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2020-10-25 20:37




关于消除误会的英语作文 Clear the Air
Tim and Jack had a quarrel, and then they didn’t talk with each other for a week. In fact, they
misunderstood with each other. Tim thought Jack told the teacher his homework was copied. So
did jack. Before this, they were good friends. But once they quarreled again, and spoke the true
of fact. Then they cleared their misunderstanding and became friends again. From their
experience, I learn that make everything clear is the best way clear the air.
克告诉老师 说他的作业是抄的。杰克也同样误解提姆了。在这之前,他们 俩是好朋友。不
过有一次他们又吵起来了 ,之后把事情说清楚。这样他们才消除了误会,重新成了朋友。从
他们的经历中,我知道了消除误会的最 好方法是把事情说 清楚。

生活需要幽默 Life Needs Humor
When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward
topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do? The answer is
using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won’t take your awkward
topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily.
Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. Foreign people like to make friends with
humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are
always taking things too seriously. I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel
life is easy, and we should positive about life.
当我们和朋友聊得很开心的时候,突然如果我们聊到很尴尬的话题, 需要做一些事情来改变
情形,我们该怎么做呢?答案是使用你的幽默来让事情看起来轻松些,然 后你的 朋友就不
会把你尴尬的话题当真。幽默很重要,它可以调整氛围,让事情更好地运行。生活需要幽默,< br>没有幽默,生活就会很无聊。外国人喜欢和幽默的人交 朋友,他们聊天的时候可以感到很
轻松自 在,然而大部分中国人总是把事情看得很正式。我喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们让我
觉得自由,对生活要 积极。

给好朋友的一封信 A Letter to My Good Friend
Dear John,
Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I’m really sorry for writing so late. I have been
too busy at this moment. I am happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this summer
holiday. How I wish I could go there with you!

Let me tell you something about my summer holiday. My summer holiday is rich and colorful. My
parents take me to Hong Kong. That’s a beautiful place. I buy a lot of funny things at there. Such
as pretty dresses, cute dolls and the snacks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and
never come back! In a word, I really appreciate the life there.

I’m really looking forward to your reply!
好久不见,你的暑假过得还好吗?很抱歉那么晚才写信 给你。这段时间我真的太忙了。我
的地 方。我在香港买了很多新奇的玩意。比如漂亮的裙子,可爱的娃娃和一些从来没有吃过
的零食。我真想待 在那里再也不回来了。一句话,我喜欢那里的生活。

小组活动能帮助我们更好的学习英语Group Activities Help Us Study English Better
In our English Class, we often have group activities. There are usually three or four students in
one group. In my opinion, the group activities help us study English better. First of all, we should
know what the task is all about and how we will do it. Second, we have to make ourselves
understood that what we try to conevy. We should know that each group member should play a
different role and students should work together. If we have any questions, we should turn to our
teacher for help. At the same time, we should have communicate with our group members. Last
but not least, we must preform our activities in front of the whole class. It helps us to learn
English better.
在英语课堂中,我们经常组织集体活动。一般来说,每个组都有3、4名学生。在 我看来,小组
活动能帮助我们更好的学习英语。首先,我们得知道小组的任务是什 么,我们应该怎么做 。其
次,我们要让他人明白自己所表达的东西。每个组员都扮演着不同的角色,学生们要相互合作。如果我们有任何问题,可以向老师求教。与 此同时,我们应该与其他的组员进行交流。最后一
点, 我们必须要在全部同学的面前表演所接受的任务。做表演让我们的英语学得更好。

我喜欢弹吉他 I like Play Guitar
I like playing guitar, so my father buys me a guitar for fun. It is very funny. Then my mother asks
me to have guitar class. She thinks to learn more skill is good for me. I start to have guitar class. It
is really funny at first. But later on, I feel very tired. It is not easy to get improved. I want to give
up, but I insist at last. Now I can pay several songs. I feel proud of it.
我喜欢弹吉他,所以我爸爸给我买了一把吉他来玩。真的好好玩。然后 我妈妈就叫我去上吉
他课。她觉得多学一门技能对我是有好处的。我开始上吉他课了。一开始 的时候真 的很好


木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio
初中英语作文:木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio
Pinocchio is an interesting fairy tale. It is about the experience of a puppet named Pinocchio.
Pinocchio is only a Pinocchio at first, but later having life by a blue angel. But he is still a Pinocchio.
If he wants to be a real boy, he has to passed the test for brave, loyalty and honest. However, he
is too fun of play to skip school; being treated because of greedy and is hoisted by one's own
petard. But at last he passes all the tests and become a real boy. His adventure experience is very
interesting. And I am sure you can learn things from it. It is a book deserves recommending.
木偶奇遇记是有 趣的童话故事。这是关于一个名叫皮诺曹的木偶的经历。皮诺曹一开始只是
一个木偶而已,但后来因为蓝 色天使赋予它生命。不过仍然是一个木偶。 如果他想成为一
个真正的男孩,他就必须通过勇敢,忠诚和 诚实的测试。然而,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪心而
受骗,并且自食恶果。但最后,他通过了所有的测试,成 为一个真正的男孩。他的冒险经
历是非常有趣的。我相信你肯定能从中学到东西。这是一本值得推荐的书 。

怎样保持健康 How to Stay Healthy
As we all know, healthy is very important to do you really know how to stay
healthy? Here are some useful tips. First, we should do exercise if we have example, we
can go to swim in the summer holiday. Or we can take a walk after exercise makes
us healthy and strong. Second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies. Stop
eating junk food and drinking beers. Last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up
early. We should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. If we pay more
attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. I wish everybody has a strong and
healthy body.
我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里 有一些实用
的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或 者晚
饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。 第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如
果我们 都能按照以上的建议 注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮

为什么要学习英语? Why We Need to Learn English?
English is familiar to most people, because nearly every student in school has to learn English. It
is a compulsory course in most schools. Why we have to learn English? First of all, English is a

worldwide language. Nearly every country is using it, including China. If we want to earn a good
position in China, we need to learn English. Besides, learning English can provide us more
chances when finding jobs. With the development of China, we have more chances to work with
or work for foreigners. What’s more, learning English is helpful to build our confidence. The
more knowledge we know the more confidence we will have.
大部分人都 很熟悉英语,因为几乎每个学生在学校里都要学习英语。在大部分学校英语都是
必修课。我们为什么要学 习英语?首先,英语是世界通用的语言。几乎每 个国家都在使用
英语,包括中国。如果我们想在中国赢 得一个好地位,我们就得学习英语。此外,学习英语
在找工作的时候可以为我们提供更多机会。随着中国 的发 展,我们有更多的机会去和外国
人一起工作或者为他们工作。更重要的是,学习英语有助于我们建 立信心。学到的知识越多

课本该循环使用吗? Should Text Books Be Recycled?
When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to
buy the text books, most students will buy the new books, while it has become popular that
students choose to buy the second-hand text books. It is good that text books are recycled, it can
save the resource and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next generation.
What’s more, it also saves students a lot of money. Students can buy the second-hand book at a
very low price, students use the book only for a semester, it will become useless after they
reading it, so there is no need for them to spend so much money on the contemporary book.
当开学的时候,学生需要开始他们的新 学期,他们做的第一件事情就是买课本,大部分学生
会买新的课本,然而一些学生选择买二手书,这变得 越来越流行。课本循 环使用,这是好
的,这能节省资源和减少废物,给后代留下更多的资源。而且,这 也省下学生很多钱。学生
可以低价买下二手书,他们的书本只用一个学期,看完后 就会变得无用了,所以对他们来

分数并不等于知识 Score is not Equal to Knowledge
“Score is not equal to knowledge,” my head teacher always keeps telling me this, because he
wants us to master all the knowledge we need to understand. I do not put his word in mind,
because in my heart, score comes the first. One day, chemistry teacher taught us some
knowledge and then asked us to finish a paper test. Whoever passed the text can do the
experiment. I got a high mark by guessing. I was very happy, but tragedy happened. I made a
small explosion by not mastering the knowledge. I was scared and finally understood the
sentence,” Score is not Equal to Knowledge.”
“分数并不等于知识,”班主任对我说,因为他希望我们能够掌握所有需要了解的 知识。我并
没有把他的话放心上,因为我觉得分数是最重要的。有一天,老师教了我们一些知识,然后就 让

我们考试。只要通过了考试才能去做实验。我瞎猜猜得了很高分。我很高兴,但是悲剧 也就

糟糕的一天 My Sad Day
Today, when I went home after school, I saw the delicious snack, so I wanted to buy one of the
snacks, then I could not find my wallet, I searched it many times, at last, I had to admit that my
wallet was lost. I felt so worried, so I turned back to find my wallet, I watched the road carefully,
suddenly, a black dog was in front of me, I felt so scared. The hog yelled at me, so I ran, the dog
run after me, I run into the shop and got rid of the dog. I have to went home because of it was
dark, my mother came out and told me I forget to bring my wallet, how stupid I am.
今天,当我放学回家后,我看到了美味的小 吃,因此我想要买一些小吃,然后我找不到钱包,
我搜索了很多遍,最后,我不得不承认我的钱包弄丢了 。我很着急,所 以我返回去找我的
钱包,我一路仔细查找,突然,一条黑狗在我前面,我很害怕。那条 狗朝着我叫,所以我跑
了,狗追赶我,我跑进了一家商店,摆脱了那条狗。由 于天色已暗,我不得不回家,我的

交通安全-Traffic Safety
Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic
accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are
the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic
signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong
direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. They don't
slow down while approaching crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we
cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks
traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.
交通安全 人人有责。纪录显示每年有许多人死于车祸。有些车祸是由于机械问题。然而大部
分车祸都是疏忽而卤莽 驾驶的结果,并且可以避免的。许多人无视于交通号志和规则。他们
驾驶时不管车速、闯红灯、逆向行驶 、开车时交谈,并且不打灯号就任意转弯。他们接近十
字路口时不减速。如此多的人违犯交通规则以致于 我们再怎么样强调交通安全的重要性也不
为过。唯有当每个人皆认为交通安全是众人的事时,我们在路上 开车、在行人道上走路才安

关于军训的英语作文带翻译 Military Training
In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most
studentsare afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summerdays, the

weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside allthe day. In addition, the training
is very hard. Students have to learn to be asolder. They have to obey many rules that they don't
have to in daily life. And,the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care
uspatiently. However, military training is a good way to train students' strongwillpower. It's useful
to the life of students. Therefore, it's necessary tovery student.
在我国,当 我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。到部分的学生都害怕军训,因为训练
通常是在炎热的夏天进行 。夏天,天气炎热难熬。但是,学生必须 一整天都呆在外面。另
外,训练还很辛苦。学生们必须像士兵 一样。他们必须遵守很多在日常生活中无需遵守的规
则。而且,教官对学生很严厉。他们像老师一样耐 心照顾我们。但是,军训也是一种锻炼
学生意志的好方法。它对学生的生活很有帮助。因此,军训对学生 是很必要的。

我的假期My vacation
My vacation was very interesting. I did my homework on first day. I played table tennis on second
day. I watched TV on the third day. I went shopping on the fourth day. But I liked my going
shopping best.
On Sunday, I went to a shopping center with my mother. The shopping center wasn't far from my
home. It took us about ten minutes to get there on foot. The shopping center was very big. There
were all kinds of things. Every day a lot of people go there to buy things. It opens at eight in the
morning and closes at nine at night. Now, I was helping my mother buying things. I had a
shopping list in my hand. We were looking for things on the shopping list. After staying in the
shopping center for about two hours, we got all the things and walked home.
What did you do when you were on vacation?

我 的假期非常有趣。第一天我做功课。第二天我打乒乓球。在第三天,我看电视。第四天我
去购物。我最喜 欢的事情是去购物。
星期日,我和我的妈妈去了购物中心,购物中心离我家不远。步行到那里花了我们 大约十分
找购物清 单上的东西。逗留约两小时购物中心后,我们得到了所有的东西,走回家。

城市的变化 The Change of The City
I live in a city, since I was small, I witnessed all the things happened in this city. Now, in my eyes,
after so many years, the city has changed so much. First, the transportation has become fluent.
Many years ago, there were less bus stations, people always needed to changed their lines by
many cars. But now, almost all the places can be reached by bus, people don't need to change
the line. Second, the buildings are enlarging, this reflects the city's economy develops fast.
Indeed, I can go to many newly built public places to have fun, some are for children, some are

for the old, all of these are good for people's communication. The city's change reflects people
keep pace with time.
我住在一个城市,当我很小的时候,我目睹了发生在这个城市的一切 事情。现在,在我眼里,
交通变得便利。很多年以前,公共汽车站点很好,人们总是需要 通过换车来改 变路线。现
在,几乎所有的地方都可以通过公交车到达,人们不用改变路线。第二,建筑正在扩大,这< br>反映了一个城市经济的快速发展。确实,我可以 去很多新建的公共场所玩,一些是给孩子
的,一 些是给老人家的,所有的这些对于人们的交流是有用的。城市的改变反映了人们与时

雨后的彩虹 The Rainbow After the Rain
When I lived in my hometown, I liked raining so much, because sometimes I could see the
rainbow, it is so beautiful and attractive. I remembered the first time when I saw the rainbow. It
was a stuffy afternoon, when I took a nap, I heard it rained, but there was sunshine in the sky.
After an hour, the rain stopped. I walked out of my house and took a look at the sky, I saw a long
colorful bridge in the sky. It appeared clearly, so close to me, it seemed that I could walk it to the
sky. Now I live in the city, but I never see such beautiful rainbow again. The city’s buildings cover
the sky.
我记得第一 次看到彩虹的时候。那是一个闷热的下午,当我在午睡的时 候,我听到了下雨
声,但是天上还有阳光。 一个小时过后,雨停了。我走出房子,抬头看天空,我看到了天空
中一条多彩的桥。那是如此的清晰,离 我也很近,似乎 我能沿着它走上天空。如今我住在
城市里,淡水再也没有看到过如此美丽的彩虹。城市 的建筑物把天空挡住了。

中秋节计划 Mid- autumn Festival Plan
Tomorrow is Mid-autumn festival, since I don’t have go to school, so I want to take a break and
have fun. Mid-autumn festival is a big day, in the tradition, the families will get together and have
a big dinner. For me, I have made some plans. In the morning, I will go shopping with my sister,
we will buy some delicious food, so as to prepare for the dinner. In the evening, after finishing
the supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get
together, we must enjoy the moment. At last, we will watch the TV show, what a wonder night.
明天就是中秋节了,由于我不用去学校,因此我想要休息下,找下乐子。中秋节是 个大日子,
传统上,家人们会聚在一起,吃一顿大餐。对于我来说,我制定了些计 划。早上,我将会< br>我的姐姐购物,我们会买一些美味的食物,为晚餐来做些准备。晚上,吃完晚饭后,我想要
和家人 玩游戏,因为这对于我们来说是一个珍贵的时 刻,我们必须要享受这个时刻。最后,

初中英语作文:关于如何提高成绩英语作文? How to Improve Study?

关于如何提高成绩英语作文? How to Improve Study?
High school students are under great pressure, they want to do best in the exams, because it
means so much for them, if they do well, it means they can enter a good college and have a
bright future. But most students are confused with their study, even they work so hard on it, they
just couldn’t get the better result. The ways to improve study is very important, students must
learn them, so that they can learn in the sufficient way. First, students must foster their interest,
they should have interest in the subjects, so that they are willing to learn and won’t treat the
subjects as the burden. Second, they need to practice more. As the saying that practice makes
perfect, so students must take more exercise, in that case, they will master the knowledge.
Improving the study is not easy, so it should move step by step.
高中生面临很大的压力,他们想要在考 试中做得最好,因为这对他们来说意味着很多,如果
他们考好了,就意味着能够上大学,前途将会一片光 明。但是很多学生对 他们的学习感到
困惑,即使他们很用功去学习,但是没有得到理想的效果。提高学 习的方法很重要,学生应
该掌握,这样就能够学得有效率。第一,学生应该培养兴 趣,他们应该对学习 的科目感兴
趣,这样才会愿意去学习,不会把科目当成是一种负担。第二,他们应该多练习。正如有句< br>方言“熟能生巧”, 因此学生必须要多练习,这样的话,他们才能掌握知识。提高成绩不

失败 Failure
No one likes failure in his life. But not all can always succeed. It's a pity that someone will never
stand up after a failure. We must learn to accept failure. After all, failure is not always a bad thing.
We can learn something from it. Just as the saying goes,
can know our own shortcomings and learn some experiences from a real failure, ff we made up
our minds to start again, it will be easier to succeed next time. Furthermore, failure can make our
will stronger.
人生中没有人喜欢失败。但并不是所有的事情都能成功。一 个失败的人不能站起来是很遗憾
的。因此,我们必须要学会接受失败。毕竟失败并不总是一件坏事。我们 可以从中吸取一些
东西。正如谚语所说,“失败是成功之母”。我们可以知道自己的不足,从失败中学习 一些

关于团队的力量英语作文 The Power of Teamwork
I am the only child in my family, so I get used to doing things by myself. Since I go to school, my
teacher always gives us the homework, the problem is that we must finish in a group. At first, I
was refused, because I knew I could do it by my own. But my teacher insisted, so I had to work
with my group members. I started to find that I got many ideas from my group members and I felt

so happy to work with them. Now I realize that teamwork is really good, it not only relieves my
pressure, but also brings me happiness. The power of teamwork is infinite.
我在家中是独生子女,因此我习惯了自己做事情。自从我上学后,我的教师总是给 我们布置
作业,问题在于我们必须要按组完成。刚开始,我有点困惑,因为我知道 我自己就能完成。< br>但是老师坚持,所以我不得不和我的组员一起做。我开始发现我从组员那里得到很多的主意,
和他 们一起工作让我感到开心。如今我意识到团队工 作是好的,这不仅能减少我的压力,










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