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2020-10-27 13:55



作 者
Automobile manufacture stamping process Of new development
Tony 译 名
托尼 国 籍 美国
摘要:汽车制造的整体规模和复杂性,迫使人们要经常地与降低成本、提 高产品
和工具每 年的变化。根据这些变化因素,汽车制造商要不断寻找最快素,经济的

关键词: 制造工艺 要求 发展历史 冲压工艺


汽车制造中有60%-70%的金属零部件需经塑性加工成形, 冲压加工是完成金
属塑性成形的一 种 重要手段,它是最基本、最传统、最重要的金属加工方法之一。
如车身上的各种覆盖件、车内支撑件、结 构加强件,还有大量的汽车零部件,如发
动机的排气弯管及消声器、空心凸轮轴、油底壳、发动机支架、 框架结构件、横
所调冲压工艺性是指冲压件对工艺品的适应性, 即所设计的冲压件在尺寸大
小、 尺寸精度与基准、结构形状等是否符合冲压加工的工艺要求 。汽车冲压件都
应具有良好的工艺品性和经济性, 衡量其水平的重要标志有冲压件的工序数、 车身
总成的分块数量和尺寸大小、 冲压件的结构等因素。減少冲压过程的工序数,意味
着減少 冲压件数、节省工装数量、简化冲压过程的传送装置, 缩减操作人员和冲压
占地面积, 是节约投资额和能耗的极好措施, 所以冲压制造商都能把冲压工序数设
计作为降低汽车制造成本的重要途径, 甚至不惜改进产品设计来满足制造工艺方面
的要求 。 同时, 还应采用尽量大尺寸的合理的车身总成分块, 如整块式车身左右
侧板及车顶盖板, 既可使汽车外形美 观。空气阻力減少,又可減少冲压件数量及焊
点,能有效地降低成本。而且现代汽车制造大量使用卷料、 薄壳式整体车身结构的
高强度钢板与镀锌钢板, 都要求应用冲压新工艺。现代冲压成形发展和研究的重大
( 1 ) 模块式冲压及其控制;
( 2 ) 新材料及复合材料冲压加工新工艺;
( 3 ) 特种冲压成形技术,

( 4 ) 计算机模拟冲压成形及虚拟试模技术:
( 5 ) 模具制造技术,
一起 。 柔性的含义较广, 如冲压件的几何形状的多种要求, 只要通过自由编程就
可获得, 体现了加工形状的柔性。又如既适用大批量单品种冲压件的生产, 更对小
( 1 ) 在冲压成形过程中可快速更換组合模具以提高生产效率,
( 2 ) 由于具有带材的供带和矫带装置, 可省却另设上料下料工序,
( 3 ) 实现了大工件的不停机加工;
( 4 ) 既能独立又能成系列的控制组合冲模动作, 能连续进行冲压加工;
( 5 ) 冲模具有可编和的柔性特点 。
一种模块式冲压加工系统由一台带有控制功能模块式冷冲压的压力机、 卷材
带材送进装轩、带材矫正机及可编程进给装置等构成 。 这种冲压系统在运行时
可进行冲模横向位移、 带材进给定位、冲模重复运行及自动调整下工步的冲模调
整等多项功能 。由于在冲压过程中进行可编程冲压, 使这种模块式冲压系统能柔
性地适应生产需求,能在相同带材上 进行曲不同工件及批次的混合生产,实现不停
机的串接式加工,还同时在工件西面冲压加工,极大地提高 了工作效率,有资料表
明, 模块式冲压成形使加工费用能下降至40%-50%。
当前模块式冲压装置的集成度是很高的, 在宽度为300MM 尺寸范围内可安排
达35个模具, 通过冲模上端的顶板可对冲模进行独立式系列控制, 即形成冲模的
集成控制 。 整个系统的编程可在windows用户界面和菜単下实现,编程涉及模具
沿者横向定位納的何服驱动定位,带材的检验矫正及纵向进给定位, 冲模的质量
跟踪检验, 冲模的调整及状况监控等多功能 。
当冲模重新配置成更換时,这些变化则会被参数并被控制系统所贮存, 以务
下次査询和调用 。 冲模数据包括有冲头及其组合标记, 冲头组合在模具中的 X、
Y坐标位置及模具轴编号等信息。 l毫米冲压是指汽车车身冲压件的精度控制在
0-1. OMM 的范围内,与过去制造业通行的误差2MM 相比, 是个非常大的提高。这
是一个以提高冲压质量和制造技术为目标的综合项目 。该项目“2MM工程''都是
90年代后期美国汽车界可-展的大型研究项目 。所谓“2MM工程''就是把车身装
配尺寸变动量控制在2MM之内, 大大严于原先的8MM工程 。
冲压加工成形技术是影口向汽车车身制造水平的关键因素之一 , 美国专家
曽在一条汽车装配线上对50多个个案进行实地分析表明, 造成车身尺寸误差变动
的诸多原因中, 冲压本身尺寸造成的不累积误差占 23%, 其主要原因是传统的基

亚毫米冲压的中心是冲压件的精度与敏捷度西个目标, 精度就是使冲压件尺
尺变动, 并使车身覆盖件分块度大, 如采用整体左右侧板和顶盖板等 。 敏捷度
含义则是指减少冲压件的生产准备吋间达30% , 包括模具设计、试样制造和工装
准备时间, 以达到极大缩短新车型制造周期的目的, 该项目饮食有冲压和装配的
集成设计、 冲压系统敏捷设计和制造、 冲压过程的智能检测和监拉、 全系统集
成4个子项目 。
通过亚毫米冲压项日的研究, 使冲压成形技术有了跳跃性的进展, 其中包含
(1) 冲压过程和部件装配工艺的设计由基于经验和传统工艺向科学和数据过
(2)冲压设计向 CAD和模拟试模转化, 摒弃了传统的尝试法;
(4) 实现了过程监测和设备维护被动响应向科学预测式转变。 “2MM 工程''
和“亚毫米、冲压''两 项目现已先后完成,正在美国三大汽车制造公司推广应用,
取得了许多有益的成果,冲压成本大幅下降, 获得日益増长的经济效益的社会效
益, 并逐步向其他国家推广应用 。
现代汽车冲压件的技术要求朝着结构复杂、 分块尺寸增大、 相关边的零部
件较多、 承载能力变大和内应力限制严格等方向发展 。 这要求并促进特种冲压
成形技术如液压成形、 精密成形、 爆炸成形、旋压成形、无模成形、激光成形
和电磁成形技术的发展。限于本文常幅,这里主 要介绍内压成形和电磁成形两项技
术。液压式或注入弹性体式的成形技术, 其高压形成过程一般包括:
(1) 有效介质如冰的膨胀或弹性体压入使内部压罚极慢增长的过程;
(2) 流体静罚的骨高压形成过程;
(3)极端压力如爆炸的动态过程等。介质可以是无定形的固体、液体或 气体,
在系统中介质可依据要加工的形状作任意变化, 履行凸模功能, 所以介质可等同
于一个万能模具 。
液压式内高压成形技术与其他冲压成形技术相比, 有几项明显优点:
(1)在成形过程中可一次加工出如车桥、 顶盖板、 门框等大型复杂的三维几

(2)因为液体在成形过程中冷却作用,使工件被“冷作强化” ,获得比一般冲
(3 )工件外表板面只与压力液体接触,加压过程较平缓,零部件成形变化均匀,
可获得匀称的压力分布, 并能获得者好得多的平滑外表面;
(4)液压内盛开有的冲模和工具费用可下降40%,特别降低了凸 型零件加工的
节拍时间较短, 约为0.1-0.5Min,这在特种成形工艺中是较短的,可实现批量生
利用通电线圈产生的电磁力的电磁成形工艺, 是目前颇有前途的另一种新型
加工手段。 该工艺源于六十年代核裂变研究的成果, 但可惜一直没被人们注重 。
电磁成形工艺原理图, 当线圈通入交流电时。数微秒内建立起磁场,使金属工件尤
其是导电率强的铜铝材,质感生出电流 ,感生出电流, 感生电流又将受到磁场力
作用, 使工件产生张力与凹模吻合迅速成形。 当线圈在工件内时, 电磁力将使工
件外张成形, 属当前应用较广泛的一种工艺; 当线圈平面平行于板件放置时, 电
电磁成形技术系一种非接触成形工艺, 其実出优点一是加工成形迅速工效
高, 二是常用于金属与非金属的连接, 可取代粘接或焊接: 其三是不耗脯助材料
如润滑油脂等, 有利环境保护 。
质量 。 在亚毫米冲压项目的自动检测和监控中,其研究成果就包括有: 1.冲压过
程的特征分析在线传诊断和检测系统; 2.高速和非接触的冲压件测量系统; 3.冲
模维护的科学预测系统; 4.沖压成形关键参数的在线调节和补偿系统等。
冲压过程引起工件质量发生变化的原因主要有凹凸冲模的磨损、 製纹及冲模
错位等, 这些微小变化可由高分辩率的位移转感器和冲压力转感器进行跟踪检
测 。 其中位移测量是极重要的一种测量, 该装置通常由安装在模具上方的关源
和位于下方的接收单元构成, 可监视偏差、 跟踪加工全过程、 及时输出监测信
息和进行报警停机 。
一种在线冲压的图形处理系统, 是保证冲压工件质量的有效测试方法, 它能
进行二维几何图 形的标准检测,其项目有长度、直径、平行度、角位、冲压板材结
构及识别废品等。图形处理系统是由象 仪、光学仪和照明装置等组成,标准的 CCD
象仪的珊格分辩率为750X580条珊格,水平方向每珊格为 0.026mm,垂直方向精度
为 0.009mm珊格。监视系统使用的位移及角度传感器有光学式及电学式二种, 前
者有激光测试技术和模似光珊技术支持; 后者有电感流式及介质电容式, 它们的

测试精度分辩率都可达到 1-10um级的水平 。 最适用冲压技术的转 感器安装方案
是把多种转感器集中装于一块传感器板上,再把它精确地固定在模具接口处, 即
冲头夹紧板上, 利用传感数据监控冲压全过程, 并通过控制器得到及时处理, 保

Automobile manufacture stamping process Of new

Automobile manufilcture has a60_70% of metalparts mustbe approved by the
plastic processing forming,stamping process is complete meta1 plastic forming a kind
of important ans,it is the most basic, the most traditiona1, the most importantone
ofrr1etal processing method, Such as vehicle body a11 kinds ofcovering parts, car
support pieces,structure strengthen pieces, there's plenty of auto parts, such as engine
exhaust muffler, ho11ow tube bending and camshafi the oil pan, engine stents,
fiame structure, horizonta1 1ongeron etc, it is by stamping techno1ogy positively
precision,multi-fimction,high efficiency and energy saving,safe cleaning production
direction,stamping workpiece manufiicturing technologyleveland quality, ingreat
degree ofautornobile manufacturing quality and costhas direct impact.
So-called starnping technology refers to the adaptability ofthe stamping to
handicraft namely the design of stamping in size,size accuracy and benchmarks,
structure shape starnping processing ofcornpliance with technobgica1 requirements.
Autornotive stamping parts should be good techno1ogica1 characteristics, and the
economy,measure theleve1 of the important symbo1 has starnping process number,
body assemblies b1ock nucleer and size, staing structure, and other fictors. Reduce
the number of punching process procedure, that means less stampingtooling quantity1,
number of packages,save simplified punching process ofconveyors, Narrows the
operators and shing area, is to save investment and energy consumption extremely
good measures,so stamping manufacturers can put punching process reduce vehicle

number design as the important way to manufilcture cost, even?
Modern stamping deve1opment and research of the major subjects include:
(1) module type and control;stamping
(2) new materia1 and composite stamping processing new craft;
(3) special stamping techno1ogy;
(4) computer simulation stamping mold testing technology; and virtua1
(5) die& mold manufacturing technology,
(6) stamping process of automatic nxmitoring and instability mechanism analysis
and so on.
Module type stamping
Module type of prominent advantages in stamping the stamping processing system
of the flexible and efficient production of organic unifies in together Flexible meaning a
broader, such as stamping the geometry of the various demands, so1ongas can be
obtained through the freedom to programming, which reflects the processing shape of
flexible. And as both to be suitable mass single variety stamping production,more for
small batch multi-species processing play advantage, and also show flexibility. In a
nutshe11, module type stamping water-holding points:
(1)the stamping process can be rephced rapidly segment mold to improve
production efficiency;
(2) due to its st0 for belt and masking belt device, can save another set feeding
blanking process,
(3) achieved great work pieces the non_stop machining,,
(4) can both independent and can become series of contro1 combination dies action
can continua11y stamping processing;
(5) dies with program mabte and the flexible characteristics.
A module type stamping processing system by a with control function module type
of cold stamping press,coil strip send into outfit porch, strip correction machines and
programmable 1lieeding device, etc. The stamping system at run-time can undertake
stamping transverse displacement, stripteeding positioning, die repeat operation and
automatic a1justment work step punching adjustrr1ent etc multiple functions.
Because the stamping process program mable stamping, make this kind of module type
stamping system can adapt production requirements, flexible in same strip on March
different work piece and batch production, realizing mixed non-stop string&joint
processing,also in two sides stamping work piece machining, which has greatly
enhanced the work efficiency,have data show that the module type stamping makes
processing cost canfil11 to40% - 50%.

The current modute type stamping device in teglation is very high, in wid this
siz1e range can arrange of35 mold, through the rooftop of stamping die for
independent We series ofcontro1,is formed namely die of integrated control The whole
system programmable in WINDOWS user interface and under
implementation programming involves mold abng the late ralpositioning shaft servo
drive positioning,inspection correctionand1ongitudinal feeding positioning, stamping
quality fo11ow_up inspection, punching machine; the adjustment and Condition
monitor in gand versatility.
When stamping reconfigure or alteration,these changes would be parameters and
contro11ed system to store,next time query and invoke. Declarations Die data include
the punch and their combination tags, punch cor1obination in X, Y of die and mold
shaft Numbers coordinates and other information. Figure3 shows programmable
System,figure in A standard mold transverse axis,can undertake servo dynamic to
stamping area, fir the s·up porting shaft with punching die, C, D for spare axis to
orange roll type with material are feeding.
And submillimeter stamping project
And submi11imeter stamping ''rers to the automotive stamping accuracy control at
0 to 1.0 MM within the scope of the traffic in the past,and manufacturing error of
2MMcornpared,is a very big enhancement. This is an roving punching quality and
manufiicturing technology as the goal of integrated project. The project with2MM
engineering ''are all in thelate1990s America QiCheJie conduct large-scale research
project. So-ca11ed,body assembly size
within 2MM quantity control greatly in strict in the origina1 8MM error range.
Suing processing forming technology afliect auto body manufilcturing level is one
of the key filctors, the American experts work edin a car assembly line to over50 cases
field analysis shows that,cause body size error change many reasons, stamping it
self size
caused by error accumulation23 percent, its main reason is that the traditional
based on experience and origina1 technology based on bwleve1 of mold design and
And submi11imeter stamping is the center of precision stamping within creasing
agility two goals, precision is to make the stamping size accuracy contro1 in 0 mm or
and submil meter leve,the key is to control body stents, pillar on the pieces of the feet,

make changes in body covering parts, such as partitioned degrees by whole
left-right side
plate and the top cover plate, etc. Increasing agility meaning is refers to reduce
stamping prajapati was preparation time up to30%, including tooling design,
manufiicturing and tooling,sanple preparation time, in order to achieve greatly short en
the purpose of gv4 the new models manufacturing cycle, this project diet are
die-cutting and assembly integration design,stamping system agile design and
manuficturing,stamping process of intelligent detecting and monitoring, who system
integration four subsystems project.
Through a study of the program and submilli meter stamping, stamping technology
has witnessed progress, including:
(1) the stamping process and concent assembly process design by based on
experience and the traditional craft to science and data process of transformation,
(2) stamping design to CAD and simulation test mode transformation,rejected
traditiona1 attempt method,
(3) to implement the mould design manufacture seria1 manner by the past to
parallel transformation,
(4) realized process monitoring and equipment maintenance from passive response
to scientific prediction type transformation 2MM project and and
submi1imeter stamping two project has successively is complete, and the three major
automobile manufacturing company
popularization and application, and achieved many beneficial results, stamping
cost greatly decreased,obtain the growing economic benefit of socia1 benefit,
andgradua1ly applied to other countries.
Specia1 staring technology
Modern automotive stamping technology requirements towards structure is
complex,1ock size increases, related edge parts more, carrying capacity is large and
internal limit strictly etc direction. This requirement and promote specia1 stamping
technology such as hydraulic pressure forming, precision forming,exp1osive forming
and spinning orming, no die forming,laser 1forming and electromagnetic orming
techno1ogy deve1opment. Limited to this paper length, here basically introduces
pressure inside the 1forl-nl1ig and electromagnetic forming two techno1ogies.
Modern automotive stamping technology requirements towards structure is
complexb1ock size increases,related edge parts more,carrying capacity is large and
internal limit strictly etc direction This requirement and promote specia1 stamping

technology such as hydraulic pressure forming, precision floring, explosive forming
and spinning forming,no die forming, laser lioring and electromagnetic forming
techno1ogy development. Limited to this paper length, here basically introduces
pressure inside the iorming and electromagnetic forming two techno1ogies.
The hydraulic or injection of the forming techno1ogy of elastic postures,
its high-pressure forming process generally includes:
(1) effective media such as ice expansion is cm make the internal pressure
pressedinto the penalty extremely s1ow growthprocess,
(2)fluid static penalty bone high_pressure forming process,
(3) extreme pressure as an exp1osion dynamic process, etc. Medium can is
amorphous solid liquid or gas,in the system of medium can be basis must processing
shape make arbitrary changes, fulfi1l the punch fimction,so medium can be equated to
a universal mold. Figure is phsuper shobachthe example,forming from the graph visible
at effective media becomes the punch.
The hydraulic interna1 high-pressure forming techno1ogy compared with
other sta11nping techno1ogy, there are severa1 obvious advantages:
(1) the forming process can one processing out like axle, top cover, door case
and other large and cornplex3d geometric shapes of work piece,
(2) because of liqudin the forming process cooling effect, make the work piece is
''cotd strengthening'', won than ordinary stamping work piece machining higher
strength this makes a11owinga thinner plank, to make the work more light weighting;
(3) workpiece surface appearance only with pressure liquid contact, pressure is
gentle,parts forming process changes,can obtain the symmetry of uniformpressure
distributionand can winner muchbetter smooth outside surfilce,
(4)in stamping and bbom some hydraulic tool charge canreduce40%, specia1
reduced convexparts processing of takt time is shorter,about 0.1_0.5 MIN this in
special forming process is shorter,may realize the batch production.
Using the electromagnetic force generated electricity coi1 electromagnetic forming
process,is the present quite promising another new processing method. This process
fi:om 1960s nuclear fission research achievement,but un1fortunately has not been
people attention. Electromagnetic forming technology princple diagram,when the coil
access to electricity. Few microseconds inside establish electromagnetic field,
so the rreta1 work pieces especially conductivity strong copper aluminum texture
produce electric
current, a current,induced culent induced by magnetic orce and efliect,make the

work piece create tension and anastomosis and rapid forming. When the
coilinthe workp11ecein electromagnetic force will make work piece outside of the
current applicatio
zhang forming widespread a kind of technology, When the coilplanar para11e1 to
the board
pieceis placed, electromagnetic force wi1l make workpiece stretch forming.
Electromagnetic forming techno1ogy is a non-contact forming process,and
itsoutstanding merits are shaping a rapid high efficiency, 2 it is ofien used inmeta1or
nonmeta1 connection,can replace adhesive or welding, A third is not consun1ption
lymphocy help materials such aslubri cating grease,etc, the advantageous environment
Suing process automatic monitoring
Modern scramjet another important feature is for punching process
automaticrmnitoring to protect the stamping quality. In the mmstaing project automatic
detection and rronitoring,its research results willinclude:
1. The stampingprocess characteristics of online preach diagnosis and detection
2. High speed and non_contact measuring system; the stamping
3. Die maintenance scientific prediction system; 4. Stamping key parameters
online adjust and compensation system, etc.
Stampingprocess changes caused by workpiece quality is mainly caused by the
wear of convex punching die, crack, dis1ocation, these sma11 changes can be made of
high resolution of a transfer sensor and rushed pressure tum sensor tracking detection.
0n!e extremely important displacementmeasurement is a kind oflreasure, this device,
byinstalledin the lmuld, the GuanYinn and 1ocated below the receiving unit
constitutioncan monitor deviation,trackingprocessing process, timely output
monitoringinliormation and alarm online stamping graphical processing
system is the effective guarantee stamping work piece quality testing method, it can
carryout2-dgeorretric figure of standard testing the project has the length, diameter,
para11elism, Angle, pressing plank structure and identification of waste, etc. Graphics
processing system is by liker reter,opticalinstrum entand lighting equipment etc, the
standard of CCD like instrument ofbashan750X580 bar lattice resolution fir grid and
jokshanhorizonta1 direction for every she shan lattice 0.026 mm, vertica1 accuracy off
ungimmshe shan lattice,,Survei1lance systems use the displacements and the Angle
sensorare optica1 type and electrical type two kinds, the filrmer has the laser testing

technology and d1e like light she shan technical support, The latter has a inductance and
capacitarce streaming media, the test accuracy resolution a11 may achieve the1-10um
wdelevel. The most suitablestarnping technek gytransfer sensorinsta1lation plan is to
put multiple turn sensorinstalled in a centralized sensor board, then put it precisely fixed
in the lmkl outly the punch clamping board, using sensor data monitoring
stampingocess, and through the contro11ergettimelytreatment,guarantee the quality of
the stamping


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