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一、Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Part A(总题数:1,分数:5.00)
Buckingham Palace and Queen Elizabeth
the year when Buckingham Palace was built
the year when Elizabeth came to the throne
the floor on which the royal family live
the season when garden parties are held
number of guests at each party

2nd floor

number of people taking care of Queen Elizabeth

the meal during which Scottish music is played


places Queen Elizabeth often visits after lunch

Buckingham Palace and Queen Elizabeth
the year when Buckingham Palace was built
the year when Elizabeth came to the throne
the floor on which the royal family live
the season when garden parties are held
number of guests at each party

2nd floor

number of people taking care of Queen Elizabeth

the meal during which Scottish music is played


places Queen Elizabeth often visits after lunch

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:1952)
解析: 1952 [听力原文]
Buckingham Palace is in London, England. It was built around 1705. It
Elizabeth of England lives there. She became queen in 1952. Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful
building, a flag flies on the palace. It flies on top of the palace when the queen is there. Queen
Elizabeth and her family lives on the second floor of the palace. The queen also has her office
in the palace where she meets with presidents, kings, and politicians. Queen Elizabeth often asks
some important people to have dinner at the palace. She also has three garden parties in the summer.
She invites 9000 people to each party. Queen Elizabethday starts at 7:00 in the morning. Seven
people take care of her. One person prepares her clothes. Another person takes care of her dogs.
The queen loves dogs. Right now she has eight dogs. Everyday a man brings food for the dogs to
Queen Elizabeth
morning, the queen has breakfast with her husband, Prince Philip. They drink a special coffee

with hot milk. During breakfast, a musician plays Scottish music outside. Then Queen Elizabeth
works in her office the rest of the morning. After lunch, she visits hospitals or schools.
解析: summer
解析: seven
解析: breakfast
解析: hospitals
三、Part B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)
(1). Alexander was called a god because he was 1. (分数:1.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:so powerful)
解析: so powerful [听力原文]
He was a King, a commander, and a conqueror. Alexander the Great was so powerful—some people
called him a god. He
His father, King Philip Ⅱ, hired the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle to tutor young Alexander.
In the summer of 336 B.C., his father was murdered by one of his body guards. Alexander then became
King. Many people, inside and outside this country, flooded against the young king. But Alexander
was shrewd. He quickly ordered the execution of all those who were against him. Crashed the
rebellions and restored his rule. Next in 334 B.C., Alexander turned his attention toward the
Persian Empire in southwest Asia. Their armies met in 333 B.C. and fought a fierce battle. Alexander
won and the Persian Emperor fled. Alexander then let his soldiers south into the Egypt where he
ceased power. At the mouth of Nile River in northern Egypt, Alexander founded a new city. He named
the city
grand ambition. He wanted to rule a world empire where people could live in peace with one another.
As he traveled, he built more cities. He recruited soldiers, merchants and scholars from many
lands to settle in them. In 326 B.C. Alexander turned south into India. But by then his men were
tired and weak. The soldiers rebelled and refused to go farther. Although he was not willing,
Alexander had to turn back. By 323 B.C he reached Babylon in Iraq. While he was in Iraq, he caught
a fever and died at the age of 33. His empire was divided up.
(2). In which year did Alexander become king? (分数:1.00)
解析: 336 B.C.
(3). In which country did Alexander found a new city? (分数:1.00)
解析: Egypt
(4). What kind of people did Alexander recruit to live in the cities he built? (分数:1.00)
解析: soldiers, merchants, scholars
(5). At what age did Alexander die? (分数:1.00)
解析: 33
四、Part C(总题数:3,分数:10.00)
Questions 11—13 are based on the following conversation between a driver and a police officer.

Questions 11—13 are based on the following conversation between a driver and a police officer.

(1).Why did the police officer stop the driver?(分数:1.00)
driver exceeded the speed limit. √
driver didn
officer was conducting a routine check.
officer found the car
W: OK. May I see your driver
M: What? Did I do anything wrong?
W: License, please, and your car registration.

M: Oh yeah... It
W: Sir, did you realize you were speeding in the school zone?
M: What? No, I didn
W: Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour in a 20 miles per hour zone. And...
M: What?
W: And you failed to come to the complete stop at the cross road back there.
M: Rolling stops don
W: And one of your brake lights is out.
M: Oh ...
W: You were not wearing a seat belt. And your driver
M: And ... Your name is ... Officer Smiths. Hey! Are you related to the Smiths in town? My wife
a fire department? Anyway, I think you might be good friends, and you know, ...
W: So whatthat got to do with it? Do you want me to re-hold your car fight now because of these
M: No, of course not.
W: OK, then. Here is your ticket. You can either pay it or call him to pay in the final minute.
Have a nice day!
M: Do you take cash?
(2).Why did the driver mention his wife(分数:1.00)
prove his connection with the officer. √
show himself as an influential man.
influence the police officer.
establish a new friendship.
(3).What did the police officer threaten to do?(分数:1.00)
the driver a ticket.
the driver to court.
the driver√
the driver to the police station.
Questions 14—16 are based on the following talk on Kwanzaa, an African American cultural holiday.

Questions 14—16 are based on the following talk on Kwanzaa, an African American cultural holiday.

(1).What is the origin of Kwanzaa related to?(分数:1.00)
lture. √
Kwanzaa is an African American cultural holiday. Begins on the December 26th, and lasts seven
full days through January 1st. Kwanzaa celebrates family, community, and African heritage and
culture. Millions of people celebrate Kwanzaa every year in the United States. African communities
and many other parts of the world also celebrate the holiday. The word pronounced
spoken languages in Africa. The first fruits or the first crops harvested at the end of the year
growing season. Harvest celebration in Africa date back thousands of years. Modern harvest
celebrations still take place in many parts of Africa. And an African American scholar named
Mauluna Karenga developed Kwanzaa in the United States in 1966. Karenga wanted a special time

for African Americans to honor their African heritage, and their own African American culture.
Karenga wanted Kwanzaa to be a time of gathering for families and friends for giving thanks. Since
the 1960s, Kwanzaa has spread to many other parts of the world. The colors of Kwanzaa are black,
red, and green. These colors were important symbols in ancient Africa. People celebrate Kwanzaa
by decorating their homes with these colors. Other decorations include traditional African crafts,
such as colorful cloth and woven baskets. In many homes, families exchange gifts. A major part
of Kwanzaa is the lighting of seven candles, called IIshumma. Each day a candle is lit to represent
one of the seven principles of black culture developed by Karenga. These principles encourage
people to live well according to African ideals.
(2).Which of the following colors is used for decoration in Kwanzaa?(分数:1.00)
. √
(3).What do the seven candles stand for?(分数:1.00)
ples. √
Questions 17—20 are based on the following talk about the Worm Bank.

Questions 17—20 are based on the following talk about the Worm Bank.

(1).When was the World Bank officially founded?(分数:1.00)
1946. √
The World Bank is an UN organization. It was set up to finance projects to further the economic
development of its member nations. Its foundations relate at the UN Monetary and Financial
Conference at Breatwoods in 1944, and officially came to life in 1946. Back in the post-war era,
the Bank made loans for the reconstruction of Europe. Later the emphasis Shifted from Europe to
the developing world. In 2000, the Bank lent almost 16bilfion dollars to its client countries.
It says that its dream is a world free of poverty. Much of the money then goes towards the effort
to strengthen and build capital markets. Another slice of money is loaned for projects, such as
water supply, and sanitation. There are three main sources of funds for the Bank—subscriptions
hit up by member countries, bond issues on the world financial markets, and net earnings on the
International Monetary Fund. Members are shareholders of the Bank. They do not all pull equal
weight within the organization. The leading contributors are the United States, Japan, Germany,
France, and the United Kingdom. They have the biggest say in World Bank policy. Each of these
five countries has a nominee on the Bank
countries are—between them—allowed to nominate a total of 19 other board members. It is this
select board that decides on the Bank
(2).The World Bank dreams of a world without(分数:1.00)
y √

(3).What do we know about the World Bank member countries?(分数:1.00)
have equal say.
decide on the bank
are the board members.
are its shareholders. √
(4).How many leading contributors does the World Bank have?(分数:1.00)
C.5. √
五、Section Ⅱ Use of English(总题数:1,分数:20.00)
Humans like to regard themselves as exceptional. Many philosophers believe humans are the only
1 which understands that others have their own personal thoughts. That understanding is known
in the 2 as having a
sympathy and deception.
Biologists have learned to treat such 5 with caution. Bernd Heinrich and Thomas Bugnyar describe
an experiment they have carried out 6 ravens.
7 to gaze is reckoned to be a good 8 of the development of theory of mind in human children. 9
about 18 months, most children are able to follow the gaze of another person, and 10 things about
the gazer from it. Failure to 11 this trick is an early symptom of autism, a syndrome whose main
underlying feature is a(n) 12 to understand that other people have 13 , too.
To 14 whether ravens could follow gaze, Dr Heinrich used six six-month-old hand-reared ravens.
The birds were set, one at a time, on a perch on one side of a room divided by a barrier. An
experimenter in front of the barrier 15 his head and eyes in a particular 16 and gazed for 30
seconds before looking 17 . Dr Heinrich found that all the birds were able to follow the gaze
of the experimenters, even 18 the barrier. In the 19 case, the curious birds either jumped down
from the perch and walked around the barrier to have a 20 or leapt on top of it and peered over.

s √
解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。category种类;group群体;race种族;s pecies物种。根据句意
及下文对鸟类的实验可知,此处表达的意思是人类自认为是一个知道他人有 自己想法的特殊物种,故选D。
ctive √


解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。perspective观点、视角;trade贸易;bu siness商业;skill技
能。联系上文的“that understanding”和下文的“theory of mind”可知此处进一步说明哲学家的观点,

ution √

解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。se cret秘密;attribution归因;alternative选择;gateway门;
途径 。根据句意可知此处表达的意思是“心理理论”是人类同情与欺骗等情感产生的原因,故选B。
ies √

解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析 。qualities特质;operations手术;运营;habits习惯;values
价值 观。根据后文提到的“sympathy and deception”可知,此处表达的意思是类似同情与欺 骗等人类共
ions √
解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。comparis ons比较;findings发现;assertions断言,论断;studies
研究。根据前 文可知,第一段主要列举了哲学家的观点来进一步论证“人类喜欢把自己当作例外”这一论
点,然而文中 并未明确说明哲学家的观点是得到实证证明的,言外之意是,这只是他们的主观看法,由此
可推知,此处 表达的意思是生物学家对哲学家的“断言”提出的质疑,故选C。


解析:[解析] 该题考查介词的用法。on在…上;关于;to向…方向;agains t相反;for为了。根据句意
可知,此处意为对渡鸦进行的一项实验,其中“ravens”是实验对 象,前面需要一个表示“关于”的介词,
se √
解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。indi fference冷漠;response反应;resistance抵触;抗拒;instinct

e √
解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。call呼唤;召唤;reason原因;hint暗示;示 意;measure措施;
衡量标准。根据下文“大多数儿童在18个月大时能够追随他人的目光”可知 ,此处表达的意思是对于他人

解析:[解析] 该题考查介词用法。with表示伴随; in表示在……中;by表示手段;at表示在某一点。根
据文意可知,此处表示的意思是对于儿童年龄 段的描述,at意为“在…期间;在…岁时”,符合文意,故

解析:[解析] 该题考查动词词义辨析。imagine想 象;infer推断;locate定位;confer商谈;给与。根
据空格所在的句子前半部分“追 踪他人的目光”,以及后半部分“关于他人的一些信息”可知,此处表达
的意思是儿童能够从他人的凝视 中获得信息。infer sth. from sth.意为“从…中推断出…”,故选B。
p √

解析:[解析] 该题考查动词词义辨析。develo p发育;形成;find发现;plan计划;conceal隐藏。由本
句“自闭症的早期症状”可知 ,此处表达的意思是缺失追踪他人目光的能力,develop表示在成长过程中
形成、掌握某项能力, 故选A。

ity √
解析:[解析] 该 题考查名词词义辨析。resent怨恨;tendency倾向;attempt尝试;inability无 能力。
根据前文“自闭症的基本特征”以及后文“对于其他人…的理解”可以推断,此处表达的意思与自 闭症的
症状有关,inability to understand...表示理解能力的缺失,符合文意,故选D。

解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。senses感觉;mi nds想法;beliefs信仰;faculties能力。根据
前文“大多数18月大的儿童都能追 随另一个人凝视的目光,并且从中推测出关于他的一些情况”可知,此
处表达的意思是自闭症儿童在相关 能力上的缺失,即自闭症儿童不能理解他人也有想法,故选B。

解析:[解析] 该题考查动词词义辨析。argue争论;prove证明;test 测试;confirm确定。根据前文对
儿童追踪目光的描述以及后文对渡鸦进行的实验可知,此处表达 的意思是海因里希博士进行实验的目的是

ed √
解析:[解析] 该题考查动词词义 辨析。moved移动;hid隐藏;revealed揭示;adjusted调整。根据本句
主语“ 实验者”以及后文的宾语“他的头和眼睛”可知,此处表达的意思是实验者将头和眼睛对准某一方
向,并 且凝视30秒,adjust表示在原来的位置调节某事物的方向或者状态,而move意为将某物进行位置的改变或者移动,adjust符合文意,故选D。

ion √

解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析。manner方式;direction方向; type类型;circle圆圈。根据前
文的“实验者将头和眼睛调整”以及后文的“凝视30秒”可 知,此处表达的意思是实验者为了做出凝视的

解析:[解析] 该题考查副词词义辨析。 down表示向下;up表不向上;away表示离开;inside表示内部。
由前文的“实验者把他 的头和眼睛朝向某一方向,在凝视30秒钟之后”可知此处表达的意思是实验者在做
出凝视的动作之后所 做的动作,away泛指其他的方向,符合文意,故选C。

解析:[解析] 该题考查介词用法。into表示向内;within表示内部;bey ond表示越过;另一边;from表
示从…。根据前文“实验者发现全部渡鸦都能追随实验者的目光, 甚至能够…”以及后文的“障碍物”可
知,此处表达的意思是渡鸦甚至能够越过障碍物而追踪实验者的目 光。beyond the barrier表示越过障碍

解析:[解析] 该题考查形容词词义辨析。for mer表示前者;latter表示后者;ordinary普通的;unusual
非凡的。根据前文 “所有的渡鸦都能够追随实验者的目光,有些好奇的渡鸦甚至能越过障碍物”以及下文
好奇的渡鸦通过各 种方式追随实验者的目光可知,此句进一步说明越过障碍物的情况,即前文所提到的后
一种情况,故选B 。

解析:[解析] 该题考查名词词义辨析 。look看;rest休息;try尝试;taste品尝。根据前文“所有的渡
鸦都能够追随实验者 的目光,有些好奇的渡鸦甚至能越过障碍物”以及后文“跳上障碍物,并从上面俯视”
可知,渡鸦跳下木 杆或走到障碍物周围是为了看到实验者的目光所指向的方向,have a look意为“看一
六、Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
七、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
八、Text 1 (总题数:1,分数:5.00)
Conventional wisdom has long held that mammals stayed millions of years on earth. As long as
dinosaurs roamed the lands, our distant ancestors never got to be much more than chicken- hearted
creatures that sneaked out at night to grab bits of plants when the terrible lizards were asleep.
Only when they were wiped out did mammals begin to earn a little evolutionary respect.
But that picture changed dramatically with the announcement in
of two impressive fossils.
One, of a brand-new species named
R. giganticus
, broke apart the notion that most dinosaur-age
mammals were never larger than squirrels. The animal had the dimensions of a midsize dog-by far
the biggest dinosaur-age mammal ever found. And the second, a new specimen of a previously
discovered species called
R. robustus
, refuted the notion that it was always the mammals that
got eaten. Inside the skeleton where the animal
remains of a baby dinosaur. discovery was the chance of a lifetime,says Jin Meng, scientist
and coauthor of the paper.
Indeed, Meng didn
about two years ago by villagers in ChinaLiaoning province, site of some of the richest fossil
beds in the world. They brought it to the attention of scientists, who took it to an institute
for examination.

After they did, however, it didn
On closer examination, the scientists determined that the remains were those of a juvenile dinosaur.
Some of the arm and leg bones were still attached to each other, suggesting that
R. robustus
chew its food thoroughly but wolfed it down in large chunks.
Taken together, the finds overturn the already eroded idea that early mammals were tiny and timid.
Now paleontologists can stop cooking up theories to explain why mammals were so little—that they
had to be small to avoid being found, for example, or they couldngrow larger because dinosaurs
already occupied those ecological spaces.
But it
quite possible,
because they ate dinosaurs, they may even have had an influence on dinosaur evolution.
What sort of influence?
leave you with more questions than answers.(分数:5.00)
(1).Mammals in the dinosaur age used to be described as(分数:1.00)
and dangerous.
and swift.
e and sneaky.
and cowardly. √
解析:[解析] 句意:恐龙时代的哺乳动物曾经被描述为什么?根据第一段第二句“As long as dinosaurs
roamed the lands, our distant ancestors never got to be much more than chicken-hearted creatures
that sneaked out at night to grab bits of plants when the terrible lizards were asleep”可知,
传统观点认为我们远古的祖先只会等到可怕的恐龙在 夜晚入睡的时候,才胆小如鼠地从藏身之地偷偷出来
采集植物充饥。根据第二段第二句“One, of a brand-new species named icus, broke apart the
notion that most dinosaur-age mammals were never larger than squirrels.”可知,全新的物种
icus化石的发现 ,推翻了大多数恐龙时期的哺乳动物都不比松鼠大的观点。由此可知,恐龙时代
的哺乳动物曾被描述为瘦 小而懦弱,故选D。
(2).The fossil of a baby dinosaur in the skeleton of
R. robustus
indicates that(分数:1.00)
usmust have died in its pregnancy.
mammal could have died while fighting with dinosaurs.
usswallowed the baby dinosaur as its food. √
s would eat their young when starved.
解析:[解析] 句意:us骨骼当中的小恐龙化石说明了什么?根据第二段第4—5句“And the second,
a new specimen...refuted the notion that it was always the mammals that got eaten. Inside the
skeleton where the animalstomach would have been are the fossilized remains of a baby dinosaur .”
可知,新发现的us标本推翻了哺乳动物总是被捕食这一观点。在这个标本的胃部发现了一个变成< br>化石的小恐龙的遗骸。因此,us腹中的小恐龙是被它吞下的食物,故选C。
(3).By saying had struck scientific gold(Lines 1—2, Paragraph 4), the author means that
discovery earned them great fame.
findings enjoyed enormous market value.
acquired valuable resources for their studies.
had made a significant discovery in their research. √
解析:[解析] 句意:“they had struck scientific gold”(第四段第1—2行)是什么意思?根据第二段
of the paper.”可知,在哺乳动物胃部发现恐龙遗骸这一发现是千载难逢的。因此,“struck scientific
(4).The expression (分数:1.00)
the validity of the previous scientific explanations. √
the new discoveries have practical significance.

s previous ecological studies as simply story-making.
ers those new discoveries no longer hold water.
解析:[解析] 句意:“cooking up”(第五段第二行)这一短语表明作者持有何种观点?第五段第二句“Now
paleontologists can stop cooking up theories to explain why mammals were so little—that they
had to be small to avoid being found, for example, or they couldngrow larger because dinosaurs
already occupied those ecological sp aces.”意为“现在,古生物学家不必再编造理论来解释哺乳动物
为什么那么瘦小了,例如,有的理 论认为,它们之所以长得瘦小是为了避免被发现,或者,它们没法长大
是因为恐龙已经占领了它们的生存 空间。”根据第二段第一句“But that picture changed dramatically
with the announcement in Nature of two impressive fossils.”和第五段第一句“Taken together, the
finds overturn the already eroded idea that early mammals were tiny and timid.”可知,《自然》
杂志上发 表的关于两块化石的文章彻底改变了传统的观念。因此可知,作者基于最新的发现,对传统观点
的真实性 产生了质疑,故选A。
(5).What is the possible connection between mammals and dinosaurs?(分数:1.00)
s were under dinosaurs
s might have contributed to the evolution of dinosaurs. √
urs failed in the competition with mammals for food.
dinosaurs were the main source of food for mammals.
解析:[解析] 句意:哺乳动物与恐龙之间可能存在怎样的联系?根据最后一段第三句“And because they ate
dinosaurs, they may even have had an influence on dinosaur evolution.”可知,由于新发现证明哺
乳动 物曾经捕食过恐龙,它们很可能对于恐龙的进化产生了影响。故选B。
九、Text 2 (总题数:1,分数:5.00)
Schools of education have long been objects of criticism. From James Koerner
Miseducation of AmericaTeachers, up through two recent reports by national commissions, critics
have complained about the intellectual emptiness of the curriculum at ed schools and the lack
of connection between what is taught and the realities teachers face in the classroom. A recent
survey of teachers about their graduate-school training drew comments like
psychobabble imaginable
With an estimated 2 million new teachers needed over the next decade, the shortcomings in education
schools are a practical concern. In what is a generally bleak landscape, a small number of schools
stand out as innovators. Two key qualities distinguish these exemplars. First, they require that
students master the subjects they will be teaching and structure their curricula accordingly.
Second, these programs put a premium on hands-on experience. While traditional ed-school curricula
are filled with courses on theory, the new approach places much greater emphasis on learning by
At Ohio State University in Columbus, students in the one, year masterprogram spend half their
time teaching in one of 55 Franklin County public schools, where they are paired with experienced

businesswoman who does practical training at Gables Elementary School.
be intimately involved.
In New York City, the Bank Street College of Education—a two-year program—runs its own junior
students to see how they function in school settings so they can constantly improve.
Comparable programs exist at some other institutions, including the University of Virginia and
Trinity University in San Antonio. But Linda Darling-Hamond, a professor at Columbia University
Teachers College who is an expert on teacher training, estimates that only 40 percent of the 1,200
teacher-education programs in the country have met national accreditation standards. Most
education schools, she says, operated bureaucratically, assuming that teachers didnneed
to know many things, (分数:5.00)

(1).By saying —4, Paragraph 1) the critics
mean to argue that(分数:1.00)
were not sufficient items in the curriculum.
curriculum was poorly designed academically. √
training based on the curriculum was hardly imaginable.
curriculum did not sufficiently address learners
解析:[解析] 句意:批评者所说的“intellectual emptiness of the curriculum”(第一段第3—4行)
是为了说明什么?“intellectual emptiness”意为知识欠缺。故选B。
(2).According to the author, the concern over the current situation in ed schools is(分数:
-grounded. √
解析:[解析] 句意:根据作者,对于当前师范院校的担忧是什么样的?根据第二段第一句“With all
estimated 2 million new teachers needed over the next decade, the shortcomings in education schools
are a practical concern.”可知,由于未来十年内对于新 教师的缺口有200万,因此,师范院校的缺点
是一个实际的问题。由此可以推断作者认为对于师范院校 的担忧是有充分根据的,故选A。
(3).The word (分数:1.00)
is. √
解析:[解析] 句意:“premium”(第二段第六行)这个词大概是什么意思?根据第二段最后一句“While
traditional ed-school curricula are filled with courses on theory, the new approach places much
greater emphasis on learning by doing.”可知 ,创新的师范项目与传统的课程安排相比,更加注重在
实践中学习。因此,这些项目看重实践经验,pr emium应与emphasis同义,故选B。
(4).It can be inferred from Linda Darling-Hammond(分数:1.00)
ed schools should undergo fundamental reform. √
is too difficult for ed schools to overcome bureaucracy.
rs at ed schools emphasize too much the value of a textbook.
ed school teachers are unwilling to participate in the innovations.
解析:[解析] 句意:从琳达·达玲·哈蒙德的评论中可以推断出什么?根据最后一段最后一句“Most
education schools, she says, operated bureaucratically, assuming that teachers didnneed
to know many things, just give them a textbook and send them on.
校有官僚主义作风,认为教师不需要了解太多知识,仅仅给他们一 本教材就把他们送走。由此可推断大多
数的师范院校需要克服官僚主义的作风,因此需要进行更加根本的 、制度层面的改革,故选A。
(5).Which of the following would be the best title for the text?(分数:1.00)
A.A Bird
ional versus Modern Schools of Education
tion at Some Schools of Education √
ison between Teacher Training Programs
解析:[解析] 句意:以 下哪一项可以作为本文的最佳标题?综观全文内容,第一段由评论者对于师范院校
课程设置提出的意见, 引出本文主题——一些师范院校的改革创新;第二段指出创新院校的共同特征;第
三、四、五段举例说明 这些院校的举措;最后一段引出不同意见,即对这些师范项目的批评。由此可知,
本文主题为一些师范院 校的创新,故选C。
十、Text 3 (总题数:1,分数:5.00)
Italmost an article of faith: your best ally in the fight against cancer is a doggedly optimistic
outlook. And it would seem that mounting evidence of the links between emotional and physical

well-being would support that view. The only problem is that there is no good evidence to support
that belief when it comes to cancer. Moreover, the
of positive thinking often becomes
just one more burden for the sick.
It was research in the 1970s and that first popularized the idea that attitude might affect
cancer outcomes. Such research led doctors to encourage patients to think happy thoughts and
visualize their immune system blasting away cancer cells. But most of those studies have been
dismissed as either flawed or inconclusive. A review of 37 studies that was published in the
Medical Journal
in 2002 found that although a positive outlook does correlate with the perception
of less pain by patients—a real benefit-there is consistent evidence that coping styles
play an important part in survival from or recurrence of cancer.
Still, the optimism theory remains attractive. One reason is that Americans live in a culture
that desires control. We want to believe that we can beat cancer by imposing our will on the disease.
A better reason is that mental states like depression and chronic anxiety have been shown to have
physical consequences that affect the progression of such illnesses as heart disease and diabetes.
While a similar connection is biologically plausible for cancer, it is far from proven.
Even researchers who believe that studies will ultimately establish links between stress and the
progression of cancer, like StanfordDr. David Spiegel, know the picture is complex. isn
a matter of it in your mind, and you fix it in your body, he says, it would be strange
if what goes on in our minds didn
So where does that leave cancer patients? Doctors know that individuals will always bring their
own disposition—sunny, sour or sarcastic—to bear on their illness and treatment. Pressuring
them to be models of positive thinking is useless. Worse, it could cause them to hide their fears
and reject support. But clinicians must remain alert for signs of depression, which can affect
the outcome of any disease if it interferes with treatment. And many patients will also need—and
welcome—help to improve poor coping skills. Spiegel says,
life-threatening illnesses for 30 gears, itthere are better and worse ways to deal
with these things.(分数:5.00)
(1).By saying

cannot but think optimistically.
is unfair to force people to think positively. √
are advised to assume an optimistic outlook in life.
is positive thinking that prevails.
解析:[解析] 句意:“the of positive thinking”(第一段第五行)大概表示什么意思?tyra nny
意为“暴君”,含有专制、强迫的意味。根据第一段最后一句“Moreover, the
thinking often becomes just one more burden for the sick.”可知,积极思考的“暴君”往往成为病
人的另一个负担。由此可以推断作 者认为强迫病人积极思考是不合理的,故选B。
(2).What is found to be the real benefit of taking an optimistic attitude toward cancer?(分
thening the immune system.
ng the pain felt by patients. √
ing patients
ening the effect of medication.
解析:[解析] 句意:面对癌症时保持乐观态度的真正好处是什么?根据第二段最后一句“A review of 37
studies that was published...a positive outlook does correlate with the perception of less pain
by patients—a real benefit—there is
(3).The author thinks that the optimism theory is derived from(分数:1.00)

biological plausibility of willful control of cancer.
assumed connection of mood with some illnesses.
scientific researches in the 1970s and
解析:[解析] 句意:作者认为乐观主义理论源于什么?根据第三段第1—3句“Still, the optimism theory
remains attractive. One reason is that Americans live in a culture that desires control. We want
to believe that we can beat cancer by imposing our will Oil the disea se.”可知,乐观主义理论
保持吸引力的原因之一,是美国人生活在一种渴望控制的文化当中。我们想 要相信自己能够通过将意志施
(4).What does the sentence (分数:1.00)
chers differ in views on the cure of illnesses.
human body is still beyond our understanding.
s are unable to handle cancers effectively.
s factors function in the treatment of cancers. √
解析:[解析] 句意:“the picture is complex”(第四段第三行)这句话是什么意思?根据第三段最后一
句“While a similar connection is biologically plausible for cancer, it is far from proven.”
可知,虽然一个类似的关联在生物 学上看起来同样适用于癌症,但是它还远未得到证明。根据第四段第二
句“It isn
‘把想 法印在脑海就等于把想法施加于身体’那么简单。因此可推知,在治疗癌症的过程中有各种因素共
同作用 ,影响最终结果,故选D。
(5).An appropriate title for the text would be(分数:1.00)
Sunny Thoughts Halt Cancer?
Your Mind, and Your Body Will be Fixed
sm—Another Burden for Patients? √
Surely Smooth Sentiment
解析:[解析] 句意:本文最恰当的标题应为哪 一项?主旨题。综观全文可知本文围绕积极乐观的心态与癌
症治疗之间是否存在必然联系这一论点展开讨 论,并提出了强颜欢笑可能会给病人带来更大的精神负担的
观点。因此标题中应包含“乐观心态”与“负 担”这两个关键词,才能足够全面地概括全文内容。故选C。
十一、Text 4 (总题数:1,分数:5.00)
Advances in interfaces—the physical way we react with computers—and other techniques of
controlling computers will supplement the role of the traditional keyboard and mouse. Technologies
in development include surfaces that allow fingertip control of on-screen objects and devices
that sense—and react to—movement.
But we should assess human- computer interaction (HCI) to ensure that we retain control of key
decision-making processes, one report suggests.
Display technologies will soon allow us to fix screens of all sizes in a variety of fabrics. In
the near future we will still be reading paper books and magazines; but we
paper-like digital screens to distribute content.
Cheap and easily-accessed digital storage allows consumers to electronically record and store
more aspects of our lives—allowing us to share information and interact with people across the
globe. This hyper-connectivity liberates us from fixed telephone lines, desks and offices, while
advances in robotics develop the computer
computing technology is tremendously exciting,said Tom Rodden, Professor at the University
of Nottingham.
ecosystem where small changes can have far-reaching consequences. While new interfaces and
hyper-connectivity mean we are increasingly mobile, we can see that they are obscuring the line
between work and personal space.

and what we should not. The potential of machine learning might well result in computers
increasingly making decisions on our behalf. It is imperative that we combine technological

innovations with an understanding of their impact on people.
The report argues that without proper monitoring and assessment it is possible that we may no
longer be in control of ourselves or the world around us. This potentially places the computer
on a collision course with basic human values and concepts such as personal space, society,
identity, independence, perception, intelligence and privacy.
The report gives recommendations for the HCI community to adopt to ensure that human values inform
future development. These include educating young people so that they understand HCI and the impact
of computer advances early on and engaging with governments, policy-makers and society as a whole
to provide counsel and give advance warning of the emerging implications of new computing
has the potential to enhance the lives of billions of people around the world. We believe
that if technology is to truly bring benefit to humanity, then human values and the impact of
technology must be considered at the earliest possible opportunity in the technology design
(1).New technologies will make a computer(分数:1.00)
complex in structure.
varied in appearance.
automatic in operation.
user friendly in future. √
解析:[解析] 句意:新技术会使计算机怎么样?根据第一段第一句“Advances in interfaces—the physical
way We react with computers—and other techniques of controlling computers will supplement the
role of the traditional keyboard and mouse.”可知,触屏技术的进步——我们的身体与 计算机互动的
方式——以及其他控制计算机的技术将对传统的键盘和鼠标的作用进行补充。根据第三段第 一句“Display
technologies will soon allow us to fix screens of all sizes in a variety of fabrics.” 可知显
示技术将很快使我们能够在各种纤维上安装各种尺寸的屏幕。根据第四段第一句“Cheap and
easily-accessed digital storage allows consumers to electronically record and store more aspects
of our lives-allowing us to share information and interact with people across the gl obe.”可
知便宜便捷的数码存储方式使消费者能够以电子的方式记录并存储我们生活的各个方面—— 它允许人们与
(2).Tom Rodden is worded that new interfaces and hyper-connectivity will(分数:1.00)
in greater interest in machine learning.
more interference on our privacy. √
b our existing ecological system.
to the need of huge storage.
解析:[解析] 句意:汤姆·罗登担忧新型触屏和超链接将会产生什么影响?根据第五段第三句“While new
interfaces and hyper-connectivity mean we are increasingly mobile, we can see that they are
obscuring the line between work and personal s pace.”可知新型触屏和超链接意味着我们变得越来越
流动,它们正在抹杀工作与私人空间之间的界 限。由此推断,汤姆·罗登担忧新技术将干涉个人隐私,故
(3).The word (分数:1.00)
. √
解析:[解析] 句意:“imperative”(第六段第三行)在意思上最接近哪一个词?根据第五段第二句“But the
interaction between humans and computers is...far-reaching consequences.”可知人类与计算机之
间的互动正 在演变为一个复杂的生态体系,其中细微的变化都可能会有深远的影响。根据第六段第二句
“The potential of machine learning might well result in computers increasingly making decisions

on our behalf.”可知机器的学习潜能可能会导致计算机越来越多地代表 我们做出决策。由此推断,鉴于
技术发展与其对人类生活的重大影响,将技术创新与理解它们的影响结合 起来是一项紧迫的任务,故选A。
(4).When left unmonitored, technological innovations may bring about(分数:1.00)
ion in human society.
se in working efficiency.
to human values. √
governmental administration.
解析:[解析] 句意:如果缺乏监督,技术创新可能会带来何种影响?根据第七段第1—2句“The report
argues that without proper monitoring and assessment...This potentially places the computer on
a collision course with basic human values and concepts such as...可知如果没有恰当的监督和评
估,我们可能将无法控 制自己,或者无法控制我们周围的世界。这一论断将计算机置于与基本的人类价值
观和诸如个人空间、社 会、身份、独立、感知、智力和隐私等概念相抵触的境地。由此推断,缺乏监督的
技术创新将威胁人类价 值。故选C。
(5).The text focuses on(分数:1.00)
complex ecosystem of humans and computers. √
potentials of new computer technology.
improvement of technology on computers.
individualized function of computer technology.
解析:[解析] 句意:本文主旨为何?综观全文可知本文探讨的是科技创新对人类生活产生的重大影响 ,其
中包括新技术带来的便利,也包括其潜在的威胁,因此本文的主要内容应为新科技与人类社会的复杂 关系,
十二、Part B(总题数:1,分数:15.00)
Ecological economics recognizes that humans and their economies are parts of larger natural
ecosystems and co-evolve with those natural systems. 61) There is a material and energy basis
for the relations between human economies and their ecosystems, defining not only economic, but
social, structures and processes. Economies possess general ecosystem properties, such as
dynamism, evolution, integrity, stability and sustenance. Economies are embedded in larger
natural ecosystems, and exchange flows of materials and energy with natural systems.
62) What makes humans and their economies unique as a sub-ecosystem is their ability, through
willful effort, ignorance and human designed tools, to dramatically restructure and reform
processes in ecosystems of which they are a part; The ability is to such a magnitude that human
welfare can be diminished or enhanced by those original actions. Some types of economic activities,
and the welfare that originates from them, would not be sustainable if they substantially adversely
impact natural systems.
63) The willful effort to extract useful things from natural systems is motivated by the
satisfaction of basic biological needs and the seemingly limitless search for pleasure through
consumption of goods and through social associations. The magnitude of potential impact on their
own welfare through effects on natural systems requires that human decisions be guided by some
notion of the value of their actions and the value of their impacts on ecosystems, either in terms
of benefits of use or costs of abuse. Some concept of value is required for rational activities
of human economies within their natural systems.
Both the structures and processes of natural systems have identifiable instrumental value to the
human economy. These narrow use values may be reflected by the summation of individual values,
to the extent they are private. However, natural systems also have aesthetic, moral and cultural
values. These values are more intrinsic and unmeasurable using traditional human preferences.
64) Valuation is made more complicated by the fact that our natural environment is highly likely
to shape values through establishing social and economic relations, aesthetic standards and
culture. If so, our decisions now about the natural environment will shape future value systems,
making values endogenous and, therefore, a poor guide to behavior. 65) A way out of this dilemma

is to make valuations of natural systems based on we would like to see society becomerather
than to ask what current valuations are. The value of natural systems is then based on their ability
to assist us in becoming what we wish to be.(分数:15.00)
_______ __________________________________________________ _________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
解析:使人类与他们的经济成为独特次生态系统的是他们通过有意的 努力与忽视,以及他们自己设计的工
具,剧烈地改造与变革生态体系的过程的能力,而他们本身也是该体 系的一部分。
_______________________________________ __________________________________________________ _
解析:从自然系统之中选择有用事物的努力是由满足基本的生理需求和通 过消费商品、进行社会活动,对
____________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________
解析:由于 我们的自然环境很可能会通过建立社会与经济之间的美系、建立审美标准和文化来影响价值,
做出衡量就 变得更加复杂。
______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
解析:解决这一困境的方法是使自然体系的价值基于“我们希望社会能 够变成的模样”,而非探讨当前的
十三、Section Ⅳ Writing(总题数:1,分数:25.00)
Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay on them. In your essay, you should
(1) describe the pictures briefly, (2) analyze this situation, and (3) give your comments.
You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

_________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________
Dreams and Hard Work

In the first picture, we can see that a man is pulling a heavily loaded cart with downcast eyes,
thus unable to see the road before him. In the second one, the man is lying idly and dreaming
about becoming a millionaire, going to the best university, and living in a luxurious house.
Dreams are important in that they keep one motivated and give him a direction. On the road of
life, dreams drive people forward, give them courage against obstacles, and direct their endeavors
towards certain goals. Without dreams, we cannot achieve great success. No matter how hard one
toils, his work is but blind. However, this does not mean that one could dream things into being.
Imagining things without putting in effort is but daydreaming and a mere waste of time. One has
to work really hard in order to make dreams come true.
Dreams are indispensable for success in life, yet dreams alone will not win the day. Only when
we take down-to-earth steps shall steady progress be made and dreams be realized. Therefore, we
must combined dreams and hard work to achieve success. [写作点金]

写此类文章关键在于领悟图片的深层含义。一般来说,写作步骤可分为 四步:首先,仔细观察图片,对图
片进行描述;第二,陈述图片所影射的社会现象;第三,表达出你自己 对该社会现象的看法;第四,对以
1.dream ofabout 梦想
2.drive sb. forward 推动某人进步
3.dreams are important in that... 梦想的重要性在于…
4.direct sth. towards sth. 将某物引导到某处









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