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大学英语四级 听力20

2020-10-29 10:09





一、Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:45.00)

will bother the woman to account for Martins report.
will ask for Martins help on the womans account.
will help the woman to brief Martins account over lunch time. √
has no time to help the woman on the account today.
W: Excuse me, Don? I hate to bother you, but I need your help on something. Do you have time to
brief me on Martins account today?
M: But, gosh, things are really busy for me today. The only time I can manage to squeeze out might
be over lunch break.
Q: What will the man probably do?

[解析] 选项中的he will,bother,ask for,help和account表明 ,本题可能考查he帮助女士或向女士寻求帮助的
事实状况题。对 话中女士请求男士简单跟她讲一下马丁的账目。男士回答说他今天很忙,唯一能挤出来的时间是午餐休
息 时间。由此可知,男士会在午餐时间给女士简单地讲一下马丁的账目,故答案为C。
assistant and customer. √
and husband.
er and waiter.
and employee.
W: Is there anything I can do for you?
M: Well. Id like to buy some socks and a white shirt with short sleeves, please.
Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

[解析] 选项提示,本题可能考查对话中的人物关系,听音时注意留意能够体现人物关系或身份的内容。
身 份关系题。对话中女士问男士是否需要什么帮助。男士回答他想要几双袜子和短袖的T恤衫。由此可知,对话双方 是
woman herself.
B.A professional hairstylist. √
C.A neighbor.
D.A friend.
M: Your hair looks lovely. Did you style it yourself?
W: I wish I had, but I can do it this way. My neighbor gave me the name of a new salon.
Q: Who fixed the womans hair?

[解析] 选项中的herself和hairstylist提示,本题可能考查某件 事情的实施者或者对话中提到的某个人,可能与做
事实状况题。对话 中男士夸奖女士的发型很漂亮,问她是不是自己设计的。女士回答说她希望是自己设计的,但是她做
不成 这个样子。接着女士又提到是邻居向她推荐了一家新开的美发沙龙。由此可知,女士的 。B发型是由美发沙龙的专
paper is already long enough.
information may be inaccurate. √
help the man find the reference books.
mans ideas are good enough to be published.
M: I think Ill add that information to my paper.
W: You really should check it out in your reference book before you publish your paper.
Q: What does the woman imply?

[解析] 选项中的paper,information,inaccurate和reference books表明,本题可能考查论文中的信息问题。
观点态度题。对话中男士说他想把一些信息用 到自己的论文里,而女士却建议男士在发表论文之前应该在参考书里查一
下这些信息。由此可知,女士对 这些信息的准确性有所怀疑,故答案为B。
doesn have any idea about what he wants to do.
like to work this summer. √
wonders whether the woman gets a job.
needs to make a detailed plan for the summer vacation.
W: Have you made any plans yet for summer vacation, Brad?
M: Not really. What Id like to be able to do is to find a decent job.
Q: What does Brad mean?

[解析] 选项中的he,doesn have any idea,job,make a detailed plan和summer vacation表明,本题可能考查
事实状况题。对话中女士 问男士暑假有什么计划,男士说他想要找一份像样的工作,也就是说布拉德暑假期间想去工作,
故答案为 B。
will visit Hawaii for free.
will learn English for free.
can practice English in Hawaii.
can enjoy the sunshine on the beach in Hawaii. √
W: Have you heard that Nancys boss wants her to accept a six-week assignment in Hawaii?
M: Shell really like that, especially since all of her expenses will be paid and she can practice
her English. And most of all, shell get to spend her leisure hours soaking up the sun on those
lovely beaches.
Q: What is the best reason for Nancy to enjoy the visit to Hawaii?

[解析] 选项中重复出现的she willcan,in Hawaii以及learn English和enjoy the sunshine表明,问题是针对女

< br>事实状况题。对话中男士说南希去夏威夷的所有花销都会由老板支付,并且她还能练习英语,但最重要的是 ,她能在美
plans to sing a song at the audition.
woman should be in the play.
woman should invite someone else to the play.
won join in the audition of the drama club. √
W: The drama club is holding audition for their annual play—its a musical. What do you think?
M: To tell you the truth, I don really act or sing, but thanks for thinking of me.
Q: What does the man mean?

[解析] 选项中的sing a song,audition,join,performance和drama club表明,本题可能考查参加戏剧俱乐部的
行为活动题。对话中女士说戏剧俱 乐部正在进行年度大戏的海选,并问男士有没有意愿参加,而男士说自己真的不会表
演和唱歌。由此可知 ,男士不会去参加戏剧俱乐部的海选,故答案为D。
won be able to come to the reunion.
rather pick up Sarah.
man should pick Sarah up tomorrow. √
would be arriving tomorrow.
M: These family reunions are complicated. Could you pick Mark up from the airport? Im on a tight
schedule today.
W: OK, but then lets switch. Im supposed to pick Sarah up tomorrow.
Q: What does the woman mean?

[解析] 选项中的pick up和arriving表明,本题可能考查对接人的安排 。选项中出现了多个人物,听音时注意区分与
事实状况题。对话中男 士让女士今天替自己去机场接马克,女士答应了,但她要和男士对换一下,她原本明天要去机场
接萨拉。 由此可知,女士是说明天就应该是男士去机场接萨拉,故答案为C。
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
the countryside.
a mountain.
a big city. √
a small city.
W: Hey, Mike, so we live in the countryside, and we go to school up on a mountain. Could you see
yourself living here?
M: Well, I do really like living in the country, but I don
period of time.
W: Where do you want to live?
M: Well, Ive never lived in a big city, so I think that I would like to try to live in a big
think I could stay here for a long

W: Like which one?
M: Possibly one like New York or London. I think, Ive always seen it on TV and Ive always wanted
to try to live there but Ive never... so I think that would probably be really interesting.
W: What attracts you to those cities?
M: I guess just the diversity that you might find or just the fact that so much stuff is going
on in the city. I might like to see how that lifestyle is.
W: Sounds cool.
M: What about you?
W: I couldn see myself living here in the long term. I grew up in two really big cities, so...and
Ive moved around a lot and in the future, I think I just want to stay in one place.
M: What types of cities?
W: I guess a big city in Japan. My parents live here, so I feel like Im more inclined to live
here. My brother lives in the States and if we both lived in the United States, I think my parents
would feel a little bit lonely so I feel more inclined to live in Japan.
M: Which city in Japan would you like?
W: Im thinking maybe like Kobe, because it just seems like a very cosmopolitan city to me in

Where does the man prefer to live?
[解析] 本对话三道题选项中出现的countryside,city(ies),diversity和lifest yles表明,对话可能与城市或乡村
选项均为表示地点的介词短语表明,本 题可能考查某事件发生的地点。结合对话主题推测,本题可能与某个地方的生活
细 节理解题。对话中女士问男士希望住在什么地方。男士说自己从来没在大城市生活过,所以愿意居住在大城市里, 故
advertisements of cities on TV.
diversity and vitality of cities. √
ent lifestyles in cities.
unknown life in cities.
What makes the man love city life?

[解析] 选项中重复出现的cities以及diversity,vitality和different lifestyles表明,本题可能考查城市生活
细节理解题。对话中女士问 男士城市有哪些地方吸引他。男士回答说城市吸引他的地方应该是那里多样的生活,或者是
城市里正在发 生的许多事情,他想看看城市的生 活方式。由此可知,男士是被城市的多样和活力所吸引,故答案为B。
wants to take care of her parents. √
is tired of the city she is now living in.
doesn like moving around.
loves the cities in Japan.
Why does the woman probably live in Japan?

[解析] 选项中的wants,tired of the city,doesn like和loves表明,本题可能考查she对某个城市的感受。

综合推断题 。对话中女士提到,她的父母都在日本,她更愿意在日本生活。她的哥哥在美国,如果他们两个人都在美国,父母可能会有点孤独。由此可知,她留在日本是想照顾父母,故答案为A。
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage yon have just heard.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage yon have just heard.
World at Newport.
rn California. √
rn California.
o Lake.
W: We had a wonderful vacation this year. The kids really enjoyed it and so did we.
M: Tell me about it. What made it so good?
W: Well, to begin with, we made sure that the places we went to would be enjoyable for all ages.
You know you really have to be conscious of that when you have a young child as well as teenagers.
M: That is one problem we don have to worry about since our children are all grown. Where did
you go?
W: We just went to places here in California. Since the whole family enjoy the water, we spent
most of the time in Southern California where the swimming in the ocean is good. The older boys
really enjoyed surfing and Billy had his boogy board so they all had a good time on the beach.
I enjoyed catching up on my reading while getting a suntan. Tom was right there with his sons
and really enjoyed himself.
M: Did you spend all of your time on the beach?
W: No, not at all. We have a friend at Newport Beach who took us sailing and deep sea fishing.
We all enjoyed that. We also took in several of the regular tourist attractions: Disneyland, Marine
World and of course Universal Studios in Hollywood.
M: What did you think of Universal Studios? We went there last year. What an amazing place! We
felt like we were right there in the movies. They certainly make the monster shark from Jaws
and the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park look lifelike.
W: Yes, our family got a real kick out of that. Those animals were almost as real as the real
life animals at Marine World.
M: It sounds like you all enjoyed yourselves. Have you started planning next years vacation yet?
W: Good heavens, no! Let me get rested from this one first.

Which place that the woman has visited is suitable for swimming according to the conversation?

[解析] 本对 话后三道题选项中出现的surfing,suntan,swimming,Disneyland,Mari ne World,fishing和sailing
细节理解题。对话 中女士提到,因为全家人都喜欢大海,所以他们大部分时间都待在加利福尼亚州南部,那里很适合在
海里 游泳。由此可知,女士这个假期所游览的地方中,加利福尼亚州南部最适合游泳,故答案为B。
spent most of the time on surfing.
enjoyed her reading while getting a suntan. √
had a good swimming in the sea.
climbed the mountains.

What did the woman do in South California?

[解析] 选项内容均为过去时态,本题可能考查she做过的某件事,再结合其中的surfing,suntan和sw imming in the
细节理解题。 对话中女士提到,在加利福尼亚州南部度假的时候她一边忙着读书,一边沐浴阳光,故答案为B。
land, Marine World, deep sea fishing.
land, Marine World, sailing.
land, Marine World, deep sea fishing and sailing.
land, Marine World, Universal Studios in Hollywood. √
What are the regular tourist attractions according to the woman?

[解析] 选项均为游乐场所或娱乐项目表明,本题可能考查对话中涉及的某个娱乐项目。
细节理解题。对话中女士提到她和几个朋友参观了几处常见的观光点,包括迪士尼乐园、海底世界和好莱坞环球 影城,
were live sharks and dinosaurs.
were the same as those in the Marine World.
were made as lifelike as those in the Marine World. √
dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park were moved to the Universal Studios.

What is the fight description of the animals in the Universal Studios?

[解析] 选项中的there,lives sharks and dinosaurs和made as lifelike as表明,本题可能考查某个地方的某种
细节 题。对话中男士提到,环球影城里的怪物和恐龙看起来十分逼真,女士也说它们和海底世界的动物一样真实,故答
案为C。as real as相当于lifelike。

三、Section B(总题数:3,分数:30.00)

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
beat the fast growing economy.
save money for their nation.
advocate leading a simple life for a day. √
resist foreign goods in the UK.
In the UK, a group of campaigners have declared the last Saturday in November as National Buy
Nothing Day. Our message is clear: shop less, live more! says organizer Michael Smith, The
challenge is to try simple living for a day: Spend time with family and friends, rather than spend
money on them. Anyone can take part, provided they spend a day without buying anything.
On Buy Nothing Day, activists walk to the streets to tackle consumers. They dress as pigs to
symbolize greed. They offer to cut up credit cards and hand out shopping bags with the words
another useless thing I don need written on the side. Some hold street parties to show shoppers

that it is possible to have fun without spending money. Others go into shops and put notes saying
don buy me inside clothes and shoes.
The protesters are working against powerful forces. Many retailers and manufacturers depend on
Christmas sales for most of their profits.
Theres a fun side to this, says Michael Smith, To some people its a protest, but its also
a street party. We
e not saying that people are bad because they go shopping, but we want to
get the message across for people to consume wisely. And after weve finished, well probably
go for a drink.

What is the purpose of establishing National Buy Nothing Day?

[解析] 选项均以“to+动词原形”开头,结合其中的beat...economy,save money,adv ocate...life和resist表明,
细节理解题。短文中提到,活动的组织者史密斯指出,活动的目的是想提倡人们尝试过一天简单的生活, 即少花钱,少
买东西,C是对原文的同义转述,故为答案。leading a simple life相当于try simple living。
people going out.
street parties. √
goods to people freely.
tricks on consumers.
Which of the following measures is taken by the activists to persuade people to stop shopping
on Buy Nothing Day?

[解析] 选项均以动词原形开 头,且内容较为具体表明,本题可能考查某人的某个行为,听音时注意留意与选项相关的
内容。 < br>细节理解题。短文中提到,在“无购物日”,为了劝阻人们购物,活动积极分子们采取了好几种方式:如.
扮成猪的样子;切碎信用卡并且发放上面印有“又一件无用之物”的购物袋;在街上开派对,向购物者表 明不购物也可
以享受乐趣;把写着“别买我”的字条放在衣服和鞋子里面等。B为活动积极分子所采取的 方式之一,故为答案。
kill time in a new way.
save money.
have parties more often.
spend money wisely. √
What did the activists want to persuade people to do?

[解析] 选项均以“to+动词原形”开头,结合其中的kill time in a new way,save money和spend money
细节理解题。短文结 尾处提到,活动积极分子的初衷不是指责人们购物,而是想让人们理智消费,故答案为D。
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
6 million.
than 7 million.

12 million.
than 20 million. √
Depression can strike anyone regardless of age, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, or gender;
however, large-scale studies have found that depression is about twice as common in women as in
men. In the United States, researchers estimate that in any given one-year period, depressive
illnesses affect 12 percent of women (more than 20 million women) and nearly 7 percent of men
(more than 6 million men). But important questions remain to be answered about the causes
underlying this gender difference. Is depression truly less common among men, or are men just
less likely than women to recognize, acknowledge, and seek help for depression?
In focus groups conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH for short) to assess
depression awareness, men described their own symptoms of depression without realizing that they
were depressed. Notably, many were unaware that physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive
disorders, and chronic pain, can be associated with depression. In addition, they expressed
concern about seeing a mental health professional or going to a mental health clinic, thinking
that people would find out and that this might have a negative impact on their job security,
promotion potential, or health insurance benefits. They feared that being labeled with a diagnosis
of mental illness would cost them the respect of their family and friends, or their standing in
the community.

How many women are affected by depression per year in the United States?

[解析] 选项均为数字表明,本题可能考查跟数字有关的细节信息。
细节理解题。短文 中提到,在美国,每年抑郁症都会影响12%(大约2,000多万名)的妇女,故答案为D。
e men have more psychological knowledge.
e men can seek help from others to better adjust themselves.
e men seldom realize they are suffering depression. √
e men seldom have physical symptoms of depression.
Why do fewer men than women suffer from depression according to the study?

[解析] 选项均以because开头,结合其中的men have more...,better adjust themselves和suffering
depression可知,本题可能考查造成男性和女性在抑郁问题上的不同情况的原因。 综合推断题。短文中提到,美国国家心理健康研究(NIMH)的研究显示,男士描述的明明是抑郁症的症状 ,他们自己却没
有意识到自己得了抑郁症,尤其是许多男性没有意识到与抑郁症相关的外在症状,C为原 因之一,故为答案。
will be sent to madhouse.
will lose respect of their family and friends. √
will be no longer free.
will be treated as abnormal.
What do men worry about when they are diagnosed to have mental illness?

[解析] 结合短文主题以及选项中be sent to madhouse,lose respect,no longer free和treated as

< p>
细节理解题。短文结尾处提到,男士担心的是,一旦别人知道他患有精神疾病,他就会失去家人以及 朋友的尊重以及他
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
stopping its engine.
a helicopter.
a special parachute. √
an astronaut.
On September 8, 2004, a spacecraft named Genesis entered Earths atmosphere high above the western
United States. It was traveling at a speed of more than eleven kilometres a second. The spacecraft
was supposed to deploy a parachute at almost 30 kilometres above the surface of the Earth. This
special parachute would help the spacecraft slow its great speed. Then helicopters were supposed
to catch the parachute before the spacecraft hit the ground. However, the parachute failed to
open. Scientists and NASA officials on the ground watched as the 205-kilogram spacecraft crashed
into the desert surface. It landed at the Utah Test and Training Range. The 260-million-dollar
spacecraft hit the ground at a speed of more than 300 kilometres an hour. It hit so hard that
it buried itself half underground. The most important immediate concern was the safety of people
who worked to recover the spacecraft. The explosive device that was supposed to deploy the
parachute had to be made safe before anything could be moved. As soon as possible, scientists
opened the spacecraft. They removed the scientific instruments inside and took them to a special
research room. They cleaned the instruments and examined them. Roger Wiens was a member of the
Genesis science team. He said first examinations showed major damage inside the spacecraft.
However, he said the science team was very hopeful they can still save much of the material
collected. NASA Administrator Sean OKeefe said the design and strong construction of Genesis
might still provide the scientific results they hoped for.

How would the spacecraft slow its great speed high above the surface of the Earth?

[解析] 本短文四道题选项中出现 的helicopter,broken,exploded和spacecraft表明,短文可能与宇宙飞船 有关,
选项均以by开头表明,本题可能考查做某事的方 式或做某事的人,再结合其中的helicopter,parachute 可知,本题
细节理解题。短文 中提到,宇宙飞船会在地球上空约30千米的高度打开一个降落伞,这个特殊制造的降落伞会帮助飞
船减 缓速度,故答案为C。
failed to open. √
was caught by the helicopters.
was broken.
fell on the ground.
Whats wrong with the parachute?

[解析] 选项均为描述it的句子,结合其中的failed to open,broken和fell on the ground可知,本题可能考查it

was too heavy.
speed was so fast. √
caught a fire.
Why did the spacecraft bury itself half underground?

[解析] 选项中too heavy,so fast,exploded和caught a fire表示,本题可能考查it存在的某个问题或发生的结
综合推断题。短文中提 到,这艘宇宙飞船以每小时300千米撞向地面,由于撞击力度过猛,而埋入了地下。由此可知,
宇宙飞 船是因为下降速度太快,导致其撞向地面时埋入了地下,故答案为B。
removed the instruments. √
cleaned the instruments.
examined the spacecraft.
cleaned the spacecraft.
What did the scientists do first after they opened the spacecraft?

[解析] 结合短文主题以及选项中的removed,c leaned和examined可知,A和B选项中的instruments可能指代的就是
宇宙飞 船中的设备,本题可能考查they对宇宙飞船的处理方式。

四、Section C(总题数:1,分数:25.00)

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and
self-conscious; that is, they are excessively 1 their own appearance and actions. Worrisome

thoughts are 2 occurring in their minds: What kind of 3 am I making?

Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing 4 clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people 5 . A persons self-concept

is 6 in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other peoples 7 . In

general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.
Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also
find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they 8 praise. A shy person

may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: You
e just saying that to make me
feel good. I know its not true. It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality,
overdoing it is harmful.
Can shyness be completely 9 , or at least reduced? Since shyness goes hand in hand with 10

self- esteem, it is important for people to accept their weakness as well as their strengths.
Peoples expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense
of inadequacy.
Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and
self-conscious; that is, they are excessively 1 their own appearance and actions. Worrisome

thoughts are 2 occurring in their minds: What kind of 3 am I making?

Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing 4 clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people 5 . A persons self-concept

is 6 in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other peoples 7 . In

general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.
Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also
find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they 8 praise. A shy person

may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: You
e just saying that to make me
feel good. I know its not true. It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality,
overdoing it is harmful.
Can shyness be completely 9 , or at least reduced? Since shyness goes hand in hand with 10

self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weakness as well as their strengths.
Peoples expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense
of inadequacy.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:concerned with)
解析: concerned with [听力原文]
Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and
self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.
Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making?
Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?
It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely . A persons
self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other
peoples reactions . In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on
all areas of their lives.
Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also
find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise.
A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: You
e just saying that
to make me feel good. I know its not true. It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy
quality, overdoing it is harmful.
Can shyness be completely eliminated , or at least reduced? Since shyness goes hand in hand with
lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weakness as well as their strengths.
Peoples expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense
of inadequacy.

[解析] 空前的are excessively提示,本空应填形容词或动词(短语)的过去分词。再结合空前的that is可知,后面
的they are...actions(他们过分……自己的外表和行为)是对前面的anxious and
self- conscious的解释说明,故所填词很可能要表达害羞的人对自己的外表、行为“很在意”的意思。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:constantly)
解析: constantly[解析] 句子不缺少主干成分,所填词可能为副词或介词短语,作状语。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:impressio)
解析: impression[解析] 空前的of提示,本空应填名词(短语)。结合后面提出的几 个问题可推测,害羞的人一般都
会担心自己是否给他人留下了好的印象,故所填词很可能要表示“印象” 的含义。

)unattractive(正确答案:1:__________________ 填空项.
解析: unattractive[解析] 空后的clothes提示,本空应填形容词。联系上下文可知,下句中的such
uncomfortable feelings指的就是本段提到的那些害羞的人的感觉,由unco mfortable可知,这些感觉都是消极方面的,
故修饰clothes的词也应该是消极词,很可 能是表达衣服“不好看”的含义。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:adversely)
解析: adversely[解析] 分析句子结构可知,句子中不缺少主要成分,故本空可能应填副词,用来说明uncomfortable
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:reflected)
解析: reflected[解析] 空前的is和介词in提示,所填词可能为形容词或动词(短语)的分词形式。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:reactions)
解析: reactions[解析] 空前的peoples提示,本空应填复数可数名词。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:are unworthy of)
解析: are unworthy of[解析] 分析句子结构可知,本空所在从句缺少谓语。从句 主语they和前后的现在时态提示,
本空应填动词(短语)原形。此处意在解释听到赞美之词却难以感 到高兴的原因。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:eliminated)
解析: eliminated[解析] 空前的be co mpletely提示,本空应填动词(短语)的过去分词,与前面的be构成被动语态。
空后的or提 示,所填词与reduced意思相近。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:lack of)
解析: lack of[解析] 空前的介词with提示本空应填名词(短语)。空后的self- esteem和shyness是相对的,故它们
之间如果用“紧密联系(hand in hand)”连接,则空前的词应是对self-esteem的否定。









本文更新与2020-10-29 10:09,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/430531.html

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