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2020-10-25 16:34



英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
1.这样的事我从来没听说过。 I’ve never heard of such a thing before.
2.那边出什么事啦? What’s going on over there ?
3.也许这不是他的错。我们得查一下。【have got to】Maybe it is not his mistake.
We’ve got to make some enquiries.
4.乌云遮住了天空,好像要下雨了。Dark clouds have spread over the sky. It
looks like rain.
5.让我们把事情再解释一遍,这样每个人都可以明白了。Let’s explain the matter
once again, so that everyone can understand it.
6.他抬头一看,见她面带微笑走了过来。He looked up and saw her coming over
with a smile on her face.
7.如果你照告诉你的那样去做,你一定会通过考试的。If you do as you are told ,
you will certainly pass the examination.
8.突然我看到个老妇人跑着穿过马路。【all at once】 All at once I saw an old
woman running across the street.
9.只要我们团结一致,就可以克服任何困难。If we are united as one ,we can get
over any difficulties.
10.在老师和同学们的帮助下,他几乎在各个方面都取得了很大的进步。With the
help of his teachers and classmates, he has made much great progress in
almost everything.
11.在他的工作中,出现了许多困难,可是他并没有吓倒。A lot of difficulties arose
in his work ,but he was not frightened.
12.别着急,我们有的是时间。【take one’s time】 Take it easy we’ve got plenty
of time.
13.他在学习上仍有一些困难,但他不怕困难,而且正在努力克服它们。She still
has some difficulties in her studies, but she is not afraid of them and is trying
hard to overcome them.
来。They have taken some action. It means that the population of their country
will stabilize within the next twenty years.
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
料。If we don’t have an adequate supply of the material, we’ll soon use up what
we have now.
16.这场暴风雨给这些旧房子造成了严重破坏。The storm caused serious
damage to these old houses.
17.幸运的是,在这场事故中没有一个人受伤。Fortunately, not a single man was
injured in this accident.
18.我后悔不该给他带来这么多麻烦。I regret having caused him so much
19.很明显,最近他取得了很大进步。It’s evident that he has made great progress
20.昨天在街上我把她妹妹误认成她了 I mistook her younger sister for her in
the street yesterday.
21.我真诚的希望你会看到自己的错误,并且以后尽量不再重犯。I sincerely hope
that you will see your mistake and try not to make it again in future .
22.我从来都没有读过这么有趣的书。I have never read such an interesting
23.在中国人人看上去都很愉快。你到处都可以看到笑脸。In China everybody
looks happy. You can see smiling faces all over the country.
In terms of population, Washington cannot be regarded as a big city.
The students have come to realize that it takes years to master a foreign language.
You should apply for that post immediately, in person or by letter.
As neither of us would give in, the deal fell through.
It was worthwhile for us to wait so long because we bought the tickets we had wanted.
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
She bought whatever she liked and ended up in heavy debt.
Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.
He regretted having idled away so much time.
Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.
She went out of her way to take care of the old man who was suffering from cancer.
It rained heavily yesterday, so they had to stop the game in progress.
Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.
In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driver’s carelessness.
How to cope with the present financial crisis should be our major concern in the long run.
I must put emphasis on the fact that they are only children.
普遍的争论。 (There be;介词后宾语从句)
39.但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应 该放弃物质至上的追
求,而是集中精力追求幸福。(in spite of;concentrate on)
接的 途径,然而其他人认为它可能会侵犯隐私。(In reaction to;provide...with;lead

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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
42.许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(centers on;
the lack of)


45.随着社会的不断发展,出现 了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是怎样保护环境。
(Along with...;)

也发生了很大改变。 (full of;take place;attitude towards


48.如果每次孩子遇到困难家长 就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作业就没有任何意义
了。(There is no point in doing...)
49.直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。(only when...)
50.一个人不可能一辈子不犯错误,但要尽量少犯错误。(as…as possible)
52.世上越来越多的人认识到加强环境保护的必要性。(more and more)
but;be impressed with...)

56.这方面 还存在一些问题。(In spite of;in terms of)
57.最近的一项调查表明 ,同几年前的50%相比,有85%的调查对象把致富作为
他们的首选。(rank...as;com pare...with)
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58.市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。 (hundreds of thousands of)
59.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy
60.人民生活水平的显著提高 稳步增长the remarkable improvement steady
growth of people’s living standard
61.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology
62.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges
63.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed recognized that…
64.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development
65.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern draw public attention
66.不可否认 It is undeniable that… There is no denying that…
67.热烈的讨论 争论 a heated discussion debate
68.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue
The rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of the
70.尽管他是个残疾人,他把全部精力投入到全心全意为人民服务之中。(in spite
In spite of the fact that he was disabled, he devoted all his energy to serving
the people heart and soul.
The professor who is working with you is very stubborn. There is no point in
arguing with him.
In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in China, but much
remains to be improved in education.
73.我们不仅应该向顾客保证产品的质量,而且要提供最佳服务。(Not only,
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
Not only should we assure customers of the good quality of the products but
also of the best service.
Can you recommend me a teacher who is capable of teaching geography in
(no denying)
There is no denying that the fast development of computers has led to a series
of changes in other fields.
76.据说,上周末为了向那些退休教师表示敬意,举行了一次告别晚会。(be said
to, honor)
A farewell party is said to have been held last weekend in honor of those
retired teachers.
It was the beautiful scenery, which was beyond words, that made him
deeply impressed.
78.不管我们会遇 到什么困难,我们都要不遗余力地尝试新事物,开阔视野。
Whatever difficulty we may meet with, we should spare no efforts to try
something new and expand our horizons.
Never before have the college students had such a strong sense of
becoming volunteers for the 2010 Expo as today.
80.我们每一个中国人都有充分的理由为我国近 30年来所取得的巨大成就而自
Each of us Chinese has every reason to take pride in the great
achievements that have been made over the past 30 years.
He didn’t sign up for this interview, which cost him a well paid-job.
To a large extent, intelligence is something that people are born with.
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
(advance, meanwhile)
The development of Industry advanced human civilization, and meanwhile,
it also caused us many unexpected problems.
84.他对英国人喜爱旧事物的方式很着迷, 他们保护着许多历史悠久的古城堡。
He is fascinated by the way the British love the old things and they preserve
many old castles with a long history.
The chart enables us to know more clearly about the students’ leisure
activities at present
If we can’t find out the real cause of the failure, we will riskrun the risk of
repeating the same mistake.
(seem; think in the language)
Though they have learned the meanings of some English words, they seem
unable to think in the language.
88.他在美国逗留时学到了一些美国英语。(pick up)
They picked up some American English during his stay in America.
89.他自己得出结论,而不是等待老师解释。(form…conclusion; instead of)
He formed his own conclusion instead of waiting for the teacher to explain.
90.狄克很聪明,但迄今为止他的语言学习并不成功。(intelligent; less than
Dick is very intelligent but his language learning has been less than successful
so far.
It is said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to communicate with
the people who speak it.
92.这位家庭主妇上超级市场前把她要购买的东西列了一张单子。(make a list of)
The housewife made a list of all the things she wanted to buy before going to
the supermarket.
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
Every student is assigned to write a composition each week, but he can write
more if he wants to.
The first page of a newspaper is where we know the most important news of
informed of)
The magazine is very helpful to those who want to be informed of the new
development of the medical science.
96.我们 在学校学习的各门功课都各自有用,很难说哪一门更有用,哪一门不怎
么有用。(useful in its own way)
Every subject is useful in its own way; it’s hard to say which one is more
useful and which one is less useful.
97.诺贝尔奖金被认为是科学家能希望得到的最大荣誉。(consider; honour)
The Nobel Prize is considered the greatest honour that scientists hope to win.
(be offered a post; go on with)
The scientist was offered a good post in the university so that he could go on
with his scientific research.
It’s hard to imagine that the film star remains active in the film circle as
long as half a century.
on; stay awake)
Her sleep depends on the surroundings; a little noise will make her stay awake
the whole night.
Whichever gift you give me, it means you have thought of me.
102.只有知道实验结果以后,我们才能得出正确的结论。(form a conclusion)
Only after we know the result of the experiment, can we form a correct
103你睡觉以前一定要把门关好。(be sure to)
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
Be sure to close the door before you go to bed.
Drawing is her hobby, which almost occupies all of her free time.
105.她很好的利用她在国外逗留的时间学习外语。(make good use of)
She made good use of her staying abroad to learn English.
106.据说每一个生物都能以自己的方式来保护自己。(in its own way)
It is said that every creature can protect itself in its own way.
107.人们读报为的是获悉国内外发生的事情。(be informed about)
People read newspapers in order to be informed about what is happening at
an abroad.
108.我们知道他们的工作正在进行。(in progress)
We know their work is in progress.
109.那些科学家因为在科学研究中的成功而令人尊敬。(because of)
Those scientists are respected because of their achievements in the scientific
It remains a question whether the new medicine will have effect on the patient
or not.
111.你学习的结果并不取决于你晚上睡多少时间。(depend on)
Your study result will not depend on how long you sleep at night.
112.音乐会听众很多,我们几乎找不到空位子。(a large audience)
There was such a large audience in the concert that we hardly found an empty
If your work is useful to people, no one will think your life is a failure.
114.医生说怎样说服人们停止吸烟不是一个容易对付的问题。(deal with)
Doctors said how to persuade people to give up smoking was not easy to deal
(get a rough idea of; from cover to cover)
I got a rough idea of the book by glancing at its content. I needn’t read it
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
from cover to cover.
What you should do now is to stop complaining.
stay with)
It was your help that made it possible to stay with a Chinese family in the
tourist season.
118.如果你睡觉时做一点梦,对你的健康是无害的。(no harm is done)
No harm is done if you have some dreams when sleeping.
119.如果你这次失去了机会,恐怕你会后悔的。(miss the chance; regret)
If you miss the chance this time, I am afraid that you will regret.
120.成千上万的旅客被困在隧道里直至火被扑灭为止。(trap in)
Thousands of travelers were trapped in the tunnel until the fire was put out.
121.虽然他现在并不成功,但他不相信他的一生将会是一次失败。(not successful;
a failure)
Though he is not successful now, he doesn’t believe that his life will be a
122.我盼望在圣诞晚会上见到你。(look forward to)
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas party.
Lots of work has been done to prevent the rain from being acid.
He ran all the way and narrowly missed the late bus.
125.钮扣可能被误认为糖果,应该放在孩子拿不到的地方。(be mistaken for)
The buttons may be mistake for sweets, so they should be kept out of children’s
Lacking advanced science and technology is a serious problem.
What is the population of the city where your uncle lives in?
128.三十年前科学家们不明白酸雨对人的健康有什么危害。(do harm to)
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
Thirty years ago scientists didn’t know what harm the acid rain would do to
people’s health.
129.中国的长城在两千多年前筑成。(be constructed)
The Great Wall of China was constructed two thousand years ago.
130.你的文章很令人满意,我肯定你的老师会对它满意的。(be sure)
Your essay is satisfactory and I am sure your teacher will be satisfied with it.
You will be in trouble if you neglect her advice.
132.通常说来,酸雨是工业发展的结果。(result from)
Generally speaking, acid rain results from the development of industry.
It is found that eggs contain most of the nutrition that human body needs.
134.我们不明白他们怎么能在短期内取得如此大的改进。(in such a short time)
We don’t know how they can make such great progress in such a short time.
135.在那偏僻的山区,辛勤劳动是摆脱贫穷的好办法。(get away from)
In the remote mountainous areas diligence is the best way to get away from
136.直到本世纪初那个城市才开始有现代形式的学校。(come into existence)
The modern form of schools did not come into existence until the beginning of
the century.
137.那个老妇人不知道怎样处理她这么多的旧书。(do with)
The old woman doesn’t know what to do with so many old books.
138.所有的奴隶在战争结束以后被释放了。(set free)
All the slaves were set free after the war was ended.
139.他想当医生的理想终于实现了。(the dream of)
His dream of becoming a doctor has come true at last.
If you don't work hard, how can you realize your dream?
141.我们发现这老妇人躺在地上感到非常惊奇。 (feel surprised) We felt
surprised to see the old
woman lying on the ground.
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Great care should be taken to save the home accidents.
143.另外一条地铁不久将向公众开放。(be open to)
Another subway will be open to the public soon.
Collecting stamps almost occupies all of his free time.
145.越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware)
More and more people are aware of the importance of obeying the traffic rules.
The photo reminded me of the days we spent in the summer camp.
Once you have formed the bad habit, it’s very difficult to get rid of it.
As we all know, success comes from diligence and nothing will be achieved
without efforts.
Do you have a habit to offer your seat to the old people?
I much regret having lost the chance of winning the scholarship.
151.到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to)
Up to now, the English words we have learned add up to no more than 3,500.
It’s our duty to protect our environment.
The accident caused us to realize that we could not ignore the problem of
154.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off )
No matter how late it is, we can not put off what we should today till tomorrow.
Many foreign visitors want to visit the Great Wall, knowing that he who doesn’t
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英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~
reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
156.我们送给他们一件礼物表示感谢他们的帮助。(show one's appreciation for)
We sent them a gift to show our appreciation for their help.
to)Because John did not perform well in the interview, he failed to get the post.
心。(go through)
Shanghai has gone through many changes and now it has become a
world-famous oriental economic and cultural information center.
因为我们是 未来的开创者。(feel it a duty)
Society is developing and as a contemporary young man we feel it a duty to
make efforts for the future, so we are the future explorers.
I had wanted to make friends with him, but he proved to be a difficult man to
get along with.
Once he realizes that it is his mistake, Peter never hesitates to admit and
correct it.
162.这座纪念碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建的。(in honor of)
The monument was set up in honor of the national hero.
However busy I am, I'll lend you a hand.
Prices of the new types of computer range from 5,500 yuan to 7,800 yuan.
165.这本书可以使你了解一些发达国家的发展史。(an idea of)
The book will give you an idea of the development history of some advanced
166.我们的计划是在城里再建造一条地铁来缓解交通压力。(to build)
Our plan is to build another subway line in our city to relieve the transportation
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I won’t ask you for help unless there is an urgent case.
It is known to all that education and science and technology play a unique role
in the competition in market.
It is predicted by United Nations that the population of the world will reach
almost 7 billion by the year 2004.
The average family, .ahich now consist of four members at most, is much
smaller than it used to be.
What impressed me most whenwhile I was visiting Shanghai was the great
changes that had taken place in the past ten years.
A man cannot be judged by his appearance
Not is only Shanghai the largest city in China, but it will also become the center
of finance and economy in Asia.
The American who has worked in China for 12 years has been accustomed to
the life h ere.
His parents meet almost all his need so that he is a spoilt child.
In my opinion, only through a lot of practice can we be qualified for the job.
177.我认为学习用语言思维比了解每一个单词的含义更为重要。(find it
I find it more important to learn to think in the language than to know the
meaning of every word.
178.不论发生什么事情,我们将站在你们一边。(no matter)
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No matter what has happened, we will be on your side.
179.从他的言行来看,他并非是一个鼠目寸光(short- sighted)的人。(judge)
Judging by what he says and what he does, he is not a short-sighted person.
When do you think your daughter will be conscious of the truth that failure is
the mother of success?
180.你认为什么时候你女儿才会认识到“失败是成功之母 ”这个道理?
As soon as he came back, he began to complain of the serious air pollution
Very likely you disapprove of what I have done.
183.我们决定这资金将分发给需要帮助的那些人。(distribute among)
We have decided that the fund will be distributed among those who need help.
184.讲座结束后,教授留出半小时让我们提问。(set aside)
After the lecture the professor set aside half an hour for us to ask questions.
185.他的成就是他几年来做出的不断努力的结果。(due to)
His achievements are due to his steady constant effort he has made these
186.只要能按时完成任务,他不在乎怎么做。(so long as)
So long as he can finish the work accomplish the task on time, he does not
care (about) mind how to do it.
187.我们发现很难跟上科技领域的迅猛发展。(keep step with)
We found it difficult to keep step with the rapid development in the field of
science and technology.
188.你是否参加我们的活动已无关紧要。(make no difference)
It makes no difference whether you will take part in our activity.
The reason why I do not go to the park is not that I do not like going for a walk
but that I have no time.
The visits between the leaders of the two countries will contribute to the
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peaceful solution to the existing problems.
191.很多人,包括一些学生,只花极少的时间寻求体魄健康。(in search of)
Many people, including some students, spend little time in search of their
physical health.
There was no doubt that she did not find she had left the key to the bicycle in
her office until she came home.
193.事实证明,父母的言行对孩子有很深的影响。(have effect on)
It is proved that parents' words and behaviors have a deep effect on their
194.到本世纪末,这个城市的人口将超过1000万。(by the end of)
By the end of the century, the population of the city will be more than 10
195.每次我去上海,都能看到这个城市的巨大变化。(every time)
I saw great changes in Shanghai every time I visited the city.
We depend on the newspaper for information about what is happening.
197.他的书十分成功,对此我们大家一直深信不疑。(be sure of)
His book was a great success, which all of us had always been sure of.
Our neighbor complained that we made about our making too much noise.
199.听了他的一席话,我不由得感觉到了威胁。(can’t help feeling)
On hearing what he had said, I could not help feeling threatened.
200.他连走路的力气都没有,更不用说跑步了。(let alone)
He had hardly any strength to walk, let alone run.
In the final last analysis, all real education is self- education.
Mary was very busy working yesterday, or she would have come to meet me at
the station.
203.他们走了,好像这事跟他们无关。(as if)
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They left as though (if) it had nothing to do with them.
204.现在,人们越来越多依赖计算机来解决各种各样的难题。(depend on)
Nowadays people depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds
of difficult problems
205.正是这位男孩的懒惰导致他考试失败。(result in)
It was the boy's laziness that resulted in the failure in the exam.
Given enough manpower and financial support, they can finish the work within
a few weeks.
Needless to say, it is difficult to memorize (learn … by heart) meaningless
208.我们都认为他是一个诚实的人,但最终他被证明是个小偷。(turn out)
We all believed that he was an honest man, but he turned out to be a thief.
Neither rain nor snow will keep us from taking a trip to Hang Zhou.
210.杰克英文不好,但一讲到数学,却是班上最好的。(top student)
Jack is not good at English, but when it comes to maths, he is the top student in
the class.
We do hope the air in our cities get clearer and purer.
Be sure not to say anything capable of being misunderstood.
Generally speaking, most people don’t like to live together with their parents
after they get married.
It was in that small room that they worked diligently and dreamed of better
days to come.
215.不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的。It is
self- evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.
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The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over down.
217.如果富有的国家多花些钱搞绿色工业, 而不是去建立军事机器和制造核武
If the rich countries spent more money on green industries, instead of on
building up military machines and nuclear weapons, many of today's
widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.
The burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives
out poisonous gases.
Apparently, finding alternative energy sources is essential to the steady
development of our economy.
223.我们现在所居住的城市过去曾经是一个小村庄。(used to)
224.只有通过研究历史我们才能学会预料将来会发生什么. (Only…)
225.汤姆打开电视,但没发现可能引起他兴趣的任何节目。(be likely to)
(seem to be helpful; cancer; work)
227.不久我们将不得不与朝夕共处了三年的同班同学告别。(say farewell to)
230.是那些在奥运会上为国争光的运动员为我们树立了学习的榜样。 ( win
honours )
231.越来越多的人希望在假期里亲近大自然。(be close to)
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234.作为 本地居民,我们中的许多人都梦想着能成为2010年世博会的志愿者。
(dream of)
237.我很遗憾地通知你,你不能胜任那工作。(be qualified for)
(in other words)
244.直到被送入手术间时,他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。 (not...until...)
247.假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up)
How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a
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Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children which will
cause the children to make the same mistake again.
As a new immigrant in this completely strange country she always felt isolated.
Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we
The time for talking is past, we must take a positive action to protect our
His election speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person
for the senator.
While I admit that there are problems, I do not think these problems can not be
His firth debate on TV made a deep impression on the audience.
All things are interrelated and interact with each other.
Thoughts are expressed by means of language.
I have bought so many new books this year that it is really difficult for me to
keep count of them.
The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate
her birthday.
His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per
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In 1980s this band shot to fame with that single album.
Task a risk ,and you maybe lose but the chances of winning increase.
Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their research for finding a
AIDS killer.
Now we know the point of the internet: we can learn about everything
happened in the world by clicking the mouse.
He breathedheaved a sigh of sorrow, telling us that he had seen a better day
when he was a young.
He has a strong sense of responsibility, and that’s why he is chosen to take
control of this project.
主意。Where ver you go, be it for business of entertainment, it is always a good
idea to know about the place as much as you can.
Let’s be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itself.
In fact, the air quality of a house has a great deal to do with children’s health,
and adults’ health for that matter.
A lot of people believe that sleeping pills help them sleep. All I can think is,
they only knew."
My dream came true when I first flew up into the blue sky in an airplane.
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The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly
shocked as if he had entered a future world.
274.大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的 青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸
人。Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student
who pursued his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing.
I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not
something that everyone gets.

所有工业国的公司正面临着越来越多有不同背景的员工,它们必须每 天处理
等重要的 话题,问题的关键是公司怎样才能组建一支有着共同目标的团队,这个
Businesses in all industrial countries are confronted with an increasingly diverse
workforce, and must deal with the issues of diverse languages and cultures everyday.
Intercultural communication is an important topic not just for international business
but for domestic business as well. The question is what businesses need to do to build
a team with common goals, which is not an easy task.
环境。大规模开发将对中国目 前为摆脱贫穷做出的努力产生深刻的影响。繁荣、
West China is abundant in natural resources, fascinating in scenery and sparse
in population, which makes it an ideal environment for investment. Large-scale
development will have significant impact on China’s ongoing effort to shake off
poverty. A prosperous and wealthy west is what the Chinese are striving for (is the
goal that the Chinese are seeking to attain).
其他学科也是这样吗 ?如果是真的话,他们走出校门后就不可能成为真正的科学
家,也不可能靠自己的力量去继续探索有关知 识,并且随着阅历的增长及多元化,
Many Chinese students cannot speak the foreign languages they have studied for
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so long. Is it the same in mathematics, physics and chemistry and so on? If it is true,
they would not be able to come out of the university as real scientists. Nor would they
continue with the search for knowledge under their own steam, and to continue to
grow and innovate intellectually as their experiences multiply and diversify.
2010年上海世博会是探讨21世纪城市生活潜 力的一件大事。作为首届以城
市为主题的世界博览会,2010年上海世博会将吸引来自世界各地的政府 机构和
展经验 ,探讨新世纪的生活方式和工作条件。人们将学习如何建设生态友好型社
Expo 2010 Shanghai will be a great event in its exploration of the urban life
potential in the 21
century. Being the first World Expo on the theme of city, Expo
2010 Shanghai will attract governmental institutions and people across the world. In
a period of 184 days, participants will display the urban civilization to its full extent,
share their experience for urban development, and explore lifestyles and working
conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society
and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.

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