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2020-10-26 11:09




你想当国王、想拥有荣华富贵、名闻天下吗?你希望无论 走到哪里都成为众
时是街上成千的民众。他永远 不会独自一人;每个人都认识他的面孔。他做事必


The Duke and Duchess of Windsor

1894 Edward is born in Richmond, England.
1896 Wallis is born in Baltimore,USA.
1911 Edward becomes Prince of Wales.
1912 Edward enters Oxford University.
1914 The First World War begins.Edward sees fighing on the front line in
1916 Wallis marries Winfield Spencer.
1920 Edward begins a five-year journey round the world. He visits 45 countries
and travels 240 000 kilometres.
1927 Wallis divorces Winfield Spencer.

1928 Wallis marries Ernest Simpson.
1930 Edward meets Wallis at a weekend house party.
1936 January King George V dies. Edward is now King.
June Edward tells his mother that he wants to marry Wallis.
December Edward gives the crown to his brother and leaves Eng-land.
1937 Edward and Wallis marry in France. They take the name Duke and
Duchess of Windsor.None of the Royal Family come to the wedding.For the next
thirty years the Duke and Duchess live out-side England.
1966 Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ meets the Duke and Duchess at a small party in
London.'It's time to forget the past,'she says.
1972 Edward dies in Paris.His body is buried in England at Windsor Castle.
1986 Wallis dies in Paris and is buried next to Edward at Windsor.
Switzerland. There were Presidents and Kings, film stars and millionaires. They
came from the four corners of the world, east and west,north and south,and they
spoke many languages.
But they all wanted one thing—to buy some jewellery.It was the jewellery that
a man called Edward gave a woman called Wallis.
One woman,Mrs Namiki from Japan,paid $105 000 for a gold ring.
'Why did you pay all that money?'a friend asked.'You can buy a gold ring in
Tokyo for half that money.'
'Because Wallis and Edward were special to me,'Mrs Namiki replied. 'I never
met them but I'll keep that ring all my life.'
In the next few hours, in that small room in Geneva, the jew-ellery was sold
for$50000000. But who was Wallis? And who was Edward? And why was their
love story so special?
Let's begin at the beginning…


1894 爱德华出生在英国的里士满。
1896 沃利斯出生在美国巴尔的摩。
1911 爱德华成为威尔士亲王。
1912 爱德华进入牛津大学。
1914 第一次世界大战爆发。爱德华在比利时前线督战。
1916 沃利斯与温菲尔德·斯潘塞结婚。
1920 爱德华开始了为期5年的环球旅行。他访问了45个国家,行程达24
1927 沃利斯与温菲尔德·斯潘塞离婚。
1928 沃利斯与欧内斯特·辛普森结婚。
1930 爱德华在一个周末家庭招待会上与沃利斯相识。
1936 1月:国王乔治五世逝世。爱德华登基。
1937 爱德华和沃利斯在法 国结婚。他们被封为温莎公爵和夫人。皇族中没
有人去参加他们的婚礼。在以后的30年里,公爵和夫人 一直在英国以外的国家
1966 女王伊丽莎白二世在伦敦的一个小型聚会上与 温莎公爵和夫人相遇。
1972 爱德华在巴黎逝世。他的遗体埋葬在英国的温莎城堡。
1986 沃利斯在巴黎去世,葬在温莎城堡爱德华的墓旁。
1987年4月,300人来到瑞士日内瓦的 一间小屋子。他们当中有总统和国王,
有一位从日本来的并木夫人,出价105 000美元买了一枚金戒。

们,但这枚戒 指我将终生珍藏。”
在随后的几个小时内,这些珠宝在日内瓦的那间小屋子里被拍卖,总额为< br>5000万美元。但是,沃利斯是谁?爱德华又是谁呢?他们的爱情故事为什么那

1 A Lonely Child

Prince Edward was born in 1894.His father,King George V, was a tall, cold
man who did not like chil-dren.'Why does Edward talk all the time?'he once
said.'He's a very noisy child!'
His mother,Queen Mary, agreed.'It doesn't matter if Edward is happy or
unhappy,' she said.'A child must be silent and strong.'
The family lived in Buckingham Palace,which had 600 rooms.There were 8
kitchens,19 bathrooms,24 toilets, 11 dining rooms, 17 bedrooms and 21 sitting
Edward once told a story about the house :Buckingham Palace was very big,
and people sometimes got lost.One night my mother,my father and I were sitting in
the dining room.We were waiting for our dinner.We wait-ed and waited, but the
food did not come.After twenty minutes my father was very angry. He stood up
and went to the kitchen.'Where is the cook?'he shouted,and where is my food?
'But, Sir,' the cook replied,'your dinner left the kitchen fifteen minutes
ago.Hasn't it arrived yet?'
'No,it hasn't,'my father shouted, 'and I'm hungry.'

The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food.Ten minutes later he
saw a woman who was carrying three plates of meat and potatoes.'What happened
to you?'my father said.'Why didn't you bring us our dinner?'
'I' m sorry, Sir, 'the woman replied. 'There are a lot of dining rooms. I
couldn't remember where to go.But if you return to the table, Sir, this time I can
follow you to the right room.'

Edward did not go to school with other children. He stayed in Buckingham
Palace where he had a special classroom just for him.
This is how Edward described his lessons:

My teacher, Mr Hansell, was a thin man. He never smiled and his nose was
very red.We had lots of books but they were all very boring. They were full of
words and they didn't have any pictures.
Sometimes I stopped reading and looked out dow.Mr Hansell got very
angry.He took a stick and hit me on the arm.'Don't look out of the window,little
boy,' he shouted.'Look at the book.'He hit me many times and my arm was red.
Every Friday the teacher took me to my father's room.
'And what has my son learnt this week,Mr Hansell?'the King asked.
And the answer was always:'Not very much I'm afraid,Sir.Edward doesn't like
his lessons. He never lis-tens to what I say.'
When Mr Hansell left the room,my father was angry with me.'What's wrong
with you, child?'he said.'Are you stupid? Why can't you learn anything?'
'But the lessons are so boring, Sir,'I replied.'And Mr Hansell hits me.'
'I don't understand you,Edward.You're a baby.You're so weak.You'll never be
a good King. A King must be strong.Go to your room and stay there until the

'I spent many days alone in my room,'Edward wrote later.'I never played with

other children and I didn't have any friends. I lived in the most beautiful house in
England but I was always lonely and sad. I saw my mother once a day at din-ner
time and I saw my father three or four times a week,but they never gave me any
love.I was afraid of them and every-thing I did was wrong.'

1 一个孤独的孩子

他不喜欢孩子 。“爱德华为什么总是说个不停?”有一次,他说,“这孩子真闹人!”
浴室,24个 卫生间,11个餐厅,17间卧室和21间起居室。

白金汉宫非常大,人们有 时会迷路。一天晚上,我和我的父母亲坐在餐厅里
等着吃晚饭。我们等呀等呀,但饭菜迟迟没有送上来。 等了20分钟,我父亲火
国王离开厨房,开始去找晚餐。10分钟后,他看 见一个女佣正端着3盘子
但要是您能 回到餐桌旁去,陛下,这次我会跟着您找到该去的餐厅。”


我的老师汉塞尔先生人很瘦。 他从来不笑,鼻子红红的。我们有很多书,但
棒儿打我的胳膊。“别往窗外 看,小男孩,”他叫道。“看书。”他一下又一下地打
不是脑子笨?你为什么学不 会任何东西?”
出色的国王。国 王必须坚强。回你的房间去,明天早晨以前不许出来。”
“许多个日子我都是独自一人在自己房 间里度过的,”爱德华后来写道,“我
从未和其他孩子一起玩过,我也没有朋友。我住在英国最漂亮的房 子里,却总是
四 面,但他们从不给我爱。我害怕他们,在他们看来,我做的每件事都不对。”

2 The Prince of Wales

In the spring of 1911 King George called Edward into his room and said:
'Next month I'll make you Prince of Wales and these are your clothes for the
The King opened a small cupboard and Edward started to cry.'But father,'he

said,'I'm sixteen years old now.I can't wear soft shoes and a skirt. I'll look like a
girl. Why can't I dress like other people?'
'Because you're different and special,'his father replied,'and one day you'll be
Edward cried for the next two days, but there was noth-ing he could do.
And so, on 10th June 1911, the family drove to Caernar-von Castle in North
Wales and the ceremony began.
The King put a small gold crown on Edward's head.There was music and
dancing and the crowd began to shout.
The new Prince of Wales closed his eyes.'I feel terrible,' he said.'Can we go
home now?'
'Not yet,' the King replied.'The people want to see you.
Edward walked to the front of the castle and looked down at the crowd.He was
shaking and his face was red.
'Smile, Edward,'the King said.'You are happy!'
A few hours later the family were driving back to Windsor.'Wasn't that a lovely
day!'Queen Mary said.
Edward took off his shoes and looked out of the window.'Never again,'he
thought. 'Never again!'

2 威尔士亲王

国王打开一个小柜子,爱德华 哭了起来。“可是父亲,”他说,“我现在已经
16岁了。我不能穿软鞋和裙子。那会使我看上去像个女 孩子。为什么我不能穿


3 The Royal Star

After a year at Oxford University, Edward went to fight in the First World
War.He wrote:
I lived in a house with twenty-five other soldiers. At night we talked about our
lives and our families.It was very inter-esting.
I could speak freely to different people-rich and poor,young and old. But I also
saw the blood and noise of war.
One day in 1916 my driver took me to the town of Loos in Belgium.I got out of
the car and walked to the top of the hill.Down below me there was heavy fighting
and I felt very sad.
An hour later I returned to my car.I'll never forget what I saw.My driver was

dead. While I was away,some-body shot him in the neck.

When the war finished in 1918, Edward returned to Bucking-ham
Palace. One night he was talking to his father in the din-ing room.
'I don't understand why countries fight,'the Prince said.'The war has finished,
but nothing has changed.There are still millions of poor and hungry people. It's not
right.Somebody must do something!'
'Well,'King George replied,'you can't change the world if you sit by the
fire. You must travel.Meet people.Talk to them.Listen to what they say. And
then, when you are King, you can make the world a better place.'
And so,in 1920,Edward left England again. During the next five years he
travelled 240 000 kilometres and visited 45 different countries.
He saw India, Argentina, Nigeria, Mexico, New Zealand, Germany, and
Japan.When he came to Toronto,in Canada, there were 500 000 people in the
streets to meet him.Everywhere thousands of people waited to see him—there
were crowds of 190 000 in Cape Town, 300 000 in Paris, 500 000 in New York, and
750 000 in Melbourne.
'Edward is the first royal star,'one newspaper wrote,'and he is now the most
famous man in the world.In the old days princes were cold and bored.But Edward is
different. He gets out of his car and walks down the street. Every two or three
minutes he stops and speaks with the crowd.He laughs.He smiles. He shakes a
thousand hands. He is a man of the people with a heart of gold.'

3 皇族明星



1916年的一天,我的司机送我去比利时的卢斯镇。我 下了车,往山顶走去。
一小时后,我回到 汽车上。我永远也忘不了我看到的那一幕。我的司机死了。

“ 我不明白国家之间为什么要打仗,”王子说。“战争已经结束了,但一切依
旧。还是有许许多多的人生活 在贫困中,忍饥挨饿。这不公平。总得有人做些什
“嗯,”乔治国王答道,“光 坐在壁炉旁是不能改变世界的。你得出去走走。
去和人们结识一下,与他们谈一谈,听听他们说些什么。 这样,当你成为国王的
达加拿大多伦多 时,受到50万人的夹道欢迎。每到一处,都有成千上万的人盼
着一睹他的风采——在开普敦有19万人 ,在巴黎有30万人,在纽约有50万人,
“爱德华是第一位皇 族明星,”一家报纸这样写道,“他是目前全世界最有名
的人。以前的王子都态度冷漠而厌烦。但爱德华 不同。他从汽车里出来,在街上
走。每隔两三分钟,他就停下来和人们交谈。他有时开怀大笑,有时面露 微笑。

4 The Meeting

In the autumn of 1930 Edward went to stay with his friends Lord and Lady
Furness.This is how he described that weekend in a book called A King's Story:

On Saturday the weather was cold and windy.It was raining heavily so we could
not ride our horses. We decided to stay in the house and have an early lunch with
some of Lady Furness' friends.
At one o'clock Wallis arrived with her husband. She was beautifully dressed
and she smiled all the time.She spoke with Lord Furness for a few minutes,and then
Lady Fur-ness brought her over to see me.
'Sir,I would like you to meet one of my dearest and sweetest American friends,
Mrs Wallis Simpson.'
'How do you do, Mrs Simpson,'I said.'Please come and sit down.'
Lady Furness left us and we began to talk.
I could see that Wallis was not felling very well.She had a bad cold and her eyes
were red. 'I'm afraid that our English houses aren't very warm,'I said. 'We don't
have American central heating here.'
There was a long silence.Mrs Simpson turned her face and looked out of the
window.Then she said:'You have disappointed me,Sir.'
'And why is that?'I asked.
'Because everybody asks me about American central heat-ing.I thought that
the Prince of Wales would talk about something more interesting.'
I began to laugh.
'What's the matter,Sir?'Wallis asked.'Have I said something wrong?'
'No,'I replied.'I'm laughing because you didn't lie to me.You told me the
'But why is that funny? Doesn't everybody do that?'
'One day I'll be King of England,' I replied.'And people are afraid of me.If I say

that the sky is yellow, they say,“Yes,Sir,you are right”. If I say that Wednesday
is the first day of the week, they say,“Yes,Sir,you are right”. And if I say that
Scotland is bigger than Canada,they say, “Yes,Sir,you are right”.But you told
me that I was boring! You told me the truth.I like that!'
There was another silence and then Wallis began to laugh.'Can I say one more
'Yes, Mrs Simpson,what is it?'
'It's your trousers,Sir.'
'My trousers?'
'Yes, Sir.They are black and your shoes are brown.'These two colours don't
look right together.'
I stood up and looked in the mirror.'Yes,Mrs Simp-son,you're right.I look
very strange.The next time we meet,I will be better dressed.'
When lunch was ready,we walked through into the dining room.I sat at one
end of the table and Wallis sat at the other end.I was watching her very carefully.I
thought how beautiful her hands were.She began talking to Lady Furness and then,
a few minutes later, she turned and smiled at me.I felt very happy.
After lunch Wallis came over to say goodbye.'My hus-band and I have to leave
now,Sir.We're going to another party in London.'
I wanted to speak to her but I could not find the right words.I don't know
why. We shook hands and Wallis walked away.
I went into the next room and sat down near Lady Fur-ness.'Tell me about Mrs
Simpson,'I said.
'What would you like to know?'she asked.
'Everything!' I said.
'Then perhaps,Sir,you would like to walk in the gar-den.We can talk more
freely there.'
We stood up and left the house by the back door.We walked slowly through the
trees,and Lady Furness told me about Wallis…

4 相识

1930年的秋天,爱德华去他的朋友弗内 斯勋爵夫妇那里小住。在《一个国
星期 六,天气很冷,刮着风。雨下得很大,所以我们无法出去骑马。我们决
定待在屋里,早点开午饭。与我们 共进午餐的是弗内斯勋爵夫人的一些朋友。
1点钟,沃利斯和她的丈夫来了。她穿得很漂亮,始 终面带微笑。她与弗内
的房子不够暖和 ,”我说,“我们这儿没有美国的中央供暖系统。”
“有朝一日我会成为英国的国王,”我答道,“ 所以人们都怕我。如果我说天
是黄的,他们会说,'对,殿下,您说得对'。如果我说星期三是一周里的 第一天,
' 对,殿下,你说得对'。可是,您却告诉我,我令人乏味!您讲了真心话。我喜

等我们下次见 面时,我会穿得更得体些。”
午餐准备好了,我们走进餐厅。我坐在桌子一头,沃利斯坐在另一 头。我仔
她转过 头来向我微笑。我觉得很高兴。

5 Wallis

This is how Lady Furness described Mrs Simpson's early life to Edward:

Wallis was born in Baltimore.She never knew her father.He died when she was
five months old. But her mother was a strong and loving woman, and Wallis was a
happy child.
When she was twenty,she married a man called Win-field Spencer.For the
first few years they were happy togeth-er. But one day Winfield lost some money
in the street.He was very angry. When he came home, he took a bottle of whisky
from a cupbodrd and began to drink.
That night he hit Wallis in the mouth. She screamed and he hit her
again.There was blood on her face and she was shaking like a leaf.' Please,
Winfield,'she said.'No more.
But Winfield took her arm and pulled her up the stairs.'You're my prisoner,'he
shouted at her,'and you're not going to leave.'Then he pushed her into the
bathroom and locked the door.
The next morning Wallis went back to her family.'I can't stay with him,'she
said.'I want a divorce.'

'Poor Wallis,'Edward said.'But what happened next,Lady Furness?'
'Well,'said Lady Furness,'a few months later she met a fine man called Ernest
Simpson. He's quiet, but interesting.They got married and they now live in a
beautiful flat in the centre of London.'
'And are they happy?'asked Edward.
Lady Furness looked at the Prince and smiled.'I don't know,Sir,'she said.'I don'
t know.'

During the next two years the Prince saw Wallis once or twice a week.They had
the same friends, and they often met at parties.
'Mrs Simpson knew a lot about life,'Edward once said.'She loved books, food,

people, and travel. She was very beautiful and her eyes were full of fire. She was
friendly and easy to talk to and,after a while,I opened up my heart. We had no
secrets.I told her everything.And that's how it all began.'
'His eyes were always sad,'Wallis said about Edward.'And sometimes he looked
like a child— so young, so quiet, so weak. He had no real friends. Perhaps
people were a little afraid of him. But he was a warm and kind man. When he
talked to me, I felt my heart jump.I wanted to be alone with him, but I knew that
wasn't possible.Did the Prince love me in those early days? No,I don't think
so.But each time we met,we just felt closer and closer.'
In June 1933 Edward gave a birthday party for Wallis,and during the next few
months he visited the Simpson's flat in London almost every day.
One evening, the Prince asked Wallis and Ernest to go skiing in Austria.'I'm
sorry, Sir,'Mr Simpson replied.'I have to go to America on business.But perhaps
Wallis and her aunt can come with you.'
'We went to Kitzbühl as friends,'Wallis wrote later,'but when we came home,
we were in love. And a few months later the Prince asked me to marry him. It was
just like a dream!'

5 沃利斯


沃利斯 出生在巴尔的摩。她从不认识自己的父亲。她才5个月大,父亲就去
世了。她母亲是个坚强而充满爱心的 女人,沃利斯童年很幸福。
她 20岁时与一位名叫温菲尔德·斯潘塞的人结了婚。在婚后的最 初几年里,
从柜 子里拿出一瓶威士忌,喝了起来。
那天晚上,他扇了沃利斯一记耳光。她尖叫起来,他又打她。 她脸上都是血,


“后来,”弗 内斯勋爵夫人说,“几个月后她认识了一位叫欧内斯特·辛普森
的好人。他很少说话,但很风趣。他们结 了婚,现在住在伦敦市中心一套漂亮的
爱他人,也喜 欢旅行。她非常漂亮,眼里总是充满热情。她待人友善,同她谈话
很轻松,没多久我就敞开了心扉。我们 之间没有秘密。我对她无所不谈。一切就
“他的眼神总是那么忧伤, ”沃利斯这样描述爱德华,“有时他看起来像个孩
子——那么年轻,那么温文尔雅,那么脆弱。他没有真 正的朋友。也许人们有点
里爱我吗?不, 我想他不爱。但每次我们相见,都感到彼此更接近了。”
1933年6月,爱德华为沃利斯举办 了一个生日聚会,在那以后的几个月中,
辛普森先生回答,“我得 去美国出差。不过,也许沃利斯和她姨妈能和您一同去。”
“我们去基特普尔时是朋友,”沃利 斯后来写道,“但返回时已经相爱了。几

6 The King is Dead!Long Live the King!

In January 1936 Edward went to Windsor for a few weeks. He was tired of
town life and he wanted to work in his garden and ride his horses.
But then,one afternoon,there was a phone call from Queen Mary.'Edward,
'she said,'you must come back im-mediately. Your father is very ill and I think he's
going to die.'
When Edward arrived, he went straight to his father's room.He walked to the
side of the bed and kissed his father's white face. The King opened his eyes and
smiled.Then he took his son's hand and said:'Be a good King,Edward.And be good
to your mother.'
'Yes,father, I will.'
The King closed his eyes and did not speak again. Just af-ter midnight he
Then Queen Mary took Edward's hand and kissed it.'My child, you are now
King,'she said softly.'God be with you.
His three brothers came to him, one by one, and they each kissed his
hand.'The King is dead.Long live the King,'they said.
At one o'clock Edward left the room to telephone Wallis.“My father is dead,'he
'I'm so sorry, Sir.'
'I must stay here for a while,'Edward went on.'But I'll phone you at the
weekend.Nothing will change between you and me.I love you more than ever,and
you will be my Queen.'
'Let's not talk about that now,'Wallis replied.'You must go back to your family.'
'But you are my family, Wallis. You are everything to me.Goodnight.Sleep

When Wallis put the phone down that night, she sudden-ly felt afraid.'Edward
is now King,'she thought,'but what will happen to me?'

6 国王逝世!国王万岁!

来。你父亲病 得很厉害,我想他快不行了。”
爱德华一赶到,便径直去了父亲的房间。他走到床边,吻了吻父 亲苍白的脸。
要 好好待你的母亲。”
玛丽王后握住爱德华的手,吻了吻。“我 的孩子,现在你是国王了。”她温柔
“我必须在这儿待一段时间,”爱德华接着说,“但周末我会给你打电话 的。

7 The Church

In the spring of 1936,Mrs Simpson wrote a letter to her husband.
'Dear Ernest,'she wrote.'You have been very kind to me.You are a good and
strong man.But I must tell you that our marriage is finished.I am in love with the
King and I want a divorce.Don't be angry.There is nothing you can do.I'll never
forget you, but I have to be free.'
Ernest replied immediately:'Your letter arrived this morning. I will do what you
ask, but I'll never stop loving you.And if you need me,I'll always be here.'
That night the King and Wallis met at a small restaurant in Piccadilly. Edward
read Ernest's letter again and again.'That's wonderful news,'he said.'Nothing can
stop us now!'
The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast,Gordon Lang, the
Archbishop of Canterbury,was waiting for him.
'Good morning, Gordon,'the King said.'How nice to see you again. And what
can I do for you?'
For a minute the Archbishop said nothing. Then he opened a small black bag
and took out three newspapers.'I have come to see you about Mrs Wallis Simpsonn,
'he began.'The newspapers say that you want to marry her. Are these stories true,
'Yes,Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.'
'But that's not possible,'the Archbishop replied.'You know what the Church
thinks about marriage and divorce. Di-vorce is wrong in the eyes of God!'
Edward smiled and then said:'Can I ask you some ques-tions about God, Mr
'Yes, of course, Sir.'
'Is God happy when two people fall in love?'

'Yes, Sir, but…'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love and get married?'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love,get mar-ried, and live happily
'Then,Archbishop, Wallis and I will make God very happy.We are in love,
we'll get married, and we'll live to-gether happily!'
'But you don't understand,Sir,'Mr Lang replied.'The Church says that divorce
is wrong. Mrs Simpson cannot leave Mr Simpson and then marry you.You must
forget about her and find another woman. Please,Sir, I must ask you to think
'That is not possible,'Edward said softly.'When Wallis is free,I shall marry her.'
There was a long silence.The Archbishop looked down at the floor and shook
his head. 'You're making a big mistake,Sir,'he said. 'The Church is very strong,
and we will not have this woman as our Queen!'
Suddenly Edward stood up, his face red and angry.'Thank you for coming,'he
said.'But I have nothing more to say.And I want to be alone.'
The Archbishop stood up to go, but then turned and touched the King's
arm.'Please,Sir, think again. The Church will be against you.'
'I don't care,'Edward replied.'I have God on my side,and that is all I
need.Goodbye, Mr Lang.'

7 教会

但我不得不告 诉你,我们的婚姻结束了。我爱上了国王,我想和你离婚。请不要
生气。你无能为力了。我永远不会忘记 你,但我必须得到自由。”

欧内斯特立刻回了信:“你的信是今早到的。我答应 你的要求,但我永远不
那天晚上 ,国王和沃利斯在皮卡迪里的一家小餐馆见了面。爱德华一遍又一
遍地读欧内斯特的信。“这消息太好了 ,”他说,“现在没有什么能够阻碍我们了。”
大主教沉默了片刻,然后 打开一个小黑包,取出3份报纸。“我来见您是为
了沃利斯·辛普森夫人的事,”他开口说,“报上说您 要娶她为妻。这是真的吗,
“那么,大主教,沃利斯和我会让上帝十分高兴的。我 们相爱,我们要结婚,
“但您不明白,陛下,”朗先生说 ,“教会认为离婚是错误的。辛普森夫人不
能离开辛普森先生,然后和您结婚。您必须忘记她,去找另一 个女子。陛下,我
沉默了许久,大主教低头 看着地板,摇了摇头。“您正在犯一个很大的错误,
陛下,”他说,“教会是强有力的,我们不会让这个 女人做我们的王后!”
爱德华刷地站起身,脸色通红,怒容满面。“谢谢您的来访,”他说,“ 但我


8 The Storm

In July and August Wallis and the King sailed the Mediter-ranean. They met
Prime Minister Metaxas in Greece,Kemal Ataturk in Turkey,and King Boris in
Bulgaria. But that summer is famous for Edward's clothes.On the journey from
Athens to Istanbul, the King took off his shirt to get brown in the sun. It was hot,
and ten minutes later he was asleep.So he did not see the young photographer who
was now taking pictures of the King…

When Edward returned from the Mediterranean,there was a letter waiting for
It was from Mr Albert Thompson of Birmingham, who wrote:'I saw a picture of
you in the newspaper this morning and I felt very angry.I have never seen a King
dressed as bad-ly as you were! No shirt! And no tie,no socks,no hat… and in
short trousers! How could you,Sir?'
Edward showed this letter to Stanley Baldwin,the Prime Minister.'What do you
think of this?'the King asked.
'Mr Thompson is right, Sir,'the Prime Minister replied.'You want to be
modern, but the people don't like it.'

Edward put the letter on the fire.'And do you think that divorce is “modern”,
Mr Baldwin?'
The Prime Minister sat down.'Yes, Sir,'he began,'I've read about this Mrs
Simpson.She has two husbands still alive.And you must understand what that
means, Sir.She cannot marry a King.'
'But I cannot live without her,'Edward said.
'Then,Sir,'the Prime Minister replied,'I can see there's a storm coming.I have
talked to your family and to Archbishop Lang, and we will not have this woman as
our Queen.'
That night the Prime Minister and the King spoke for many hours. There were
hundreds of questions, but only one answer. And so,in the early hours of the next
morning, Ed-ward said:
'You tell me that Wallis cannot marry a King.So there is only one thing that I can
do.I will give the crown to my brother, and leave England.I must follow my
heart. You tell me that it's a crime to fall in love.You tell me that it's wrong to be
happy.How strange this country is!'

An hour later Edward telephoned Wallis.'The Prime Minister says that a storm is
coming,'Edward said.'So I want you to go away.'
Wallis packed her bags and left for France. Then Edward went to see his
It was a sad, strange, and angry meeting.'Do you know what you are doing?
'the Queen asked.'Look out of that window. Outside this palace there are 400 000
000 people who call you King.They need you.And you will leave all this for Mrs
'Yes,mother, I will. I'm in love.'
'Love?'Queen Mary shouted.'You're a King!You must love your country first!
'But I'm also a man,'Edward said softly,'and there's nothing that I can do.'

That afternoon the King telephoned Winston Churchill, one of his closest
'I have some sad news,'Edward began.'Last night Mr Baldwin came to see
me. I have decided to go away next week.'
'Do you mean on holiday, Sir?'
'No,Winston,I'm leaving England.I'm never coming back.George will be King.'
'But that's not right, Sir.You're a free man.You must stand and fight.'
'No,' the King said.'I have seen war and it's a terrible thing.I don't want to fight
'But the people love you.And they want Wallis to be Queen.'
'Perhaps they do,'Edward replied.'But she cannot be Queen. My enemies are
stronger than I am.I am just a sailor.And when the winds change, the sea moves
and it takes my boat away.'

8 风暴

7月 和8月,沃利斯和国王游历了地中海。他们在希腊会见了梅塔克萨斯首
相,在土耳其会见了卡迈勒·阿塔 蒂尔克,在保加利亚会见了博里什国王。但那
个夏天最著名的事情莫过于爱德华的着装风波了。在从雅典 前往伊斯坦布尔的旅

信是伯明翰的阿尔伯特·汤普逊先生写来的,他写 道:“今天早上,我在报

首相坐了下 来。“是的,陛下,”他开口说,“我读了关于这位辛普森夫人的
事。她有两个丈夫,他们还活着。陛下 ,您必须明白这意味着什么。她不能嫁给
“那么,陛下,”首相回答,“看得出一场风暴就要来了 。我已经与您的家庭
那天 晚上,首相与国王谈了好几个小时。涉及的问题很多,但答案却只有一
个。于是,第二天凌晨时分,爱德 华说:
让给 我的弟弟,然后离开英国。我必须依从自己的心。你告诉我与人相爱是罪恶。
你告诉我幸福是错误的。这 个国家多么奇怪啊!”

一小时后,爱德华打电话给沃利斯。“首相说,一 场风暴就要来了,”爱德华
这次会面伤感、奇特,而又充满火药味 。“你知道自己在做什么吗?”王太
后问,“向窗外看看吧。宫殿外有4亿人叫你国王。他们需要你。而 你却要为了


“也许是这样,”爱德华说,“但她不能当 王后。我的敌人比我强大。我只是

9 The Woman I Love

A few days later Mr Churchill came to see Edward at Buckingham Palace.At first
the King was quiet.Then he said:'This is my last night in England,Winston.I love
this country.I wanted to be a modern,kind King.I wanted to change the world,
but they stopped me.And now I have to leave.'
It was ten o'clock.Edward stood up and walked over to the window.In the dark
streets below there were hundreds of people.They were singing and calling his
name:'Edward,Edward,we love Edward!'they shouted.'Long live the King!Long
live love!'
Suddenly the King turned to Mr Churchill.'Why is this happening to me,
Winston?'he cried.'What have I done wrong?'
He sat down and put his head in his hands.There was a silence in the room,but
through the open window came the shouting from the street.'Long live Edward!
Long live love!Long live Edward!Long live love!'
Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King's arm.Edward looked
up.'Thank you,Winston,'he said.'You were a good friend to me.'
'Thank you,Sir.And you were a good King.'
At ten o'clock the next morning the telephone rang in Edward's bedroom.
'They're ready for you now,Sir,'a voice said.
The King walked slowly down the stairs.In front of him there was an open

door.The family were waiting for him.His mother sat near the window,dressed in
black.His brothers stood beside her.'How close they are!'the King thought.
On a small table in the centre of the room there was a piece of paper.Edward
sat down and read these words:

I,Edward the Eighth,King of Great Britain,King of India,King of Australia,
King of New Zealand,King of Canada,King of Kenya,King of Nigeria,King of Bur-ma,
King of Malaya,King of Singapore,and King of thirty-two other countries,have today
given the crown to my brother George.
God be with him and all his people.
10th December 1936.

Edward took a pen and wrote his name at the bottom of the page.Then he
stood up and kissed his brother's hand.
'I never wanted this to happen,'George said.'This is the worst day of my life.'
Edward walked over to his mother.'Before I kiss you,'she said,'there are some
things that I want to say.I have never understood you,child.This morning you were
a King.But tonight,you'll run from England like a thief.Alone.An-gry.Afraid.You
think that you're free.But you're not.You cannot be free.
'Everyone needs their family.Everyone needs their home.And tonight you have
lost both those things.
'I love you.I am your mother and nothing can change that.But if you marry that
woman,you will break my heart.Go now.It is all very sad.'
Edward kissed Queen Mary's hand.Then he turned and walked away.

The next day Edward returned to Windsor Castle.He went into a small,cold
room at the top of the building.From there,he spoke on BBC radio to Britain and the
This is what he said:

Tonight,for the first time,I can say a few words to you.Earlier today I gave the
crown to my brother George.He is now your King.I will soon leave this country and
travel to France.My heart is with Wallis and I cannot live without the woman I love.'
I don't know what will happen to me.Perhaps I will never see England
again.But think of me tonight when I sail across the sea.
God be with you.Long live King George!

Edward left Windsor Castle and got into a large black car.It was now midnight
and it was just beginning to rain.
'Take me away as quickly as you can,'he said.The car moved off into the
darkness and the rain.
'What a night!'said the driver.'I think the sky is cry-ing,Sir.'
At 1.30 a.m.they arrived at Portsmouth.Edward got out of the car and a voice
said:'The King is here!'
Edward stopped and looked out across the open sea.There was a thin,cold
smile on his face.'King?'he said.'No,I am not the King.I am just a man in love.'
Then he turned and walked onto the ship and into the night.
9 我爱的女人

几天后,邱吉尔先生来白金汉宫拜访爱德华。开始,国王沉默不语 。然后他
得上时 代的、仁慈的国王。我想改变这个世界,但他们阻止了我。现在,我不得
1 0点了。爱德华站起身,走到窗前。夜幕中,下面街道上站了好几百人。
他们唱着歌,叫着他的名字:“ 爱德华,爱德华,我们爱爱德华!”他们喊着,“国

邱吉尔先生走上前,把手放在国王的 胳膊上。爱德华抬起头。“谢谢你,温
国王缓缓走下楼梯。在他面前 ,有一扇敞开的门。全家人都在等他。他的母
亲坐在窗户旁,身穿黑衣。他的弟弟们站在她身旁。“他们 之间是多么亲密呀!”

大国王、肯尼亚国王、尼日利 亚国王、缅甸国王、马来亚国王、新加坡国王,以
及其他32个国家的国王,今天把王位交给我的弟弟乔 治。

爱德华走到母亲身边 。“在我吻你之前,”她说,“有些话我想说。孩子,我
一直都不理解你。今天早晨你还是国王。但今晚 ,你就要像小偷一样逃离英国,
孤零零一个人,愤愤不平,忐忑不安。你以为自己自由了,但你没有。你 永远也
就会伤透我的心。现在走吧 。这太让人伤心了。”


的弟弟乔治。现 在,他是你们的国王了。我不久将离开这个国家去法国。我的心
和沃利斯在一起,没有我爱的女人,我无 法生活。”

王?”他说, “不,我不是国王。我只是一个恋爱中的男人。”

10 The Wedding

The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne.
'Did you listen to me on the radio?'he asked.
'Yes,of course,'she said.

'And how did you feel?'
'I was sitting in my room alone,'Wallis said.'And when I listened to your words,
I felt so sad.I put my hands over my eyes and I just cried.I couldn't stop myself.You
have left everything for me.But I love you so much,Edward,and with me,you'll be
the happiest man in the world.'
'I am that already,'he replied.'You are all that matters in my life.'
Edward married Wallis Simpson six months later,on 3rd June1937.None of the
Royal Family came to the wedding.Edward was forty-three.Wallis was
forty-one.And they now took a new name-the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
A few weeks later Edward wrote to his brother King George.'I was surprised
that you didn't come to the wedding,'he wrote.'But Wallis is now my wife and
nothing can change that.As you know,we have a house in Paris.But France is not
my home,and I want to live again at Windsor with Wallis by my side.'
I'm sorry,Edward,'King George wrote back.'But you know how I feel about that
woman.I do not like her.I will never like her.You can live here,but Wallis cannot.'

'My brother',Edward said later,'pushed me away like a dog.I will never forget
what he did.And after that I decided that I didn't want my family.They didn't want
Wallis,and so I didn't want them.'

10 婚礼

“当时我正一个人在 自己房间里,”沃利斯说,“我听到你的讲话,觉得难过
极了。我捂着眼睛哭了。我忍不住要哭。你为了 我放弃了一切。爱德华,我是那

6个月 后,也就是1937年6月3日,爱德华和沃利斯·辛普森结了婚。皇
室没有人出席婚礼。爱德华时年4 3岁。沃利斯41岁。他们现在有了一个新的称
几个星期后, 爱德华写信给他的弟弟乔治国王。“你没有出席婚礼,我觉得
很惊讶。”他写道,“但现在,沃利斯是我 的妻子了,什么也改变不了这一点。你
知道,我们在巴黎有一所房子。但法国不是我的家,我想和沃利斯 一起回温莎去
“对不起,爱德华,”乔治国王回信说,“但你知道我对那个女人 的看法。我

做所为。从那以 后,我确信我不需要我的家人了。他们不接受沃利斯,所以我也

11 Paris

For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess lived in Paris.They gave parties
and travelled round the world,but they never went back to Buckingham Palace.
When King George died in 1952 and Queen Mary died in 1961,Edward returned
to Windsor for a few days.But Wallis stayed in France.'It's your family,'she
said.'Not mine.'
But then,in 1966,the Duke and Duchess met Queen Elizabeth(the daughter of
King George)at a small party in London.After thirty long years it was time to forget
the past.Elizabeth kissed the Duchess and touched her arm.Then she turned to the

Duke and said:'Wallis is so beautiful,uncle.I think you're a lucky man.'
'That day Elizabeth was very kind to us,'Edward wrote later.'But why couldn't
my mother or my brother say those words to me?'

On BBC television in 1969 the Duke and Duchess spoke about their life
'Do you argue?'someone asked them.
'No,not really,'the Duchess replied.'But there's one thing about my husband
that I really don't like.He is always late.It doesn't matter if he's meeting a queen,
a president,or a film star.He can never arrive on time.I don't know why.I have tried
to change him,but it's just not possible.'
The Duke smiled and touched her hand.'I know that I'm often late,'he said.'But
on our wedding day,I arrived at the church twenty minutes before you.I was early
and you were late.'
'Yes,that's true,'the Duchess said.And they both laughed.
'You could see real love in their eyes,'one newspaper wrote.'They were on
television,but they forgot about the cameras and the millions of people who were
watching.They were just two people in love.'
The Duchess was famous for her jewellery.'After my husband,'she once said,
'I love jewellery more than anything else in the world.'And after thirty-five years
with the Duke she had hundreds of pieces,which came from all over the world.
'I have never met a more beautiful woman than Wallis,'Edward wrote,'and I
love giving her presents.She has given me so much happiness.I buy her jewels to say
“thank you”.'

In May 1972 the Duke became ill.When the doctor arrived,he listened to
Edward's heart and then said:'How many cigarettes do you have a day,Sir?'
'About forty or fifty,'the Duke replied.'But please don't ask me to stop.I've
smoked for sixty years and I cannot change now.'

That night Edward called Wallis into the room.'I feel very tired,'he said.'And
I'm afraid.I love you.I have been very happy with you,and you have been a
wonderful wife.When I die,I want you to take my body back to Windsor.Will you
do that for me?'
'Yes,of course,'she said.And they both began to cry.
The Duke of Windsor died one hour later with Wallis by his side.
Three days later,a blue aeroplane arrived in Paris.Wallis went back to England
with the Duke's body and,for the first time in her life,she entered Buckingham
A week later the Duchess returned to France,and for the next fourteen years
she lived alone in Paris.The big house was dark.The doors were locked and she did
not go out.
In the afternoons she sat in the dining room with Edward's love letters.'They
were so beautiful,'she said.'I read them again and again.'
But then,in 1986,Wallis became ill.She went to a small hospital near the
house,and a few days later she died.'With-out Edward,'she once wrote,'my life
was empty.'
She was buried in England next to her husband at Wind- sor.'It's a strange
thing,'one newspaper wrote.'When they were alive,the Duke and Duchess could
never live in Britain.It was only in death that they could be there together.'

11 巴黎

莎待过几 天。沃利斯则留在法国。“那是你的家庭,”她说,“不是我的。”
但是,1966年公爵和夫 人在伦敦的一个小型聚会上见到了伊丽莎白女王(乔
治国王的女儿)。事隔30年,该忘记过去了。伊丽 莎白吻了公爵夫人,碰了碰她

的胳膊。然后她转向公爵,说:“沃利斯真美,伯父。我觉 得您真幸运。”
“那天,伊丽莎白对我们很和气,”爱德华后来写道,“但为什么我的母亲和< br>弟弟就不能对我说这些话呢?”

“不,不真吵,”公爵夫人回答,“但我丈夫有一点我确实 不喜欢。他总是迟
公爵微笑着拍拍她的手。“我知道自己常常迟到,”他 说,“可我们举行婚礼
“在他们的眼中,你可以看到真正的爱,”一 家报纸如此写道,“他们在接受
电视采访,但他们忘记了摄像机,忘记了几百万观众在注视着他们。他们 只是两
公爵夫人因她的珠宝而出名。“除了我丈夫,”她有一次说, “这世界上我最

我爱你。和你 在一起我很快乐,你是个出色的妻子。我死后,你要把我的遗体送

把自己锁在那所 幽暗的大房子里,足不出户。
去世了。“没 有爱德华,”她曾写到,“我的生活一片空虚。”
她被葬在英国温莎她丈夫的墓旁。“这真是件 奇怪的事,”一家报纸写道,“公
爵和夫人活着的时候不能住在英国。只有死后,他们才得以一起住在那 儿。”

12 Long Live Love!

In 1970,two years before his death,Edward said:

There are some people who think that I was wrong to give away my crown.But
they don't understand true love.
When I was young,I lived in Buckingham Palace.I could have anything that I
wanted.But I wasn't happy be-cause my heart was empty.
Then I met Wallis and everything changed.For half of my life I have lived here
with the most beautiful woman in the world.And she is everything to me.
When I sit in my garden with the Duchess by my side,I sometimes think about
my early life.I remember the days alone in my bedroom.I remember the teacher
who hit me with a stick.I remember the war and my travels around the world.And

then I remember the crowds of people below my window,who shouted:'Long live
On my last night in London I spoke with Winston Churchill.In the middle of our
conversation he said:'I think,Sir,that the best things in life are free.'I have nev-er
forgotten those words.And now,many years later,I un-derstand what they
mean.You cannot buy happiness.And you cannot buy love.
To be happy deep inside your heart is the most wonderful thing in the world.I
have been a lucky man.And so I say:
'Thank God for Wallis,and LONG LIVE LOVE!'

12 爱情万岁!


人在这里一起度 过。她就是我的一切。
我和公爵夫人一起坐在花园里时,有时会想起自己早年的生活。我想起自 己
游世界的旅行 。我想起那些聚集在我窗下的人群,他们高呼着:“爱情万岁!”
我离开伦敦前的最后一个晚上 和温斯顿·邱吉尔做过一次长谈。谈话中,他
说:“陛下,我认为生活中最好的事情是无偿的。”我从未 忘记这句话。现在,许









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