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大学英语三级A级 117

2020-10-24 17:14





一、Part Ⅰ Structure(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Section A(总题数:5,分数:4.50)

is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it ______


解析:[解析] 我的车出问题了,得花费我一小时时间找人修理。
[考点] 非谓语动词
本题考查的是使役动词have后接过去分词作宾语补足语表被动的用法。此类动词还有:keep, find,leave,make,
2.______ we know, smoking is harmful for our health.
far as √
long as
解析:[解析] 本题考查连接状语从句的短语;题中的四个选项都是从属连词词组,题干需要引导的是 状语从句,选项
A)so far as符合题意,so far as we know意为“据我们所知”,其他选项中,so far意为“迄今为止”,C)so long as
意为“只要”,D)as to意为“有关,关于”,故选A);注意点:连词词组的意思和用法。
still unable to make myself ______ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.
be understood
tood √
has arrived late ______.
usual √
解析:[解析] 此句意为:他像往常一样迟到了。
此题的考点是固定搭配。as usual是固定词组,用作状语,其意思是“像平常一样,照例”。其 他几个选项都不构成正
s are now so expensive ______ beyond the reach of almost everyone

to be √

解析:[解析] 现在笔记本电脑还很贵,不是人人都买得起。
[考点] 固定搭配

三、Section B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)

(ask) 1 about the advertising campaign of the new product, the manager said it was a great

解析:asked[解析] 本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。过去分词asked about意为被问及什么时。
house is so high and narrow as 1 (resemble) a tower.

解析:to resemble[解析] 本题考查的是不定式做状语表结果,其逻辑主语通常亦是全句的主语;类似结构还有:so...as
to...such...as to...enough to... only to...以及too...to等。
8.I think that my three years at that middle school were among the (happy) 1 of my life.

解析:happiest [解析] 形容词的最高级
此处空格后面有of引导的短语作 为比较范围,空格前面有定冠词the,表示“最…”,所以应该用其最高级形式。
fully recognized the enormous (strong) 1 and influence of the Union.

解析:strength [解析] 他们完全承认公会的巨大的力量和影响。
uakes often cause great (destroy) 1 to life and property.

解析:destruction [解析] 词性转换
cause后面需要名词作宾语, great是形容词,其后只能是名词。destroy的名词形式是destruction。

四、Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)

With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important
in our daily life.
Advertisements give the newest information about product. If there are no advertisement, consumers
could not know about goods in their nearby shops. Advertisement helps sell to a bigger market.
Therefore, as more goods are sold, they are cheaper. Advertisements also provide money for
newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, etc.
But there are also some opinions against advertising. Some people think that advertisements do
not give much information but only try to persuade you to buy. They create a demand for goods

that are not really needed. Besides, advertising adds to the price of goods.
Actually, every coin has two sides. Advertising is without exception. But in todays world,
advertising is not only necessary but also helpful.(分数:5.00)
(1).According to the passage, which of the following is not among the advantages of advertisements?(分
information about goods.
√ to the price of goods.
g sell more goods.
ing money for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations.
解析:[解析] 文章的第二段讲到广告的优势:介绍产品、扩大市场规模、减低价格是报纸,杂志,广 播电视等资金来
(2).Some people are against advertising because they think that advertising ______.(分数:1.00)
more disadvantages than advantages √
persuade consumers to buy more goods
create greater demand for goods
add goods to the market
解析:[解析] 该题要求指出有些人反对登广告的原因。从文章第三段我们看到有些人列举的广告的弊 端:有些人认为
广告不能提供很多信息而只是试图劝诱人们去购买;它们引起了对不需要的商品的需求; 提高了商品的价格。所以有人
认为广告弊大于利,选项A正确,而选项B,C,D表述的是广告的优点, 可以排除。
(3).The writers attitude towards advertising is that ______.(分数:1.00)
is against it
supports it √
. andB.
are not told
解析:[解析] 在文章最后一段,作者认为“advertising is not necessary but also helpful.”(广告不仅必要而且
(4).Every coin has two sides in the last paragraph means ______.(分数:1.00)
ising is neither good nor bad
ising is not only necessary but also helpful
points are different from weak points
hing has two sides, the good and the bad √
解析:[解析] 本句“Every coin has two sides.”意思是“事物都有两面性”。故选D。而选项A 广告既无好处也无坏;
(5).Which topic fits the passage best?(分数:1.00)
ages of Advertisements
ising √
antages of Advertisements
解析:[解析] 本题为主旨题。全篇文章围绕登载广告的利弊展开 ,作者也发表了自己对“advertising”发布广告的观


As the Beatles represent the most important English contribution to rock in the 1960s, Bob Dylan
is the most important American contributor. This is true in spite of the fact that he has never
reached the top sale list of the record industry in the way of the Beatles have.

Bob Dylan emerged from the popular folk movement during 1962 and 1963. His first two records,
Bob Dylan and he Freewheeling, appeared in those years and established his national
reputation. This reputation grew slowly, and was helped by his appearance around New York City
and at college concerts. As early as 1962, Bob Dylan became known for the quality and quantity
of his song-writing. And Bob Dylans material has reflected a social awareness and has always
involved protest against injustice. It has aroused a broad trend of similar songs in the
present-day market. These elements, in combination with Bob Dylans particular sound, have made
him one of the most remarkable figures in the history of rock.(分数:5.00)
(1).Compared with the Beatles, Bob Dylan ______.(分数:1.00)
more influence on rock music
√ sold fewer records of his songs
more important in the record industry
less important in American rock
解析:细节题。从第一段最后一句话“This is true in spite of the fact that he has never reached
the top sale list of the record industry in the way of the Beatles have.”可以得出答案B。
(2).Bob Dylan is ______.(分数:1.00)
A.a rock singer √
English singer
C.a blue singer
D.a country singer
解析:细节题。本文第一段不难看出Bob Dylan是一位歌手,是对美国摇滚音乐有着重要的影响。
(3).Bob Dylan became famous to more and more people because ______.(分数:1.00)
produced two records
wrote many good songs √
traveled to New York City
often put on performance
解析:细节题。从第二段中的第四句话“As early as 1962, Bob Dylan became known for the quality and
quantity of his song-writing.”可以得出答案B。
(4).In his Songs, Bob Dylan showed his concern about ______.(分数:1.00)
problems √
York City
national reputation
解析:细节题。从第二段中的第五句话:And Bob Dylans material has reflected a social awareness
and has always involved protest against injustice.中提到reflected a social awareness,译为“反映社会意
(5).Bob Dylan is known for everything below EXCEPT ______.(分数:1.00)
particular voice
quality of his song-writing
quantity of his record sales √
importance in rock music
解析:推断题。A答案在文中最后一段最后一句提到,即Dylans particular sound等于 particular voice。B、D答
案分别在文中第二段第四句和第一段第一句可找到解释。C答案the quantity of his record sales译为“唱片销售数
量”,首先本文中没有 提到,二是从全文来看Dylan的唱片销售数量并不是很大,所以C选项为正确答案。


Employees need several kinds of satisfaction if they are to remain productive and enthusiastic
in industry. They need to know that their working conditions are safe and adequate for the kind
of work they do. Also, they need reasonable hours of work in order to make their jobs acceptable.
In most cases, people want to have a personal life alongside their work; if they must work overtime
several nights a week, their take-home pay may be higher, but their efficiency and feelings about
their jobs will typically decline.
In addition to agreeable working conditions, employees need to have adequate compensation for
the work they do, For example, in addition to pay levels, potential employees will also examine
the benefits package (合同上的利益) that management offers to them, comparing it with other
companies offerings. If one company in an industry offers stocks, insurance, vacations, or even
child care, other companies in the same industry often must follow suit, or they will lose out
on hiring the best employees.
Finally, in todays business world, adequacy of working conditions and financial compensation
instill to need also employers long-term, satisfied employees keep To enough. not are
in managements ability to run the company. The employer who pays well and has a new modern plant
to make and display its products may still lose the loyalty and devotion of employees through
disorganization andor lack of attention to details. One recent research study showed that more
than half of new small businesses failed due not to lack of money, but rather to the managers
lack of management skill.
Topic: Employers should give their employees satisfactory 1 .

Job satisfaction of employees is related to:
2 .

3 .

4 .

Lack of management skill can lead to 5 .(分数:5.00)

解析:working conditions, pay, and management
解析:Agreeable working conditions
解析:Adequate financial compensation
解析:Effective management
解析:the failure of a business

八、Part Ⅲ Translation(总题数:5,分数:16.00)

get you familiar with the new products we deal in, we are sending you, by airmail, a full
set of pamphlets for your reference.
B.为了让你们熟悉我们经营的新产品,现航空邮寄全套产品说明资料供参考。 √
解析:[解析] get sb. familiar with的意思是“让某人熟悉……”。deal in的意思是“经营”。pamphlet的意思是“小
册子,手册”。for your reference的意思是“供你参考”。
had always taken that for granted as correct behavior, however much it went against the
things you were told.

A.她总认为那是一种正当的行为,不管你所听到的是怎样的不同。 √
解析:[解析] 本题的解题关键有两个。首先,要理解短语taken...for granted 把……想当然”。此处,D)的翻译不准
确;其次,要理解however的用法。此处,howeve r不是独立使用。不能用作转折连词,因此不能把它翻泽成“但是”
或“然而”;它后面跟有形容词或副 词时,应翻译成“无论多么的……”.所以
90,000 people were left homeless and 113 killed as a result of the flood.
A.洪水使得大约9万人无家可归,113人丧失了生命。 √
解析:[解析] 这是一个被动句,改成主动句的话,洪水是主语。homeless的意思是“无家可归的”。
cannot help asking if sandstorm is a pure natural phenomenon over which we have no control.
C.我们不禁要问沙尘暴是否是一种人类无法控制的纯粹的自然现象。 √
解析:[解析] 我们不禁要问沙尘暴是否是一种人类无法控制的纯粹的自然现象can not help doing sth.
意为“禁不住做…”;over which we have no control是phenomenon的定语从句。
showed how stubborn he was by doing it in his own way and refusing to listen to advice.
B.他拒绝听取别人的劝告,只照自己的方式去做这件事,表现得很顽固。 √
解析:[解析] stubb orn意为“顽固不化”;doing…和refusing…是并列结构,都由介词by来引导,在整个句中作 方

九、Part Ⅳ Writing(总题数:1,分数:1.00)

16.简 历
姓 名:刘晓明
地 址:中国广州市越秀区大林路15号
电 话: 38586766
电 传:(020)222356 PASD CN
经 历:
2001—现在 受雇于一家贸易公司担任部门经理
2000—2001 中国科学院科学出版社,编辑
学 历:
1996—2000 中山大学
1993—1996 广州明利中学

身 高:183公分体重:74公斤
身体状况:优良 婚姻状况:已婚 户籍:广州户口
爱 好:读书、慢跑、游泳
Name in full: __________________________________
Date of birth: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________
Telex: __________________________________
Working experiences: _________________________ ___________________________________________
Education: __________________________________
Personal details: __________________________________
Height: ______________Weight ______________Health: ______________
Reference: __________________________________

_______________________________ __________________________________________________ _________
Name in full. Liu Xiaoming
Date of birth.. Oct. 10,1978
Address: No. 15. Da Lin Road, Yue Xiu District, Guangzhou, China
Telex: (020)222356 PASD CN
Working experiences.
2001 - present Department Manager in a trading company
2000 - 2001 Editor in Science Press, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996 - 2000 Zhongshan University
1993 - 1996 Guangzhou Mingli senior high school
Personal details:
Height: 183 cm Weight: 74 kg Health: well
Marriage Status. married Registration: Guangzhou resident
Hobbies: reading, jogging and swimming
To be provided upon request









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