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2020-10-23 22:18



1 .元音
1) [i:] 发音字母: ee ea e ie ei
①字母组合ee发i:音,如:feed see fourteen thirteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen knee sheep meet three tree green
②字母组合ea发i:音,如:easy sea peach speak clean eat cheap
east leave leaf leaves team season tea teacher please
③字母e发i:音,如:people me she he fever email Chinese
④字母组合ie发i:音,如:piece field
2)[i] 发音字母 i y e
①字母i发i音,如:chip instead winner ill biscuit fix animal visit
bit river fifteen still American America finish dirty invent important
printing print practise win finger difficult expensive village in into
stick fantastic ring capital Australia lift invitation his thirty-six inside
miss nothing office sandwich delicious amazing click scissors
history ticket building sit picture it is big build
②字母y发i音,如:easy lovely naughty worry twenty fifty thirty
forty sixty seventy eighty ninety dirty bicycle angry only thirsty any
anything every everywhere everyone country heavy carry busy
history many happy dictionary
③字母e发i音,如:elephant glasses perfect report because reply

delicious return decide before planet
3) [ ae ] 发音字母 a 字母a发ae 音,
如:hamburger dragon man taxi Saturday apple grandparent bad had
have angry ran practise happy happen matter clap fantastic planet at
capital Canada map language back granddad sandwich carry hand
bag and bad black hat can
4) [e] 发音字母:ea e a
①字母组合ea发e音,如:instead head headache heavy bread
②字母e发e音,如:get wet careful pet test clever elephant help
helpful twenty them then yes yesterday second vegetable Wednesday
seven seventeen seventy tell American invent went fell medicine
every everyone end when message special west send restaurant sell
well men question sell lesson bed desk yes watermelon
③字母a发e音,如:careful air airport any anything parent
grandparent many
5) [ε:] 发音字母:ir ur ear or er
①字母组合ir发ε:音,如:bird girl thirteen thirty first dirty thirsty
sir skirt circle
②字母组合ur发ε:音,如:hamburger Thursday hurt return turn
③字母组合ear发ε:音,如:learn earth heard wear

④字母组合or发ε:音,如:work worker word world
⑤字母组合er发ε:音,如:perfect nervous hers her serve
6) [ε] 发音字母:er or ou ar o a e u
①字母组合er发ε音,如:hamburger winner computer clever
driver river tiger write yesterday after paper monster water
watermelon finger matter fever concert father mother sister
brother worker teacher writer player shoulder another theater
③字母组合ou发ε音,如:nervous delicious
⑤字母o发ε音,如:London phone second tomorrow potato
history together today
⑥字母a发ε音,如:woman policeman vegetable American
away machine Canada Australia chocolate amazing elephant
⑦字母e发ε音,如:quiet grandparent parent different
hundred happen silence broken listen
⑧字母组合ur发ε音,如:Saturday surprise
⑨字母i发ε音,如:beautiful April
7) [a:] 发音字母:ar a ear
①字母组合ar发a:音,如:hard far card postcard car farm garden

②字母a发a:音,如:fast last after dancing glasses glass grass laugh
banana class plant aunt
8) [∧] 发音字母:u o ou oo
①字母u发∧音,如:jump puzzle but plus fun hundred cup cut
duck sun much study up lunch bus
②字母o发∧音,如:love lovely worry London Monday won one
everyone nothing another come mother dose brother
③字母组合ou 发∧音,如:young country cousin
④字母组合oo发∧音,如:blood flood
9)[ ]发音字母:al or au our ar aw oar oor ou a
①字母组合al发 音,如:all also small wall talk tall hall ball
call walk always
②字母组合or发 音,如:fork shorts horse more forty wore
bored before for report sport north short airport
③字母组合au发 音,如:caught
④字母组合oar发 音,如:board roar
⑤字母组合ar发 音,如:warm law
⑥字母组合aw发 音,如:saw
⑦字母组合our发 音,如:four fourteen yours course
⑧字母组合oor发 音,如: door floor
⑨字母组合ou发 音,如:bought thought

⑩字母a发 音,如:water watermelon
10)[ ] 发音字母 o a
①字母o发 音,如:chopsticks shop cough from clock
tomorrow monster cost concert office borrow chocolate solve of hot
lost lot fox fox not
②字母a发 音,如:wash watch Australia because sausage
11)[u:] 发音字母:oo o u ou ew ui
①字母组合oo发u:音,如:soon food tooth toothbrush toothache
choose too moon room zoo ②字母o发u:音,如:who whose to
into do two
③字母u发u:音,如:rule flute true blue full
⑥字母组合ui发u:音,如:fruit juice
12)[u] 发音字母:oo oul u o
①字母组合oo发u音,如:look took good book foot
②字母组合oul发u音,如:should would could
③字母u发u音,如:put full pull
④字母o发u音,如:women wolf
13)[ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey ei
①字母a发ei音,如:make cake game race take April paper ate
skate made came potato space safe amazing name cake late skate

②字母组合ay发ei音,如:way always may maybe say day
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday play
playground player
③字母组合ea发ei音,如:break great
④字母组合ai发ei音,如:wait email rain paint
⑥字母组合ei发ei音,如:eight eighteen eighty
14)[ai] 发音字母 i y
①字母i发ai音,如:knife idea like Friday nice quiet wade high
tiger writer nine nineteen ninety quite find bike bicycle climb
ice-skating ride silence lie China Chinese surprise night time
sometime mine fire line kind fine die hi high night
②字母y发ai音,如:shy try why cry reply my eye fly ei发ei
音,如:eight eighteen eighty
15)[au] 发音字母:ou ow
①字母组合ou发au音,如:mouse loud round mountain thousand
proud south house out
②字母组合ow发au音,如:now brown flower down how town
16) [ ] 发音字母 o ow oa ou
①字母o发 音,如:no cold stone old phone also go over gold
only both potato drove broken hope home

②字母组合ow发 音,如:row know show
③字母组合oa发 音,如:boat coat
④字母组合ou发 音,如:shoulder
17) [ ] 发音字母:oy oi
①字母组合oy发 音,如:boy toy joy
②字母组合oi发 音,如:point voice coin choice
18)[ ] 发音字母:eer ear ere ea ie
①字母组合eer发 音,如:beer deer
②字母组合ear发 音,如:dear year hear near ear
③字母组合ere发 音,如:here
④字母组合ea发 音,如:idea
⑤字母组合ie发 音,如:fierce
19) [ ] 发音字母:ear air ere are
①字母组合ear发 音,如:pear bear wear
②字母组合air发 音,如:air airport chair pair repair
③字母组合ere发 音,如:there where
④字母组合are发 音,如:careful share
20) [ ] 发音字母:our oor ure
①字母组合our发 音,如:tour tourist
②字母组合oor发 音,如:poor
③字母组合ure发 音,如:sure cure

1) [p] 字母p或者字母组合pp发p
①字母p发p音,如:chopsticks people chips jump shop computer
pet airport plus phone policeman pear peach parent grandparent
April paper print printing cup practise potato perfect cheap upon
sheep clap proud surprise special report space planet capital map
postcard playground reply point player place hope piece paper pen
②字母组合pp发p音,如:happy happen
2) [b] 字母b或者字母组合bb发b
①字母b发b音,如:hamburger boat biscuit but bit beautiful
vegetable bike bicycle bought climb break difficult bored before
banana because back both blind borrow broken brown build building
busy book big
3) [t] 字母t或者字母组合tt发t ①字母t发t音,如:
chopsticks fast instead naughty boat late get wet shorts biscuit
computer pet stomach test elephant sport visit taxi airport Saturday
but bit quiet quite twenty tiger writer fruit fourteen thirteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen at parent grandparent beautiful
yesterday first vegetable last tomorrow take after Tuesday fifty forty
thirty sixty seventy eighty ninety tell still dirty invent important print

printing went great ate bought ice-skating hurt learn skate took take
monster last practice water watermelon cut matter tooth toothbrush
toothache potato wait difficult perfect cost shout to too two into
concert report stick fantastic meet planet night east west capital
postcard restaurant lift time sometimes invitation skirt point team
study flute return sent get chocolate thought theater history ticket
②字母组合tt发t音,如:pretty little kitty
4) [d] 字母d或者字母组合dd发d
①字母d发d音,如:hard food idea instead feed head headache day
Monday cold loud wide old round hard good grandparent yesterday
second find difficult different dancing dirty had gold made said ride
medicine duck thousand bored field end proud Canada send postcard
granddad playground blind inside bored kind sandwich delicious
shoulder hand build building
5) [k] 发音字母:k c x ch ck
①字母k发k音,如:fork make cake lake work worker speak milk
take ice-skating skate took break look skirt kind broken thank think
②字母c发k音,如:can biscuit careful clever cold cough clock
second America clean bicycle climb cut difficult perfect cost concert
clap class fantastic country cousin capital Canada because card
postcard chocolate circle

③字母x发k音,如:fix fox box
⑤字母组合ck发k音,如:chopsticks clock duck stick back
6) [g] 字母g或者字母组合gg发g
①字母g发g音,如:hamburger dragon get game tiger orange good
grandparent granddad go gold angry finger glass glasses grass
language playground get girl give
②字母组合gg发g音,如:egg piggy
7) [m] 字母m或者字母组合mm发m
①字母m发m音,如:hamburger make jump game computer
mouse animal man woman more from may maybe policeman them
milk Monday American important climb mountain made monster
came matter machine time sometimes message meet moon map
much many my mine team miss mom morning come email amazing
men women room
②字母组合mm发m音,如:summer mummy
8) [n] 发音字母:n nn kn gn
①字母n发n音,如:instead naughty dragon can win winner stone
animal elephant man woman train nice twenty London no now new
round policeman orange fifteen grandparent then fun second find
Monday nine ninety hundred soon dancing American clean finish
learn invent national important print went mountain only monster

ran run won happen watermelon medicine machine any anything
silence expensive thousand everyone concert Chinese nervous when
fantastic sun banana country Canada north send restaurant
playground night invitation mine point blind inside line nothing kind
parent return sandwich fine sent season broken brown hand another
on men women
②字母组合nn发n音,如:sunny banner ③字母组合kn发n
音,如;knee knife ④字母组合gn发n音,如:gnaw
9) [ ] 发音字母:n ng
①字母n发 音,如:angry finger English think thank uncle
②字母ng发 音,如:young ice-skating anything something ring
language nothing amazing building dancing printing sing morning
10) [ l ] 字母l或者字母组合ll发 l
①字母l发 l 音,如:people lovely lake careful puzzle clever
animal elephant long always loud plus helpful old London clock lot
lots policeman apple floor last April clean learn bicycle climb gold
only last watermelon glass glasses class silence difficult wolf look
village field laugh lie clap special planet capital Australia language
leave leaves play playground life lift reply laugh blind special line
should rule flute player email delicious chocolate shoulder place
circle build building click long world lie
②字母组合ll发 l 音,如:ill all tell still wall fall fell sell well ball

11) [ r ] 发音字母:r rr wr
①字母r发 r 音,如:row Friday race from river fruit orange
grandparent granddad tomorrow April American print printing great
angry cry ran run ride grass everyone surprise report restaurant reply
return break broken brown toothbrush read red
②字母组合发 r 音,如:worry carry
③字母组合wr发 r 音,如:write writer
12) [ f ] 发音字母:f ff gh ph
①字母f发 f 音,如:knife fork fast food feed far fix from future
fruit four fourteen forty fifteen fifty floor find fun first after fall fell
finger fever perfect wolf after field before fantastic safe fire fine five
fly life
②字母组合ff发 f 音,如:different off difficult
③字母组合gh发 f 音,如:laugh
④字母组合ph发 f 音,如:elephant phone photo
13) [ v ] 字母v或者字母组合vv发 v
①字母v发v音,如:love lovely visit river seven seventeen seventy
very vegetable invent fever village everyone nervous leaves heavy
invitation drove solve evening over
14) [s] 发音字母:s ss c ce se
①字母s发s音,如:chopsticks chips instead shorts see saw biscuit

stomach stone sea Saturday plus six seven speak say fast second first
last soon still also yesterday ice-skating skate said monster thirsty sir
silence expensive cost nervous surprise special stick fantastic space
sun east west south Australia send restaurant sell sometimes inside
safe study sausage sandwich delicious sent season solve scissors
history question sit student caps
②字母组合ss发s音,如:glass glasses class grass message miss
③字母c发s音,如:dancing bicycle medicine concert CD exercise
④字母组合ce发s音,如:race nice ice-skating silence space office
place piece juice
⑤字母组合se发s音,如:mouse horse practise exercise course
15) [z] 发音字母:z se s zz
①字母z发z音,如:amazing zoo zero
②字母组合se发z音,如:use glasses choose Chinese surprise
because leaves whose those nose ③字母s发z音,如:easy visit
always Wednesday Thursday thousand cousin sometimes yours hers
his season busy scissors bags caps dogs
④字母组合zz发z音,如:puzzle buzz
16) [ ] 字母组合th发 音,
如:them then another
17)[ ] 字母组合th发 音,

如:thirty thirsty thirteen Thursday tooth toothbrush toothache
anything thousand north south both nothing thought theatre this that
these those think three thank mouth
[∫] 发音字母:sh tion s ch c
①字母组合sh发∫音,如:short shop shy finish wash shout show
sheep should shoulder toothbrush ship she
②字母组合tion发∫音,如:invitation national
⑤字母c发∫音,如:special delicious
19)[ ] 字母组合ur发 音,如: pleasure
20) [h] 发音字母:h wh
①字母h发h音,如:如:hard hamburger head headache horse
helpful high hurt happen heavy hear hand hope history hot home
house how
②字母组合wh发h音,如:who whose
21) [w] 发音字母:w wh
①字母w发w音,如:wet win winner worry twenty wide work
Wednesday wash wall went away won well water watermelon wait
wolf west watch we
②字母组合wh发w音,如:why when what where
22) [j] 字母y发j音,如:young yesterday year you

yours yellow
23) [t∫] 发音字母:ch tch
①字母组合ch发 t∫音,如:chopsticks chips peach cheap China
Chinese much chocolate lunch teach teacher
②字母组合tch发 t∫音,如:watch catch match
24) [ ] 发音字母:ge j g ch
①字母组合ge发 音,如:orange vegetable village age
message language sausage
②字母j发 音,如:jump joy July June
③字母g发 音,如:gym
④字母组合ch发 音,如:sandwich
25) [tr] 字母组合tr发tr音,如:try train tree Australia
26) [dr] 字母组合dr发dr音,如:dragon hundred
dream drink
27) [ts] 字母组合ts发ts音,如:shorts students boats
28) [dz] 字母组合ds发ds音,如:goods woods









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