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2020-10-27 14:08



thought she had a good shot. Wally consistently took the toughest classes she
could fit into her schedule, and her grade point average puts her near the top of the
class at her well-regarded public high school in Berkeley, Calif.
沃莉认为自己被录取的机会很大。她总是在课程安排允许的 情况下上难度最

e counselors say that as schools get choosier, parents have grown more
resigned to the realities of kids’ prospects.
院校咨询人员说由于学校 录取越来越慎重,家长们已经比过去更能接受孩子

e admissions officers are split. On the one hand, they say they don’t like
being forced to reject so many worthy kids. On the other hand, they are enjoying—
and profiting from—the attention.
校方招生主管对此问题的态度有两个方面。一方面,他们说他们不愿意被迫< br>拒绝这么多优秀的孩子,另一方面,他们享受这种关注,并且从中获利。

some colleges the bumper crop of applications is causing crowd-control
problems. For years Rutgers University has run a private bus to ferry prospective
students and their parents around its sprawling New Brunswick, N.J. campus.
在一些院 校,申请者剧增引发了校园过度拥挤的问题。多年来,罗格斯大学
正在扩大的的新布朗斯维克校区增开一 趟专用车,接送申请本校的学生及其家

2015 the number of high-school graduates will begin to drop back out of the
stratosphere. 到2015年,高中毕业生的数量将开始回落。

6.I know I’m one of many, but that doesn't mean I am not smart and driven and ready
to be a committed student.
我知道我只是许多未被录取的申 请者中的一位,但这并不说明我不优秀,我

months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends,teachers
and advisers who had gone there,Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.

students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall,that dream is
turning out to be frustratingly turns out the odds of getting into a
selective college have never been worse. 对于像马克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦
想难以实现。考入一个知 名院校的机会从未如此渺茫。

admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future
applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the$40,000 annual
但是招生人员已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数 不多的每年

who left private schools in the 1980s and early 1900s can expect to earn
35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found,around half of
which can be attributed to education,not background.
20世纪80年代和90年代初期,私 立中学的毕业生能够期望一生的收入比
国立中学的普通毕业生高35%,他们发现这其中大约一半可以归 因于他们所接受

researchers also managed to pinpoint the way private schools work their
magic:through better exam results,rather than through networking opportunities or
better teaching of soft skills,such as etiquette or leadership.
研究人员也尽 量精确地描述私立中学施展魔力的办法:凭借更优秀的考试成
绩,而不是凭借关系网带来的各种机会或者 质量更高的诸如礼仪和领导方法等软

12. One insider thinks this unlikely:many parents have remortgaged to pay fees,and
with house prices shaky and banks tightening their lending criteria,this route is fast
closing off.
一 位知情人士认为这种做法不太可能:许多父母通过再抵押贷款来支付学
费,但是由于不稳定的房价和银行 日益紧缩的信贷条件,这条路很快就走不通了。

the first time, places in its eight secondary schools will have been allocated
randomly within each catchment area.

reason for their success, the researchers suggest, is that the schools, mindful
of their positions in official league tables, were keen to keep these valuable clients.
研究者认为,这些学校成功的一个原 因是由于他们很在乎自己的官方排名,

parents inclined to take this route must ask themselves two things: what their
risk profile is, and whether they are willing to be activist investors.
所以有意采取这种办法的家长必须问自己两个问题:自己的风险预测能力如< br>何以及是否愿意做积极地投资者。

sizes should be limited to a maximum of 20 pupils by 2020 to improve the
academic achievements of pupils and give teachers a better work life balance, school
leaders are demanding.

为了提高 学生的学习成绩并且使老师实现工作与生活的平衡,到2020年班
级规模要限制在最多20个学生一个 班。

are calling on the Government and local authorities to reconsider plans to
close down under subscribed schools, suggesting instead that they be reorganized with
smaller classes.
议应该重组这些学校 ,减少班级人数。

the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, an important
governmental effort has been to eliminate illiteracy and popularize compulsory
education. At present, the national net enrollment rate in elementary schools is 98.58
percent, and the gross enrollment rate in junior high schools has reached 90 percent.
自 1949年中华人民共和国成立时起,政府就做出重大努力,扫除文盲以及
普及义务教育。目前,全国小 学的净入学率是98.58%,初中的毛入学率已经达

ing to a development program of the Ministry of Education, the
government will establish an education financial system in line with the public
financial system, strengthen the responsibility of governments at all levels to invest in
education, and ensure that the government’s financial allocation education grows
faster than their regular revenue.
根据教育部 的发展规划,政府将制定一个与公共财政体制相一致的教育财政
体制,强化各级政府在教育投入方面的责 任,确保政府对教育的财政拨款增长速

ile, to ensure education for students from families with economic
difficulties, the Chinese government offers scholarships, work-study programs,
subsidies for students with special economic difficulties, reduction of or exemption
from tuition, and state student loans.
同时 ,为了确保经济困难学生也能接受教育,中国政府提供了奖学金,勤工
俭学计划,有特殊经济困难的学生 的补贴,减免学费,以及国家助学贷款。

y, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self- regulating mechanism
whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and
international norms.
理想情况下 ,企业社会责任策略将作为一个企业内部的、自我调节的机制,即监
测并确保企业的业务是法律道德标准 和国际标准的反映。

it is true that Britain, especially London, has been a hive of innovation in CSR
since the mid-1990s, thanks to a creative cluster of think-tanks, NGOs, consultancies
and inventive bosses.
90年代中期 以来,由于聚集了一批具有创造力的智库非政府组织、咨询公

司和富有创造力的老板,英 国,特别是伦敦,已经成为企业社会责任改革创新的

tank: A group or an institution organized for intensive research and solving of
problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy, or
智囊:尤指为集中研究并解决在技术、社会 或政策及军事领域中的问题而组

lead on CSR could even shift from the rich world to the big emerging markets,
each with its own traditions and priorities.
企业社会这人的领先地位甚至可能从富裕国家转向几个大的新兴市场 ,每一

has a long tradition of paternalistic philanthropy. Big family-owned firms such
as Tata are particularly active in providing basic services, such as schools and health
care, for local communities.
印度具有家长式慈善行为的悠久传统。像塔塔那样的大型家族企业非常积 极

has wound up providing them with the tools they need to pursue business
opportunities in untapped markets.

as more investment flows to developed countries from Russia, China and the
Middle East, this may color attitudes in Western boardrooms too. How much will
sovereign wealth funds care about corporate responsibility?
随着更 多的投资从俄罗斯、中国和中东流向发达国家,这可能也会影响西方
商界的决策。主权财富基金又会在多 大程度上关心企业的社会责任呢.

a stroke, Sony joined the tiny club of Janapnese companies with foreign bosses.

Toyota is poised to conquer GM in the American market, Sony is getting
trounced there by Apply in the hot digital-music-player market.
音 乐播放器市场被苹果公司打得一败涂地。

so, a field that was just a curiosity in 1993 is now poised to change the
world--all because we invested in basic research.
尽管这样,这个在1993年还是件新奇事物的领域现在将要改变世界——这< br>都是因为我们花精力进行了基础研究。

looked poised to come back in one way or another. 看上去日本想以这种或

12. The fading glory of Sony’s brand name has become a Catch-22, analysts say: if
Sony doesn’t compete on price, it will lose market share even faster, and if it does, it
undermines the 50 percent price premium that it can still attach to many of its
索尼渐渐消失的品牌效应使企业进退两难,分析人士认为,如果不搞价格 战,
具有的50 %的价格溢价就会减少。

same slippage is happening worldwide; in the most famous cases, Sony failed
to spot the potential of flat-panel TVs, ceding leadership to Samsung and Sharp, and
fumbled the lead in digital music players to Apple.
尼公 司没有看准平板电视的市场潜力,把市场领导地位拱手让给了三星和下铺,
又失手把数字音乐播放器市场 的领导权转交给了苹果公司。

’s why Sony bought into American movie and music companies, which was
an early disaster until Stringer came in, slashed 9000jobs and turned things around
with megahits like “Spider-Man”。
那就是索尼公司买进美国电影和音乐公司 的原因,这是斯丁格加入索尼公司
之前发生的灾难,而斯丁格才见了9000个岗位,通过一些像《蜘蛛 侠》那样的

he still talks like a true believer in Idei’s vision, which was to deliver Sony
content through exclusive Sony gizmos and services.
斯丁格谈吐间仍然透露着对出井伸之构想的新年,即算 计公司出品的媒体内

, Stringer should not be underestimated. Idei has suggested he passed over
Kutaragi for a “good listener”, so perhaps Stringer will listen to his investors.
木是因为斯丁格是一 位出色的倾听者,所以也需斯丁格会倾听投资者的意见。

17. So long the leader among the harmful of elite multinationals that define Japan
Inc.,the Sony name is riding the fading momentum of past successes that defined
quality in consumer electronics,from the Trinitron TV to the Walkman.
在为数不多的出类拔萃、堪称日本企业 典范的跨国公司中,索尼一直居于领
导者的地位,但这个品牌正随着过去成功势头的消退而日渐衰落,那 些成功代表

18. Idei’s decision to depart a year ahead of schedule is a sign that company may be
even worse off than previously thought,that his goal of resorting profit margins to

10% by 2007 is now beyond reach.
出井伸之提前一年理智的决定表明公司可能比预想的还要糟糕,而他定下 的

19. Over time,growth bred slow -footed gigantism, and Sony became a case study of
the lingering stagnation in corporate Japan.
年复一年,扩张酿成了行动缓慢的 大型化趋向,并且索尼公司也成了日本企

20. Corporate social responsibility comes from its social power.

21. Enterprises should be a two-way open system, that is open to accept the
information of society, and help public understanding its operation.

22. Each activity, product and service of enterprises, must consider the social costs
and benefits at the same time of considering cost-effectiveness.

23. All the social costs linked to each activity, product and service should transfer to
consumers ultimately.
24. Enterprises as legal persons, should be the same as other individuals involved in
resolving some of social problems beyond their normal range.

25. Such differences in priorities are bound to grow in importance as the BRIC
countries--Brazil,Russia,India and China--and other emerging markets gain in
economic clout and confidence.
随着金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)以及其他新兴市场的经 济影响

26. There is a convergence of interests between NGOs trying to improve lives in poor
communities and companies keen to reach consumers in markets with huge growth
非政府组织试图提高贫困人口的 生活水平,公司则可望赢得具有巨大增长潜
力的市场中的消费者,非政府组织和公司之间存在着利益趋同 现象。

27. To sign up,companies need only commit themselves to ten broad principles --such
as promoting environmental responsibility and working against corruption--and report

on their progress once a year.
要签署加 入《联合国全球契约》,公司只需承诺履行十大主要准则,例如提
高环保的责任意识,反对腐败,并且每 年汇报一次他们所取得的进展。

the world, these negatives are reinforced by fear of over- expanding Chinese
exports, lack of political will in the World Trade Organization’s Doha negotiators, the
reluctance by trading partners to make concessions to the US in the absence of the
president’s fast track negotiating authority.
在全球,人们对不断扩大的中国商品出口 感到恐惧,参加世界贸易组织多哈
回合谈判的专家缺乏政治意愿,以及美国的贸易伙伴因为缺乏总统的快 速贸易处

concept of giving in order to get-of reducing some of your trade barriers to
secure reductions from others in areas of greater interest to you-is recognized and
acted on.
这种先予后取的概念,即减少 自己的一些贸易壁垒来保证别人在对你而言利

the same time, the prospects for a pro- trade congressional majority are nil, and,
although much of the protectionist rhetoric of US presidential candidates is just talk,
the prospects for a trade-friendly administration are uncertain, at best.
同时,大多数国会议员赞成自由贸易的可能性是 零,虽然美国总统候选人的
许多贸易保护主义的言辞只是说说而已,但即便往好里说,新政府支持自由贸 易

e this high-level paralysis, all of the 15 subject matter negotiating groups
continued to plug away.

5. The default option is a significant increase in disputes,as the focus of the U.S. And
its trading partners leads to protectionist and discriminatory policies.

6. No amount of learned discourse, or administration exhortation about the economic
benefits of further trade liberalization for the country as a whole,can counteract the
present fearful mood in the U.S.
国家作为一个整体可 以从进一步贸易自由化中获取经济利益,对于这一点,
学者再怎么说,政府再怎么规劝,还是无法打消美 国民众当前的担心。

7. A very solid argument can be made that GATT was created and the WTO evolved
from it as a result of U.S. willingness to make the market-opening concessions

necessary to drive other countries to agree to ever greater reductions of trade barriers
and increases in market access opportunities.
有充分的理由能够证明, 关贸总协定的成立以及世贸组织的由此演变是美
国自愿做出开放市场 让步的结果,这一让步驱是其他国家同意更大程度的减少贸

’s laws are fine, and it can crack down when it wants: witness the scarcity of
knockoffs of the mascot dolls for the Beijing Olympics.

elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about is that we dons have much

nt in the room elephant in the sittingliving room, elephant in the
parlorcorner, elephant on the dinner table, elephant in the kitchen, elephant on the
coffee tale, horse in the corner.
被忽视的 现实,即对某些本来明显的事实反而忽视了,常用来描述与社会禁

actually becomes the elephant in the room.

the need to spend less money on the elderly at the end of life is the elephant in
the room in the health-reform debate.

an manufacturers claim the Yuan is undervalued by as much as 40%, giving
mainland exports a huge price edge.

those unique systems are also of high quality, the business will have an edge on
its competitors.

15.A coalition of US manufacturers and unions petitioned the USTR in 2005 to bring
a WTO case charging China with manipulating its currency to boost exports.
美国制造商和工会2005年向美国贸易代表办公室请 愿,要求向世贸组织指

US slaps punitive duties on Chinese imports in dozens of cases each year.


17. The U.S. has been just as stymied in its efforts to force a revaluation of the yuan.

18. For 20 years,China has given many breaks to lure multinationals,which now
dominate markets for cars,cell phones,and other goods.
20年来,中国给出了许多 优惠条件来吸引跨国公司,如今这些公司支配者

19. Aggrieved companies can always file anti- dumping suits in the U.S. against
specific Chinese manufacturers that export at below-market prices.

Beijing announced a 14-point plan on Apr. 11 to crack down on pirates,
skeptics say the U.S. shouldn’t back off until it sees results.
为美国应该在看到 结果后才能退让。

consequences will be with us for some time to come.

price of houses is not likely to fall below the present level for some time to
come. 房价一时不见得会跌到目前的价格以下。

ting the low pay that comes with your liberal- arts degree? Here is how to get
paid business- world salaries without losing your focus.

high school buddy, who lives down the street, majored in business as an
undergrad and is now headed for a high-paying job that has her parents smiling
ear-to-ear and your parents wondering why they just shelled out USD 30,000 a year
so you could major in the lucrative field of philosophy.
住在同一条街上的高中 同学,本科学的是商科专业,现在薪水高到让她的父
母笑得合不拢嘴,而你的父母却在怀疑他们为什么为 了让你学赚钱的哲学专业以

d, she opted to work for investor-relations agency Financial Relations Board,
performing administrative-assistant duties and writing press releases, fact sheets,
corporate overviews, and annual-report materials.
相反,她选择为一家投资关 系代理公司“金融关系委员会”工作,担任行政
助理职务,写新闻发布稿,情况说明书,公司简介以及年 度报告材料。

is also helpful to take business classes while in college and to strengthen
communications skills through writing and public speaking courses.

ate ethics have been a hot topic since the Enron scandal of 2001, hence
compliance is one of fastest growing fields on Wall street.
也是华尔街发展最快的领域 之一。

ees in the financial sector earned much more than workers in other
industries last year thanks to the lucrative financial market, an annual salary report has

n analysts said that industry growth in second-tier cities such as Tianjin,
Dalian, Shenyang and Wuhan largely contributed to the rise in average wages.
招聘网分析人员认为二线城市的工业发展,比如天津、 大连、沈阳和武汉,

example, we recently scored new successes, preventing the ISO name being
misused on the Internet to mislead people into buying products or services that they
believe are endorsed by ISO.
例如,我们进来取得了新的胜利,组织了再互联网上盗用ISO 的名字来误
导人们购买他们误以为经过ISO 认证的产品或服务

us actions are also being undertaken at a national level by ISO members, as
they have realized the commercial value of the ISO brand and the fact that it is a
powerful, additional asset that they can use to the full.
ISO成员正在全国范围内采取许多行动, 因为他们已经意识到了ISO品牌的
商业价值以及ISO 是一种可以充分利用的额外而强大的资产。

are six major certification bodies with an international presence, which
compete at a global level, along with hundreds of smaller organizations that tend to
work more nationally.
小规模的机构, 他们主要从事国内认证工作。

9000 was the first standard of interest to all organizations,everywhere,from
small companies to whole government departments.
ISO9000是令各地从小 公司到整个政府部门等所有组织都感兴趣的第一个


, the ISO 9000 series is now so well recognized it has became like a
passport,the minimum a company must show before clients will even consider buying
its products or services.
公司在客户考 虑购买其产品或服务之前必须出具的最低限度的证明。

Flower especially helps companies to access markets in other Member
States,especially in the area of public procurement where green procurement policies
are gaining ground.
欧盟生态标签特别能 帮助公司打入其它成员国市场,尤其是在绿色环保采购

can the UN do to turn around its troubled and controversial image in an era
when public confidence and trust is at an all-time low?
陷入困顿和引起争议的形象呢 ?

find this singular point of clarity, it is critical that the UN strategically decides all
the things that it does not want its brand to stand for.
为了要明确无误地做到这一点,关键是联合国要站在战略高度 上决定,哪些

popular support for the UN at an all-time low, the organization has everything
to gain and little to lose in undertaking a rebranding initiative.

10. Like most organizations(both public and private) that face a reputation or brand
crisis, the UN has a credibility gap between the responsibilities associated with it by
the international community and what the organization does and is actually capable of
doing in practice.
像大多数面临剩余或品牌危机的组织( 公共和私有)一样,联合国在国际

11. Both have realized that branding is not merely window dressing,but incorporates
the power of image,influence and reputation--essential parts of their strategic equity.
双方都意识到建立品 牌不仅仅是装饰门面,而是形象、影响和声誉的体现,

12. The UN is better off taking a similar tack rather than indulging the temptation to
create a lofty brand centered on a highly evocative message such as the “humanitarian

采取一项相似的策略,而不是沉迷于打造 一个聚焦于像“人道主义强国”那
样感召力十足的广告词的崇高品牌的诱惑之中,这能是联合国变得更好 。

damage to its reputation is significant, but if the organization is committed to
making some significant changes, it is not too late for it to change course and correct
its tainted image.
对联合国声誉造成的损害非常显著,但是如果联合 国致力于进行一些重大改变,

14. What can the UN do to turn around its troubled and controversial image in an era
when public confidence and trust is at an all-time low?
在 民众对联合国的信心和信任处于最低谷的时代,联合国能做什么来改变其陷入

third of respondents believe its influence has declined over the last five years,
and some think the organization has “outlived its usefulness,” saying it does not
work according to “modern realities.”
三分之一的调查对象认为联合 国在过去五年的影响力下降,一些人认为联合国已
经“失去了用途”,说联合国不是根据当代的现实情况 运行的。

year, e-commerce is projected to be a 259 billion business, up 18% from 2006,
according to market researcher Forrester Research.
根据市场研究机构福雷斯特研究公司的数据,今年,电子商务预计有2590亿 美

2002, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has offered study materials
including video lectures, notes, and exams on its MIT OpenCourseWare site, a
program for which sponsoring organizations kicked in $ 29 million to underwrite.
自2002年 起,麻省理工学院在其OpenCourseWare网站上提供了包括讲座视频、
笔记和考试的学习材 料,这个项目主办单位投资了2900万美元的资金。

year, I make a point to check my credit rating at , a
site and service created as a result of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of
年公平准确信用交易 法案通过之后才产生的。

signing of a free trade agreement between China and New Zealand on April 7
could give the soon-to-air cartoon Jane and the Dragon a Chinese touch.
中国和新西兰在4月7日签订了自由贸易 协定,而这使得即将上映的卡通片珍妮

15 rounds of talks, the FTA was signed in Beijing by Commerce Minister

Chen Deming and his New Zealand counterpart Phil Goff.

Zealand’s close ties with Australia could increase pressure on Canberra to
conclude a deal, experts said. Australia’s negotiations with Beijing have not made
headway after 10 rounds of talks.
专家表示,新西 兰和澳大利亚两国之间的密切关系也给堪培拉施加压力,促使澳
大利亚和中国达成协议。澳大利亚和北京 已经进行了十轮谈判,但是还未取得进

. Drucker counseled groups like the Girl Scouts to think like business even
though their bottom line was “changed lives” rather than profits. He warned them that
donors would increasingly judge them on result rather than intentions.
是“改变人生”, “而非创造利润。他告诫他们,捐赠者将越来越依据结果而非

2.“Marketing is a fashionable term. The sales manager becomes a marketing vice
president. But a gravedigger is still a gravedigger even when it is called a
mortician--only the price of the burial goes up.”
“营销是一个时尚的概念。销售经理成了营销副 总裁。但是就算一个掘墓人

3.“The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder,friction
and malperformance.”

. Drucker, who was born in Vienna and never completely shed his Austrian accent,
worked in Germany as a reporter until Hitler rose to power and then in a London
investment firm before emigrating to the United States in 1937.
德鲁克先生出生于维也纳,一生 都没能完全改掉奥地利口音。他曾在德国做
记者,希特勒上台后,他离开德国去了伦敦的一家投资公司, 1937年,他移民

was not surprised that General Motors for years ignored nearly every
recommendation in “The Concept of the Corporation,” the book he published in
1946 after an 18-month study of G.M. that its own executive had commissioned.
多年来,通用汽车公司对于他 在《公司的概念》一书中提到的所有建议几乎
都置之不理,德鲁克对比并不觉得惊讶。《公司的概念》出 版于1946年,是德鲁

his early 20’s to his death, Mr. Drucker held various teaching posts, including

a 20-year stint at the Stern School of Management at New York University and, since
1971, a chair at the Claremont Graduate School of Management.
从他20岁出头一直到他辞世,德鲁克先生有丰富的教学经 历。他在纽约大

ed in his requests to work with several major companies, he was delighted
when General Motors called in late 1943 proposing that he study its structure and
用汽车公司打电话让他去研 究通用汽车公司的结构和政策时,他非常激动。

t of Corporation is a book about business the way Moby Dick is a book
about whaling,” said Mr. Beatty, refereeing to the focus on social issues extending far
beyond G.M.’s immediate operating challenges.
讲捕鲸的 书一样。”意思是说书中关注的社会问题已经远远超出了通用汽车公司

ment could achieve sustainable profits only by treating employees like
valuable resources. That, he argued, required decentralizing the power to make
decisions, including giving hourly workers more control over factory life, and
guaranteed wages.
只 有将员工看作是有价值的资源,管理才能取得可持续盈利,德鲁克先生认
为,做到这一点需要下放决策权 ,包括赋予小时工关于工厂生活的更多控制权以

flow, particularly at early stages, was active, and even though valuations were
high, investor dollars were seemingly at the ready.

boss Michael Eisner, who’s already been pushed by opponents to schedule
his early retirement party for September 2006, agreed to depart a year earlier to make
way for his successor, Robert Iger.
迪斯尼老板迈克尔 艾斯纳同意提前一年离职,让位给他的继任者罗伯特 伊

the consultants, recruiters and management professors who make a living
analyzing boardroom practices, there’s growing recognition that a power shift is
under way.

gh efforts are under way to mitigate the worst effects of overpopulation and
climate change, Fenner believes it is futile, that our fate is sealed.
虽然人们正在努力减轻人口过剩和气 候变化的最坏影响,但芬纳认为,这是

means CEOs need to keep communication lines open so directors, who are
determined not to preside over another WorldCom- or Enron-style fraud, don’t get
surprised by bad news.
那意味着首席执行官们要保持信息渠道畅通, 这样,下定决心不再为下一

Gaines, chief knowledge officer at Burson-Marsteller, has surveyed
executives at Fortune 1000 companies, asking how many aspired for a promotion to
the corner office.
莱斯利 盖恩斯 罗斯是博雅公司的知识总监。他调查了财务全美1000强公
司的经历,问他们有多少 人渴望晋升为首席执行官。

Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account
himself. 潘恩先生则继续运营博雅公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户。

y, Gou's company hired the New York firm Burson-Marsteller to help devise
a formal public-relations strategy, its first in more than 35 years of existence.

two weeks Derek's at the beck and call of his mentor, Tracy (Stephen
Merchant), and those two weeks are pure hell for Derek.

he took over the leadership in 2001 the FDP risked becoming a one-note
party, obsessed with tax cuts and at the beck and call of its rich clientele.

20. That means CEOs need to keep communication lines open so directors, who are
determined not to preside over another WorldCom- or Enron-style fraud, don’t get
surprised by bad news.
那意味着首席执行官们要保持信息渠道畅通, 这样,下定决心不再为下一

Gaines, chief knowledge officer at Burson-Marsteller, has surveyed
executives at Fortune 1000 companies, asking how many aspired for a promotion to

the corner office.
莱斯利 盖恩斯 罗斯是博雅公司的知识总监。他调查了财富全美1000强公
司的经理,问他 们有多少人渴望晋升为首席执行官。

growth in the ranks of women at the highest reaches of corporate America
tends to be measured in small increments, particularly in the so-called C-suite jobs
like chief executive and chief operating officer.
在美国商界,进入最高层的女性的人数增长比较缓慢,特别是在诸如首席 执

has, however, been a noteworthy jump in one corner of the business world:
chief investment officers who handle billions of dollars for big university
endowments and private foundations which have been particularly aggressive in
moving into nontraditional asset classes like hedge funds and real estate.
但是,在商界的一角,女性的数量有了显著地增加:首席投资官,他们掌 握
金和房地产等 非传统资产类别。

who are selling services are at the beck and call of their clients.

. Manske said that foundations and endowments generally have stronger returns
because they invest in a wide variety of asset classes.

smart CEOs keep in mind that even the U.S. presidents are limited by the
Consitution to two four-year terms.

ng CEOs love to hand-pick their boads are increasingly
viewing that pick as a mere recomadation and conducting a through search of their
将要退休的首席执行官都喜欢亲手挑选他们的继承人。但是 董事会却越来越

ss-school textbooks have always taught that a company’s board of
directors rules the recently the world rarely operated in this manner;many
CEOs held far more power than directors.
商学院的教科书总是告诉学生在公司中当家作主的是董事会。但是直 到最
董事会成员 。









本文更新与2020-10-27 14:08,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/429388.html


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