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2020-10-26 08:56



Bugs Bunny: Arguably the most popular and enduring(持续的) of the Warner Bros.
cartoon characters, Bugs Bunny appeared in well over 150 cartoons. Bugs’ first official
cartoon was 1940’s “A Wild Hare”, directed by Tex Avery, but a precursor(先驱) to
him appeared in several cartoons prior to that, directed by Ben “Bugs” Hardaway and
Chuck Jones. Generally associated with “rabbit” hunter Elmer Fudd, Bugs also
squared(迎战) off against a horde(群) of other memorable characters, including
regulars Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, and the Tasmanian Devil.
最有争议的也是很长一段时间在一百五十个卡通人物中欢迎 的算是兔八哥
啦。八哥第一次露相是在1940年的“野兔子”中,这部电影是由Tex Avery导 演的。
and Chuck Jones导演的,兔八哥总是跟一系列其他深入人心的形象展开竞争,像
Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, and the Tasmanian Devil.
Daffy Duck: The name says it all. The little black duck that first appeared in the
black-and white Tex Avery short “Porky’s Duck Hunt” in 1937 was so popular that he
was immediately launched into a series of cartoons that continued until the final days
of the Warner theatrical cartoon studio. Originally conceived(以为) as an insane
counterpart(对应物) to mild-mannered Porky Pig, he quickly became a headlining(车
顶衬里) star in cartoons directed by Avery, Bob Clampett, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng,
Robert McKimson, and just about every other director who ever worked for the studio.
Throughout the 1940’s, Daffy was played as a nutty anarchist(无政府主义者) who
would often drive his enemies as crazy as he was. In most of these, Daffy is fond of
bouncing around on his head and uttering (发表)his trademark yell of “Woo hoo! woo
hoo! “In several cartoons during World War II, he was even unleashed(被推出) on the

Axis dictators(独裁者), most memorably Hitler in “Daffy the Commando”. By the
mid 1950’s, a different side of the character began to show in the cartoons of Chuck
Jones. Daffy became greedy and at times bitter, and in many cartoons he was more the
villain(坏人) than the hero. It was in this era that his classic feud(不和) with Bugs
Bunny began, in a trilogy(三部曲) of cartoons alongside(在旁边) Bugs and Elmer,
and many others. By the early 60’s, Daffy and Bugs had become a natural pair, and not
only Jones, but Friz Freleng and Robert McKimson also created Bugs and Daffy shorts.
Daffy also appeared in over 20 low-budget chases with Speedy Gonzales in the
waning(逐渐变小) days of the Warner cartoons.
是在1937年拍摄的黑白电 影Porky’s Duck Hunt中,之后他又出现在其他一些电
影里。一开始他是跟(porky pig)一样,总是疯疯癫癫的。但是后来在Avery Bob
Clampett, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Robert McKimson 拍摄的电影中一举成名。整
个十九世纪四十年代, Daffy 一直扮演一个疯疯癫癫的反政府的人物,他经常把
他的敌人逼得走投无路。Daffy还经常大叫 “ Woo hoo! Woo hoo!” 二战的几部卡
通片里,他以崭新的独裁者的身份亮相。最令人记忆忧新的角色就是他在Hiter 里
扮演的 Daffy the Commando角色。直到十九世纪五十年代中,他又在Chuck Jones
Daffy 和 Bugs 和好如初了。但是Jones, Friz Freleng and Robert McKimson 还在
制作Bugs和Daffy 的短片。 Daffy后来又出现在Warner卡通的最后20部不太
Elmer Fudd: Elmer Fudd is a short, bald- headed(秃头), game hunting little
gentleman with a speech impediment(障碍). He tries to be tough, but his speech
problem and his relatively low intelligence make him only minor threat to those who

cross him. Elmer Fudd can generally be seen hunting Bugs Bunny, as he did in his first
formative appearance hunting an early Bugs in Chuck Jones’ “Elmer’s Candid
Camera”(1940.) Elmer Fudd was usually paired with Bugs Bunny, although he made
solo appearances over the years and was also paired with Daffy Duck, Sylvester, the
Goofy Gophers, and others. His most popular catch phrase, “Be very, very quiet, I’m
hunting rabbits!” has become a household saying.
Elmer Fudd 是一个矮矮的,秃头的还有点结巴的小猎手。他想变得 很厉害,
但是他天生的结巴和低智商让他的小猎物轻而易举的就逃脱了。在Chuck Jones’
导演的Elmer’s Candid Camera(1940.)Elmer Fud d几乎每次都先被猎物发现。他经
常跟兔八哥同台演出,虽然他也经常独当一面,自己主演,还有跟Da ffy Duck,
Sylvester, the Goofy Gophers 和其他角色也合作过。他的最出名的也是家喻户晓的









本文更新与2020-10-26 08:56,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/427474.html


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