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中原工学院信息商务学院毕业设计(论文)译文专用纸 第 1 页 共 14 页
网站是一组相关的网页 ,图片,视频或其他数字资产的集合,是针对相对的
一个共同的统一资源定位符,这个定位器往往由域名 ,或组成的IP地址在以网
络为基础的互联网协议上的根路径构成。一个网站至少托管在一个Web服务 器,
一个网页是一个通常用超文本标记语言( HTML和XHTML)指令散布而成的纯
文本形式的文件。一个网页还可能包含其他网站的内容,但这 个网站必须有合适
网页通过超文本传输协议(HTTP)被访问或传送,这个超文 本传输协议可以
一致的网页内 容显示到一个显示终端。
所有的可以公开访问的网站构成了万维网。通过一个被称为网页的简单的统< br>一资源定位器可以进入一个网站的页面。网页的统一资源定位组织它们进入一个
层次中,它们之间 的超链接传达着读者感知到的网站结构和引导读者的网站导
有些网站需要订阅访问部分或 全部内容。订阅网站的例子包括许多商业网
站,新闻网站的一部分内容,学术杂志的网站,游戏网站,留 言板,基于电子邮

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万维网(WWW)是在1989年由欧洲粒子物理研究 所物理学家蒂姆伯纳斯李创
立的。在1993年4月30日,欧洲核研究组织宣布任何人可以自由使用万 维网。
议和Gop her协议通常被用来从服务器检索单个文件。这些协议提供了一个简单
的目录结构,用户可以通过目录 结构浏览并选择文件下载。文件往往表现为没有
1 个人网站
2 商业网站
3 政府网站
4 一个非营利性组织的网站
它可以是个人,企业或其他组织 的工作,通常是专注于某些特定的主题或用
途。任何网站可以包含到任何其他网站的一个超链接,因此个 别网站之间的区别,
网站是被写入,或者 动态地转变为超文本标记语言,并且通过运用一个被分
类为用户代理的软件界面访问网站。通过一系列的 计算机(其中包括台式计算机,

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并且这些条件还 可以参考在这些系统上运行的软件,这些软件可以根据网站用户
的要求收回和传送网页。 Apache 是最常用的Web服务器软件(根据Netcraft
的统计),微软的互联网信息服务器也是常用 的软件。

静态网站是一个把网 页存储在服务器,并被发送到客户网络浏览器的格式。
的网站,因为他们呈 现给用户的是预先定义的,静态的信息。这可能包括通过文
字,图片,动画,音频视频和交互式菜单和导 航信息传达的关于一个公司及其
这种类型的网站通常显示给所有的访 问者的都是显示相同的信息。类似于派
发给消费者的印刷小册子,一个静态网站一般会提供一个长时期的 一致的,标准
字 ,照片和其他内容的过程,并可以要求有基本的网页设计技术和软件技术。
总之,游客无法控制通过 一个静态网站可以接收到哪些内容,只能满足于网站的

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2、所见即所得的离线编辑器:如Microsoft ,FrontPage和Adobe
Dreamweaver(原Macromedia Dreamweaver等),运用这一编辑器, 网站可以使
部件,介绍,博客和其他的 文件。
板选择了一个合 适的模版,并加入桌面出版的图片和文字它时尚的不需直接操作
HTML代码就可以添加图片到桌面上已 存在的形式当中。

动态网站有 两种类型的动态活动:代码和内容。动态代码是不可见的,或者是幕
后,而动态内容是可见的,或者是完 全显示的。
第一类类型是具有动态代码的网页。这种代码是活跃的编程语言取代普 通
具有动态的代码的网站是指它的是兴建或如何建立的,更 具体地说,是指用
一个预定好格式的页面 上展示给读者。它和用户之间通过各种方式包括阅读互动

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饼干确认用户 以前的历史,会话变量,服务器端变量等,又或者使用直接的互动
(表单元素等)。一个站点可以显示用 户之间对话的现状,监测变化情况,或者
带有动态内容的网站指 的是它的信息,文本,图像和其他信息是如何展现在
网页上的,更具体地说,它的内容是如何在任何给定 时候更改的。该网页的内容
根据某些标准发生变化,而这些原则不知道是预先定义得原则还是可变用户输 入
要求它显示今 天的日期的所有新闻文章,这一类型的网站会自动显示任何给定日
期的最新的新闻文章。动态内容的另一 个例子是,当一个媒介产品的数据库的零
售网站允许用户输入一个关键字“披头士”的搜索请求。作为回 应,网页的内容
将会本能地改变它的页面,将显示一个甲壳虫乐队的单子,比如CD,DVD和书籍 。
静态HTML网 页容易得多。
Active Server Pages(ASP)时,玉马和ColdFusion(CFML中)可用于生成

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如果发生某 些情况下再生(缓存),以避免开始的在每个发动机的动力性能损失,
插 上插头可以用于扩展网络浏览器的特征和功能,插头用它来显示活动内
容,如微软Silverligh t,Adobe公司的Flash,Adobe Shockwave或Java编写
的小程序。动态H TML还为用户提供交互性和在网页内部更新的元素(即网页没
必要去加载或重载以做出改变),主要是 使用文档对象模型(DOM)和JavaScript,
支持那些内置最现代设备的Web浏览器。 < br>把网站转变成一个收入来源是一个Web开发人员和网站所有者的通行做法。
创建商业网站几种方 法可以分为两个大类,如以下定义的几种方法

信用卡或其他付款信 息,就可以在网站上购得商品和服务。尽管大多数商业网站
作为以砖和水泥形式存在的橱窗服务,但越来 越多的是这些网站的商业知识在自
己的范围内,也就是说,它们提供的产品只适用于在网上购买。 网站有时从两项实践结合中获得收入。例如,一个网站,如在线拍卖网站,
可能收取用户列出拍卖服 务的收入,而且还可以在网站上刊登第三类的广告,从

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A website (also spelled Web site) is a collection of related web pages, images,
videos or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common Uniform
Resource Locator (URL), often consisting of only the domain name, or the IP address,
and the root path ('') in an Internet Protocol-based network. A web site is hosted on at
least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local
area network.
A web page is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with
formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A web
page may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors.
Web pages are accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP), which may optionally employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide
security and privacy for the user of the web page content. The user's application, often
a web browser, renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions
onto a display terminal.
All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide
pages of a website can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator

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called the homepage. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although
hyperlinking between them conveys the reader's perceived site structure and guides
the reader's navigation of the site.
Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content.
Examples of subscription sites include many business sites, parts of many news sites,
academic journal sites, gaming sites, message boards, web-based e-mail, social
networking websites, and sites providing real- time stock market data.
The World Wide Web (WWW) was created in 1989 by CERN physicist Tim
On 30 April 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would
be free to use for anyone.

Before the introduction of HTML and HTTP, other protocols such as file transfer
protocol and the gopher protocol were used to retrieve individual files from a server.
These protocols offer a simple directory structure which the user navigates and
chooses files to download. Documents were most often presented as plain text files
without formatting or were encoded in word processor formats.
Organized by function, a website may be
a personal website

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a commercial website
a government website
a non-profit organization website
It could be the work of an individual, a business or other organization, and is
typically dedicated to some particular topic or purpose. Any website can contain a
hyperlink to any other website, so the distinction between individual sites, as
perceived by the user, may sometimes be blurred.
Websites are written in, or dynamically converted to, HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language) and are accessed using a software interface classified as a user
agent. Web pages can be viewed or otherwise accessed from a range of
computer-based and Internet-enabled devices of various sizes, including desktop
computers, laptops, PDAs and cell phones.
A website is hosted on a computer system known as a web server, also called an
HTTP server, and these terms can also refer to the software that runs on these systems
and that retrieves and delivers the web pages in response to requests from the website
users. Apache is the most commonly used web server software (according to Netcraft
statistics) and Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) is also commonly used.
Static website
Main article: static web page
A static website is one that has web pages stored on the server in the format that

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is sent to a client web browser. It is primarily coded in Hypertext Markup Language
Simple forms or marketing examples of websites, such as classic website, a
five- page website or a brochure website are often static websites, because they present
pre- defined, static information to the user. This may include information about a
company and its products and services via text, photos, animations, audiovideo and
interactive menus and navigation.
This type of website usually displays the same information to all visitors. Similar
to handing out a printed brochure to customers or clients, a static website will
generally provide consistent, standard information for an extended period of time.
Although the website owner may make updates periodically, it is a manual process to
edit the text, photos and other content and may require basic website design skills and
In summary, visitors are not able to control what information they receive via a
static website, and must instead settle for whatever content the website owner has
decided to offer at that time.
They are edited using four broad categories of software:
Text editors, such as Notepad or TextEdit, where content and HTML markup
are manipulated directly within the editor program
WYSIWYG offline editors, such as Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe
Dreamweaver (previously Macromedia Dreamweaver), with which the site is
edited using a GUI interface and the final HTML markup is generated

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automatically by the editor software
WYSIWYG online editors which create media rich online presentation like
web pages, widgets, intro, blogs, and other documents.
Template-based editors, such as Rapidweaver and iWeb, which allow users to
quickly create and upload web pages to a web server without detailed HTML
knowledge, as they pick a suitable template from a palette and add pictures
and text to it in a desktop publishing fashion without direct manipulation of
HTML code.
Dynamic website
Main article: dynamic web page
A dynamic website is one that changes or customizes itself frequently and
automatically, based on certain criteria.
Dynamic websites can have two types of dynamic activity: Code and Content.
Dynamic code is invisible or behind the scenes and dynamic content is visible or fully
Dynamic code
The first type is a web page with dynamic code. The code is constructed
dynamically on the fly using active programming language instead of plain, static
A website with dynamic code refers to its construction or how it is built, and
more specifically refers to the code used to create a single web page. A dynamic web

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page is generated on the fly by piecing together certain blocks of code, procedures or
routines. A dynamically-generated web page would call various bits of information
from a database and put them together in a pre-defined format to present the reader
with a coherent page. It interacts with users in a variety of ways including by reading
cookies recognizing users' previous history, session variables, server side variables
etc., or by using direct interaction (form elements, mouseovers, etc.). A site can
display the current state of a dialogue between users, monitor a changing situation, or
provide information in some way personalized to the requirements of the individual
Dynamic content
The second type is a website with dynamic content displayed in plain view.
Variable content is displayed dynamically on the fly based on certain criteria, usually
by retrieving content stored in a database.
A website with dynamic content refers to how its messages, text, images and
other information are displayed on the web page, and more specifically how its
content changes at any given moment. The web page content varies based on certain
criteria, either pre- defined rules or variable user input. For example, a website with a
database of news articles can use a pre-defined rule which tells it to display all news
articles for today's date. This type of dynamic website will automatically show the
most current news articles on any given date. Another example of dynamic content is
when a retail website with a database of media products allows a user to input a

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search request for the keyword Beatles. In response, the content of the web page will
spontaneously change the way it looked before, and will then display a list of Beatles
products like CD's, DVD's and books.
Purpose of dynamic websites
The main purpose of a dynamic website is automation. A dynamic website can
operate more effectively, be built more efficiently and is easier to maintain, update
and expand. It is much simpler to build a template and a database than to build
hundreds or thousands of individual, static HTML web pages. Software systems
There is a wide range of software systems, such as Java Server Pages (JSP), the
PHP and Perl programming languages, Active Server Pages (ASP), YUMA and
ColdFusion (CFML) that are available to generate dynamic web systems and dynamic
sites. Sites may also include content that is retrieved from one or more databases or by
using XML-based technologies such as RSS.
Static content may also be dynamically generated either periodically, or if certain
conditions for regeneration occur (cached) in order to avoid the performance loss of
initiating the dynamic engine on a per-user or per-connection basis.
Plug ins are available to expand the features and abilities of web browsers, which
use them to show active content, such as Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash, Adobe
Shockwave or applets written in Java. Dynamic HTML also provides for user
interactivity and realtime element updating within web pages (i.e., pages don't have to
be loaded or reloaded to effect any changes), mainly using the Document Object

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Model (DOM) and JavaScript, support which is built-in to most modern web
Turning a website into an income source is a common practice for web
developers and website owners. There are several methods for creating a website
business which fall into two broad categories, as defined below.
Content-based sites
Some websites derive revenue by selling advertising space on the site (see
Contextual advertising).
Product- or service-based sites
Some websites derive revenue by offering products or services for sale. In the
case of e-commerce websites, the products or services may be purchased at the
website itself, by entering credit card or other payment information into a payment
form on the site. While most business websites serve as a shop window for existing
brick and mortar businesses, it is increasingly the case that some websites are
businesses in their own right; that is, the products they offer are only available for
purchase on the web.
Websites occasionally derive income from a combination of these two practices.
For example, a website such as an online auctions website may charge the users of its
auction service to list an auction, but also display third-party advertisements on the
site, from which it derives further income.









本文更新与2020-10-26 09:58,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/427590.html
