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2020-10-27 14:06



摘要:随着橡胶工业及汽车工业的发展,大量的 废旧轮胎、橡胶制
少于150 万吨,并以每年10%的速度递增。由于不能得到综合利用,
大多成为工业垃圾,既浪费了大量的可用资 源,又造成了环境污染。
关键词:胶粉 隔音壁
及其边角废料也不断增多,据 统 计,我国每年仅轮胎报废量就不少
长期以来,应用最广泛的处 理废旧橡胶和废旧轮胎的方法是制造再
了很大的发 展。尤其是九十年代以来,相继研究出常温和低温粉碎
工艺制造微细硫化胶粉的方法并形成规模生产。这 种精细胶粉
胶中( 一般橡胶制品的掺入量可达50%),可提高胶粉的静态性能,
耐疲劳等动态性能。在德国,轮胎制品中 加入20%的胶粉,可提高
粉 的价格只有天然橡胶的13一12,由此可大大地降低轮胎成本。
精细胶粉还可以添加到塑料中,生产出 来的橡塑材料,强度高、耐
细 胶粉,可生产出防震、防裂、防漏、耐用的新品建材。
虽然目前利用废旧轮胎有翻新利用、切碎做燃 料用于发电、化
趋向于利用废 旧轮胎生产胶粉。因为橡胶粉有着不可替代的优势。
后者没有再生胶生产所带来的污染,也没有其他二次 污染。橡胶粉
用,是真正 的循环利用并且可持续发展。美国的高速公路敷路材料
中,规定必须在沥青中添加25%以上的胶粉,可 以防冻、防滑、防
(约4倍) 。

万吨以上,居世界首位。我国 胶粉生产厂家大约有40多家,总产量
国民经济支柱产业,与之配套的 轮胎生产也将迅猛发展,这就给胶
粉市场带来了巨大的发展潜力,据调查,仅山东省的轮胎生产企业,< br>每年所需胶粉在万吨以上,而目前基本依靠进口解决。同时随着胶
粉在其他领域的应用,其市场前 景是极其广阔的。
我国胶粉生产始于80年代后期 。1989年我国首次组团赴德国考
冻法生产微细胶粉及其应用 研究”的攻关项目,冷冻采用涡轮空气
膨胀法,并于1993年通过鉴定。此后中国科学院低温工程中心 、北
产厂家利用粉研后的粗胶 粉(40目左右中间产品),经活化处理生产
数量不多的活化胶粉;同时,河北、江苏、辽宁、广东、山 东、浙
引进10条以上生产线 及单机设备,使我国胶粉生产开始起步,但这
些生产线多采用常温法生产,几乎都只能生产粗胶粉和细胶 粉(60
胶粉的设备。19 96年以后,大连、江阴、无锡、珠海、嵊州、山西
等地相继试制出了橡胶粉碎机并进行小规模生产,1 998年深圳东部
所和青 岛绿叶橡胶有限公司研制成功了液氮冷冻法(JY型微细胶
粉生产线),为我国制造微细硫化胶粉又提供 了成套设备,可以预见
常温辊压法在我国普遍使用 。就生产总量来说,我国的废胶粉
做投资少、占地小,但设备安全和 产量均会受到限制。国外的粗碎

齿盘 耐磨,工作寿命较长,可将粒度4毫米以下废胶块一次粉碎成
粒度80目以上。经过研究发现,一定粒度 的胶粉在一定性能要求
对胶粉 进行改性。胶粉用各种表面处理方法改性,制成活性胶粉,
不但大幅度提高掺用量,而且拉伸应用、疲劳 生热、耐撕裂性、耐
的应用, 改善了胶料加工性,保持了掺用量胶料的性能,减少了产
层法和辐射法。我国国内采用机械 化学法生产活性胶粉有了长足的
染小、能耗低而成为国内外活性胶粉 生产的主要方法。中科院大连
化学物理研究所也研制出催化剂829、改性剂869。国内用单体、聚< br>合物处理制造活性胶粉较引人注目的是华南理工大学用5份酚醛树
脂处理粒径为0.6mm(30 目)的胶粉。据分析酚醛树脂与硫化胶粉
形成了互穿网络结构,同时酚醛树脂与基质胶相互扩散,产生共 交
以废旧橡胶(轮胎)常温法精细胶粉成套生 产线为主的浙江绿
粉碎设备有 限公司、浙江天堂硅谷创业投资有限公司和嵊州市绿环
机械制造有限公司联合投资创建。公司将累计投资 1.5亿元建成国
精细橡胶粉 加工示范生产线,并以此为中心,形成废旧轮胎回收处
理、深加工及再生利用产业链的国家级工业园区。 新创建的浙江绿
“废旧轮胎前 处理设备”和绿环公司自主开发的“XJF型废旧橡胶常
温法精细粉碎设备”相配套而成,开创了在常温 条件下将废旧轮胎
该常温法精细胶粉 成套生产线在生产过程中仅需配备相应的供
电装置和水源就可以在常温下将废旧轮胎整胎粉碎到40~2 00目的
制造胶粉的工作量和 脱丝分离工序,并可提高钢丝的利用价值,降

低生产成本,从技术上保证了 胶粉的纯度,而且生产过程无任何的
到甚至超过了国外的低温冷冻 粉碎生产线,也优于目前国内刚刚开
发成功的空气涡轮冷却制冷胶粉生产技术,设备投资仅低温冷冻粉< br>碎生产线的18左右,生产成本仅13。
该常温法精细胶粉成套生产线主要由内圈切割机、内 圈搓胶机、
级机、自动称量包 装系统、动力配电系统、计算机自控系统以及相
关辅助设备组成。其主要工作原理及生产流程:废轮胎 → 内圈切
割机 →整胎破碎机 →橡胶钢丝分离机 → 橡胶钢丝→分离机→
破胶机 → 精碎机 → 空分机→ 包装机 →成品。
在生产作业中,所有电器动力都可由计算机进行实时监控 ,并
运转;工作中需要的冷却 水可循环使用;设有超细粉尘收集系统对
整条生产线进行粉尘收集,真正做到“一尘不染”。生产线具有 工艺
噪音低、无污染等特点, 为我国常温生产精细胶粉走出了一条符合
最近两年,胶粉工业已蓬勃发展,有关专家指出,胶粉 工业代
然而值得注意的是, 胶粉工业形成伊始便陷入了一种有价无市的局
面。究其原因,主要是胶粉的应用技术开发严重滞后。为此 ,专家
应用技术为手段,巩固 和培育五大市场:
早在1953年,美国就把一定粒径的胶粉用于轮胎生 产。1989年,
应用在 原化工部重点厂家和一些中小企业中普及,仅69家重点厂在
其生产的1870万条轮胎中掺用的胶粉就 达1.7万吨。由于天然橡胶
产的880目以上胎面胶粉已 开始取代40目、60目活化胶粉,直接

关于辽宁丹东《下岗夫妻成 就大业,废旧轮胎脱胎换砖》的报道更
是轰动全国,使20多个省、市区的部分企业,个人或行业主管部 门
会为契机,争取推广在 体育场馆、学校、幼儿园、社区、宾馆、办
公楼等地铺设橡胶砖、橡胶地板、跑道、草坪等,这样不仅能 消化
用胶粉 对沥青进行改性铺设公路应用也很广泛。中国已有一些
省市如江西、湖北、广州、北京等地,相继铺设了 试验路段。实践
路面不易结冰 和打滑,提高了行驶安全性,还可以提高路面寿命,
比一般的沥青路面的使用寿命至少提高了一倍。1. 63公里的路面可
料中掺用硫 化胶粉,可增加跑道弹性和地面磨擦性,提高夏天抗日
晒、冬天抗冰冻的能力。从而使飞机的起落平稳, 安全可靠性提高,
据报道一个 网球场要消耗500条轮胎的胶粉,一个田径比赛用
综合运动场要消耗数千条废轮胎胶粉。无疑这种运动 场的发展是胶
来,我国北方地区普遍开始把粗胶 粉用于防水卷材。北京京辰工贸
公司每年生产精细胶粉1000吨,用于自产的野牛牌防水卷材,并正< br>在用80目以上精细胶粉开发建材新产品。专家的建议,政府应进一
步规范建筑材料市场,促进胶 粉在建筑领域中的应用。

音 发生地所设置的隔音装置。利用胶粉制造的复合隔音壁,具有良
好的噪音反射性和吸音性,而且对风化和 应力具有较高的抵抗性。
北京泛洋伟业科技有限公司是一家废旧橡胶回收利用的 高新技
乱,企业生产难以为继 ,被迫停产了。该公司于2000年5月在北京
远郊区投资建设年产1万吨精细胶粉生产基地,2001 年5月完成第
货。产品为 80-200目精细胶粉,是国内外同行公认的唯一一家能够
在常温下工业化批量生产200目超细橡胶 粉的厂家。该生产线从废
除杂 (金属、纤维)、专用粉碎助剂处理、精碎、分级等程序,全线
各工艺技术指标在中央计算机集中控制室 的监控下进行全自动运
生产规 模也名列全国同行业前矛。该公司常温助剂法制精细胶粉,
开创了工业化批量生产200目以上(粒径7 5μm以下)的精细胶粉、
材 料迈进了一大步。这些超细胶粉在新型橡塑共混材料、新型建筑
装饰材料、特种喷涂、改性沥青用于高速 公路等新材料开发方面,
由于废旧橡胶回收利用行业的混乱,国家在这一 领域又没有明
率使企业陷入严 重亏损。由于废旧轮胎都是从进城收废品的农民手
中购买,无法取得增值税发票,企业要全部负担销售额 17%的增值税。
的6%实际 增值税相比,实际税赋是他们的几倍。高昂的废旧轮胎收
购成本和高额税收,已经使产品成本高于发达国 家的同类产品。二
生资源,其 应用利国利民,理应得到政府的大力支持,但目前由于
政策方面的障碍,很难在国内市场推广。 有关人士呼吁,希望政府能制定一项切实可行的措施,对废旧
轮胎再生处理企业实行“国民待遇”。 诸如调整废旧轮胎胶粉生产加

业起死回 生,也才能够真正实现旧轮胎资源化的持续发展道路。
1、聂永丰等 三废处理工程技术手册 北京 化学工业出版社 2000


Produce the gum powder- discard the direction that old tire
recover exploitation
Summary:Along with rubber industry and industrial development
in cars, discard a flood ofly the old one , rubber product and
its side Cape waste also increases continuously, according to
covariance, our country annually only the tire discards the
deal little less than 1,500,000 ton, and pass to increase with
every year 10% e can'ting be synthesized the
exploitation, become the industry garbage mostly, since wasted
a flood of using the resources, resulting in the pollution of
the environment again.
Key phrase:Soundproof wall in powder in gum
Along with rubber industry and industrial development in cars,
discard a flood ofly the old one , rubber product and its side
Cape waste also increases continuously, according to
covariance, our country annually only the tire discards the
deal little less than 1,500,000 ton, and pass to increase with
every year 10% e can'ting be synthesized the
exploitation, become the industry garbage mostly, since wasted
a flood of using the resources, resulting in the pollution of
the environment long time, the application handles
to discard the old rubber most extensively with discard the
method of the old tire is to makes the reborn rubber, but this
kind of method exsits consume can high, labor the strength is
big, the efficiency is low, polluting serious etc. problem.
Since 70's, the industry prospers there is in the aspects of
discarding the old rubber to make use of two times very big
development in since 90's particularly, study one
after another a method for the normal temperature smashes with
the low temperature the very small sulphur of manufacturing
of craft turns the gum powder combine the formation scale
kind of fine gum powder(80-120 eyes) is a kind

of important example, increase the fine gum
powder to crude rubber inside( general the rubber products of
add the deal can amount to 50%), can increase the function of
the gum powder, bear the dynamic function in tired etc..Join
20% gum powder in Germany, tire product, can increase its bear
to whet the sex, the service life of the extension tire, the
gum powder is more thin, the elevated range is more
price of the gum powder only contain crude rubber of 13 a 12,
can lower the tire cost consumedly from fine gum
powder can also increase the plastics inside, the material of
rubber that produce out, the strength is high, bear to whet,
the flexibility was good and extended the application of the
se the fine gum powder in traditional building
material, can produce the quakeproof, defend the split ,
leakproof, new article in heavy duty building materials.
Although the current exploitation discards the old tire turns
over the new exploitation and cut to pieces to do the fuel useds
for generating electricity, chemistry split solution recovery
the carbon is black with fuel oil, make into gum an etc. various
paths, international incline toward more and more up the
exploitation discard old tire produce gum e the
advantage that rubber powder have got and can't act
latter has no reborn the pollution that gum bring when
producing, also having no the other polluting two
most miraculous place in powder in rubber consists in, can make
utilization that discard the old tire attained 100%, can
circulate the usage, is a real circulating exploitation and
can keep on the superhighway road material
inside of the United States, provision must at increase 25%
in the pitch above of gum powder, can defend the jelly, antiskid,
the watertightness falls to sink, and strengthen quiet and
dynamic strengths of the road, improves consumedly the loading

ability of the road.( roughly 4 times)
The current our country still is placed in to fall behind the
appearance in the aspects of fine gum powder
ing to statistics incompletely, the reborn
gum in national size business enterprise is near 500 house,
the total production ability amount to 1,000,000 yields are
roughly ten thousand tons are above, residing the world
are about more than 40 houses in our country gum
powder production factory house, total yield roughly 50,000
ton, its production with apply the total falling behind, the
reborn rubber is placed in still predominant position.
Program the outline 》 according to the 《 car industry5
the car industry will develop to become the national economy
a pillar industry gradually, producing with its the tire of
the kit too fast fierce development, this brought the gum
powder market the enormous development potential, according
to inquisition, only the tire of the province of Shandong
produces business enterprise, every year the gum powder needed
at ten thousand ton above, but current basic depend on to import
the the same time along with gum powder application
in other realm, its market foreground is very and vast.
The our country discards the old tire produces the technical
development in powder in gum:
The our country gum powder produces to begin from the period
after 80' country in 1989 first time a regiment leaves
for Germany investigates the rubber makes use of the
5programming inside be turned by Qingdao
the faculty of engineering cooperates with reborn gum in high
dense in Shandong factory, aviation boat a the 609 graduate
schools, undertaking the original chemical engineering
subordinate reach oflow temperature refrigeration the method
produces very small gum powder and its application studies

of offending and closing item, refrigeration adoption turbine
air inflation method, and pass to authenticate in
henceforth Chinese section college low temperature
engineering center, Peking an university also opened the
exhibition this aspect the research the period, the
some is original to living the factory house that gum produce
big gum powder(40 eyes or so in the center product) makes use
of the powder grind empress, through activate to handle the
production quantity activate the gum powder not much;At the
same time, some region in north, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Guangdong,
Shandong, etc. of Zhejiang in river successively from the
United States, Italy, France, Germany...etc. nation of the
different company ushers in more than 10 production lines and
single machine equipmentses, make our country gum powder
produced to start the start, but these production lineses adopt
normal temperature method more to produce, almost can produce
the big gum powder with the thin gum powder.(60 eyes)For this,
the local and some machine equipments manufactory also starts
normal temperature system that researching to manufacture and
adopting the equipments has the very small gum powder.1996
hereafter, Dalian, river's, have no tin, bead sea, mountain
west etc. ground to manufacture one after another on a trial
basis the rubber smashes the machine combines the proceeding
small scale produces,1998 Shenzhen eastern region group
developments normal temperature gum the powder produces,1999
bead sea economy with area industry machine electricity
technique the graduate school researched to manufacture to
succeed the liquid nitrogen the refrigeration method( very
small gum in the type of JY powder production line) with the
greenery rubber limited company of Qingdao, making for the our
country the very small sulphur turned the gum powder to provide
again an equipments, can foresee the future and very small gum

the powder production will have the bigger development.
The normal temperature presses the method in the widespread
usage in our regard to produce gross measures, the
discarding of our country gum smash the production to regard
normal temperature method as principle general
adoption a ditch is ground, a light or light are thin
business enterprise in small scaled adoption ditch
light have to proceed the big at the same time ground with
thin ground, do like this the investment certainly little,
cover small, but the equipments safety all will suffer the
restrict with the ground machine in big of the abroad
is bigger than local equipments generally and all, produce the
efficiency high.
In recent years local development a kind of new dish work
smashes the machine, regarding shearing to slice to grind as
the principle, the dish of bears to whet, working the life span
is longer, can is 4 millimeters of a degree below discard the
gum piece is a to smash a degree 80 eyes are ers
through the research, the certain a the dosage of mix for of
gum powder at certain function requesting bottom, gum powder
suffers the big increases to discard the old
rubber make use of the value, having to proceed to change the
sex to the gum gum powder handles with every kind
of surface the method changes the sex, making into the live
gum powder, not only significant increase mix dosage, and pull
to stretch the application, fatigue livings hot, bear to tear
to pieces the sex and bear to wear sex all contain
cal development in powder in live gum, extend
the gum powder replace the part livings the gluey application,
improving the gum anticipate to process the sex, keeping
function that mix dosage gum anticipate, reduce the product
function lose, the mix does not need to pump capital into with

the process at the same time.
Current live gum powder contain three kinds of productions
method:The machine chemistry method, single, polymer draws the
layer method with radiates our country domestic
adoption machine chemistry method produces live gum powder
contain substantial advance, at radiate the method produced
the reborn gum in foundation in D to obtain the result with
the gum powder, at draw the layer pack reply the technique did
large quantity the domestic handles with the single,
polymer live gum in manufacturing powder than the eye-catcher
is a gum powder that hua south science and engineering
university handles a path as with 5 fens resin 0.6 mm
(thirty eyes).According to analyze the resin of fen turn with
sulphur the gum powder becomes to wear the network construction
with each other, the resin of fen spread with foundation
quality gum mutually at the same time, producing to hand over
totally the unite make interface layer keeps to glue to match
betterly, constituting much more stable mutually system.
Discard the fine gum in method in normal temperature in old
rubber( tire) powder a production line
Then discard the fine gum in method in normal temperature in
old rubber( tire) powder a production line is the green wreath
in main Zhejiang rubber powder engineering limited company
have established in the state City of company
be smashed by plentiful benefit in Zhejiang equipments limited
company, Zhejiang heaven the gui valley starts a business to
invest the limited company to make with the green wreath in
the state City of machine the limited company unites the
investment creates to set company invest the total
amount 150,020,000 0% domestics discard most large-scalely the
old tire normal temperature fine smashes the equipments
produces base and years produce 2 ten thousand the fine rubber

powders of tons process to demonstrate the production line,
and regard this as the center, the formation discards the old
tire recovery handles, deep process and the rebirth makes use
of the national class industrial park of the industry
is new to create the green wreath in Zhejiang company that set
up owns of a production line primarily be ushered in by
plentiful benefit company German technique development of
before discarding the old tire handle the equipments
green wreath company independence development of
discards the old rubber normal temperature method fine smashes
the equipmentsmatch each other a set of but, founded to under
the normal temperature term will discard old tire whole embryo
the industrialization the batch quantity produce 60-200 the
precedent of fine gum in eyes powders.
Fine gum in the normal temperature's method powder a production
line needs only in production line the power supply of the
equipment cowgirl equips with the headwaters can under the
normal temperature will discard old tire whole embryo smash
40 ~ 200 fine gum in purposes powder, not only can make
discard the old tire gum to escape from with the steel wire,
the cloth of curtain , from but reduced the workload of the
manufacturing gum powder with take off the silk separate the
work preface, combining can increase the exploitation of the
steel wire value, lower the production cost, from the technique
the pure degree that guaranteed the gum powder, but also the
production line has no the any polluting two
production line has the equipments installs reasonable, a gum
rate is high, the service life is long, the motive consumes
low, the noise is low with automate the high etc. in degree
advantage, various techniques index sign attains completely
even exceed the low temperature of the abroad refrigeration
smash the production line, and also better than current

domestic just develop successful air turbine cool off cold gum
in system powder produce technique, equipments investment only
low temperature refrigeration smash the production linear 18
or so, the production cost is only 13.
Fine gum in the normal temperature's method powder a production
line is main to be incised by inside turn the machine, inside
turn rubs the gum machine, whole the crusher of embryo , rubber
steel wire separates the machine and break the gum machine,
fiber separates the ground machine, ratings in machine,
machine and measure to pack automatically the system, motive
goes together with to give or get an electric shock the system,
calculator from control system and related assistance
equipmentses main work principle and produce
process:Discard the tire turn inside the → incise machine →
whole embryo crusher → rubber steel wire separates the
machine → rubber steel wire → separates the machine →
breaks the empty extension in→ in ground machine in→ in
machine in gum → packer the → finished product.
In produce homework, all electric appliances motive can be
proceeded by calculator the solid hour supervises and control,
and open, shut down to the whole distance the sequence proceed
the auto enactment, real realizes the production linear and
high and dependable revolves;The cooling water needed in the
work can circulate the usage;Establish the super and thin
powder dust collections system to proceed to whole production
line the powder dust collect, real attain the
production line has the craft route forerunner, the unite moves
to turn, the automation degree is high, the production cost
is low, the product quantity is high and low and free from
pollution etc. in noise characteristics, produce for the our
country normal temperature the fine gum powder came out a new
road for matching Chinese state of the nation son.

The old tire that discard the market produces the gum powder
makes use of the space
Recent two years, the gum powder industry is already booming
to develop, the relevant expert points out, the gum powder
industry represents the old tire resources that discard the
development direction synthesizes the exploitation, thering
will be the vast market foreground r worthy
of remark is, the gum powder industry formation start and then
sank into a kind of price that have the situation have no the
igate its reason, is the serious in
development in applied technique empress of the gum powder
this, experts suggest, the current pass in
industry in powder in gum sets up the problem wants with the
market requires with for lead to, with development applied
technique for means, make stronger with grow five greatest

1, tire market
As early as 1953, the United States used for the tire production
to certain the gum powder of a 1989, the rubber of
Qingdao two factories used for gum powder to tire production
directly at the local a 1995, the gum powder applies
in original chemical engineering a point factory house with
some the small business enterprise is inside universal, only
69 points factory is in its production of 18,717,000th the gum
powder that mix use amount to 1.7 ten thousand e the
crude rubber price descends, unsteady etc. in quantity in
powder in gum factor,1996 empress gum powder is in tire produce
of the application appears the slippery , rises to start
backing up again in t, the inside section enters
company etc. business enterprise produces of 880 eyes above
the embryo gum powder has started replacing 40 eyes,60 eyes

activate the gum powder, applying directly in the production
of the tire, effective.
After 1995 our country the rubber brick of the Taiwan factory
products at Peking exhibits the building exhibition, Peking,
Shaoxing, Fuzhou, Nanking...etc. ground does the factory
e chemical engineering in《 in June in 1999
report 》 concerning Liaoning east 《 is unemployeed the big
industry in husband and wife achievement, discarding the old
tire take off the report way that embryo change the brick 》
also cause a sensation the whole country, make more than twenty?
Olympic game for chance, fight for to expand at stadium
building, school, infant park, community, guest house,
transact floor etc. ground build rubber brick, rubber floor,
runway, lawn...etc., like this can not only digest ten thousand
above gum powder in tonses, but also out country?
3, superhighway market
Use the gum powder to proceed to change to the pitch the sex
build highway application too very is already
some city,such as river's west, Hubei, Guangzhou, Peking...etc.
ground, in China, building one after another on trial road
ce the proof, change the highway that sexual
pitch build with the gum powder, can reduce the road cracked
with soften, the road freezes not easily with beat slippery,
increases to drive the safety, can also increases road life
span, compare the service life of the general pitch road to
increases at least a times.1.63 kilometers of of the road can
consume 10,000 discard the the superhighway
principle together similar, in runway material the mix turns
the gum powder with the sulphur, canning increase the runway
flexibility to rub the sex with the ground, improving the
ability that summer anti- insolation, winter anti- keep in deep
but make rise and fall aeroly steady, the safe and

dependable increases, the runway shortens, airport service
life extension.
4, flexibility athletic field
Want to consume 500 gums of tire powder according to report
an a tennis court, a track and field events uses to synthesize
the athletic field wants to consume several thousand discard
the tire gum ess the development of this kind of
athletic field is an important path that gum powder make use
Asian Games farmland path a the runway of plastics for
is with the gum anticipating production that our country hold.
5, waterproof a material market
In 1986, the former Soviet Union is successfully applied gum
powder in rubber pitch waterproof a material, have no the
machine insulates a material with three lamination materials
constitute of soundproof reunite floor etc. building material
90's, the widespread beginning in northern region
in our country used for the big gum powder waterproof a
year of Peking city work tage company produces
the fine gum powder 1000 ton, used for the self- producting gaur
card the waterproof a material, and at use 80 eyes above fine
gum powder development new product in building
expert's suggestion, government should further norm building
material market, promote the gum powder at construct the
application in the realm.
6, soundproof wall
Soundproof wall is for lowering the noise, the at home
District road , Making use of the gum powder makes of reunite
the soundproof wall, have the good noise glint with the , and
to morals and custom with should the dint have the higher
unit area weight is light, conveyance, assemble,
disintegration is easy.
Discarding the old tire produces the gum powder business

enterprise demand policy supports
The ocean industry technology limited company of Peking is
a the house discard the high and new technique business
enterprise that old rubber recovery make use of, ever red and
red fire e canning not get the national policy props
up, plusing the market confusion, the business enterprise
produces hard for after, compelled stop
company produces in year in developments in investment in far
suburban area in Peking in 2000 May 10,000 fine gum in tons
powders produce the base, completing May in 2001 Issue 1 5000
ton production line equipments gearings adjust to try,
throwing in the formality produces to combine to provide to
domestic and international customer t is 80-200
fine gum in eyes powder, is a domestic and international going
together generally accepted and unique a the house can under
the normal temperature industrialize the batch quantity
produce 200 the factory house of super and thin rubber in eyes
production line from discard the embryo throw in
to the packing of the fine gum powder finished product,
continuing the automation produce, is ground through the big ,
ground, divided by miscellaneous( metals, fiber), the
appropriation smashes to help a handles, the is ground,
ratings etc. procedure, each craft of whole line technique
index sign concentrates in the central calculator the control
room supervises and control the bottom proceeds the
full-automatic movement, ising a domestic to go together the
industry a full- automatic calculator concentrates fine gum in
control powder production line, production scale too a row
whole country goes together the ex- pike in industry.
The company's normal temperature helps a fine gum in legal
system powder, founding the industrialization batch quantity
produce 200 eyes are above( a path 75 μ m below) of fine gum

powder, super and thin gum powder, make discard the old tire
make use of again the product kept toward higher and additional
and worth direction to the rubber rice material to move
forward a major super and thin gumses powder have
got the vast foreground in the aspects of new rubber the
material of mix , new building decorating totally material,
special kind spraying to draw, change sex pitch useding for
the new material in etc. in superhighway the development.
Because discarding the old rubber recovery make use of the
profession confusion, ining this realm there is again no clear
and definite policy in nation to rule, this business enterprise
is after struggling four years, it is compelled to stop
ising a high tax rate make the business
enterprise sink into the serious e
discarding the old tire is all to purchases from went into the
city the farmer hand that accept discard the article, can't
obtain the added value tax invoice, the business enterprise
want all supports sale sum 17% added value
environmental protection type wastes makes use of again the
business enterprise arrives with other manufacturing industry
in machine, chemical engineering...etc. to button up the
after-tax actual added value tax in 6% in income compares, the
actual tax law is several of high discards the old
tire procure the cost with the high sum revenue from tax, having
made product cost higher than prosper the national of the same
kind is the exploitation of the reborn resources
in type in environmental protection product to lack the policy
gum powder is used as the free from pollution and
reborn resources, its applied benefit country benefit people,
should get to support strongly governmentally, but current
because of the obstacle of the policy, very difficult expand
in the local market.

Appeal concerning the personage, hope that the government can
establish a the item slices the solid viable measure, to
discard the old tire rebirth handles the business enterprise
practices the scard such as the
adjustment the old tire gum powder produce to process, the
resources makes use of again the added value tax of the business
enterprise collects the way;The establishment encouragement
every trade uses the rubber resources again make use of the
policy etc. of the product, only have the real policy, then
can make these business enterpriseses come back from the brink
of death, and also talent enough real realize the old tire
recycling keep on developping road.
Consult cultural heritage:
1, the Lie Yong is plentiful to wait three discard to handle
engineering technical manual Peking chemistry industry
publishing house 2000
2, discard to change the treasure company Chien talk about the
our country discards the old rubber powder present condition
studies with future and reborn resources 2001










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