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2020-10-24 04:04





good morningafternoon. it is reall m honor to have this
opportunit for a intervie. i hope i an make a good performane
toda.m name is xx. i am 20 ears old,born in a little village
in southern zhejiang. m parents are farmers,and i am the onl
hild. though not ell-to-do,the famil alas be hopeful. m
major is engineering tehnolog. i ill graduate in jul,201X. i
have some hobbies like listening to musi,simming,and
espeiall seeing estern movies. in the passed to ears,i have
learned some pratial skills and gained some major ertifiates.
i paid more attention to learn engling,and i have passed et4
in m efforts. i am looking forard to being a member of our
pan . thankou!
hello, everone, please allo me to introdue mself ith a
minute let ou kno me, kno me and aept me. i e from shandong,
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xxx, 20-ear-old, m hometon qilu earth gave me a
straightforard harater, and et stead, and later the it of
nanjing travel long distanes to shool.
as one saing goes: ten ears out of sharpening sharp,
sord-jun to knoledge onl pending. zaikuzailei, i am illing to
tr, eat life of hardship, fang ei ren exalted , in later
shool life, i ill definitel be one to make their on efforts,
but had a substantial signifiane of post-seondar life.
student life in the future please give more onern, a simple
self-introdution is pleted, thank ou!
【大学新生英语自我介绍范本】延伸阅读 大学生英语自我介绍的
1、good morningafternoonevening, m name is . it is reall
a great honor to have this opportunithane to introdue mself.
i ould like to anser hatever ou ma raise, and i hope i an
make a good performane toda.
上午好下午好晚上好!我的名字叫 。今天有机会进行自我介绍深
感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提 出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现
2、i am -ears old, born in provinebeijing,
northeastsoutheastsouthest of hina, and i am urrentl a
freshmanstudent at apital institute of phsial eduation.
我今年 岁,出生在 省北京,它位于中国的东北东南西南 等部。
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3、 m major is sports training of
ba sketballvoellballfootballbadmintonpingbangtennis < br>我主修篮球排球足球羽毛球乒乓球网球田径游泳跆拳道等运动训
练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获 得学士学位。
4、in the past 123 ears, i spend most of m time on stud.
i have passed et346 and i have aquired basi knoledge of
sports training both in theor and in pratie.
在过去的123年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上 。我已经通过了
的基础 知识有了一个大致的了解。
5、besides, i have attended several sports meetings held
in beijing. i am also the volunteers of hina tennis open,
hinese badminton masters . through these i have a deepl
understanding of m major sports training.
球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛 的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有
6、 i have lots of interest, suh as singing, daning,
draing and so on.
good morning. i am glad to be here for this intervie.
first let me introdue mself. m name is ***, 2
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4. i e from ******, the apital of *******provine. i
graduated from the ******* department of *****universit in
jul, 201X. in the past to ears i have been preparing for the
postgraduate examination hile i have been teahing *****in no.
****middle shool and i as a head-teaher of a lass in junior
grade to. no all m hard ork has got a result sine i have a
hane to be intervieed b ou。
i am open- minded, quik in thought and ver fond of histor.
in m spare time, i have broad interests like man other
oungers.i like reading books, espeiall those about *******.
frequentl i exhange ith other people b making ments in the
forum on line. in addition, during m ollege ears, i as one a
net-bar tehniian. so, i have a parative good mand of netork
appliation. i am able to operate the puter ell. i am skillful
in searhing for information on internet. i am a football fan
for ears. italian team is m favorite. ana, i feel great pit
for our ountr's team。
i alas believe that one ill easil lag behind unless he
keeps on learning. of ourse, if i am given a hane to stud
****** in this famous universit, i ill spare no effort to
master a good mand of advane ******。
good morning, m dear teahers, m dear professors. i am ver
glad to be here for our intervie. m name is song onghao, i am
22 ears old. i e from luoang, a ver beautiful anient it. m
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undergraduate period ill be aplished in hang''an universit in
jul, 201X; and no, i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to
tongji universit。
generall speaking, i am a hard orking student espeiall do
the thing i am interested in. i ill tr m best to finish it no
matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i found eb
design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard. to eaver a
home for mself, i staed ith m personal puter for half a month,
and i am the first one in m lass ho on his home. furthermore,
i am a person ith great perseverane. during the das preparing
for the first examination, i insist on running ever da, no
matter hat the eather as like. and just oning to this, i ould
onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end。
ell, in m spare time, i like basketball, tennis and
hinese hess. also english is m favorite. i often go to
english orner to pratise m oral english on ever thursda, and
rite positions to improve m ritten abilit. but i kno m
english is not good enough, i ill ontinue studing。
ok, that is all, thank ou for our attention。
there are several reasons。
i have been deepl impressed b the XXdemi atmosphere hen i
ame here last summer. in
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m opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our ountr,
it provides people ith enough room to get further enrihment.
this is the first reason。
the seond one is i am long for doing researh in
******throughout m life. it''s a pleasure to be ith m
favorite ******for lifetime. i suppose this is the most
important fator in m deision。
thirdl, i learnt a lot from m *****job during the past to
ears. hoever, i think further stud is still urgent for me to
realize self-value. life is preious. it is neessar to seize
an hane for self-development, espeiall in this petitive
modern orld。
in a ord, i am looking forard to making a solid
foundation for future profession after to ears stud here。
first of all, i love m major. hinese literature is the
smbol of the start of hinese literar modernization. it plas
an important part in modernization of our itizens'' thoughts.
hat''s more, modern literature is ver lose to our dail life
and it an deepl reflet the s and features of our soiet. i am
fasinated b the great masters refreshing or arm or profound s
as ell. but i am not easil satisfied ith suh superfiial
knoledge. i hope i ould have a better understanding in modern
literature b studing further. this is a ver important reason
for me to take the postgraduate exams。
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next, i love the feeling in the universit. it is full of
outhful spirit. and i am deepl attrated b the sholarl
atmosphere. and the most important, it''s m great honor to
open m ears to our teahing。
finall, i ant to talk about a ver pratial problem. that
is m dream of being a teaher in the universit. i ant to
realize m dream and make mself to be a ell- qualified person.
i think the postgraduate studies an enrih m knoledge and make
me petent in m future job。
that''s m simple and lear reasons h i took the
postgraduate exams。
m hometon------luoang-- idel onsidered one of the hina’s
best engineering shools. during the folloing undergraduate
stud, m XXdemi reords kept distinguished among the hole
department. i as granted first lass prize ever semester,in99,
i got the privilege to enter the graduate programaived of the
admission test.
at the period of m graduate stud, m overall gparanked top
5% in the department. in the seond semester, i beame teaher
assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl.
this ear, i on the aer sholarship
as the one and onl andidate in m department, hih is the
ultimate aolade for distinguished students endoed b m
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universit. presentl, i am preparing m graduation thesis
and tring for the honor of exellent graduation thesis.
researh experiene and XXdemi ativit hen a sophomore, i
joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast
and began to narro don m interest for m future researh.
ith the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a
simulation program for transportation sheduling sstem. it is
no idel used b different researh groups in nust. i assumed
and fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for nanjing
seage treatment plant. this as m first pratie to onvert a
laborator idea to a merial produt.
in retrospet, i find mself standing on a solid basis in
both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the ph.d.
program. m future researh interests inlude: netork sheduling
problem, heuristi algorithm researh ill get more experiene in
pratie. and hat‘s more, i expet to ontinue m stud for
dotorate degree, if it is possible. in a ord, i am looking
forard to making up a solid foundation for future profession
hih is based on three ears of stud here.
do ou have an hobbies?
in m spare time, i like reading books, olleting ards
and oins, plaing volleball, muniating ith friends, and so
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i also like english ver muh, i am fond of athing english
films and listening to english songs, i passed ollege
english test band six in september, 201X, i do believe
there is still a long a for me to learn english ell enough,
hoever i ill not shrink bak, beause i realize that english
is a bridge onneted our ountr ith the outside orld. learning
english is the most diret and available method for interourse
among ountries and also useful for us to get advaned knoledge
and tehnolog from other nations.
i believe it's orthhile. i believe orking hard ill finall
be repaied .thank ou !
good morninggood afternoon, m respetable teahers and
professors. toda i feel ver honoured to be here to take the
fisrt of all , please allo me to introdue mself.
m name is ———— i’m 22 ears old and i e from the
beautiful it——_ hih is famse for its _----in ___ provine .
in jul 201X ,i ill be graduated from____universit . during m
undergraduate period, i majored in psholog .
generall speaking , i’m an optimisti、open- minded、
ambitious and determinded girl . in the sense of mine ,the
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most important thing in a person’s life is that he must have
a dream or an objet ,then make it true. this is meaningful. m
father one told me “the man ho holds firml his dream and
keeps kind and tolerant ill finall sueed.” and i kept it in
mind and do m best to fulfil m dream .
four ears universit eduation made me independent .it
gives me lots of things to learn and lots of hanes to tr and
lots of praties to improve m self . during the past four
ears ,i have built up a solid foundation of professinal
knoledge as ell as rih experienes of soial atives.
besides hat i have introdued mself above .i also have man
interests in m spare time. i like sports, espeiall ball
sports. basketball is m favorite sports. on one hand it an
improve m bod health, on the other hand, it makes me reognize
the importane of team ork. i’m a basketball fam .i like ath
the nba mathes, beause it tells me that never give up until
the last seond , then amazing ill happen to ou.
ritht no, i think that i’m oung and i need to learn more
to improve mself .hoever, after four ears learning of psholog,
m professional knoledge is still superfiial at present . i
ant to have a better sight into this disipline, to broad m
vie in psholog and enhane m researh abilit .so i hope i ould
get the opportunit to finish m postgraduate ourse in
zhengzhou universit hih i have desired for a long time. i
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have a dream that i an aquire knoledge in this ell-knon
universit .i have a dream that i an addit mself to m beloved
psholog here ,and i ill do m best to fulfill this dream!
ok, that’s all ,thanks for our attention.



m name is xxxx is m english name,hih is also the name of
m idol.i’m a remended student from fls,in hih i have studied
for six the time i staed there,i’ve learned a
lot from the teahers ho i must thank r shool in
m life is m famil.1990 itnessed me born in a happ famil.i as
treated as the apple of m famil members’ ees sine
eness,perseverane,onsientiouness,the urge for
improvement are the haraters m famil gives ,but for
their support,i ould not be this thanks to m
famil.i love them all.i’m an
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optimisti,energeti,outg oing,ative,humorous girl ith an amount
of hobbies,suh as listening to musi and riting m
deserves to be introdued is m blog on sina,hih takes me a lot
of ’s ithout muh gaud deorations,but man artiles hih
are reall orth ebsite address is
prensene and guidane are requested.
unlike man other girls,i’m quite good at
tennis and et. are m spite of m height,i have a
good jumping to this,i’m the aptain of the female
basketball team and the prinipal member of the female
volleball team in our addition,i’m fond of plaing
hess.i’ve got a silver medal hen i as a more,i’m
a ver versatile and larinet are m all
get the ninth s,i’m a good organizer and leader
in the shool ativities.i organized man english speeh
ontest,also took a part in it and ranked among the
ll,i direted an english pla alled“the sound of
musi”,hih is a gorgeous suess,so that ever audiene spoke
highl of it.i’m ver proud of that.
to onlude,i’m sure i on’t let ou don.i hope that ou an
give me a hane to stud in xiamen universit,hih is the shrine
in m mind, and i’ll
give ou muh glor in return.
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that’s ou for our attention.
good morningafternoon. it is reall m honor to have this
opportunit for a intervie. i hope i an make a good performane
toda.m name is xx. i am 20 ears old,born in a little village
in southern zhejiang. m parents are farmers,and i am the onl
hild. though not ell-to-do,the famil alas be hopeful. m
major is engineering tehnolog. i ill graduate in jul,201X. i
have some hobbies like listening to musi,simming,and
espeiall seeing estern movies. in the passed to ears,i have
learned some pratial skills and gained some major ertifiates.
i paid more attention to learn engling,and i have passed et4
in m efforts. i am looking forard to being a member of our
pan . thankou!
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是一千七百多位 校友的校园生活。我,正是为丰富我们的校园生活而
我凭的就是我可以用我的全 部能力,用各位给我的全力支持,用
与要求,组织开展一系列富有年青一代个性与特色的文体活动。 有人
你的目标是什么? 我可以用五个字回答:
你们的认可 不惜付出,去赢得你们的认可;无论多么困难,无论
付出多少努力和汗水,也要赢得你们的认可! < br>我没有拖沓繁复的规划,我的所有计划都会从实际着手。我承诺
得不多,但是我所说的一切,我都 会尽力去做。我可以许诺:
general introdution
i am a third ear master major in automation at shanghai
jiao tong universit, p. r. hina. ith tremendous interest in
industrial engineering, i am riting to appl for aeptane into
our ph.d. graduate program.
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eduation bakground
in95, i entered the nanjing universit of siene tehnolog -
- idel onsidered one of the hina’s best engineering shools.
during the folloing undergraduate stud, m XXdemi reords kept
distinguished among the hole department. i as granted first
lass prize ever semester,in99, i got the privilege to enter
the graduate program aived of the admission test.
at the period of m graduate stud, m overall gparanked top
5% in the department. in the seond semester, i beame teaher
assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl.
this ear, i on the aer sholarship as the one and onl andidate
in m department, hih is the ultimate aolade for distinguished
students endoed b m universit. presentl, i am preparing m
graduation thesis and tring for the honor of exellent
graduation thesis.
researh experiene and XXdemi ativit
hen a sophomore, i joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast
and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. ith
the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation
program for transportation sheduling sstem. it is no idel
used b different researh groups in nust. i assumed and
fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for nanjing seage
treatment plant. this as m first pratie to onvert a laborator
idea to a merial produt.
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in retrospet, i find mself standing on a solid basis in
both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the ph.d.
program. m future researh interests inlude: netork sheduling
problem, heuristi algorithm researh -- idel onsidered one of
the hina’s best engineering shools. during the folloing
undergraduate stud, m XXdemi reords kept distinguished among
the hole department. i as granted first lass prize ever
semester,in99, i got the privilege to enter the graduate
program aived of the admission test.
at the period of m graduate stud, m overall gparanked top
5% in the department. in the seond semester, i beame teaher
assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl.
this ear, i on the aer sholarship as the one and onl andidate
in m department, hih is the ultimate aolade for distinguished
students endoed b(转载自第一:,请保留此标记。) m universit.
presentl, i am preparing m graduation thesis and tring for
the honor of exellent graduation thesis.
researh experiene and XXdemi ativit
hen a sophomore, i joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast
and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. ith
the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation
program for transportation sheduling sstem. it is no idel
used b different researh groups in nust. i assumed and
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本文更新与2020-10-24 04:04,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/422220.html


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