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大学英语四级听力 20

2020-10-29 09:52





一、Section A

In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long


A. √
W: Thanks a lot for offering to return these books to the library for me.
M: Four books! But I have four of my own to take back too!
Q: What does the man mean?

[解析] 选A,综合推断题。由男士所说的but和他 在看到有四本书时的惊讶语气推知,他并没有想到要帮
[考点] 有关“图书”的词汇有:book,magazine,newspaper,novel, journal,periodical,subscribe,
latest issue,current issue,quarterly,back numberissue,out of print,reference book等。
C. √
W: You're looking pleased. Did your exam go well?
M: No, actually. But I just had a job offer for next year.
Q: What does the man imply?

[解析] 选C,综合推断题。由男士针对女士询问考试情况的顺利与否所回答的no和后面的but可 以判断
[考点] 有关“考试”的词汇有:quiz,finals,grade,credit,prepare for,get As,get a C,national
test,mid-term exam,self-study,fail,pass,a passing score等。
D. √
M: Your yard is always so beautiful, Cathy. You must have a gardener.

W: Oh, no. It would cost at least $$50 a month to hire someone to do the work,so I do most of it
myself. I enjoy taking care of the flowers, but I have to force myself to do the weeding and cut
the grass.
Q: What does Cathy like to do?.

[解析] 选D,综合推断题。由女士所说的她喜欢照看花,但是必须强迫自己除草和剪草可知,她还喜 欢在
花圃工作,且对话中她明显说没有雇园丁(I do most of it myself),故选D。
[考点] 虚拟语气用于简单句:
①在一些祈使句中,用动词原形表虚拟,如:God bless you.上帝保佑你。
②在一些表让步的简单句中,用动词原形表虚拟,往往是习惯用法,如:Come what will.不管怎样一定
③在一些表命令或要求的简单句中,用动词原形表虚拟,如:Somebody go and fetch me a book.谁去帮
C. √
W: These shoes are very cheap. I think I'll buy three pairs.
M: Why not just buy one good pair? Cheap shoes wear out very quickly.
Q: What does the man suggest that the woman should do?

[解析] 选C,建议题。Why not表建议,意为“为什么不…呢?”又由one good pair可知,男士建议女士
[考点] wear out有以下两种含义:
①wear sth.out使某物用坏或耗尽,如:My patience was worn out.我忍无可忍。
②wear sb.out使某人精疲力竭或厌烦,如:We were worn out after working for a long day.一整
A. √
W: Why has John been so depressed the last few days?
M: He was in a car accident with his wife. Fortunately, he isn't injured, but his wife is in the
Q: What happened to John and his wife?

[解析] 选A,信息明示题。由对话中的but和he isn't injured以及his wife is in the hospital可
[考点] 有关“事故”的词汇有:accident,drunk driving,drunk driver,dan ger,hurt,damage,kill,
repair,fix,mechanical problem,break down,flat we,traffic jam,rush hour,delay等。

D. √
W: It's ten o'clock. Is that too late for us to call Professor Brown about the student council
M: Let's hold off till tomorrow.
Q: What does the man mean?

[解析] 选D,信息明示题。女士问男士“现在给教授打电话,是不是太晚了”,由男士所说的hold off(推
[考点] hold off以下几个含义:
①(雨、风暴等)未发生、延迟,如:The rain held off just long enough for us to have a walk.雨
②阻止,抵挡住,如:His high rank and chilly manner held people off.他的高级官阶和冷淡的态度
③推迟,如:I will hold off my decision until next week.我将推迟到下星期再做决定。
C. √
M: When will you be leaving for the west coast?
W: I won't be able to go now because I just started a new job. I won't get a moment free until
my training period is over, which will be at least two months.
Q: Why can't the woman go to the west coast?

[解析] 选C,信息明 示题。男士问女士什么时候去西海岸,女士说她现在不能去,因为刚刚开始一份新工
作,而且正处于培训 阶段,故选C。
[考点] 有关“工作”的词汇有:work,job,office,routine,promote,stay late,work overtime,
overwork,extra hours,type letters,business trip,be through with,out of work等。
A. √
M: Do you think we should put an ad in the paper for the lost bike?
W: By all means!
Q: What does the woman say about placing an advertisement in the paper?

[解析] 选A,信息明示题。男士询问女士是否应该发布丢失自行车的广告,女士用by all means(当然可

[考点] 关于means的常用短语有:by means of用…,借助于…;by any means一定,无论如何(常用于
否定句);by no means决不,一点都不。
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

(1).A. A class presentation they're preparing.
B. A television program the man is watching.
C. Visiting a close friend of theirs.
D. Studying for a test.(分数:7.00)
解析:[解析] 9-12
W: Hi, Kaven. Your roommate told me that I could find you in the TV lounge. What are you doing
M: What does it look like I am doing?
W: Well, it looks like you are watching television. But we have a linear algebra mid-term tomorrow,

so I thought you'd be studing for it and maybe I can study with you.

M: Oh, well, I was just taking a break. This linear algebra stuff gives me a headache if I work

on it too long.

W: I know what you mean. I've been working on it for three hours already. I'm beginning to go
cross-eyed. I'd been theorizing at the sample problems. I just don't get some of them.
M: But I can't believe you are coming to me. I mean you do know what I got on the last test, don't
W: Yeah, I know. You told me. I just thought two heads might be better than one.
M: Yeah, that's a nice idea. But you know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a hundred

on the last test. She didn't miss a question. Umm... was it Elizabeth?

W: Oh yeah, Elizabeth! She is a friend of mine. She'd be a big help right now. Why don't I give
her a call?
M: What! At this hour? It's already ten thirty. I don't want to impose on her.

W: Yeah, I guess you are right. But you know what, she owes me a big favor. Let's at least give
her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of the problems with us would help her
review the material.
M: It's worth a try.
Q: What are the speakers mainly discussing?

[解析] 选D,主旨题。对话中开始女生打算找男生一起为明天的考试复习,后又决定向 一位在上次考试中
(2).A. He's taking a break from studying.
B. He has already finished studying.
C. He was assigned to watch a program by his professor.
D. He's finding out some information for a friend.(分数:7.00)

Q: Why is the man watching television?

[解析] 选A,信息明示题。当女生对 男生还看电视表示惊奇时,男生解释说他稍微休息一下,因为长时间
(3).A. Because Elizabeth is the woman's friend.
B. Because Elizabeth is a famous star in TV.
C. Because Elizabeth is good at linear algebra.
D. Because Elizabeth is the dreaming-girl of the man.(分数:7.00)
Q: Why does the man wish to know Elizabeth?

[解析] 选C,综合理解题。女生想和男生一起复习,但是男生也不是“高手”,他说希 望能认识伊丽莎白,
紧接着说了理由,即伊丽莎白在上次考试中得了满分,也就是说她线形代数学得很好 ,故选C。
(4).A. He and Elizabeth argued recently.
B. He heard Elizabeth did poorly on the last test.
C. He doesn't want to bother Elizabeth so late in the evening.
D. He'd rather study in his own dormitory.(分数:7.00)
Q: Why doesn't the man want to call Elizabeth?

所以不想打扰她点半了,10男生说已经当女生提议给伊丽莎白打电话时,信息明示题。,C选] 解析[
want to impose on her),故选C。
[考点] 有关“考 试”的词汇有:quiz(小测验),finals(期末考试),grade,credit,math exam,physics
exam,prepare for,get A's,get a C,national test,mid-term exam(期中考试),self- study,fail,
pass,a passing score,barely made it(刚好及格)。
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

(1).A. It's only open to poetry majors. B. It requires another class first.
C. It's already full. D. It's only offered in the morning.(分数:7.00)
解析:[解析] 13-15
W: Hi, Mark! How is it going?
M: Well, not so great.
W: What's wrong?
M: I've got a big problem with the poetry course that's required for my major.
W: Is that all filled up?
M: No, no, there is plenty room, but there is a prerequisite. I've got to take an introduction

to poetry before I can take the special course in poets of the 1960s,and the introductory courses

are only offered in the evenings.

W: You don't like evening classes?
M: No, that's not the point. I work in the cafeteria every evening. I need the money to pay my
W: Can you ask someone that work to switch hours with you? Maybe you could just switch a couple
of evenings, since the course probably only needs two times a week.
M: I wish I could. My boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings, and he'll hit the ceiling

if I ask to change again.

W: Wait a minute! I have an idea. Have you checked the courses over at the community college?

They might offer introductory poetry course during the day.

M: Hey! That's a great idea. I'm free this afternoon. I think I'll go over and check it out.
W: Yeah, their courses are actually cheaper and you can transfer the credits over here.
M: Thanks for the advice, Linda. I'll let you know what happens.
W: Sure, Mark! Good luck!
Q: What prevents the man from taking the poets of the 1960s class?

[解析] 选B,信息明示题。男士说自己在诗歌课程上遇 到了大麻烦,想要上关于20世纪60年代诗人的课
(2).A. All the other work schedules conflict with his classes.
B. He doesn't want to ask his boss for another favor.
C. He wants to work the same schedule as his friends.
D. He likes to do his homework in the evening.(分数:7.00)
Q: Why doesn't the man want to change his work schedule?

[解析] 选B,综合理解题 。女士建议男士找同事调换工作时间,男士则说老板已经帮忙将自己安排到晚上
上班了,如果他再要求换 时间,老板就会暴跳如雷,由此推断,他不想改变工作时间是因为他不愿再求老
(3).A. Its courses cost less.
B. It's close to where he works.
C. The class size is smaller.
D. It may offer the class he needs during the day.(分数:7.00)
Q: Why does the man want to take a class at the community college?

[解析] 选D,信息明示题。女士问男士是否查过社区学院的课程 ,还说他们可能白天有诗歌导论课,男士
[考点] 1)hit the ceiling为口语表达,意为“勃然大怒”,与其同义的短语还有:hit the roof,go through
the roof等,如:Tom went through the roof when Alice told him she'd crashed his car.艾丽丝
2)check over意为“检查,查看”,check out意为“(从旅馆、商店等)结账离开;检查,调查”,这里意
为“证实(说法)”,其他有关check的短语还有:check through检查;check sth.off核对;check(up.)on
sb.sth.检查某人某事物(是否真实、安全等),如:The police are checking up on the suspect.警


二、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

(1).A. They have no effect on it. B. They help promote it slightly.
C. They help promote it greatly. D. They tend generally to limit it.(分数:7.00)
D. √
解析:[解析] 16-18
A number of values and beliefs in traditional societies tend to decrease the amount of money people

are willing and able to take from their income and make available for productive investment. In

many of these societies, gold and silver, houses and land have been some of the ways in which
wealth has been stored. Attempts to encourage people to keep their savings in monetary form often

meet strong resistance, which is simply increased in times like these or rapid inflation.

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to increasing savings and investments in the traditional society

is the pressure of increasing population. In such countries,these are still a direct relationship

between the amount of food available and the number of children who survive. A larger food supply
often leads to an immediate increase in the number of people who must be fed and thus cannot be
used to increase the standard of living.
Q: How do beliefs and values tend to affect investment in the traditional society?

[解析] 选D,综合推断题。 注意文章第一句话是全文的中心句:传统社会的价值观和信仰引导人们减少用
自己的收入进行投资活动, 即选项D所表达的内容。
(2).A. Bank savings. B. Productive investment.
C. Population. D. Property purchases.(分数:7.00)
D. √
Q: What does inflation tend to increase in the traditional society?

[解析] 选D,综合推断题。答案在短文第一段,人们喜欢以贵金 属、房产和土地等形式聚敛财富,但鼓励
人们以货币形式储蓄通常会遭到强烈的反对,而这种反对在通货 膨胀时期会更强烈。也就是说,通货膨胀
时期,人们更倾向于购买固定资产,而不是增加银行储蓄和生产 投资,故选D。

(3).A. Precious metals. B. Population pressures.
C. Government policies. D. Agricultural practices.(分数:7.00)
B. √
Q: According to the speaker, what is the greatest obstacle to productive investment in such

[解析] 选B,信息明示题。文中明确提到:Perhaps the greatest obstacle to increasing savings and
investments in the traditional society is the pressure of increasing population.故选B。
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

(1).A. He believes that history professors are poorly prepared.
B. He believes that most students are lazy.
C. He believes that professors fail to present facts in an interesting way.
D. He believes that most students feel that history is a waste of time.(分数:7.00)
C. √
解析:[解析] 19-21
Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get excited about
when historical events are presented in a boring manner. However, I'll never forget my American

history Professor, Dr. event leaped from the pages of our text and became as real
as the daily news report on the favorite lecture concerned the American Revolution. Dr.
Williamson set the mood for the story by imitating Paul Revere, a well-known silversmith, working
in his American colonies were angry because of the British control over their
felt that the war between the British and the colonists was going to happen immediately. Then,
Dr. Williamson told us about Revere rowing across the Charles River from Boston on April 18, 1775.
I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking across
the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston. Suddenly,Revere spotted two lanterns,a signal

which meant that the British would attack by sea. He jumped on his horse to warn the villages

of the sor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution
were fought at Concord and at Lexington, Massachusetts, the year before the Declaration of
Independence was signed in before had history seemed so alive to me all because a
professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching.
Q: Why does the speaker feel that most students dislike history?

[解析] 选C,信息明示题。文首第一句指出当历史以一种无趣的方式呈现时,学生们会觉得乏味,故选C。
(2).A. In Boston. B. In Concord.
)7.00(分数:C. In Lexington. D. In Britain.
A. √
Q: Where was the Old North Church located?

[解析] 选A,信息明示题。作者在回忆教授模仿保罗将手举过额头向河对岸眺望时,提到了眺望的目 标正
(3).A. That the British were retreating to the Charles River.
B. That the British would attack by sea.
C. That the British were willing to sign a declaration of independence.
D. That the British had won the first two battles of the Revolution.(分数:7.00)
B. √
Q: What did the two-lantern signal tell Revere?

[解析] 选B,信息明示题。作者在回忆教授模仿保罗时提到了保罗 突然看到了两只灯笼,而这正标志着英
[考点] 关于heart常见短语有:put one's heart into用心;break one's heart使…伤心;cry one's heart
out痛哭;givelose one's heart to爱上;have the heart(to do sth.)忍心(做某事),有勇气;lose
heart泄气;take heart鼓足勇气。
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

(1).A. Training given to music therapists. B. How music prevents disease.
C. Studies on the benefits of music. D. How musicians create music.(分数:7.00)
C. √
解析:[解析] 22-25
It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our fact, since 1930s,

music therapists have relied on music to soothe patients and help control pain.

Now psychologists are confirming that music can also help relieve depression and improve
concentration. For instance, in a recent study,15 surgeons were given some highly stressful math
problems to solve. They were divided into three groups:one worked in silence; and in another,
the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to classical
music chosen by the researchers.
The results of the study may surprise you. The doctors who got to choose their music experienced

less stress and scored better than the possible explanation is that listening to music

you like stimulates the Alfa- wave in the brain,increases the heart rate and expands the breathing.
That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration.
Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain:by examining the
students' blood after they listened to a variety of classical music collections,the researchers

found that some students showed a large increase in endorphin, a natural pain reliever. This

supports what music therapists have known for years: music can help rejuvenate or soothe the
Q: What is the passage mainly about?

[解析] 选C,主旨题。文章首句就明确指出,音乐对人的情绪有显著的影响,随后还通过两项研究证 明音
乐可以缓解沮丧情绪,使人的注意力更为集中,由此可知,全文都是围绕音乐对人健康方面的好处展 开的,
(2).A. To relieve tension. B. To control brain seizures.
C. To prevent heat disease. D. In place of physical therapy.(分数:7.00)
A. √
Q: According to the passage, how is the music therapy currently used in medicine?

[解析] 选A,综合理解题。文章第二句提到,音乐治疗专家依靠音乐来安抚病人的情绪并缓解疼痛感 ,由
(3).A. They liked to have music in the operating room.
B. They solved problems better while listening to music they liked.
C. They preferred classical music.
D. They performed better when they used headphones.(分数:7.00)
B. √

Q: What did the study done with surgeons show?

[解析] 选B,信息明示题。文章指出,对外科医生所做的研究表明,选择自己喜欢的音乐的医生承受 的压
(4).A. It increased the students' white blood cell count.
B. It increased some students' energy level.
C. It released a natural painkiller in some students' bodies.
D. It improved the students' ability to play musical instruments.(分数:7.00)
C. √
Q: In the study of students exposed to classical music, what effect did the music have?

[解析] 选C,信息明示题。文章最后指出,对学生所做的研究表明,有些学生在听过音乐后,体内有 一种
[考点] rely on意为“指望”或“依赖”,与其含义相近的短语还有count on,depend on,figure on等,
其count on强调“信赖”;depend on强调“坚信,确信”,语气更强;figure on强调计划性,如:I figure
on being in New York in January.我计划一月份待在纽约。

,分数:1总题数:(Section C三、.

As you begin your study of the heavens, you may feel that the odds of your making any impact on
the field of (26) are impossibly low. But in fact important (27) can come from students' work.

You may have heard from the media that the examples of one of the most illusive objects in the
(28) — the Brown Dwarf, were found by a 27-year-old student Clare Briadger. Scientists all over

the world had been searching for more than 50 years and yet the (29) was made by someone still

in (30) school. When Ms. Briadger (31) a paper at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society,

her talk was for me the (32) of the meeting. There was (33) agreement that what she had found

was indeed the illusive Brown Dwarf. (34) . While others spent their time studying what shows

up big and bright in the heavens, Briadger searched for the small and faint (35) . She sometimes

worked 100 hours in a single week. Then finally she was able to isolate a number of points that
seemed to be actual Brown Dwarf. (36) .

As you begin your study of the heavens, you may feel that the odds of your making any impact on
the field of (26) are impossibly low. But in fact important (27) can come from students' work.

You may have heard from the media that the examples of one of the most illusive objects in the

(28) — the Brown Dwarf, were found by a 27-year-old student Clare Briadger. Scientists all over

the world had been searching for more than 50 years and yet the (29) was made by someone still

in (30) school. When Ms. Briadger (31) a paper at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society,

her talk was for me the (32) of the meeting. There was (33) agreement that what she had found

was indeed the illusive Brown Dwarf. (34) . While others spent their time studying what shows

up big and bright in the heavens, Briadger searched for the small and faint (35) . She sometimes

worked 100 hours in a single week. Then finally she was able to isolate a number of points that
seemed to be actual Brown Dwarf. (36) .

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:astronomy)
解析:[解析] 26-36
As you begin your study of the heavens, you may feel that the odds of your making any impact on
the field of (26) astronomy are impossibly in fact important (27) breakthroughs can come
from students' may have heard from the media that the examples of one of the most illusive
objects in the (28) cosmos—the Brown Dwarf, were found by a 27-year- old student Clare
ists all over the world had been searching for more than 50 years and yet the(29)
discovery was made by someone still in (30) graduate school. When er (31) presented a
paper at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society, her talk was for me the (32) highlight
of the was (33) considerable agreement that what she had found was indeed the
illusive Brown Dwarf.(34) For those of you who don't yet know, Brown Dwarves are these gaseous
bodies that are too large to be planets, but not massive enough to ignite into full-grown
others spent their time studying what shows up big and bright in the heavens, Briadger
searched for the small and faint.(35) She spent about 2 years at a computer scanning and
classifying pinpoints of light within dusters of sometimes worked 100 hours in a single
week. Then finally she was able to isolate a number of points that seemed to be actual Brown
Dwarf.(36) Her discovery may help to explain how stars form and thus answer some of our questions
about the ultimate fate of the universe.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:breakthroughs)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:cosmos)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:discovery)
)graduate(正确答案:1:__________________ 填空项.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:presented)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:highlight)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:considerable)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:For those of you who don't yet know, Brown Dwarves are
these gaseous bodies that are too large to be planets, but not massive enough to ignite into
full-grown stars)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:She spent about 2 years at a computer scanning and
classifying pinpoints of light within clusters of stars)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Her discovery may help to explain how stars form and
thus answer some of our questions about the ultimate fate of the universe)









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