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2020-10-24 04:09





给大家提供一篇一名外贸业务员的自我介绍。 < br>本人经过三年多扎实的工作实践,现已能够独立操作整个外贸流
程.工作踏实、细致、认真。具有 较好的文字组织能力,有一定的英语
部门的同事相处融洽,配合顺利地完 成工作任务。为人诚实并得到领
以往的 有所不同,但我相信通过自己的努力和已有的工作基础可以很
i am graduated from ollege in 201X. netork information
seurit is m i haven't at ork on m the
emploment pressure is that find a job hih is ou ant
is diffiult.i don't think get a job that i liked is a good
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has a long distane beteen the theor and the
i deide to be a aount ,i ant to find a printing
house to be a aount exeutive ho are engaged ith export and
delare at ustoms after training. i also learned a lot of
knoledge about foreign trade in m part time.i reall hope i an
be a aount exeutive ause i am reall interested in it.
although business english is not m major.i am sure that i am
good at ou an give me a hane.
general introdution
i am a third ear master major in automation at shanghai
jiao tong universit, p. r. hina. ith tremendous interest in
industrial engineering, i am riting to appl for aeptane into
our ph.d. graduate program.
researh experiene and XXdemi ativit
hen a sophomore, i joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast
and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. in97,
i partiipated in simulation tool development for the
sheduling sstem in prof. ang’s lab. ith the tool of opengl
and matlab, i designed a simulation program for
transportation sheduling sstem. it is no idel used b
different researh groups in nust. in98, i assumed and
fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for nanjing seage
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treatment plant. this as m first pratie to onvert a laborator
idea to a merial produt.
i hope to stud in depth
in retrospet, i find mself standing on a solid basis in
both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the ph.d.
program. m future researh interests inlude: netork sheduling
problem, heuristi algorithm researh , suppl hain netork
researh, hbrid sstem performane analsis ith petri nets and
data give m appliation materials a serious
onsideration. thank ou ver muh
good morning. i am glad to be here for this intervie.
first let me introdue mself. m name is ***, 2
4. i e from ******,the apital of *******provine. i
graduated from the ****** department of *****universit in
jul , the past to ears i have been prepareing for the
postgraduate examination hile i have been teahing *****in
no.****middle shool and i as a head-teaher of a lass in
junior grade all m hard ork has got a result sine i
have a hane to be intervie b ou.
i am open-minded ,quik in thought and ver fond of
m spare time,i have broad interests like man other
oungers.i like reading books, espeiall those about
****.frequentl i exhange ith other people b making ments in
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the forum on addition ,during m ollege ears,i as one
a net-bar , i have a parative good mand of netork
appliation.i am able to operate the puter ell.i am skillful
in searhing for information in
internet.i am a football fan for n team is m
,i feel great pit for our ountr’s team.
good morning,m dear teahers,m dear professors.i am ver
glad to be here for our intervie.m name is song onghao,i am
22 ears old .i e from luoang,a ver beautiful aient it.m
undergratuade period ill be aplished in hang'an universit in
jul ,201X;and no,i am tringm best for obtaininga ke to tongji
generall speaking ,i am a hard orking student espeiall do
the thingi am interested in. i ill tr m best to finish it no
matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i found eb
design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard . to eaver a
home for mself, i staed ith m pesonel puter for half a
month.,and i am the first one in m lass ho on his home.
forthermore,i am a person ith great perserverene. during the
das preparing for the first examination,i insist on running
ever da, no matter hat the eather as t oning to
this,i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end.
ell ,in m spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and
hinese hess. also english is m favorate.i often go to english
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ornerto pratise m oral english onever thursda,and
ritepositions to improve m itten abilit .but i kno m english
is not good enough ,i ill ontinue studing.
ok, that is all,thankou for our attention.
good morning, m name is jak, it is reall a great honor to
have this opportunit for a intervie, i ould like to anser
hatever ou ma raise, and i hope i an make a good performane
toda, eventuall enroll in this prestigious universit in
september. no i ill introdue mself briefl,i am 21 ears
old,born in heilongjiang provine ,northeast of hina,and i am
urruentl a senior student at beijing xx uni.m major is
pakaging i ill reeive m bahelor degree after
m graduation in the past 4 ears,i spend most of m
time on stud,i have passed et46 ith a ease. and i have
aquired basi knoledge of pakaging and publishing both in
theor and in pratie. besides, i have attend
several pakaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our
advantage stud here, i have taken a tour to some big fator
and pan. through these i have a deepl understanding of
domesti pakaging industr. pared to developed ountries suh as
us, unfortunatel, although e have made extraordinar progress
sine78,our pakaging industr are still underdeveloped, mess,
unstable, the situation of emploees in this field are akard.
but i have full onfidene in a bright future if onl our eonom
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an keep the groth pae still. i guess ou mabe interested in
the reason ith to la, and hat is m plan during graduate stud
life, i ould like to tell ou that pursue la is one of m
lifelong goal,i like m major pakaging and i ont give up,if i
an pursue m master degree here i ill bine la ith m former
eduation. i ill ork hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark,
opright, on the base of m ears stud in department of p p, m
harater? i annot desribe it ell, but i kno i am optimisti and
onfident. sometimes i prefer
almost talk everthing ,m favorite pastime is
valleball,plaing ards or surf online. through ollege life,i
learn ho to balane beteen stud and entertainment. b the a, i
as a ator of our amazing drama lub. i had a fe glorious memor
on stage. that is m pride.
good morning !
it is reall m honor to have this opportunit for an
intervie, i hope i an make a good performane toda. i'm
onfident that i an sueed.
no i ill introdue mself briefl.i am 26 ears old,born in
shandong provine .
i as graduated from qingdao universit. m major is
i got m bahelor degree after m graduation in the
ear of 201X. during universit, i spent most of m time onso
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that i have passed et46 . and aquired basi knoledge of m
in jul 201X, i began ork for a small private pan as a
tehnial support engineer in i'm apable of more
responsibilities, so i deided to hange m job. and in august
201X,i left qingdao to beijing and orked for a foreign
enterprise as an automation softare test i
ant to hange m orking environment, i'd like to find a job hih
is more hallenging. moreover motorola is a global pan, so i
feel i an gain the most from orking in this kind of pan
ennvironment. that is the reason h i e here to pete for this
i think i'm a good team plaer and i'm a person of great
honest to others. also i am able to ork under great pressure.
that’s all. thank ou for giving me the hane.
good morning, m name is jak, it is reall a great honor to
have this opportunit for an intervie, i ould like to anser
hatever ou ma raise, and i hope i an make a good performane
toda, eventuall enroll in this prestigious pan in september.
no i ill introdue mself briefl,i am 21 ears old,born in
heilongjiang provine ,northeast of hina,and i am urruentl a
senior student at beijing xx universit.m major is pakaging
i ill reeive m bahelor degree after m
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graduation in the past 4 ears,i spend most of m time
on ,i have passed et46 ith an ease. and i have aquired basi
knoledge of pakaging and publishing both in theor and in
besides, i have attend several pakaging exhibition held
in beijing, hih is our advantage ing here, i have taken a
tour to some big fatories and panies. through these i have a
deepl understanding of domesti pakaging industr. pared to
developed ountries, unfortunatel, although e have made
extraordinar progress sine78,our pakaging industr are still
underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of emploees in
this field is akard. but i have full onfidene in a bright
future if onl our eonom an keep the groth pae still.
i ould like to tell ou that pursuing the major is one of
m lifelong goal,i like pakaging and i on't give up. if i an
pursue m dream here, i ill bine pratie ith m former eduation.
i ill ork hard in these fields.
i annot desribe m harater ell, but i kno i am optimisti
and onfident. sometimes i
lassmates, almost talk everthing ,m favorite pastime is
valleball,plaing ards or surfing on line. through ollege
life,i learn ho to balane beteenand entertainment. b the a, i
as a ator of our amazing drama lub. i had a fe glorious
memories on stage .the are m pride.
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1. i am…… ears old, born in…… provinebeijing,
northeastsoutheastsouthest…… of hina, and i am urrentl a
freshman(大一新生)sophomore(大二学生)junior( 大三学生)
senior(大四学生) student at apital institute of phsial
我今年……岁,出生在……省北京,它位于中国的 东北东南西
m major is sports training of
basketballvoellballfootb allbadmintonpingbangtennis i'll get a
bahelor degree after graduation.
我主修篮球排球足球羽毛球乒乓球网球田径游泳 跆拳道等运动训
3. in the past 123 ears, i spend most of m time on . i
have passed et346 and i have aquired basi knoledge of sports
training both in theor and in pratie.
23 46级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知
4. i got a degree in literature and took a ourse in tping.
5. besides, i have attended several sports meetings held
in beijing. i am also the volunteers of hina tennis open,
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hinese badminton masters…… . through these i have a deepl
understanding of m major—sports training.
除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我 还是中国网
业有了一个更深 刻的了解。
6. i have lots of interest, suh as singing, daning,
draing and so on.
7. i love plaing tennis.
an ou sell ourself in to minutes? go for it. (你能在两
ith m qualifiations and experiene, i feel i am hardorking,
responsible and diligent in an projet i undertake. our
organization ould benefit from m analtial and interpersonal
skil ls.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努
力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与 人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价
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good morning. it's a pleasure for me present mself. m
name is xx,form hebei handan.
i graduated from hebei universit of tehnolog.
i majored in international trade and eonomis .as a
business english major, i had ample opportunit to pratie and
master spoken english. i have proved mself in the past 3
XXdemi ears. i have a good mand of both spoken and ritten
english, and good at puter skill in indo xp, ord and exel. i
ish to seek a hallenging in hih i an appl m skills. in
addition, i have man experienes in business. i orked for a
foreign trade pan as a manager more then 2 ears here i gained
valuable insight and ork-related skills that ould benefit ou.
i believe that i have exellent qualifiations for this
position and ould appreiate our areful onsideration. ou ill
find me a good team plaer, self-motivate and eager to learn.
i trust that i an be one of value to our pan. of ourse i am
tring m best to be a diligent orker and a fast learner to our
pan. just trust me! better soial muniation abilit!i reall
ould enjo orking ith ou here, and hope ou onsider me for the
m name is***
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sine graduated from hunan huangpu foreign language ollege
in xx,i had done the teahing for one and half an ear,and had
orked in foreign trade business.
until in feb,xx,i returned to the south entral universit
for studing more knoledge and onfirming objetive.
during the past to ears studing,i had been majoring the
appliation english on the base of trading english,inluding
the advane english,advane,eonom and trade english,busiess
english orrespondene,seleted readings in english and amerian
literatures,hinese and english translation ourse,interpret
and listening,japanese,advane english riting addtion, i
got the undergraduate diploma,flunetl oral english,good
onpprehesion reading
better soial muniation abilit!
for the time being, i ould like to hunt the job that ith
regard to the trade business or english.i am sure that i
should take advantage of m abilit and experiene to serve for
our firm.
good morning. it’s a pleasure for me to be here in front
of ou to present mself. m name xx. e to the beautiful it of
quanzhou.i am a ne graduate, graduated from fujian normal
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universit, major in international eonom and trade. during the
universit i learned a lot of knoledge of foreign trade, i
have english level 4 and vouhing lerk ertifiate。i like this
major, beause i think this kind of ork is hallenging. but i
also have eakness, that is, i lak of ork experiene. but i an
adapt to the strong,i hope ou an give me a realization of
self-orth and opportunities to ontribute for the pan, i ill
go all out. that's all. thank ou.



dear leaders:
i ould like our pan to appl for the post of foreign trade
salesman, so take the libert to rite a letter over letter, a
dream of ollege graduates ill be the beginning of our pan
from to be more onfident going, but it all depends on our
pan's support and help, i hope ou an give me this
第 13 页 共 18 页

to examine deepl grateful. if an intervie
appointment, i immediatel started training an begin to
partiipate in the l,
dear leaders:
i ould like our pan to appl for the post of foreign trade
salesman, so take the libert to rite a letter over letter, a
dream of ollege graduates ill be the beginning of our pan
from to be more onfident going, but it all depends on our
pan's support and help, i hope ou an give me this opportunit.
thanks to examine deepl grateful. if an intervie
appointment, i immediatel started training an begin to
partiipate in the ork.
dear sirmadam:
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its m great honor to brose this personal information!
sine graduated from hunan huangpu foreign language ollege
in 20xx,i had done the teahing for one and half an ear,and
had orked in foreign trade business.
until in feb,20xx,i returned to the south entral
universit for studing more knoledge and onfirming objetive.
during the past to ears studing,i had been majoring the
appliation english on the base of trading english,inluding
the advane english,advane,eonom and trade english,busiess
english orrespondene,seleted readings in english and amerian
literatures,hinese and english translation ourse,interpret
and listening,japanese,advane english riting addtion, i
got the undergraduate diploma,flunetl oral english,good
onpprehesion reading.
better soial muniation abilit!
for the time being, i ould like to hunt the job that ith
regard to the trade business or english.i am sure that i
should take advantage of m abilit and experiene to serve for
our firm.
thanks for our reading!
looking forard to our repling!
ith best regards,
salina hu
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外贸业务员求职自荐信范文文章是由好范文收集,为了 让求职者
范文为参考模板, 在求职时因专业与职位的不同那么自荐书又是怎样
写的呢,那么可阅读以下这份业务职员自荐书范文为模 板范文。
性 别:
男 司公电话:
201X年X月X日 家庭电话:
地 址:
手机 :
邮 编:
作工经历总结 < br>非常热爱市场销售作工,有着十分饱满的创业激情。在两年从事
陶瓷市场销售作工中积累了大量的 实践经验和客户资源。与省内主要
的二十多家陶瓷经销商建立了十分密切的联系,并在行业中拥有广泛< br>的业务关系。在去年某省的陶瓷博览会上为司公首次签定了海外的定
单。能团结己自的同事一起取 得优异的销售业绩。
2 年5月 至今:
第 16 页 共 18 页

主要负责与经销商签定经销合 同、办理产品的包装、运输、保
售作工,并多次受到司公的表扬 。本文来源于好范文为求职者提供
在 司公做市场调查员。主要负责以电话形式向客户提取对产品的
专学历。 在校一直担任毕 业生干部,作工认真负责,学习成绩优秀,
199906 某某学院 优秀毕业生干部称号
199810 某某学院 优秀团干,个人标兵称号
199710 某某学院 优秀团干称号
201X07--201X09 某省科技职业学院 通过外销员考试
201X03-- 201X06 某省科技职业学院 通过报关员考试
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本文更新与2020-10-24 04:09,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/422228.html


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