Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, as I am sure you know, we
operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the
A. 我们的价格已经是大量批发的价格 。另外,你也知道,我们所处的行业竞争十分
B. 我方 报价已考虑到大批量订货的因素。相信贵公司了解我们是在一个竞争十分激
烈的市场上经营销售业务,因 而已经不得不把利润减到最低限度。
C. 我方报价已充分考虑到大订单的因素。相信贵方一定清楚 ,我方是在竞争十分激
D. 我方报价 已充分考虑到大宗订货的因素。相信贵方一定清楚,我方是在竞争十分
激烈的市场上经营业务,迫于市场 压力,我方已将价格降至最低。
6.Business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through
which profit or economic surplus will be created.
A. 商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润和经济增
B. 商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润和经济满
C. 商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润和经济盈
D. 商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润和经济超
7.And it allows me the variety of work that working at a large multi-billion bank does not have
to offer as you will be working in narrow job description handling one type of lending.
A. 这使我拥有多份工作,而这在拥有亿万资产的大银行里是不大可能的,因为在那种
大银行 里,你的工作范围很窄,只处理一种贷款。
B. 在拥有亿万资金的大银行里使我的工作变化多样,因为在那种大银行里,你的工作
C. 这使我的工作变化多样,而这在拥有亿万资金的大银行里是不大可能的,因为在那
种大银 行里,你的工作范围很单一,只处理一种贷款。
D. 这使我的工作变化多样,而这在拥有亿万资金的 大银行里是不大可能的,因为在那
8.This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
A. 为了安全起见,身体 、精神上有问题的人或缺少相应的指示经验的人不能使用本产
B. 为了安全起见,除非在别人的监督指导下使用,否则身体、精神上有问题的人或缺
少相应 的指示经验的人不能使用本产品。
C. 本品不适合体力渐衰者、知觉衰退者、神经衰弱者或缺乏相 关知识和经验者(包括)
D. 本产品不适合肌体不健全、感觉或精神上有障碍或缺乏相关经验和知识的人(包括
儿童)使用。他们需要 有负责其安全的人员在旁监督或指导产品的使用方法,方可

9. The Great Depression gave rise to the fear that such catastrophes would recur or even that the
American economy would live in a state of permanent depression unless radical changes were
made in the economic system.
A. 二十世纪三十年代的 经济大倒退曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重演,甚至使人们担心美
国经济会陷入永久性萧条状态,除非对其经 济制度进行大幅度改革。
B. 二十世纪三十年代的经济大萧条曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重演,甚至使 人们担心美
C. 二十世 纪三十年代的经济危机曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重演,甚至使人们担心美
国经济会陷入永久性萧条状态, 除非对其经济制度进行大幅度改革。
D. 二十世纪三十年代的经济大萧条曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重 演,甚至使人们担心,
10.Pursuant to the Buyer’s Purchase Order, the Seller agrees to supply the Buyer with the goods,
and the names, types, serial numbers, quantity and unit price of the goods as stipulated in
the annex to this contract. The annex shall form an integral part of the contract.
A. 根据买方 购货单,卖方同意按合同附件所列货物的名称、型号、数量、单价的规
定,向买方予以提供。该附件是本 合同不可分割的组成部分。
B. 根据买方购货单,卖方同意按合同附件所列货物的名称、型号、序列 号、数量、
C. 根据《买方购货单》,卖 方同意按合同附件所列货物的名称、型号、序列号、数量、
单价的规定,向买方予以提供。该附件是本合 同不可分割的组成部分。
D. 根据《买方订购单》,卖方同意向买方提供本合同附件中所订货物的名 称、型号、
1. Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufacturers, we regret to say that we are not in a
position to meet your requirements for the time being in this respect.
A. 由于我方厂商不堪负重地承约,我方很遗憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方
B. 由于我方厂商不堪负重,我方很遗憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方要求。
C. 由于我方厂商大量承约,我方很遗憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方要求。
D. 由于我方厂商沉重的责任,我方很遗憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方要求。
2. No wonder the multinational corporations have been growing fantastically and now dominate
many sections of the international market.
A. 难怪跨国公司一直以惊人的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域。
B. 难怪跨国公司一直以较快的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域。
C. 难怪跨国公司一直以飞快的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域。
D. 难怪跨国公司一直以疯狂的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域。
3. Multinational corporations have become so dominant in some foreign markets that they are
now the object of political and economic scrutiny.
A. 由于跨国公司已占据了一些外国市场,他们已成为政治、经济关注的目标。
B. 由于跨国公司已控制了一些外国市场,他们已成为政治、经济关注的目标。
C. 由于跨国公司已垄断了一些外国市场,他们已成为政治、经济关注的目标。
D. 由于跨国公司已制服了一些外国市场,他们已成为政治、经济关注的目标。
4. If you admit that your company is in error or is willing to take responsibility for the claim,
you should write a letter to the customer, expressing apologies and indicating what steps
the company is taking to set the matter right.

A. 如果你的公司确实有误,而且愿意承担责任,应该在信中承认这一点并向对方表
B. 如果你公司承认自己有误,或者愿意承担索赔 责任,应该给客户写信承认这一点
C. 如果贵公司确实有误,或者愿意承担索赔责任,应该写信给客户,向对方表示歉
意,同时说明你将采取什 么行动。
D. 如果贵公司承认自己失误,或者对索赔愿意承担责任,那么,贵公司就应该向客户写一封信,表达歉意并说明公司将采取什么措施来最终解决问题。
5.Unemployment in America (as of mid-1990) was running near 5.25 percent .That is somewhat
higher than used to be considered full employment, but it is not a serious figure in the
A. 失业在美国达5.25%,比以前认为的高一些,但问题不严重,虽没有充分就业。
B. 1990 年年中美国的失业率近5.25%,按以往的标准,这个比例偏高,没有达到充
分就业,但就整体来说问 题并不严重。
C. 失业率在美国达5.25%,虽然比充分就业比率高,但整体不严重。
D. 1990年年中美国失业高达5.25%,比过去计划的比例高,没有达到充分就业,但
6. Nations will usually produce and export those goods in which they have the greatest
comparative advantage, and import those items in which they have the least comparative
A. 国家将通常生产和出口那些他们最有竞争力的产品,进口那些最无竞争力的产品。
B. 国家通常生产出口最有竞争力产品,进口最无力竞争产品。
C. 各国通常都生产和出口那些他们最具有比较优势的产品,而进口那些他们最不具
D. 各国将总是生产和出口那些最有竞争力产品,而往往进口最无力竞争产品。
7.Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive
economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation.
A. 自从20世纪70年代末中国的经济改革以来,获得了很大的经济增长,并转变了
B. 20世纪70年代中国首创经济体制改革,取得了巨大经济增长和结构调整。
C. 中国自从20世纪70年代末开始经济改革以来,经济增长显而易见,结构调整也
D. 中国自从20世纪70年代末开始经济改革以来,已取得了令人瞩目的经济增长和
8.Most notably, China has avoided the large output declines and severe macroeconomic
instability that have tended to characterize the transition experiences in central and Eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union.
A. 最值 得注意的是,中国避免了生产大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性,生产的大
滑坡曾经是中、东欧以及前苏 联经济过渡时期的特点。
B. 最值得注意的是,中国避免了生产大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性, 而宏观经
C. 最值得 一提的是,中国避免了生产大滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性,生产的大
滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性 曾经是中、东欧以及前苏联经济过渡时期的特点。
D. 最值得注意的是,中国避免了生产大滑坡和 宏观经济的严重不稳定性,生产的大
滑坡和宏观经济的严重不稳定性曾经是中、东欧以及前苏联经济过渡 时期的特点。
9. Multinational bank’s services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign

exchange, issuing banker’s acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making
Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds.
A. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储
存、提供欧洲货币贷款以 及发行推销欧洲货币债券。
B. 跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、 接受欧洲货币
C. 跨国银行提供的服务 包括开立信用证、买卖外币、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲各国
D. 跨国银行提供的服务如下:开立信用证、买卖外币、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币
存储、提供欧洲货币贷 款以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。
10.Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think of refreshment,
think of ice-cold Coca-Cola.
A. 无论你是谁,无论你做什么,无论你在哪里,当你想要神清气爽,请喝冰镇的可
B. 无论你是谁,无论你做什么,无论你在哪里,想醒脑提神,别忘了冰镇可口可乐。
C. 无论何人,无论何事,无论何地,要提神醒脑,请喝冰镇可口可乐。
D. 无论谁在哪里做了什么事,想要提神醒脑,请喝冰镇可口可乐。
1. All the banking charges incurred in Licensee’s Bank shall be borne by Licensee while those
incurred outside Licensee’s Bank shall be borne by Licensor.
A. 所有在许可方银行发生的费用均由其承担,所由在许可方银行外发生的银行费用
B. 所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担,所有在被许可方银行外发生
的银行 费用由许可方承担。
C. 所有在许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担,所有在被许可方银行外 发生的
D. 所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担 ,所有在许可方银行外发生的
2. Shipping details, including whether transshipments are allowed. Also recorded should be
the latest date for shipment and the names of the ports of shipment and discharge.
A. 装船细节: 包括是否允许转运以及装船的最后日期和装船、卸货的港口名称。
B. 装船细节: 包括是否转运以及装船的最后日期和装船、 卸货的港口名称。
C. 装船细节: 包括是否允许转运以及装船的最后日期和装船、卸货方案。
D. 装船细节: 包括是否允许分船以及装船的最后日期和装船、卸货的港口名称。
3. The LC value may include port congestion surcharges, but they must be shown separately
on the invoice, and the documentary evidence must be issued by the shipping company.
A. 本信用证总金额含港口拥挤附加费,但该笔费用须在发票上单独注明,且书面证
B. 本信用证总金额包括港口拥挤附加费,但必须在发票上单独注明,书面凭证必须
C. 本信用证总金额含港口拥挤费,但该笔费用须在发票上单独注明,且书面证明须
D. 本信用证总金额含港口拥挤附加费,须在发票上单独注明,书面证明由运输公司
4. Advertisers must realize that people usually are motivated by the goal of satisfying some
combination of two or more needs, and the needs may be both conscious and unconscious.

A. 广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更多需要的综合目标才能促使人们购买 ,
B. 广告人必须明白,通常能够 满足两个或者更多需要的结合体才能促使人们购买,
而且这些需要既可能是有意识的,又可能是无意识的 。
C. 广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更多需要的联合才能促使人们购买,而
且 这些需要既可能是有意识的,又可能是无意识的。
D. 广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更 多需要的共同目标才能促使人们购买,
5. A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly
disposed against it, would need to convinced on a number of scores before he could
responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise.
A. 一 个对中国既无过度好感又无过度恶感的企业代表,在代表公司在华投资,与一定
中国企业形成平等股权关 系之前,必须考虑许多因素。
B. 一个对中国既无同情感又无过度丑感的企业代表, 在代表公司在华投资, 与一定
中国企业形成平等股权关系之前, 必须考虑许多因素。
C. 一个对中国既无过度感情又无过度感觉的企业代表, 在代表公司在华投资, 与一
定中国企业形成平等股权关系之前, 必须考虑许多因素。
D. 一个对中国既无过度谅解又无过度反对的企业代表, 在代表公司在华投资, 与一
定中国企业形成平等股权关系之前, 必须考虑许多因素。
6. Differences in language understanding between negotiating opposites raise some peril in
every international business transaction because each negotiating party prefers quite
naturally to use the language whose nuances he knows best.
A. 谈判双方在语言理解上的分歧会严重影响每一笔国际贸易的成交, 因为参加洽谈
B. 谈判双方在语言理解上的 分歧会严重影响每一笔国际贸易的成交,因为参加洽谈
C. 谈判双方在语言理解上的分歧会严重影响每一笔国际贸易的成交,因为参加洽谈
的任何 一方自然都愿意使用自己了如指掌的语言。
D. 谈判双方在语言理解上的分歧会严重影响每一笔国 际贸易的成交,因为参加洽谈
7. Because some hand gestures and body movements are acceptable in one culture yet deeply
offensive in another culture, they are rarely an appropriate communications aid in
international negotiations.
A. 由于有些手势与形体动作在一种文化习俗中可以接受,而在另一 种文化背景中却
段 。
B. 由于有些手势与形体动作在一种文化习俗中可以接受,而在另一种文化背景中却
让 人反感,因此这些手势与动作在国际谈判中就不适合作为思想交流的辅助手
C. 由于 有些手势与形体动作在一种文化习俗中可以接受,而在另一种文化背景中却
让人反感,因此这些手势与动 作在国际谈判中就不适合作为思想交流的另一种手
D. 由于有些手势与形体动作在一 种文化习俗中可以接受,而在另一种文化背景中却
让人反感,因此这些手势与动作在国际谈判中就不适合 作为思想交流的重要手
8. Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a

new economic factor, the foreign exchange rate, which gives the price of the foreigners unit
of money in terms of one’s own.
A. 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间对商品进行进口和出口会引出一个新的 经济因
B. 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间对商品进行进口和出口会介绍一个新的经济因
素,这就是外汇比率。外汇 比率是指以自己国家货币的形式标出外国货币的价格。
C. 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间对商品 进行进出口会引出一个新的经济因素,这
就是外汇比率。外汇比率是指以自己国家货币的价格来标记外国 货币的价格。
D. 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间对商品进行进口和出口会引出一个新的经济因< br>素,这就是外汇比率。外汇比率是指以自己国家货币的形式出卖外国货币的价格。
9. These days, the U.S. economy isn’t ‘graduating enough scientists to fill the need of the
coming decades,’ frets Charles C. Leighton, ‘That’s a real concern’.
A. 近来,美国经济“未毕业出足够的科学家来满足今后几十年发展的需要,”查尔斯
C. 顿抱怨说,“这才是真正需要关注的问题。”
B. 查尔斯C. 顿抱怨说,近来美国经济“未培养 出足够的科学家来满足今后几十年发
C. 近来,美国经济“未使足够的科学家毕业来满足今后几十年发展的需要,”查尔斯
C. 顿抱怨说,“这才是真正需要关注的问题。”
D. 近来,美国经济“未培养出足够的科学家来填补今后几十年发展的需要,”查尔斯
C. 顿抱怨说,“这才是真正需要关注的问题。”
10. Marketing involves product development, pricing, distribution, and communication; and in
the more progressive firms, continuous attention to the changing needs of customers and
the development of new products, with product modifications and services to meet these
A. 营销包括产品开发,定价,推销和产品 信息交流;在那些观念较新的企业里,营
销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化,不断开发新产品,并且不断 改进产品,改进
B. 营销包括产品开发,定价,推销和产品信 息交流;在那些观念发展的企业里,营
销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化,不断开发新产品,并且不断改 进产品,改进
C. 营销包括产品开发,定价,推销和产品信息 交流;在那些观念上进的企业里,营
销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化,不断开发新产品,并且不断改进 产品,改进
D. 营销包括产品开发,定价,推销和产品信息交 流;在那些观念较新的企业里,营
销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化,不断发展新产品,并且不断改进产 品,改进
1. This Convention does not prevail over any international agreement which has already been
or may be entered into and which contains provisions concerning the matters governed by
this Convention.
A. 本公约并不优先于业已缔结或可能缔结并载有与本公约范围内事项有关的条款的
B. 本公约并不优先于业已缔结或可能缔结并载有与本公约有关条款的任何国际协
C. 本公约并不优先于业已缔结或可能缔结并载有与属于本公约事项有关条款的任何

D. 本公约并不优先于业已缔结或可能缔结的与本公约有关条款的任何国际协定。
2. The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and
inspection were airmailed to you today.
A. 包括提单,发票,包装单和检验证书在内的装运单证副本今日航邮贵处。
B. 包括提单,发票,装箱单和检验证书在内的装运单证各一份今日航邮贵处。
C. 包括提单,发票,装箱单和检验证书在内的装运单证副本今日航邮贵处。
D. 包括提单,发票,装箱单和检查证明在内的装运单证副本今日航邮你处。
3. Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotation is
subject to change without previous notice.
A. 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知。
B. 兹告知贵方,由于外币的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知。
C. 兹告知贵方,外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知。
D. 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不通知贵方。
4. International business as a field of management training deals the special features of
business activities that cross national boundaries.
A. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务处理跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。
B. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务具有跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。
C. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务对付跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。
D. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务涉及跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。
5. I have pleasure in apprising you that, under the auspices of several highly respected and
influential houses here, I have commenced business as Shipping and Assurance Broker and
General Agent.
A. 我十分高兴地令您惊奇,在当地几家有名望,有影响力公司的支持下,我开设了
轮船与保险的经纪业以及 总代理店。
B. 我十分高兴地通知您,在当地几家有名望,有影响力公司的支持下,我开设了轮< br>船与保险的经纪业以及总代理店。
C. 我十分高兴地通知您,在当地几家受人尊敬,有影响 力公司的支持下,我开设了
D. 我十分高兴地通知您 ,在当地几家有名望,有影响力公寓的支持下,我开设了轮
6. Should for certain reasons the Buyers not be able to inform the Seller of the foregoing details
10 days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel
be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers
immediately and make necessary arrangement.
A. 由于某种原因,买方不能于装运轮抵达装运港十天前,将有关详情 通知卖方或装
B. 由于某种原因买方不能于装运轮到达装运港10天前将上面具体内容通知卖方获
装运轮 提前或推迟到达,买方或其运输代理人需立刻通知卖方并做出必要的安
C. 若买方由 于某种原因不能于装运轮到达装运港10天前将上述详细情况通知卖方,
或装运轮提前或推迟到达,买方 或其运输代理人须立刻通知卖方并做出必要的安
D. 若买方由于某种原因不能于装运 轮到达装运港10天前将有关内容通知卖方,或装
运轮提前或推迟到达,买方或其运输代理人需马上通知 卖方并做出必要的安排。
7. A firm’s involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the
way to considering exports as necessary for the firm’s survival and growth...

A. 公司在产品中融入程度不一,从最低程度的参与到将出口视为公司生存和发展必
B. 公司在产品中参加程度不一,从最低程度的参与到将出口视为公司生存和发展必
C. 公司在产品中卷入程度不一,从最低程度的参与到将出口视为公司生存和发展必
D. 公司在产品中参与情况程度不一,从最低程度的参与到将出口视为公司生存和发
展必要 条件的参与都会存在。
8. Often an individual must supply personal accounting information in order to buy a car or
home, to qualify for a college scholarship, to secure a credit card, or to obtain a bank loan.
Large corporations are accountable to their stockholders, to governmental agencies, and to
the public.
A. 一般来说,个人为了买 车、房和奖学金,信用卡或从银行贷款,都必须出具证明,
B. 通常,个人为了买车,买房,为了获得大学奖学金,申请信用卡或从银行贷款,都
必须出 具本人的财务资料,大公司有责任向其股东,政府机构和广大公众说明公司
C. 通常, 个人为房为车会向银行贷款,并提供财务资财,而公司出具财产说明给股东
D. 通常, 个人为了买车,买房,为了获得大学奖学金,申请信用卡或从银行贷款,
都必须 出具本人的财务资料,大公司有责任向股东,政府代表和广大公众说明公司
9. The underwriter realizes this and certainly does not set out to make life difficult for his
agency colleagues. However, he has a job to do .Part of that job is to ensure that people who
attempt to buy policies because they expect to ‘die’ soon do not succeed in fooling him and
his company.
A. 核保人认识到这一点,当然不会给他的代理同事出难题,但 是他又有工作要做,其
中部分工作是,确保那些因预期很快死亡而想方设法去购买保单的人其欺骗自己< br>和公司的企图不能得逞。
B. 写字人认识到这一点, 当然不会给他的代理同事出难题, 但是他又有工作要做, 其
中部分工作是, 确保那些因预期很快‘死亡’而想方设法去购买保单的人其欺骗自己
C. 核保人认识到这一点, 当然不会给他的代理同事出难题, 但是他又有工作要做, 其
中部分工作是, 确保那些因预期很快死亡而想方设法去购买保单的人其欺骗自己
D. 核保人认识到这一点, 当然不会给他的代理同事出难题, 但是他又有工作要做, 其
中部分工作是, 确保那些因预期很快消沉而想方设法去购买保单的人其欺骗自己
10. Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenient method of
insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the
insured has to supply an overseas importer, under an exclusive sales agreement or
maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.
A. 统保单对出口贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一 种便利的方法,特别适合
B. 流动性对出口贸易至 关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的方法,特别适合

于分不同的时间出口的一批 类似货物,如当被保险方根据独家代理协议书向国外
的进口方供货,或在国外委任了销售代表,设立分支 机构时用之。
C. 流动基金对出口贸易至关重要,它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的方法,特别适
合于分不同的时间出口的一批类似货物, 如, 当被保险方根据独家代理协议书向
国外的进口方供货, 或在国外委任了销售代表, 设立分支机构时用之。
D. 流动政策对出口贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的方法 ,特别适
合于分不同的时间出口的一批类似货物, 如, 当被保险方根据独家代理协议书向
国外的进口方供货, 或在国外委任了销售代表, 设立分支机构时用之。
1. Speculation that some major banks may find themselves with capital shortfalls and then
nationalized is driving investors to dump the banks’ shares.
A. 一些大的银行可能会产生资金短缺,而后又有被国有化并进行投机,这使得投资
B. 一些大的银行可能会产生资金短缺,而后又有被国有化的担心,这迫使投资者大
C. 一些主要银行可能会出现资金短缺,而后被国有化,这使得投资者大量抛售银行
D. 由于担心一些大银行可能会因为资金短缺而被国有化,投资者大量抛售银行股票。
2. It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system.
Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies.
A. 在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须
B. 不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。
C. 此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币
D. 在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银
行也就 无需维持本币价格了。
3. The packing method is normally chosen by the seller, but the packing shall be strong
enough to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation.
A. 包装方法按惯例是卖方选择的,不过包装务必坚固,以应付海运时的危险。
B. 至于包装方法,买方通常不做选择,但包装必须牢固,经受得起海运过程中的各
C. 按惯例,包装是由卖方来选择,但是包装必须牢固,经受得住海运过程中的种种
D. 关于包装方法,按惯例是卖方选择的,不过包装必须坚固得以应付海运时的危险。
4. This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree
to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms
and conditions stipulated below.
A. 本合同是在买方和卖方之间订立的,买方愿意买,卖方愿意卖,他们同意订立以
B. 这个合同是被买方和买方即它们之间订立的,买卖双方同意照下列条款订立合同
C. 本合同由买卖双方共同订立,并按照下列条款设定内容及买卖商品。
D. 本合同由买卖双方订立,因此买卖双方同意按照下面规定的条款购买以下商品。
5. Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would
certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.

A. 假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。
B. 若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。
C. 若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。
D. 假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。
6. Although efforts to rein in the money supply resumed in October, investment grew rapidly
as local governments, heedless of central efforts to tame the economy raced to boost local
growth rates.
A. 虽然对货币供应量的限制在十月重新启动,但地方政府不顾中央抑制经济过热的< br>努力,继续争着提高经济增长,使得投资急速增加。
B. 虽然限制货币供应量的努力在十月 重新启动,但地方政府不顾中央抑制经济过热
C. 尽管在十月份又恢复了对货币供应量严格控制的努力,但由于地方政府不顾中央
抑制经济 过快增长的努力,竞相提高当地的经济增长率,因此,投资急速地增加
D. 虽然十月份 重新开始对货币供应量进行限制,但投资急速增加,因为地方政府不
顾中央抑制经济过热的努力,继续争 着提高经济增长。
7. Such is the so-called “Business cycle” that has characterized the industrialized nations of
the world for the last two centuries---ever since an elaborate, interdependent money
economy began to replace the relatively self-sufficient precommercial society.
A. 这正是近两个世纪(即自从一种复杂的、相互依赖的货币经济开始取代相对 自足
B. 这正是近两 个世纪(即自从一种复杂的、相互依赖的货币经济开始取代相对自足
的前商业化社会)以来具有全世界工 业化国家特色的所谓的“经济周期”。
C. 这正是近两个世纪(即自从一种复杂的、相互依赖的货 币经济开始取代相对自足的
D. 这正是近两个世纪(即自从一种复杂的、相互依赖的货币经济开始取代相对自足
的前商 业化社会)以来全世界工业化国家所谓的“经济周期”。
8. Our unique concept was a response to buyer needs, bringing greater reliability,
higher-quality output, exceptional user-friendliness and operational ease.
A. 我们唯一的信念就是要满足购买者的需要,生产更可靠的,质量更高的产品,让使< br>用者感到格外好用和操作方便。
B. 我们唯一的信念就是要适应购买者的需要,生产更可靠的 ,质量更高的产品,让使
C. 我们唯一的信念就是要反映购 买者的需要,生产更可靠的,质量更高的产品,让使
D. 我 们唯一的信念就是要回复购买者的需要,生产更可靠的,质量更高的产品,让使
用者感到格外好用和操作 方便。
9. It was found that a country benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and
buying those goods that other countries can make at lower costs than by producing
everything it needs within its own border.
A. 人们发现,一个国家只生产成本耗费最低的产品,而从其他国家出售它们用较低成
本生产 的产品,这比在国内生产自家所需要的一切产品要划算得多。
B. 人们发现,一个国家只生产成本耗 费最低的产品,而从其他国家购买它们用较低成
本生产的产品,这比在国内生产自家所需要的一切产品要 划算得多。
C. 人们发现,一个国家只生产成本耗费较低的产品,而从其他国家购买它们用较低成< br>本生产的产品,这比在国内生产自家所需要的一切产品要划算得多。

D. 人们 发现。一个国家只生产成本耗费最低的产品,而从其他国家购买它们用最低成
本生产的产品,这比在国内 生产自家所需要的一切产品要划算的多。
10. As to direct and indirect exporting, which approach is best depends on such factors as the
company’s size ,its export volume, the number of foreign countries involved, the investment
required to support the operation, the profit potential, the risk present, and the desires of
overseas buyers.
A. 至于直接出口业务和间接出口业务,哪一种手段最好取决于许多因素,比如公司的
大小, 出口数量的多少,公司业务所牵涉国家的多少,出口所需投资的多少,可赚
利润的多少,存在风险的大小 ,以及海外买主的要求等等
B. 至于直接出口业务和间接出口业务,哪一种方式最好取决于许多因素 ,比如公司的
C. 至于直接出口业务和间接出口业务,哪 一种方式最好取决于许多因素,比如公司的
大小,出口数量的多少,所牵涉国家的多少,出口所需投资的 多少,可赚利润的多
D. 至于直接出口业 务和间接出口业务,哪一种方式最好取决于许多因素,比如公司的
大小,出口数量的多少,公司业务所涉 及国家的多少,出口所需投资的多少,可赚

Ⅱ. Phrase Translation from English to Chinese (20 points, 1 point for each)

11. Financial standing
12. Capital injection
13. Financial institutions
14. Serial number
15. Named vessel
16. Bill of Lading
17. Visible trade
18. Earning reports
19. Bad loans
20. Counter-trade
21. Royalty
22. Double dip
23. Income tax
24. Port of destination
25. Vested interests
26. Technology-intensive products
27. Capital resources
28. Barter trade
29. Assembling trade
30. Leasing trade
11. Money laundering
12. Public funds

13. Anti-money laundry
14. International hot money
15. Money claims
16. Inquiry sheet
17. Force majeure
18. Immovable assets
19. Current account
20. Overdue account
21. Running account
22. Account payable
23. Active stock
24. Underwriter
25. Capital stock authorized
26. Common stock
27. Preferential tax treatment
28. Share prices
29. Average real return
30. Home appliances
11. Accelerated depreciation
12. Reserve for depreciation
13. Bond transaction
14. Speculative transaction
15. Anti-dumping
16. Procurement cost
17. Subsidiary company
18. Foreign exchange fluctuations
19. Base salary
20. Capital goods
21. Pension
22. Employee pension funds
23. Quoted company
24. Mutual aid pension
25. Marketing
26. Customs duties
27. Stamp duties
28. Tax relief
29. Bear market
30. Sluggish performance
11. Financial recession
12. Merger and acquisition
13. Storage expense
14. Insurance premium
15. Loading port

16. Negotiating bank
17. Contracting party
18. Immunity
19. Documentary credit
20. Chartering agent
21. Loading capacity
22. Lay days
23. Trade surplus
24. Competitive advantage
25. Payroll
26. Infant industry
27. Portfolio investment
28. Capital flow
29. Interest margins
30. Joint ventures
11. Grace period
12. Accrued interest
13. Original voucher
14. Exclusive rights
15. Infringement
16. Deferred payment
17. Acceptance
18. Invoice value
19. Discount charge
20. Expiry date
21. Inspection certificate
22. Partial shipment
23. on board Ocean Bill of Lading
24. Blank endorsed
25. Packing list
26. Weight Memo
27. Certificate of Origin
28. Certificate of Quality
29. Bona-fide holder
30. Sight payment

Ⅲ. Translation Improvement from English to Chinese .For each English sentence, there is
one or more errors in the translation provided .Please write the whole of your
improved version in the space provided. (20 points, 2 points for each)

31. 原文:Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environmental friendly
technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition on its own.

< p>
竞争的 困难。
32. 原文:We regret the four of the items enquired for in you Fax are unfortunately not available
for export.
33. 原文:We are pleased to advice you that your order No.103 has been dispatched in
accordance with your instruction.
34. 原文:The success or failure of terrestrial digital broadcasting hinges on the prices of
television sets and the development of new services.
译文: 地球上数码电视广播的成败取决于电视机的销售价格和新型服务的开发。
35. 原文:When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by the
amount of the tariff.
36. 原文: For our study please send us two copies in English of the methods of analysis you
adopt in your lab of chemical fertilizes — like urea.
译文: 请将贵方尿素化肥实验室采用的检验方法的英文本寄两份给我们研究。
37. 原文:The corporate charter also authorizes the corporation to issue and sell shares of stock,
or ownership in the corporation, to enable the corporation to raise money.
译文: 公司营业执照授权公司发行和销售股票,认购公司的所有权为公司筹措资金。
38. 原文:Direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. This can amount
to a small percentage of the equity of the company being acquired, perhaps even as little as
10 percent.
译文:当投资受到控制时, 企业往往采用直接投资,但这种投资只占企业所获得资
39. 原文:If a firm anticipates the future imposition of quotas, its strategy will be to gain as
much market share as possible regardless of profitability.
译文:如果公司预计未来会对配额征税 ,该公司就会不考虑赢利性而实施尽可能拓宽
40. 原文:Under the existing law, properties that can be entrusted are limited to money,
securities, money claims, and movable and immovable assets.
31. 原文:Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and
after September 20.

32. 原文:It is obviously out of question to effect two shipments of crude oil by the end of
33. 原文:Future prospects are dim, and analysts are uncertain when the global IT-related
recession will bottom out.
34. 原文:Both heavy-duty trucks and platform trucks enquired for in your Fax under replay are
not available for supply.
35. 原文:The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases
without iron hoops.
36. 原文:To extend direct customer support, we launched the largest retraining and
redeployment program in our history.
译文:为了 扩大对顾客直接的支持,我们发射了历史上规模最大的重新培训计划和
37. 原文:Large corporations are accountable to their stockholders, to governmental agencies,
and to the public.
38. 原文:International trade transactions refer to the exportation of goods or services from one
country to another, which is the importing country.
译文: 国际贸易是指将商品或服务从一个国家出口到另一个国家,这另一个国家也就
39. 原文:Preferential tax treatment that the US government extends to corporations runs
counter to a WTO agreement that bans export subsidies.
译文:美国政府实行优惠税制的做法,传递给各企业,违反了W TO关于禁止出口子
40. 原文:It is regrettable that our business is still bad although we have marked down our price
31. 原文:The number of bank accounts that are closed compulsorily has been increasing

32. 原文:Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence.
33. 原文:Business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale,
through which profit or economic surplus will be created.
34. 原文:Plastics for industrial purposes are not valuable because they are colorful.
35. 原文:As we have always received your payment punctually, we are puzzled to have had
neither remittance nor report in connection with our current statement of June30.
译文: 在我方准时收到贵方的付款的 同时,我方既未收到汇款,也未收到任何关于6
36 原文: Marketing is a pervasive social activity that goes considerably beyond the selling of
toothpaste, soap, and steel.
37. 原文:Industries in which two leading companies compete head-to-head to the exclusion of
all others, such as in the US soft drinks industry, are relatively rare.
译文:两大龙头企业所在的产业进行短兵相接的竞争,将 其他所有企业排除在外,如
38. 原文:Regarding the purchase of leans, the operational plans said one requirement would be
to acknowledge the profitability and bright prospects of an enterprise in such fields as
technology, brands and manpower.
译文:就贷款 的购买而言,操作计划规定了一个要求,就是要认可一家企业在诸如技
术、商标和人力领域所具备的获利 能力和光明前景。
39. 原文:Multinational bank’s services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling
foreign exchange, issuing banker’s acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making
Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds.
译文:跨国 银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货
币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及 发行欧洲货币债券。
40. 原文:The organization- wide strategic planning process consists of (1) defining the
organization’s mission, (2) setting organizational objectives, (3) conducting an
organizational portfolio analysis, and (4) designing organizational strategic to achieve the
译文:企业战略计划过程包括(1)确定企业的任务,(2)确定企 业的目标,(3)进

31. 原文:There is no financial risk in selling to East European countries on credit.
32. 原文:Considering the friendly business relationship between our two banks, we decided not
charge you the overdue interests.
33. 原文: The computer makes possible a marvelous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down
the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence.
译文: 计算机使人类的能力产生巨大的飞跃;它削弱了人类从事实践工作甚至理论工
34. 原文:The integration of computer systems is indispensable in unifying documentation and
also for such task as the placing of orders with factories, product delivery and information
译文:电脑程序的统一在统一文件以及向 工厂下单、产品发货以及信息管理任务中是
35. 原文:Sino-British links have multiplied---political, commercial, educational, cultural,
defense, science and technology.
译文: 中英在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技的联系成倍地增加了。
36. 原文: Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause.
译文: 货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险所可能造成的损失。
37. 原文:The developed countries are rich in skilled work force and capital resources, so they
can concentrate on producing many technology-intensive products such as computers,
aircrafts, and so on.
译文: 发达国家熟练劳动力和资本方面非常富裕,所以能集中生产很多技术密集型的
38. 原文: To avert the danger of major defaults and to restore security to the economic systems,
Western bankers and governments will have to ensure that they are imposing reasonable
repayment terms on developing countries, terms that will not provoke revolution or chaos.
译文: 为了转移发生在重大的宣布无力偿还债务事件的 危险,并使经济体制恢复巩固,
西方各国金融机构和政府必须确保对各发展中国家强制实行公平合理的还 债条件,确
39. 原文:The EEC’s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a
week to the food bill of the average British family.

食品 开销上多支出13.5英镑。
40. 原文:Since silver and gold are inconvenient to carry and to assay for purity and for weight,
it became customary for each state to stamp out in coin form a specified number of ounces
of gold carrying the seal of the state to guarantee purity and weight.
译文:由于携带进金银以及给金银的纯度和重量进行鉴别都不方便,因此,以往通常< br>的做法是,每个国家把特定数量盎司的黄金冲压成金币,以此来保证纯度和重量。
31. 原文: Delivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order.
32. 原文:The installation should be commenced as soon as all the remaining problems have
been cleared up.
33. 原文:Concerns have been raised over the ability of Internet banking services to verify the
identity of new depositors or to guarantee the security of customer transactions.
译文:就网上银行服务是 否有能力证实新存款人的身份或者是否有能力确保客户交易
34. 原文:A plunging dollar could reignite inflations as imports grow more costly.
35. 原文:Not only a panic run on banks, but snowballing deposit cancellation could trigger an
ominous chain reaction leading to a financial crisis.
译文: 不仅仅是在各家银行所发生的恐慌性奔跑,还有那如滚雪球般的取消 存款,都
36. 原文: In the past few years companies from oil giant Shell to U.S. carmaker Ford have
found common ground with environmental groups.
译文:在过去几年中,从壳 牌石油巨头到美国制造商福特公司都和环境保护团体找到
37. 原文:Personal experience and expert advice include past performances, professional
education and training, and communication with policy makers, facility owners and users.
译文:个 人的经验和专家的建议包括过去业绩、职业教育和培训、与政策制定者的沟
通及各种设施的所有者和使用 者等。
38. 原文:To promote high-speed internet connection in rural areas, the Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications plans to allow local government to provide rural residents
with access to wireless broadband services.
译文:为了促销农村地区的高速网络连接设备,内务部计划允许地方政府为农村居 民

39. 原文:Over the period from 1978 to 1996, many of the distortions and rigidities of the
former central planning system were eliminated and market forces came to play an
increasingly important role in economic decision making.
译文:自1978到999 6年这段时间里,在中央计划经济体制下以往的那些歪曲和僵硬
有许多都被抛弃了,市场力量在经济决策 中起了越来越重要的作用。
40. 原文:The retailers perform many functions. First, he may provide a convenient location.
Also, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer aids in
promoting the product, often through displays and advertising.
译文:零售商还发挥许多功 能。其一,他可提供便利的场地;其二,零售商对他所售
出的商品提供担保和服务;其三,零售商帮助促 销产品,经常进行商品展示活动和发
Ⅳ. Business Letter Translation from English to Chinese (20 points)

We are in receipt of your telegram of May 6, from which we understand that you have
booked our order for 2000 dozens of shirts.
In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of
Credit No. 7634, amounting to $$17 000, has been opened this morning through the Commercial
Bank, Tokyo. Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with
the least possible delay. We are informed that S.S. “Wuxi” is scheduled to sail from your city to
our port on May 28. We wish that the shipment will be carried by that steamer.
Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we can assure you that repeat
orders in increased quantities will be placed.
Your close cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated. In the meantime we look
forward to your ship advice.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sirs,
Referring to our previous letters and cables, we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to
the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned
As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the
machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for an early delivery.
Under the circumstances, it is obviously impossible for us to extend LC No. 6735 again, which
expires on 20
December, and we feel it our duty to remind you of this matter again.
Yours truly,

More people are now saving their time and efforts by preparing meals the modern way ——
the microwave cooking way.
No longer do you need to wait hours for food to be prepared. Microwave cooking is quick, clean
and inexpensive. What you need to do is just to press the switch, and then this new cooker will
permit you to serve mouth-watering meals in no time at all.
Read the enclosed brochure and learn why more and more people are rushing for microwave
ovens. During the month of July we are ready to offer you Golden Star microwave ovens at a
10% saving on the regular price.
Take a moment to fill in the enclosed order form and we are sure to deliver the goods you need
We hope to do business with you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sirs,
We have carefully studied your letter of Dec. 14. As our two firms have done business with each
other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our
underwear. But there are difficulties. Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three
months and to reduce prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably
lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 5%
reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines. On orders of this size we
could manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.
We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from
you as in the past.
Yours truly,
Dear Sirs,
On 1
March this year we wrote to you drawing your attention to what appeared to be an unpaid
account amounting to $$9000.00 for electronic equipment supplied to you between 10

December last year and 20
January this year. Statements of account had previously been sent to
you on 28
December last year and 28
January this year, but we have not heard from your
reply. I now enclose a further copy of your statement for your easy reference.
We are surprised not to have heard any reply from you on this matter, but if you wish to query
any details in the statement, we will be happy to discuss these with you. However, if the
statement is in order, we will expect to receive your check in full settlement without further
Yours faithfully,

Ⅴ. Contract translation from English to Chinese (20 points)

42. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor is liable to do such work at
his own cost under the Contract, all the costs in question consequent thereon or incidental

thereto shall, after due consultation with the Employer and the Contractor, be determined by the
Engineer, and shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer, and may be deducted
by the Employer from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor.
43. The manufacturers shall, before delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of
the goods concerning their quality, specifications, performance and quantity and issue
certificates certifying that the goods are in conformity with the stipulations of this contract. The
certificates shall form an integral part of the documents to be presented to the Paying Bank for
negotiationcollection of payment, but shall no be considered as final documents in respect of
quality, specifications, performance and quantity.

42. Arbitration
Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly
negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China
International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shenzhen Commission,
for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The
arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
43. If any enterprise with foreign investment goes into liquidation, and if the balance of its net
assets or the balance of its remaining property after deduction of the enterprise’s undistributed
profit, various funds and liquidation expenses, exceeds the enterprise’s paid-in capital, the
excess portion shall be liquidation income on which income tax shall, in accordance with the
provisions of this Law, be paid.

42. In the case of a contract which, according to the laws or administrative regulations of the
Peoples’ Republic of China, is to be formed with the approval of the state, the assignment of the
contractual rights and obligations shall be subject to the approval of the authority which
approved the contract, unless otherwise stipulated in the approved contract.
43. Any and all claims, disputes or controversies arising under or in connection with this
Agreement shall be brought solely and exclusively in the courts located in Santa Clara,
California, which shall constitute the sole, exclusive and final forum for any resolution of any
disputes between the parties.

42. If the purchaser receives a claim from any third party for the infringement, the purchaser
shall notify the seller promptly in writing of the claim and give the seller information, assistance
and the authority to evaluate, defend and settle such a claim.
43. When, at the end of the year, the final settlement is made, no re- computation and
re-conversion shall be made in respect of income in foreign currencies for which tax has already
been paid on a quarterly basis. Provided that if the portion of the foreign currency income of the
entire year has not been taxed, the taxable income in question shall be computed and converted
into RMB at the exchange rate quotation on the last day of the tax year.

42. If under the contract the buyer is to specify the form, measurement or other features of the
goods and he fails to make such specification either on the date agreed upon or within a

reasonable time after receipt of a request from the seller, the seller may, without prejudice to any
other rights he may have, make the specification himself in accordance with the requirements of
the buyer that my be known to him.
43. Where by virtue of this Article, the Subcontractor is required to effect and maintain
insurances and or to allow the Contractor to take out insurances in the Subcontractor’s name,
then at any time until such obligation has been fully performed, the Subcontractor shall produce
to the Contractor’s satisfactory evidences thereof in the form required by the Contractor (such as
copy of cover notes), including evidences that payment of the corresponding premiums have
been made, and in the event of his failing to do so, the Contractor may himself effect such
insurance and recover the cost of so doing from the Subcontractor.









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