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2020-10-25 04:22



I. 考点分析
1) 常见关联词有 when, whenever, while, as, before, after 等。
2)注意 not…until… 正常结构、倒装结构、强调结构、和until置于句首的用法。
He didn’t go to sleep until he had finished his homework. (正常结构)
Not until he had finished his homework did he go to sleep. (倒装结构)
It was not until he had finished his homework that he went to sleep.(强调结构)
Until he had finished his homework he didn’t go to sleep. (until置于句首)
3)表示“一……就……”的连词:once, as soon as, hardlyscarcely…when, no sooner…than, the
minute, the moment, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly
4) 其他表示时间的短语还有:every time, next time, the day 等。
2.地点状语从句通常由where, wherever引导 如:
Where there is a will, there is a way.
1) 通常由because, as ,since引导, 三者区别:
because 语气最强,重在交待原因,以why引导的疑问句只能because用来回答;其前
可用only, just等词强调;可用在 It is…that…强调句型中。如:You shouldn't get angry just
because some people speak ill of you.
as 一词口气最弱,表示明显的原因。如:As she was in a hurry, she left her key in the car.
since 表示人们已知的事实,所以常译成“既然……”。如:Since everyone is here, let's get started.

另外,for属并列连词,不能位于句首,是对前一分句加以解释或说明。如:It must have rained
last night, for the yard is wet.
2)与since相近,seeing that, now that, considering that, given that 都有“鉴于某个事实、考虑
到”的意思,此外,in that, not that…but that…,on the grounds that 均可表示原因。
4.目的状语从句引导词有 so that, in order that,( 从句中常有情态助动词maymight,
shallshould, willwould, cancould) in case, for fear that, lest, (从句中常有should, might等助
动词) for the purpose that等。
5.结果状语从句引导词有so that, such that, so…that, such…that, to the degreeextent that等。
6.条件状语从句分为真实和非真实两种。(非真实条件状语从句详见虚拟语气部分)引 导词
有if, unless, asso long as, once, in case, providedproviding that, suppose, supposing that, on
condition that
7.方式状语从句引导词有as, as if, as though, the way. 如:Do it the way you were taught.
9.让步状语从句引导词有though, although, even though, even if, wh-ever(no matter
howwhatwho…) ,while (while位于句首,一般意为“尽管……”) 如:While we don't agree
we continue to be friends.
II. 练习:
1. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people _____.
A) have objected B) objected C) must objected D) will object
2. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _____ the guards discovered what
had happened.
A) before B) until C) since D) when
3. Government cannot operate effectively _____ it is free from such interference.
A) so long as B) so that C) unless D) because

4. I'll accept any job _____I don't have to get up early.
A) lest B) as long as C) in case D) though
5. The computer has brought about surprising technological changes _____ we organize and
produce information.
A) in a way B) in the way C) in that way D) in no way
6. Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____it's beyond his power.
A) but that B) for that C) and that D) in that
7. _____ they reached the center of the city, they stopped the car at a bar.
A) Before a mile or so when B) For a mile or so after
C) Further than a mile or so D) A mile or so before
8. _____ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.
A) Before B) Until C) From D) Since
9. Scientists say it may be five or ten years _____ it is possible to test this medicine on human
A) since B) before C) after D) when
10. Liquids are like solids _____ they have a definite volume.
A) in that B) for that C) with that D) at that
11. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially truth
_____ it comes to classroom tests.
A) when B) since C) before D) after
12. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patient do not take drugs _____
A) like B) so C) which D) as

13. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _____ something occurred which attracted
my attention.
A) unless B) until C) when D) while
14. I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, _____.
A) however much it costs B) however does it costs much
C) how much does it cost D) no matter how it costs
15. Melted iron is poured into the mixer much _____ tea is poured into a cup from a teacup.
A) in the same way like B) in the same way which
C) in the same way D) in the same way as
16. You see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
A) the instant B) for an instant C) on the instant D) in an instant
17. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _____ I heard voices.
A) as B) when C) after D) while
18. John seems a nice person. _____ I don't trust him.
A) Even though B) Even so C) Therefore D) Though
19. _____ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.
A) For B) Now C) Since D) Despite
20. _____ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.
A) As soon as B) As well as C) So far as D) So long as
21. I'm sure he is up to the job _____ he would give his mind to it.
A) if only B) in case C) until D) unless
22. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _____ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.

A) by that B) at that C) on that D) in that
23. Americans eat _____ as they actually need every day.
A) twice as much protein B) twice protein as much
C) protein as much twice D) protein as twice much
24. Excuse me. If your call's not too urgent, do you mind _____ mine first?
A) I make B) if I make C) me to make D) that I make
25. _____ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables
and modeled them accurately.
A) Even if B) As far as C) If only D) So long as
26. _____ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.
A) By B) On C) At D) For
27. These two areas are similar _____ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
A) to that B) besides that C) in that D) except that
28. We'll visit Europe next year _____ we have enough money.
A) lest B) until C) unless D) provided
29. I was advised to arrange for insurance _____ I needed medical treatment.
A) nevertheless B) although C) in case D) so that
30. The trumpet player was certainly loud; But I wasn't bothered by his loudness _____ by his lack
of talent.
A) than B) more that C) as D) so much as
31. _____ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.
A) Since B) For C) While D) Before

32. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _____ it forces people
to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A) so that B) by which C) to which D) in that
33. I think I was at school. _____ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the
A) or else B) and then C) or so D) even so
34. _____ receiving financial support from family, community or the government is allowed, it is
never admired.
A) Once B) Lest C) As D) Although
35. _____ difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them.
A) However B) Whenever C) Wherever D) Whatever
36. He will surely finish the job on time _____ he's left to do it in his own way.
A) in that B) in case C) as far as D) so long as
37. I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived _____ Susan caught up with me.
A) though B) until C) when D) while
38. The fire was finally brought under control, but _____ not extensive damage had been caused.
A) after B) before C) since D) as
39. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _____ it means standing in a queue all night.
A) provided B) whatever C) even if D) as if
40. We hadn't met for 20 years, but I recognized her _____ I saw her.
A) for the moment B) the moment when C) at the moment when D) the moment
III. 答案及详解:
1. D) 题意:如果你在非吸烟区吸烟,人们就会反对。

2. A) 题意:昨晚有人越狱逃跑了,警卫直到很久以后才发现发生了什么事。
解析:句型It was a long time before…意为“直到很久以后才……”,其他选项都不符
3. C) 题意:除非不受干涉,否则政府工作无法有效运转。
解析:4个选项中只有unless “除非”符合题意。其余三项词义分别为:A) so long as
“只要”,B) so that “为的是”,D) because“因为”。
4. B) 题意:只要不必早起,我可以接受任何工作。
解析:4个选项中只有so long as “只要”符合题意,引导条件状语从句。其余三项词
义分别为:A) lest“以防”,C) in case“假使,以防” ,D) though“尽管”。
5. B) 题意:计算机在组织和产出信息方面为我们带来了惊人的技术革新。
解析:in the way表示“在……方面”,后面常接定语从句,而短语in a way“在某种程
度上”,in that way“用那种方法”,in no way“决不”都不符合题意。
6. A) 题意:不是因为约翰不想帮你,而是因为他力所不及。
解析:Not that…but that是一固定结构,表示“不是因为……而是因为”。
7. D) 题意:在离市中心一英里左右的酒吧旁他们停下了车。
解析:本题可采用排除法来做。A)B)两项连 词混乱,可首先排除,C)中没有可引导的
8. B) 题意:英国大多数做母亲的人直到最近才外出从事有偿劳动。
解析:4个选项中只有until可以用 于副词recently之前。另外,主句谓语若含否定意
义,until表示“直到……才”,用在此 处意思合适。
9. B) 题意:科学家认为,这种药物可能需要5到10年时间才能在人体上做实验。
解析:句型it iswas …(time)before …表示“花了多长时间才发生某事”
10. A) 题意:液体和固体相类似是在于它们都有一定的体积。

解析:In that表示“因 为”。实际上,起由that引导的介词宾语只能和in,but,except
11. A) 题意:做好家庭作业是提高你考试成绩的切实有效的方法,在课堂测验时更是如此。
解析:固定句型When it comes to的意思是“当涉及……时,当谈到……时”。
12. D) 题意:周密的调查表明,多达50%的病人未按规定服药。
解析:根据题意,空格处需用表示方式的连词,故选择A) as “以……的方式,依照”。
A) like用以表示两事物的比较,B) so后接分词时是副词,表示“如此,这样”,C) which通
13. C) 题意:我感到有些失望,正要离开时,发生了一件事,吸引了我的注意力。
解析:When表示 某事正要或正在进行时,另一事突然发生,这时往往用连接词when,
一般放在主句之后。When的 意思相当于just at that time,常译为“这时,刚……就”。D) while
相当于 during the time that, 表示主句的动作是在从句动作的期间发生。
14. A) 题意:我已经告诉过你,无论代价有多大,我都要买下它。
解析:However和no matter how在引导让步状语从句中修饰形容词或副词,故只有
15. D) 题意:熔化了的铁水被倒入混铁炉,跟把茶水从茶壶倒入茶杯的方式是一样的。
解析:方式状语从句。因此,A),B)两项首先被排除。再有,in the same way as中的
16. A) 题意:闪电一发生你就能看到闪光,但过一会你才听到雷声。
解析:“You see the lightning”和“it happens”是两个完整的句子,因此需要一连词将
它们连接,四 选项中B、C、D项都是介词短语,排除。A) the instant可作连词,意同the moment,
as soon as等。B) 表示“一瞬间”;C) 表示“当即,立断”;D) 表示“很快,马上”。
17. B) 题意:在我刚返身回屋去换衣服时听见了一阵说话声。
别。w hile多用于延续性或同时性动作,但此句的主句与从句相关的动作分别为start与hear,

< p>
18. B) 题意:约翰看上去是个好人,即便如此,我并不信任他。
解析:首先排除C) Therefore“因此”,前后逻辑矛盾。even though为连词,应连接前
后两个单句子 ,所以A项排除。though虽然可用作表示转折意思的副词,但它常置于句尾或
插入句子中间,如: It was Sunday; I had to work though. B) Even so“即使如此,然而”是答案,
19. B) 题意:我头部的病症已经消失,脑子也能渐渐变得灵活的多。
解析:now that构成一连词,作“既然,由于”解,意同since,例如:Now that I’ve seen
how he lives, I know why he needs so much money.了解了他的生活状况,我才知道他为什么需
20. D) 题意:只要他努力去做就行,我不在乎他什么时候完成试验。
解析:as well as不属于连词,可先排除。其余三项分别意为:A) As soon as “一……
就……”;C) So far as “就……说来,就……看来”;D) So long as “只要”,意同as long as。
21. A) 题意:只要他用心专一,我相信他能胜任这项工作。
解析:if only意思有“但愿……,……该有多好啊;只有”等,在句中引导状语从句,
相当于as long as,例如:We can surely overcome these difficulties if only we are closely united。
只要我们紧密地团结一致,就一定能克服这 些困难。until“直到”,unless“除非……,如果……
不”,in case“如果,万一”,均不符合逻辑。
22. D) 题意:批评和自我批评很有必要,因为它们能帮助我们发现错误,改正错误。
解析:空格后为主谓结构的句子,且成分齐全,只能选择连词为in that“因为”。由that
23. A) 题意:美国人每天摄入的蛋白质是他们实际需要量的两倍。
解析:比较级的倍 数表示。much修饰名词,应放在protein之前,twice表示倍数,修
饰“as much protein as”,也应前置,故A项正确。

24. B) 题意:对不起,如果你的电话不是很急的话,能否让我先打?
解析:根据do you mind的用法,通常后跟两种形式:do you mind doing sth.或do you
mind if从句。B正确。
25. A) 题意:即便计算无误,科学家也永远无法确保他们已经考虑到了所有的变量并且模型
解析:四个选项的含义分别是:A) even if “即使;即便,哪怕”;B) as far as“(表示
程度,范围)就……; 至于……”;C) if only “只要;要是……多好”;D) so long as“只要”。
根据主句句意“科学家也永远不能确定……”,空格处应选even if ,构成让步从句,意思是
26. B) 题意:看到由他造成的损失,这个小孩感到很羞愧。
解析:“on doing sth.”,表示“就在某时或某场合(之后),一……就……”。例如:On
arriving at the airport, he was arrested. 他一到机场就被警察逮捕了。
27. C) 题意:这两个地区很相似:这个季节都有很大的降雨量。
解析:该题为“in + 关系代词that” 结构作“因为”解。故C正确。该词已在高考考
28. D) 题意:如果有足够的钱,我们明年将访问欧洲。
解析:四个选项的词意分别为:A) lest “惟恐,以免”;B) until “直到……”;C) unless
“除非,如果”;D) provided“假如,如果”,意同if。句意要求选D项。
29. C) 题意:有人建议我投保险,以备治疗需要。
解析:in case“以防,万一”,符合句意。A) nevertheless“然而,不过”;B)although
“尽管”;D) so that“目的是,以便能”均不合句子逻辑。
30. D) 题意:这个号手演奏的声音无疑很吵,但是我更不能容忍的是它的演奏水平低下。
解析:比较级用法。 首先排除A、C两项,因为它们构不成比较级的正确形式。而该
题开头句子则限定了对D项的选择,因为 作者更想说明的是his lack of talent(缺乏才能)。
31. A) 题意:既然你打算明天才走,那今晚我们可以一起吃顿饭。

32. D) 题 意:尽管许多人把冲突看成是有害的,但它迫使人们去检测他们相关观念和行为的
优劣长短,因而有时是 有益的。
33. A) 题意:我想当我听到这个消息的时候,我在学校,要不就是和朋友在度假。
解析:四选项的意思分别是:A) “否则;要不然”;B) “其后,然后;以后;继之”;
C) “大约”;D) “即便如此”,故A 正确。
34. D) 题意:尽管允许从家庭、社会或政府获取经济资助,但人们并不欣赏这样做。
解析:由alth ough连接构成让步状语从句,符合句意。as表示“由于,因为;既然”;
once表示“一旦”; lest表示“以免,惟恐”。
35. D) 题意:不论遇到什么困难,我们都会互相帮助,加以克服。
解析:特殊疑问词用法。B、C两项无法和 difficulties搭配;A项为疑问副词,应排除;
36. D) 题意:只要让他按自己的方式去做,他肯定能够准时完成工作。
解析:四选项的意思分别为:A) “因为”;B) “万一,惟恐”;C) “就……而言”;
D) “只要”,故D 正确。
37. C) 题意:在我回母亲居住的农舍途中,Susan赶上了我。
38. B) 题意:大伙终于被控制住了。但大范围的损害已经造成。
39. C) 题意:罗德决定要搞到一张音乐会门票,哪怕是通宵排队。
解析:A) provided等于if;B) whatever表示“无论什么,不管什么”, D) as if“好像”,
都不复合题意。C) “即使,哪怕”,正确。

40. D) 题意:尽管二十年未见面,我还是一眼就认出了他。
解析:分析句子可断定but后面是一个主从复合 句,空格后跟随一时间状语从句,所
以选项D)正确。类似的连词还有the minute,the instant,as soon as等。A项为介词短语,
无法连接句子,B项the moment和when只需其中一个即可。









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