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2020-10-26 11:15



Once upon a time, a young boy lived with a sorcerer. The sorcerer was old and wise. He
could do many interesting things. He could make a book speak. He could make a chair fly.
He was a very powerful man.
从前,有个小伙子和一位 魔术师住在一起。魔术师年迈却智慧,他会做许多有趣的事。
他会让书讲话,也能让椅子飞起来,是个很 有法力的人。

The boy wanted to learn magic, too. The sorcerer never showed him, though. He only
asked the boy to work. The boy had to wash the old man's clothes and feed his cat. He had
to carry fruit and vegetables from the market, and clean the floors every day.
小伙子也想学魔术,但魔术师从不 教他,只让小伙子打杂。小伙子必须帮这位老先生洗
衣和喂猫,每天从市场买水果和蔬菜回来,还要清理 地板
The boy didn't like any of his jobs. He hated carrying water most of all. Water was heavy to
carry. He had to go to a well to get it. There were many steps he had to walk up. His arms
were very tired and his legs hurt. He felt like a servant.
小伙子很不喜欢这些杂务事。他最讨厌的就是提水,因为水提 起来很重。他必须到井边
打水。回来时,他还得爬上好几层阶梯,弄得他手脚酸痛得要命。他觉得自己就 跟仆人没两
One day, the sorcerer needed to leave the castle. He told the boy to clean the castle's floor.
He looked at the boy with a serious face.
The boy waved, and watched him walk down the road to the village.
The boy was very curious. The sorcerer didn't go away very often. He wanted to look at the
sorcerer's things. He went to the magic room's door, and slowly opened it. The room was
dark. He lit a lamp, and looked around.
小伙子很好奇,因为魔术师难得离开家里,他想要看看魔术师的东西。小伙子走 向了魔
The room was full of strange objects. On one wall, there were jars of bright powder. There
were dead bugs in one jar, snakes in another. On the bed was the sorcerer's hat. It was tall
and pointed. The sorcerer's cape was lying on a chair. It was dark blue and shiny.
房里堆满了奇 奇怪怪的东西。有一面墙,上面放着一罐罐的亮粉,其中有一个罐子里面
放的是死虫,另一个罐子里放的 是蛇。床上摆的是魔术师的帽子,这顶帽子又高又尖。他的
披风则挂在椅子上,披风是深蓝色的,而且耀 眼夺目。
The boy tried on the hat and cape. They were too big, but the boy didn't care. Then, he
looked at the sorcerer's bookshelf. He saw a large book lying there, and picked it up. It was
very heavy.
小伙子试戴了一下帽子,也把披风试披一下,它们都太大了, 不过小伙子并不在意。接
着,他去看魔术师的书架,看到上面放了一本好大的书,于是把它拿起来。那本 书好重。
With both hands, the boy carried the book to the sorcerer's desk. There, he sat down
and opened the book. It was full of magic spells. The boy was excited. The book showed

how to do many things. The boy read each page carefully.
小伙子用双手把书抬到魔术师的桌上,他坐下来把 书打开。书里都是一些魔术咒语,小
伙子很兴奋,因为这本书记载了很多变魔术的方法。小伙子每一页都 看得很仔细。
On one page, he saw a very interesting spell. If the boy said some special words, he could
make anything come to life! Then, he had an idea. He didn't want to clean the floor. He
could make the broom do it. He could give the broom life!
他在其中一页看到一个很有趣的咒语。他若念出几个特定的字,就可以 让任何东西有生
命起来!于是他想到了一个点子。他并不想清理地板,但可以让扫把自己来扫。他可以让 扫
The boy read the magic words many times. Then, he walked to a closet. Inside, a broom
was lying on the floor. He raised his hands and said the magic words. Nothing happened.
The boy was confused. Why wasn't the broom moving?
小伙子把这些咒语念了好几遍,接着就走到一个柜子那里,里面的地板上有支扫 把。他
Suddenly, the broom moved. It jumped up from the floor. Two arms grew out from its body.
It was standing straight up! The boy was very happy. Now, he didn't need to work hard.
突然间,扫把动了起 来。它从地板上跳起来,两侧长出两只手臂,直挺挺地站了起来!
小伙子很高兴,现在,他不用辛苦干活 了。
The boy showed the broom a bucket. The broom picked it up. The boy took the broom
down the steps to the well. He showed it how to get water. The broom learned fast. This
was going to be easy!
小伙子把水桶指给扫把看,扫把自己就把水桶提了起来。 接着小伙子带扫把下楼梯,走
The boy told the broom to fill a tub in the castle. The tub was empty. The broom would
need to go to the well many times. The boy laughed. He thought he was very smart.

觉得自己很聪明 。
The broom went up and down the steps. It was working very hard! Slowly, the tub grew full.
The boy was watching the broom. He was thinking about the jobs the broom could do.
扫把在阶梯爬上爬下,卖力地工作!慢慢地,浴缸就 满了。小伙子看着这支扫把,同时
Now, the tub was full of water. The boy told the broom to stop. The broom didn't stop,
though. It returned to the well, and came back. It poured the water into the tub. The tub
was too full. Water came over the top.
浴缸的水现在已经满了,小伙子要扫把停工,但是扫把并没有停下来。它回到 了井边,
The boy thought the broom couldn't hear well. Very loudly, the boy told the broom to
stop. It wouldn't listen! It went back down the steps and brought water back up. The boy
shouted and yelled, but it didn't help. Couldn't the broom hear him?
上来。小伙子又喊 又叫,却都不管用。难道扫把听不见他的话吗?
The boy was getting scared. He ran to the magic book and started to read. He wanted to

stop the broom. He said some magic words from the book, but the broom didn't stop. It
started to go faster! It was running! Up and down the stairs it ran. What could the boy do?
小伙子开始害怕了,他跑去看魔术书,想要叫这支扫把停下来。他照着 这本书念了些咒
语,但是扫把还是没停下来。它开始越走越快!接着跑了起来!它在楼梯上来回奔跑。小 伙
Now, there was a lot of water on the floor. The boy had to do something. He picked up an
ax and hit the broom. The broom fell to the floor. He chopped it into many little pieces.
把应 声倒地。小伙子把它砍成很多小节。
Now, the boy was very happy. He felt very smart. The floor was messy, but he didn't care.
He could clean it up later. He sat in the sorcerer's chair and fell asleep.
等一下再来清理。 他坐在魔术师的椅子上睡着了
The small pieces of the broom began to move. They started to grow. Soon, they were big.
They all had arms. Now, there were more than one hundred brooms!
一小节一小节的扫把开始动了 起来,它们开始变大。很快地,每一节都变得很大,各自
They all picked up buckets. They all wanted to fill the tub with water. Up and down the
brooms walked. They were all putting water in the tub. More and more water was running
out of the tub. The floor was very wet.
它们全都提起水 桶,各自都想要把那个浴缸的水装满。扫把们楼上楼下来回走着,纷纷
把水往浴缸里倒,越来越多的水从 浴缸里流了出来,地板变得湿答答的
Soon, there was a river in the castle! Water went into every room. It flowed down the steps
and out the windows. Chairs and tables started to float on the water. They floated out the
front door and crashed down the steps.
始浮 在水面上,桌椅从前门漂出去,再沿着阶梯摔了下来。
The boy was still asleep. He was having a nice dream. He thought he was sailing on a river.
His chair was floating towards the steps. Suddenly, he woke up.
小伙 子还在呼呼大睡,他正在作一个美梦,以为自己在一条河上航行,他的椅子漂到阶
梯旁。突然间,他醒了 。
The boy fell out of his chair. The next moment, it crashed down the steps. The boy didn't
understand. Where was all the water coming from?
Then, he saw the brooms. Why were there so many? He was amazed. The brooms were
still bringing water into the castle. He wanted to stop them, but he couldn't.
接着,他看到那些扫把。为什么会有这么多支 扫把?他很惊讶。这些扫把仍不停地把水
Just then, the sorcerer returned to the castle. He lifted his arms and said some strange
words. The brooms stopped and fell down. Now, they were just small pieces of wood.
就在这个时候 ,魔术师回到了城堡。他举起双臂,念了些奇怪的咒语,扫把们停了下来,
纷纷倒在地上。它们现在又恢 复成小木块。
The sorcerer looked at the boy. He was very angry. The boy fell down on his knees. He said

that he was very sorry. The sorcerer pointed to the door. He wanted the boy to leave his
The boy looked very sad. Slowly, he walked to the door. Then, the sorcerer changed his
mind. All boys were naughty. Maybe this one would learn from his mistake.
小伙子很难过,他慢慢地走向门边。这时,魔术师改变了 念头。毕竟每一个男孩都有顽
He told the boy to come to him. He gave the boy a spank. He said the boy had one more
chance. The boy was happy he didn't need to go. He really wanted to learn magic.
他叫小伙子过来,打了他屁股一下。他跟小伙 子说他还有一次机会。小伙子知道自己不
The boy worked very hard. He did all his work very well. For one year, he cooked and
cleaned and mended. The sorcerer was happy. Now, he could trust the boy.
小伙子很努力地干活,他把每一件事都做得很好。一整年下来, 他不但煮饭、打扫,还
One morning, the boy got up to make breakfast. He went to the dining room. Lying on a
table were a small sorcerer's hat and cape. The sorcerer was going to teach him magic!
The boy's dream would finally come true!
有天早上,小伙子起床准备早餐。他走到 餐厅,桌上摆了顶小号的魔术师帽和披风,魔









本文更新与2020-10-26 11:15,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/427716.html
