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2020-10-27 09:23



主讲人 杨博




音标:就是记录 音素的符号。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个
音标并不只表示一个音素(例如双元 音)。





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? 浊化???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????
pig, bat
people, pocket, pay, put, paper, special, space, Spain, spend, spark
big, bus, back, box, bird, bath, boat, beast, beach, build
paint a picture 画一幅画
a pretty present 一件漂亮的礼物
a very expensive purse 一个非常贵的钱包
a piece of paper 一张纸
pay the bill 付账单

baked beef 烤牛肉
black and blue 青一块紫一块
bread and butter 黄油面包
as blind as a bat 瞎得厉害
Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽
1、pie buy
2、pea bee
3、plank blank
4、pump bump
5、cap cab
6、mop mob
7、rope robe
8、top job
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
We must help the poor. 我们必须帮助穷人。
Did Peter pass the exam? 彼得通过考试了吗?
Please book a room for Paul. 请给保罗订个房间。

I want to make pineapple pie. 我想做菠萝派。

Barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人。
This bank was robbed by a mob. 这家银行被一伙暴徒抢劫了。
Bob is absent because of backache. 由于背痛,鲍勃没来。
Ben’s bike was broken by a bad guy. 本的自行车被一个坏蛋弄坏了。
Where is my bank book? 我的银行存折在哪儿?
Peter’s plane is plainly painted. Peter is paid plenty to paint planes.
There dwelt a bear, also a boar. The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear a bore.
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? ?????? ? ?????????????????????????
????????????????????? ???
? ?????? ???????????????????????
? 浊化??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??
turtle, dog
table, time, ten, tide, tell, stair, stand, star, water, little
dad, day, dare, dance, red, bad, glad, under, good, dark
an important meeting 一个重要的会议
at times 有时
put on your coat 穿上你的外套
stop talking about it 不要谈论它了
write a letter 写一封信

a different idea 一个与众不同的想法
a cold day 寒冷的天气
cry aloud suddenly 突然放声哭
in a dark building 在一幢漆黑的建筑物里面
a good child 一个好孩子
9、tide died

10、tear dear
11、team deem
12、two do
13、feet feed
14、let led
15、neat need
16、sat sad
Ted is taller than Tom. 泰德比汤姆高。
Not at all. 一点儿也不。
Don’t waste time. 别浪费时间。
Let me have a rest. 让我休息一下。
There’s little water left. 没有水剩下。

Don’t depend on anybody. 不要依靠任何人。
Daddy is in the bed. 爸爸在床上。
Would you like to dance with me? 你愿意和我跳舞吗?
My daughter likes bread instead of rice. 我女儿喜欢面包而不是米饭。
I’m glad you did that. 我很高兴你那么做了。
Two tickets takers took a taxi.
Debbie did not destroy Darrell’s dishes. Darrell destroyed Debbie’s dishes.
? ???????????????????????????????????????????
(?) ?
? ?????? ??????????????????????????????
?? ????????????????????????????????????
?????????? ????????????????????????????????????
? ?????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????
???? ?????????????????
? 浊化??????????????????????????????
koala, goose
kill, cool, car, kite, occur, disk, kiss, knock, sky, ski
game, good, go, get, great, guest, dog, egg, bag, girl
a colorful picture 一张色彩丰富的画
take care 当心
a black desk 一张黑色的书桌
look at the kite 看这只风筝
a cute clock 一只可爱的闹钟

forget the exam 忘记考试
a great gun 一把好枪
get angry with a guy 和一个家伙生气
green grass 绿色的草
as good as gold (小孩)很乖
17、class glass
18、come gum
19、crane gain
20、quest guest
21、lack lag
22、leak league
23、pick pig
24、take tag
Jack’s back aches. 杰克的后背疼。
Care killed a cat. 忧愁伤身。
I like chocolate. 我喜欢巧克力。
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
He was killed in a car accident. 他死于一场车祸事故。

He has gone to the school gate.他去校门口了。
A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始才能善终。
Granny gave me gum. 奶奶给我口香糖。
I ordered a glass of grape juice. 我点了一杯葡萄汁。
The hunter with a gun gazed at the fat goose. 拿着枪的猎人盯着那只肥鹅。
Keep clean socks in a clean sock stack. Keep clean stockings in a clean stocking stack.
The guests act glad to get the grits, but the guests agree that Gretchen’s garlic grits are gross.
????????? ???????????????????????????????????
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? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????
?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????
? ?????? ???????????????????? V??????????????????
fox, vulture
fix, finger, finish, brief, careful, stiff, friend, offer, fleet, fly
victor, voice, five, active, veil, grave, cave, brave, village, view
my father’s friend 我父亲的朋友

five fingers 无根手指
face to face 面对面
a famous film star 一位著名的电影明星
a brief frame 间接的结构

various views 各种各样的观点
over and over again 一次又一次地
visit the village 参观村庄
an invalid visa 一张无效的签证
a very hot oven 一个非常热的炉子
25、fast vast
26、fan van
27、few view
28、fowl vowel
29、leaf leave
30、proof prove
31、safe save
32、surf serve
Fortunately, Frank’s father fixed the phones. 幸运的是弗兰克的父亲修好了电话。
When it’s fall, there is a fine field of wheat. 秋天的时候,呈现出一片长势喜人的麦田。
This fisher is selling fresh fish. 这个渔夫在卖鲜鱼。
My French friends flew here from France last Friday. 我的法国朋友上周五从法国乘飞机到这了。
The butterfly flitted from flower to flower. 蝴蝶在花丛中掠过。

He has a valuable valley villa. 他有一座昂贵的峡谷别墅。
Van is a kind of vehicle. 货车是一种交通工具。
Victor only eats vegetables. 维克多只吃蔬菜。
These visitors lived in a small village. 这些旅游者住在一座小村庄里。
His voice varies with the tune of the violin. 他的声音随着小提琴的曲调而变化。
Fifty-five firefighters fried fifty-five French fries.
Various visitors visited the village.
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???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????
? ?????? ?????????????????
???? ?????????????????????????????????????????B???????? ????????
snail, zebra?

bus, rice, sorry, safe, student, face, see, say, sport, skate
zip, size, please, zoom, seize, zone, zoo, magazine, cause, zero
see the sea 看大海
a slight sign 轻声的叹息
something serious 严重的事情
seek some books 找一些书
sing a song 唱首歌

cozy clothes 舒适的衣服
a zebra in the zoo 动物园里的斑马
analyze news 分析消息
examine her disease 检查她的病症
seize the crazy man 扎住那个疯子
33、seal zeal
34、sown zone
35、sue zoo
36、bus buzz
37、ice eyes
38、loose lose
39、race raise
40、used(习惯了的) used(旧的)
Stop saying like that! 不要那样说话!
My sister likes south Sweden. 我的姐姐喜欢瑞典南部。
The spy speaks no true. 这个间谍说的没一句是真话。
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
Flowers seem to speak a welcoming message to the splendid spring. 花儿似乎在对这美妙的春天表达着欢

Zip your lips. 闭上嘴。
The parking zone is near the zoo. 停车场离动物园不远。
Liz is very lazy. 莉兹非常懒。
Elizabeth does not like the exam. 伊丽莎白不喜欢考试。
Alexander deserves praise. 亚历山大值得表扬。
The shepherd swiftly sheared the sleepy sheep with the sharp scissors.
This is a zither. Is this a zither? This is Zoe’s sister’s zither.
???????????? ????????????????????????????????
?????????????? ??????????????????????????????

? ?????? ???????????????
? ?????? ?????????????????????????
moth, mother?
bath, health, breath, tooth, throw, thank, cloth, thief, think, month
there, than, those, leather, weather, brother, thus, that, this, they
the third tooth 第三颗牙齿
north and south 北方和南方
from mouth to mouth 口口相传
a thin thief 一个身体单薄的贼
healthy thought 健康的思想

their leather 他们的皮革制品
mother’s clothes 母亲的衣服
father’s brothers 父亲的兄弟
without them 没有他们
bathe with him 和他一起洗澡
41、thank than
42、theme these
43、thick this
44、bath bathe
45、breath breathe
46、cloth clothe
I think you should thank her. 我觉得你应该感谢她。
There are thirty- three thrushes in the trees. 树上有三十三只画眉。
Cathy went through the exam. 凯西通过了考试。
Thirteen drummers are thumping drums. 十三个鼓手敲着鼓。
What do you think about this thing? 你对此事怎么想?

This is better than that. 这个比那个好。
He is bathing in the hotel. 他在旅店里洗澡。
This one is better than that one. 这个比那个好。
Those clothes are bought by my mother. 那些衣服是我母亲买的。
His father and mother will come this weekend. 他父亲这周末会来。
I thought a thought but the thought I thought I thought was not the thought I thought. If the thought I thought
had been the thought I thought I thought, I would not have thought so much.
我有一种想法,但我的这种想法不是我曾想到的那种想法。如果这种想法是我曾想到的那种 想法,我

I’d rather bathe in a southern sea than wear thick clothes as northerners do.
47、thin sin
48、thing sing
49、faith face
50、mouth mouse
51、breathe breeze
52、clothe close
53、writhe rise
54、seethe seize
55、thank tank
56、theme team
57、thick tick
58、thought taught
59、there dare
60、they day
61、those doze
62、thus dust
63、thirst first
64、thought fought
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? ?????? ???????? ??????????????????????????????
???????????????? ?W????????????
??????????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????
?????? ????????????????????????
fish, television?
she, shift, shock, shake, shoe, ship, should, shop, shame, shout
measure, leisure, vision, occasion, pleasure, usual, casual, seizure, treasure, massage
share the sunshine 享受阳光
a flash shot 闪电的一击
shaking shoulders 摇动的肩膀
show the ship 展示这艘船
short of cash 缺少现金

measure the television 测量电视机
usual pleasure 一如既往的快乐
see a vision casually 偶尔会看到幻影

unusual conclusion 不寻常的结论
treasure the art treasure 珍爱艺术财富
65、cash leisure
66、fish measure
67、ship pleasure
68、shoe vision
Shirley is very shy. 雪莉很害羞。
We’re short of cash. 我们缺少现金。
Shawn should show this to me. 肖恩应该把这个给我看。
Let’s go share and share alike. 让我们平均分配吧。
The sharp-tongued woman is shouting out sharp words. 这个刻薄的女人正在大声嚷着愤怒的话。

I have some illusions on occasion. 我偶尔会有一些幻想。
He has a garage. 他有一个车库。
I seldom watch television. 我很少看电视。
He was late again as usual. 他和往常一样又迟到了。
Usually it’s the manager who makes the decisions. 通常由经理做出决定。
Should Shawn shave a short man with short hair or a shy man whose short legs are shaking?
George placed his broken television in the garage. In his garage there have been three broken television.
??????? ?????????????????????????????????????
????????? ???????????????????????????????????
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??????? ???????????????????????
(t+y连读)? ????????,??????????????,?
? ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????
????????? ?????????????????????????????????????
????????? ???????????J???????????????????????????????
(d+ y连读)???????,?????????,?
chicken, jeep?
change, cheer, chance, cheat, cheap, Dutch, teach, reach, charming, chair
age, juice, joke, job, join, orange, judge, jolly, jacket, strange
change the choice 改变选择
a cheap chicken leg 一只便宜的鸡腿
cheer up 振作起来

cheat on the check 在支票上作假
free of charge 不收费

a Japanese jeep 一辆日本吉普车
join in the jury 加入陪审团
an aged judge 一位年长的法官
traffic jam 交通阻塞
jump from one job to another 跳槽
69、chain Jane
70、cheep jeep
71、cheer jeer
72、choke joke
73、batch badge
74、larch large
75、rich ridge
76、catch cage
?????? China has changed a lot these years. 这些年中国有了很大的变化。
Is life a question of choice or chance? 人生是选择还是机遇?
Cheer for your environment. 为你的居住环境干杯。
The chairman is changing his gestures. 会长在变换着他的手势。
What’s my choice for the payment, cash or check? 我可以选择什么付款方式,现金还是支票?

James lost his job just now. 詹姆士刚刚失去了工作。
Do you like Jack’s Jazz music? 你喜欢杰克的爵士乐么?
A good job is a good friend. 一份好工作是一位好朋友。
Jim jogs in the jungle. 吉姆在灌木丛中慢跑。
A gentle judge judges justly. 一个温和的法官公正地断案。
The chief chief chewed the cheap cheese.
James the jailer changed jail’s chairs and chained the chairs to the jail.
?????? ??????????????????????????????????????
???????? ????????????????????????????????????
? ?????????????????????????????????????
? ?????????????????????????????????????????
? 浊化? ??????????????????????????????
tree, dragon?
troop, true, trip, trade, try, train, electric, trial, transport, trick
dress, dry, drop, drink, drama, drunk, drag, dream, drift, draw

foreign trade 对外贸易
another try 另一次尝试
travel by train 乘火车旅行
a brief introduction 一个简短的介绍
a traditional training一项传统的培训

dry the dress 把衣服弄干
drive the cat 开车
dripping drops 滴下的水滴
try to drink 尝试喝酒
sweet dreams 美梦
77、track drag
78、tree dream
79、truck drug
80、try dry
He is trying to treat the man better. 他试着对这个男人好一点。
A stranger is wandering in the streets. 一个陌生人在大街上徘徊。
This truck is cheap. 这辆卡车很便宜。
These trees are going to be used in a trial. 这些树将被用于一项试验。
Trick or treat? 想要恶作剧还是要招待我们?(万圣节)

I dreamed of playing the drum. 我梦见打鼓了。
I stopped drinking. 我戒酒了。
A dewdrop dropped from the leave. 露珠从树叶上落下来。
George has dreadful manners. 乔治的举止令人厌恶。
Joe drove his car to buy some drug. 乔开车去买药。
The tacky tractor trailers trucks.
The drummers drummed. The druggers hate the drummers’ drum. So the druggers drugged the drummers.
???????????? ????????????????????????????????
?????????????? ??????????????????????????????
? ??????????????????????????????????????????
? ?? ????????????????????????????????????
parents, friends?
dates, gets, cats, shots, meets, hurts, rats, plants, bats, flights
seeds, deeds, heads, funds, hands, sands, reads, beds, fields, brands

three cats 三只猫
lots of seats 很多座位
in the streets 在街上
eats fruits 吃水果
go nuts 发疯

use spades to move sands 用铁锹移沙子
comfortable beds 舒适的床
different minds 不同的想法
my friends 我的朋友
several brands 几个品牌
81、carts cards
82、mates maids
83、rates raids
84、seats seeds
He has lots of cats. 他有很多只猫。
The students are reading digests. 那些学生正在读文摘。
One of the dentists treats me very well. 其中一个牙医对我很好。
He has been thinking about these projects for many nights. 这些项目他已经想了好几个晚上了。
When she meets him, she always beats him. 当她遇见他时,她就会打他。

He stands there with books in hand. 他站在那里,手里拿着书。
Don’t store these seeds in the sands. 不要把这些种子存放在沙子里。
He has three lovely birds. 他有三只可爱的小鸟。
Susan holds his hands tightly. 苏珊紧紧地握住他的手。
He sends cards to his friends before the New Year’s coming. 他在新年到来之前给朋友发明信片。
A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits. Bob bought three boxes of biscuits and two boxes of mixed
Edward’s seeds are in that child’s hands.
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?????????????????????????????? ??????????????
???????????????????????????????? ????????????
? ???????????????????????????????
? ????????????? ????????????????????

??????????????????? ??????????????
???????camel, ant, monkey?
mouth, much, mother, must, master, make, map, mate, mile, man
night, nice, tonight, nine, knight, hunt, run, sun, lion, can
long, king, tong, song, sing, wrong, pink, link, thing, spring
make me mad 让我疯狂
made in America 美国制造
more and more 越来越多的
a warm room 一间暖和的房间
make more money 挣更多的钱

no need to know 没必要知道
hand in hand 手拉手
narrow-minded 心胸狭小的
want some coins 想要一些硬币
next number 下一个号码

sing a song 唱一首歌
nothing wrong 没什么错的
a long shopping list 一张长长的购物单
the coming spring 即将到来的春天
the meaning of the song 歌曲的意思
85、meat neat
86、mere near
87、mice nice
88、more nor
89、gone gong
90、lawn long
91、ran rang
92、sin sing
93、dim din ding
94、seem seen seeing
95、sum sun sung
96、whim win wing
My name is Mike. 我的名字是迈克。
The milk man is murmuring. 送奶工在喃喃自语。
My mother is beautiful but emotional. 我的母亲很漂亮但却有些情绪化。
He made coffee every morning. 每天早上他都煮咖啡。

May likes that romantic film. 梅喜欢那部爱情片。

She is learning another language. 她在学另外一门语言。
Sit in the shade instead of in the sun. 坐在阴凉处,别坐在太阳底下。
Is there anyone who is interested in knitting? 有对编织感兴趣的吗?
You never know when the nonsense can be stopped. 你永远不会知道什么时候这些胡言乱语才能停止。
Ann announced which train was arriving next. 安宣布了哪一趟火车即将到来。

They are doing nothing now. 他们现在无所事事。
He is walking along the long river. 他沿着长长的河流走着。
Don’t sing songs about something wrong. 不要唱不正当的歌曲。
He likes coming here every morning and waking up the sleeping. 他喜欢每天早上都来这里叫醒那些还在
I like songs which carrying some deep meaning. 我喜欢那些有深刻含义的歌曲。
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. 我尖叫,你尖叫,我们都为冰激凌尖叫。
Nina never knew her new neighbor Nero knew her. 尼娜从不知道她的新邻居尼洛认识她。
He thanked the king for the things the king had done for him. 他感谢国王为他所做的事。
? ???????????????????????????????????????????
(?? )?
? ?????????????????????????????????????
? ??????????????????????
? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????
?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????
? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????
rat, whale, yoga
rich, risk, reason, room, correct, rose, red, grass, read, river
wave, witness, while, work, when, white, swim, wise, wit, waste
yard, young, yellow, yesterday, yearn, yield, yawn, yes, you, year
a red rose 一朵红玫瑰
in a rat race 在一场激烈的竞争中
as green as grass 和青草一样绿。
rather correct 相当正确
break fresh ground 开始新的工作

warm weather 温暖的天气
want a wood chair 想要一把木头椅子

water the wheat 灌溉小麦
walk in the woods 在森林里散步
welcome warmly 热情欢迎

yell at you 在冲你大声喊叫
fresh yogurt 新鲜的酸奶
the year round 整年地
yesterday morning 昨天早晨
a young woman 一个年轻的女子
Rose is in red today. 罗斯今天穿红色的衣服。
Reed is riding a red horse. 里德骑着一匹红色的马。
Remove the raw rice. 拿走这些未碾的稻米。
Ray rushed into the room. 瑞冲进屋子。
If you always rest, your brain will rust. 如果你总是休息放松,你的大脑会生锈的。

He always waits for me after work. 他总是在下班以后等我。
They painted the wall white. 他们把墙漆成了白色。
We are going to sell wheel chairs. 我们准备卖轮椅。
Wait a while and see what’s going to happen next. 等一下,看看接下来会发生什么。
He swore he would never tell lies, but he broke his words soon. 他发誓再也不说谎了,但很快就食言了。

Stop yawning in my class. 在我的课堂上不许打哈欠。
She said yes yesterday. 昨天她同意了。
You like yoga, don’t you? 你喜欢瑜伽,不是吗?
The yellow bird hasn’t yelled its song. 这只黄色的鸟还没有唱它的歌。
Years ago, young people found a new way to express their aspiration. 多年以前,年轻的人们发现了一种新
The ragged rascal ran around the rugged rocks round and round.
If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch? Which wristwatch is a Swiss
The yellow bird has yelled for many years in the yard of Yale.
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? ?????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????
lion, hare ?

little, glue, floor, listen, police, flood, line, love, blood, long; tall, roll, fall, world, sold, girl, old, poll, all, sell
high, help, hope, her, hero, hill, have, husband, hard, hate
leave a letter 留下一封信
give me a lift 让我搭一下车
silent sleep 安静的睡眠
slight light 微弱的光
a little lake 一个小湖

all the world 全世界
call me Bill 叫我比尔
kill the snail 杀死这只蜗牛
nail the shell to the wall 把贝壳钉到墙上
pull the bull 拉公牛

half-hearted 缺乏热情的
with hat in hand 手里拿着帽子
hear by herself 她亲耳听到
hand in hand 手拉手
hope for help 希望得到帮助

97、lead need read
98、light night right
99、cloud crowd
100、clown crown
101、law gnaw raw
102、low no row
103、class grass
104、clay gray
Lily is eleven. 莉莉十一岁。
The little girl won at last. 最后这个小女孩赢了。
Liz’s face is like a red apple. 莉兹的脸像一个红苹果。
There are few leaves left on the low willow. 矮矮的柳树上没剩下几片树叶。
An old lady lives in a large house alone. 一位老妇人一个人住在一座大房子里。

You will see the seagulls after a while. 过一会儿,你就会看到海鸥。
He pulled through that fearful illness. 他熬过了那场可怕的疾病。
Heal the dying people all over the world, please. 请拯救世界上正在垂死挣扎的人们。
This loyal man need to add oil to his car. 这个忠实的人需要他的车加油。
People all over the world are concerning about the Would Cup. 全世界的人们都在关注世界杯足球赛。

He had to help her. 他必须帮她。

The house has been half done. 房子已经建了一半了。
Her husband is a hard-hearted man. 她的丈夫是个铁石心肠的人。
Her houses have a lot of windows. 她的房子有很多窗户。
It’s very hot, so the horseman decides to give the horses a bath. 天气非常热,所以养马人决定给马儿们洗个
Larry sent the latter a letter later.
A hard-hearted hunter hunted a hard-hunted hare.
?????????????? ??????????????????????????????
???????????????? ????????????????????????????
?????????????????? ??????????????????????????
???????????????????? ????????????????????????

( )1、A. music B. telescope C. newspaper D. maths
( )2、A. street B. theatre C. triangle D. tree
( )3、A. cry B. circle C. class D. picture
( )4、A. thing B. theatre C. bathroom D. there
( )5、A. wash B. sure C. shape D. square
( )6、A、three B、think C、mouth D、fourth
( )7、A、they B、thank C、there D、with
( )8、A、what B、white C、whose D、when
( )9、A、who B、whom C、where D、whose
( )10、A、colour B、circle C、country D、cock
( )11、A、usually B、pleasure C、vision D、desk
( )12、A、busy B、nose C、six D、these
( )13、A、think B、mean C、bank D、thank
( )14、A、now B、no C、ink D、name
( )15、A、know B、knife C、knock D、bike
( )16、A、hour B、his C、here D、hide
( )17、A、zoos B、desks C、chairs D、toys

? ?????????? ????????????????????????
?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????
??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????
? ??????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? ???????
???????????S???????M??????????????????< br>??????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????
sheep, ship
sea, meat, keep, key, seed, team, three, sweet, need, thief, dream, deep, sheet, speak, week, green, bean, clean,
read, teeth
build, six, big, city, lady, honey, little, Monday, Sunday, fit, sister, baby, pig, fish, kid, silly, busy, still, will, in
have a meeting 开会
sweet dreams 美梦
in two weeks 在两周之内
in the deep sea 在深海中
feel sleepy 感到困倦
a strong team 一支强大的团队
leave the room 离开房间
a great deal of money 许多钱
take this seat 坐这个位子
eat pizza 吃比萨饼

a funny story 一个有趣的故事
a happy family 一个幸福的家庭
in a rich country 在一个富裕的国家
a dirty kitchen 一个脏兮兮的厨房
a silly mistake 一个愚蠢的错误
in six minutes 在六分钟之内
a difficult quiz 一个很难的测试
a little money 一点钱
swim in the river 在江里面游泳
visit a university 参观一所大学

1、eat it
2、feel fill
3、heat hit
4、leap lip
5、meal mill
6、peak pig
7、read rid
8、seen sin
9、wheel will
10、bee bill
11、deep dig
12、jeep Jim
13、keep kick
14、neat Nick
15、queen quick
16、tea tip
17、zeal zip
It’s a deal. 一言为定
Seeing is believing. 眼见为实
What does it mean? 这是什么意思?
He hurt her knee. 他弄伤了她的膝盖。
Let’s keep in touch. 让咱们保持联系。
Please believe me. 请相信我。
Please keep it secret. 请保密。
There are no leaves on the tree. 树上没有树叶了。
She is sleeping. 她正在睡觉。
Who has seen the key to the meeting room? 谁看到会议室的钥匙了?

None of your business. 没你的事。
You are kidding. 你在开玩笑吧。
Does it fit? 合适吗?
Bill is very rich. 比尔非常有钱。
Where are the kids? 孩子们在哪儿?
She is a pretty lady. 她是个漂亮的女士。
Zip your lips. 闭上你的嘴。
Jim is sick. 吉姆生病了。
Be quick, honey. 快点儿,亲爱的。
They had a picnic on Sunday. 他们周日去野餐了。
See the breeze. Teasing the tree. Weaving the leaves. And shaking them free.
Silly Billy! Silly Billy! Silly Billy loves lily. Why is Silly Billy silly? Why does Silly Billy loves lily? Silly
Billy isn’t silly.

傻比利!傻比利!傻比 利喜欢百合花。为什么说傻比利傻?为什么傻比利喜欢百合花?傻比利不傻。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
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????????????????????????????? ???????????????
? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????
???? ????
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??
shark, butterfly
after, ask, march, class, father, bark, fast, card, hard, pass, banana, car, parcel, large, mark, farm, last, cast, arm,
double, husband, suffer, couple, love, hurry, trust, enough, color, nothing, must, nut, gust, luck, but, under,
judge, honey, number, worry
a large farm 一个大农场
behind bars 关在监狱里
park the car 停车
a large cargo 一大宗货物
start to bargain 开始议价
a branch of the department 部门分支
do harm to the heart 对心脏有害
hard to start the car 车发动不起来
have the last laugh 获得最后的胜利
a fast car 一辆跑得快的车
trust everyone 相信每个人
a funny mother 一位有趣的母亲
enough money 足够的钱
build up the funds 筹集资金
gun and butter (美国的)大炮加黄油政策
trust in true love 相信真爱
run after his bubble 追逐他的幻想
young blood 青春活力
a sudden gust 突然一阵风
courage under pressure 临危不惧
The park is far from the farm. 公园离农场很远。

Mark is the father of Karl. 马克是卡尔的父亲。
The dog is barking in the dark. 那只狗在黑暗中不停地叫。
He will go to the garden after class. 他课后会去公园。
The master is getting after his servants. 主人正在催促他的仆人们。
The party will start after Martin arrives. 晚会会在马丁到来后开始。
Marcel has a heart attack. 马瑟尔的心脏病发作了。
A real artist must love art. 真正的艺术家必须热爱艺术。
Her father is driving the car very fast to catch the last train. 她父亲为了赶上最后的火车把汽车开得很快。
I don’t think my classmates are smarter than me. 我认为我的同学不比我聪明。
Love build on money is not true love. 建立在金钱上的爱情不是真爱。
No money, no honey. 没有金钱,哪来幸福。
My brother will come to have lunch. 我的兄弟会来吃午饭。
We covered up his fault. 我们掩盖了他的错误。
She loves her mother very much. 她很爱她的母亲。
You must clean up the hut. 我们必须把小屋打扫干净。
The puppy dug under the fence. 小狗在篱笆下面刨土。
I wonder if Gus can come up to the party. 我在想格斯是否会出现在晚会上。
Hurry up, or we have to run to school. 快点,要不我们就得跑着去学校了。
They found a mummy under the dry runway last summer. 去年夏天他们在干枯的河床下发现了一具木乃
There are artful artists and awful artists. Although there are a lot of artful artists, awful artists occur often.
Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.
He laughs best who laughs last.
Well begun, half done.
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? ??????????????????? ??????????????????????
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horse, frog
lord, nor, mall, call, court, before, form, reform, walk, force, cause, fortune, corner, forward, north, storm,
corn, pork, draw, tall
rotten, body, rob, wallet, lobby, bottom, bottle, boss, doctor, model, job, stop, pop, mop, lost, jolly, top, pot,

dog, dot
from door to door 挨家挨户地
on the fourth floor 在第四层
all thoughts 所有的想法
saw a large horse 看见一匹大马
his fourth daughter 他的第四个女儿
the former lord 前任君王
at the corner of the port 在港口的角落
talk about the reform 讨论改革
more or less 或多或少
a formal course 一门正式的课程

a popular shop 一家受欢迎的商店
jolly fox 快活的狐狸
lost a job 丢掉了工作
the bottom of a bottle 瓶子底部
around the clock 昼夜不停地
a funny boss 一个有趣的老板
offer an opportunity 提供一次机会
knock down a robber 击倒一个强盗
lots of cocks 许多公鸡
a heavy fog 一场大雾
18、calm palm
19、odd all
20、boss ball
21、lock lawn
22、not naught
23、pot pause
24、top talk
25、cop cause
26、fox fall
27、hot hall
28、socks saw
29、watch walk

30、Bus boss
31、dull doll
32、gun gone
33、hut hot
34、luck lock
35、stuck stock
36、club clock

37、dug dog
38、gulf golf
39、nut not
40、sung song

41、bar board
42、car corn
43、far fork
44、hard horse
45、large lord
46、mark more
47、park pork
48、tar torch
There are more and more horses. 马匹越来越多。
I saw Paul in the hall. 我在大厅见到了保罗。
She was working as a horse for the lord. 她为地主辛勤地工作着。
He lashed the horse to go forth. 他用鞭子抽打马匹让它往前走。
He was born four years ago. 他于四年前出生。
The new airport borders the city on the north. 新建的机场靠近城市的北面。
They were fortunate enough to get there before four. 他们很幸运,在四点前赶到了那里。
I was bored to death by the boring job in the shop. 商店里无聊的工作都快把我烦死了。
When the storm is coming, stay away from the port. 当暴风雨来临时,离港口远一点。
She was walking about on the floor, thinking about the form. 她在房间里踱来踱去,心里琢磨着表格的事。

She is swallowing a hot dog at the corner. 她在角落里吞咽着一只热狗。
This kind of bottle is selling like hot cake. 这种瓶子很抢手。
Moss spent his holidays at Hollywood. 莫斯在好莱坞度的假。
The scholar is on a holiday. 那个学者正在休假。
Molly is a model. 莫莉是一名模特。
He is accepting training on the job. 他正在参加一项在职培训。
The boss seems to be hot under the collar. 老板看上去好像生气了。
Bob has a good job and a lot of hobbies. 鲍勃有一个好工作和很多爱好。
It’s so hot that I can’t concentrate on job. 太热了,我无法把注意力集中到工作上。
The bottle he’s borrowed doesn’t have bottom. 他借的瓶子没有瓶底。
Tall Paul ate some awful corn sauce.
Bob took a hot pot, but he overturned the pot and the hot water spattered on the floor.
Pride comes before a fall.
A little pot is soon hot.

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??? ?????????????????????????????????????????
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? ??????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????
bird, panda
word, worse, work, sir, shirt, first, person, certain, herb, curve, burglar, hamburger, earnest, earn, earth, murder,
mercy, girl, curl, burn
ago, around, arrive, actor, driver, later, accident, distance, common, canoe, formal, member, former, sofa,
worker, eager, mother, federal, considerable, company
work in a church 在教堂工作
a nervous nurse 一位紧张的护士
her university 她的大学
the worst journalist 最差的记者
happy birthday 生日快乐
thirty persons 三十个人
search the murderer 搜寻杀人犯
learn new words 学习生词
perfect fur 极好的皮毛
thirteen worms 十三只虫子

around seven o’clock 大约在七点钟
manager of the company 公司经理
a committee member 一位委员会委员
the federal government 联邦政府
happen to meet an accident 偶然遇见一起事故
a Canadian woman 一个加拿大女人
forget to see the doctor 忘记去看医生
a considerable distance 一段较远的距离
on another occasion 还有一次
eager to learn 渴望学习
49、certain certificate
50、perfume perhaps
51、service surprise
52、virtual Virginia
53、Burma barber

54、firm forget
55、learn leaner
56、work worker
She wears a dirty skirt. 她穿了一条脏裙子。
They returned to the church. 他们回到了教堂。
This German is thirsty. 这个德国人渴了。
Sir, what would you like to drink first? 先生,您想先喝点什么?
These workers are earnestly served. 这些工人受到了热情的招待。
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
What on earth do you want for your thirtieth birthday? 你三十岁生日到底想要什么?
It’s a perfect world. 这是个完美的世界。
He does research work in a firm. 他在一家公司做研究工作。
He cursed his girlfriend just now, which hurt her deeply. 他刚才咒骂了他的女友,这件事深深地伤害了她。

The picture of the painter was a failure. 这个画家的这幅画是一部失败的作品。
My young sister is a doctor. 我的小妹妹是一名医生。
Helen will arrive here at seven a.m. tomorrow. 海伦明天上午七点到这儿。
They won’t forget their former manager. 他们不会忘记以前的经理。
The average height of women is shorter than that of men. 女性平均身高不如男性。
The driver’s younger brother is going to Canada next Saturday. 这个司机的弟弟下周六要去加拿大了。
Eva went to the shop to buy some butter and sugar. 伊娃去商店买黄油和糖。
The pop singer used to be a teacher. 这个流行歌手以前是一位教师。
He used his money to grease the federal government members. 他用金钱贿赂联邦政府成员。
My father and mother love each other very much. 我的父母十分相爱。
When the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm, it squirms in the earth nervously.
The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom. “The bun is better buttered,” Buffy muttered.
The early bird catches the worm.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
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? ??????????????????????? ??????????
????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
? ???? ????????????????????
?????????????????????????? ???????????

kangaroo, wolf
fool, cool, noodle, truth, include, whose, threw, lose, move, absolute, bloom, drew, doom, food, mood, spoon,
noon, movie, shoe, loot
full, foot, bull, book, wood, butcher, took, woman, good, shook, cook, hook, stood, look, wool, sugar,
bookshop, push, pudding, cookie
have no mood to go to school 没有心情去上学。
bring food to school 带食物到学校
prove it to be true 证明它是真的
root the bad tooth out 把坏牙拔掉
remove the rule 废除这项规则
put on the shoes by moonlight 借着月光穿鞋
use spoon to eat food 用勺子吃饭
noodle soup 面条汤
see a movie at noon 在中午看场电影
blue moon 不可能有的事情(习语)

a good book 一本好书
through the woods 穿过森林
sugary cookies 甜饼干
pull through 度过难关
like a fool 像个傻瓜
a cookbook 一本食谱
look at the woman 看这个女人
took some sugar 拿了一些糖
push her book 推销她的书
by hook or by crook 不择手段
57、loose look
58、noon nook
59、root took
60、soup soot
61、woo wood
62、boot book
63、food foot
64、whose hook
65、pool put
66、tool took
67、cool cook
68、goose good
He has a tool room. 他有一个工具间。
They will soon move to the new house. 他们很快就会搬到新房子里了。

Have you seen the movie “Roots”? 你看过《根》那部电影么?
He bought some fruit for the group. 他给这些人买了一些水果。
He had a loose tooth. 他有一颗松动的牙齿。
The water in the pool is cool. 游泳池里的水比较深。
He is wearing blue boots. 他穿着蓝色的靴子。
The goose is in the coop. 鹅在笼子里。
The news is too good to be true. 这个消息太好了,简直让人难以置信。
It’s very rude of you to treat that troupe like that. 你那样对待那个剧团太粗鲁了。

That woman wrote a very good book. 那个女人写了一本很好的书。
Put the book on the bookshelf, please. 请把书放在书架上。
This chair is made of good wood. 这把椅子是好木头做的。
You should cook the food tonight. 今晚你应该做饭。
Mr. Wood couldn’t have pushed the car. 伍德先生没能推动这辆车。
His left foot was hurt by a hook. 他的左脚被一个钩子刮伤了。
The cook put some sugar into the soup. 厨师往汤里放了些糖。
The butcher shook hands with the cook. 屠夫和厨师握手。
I know you could but you wouldn’t do it. 我知道你能够做,但是你不会去做。
She took a look at the angry butcher and ran out. 她看了一眼生气的屠夫,然后就跑了出去。
Give two true tools to the troops.
Underwood would read book if Underwood knew where his book was. Underwood’s book was in Durwood’s
woods. Underwood went into Durwood’s woods and got his book.
安德伍德如果知 道他的书在哪儿的话,他就会读一读。安德伍德的书在德伍德的森林里。安德伍德进
入德伍德的森林去取 他的书。
One is never too old to learn.
A good wife makes a good husband.
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???????????????????????????? ????????????????
?????????????????????????????? ??????????????
???????????????????????????????? ????????????
? ????????????????Sam, cat, fat, have, and, hand, ?
? ???????????????????????????????????????
cat, elephant
cap, map, flag, back, mad, bad, hand, land, fact, sand, act, flat, plan, manage, glad, stamp, man, fat, black, ax

bed, pen, let, men, yet, then, desk, rest, next, letter, lesson, tell, dead, head, bread, friend, many, step, forget,
that fat man 那个胖男人
hand in hand 手拉手
stand at the back 站在后面
as a matter of fact 事实上
a happy family 一个幸福的家庭
bad habits 坏习惯
a man with an ax in hand 一个手握斧头的男人
a black handbag 一个黑色的手提包
collect stamps 收集邮票
have a chat 聊天

let me have a rest 让我休息一下
make friends 交朋友
stay in bed 卧床
set up a restaurant 开一家饭馆
seven letters 七封信件
get wet in the rain 淋雨
never forget 永远不忘
a red dress 一件红色的女装
a special guest 一位尊贵的客人
some fresh eggs 一些新鲜的鸡蛋
69、bed bad
70、get gap
71、head hat
72、lend land
73、met map
74、pet pack
75、smell smash
76、test task
77、wet wax
78、dead dad
79、hen hand
80、jet Jack
81、net nag
82、quest quack
83、rest ram
84、vest vast
85、yes Yank
Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 不要把这条消息泄露出去。

That’s why she is mad. 那就是她发疯的原因。
Thank you for the stamps. 谢谢你的邮票。
A black cat is catching a fat rat. 一只黑猫正在抓一只肥鼠。
He has a very happy family. 他有一个非常幸福的家庭。
She looks fantastic in that hat. 她戴那顶帽子漂亮极了。
She felt glad to attend that meeting. 她非常高兴参加那次会议。
She has a fancy hat. 她有一顶精美的帽子。
The new manager feels sad. 新来的经理感到悲伤。
It is said that the young man has married a bad woman. 据说那个年轻人娶了一个坏女人。

Ted is wet with sweat. 泰德全身都被汗水湿透了。
Tell Emily to get everything ready. 告诉艾米丽把一切都准备好。
Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。
Health is about the wealth. 健康胜于财富。
Everybody needs fresh fruits. 每个人都需要吃一些新鲜水果。
I have already passed the test. 我已经通过了考试。
Let’s get ready for the lecture. 咱们准备一下去听讲座吧。
I will never forget this lesson. 我永远也不会忘记这个教训。
We should do this step by step. 我们应该一步一步地做这件事。
I felt very well then. 我那个时候感觉非常好。
A mad man says that Amanda has captured a fat panda.
Eddie’s enemies envied Eddie’s energy, but Eddie never envied his enemies’ energy.
A fact is a fact.
East or west, home is best.
????????? ???????????????????????????????????
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?????????????????????????????????? ??????
? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????
????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
?????????? ?????????????????????????????????
? ??????????? ????????????
?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

snake, tiger, boy
maybe, hay, pay, May, day, way, bay, say, play, game, plate, shame, shape, complain, waste, face, shake, save,
safe, plain
fine, white, price, time, write, side, fly, lie, try, dry, why, high, bide, bite, guide, might, night, lion, shy, alike
poison, spoil, oil, choice, noise, loyal, join, royal, point, annoy, joy, soy, soil, coin, boil, joint, employ, exploit,
oyster, toilet
hate to be late 讨厌迟到
save her face 保住她的面子
ate a piece of cake 吃了一块蛋糕
became famous 变得有名
in the same way 以同样的方式
wait until a later date 等到更晚的日期
skate at the gate 在门口滑冰
leave a space 留一点空间
make a mistake 犯了一个错误
the shape of the lake 湖的形状

bright sunshine 明媚的阳光
a quiet night 一个安静的夜晚
a shy wife 一个害羞的妻子
white clouds and blue skies 白云和蓝天
lie to Mr. White 对怀特先生说谎
a white kite 一只白色的风筝
ride a bike 骑自行车
my life 我的生活
arrive at nine 九点钟抵达
die in a fight 在一次冲突中死亡

boiled oil 熟油
an annoying boy 一个讨厌的男孩
point to the toilet 指向厕所
a poisonous plant 一株有毒的植物
exploit an oil field 开采一片油田
keep to the point 扣住主题
be loyal to one’s nation 对国家忠诚
toil and moil 辛辛苦苦地工作
her native soil 她的故乡
share joys and sorrows 同甘共苦
选出你所听到的单词:注意????和???、? ??、????,????和???、???、????,
86 、age edge

87、late let
88、pain pen
89、sail sell
90、fail fell
91、hail hell
92、jail jell
93、wane when
94、fail fill
95、hail hill
96、lame limb
97、pain pin
98、bait bit
99、Dane din
100、wane win
101、say sea
102、they these
103、way we
104、Kay key
105、J G

106、bike back
107、height hat
108、mine man
109、pile pal
110、sight sat
111、dime dam
112、kite cat
113、lime lamb
114、rhyme ram
115、bite bit
116、fight fit
117、kite kit
118、live(现场直播) live(居住)
119、sky ski
120、sigh see
121、boy buy
122、coin kind
123、noise nice
124、oil aisle
125、toil tile
126、voice vice
He became famous in the late 1950s. 他在二十世纪五十年代后期成名。
He did it only for the sake of saving face. 他这样做全是为了保住面子。

He hates trade. 他讨厌贸易。
She always calls a spade a spade. 她常常直言不讳。
He is making a play for fame. 他挖空心思想出名。
It’s a great day today. 今天是很棒的一天。
They sailed away to Spain. 他们出海远行去西班牙。
Don’t delay mailing your payment. 别耽搁寄付款。
On the same day another plane crash happened. 同一天,发生了另一起飞机失事。
You should play it safe and not make haste. 你应该谨慎行事,不要操之过急。

The color of the bicycle is white and black. 这辆自行车的颜色是黑白相间的。
She died last night. 她昨晚去世了。
Price are sky-high these days. 这些天物价极高。
I like this idea. 我喜欢这个主意。
She lied to the guide. 她对导游说了谎话。
This child doesn’t like his life. 这个孩子不喜欢他的生活。
She is fighting shy of seeing his eyes. 她回避他的眼睛。
My wife likes the life in the countryside. 我妻子喜欢乡村生活。
The plane is flying high in the blue sky. 飞机在高高的蓝天上飞翔。
He is trying to swim with the tides. 他试着随波逐流。

Don’t loiter an noisy city streets. 不要再喧闹的城市闲逛。
Troy can’t find his toy. 特洛伊找不到他的玩具了。
Boil the fish; then broil it.先把鱼煮了,然后再烤。
The other boys joined in the noise. 其他的男孩子也加入这嘈杂之中。
He appointed Roy to buy some oil. 他指派罗伊去买一些油。
She is annoyed by the noise. 她被噪音烦死了。
The noisy boy lost his voice while rejoicing. 这个吵闹的男孩高兴得发不出声。
Sometimes royal exploits his loyal advice. 有时候王室成员会采用他忠诚的建议。
This medicine is the best choice for your aching joints. 这种药是你关节疼痛的最好选择。
One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 你喜欢的东西,别人不一定喜欢。
The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.
There is pie in my eye. Will I cry? will I die? Though I am shy, I will not lie. It might cause a sty, but I deny
that I will die or cry from a pie in my eye. < br>我眼里掉进了一点饼。我会哭呢?还是会死?尽管我害羞,我也不会说谎。它也许会导致麦粒肿,但
The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise.
A penny saved is a penny gained.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Boys will be boys.

?? ??????????????????????????????????????????
???? ????????????????????????????????????????
(?)?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????
? ??????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????
swallow, cow
toad, almost, also, those, cold, goat, toe, stone, stroke, smoke, bone, hope, home, go, post, hold, poem, fold,
nose, local
how, about, sour, out, outline, loud, proud, down, output, crown, shout, aloud, mountain, outcome, hour,
crowd, power, pound, found, coward
have no hope 没有希望
go home 回家
wrote a poem 写了一首诗
hold a post 保留一个职位
Holy Ghost 圣灵
follow one’s nose 听某人指示
the local goat 本地的山羊
Gold Coast 黄金海岸
so cold 太冷了
open and close valve 开关闸

outside the house 在房子外面
shout out loudly 大声喊叫
from mouth to mouth 广泛流传
like a drowned mouse 像只落水老鼠似的
climb a mountain 爬山
between ourselves 不能外传
clean the cow house 打扫牛舍
increase the output 提高产量
brown towel 棕色的毛巾
shout for an hour 喊叫了一小时
选出你所听到的单词:注意????和??:?、? ?:?,????和???的区别。?
127、coal call
128、loan lawn
129、pose pause
130、toll tall
131、bowl ball

132、hold halt
133、note naught
134、throw three
135、fro free

136、doubt dot
137、foul fall
138、found fond
139、gown gone
140、howl haul
141、noun non
142、owl all
143、pound pond
He grows old. 他变老了。
He rowed the boat over the ocean. 他划船穿过了大洋。
It is so cold outside. 外面太冷了。
He wrote home hoping for a big loan. 他给家里写信希望能得到一大笔借款。
I hope I can go home tomorrow. 我希望我明天就可以回家。
He is nobody and holds o post here. 他在这里既无名也无职。
Long ago people slept on the cold earth. 很久以前人们在冰凉的地上睡觉。
The tone of the echo rolled over the hills. 回声的调子在山与山之间回荡。
Slowly the waves rolled towards the row of homes. 海浪翻滚着,缓缓地朝着一排家园涌去。
His stomach was bloated after having a roast and a bowl of tomato soup. 他的胃在吃了一份烤肉喝了一碗

I found that I had gained at a pound. 我发现自己长了一磅体重。
The cow was doused by a shower. 这头奶牛被雨淋湿了。
How about reading aloud? 大声读一读怎么样?
Wow! The flowers are beautiful. 哇!这些花真漂亮。
I found the towel just now. 我刚才找到毛巾了。
The sow, the mouse and the cow sounded a rousing song. 母猪、老鼠和奶牛发出的声音像是一首欢快的歌
Wild flowers always abound in out-of-the-way mountains. 在偏远的山上常常长着很多野花。
The man proudly shouted at those in the house. 那个人傲慢地冲着房子里的人大嚷大叫。
He counted the hours and vowed to get out of the house. 他算着时间,发誓要从屋子里逃出去。
The coward was drown when he dived to save a cow. 那个胆小鬼在跳下水去救一头奶牛的时候淹死了。
The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.
The loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse.
There is no smoke without fire.

April showers bring May flowers.
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? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????
? ???????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????
? ???????????????????????????
deer, bear, tour
dear, ear, tear, dear, sneer, shear, smear, gear, atmosphere, rear, spear, dreary, hear, year, pioneer, fear, mere,
sheer, near, appear
share, mare, stair, wear, stare, glare, fair, repair, hair, rare, pair, pear, spare, hare, where, there, bare, mayor,
fare, careful
poor, detour, boor, insure, usual, tour, sure, jury, assure, surely, unsure, moor, brochure, casual, unusual, pure,
cure, lure, Europe, curious
clear water 清澈的水
a real deer 一只真鹿
shear the sheep 剪羊毛
year in and year out 一年到头
various fears 各种各样的恐惧
sneer at his peers 嘲笑他的伙伴
hear clearly 听得清楚
near the gear 在齿轮附近
be all ears 全神贯注地听
fear women’s tears 害怕女人的眼泪

dare to declare 敢于宣称
at the pear trade fair 在梨子交易会上
a rare hare 一只很罕见的野兔
have a haircut 剪发
share the pears 分享梨子
scare him away 把他吓跑
spare some time 抽出一些时间
at various times 在不同的时代
find a chair 找到一把椅子
wear short hair 留短发

cure the wounds 疗伤
a poor lady 一个贫困的女士
make sure 确定

on the moors 在荒地上
tour brochure 旅行小册子
fuel the car 给车加油
in rural areas 在乡下
your insurance 你的保险单
curious child 好奇的孩子
a wonderful tour 一次很棒的旅行
144、ear air
145、fear fair
146、dear dare
147、hear hair
148、clear Clare
149、real rare
150、tear tare tour
151、shear share sure
Is there a post-office near here? 这附近有邮局吗?
The price of the gear is very dear. 齿轮的价格很贵。
Everyone should be sincere. 每个人都应当真诚。
Who is the weary lady standing at the rear? 站在后面的那位疲倦的女士是谁?
The child is all ears and hearing you clearly. 这孩子在全神贯注地认真听着你的话。
She doesn’t fear the deer any more. 她不再害怕小鹿了。
The knight sold various spears. 这个骑士卖各式各样的矛。
It’s a queer world. 这是个奇怪的世界。
A tin of beer appeared near the rear window. 一听啤酒出现在后窗户附近。
They are clear that their country has a nuclear power station. 他们知道他们的国家有一座核电站。

Try it if you dare. 如果你敢的话,就试试看。
Where is my Tony Bear? 我的托尼熊哪里去了?
This affair is unfair. 这件事不公平。
I have my hair cut there. 我在那里把头发剪了。
He got the biggest share of the money. 他分到了最多的钱。
There are various kinds of pears. 这里有各种各样的梨。
My parents bought me a pair of shoes. 我父母给我买了一双鞋。
The mayor swears to care more about the elderly. 市长发誓要更加关心老年人。
I don’t care whether she would spare some time or not. 我不在乎她是否能抽出时间。
An air of excitement rarely blares down the stairs. 一种洋溢着激情的曲调很少见地从楼下面传出。

I can’t endure this inspection tour. 我不能忍受这种巡回检查。
His illness needs t be cured. 他的病需要治疗。
Your rural life is unusual. 你的乡村生活与众不同。
I like pure chocolate. 我喜欢纯巧克力。
The president assured that he would not make that mistake. 总统保证他不会再犯那种错误了。

Before a tour, you should buy traveling insurance. 在出行旅游之前,你应该购买旅行保险。
I’m not sure whether he will endure the lure or not. 我不能肯定他是否能忍受得了诱惑。
The poor farmer must be curious about the European tour. 这个穷苦的农民肯定对这次欧洲游很好奇。
The jury charged the poor man with looting. 陪审团控告这个可怜的人抢劫。
I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deer’s ear.
Be ware! That’s a bear liar. I would not go in there on a dare. In there is where a bear scared Pierre. Pierre was
not aware of the bear in the liar. Until the bear gave a glare and Pierre ran from there.
小 心!那是一个熊窝。我可不敢去。就在那儿,皮埃尔被一只熊吓到了。皮埃尔不知道窝里有熊。熊
瞪了皮 埃尔一眼,皮埃尔吓得从那里跑了出来。
He lured the poor to lure the poorer.
Just in one ear but out the other.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
As sure as egg is egg.

????????????????????????????????????????? ???
??????????????????????????????????????????? ?
????????????????????????????????????????????< br>????????????????????????????????????????????
1、 put foot 2、 sun brother but
3、 sister mother 4、 girl bird
5、 door horse 6、 dog hot
7、 is picture 8、 nice goodbye
9、 know coat 10、 bed egg
11、 bike kite 12、 blue two

( )1、A. cake B. take C. nap D. wave
( )2、A. bread B. eat C. tea D. seat
( )3、A. never B. leg C. red D. he
( )4、A. good B. too C. book D. neighborhood
( )5、A. father B. crab C. shark D. car
( )6、A. soda B. hot C. box D. not
( )7、A. bike B. five C. my D. his

( )8、A. order B. doctor C. boring D. corner
( )9、A. what B. water C. walk D. talk
( )10、A. go B. no C. to D. nose
( )11、A. day B. play C. they D. Sunday
( )12、A. lot B. not C. to D. follow
( )13、A. each B. idea C. theatre D. dear
( )14、A. flower B. follow C. how D. brown
( )15、A. slide B. hi C. toilet D. bike
( )16、A. you B. house C. blouse D. trousers
( )17、A. study B. puzzle C. bus D. busy
( )18、A. find B. dining-room C. behind D. pumpkin
( )19、A. kitchen B. sandwich C. China D. peach
( )20、A. street B. coffee C. meet D. see
( )21、A. toilet B. apple C. bottle D. table
( )22、A. back B. lamp C. parent D. have
( )23、A. pig B. beautiful C. beauty D. swing
( )24、A. food B. cook C. foot D. look
( )25、A. sofa B. off C. pot D. lot
( )26、A. room B. foot C. too D. food
( )27、A. teacher B. driver C. term D. waiter
( )28、A. behind B. bedroom C. jacket D. eleven
( )29、A. family B. camping C. dance D. blanket
( )30、A. over B. other C. clothes D. home
( )31、A. morning B. horse C. door D. tomorrow
( )32、A. diamond B. around C. elephant D. change
( )33、A. house B. blouse C. laugh D. mouth
( )34、A. building B. child C. children D. biscuit
( )35、A. tennis B. find C. white D. kite
( )36、A. wash B. want C. parent D. what
( )37、A. large B. laugh C. sofa D. vase
( )38、A. name B. lamp C. camping D. am
( )39、A、August B、aunt C、autumn D、pause
( )40、A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly
( )41、A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over
( )42、A. go B. no C. cold D. hot
( )43、A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday
( )44、A. on B. diamond C. crayon D. o’clock
( )45、A. near B. heart C. tear D. hear
( )46、A. good B. book C. look D. school
( )47、A. tea B. bee C. sit D. meet
( )48、A. car B. glass C. father D. map
( )49、A. this B. like C. my D. hi
( )50、A. window B. now C. brown D. how
( )51、A、seat B、mean C、leave D、bread
( )52、A、pig B、quite C、king D、this

( )53、A、back B、man C、make D、happy
( )54、A、head B、teacher C、ready D、breakfast
( )55、A、help B、nest C、letter D、she
( )56、A、party B、star C、war D、farm
( )57、A、past B、has C、fast D、ask
( )58、A、but B、put C、cut D、study
( )59、A、son B、month C、front D、mop
( )60、A、job B、stop C、cold D、model
( )61、A、those B、home C、alone D、soft
( )62、A、ago B、again C、apple D、about
( )63、A、like B、little C、wide D、smile
( )64、A、page B、cake C、have D、date
( )65、A、way B、play C、toy D、stay
( )66、A、hat B、what C、map D、sad
( )67、A、get B、next C、help D、we
( )68、A、early B、sky C、city D、very
( )69、A、grow B、how C、slow D、yellow
( )70、A、flower B、town C、down D、know
( )71、A、summer B、just C、ruler D、truck
( )72、A、book B、wood C、school D、good
( )73、A、noodle B、moon C、foot D、noon
( )74、A、world B、doctor C、word D、work
( )75、A、learn B、earth C、near D、early
( )76、A、sport B、horse C、short D、word
( )77、A、poor B、door C、floor D、four
( )78、A、laugh B、naughty C、daughter D、caught
( )79、A、driver B、her C、teacher D、brother
( )80、A、house B、mouth C、ground D、country
( )81、A、near B、hear C、learn D、dear
( )82、A、hare B、are C、care D、square
( )83、A、here B、where C、there D、therefore
( )84、A、face B、nice C、city D、circle
( )85、A、find B、kind C、still D、blind
( )86、A、seat B、mean C、leave D、bread
( )87、A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach
( )88、A. back B. fast C. have D. map
( )89、A. warm B. garden C. market D. party
( )90、A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good
( )91、A. book B. moody C. look D. cook
( )92、A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu

1. peak 2. beat
3. team 4. deal
5. pig 6. shop

7. tin 8. dish
9. tea 10. beach
11. pin 12. kettle
13. get 14. fetch
15. very 16. seven
17. zest 18. cat
19. fashion 20. gas
21. van 22. Sam
23. as 24. guess
25. fan 26. path
27. father
29. nasty
31. thumb
33. must
35. hungry
37. shirt
39. usher
41. colour
43. earth
45. hook
47. June
49. choose
51. wood
53. wolf
55. loose
57. cool
59. good
61. should
63. could
65. thin
67. cheap
69. nose
71. bread
73. cinema
75. bike
77. read
79. there
81. three
83. right
85. go
87. bus
89. great
91. east
93. rule
95. ship
28. Mars
30. asking
32. thus
34. nut
36. mask
38. learn
40. pleasure
42. mirror
44. woof
46. use
48. who
50. juice
52. children
54. boot
56. cook
58. food
60. foot
62. would
64. that
66. this
68. sheep
70. umbrella
72. library
74. asking
76. ruler
78. south
80. think
82. hot
84. high
86. bag
88. fat
90. put
92. please
94. work
96. dive

97. fly 98. kite
99. name 100. cake
101. five 102. plane
103. yes 104. my
105. park 106. wait
107. he 108. chair
109. dear 110. train
111. pear 112. pair
113. who 114. wake
115. dig 116. drop
117. cloud
119. funny
121. notebook
123. hole
125. rain
127. coke
129. bag
131. school
118. magazine
120. trip
122. subway
124. pot
126. street
130. comic
132. fall


精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
【前辅音+元音: my,he,high,see,toe】
【响亮辅 音l,m,n,?和其他辅音搭配:??????,?????,??????,??????,?????】
【多音节:supermarket,conversation,television,internat ionality】
【开音节:以元音或不发音的e结尾的音节,如we,hi,fly,ma ke,kite,nose等】
但如有前缀a-,be-,re-, dis-, mis-, de-等,则第二个音节重读:address,beside,report,mistake,decide
双音节的合成词,一般第一个音节重读:blackboard,homework,但也 有两音节均重读或前一个
音节次重读的:fourteen,unfair,upstairs,dow nstairs,untouched,outside,Chinese
但双音节词加上前缀或后缀构成的多音节词,仍按原来的词根重音来读:con′ducto r,′carefully,
例:′topic,′question,ope′ration,compo′sition,de ′cision。

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
about agree across already among above address afraid again ago
along alone another around away arrive Australia Australian
America American because before below become became begin
beginning behind beside between banana computer Canadian
conductor decide develop dictation delicious December enjoyable
example exam except excuse expensive eraser eleven enough
forgetful forget goodbye herself himself hooray important
instruction invent invention inventor idea inside instead itself
July Japan machine museum November o'clock October
prefer produce polite politely policeman potato perhaps receive
result return remember report September surprise tomato
tonight together Toronto toward tomorrow today themselves
unusual until unhappy united without yourself yourselves
OK fifteen fourteen thirteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen afternoon
Chinese southeast southwest northeast northwest outside untrue upstairs
downstairs loudspeaker headmaster skyscraper
Japanese understand understood operation ourselves population education
examination congratulations
()1. A. over B. even C. musician D. quietly
()2. A. excuse B. enjoy C. report D. unfair
()3. A. headmaster B. shortcoming C. because D. already
()4. A. decide B. without C. exercise D. prepare
()5. A. against B. almost C. apologize D. correctly
()6. A. spirit B. seagull C. reply D. pyramid
()7. A. wherever B. throughout C. repeat D. hardly
()8. A. really B. happen C. frighten D. pronounce
()9. A. modern B. foreign C. receive D. famous
()10. A. regret B. except C. politics D. piano
()11. A. excuse B. explain C. enough D. problem
()12. A. fascination B. alone C. research D. asleep
()13. A. heaven B. dustman C. disappear D. medicine
()14. A. liberation B. musician C. education D. operation
()1. A. yourself B. volleyball C. untouched D. Tuesday
()2. A. topic B. outside C. telegraph D. silent
()3. A. restaurant B. November C. museum D. nineteen
()4. A. Chinese B. mixture C. horrible D. animal
()5. A. handwriting B. headmaster C. boyhood D. assistant









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