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2020-10-29 13:23



“一带一路”沿线国家禀赋各异,发展水平不一,比较优势 各有差异,互补
一带一路英语翻译作文(1) “中国的高瞻远瞩,世界人民的期盼和福
音”“为沿线地区发展带来历 史性机遇”“有利于我们实现共同繁荣”??沿线
共建“一带一路”顺应世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多 样化、社会信息
积极回应。无论是“一带 一路”建设,还是亚投行筹建,中国的态度一直都是开
放的,不仅欢迎沿线国家和亚洲国家积极参与,也 张开臂膀欢迎五大洲朋友共襄
盛举。“一带一路”将构筑我国新一轮对外开放的“一体两翼”,在提升“ 向东”
迈向前沿 ,进而形成海陆统筹、东西互济、面向全球的开放新格局。
四大发明,到西域香料、珠宝、 医药、汗血马,它们连通的不只是商品贸易,更
是东西方两大文明。“一带一路”传承和弘扬丝绸之路友 好合作精神,广泛开展
文化交流、学术往来、人才互通、媒体合作、青年和妇女交往、志愿者服务等,< br>为深化双多边合作夯实民意基础。中国每年向沿线国家提供1万个政府奖学金名
额,沿线国家间互 办文化年、艺术节、电影节、电视周和图书展等活动,合作开
展广播影视精品创作及翻译,联合申请世界 文化遗产,共同开展世界遗产的联合
保护??“一带一路”超越国度,跨越时空,加强不同文明之间的对 话,求同存异、
补性很强。未来5年,中国将进 口超过10万亿美元商品,对外直接投资将超过
5000亿美元,出境游客将超过5亿人次。建设“一带 一路”有利于中国与沿线
高效配置、市场深度融合,把经济的互补性转化为发展的推动力, 产生“一
“一带一路”是一 项涉及面广、跨越时间长、建设任务重的宏大系统工程。
“不是中国一家的独奏,而是沿线国家的合唱” ,以共建“一带一路”为契机,
中国将与沿线国家携手同行,平等协商,兼顾各方利益,反映各方诉求, 共促更
逐步推 进,将给沿线各国人民带来看得见、摸得着的实惠。
“合则强,孤则弱”。呼应合作潮流,共建 “一带一路”,中国正与沿线
”Vision of China, the world people’s expectations and the Gospel”
“for regional development along the historic opportunity” to choose a
suitable text book “is helpful for us to achieve mon prosperity”

countries along the thumb up, have a strong support, also has a good look.
This is the path of open cooperation
All the way to build “area” to the world multi-polarization and
economic globalization, cultural diversity, the trend of social
informatization, holding an open regional cooperation spirit, mitted to
maintaining the global free trade system and the open world economy. Since
the One Belt And One Road, it has received positive responses from over
60 countries and international organizations. Whether all the way “area”
construction, or the preparation of investment Banks, China’s attitude
has always been open, wel e along the countries and Asian countries to
actively participate in, not only is the participation with open arms to
wel e friends five continents. “Area” all the way to construct one body
two wings “of China’s new round of opening to the outside world, enhance
the level of” east “open at the same time, to speed up the pace of”
open to the west “, fueled by opening up to the border area inland toward
the edge of front, and as a whole, the land and sea each other aid, open
new pattern for the world.
This is a path of harmony and inclusiveness
Ancient silk road is from country to country, the crystallization
of human interaction, from Chinese silk, tea, porcelain, and the four
great inventions, the western spices, jewelry, medicine, blood horse,
they are connected not only the modity trade, east and west two
civilization. “Area along the inheritance and carry forward the” silk
road friendly cooperation spirit, extensive exchange of cultural and
academic exchanges, personnel, media cooperation, youth and women’s
association, volunteer service, etc., to deepen multilateral cooperation
laying solid foundation of public opinion. Countries along the China each
year to provide 10000 government scholarships, along the line between
countries hosting the culture year, art festival, festival, activities
such as television and book fair, collaboration of radio, film and
television creation and translation, high-quality goods jointly apply for
world cultural heritage, in the bination of world heritage protection
to choose a suitable text book “neighbourhood” all the way beyond the
nation, across time and space, to strengthen the dialogue between
different civilizations, seeking mon ground while putting aside
differences, eclecticism, peaceful coexistence, coexistence and
co- prosperity.
This is a path of mutual benefit
The countries along the One Belt And One Road have different
endowments, different levels of development, different advantages and
strong plementarities. Over the next five years, China will import more
than $$10 trillion of goods, invest more than $$500 billion in foreign direct
investment and make more than 500 million outbound tourists. Construction
of countries along the “area” all the way to China and further play their

respective parative advantages, create new parative advantage and
petitive advantage, promote orderly flow freely, the resources area
Efficient allocation and market depth fusion, the impetus of
economic plementarity into development, produce “one plus one is
greater than two” superposition effect, plementary good situation of
mutual benefit and reciprocity.
”One Belt And One Road” is a grand system project that covers a
wide range of times, spans over time, and builds a task. “China is not
a solo, but along the country’s chorus”, in order to build “One Belt
And One Road” as an opportunity, along the country and China will go
together, equal consultation, balancing the interests of all parties,
reflect the parties appeal, promote a wider, higher level, the deeper big
open, munication and integration. With the development of the One Belt
And One Road, we will bring tangible and tangible benefits to people along
the belt and road.
”Close is strong, lonely is weak”. Echoing the trend of cooperation
and building the “One Belt And One Road”, China is working with other
countries along the belt and road to write an open and inclusive new China
chapter and play the most vocal cooperation.
一带一路英语翻译作文(2) 我的书柜上站着一尊华丽而庄重的 唐三彩
嘴边挂 着一丝淡淡的笑容,一副心满意足的样子。身上的颜色看似花花哨哨杂乱
无章,实则透露出一种别样的异 域美感。这是我和妈妈在西安旅游时带回来的,
当时老板笑咪咪的介绍:当年咱唐朝的长安城啊,街上这 种外国佬可多了,他们
带来银子和珠宝,运走我们的丝绸和茶叶,那银子哗哗地往咱长安流啊,当年做< br>个唐人,可是比世界上任何地方的人都要尊贵。
听着老板的神侃,我对照着历史课本上所 学的知识,好像已置身于大唐的
繁荣昌盛中了。人声鼎沸的街道上,醉醺醺的李白手舞足蹈地带着一群吟 诗作赋
胖乎乎的 美女三五成群地不断看着街边摆着的各种胭脂和和小饰物,与满脸堆笑
的老板讨价还价。驼铃叮当,原来 又来了一个商队,一连串的骆驼的背上都驮着
高高的货物,我仿佛看到我手上捧着的唐三彩骆驼也加入到 了商队里头,这位胖
唐朝那会儿我们的确富强得很,外国 人向往,自己人也自豪,难怪各国中
国人集中区都叫“唐人街”呢?当时长安的建筑宏伟,大街上人流如 织,到处是
上最 大最有名的国际化大都市。这一切,不仅因为当时唐朝政治清明轻徭薄赋,
更重要的是由于丝绸之路的极 端繁盛。很多国家纷纷派外交官访华进行与中国的
联络,这些外交官无一不对大唐的繁荣富饶而称赞不已 ,甚至还有些外交官带着
不得不说,丝绸之路的繁盛 把大唐的经济、文化都推上了封建社会史上的

我国最强盛的朝 代之一,我们现在被称为汉人,我们的民族是汉族,都来源于汉
朝的强大。汉朝的强大也与丝绸之路的开 拓有密切关系。大汉使者张骞前后两次
出使西域,使得汉朝与西域日后的交往十分密切。汉使把西域的葡 萄,苜蓿,核
造 铁器和凿井技术。汉朝和西域的经济文化交流,丰富了汉族人们和西域人民的
生活。促进了丝绸之路的发 展,也开拓了人们的思想。
回望古代,丝绸之路给我国的经济发展和外交带来了深远的影响;放 眼当前,
坚持市 场运作、坚持互利共赢为原则,开发建设了新的一带一路。它探索着经济
的增长之道,实现了全球化再平 衡,开创了地区经济的再平衡,我深信,一带一
路将成为中国经济新的增长点,它不仅深受中亚各国的欢 迎和赞同,也给中国经
历史告诉我们,谁能促进互助 与流通,谁就能繁荣昌盛。从古至今,无论
是古时的丝绸之路,亦或是现代的一带一路,都为中国的经济 带来了十分深远的
I stood on the bookcase of a statue of luxuriant and solemn statues
tri-colored glazed pottery of tang, a chubby high nose deep purpose beard
the persians lazily sat cross-legged on the camel, narrowing her eyes and
her mouth hung a faint smile, that ate the canary. The color of the body
seems to be a kind of wild and messy, but in fact it reveals a different
kind of exotic beauty. This is my mother and I travel back in xi ‘an,
smiles when the boss is introduced: the za, tang chang ‘an street the
foreigners can many, they bring, silver and jewelry away our silk and tea,
the silver spouted into za changan flow ah, did a tang dynasty, but than
anywhere in the world must honor.
Listening to the boss’s talk, I took control of the lessons I learned
in history textbooks, as if I had been in the prosperity of datang.
Thronged the streets of drunken li bai dancing with a group of poetry fu
scholar past me, “in four jie” standing on the street pointing to them
with a smile. The chubby beauties of shopping are constantly watching the
various rouge and trinkets on the street, bargaining with the grinning
boss. Bell jingle, here es a caravan, a series of the camel’s back all
goods carried high, I seem to see my hand holding the tang joined the camel
caravan, the fat uncle is waving and smiling to me.
In the tang dynasty, we were so rich and strong that foreigners wanted
to be proud of their own people. No wonder the Chinese central regions
are called “Chinatown”. At that time, chang ‘an was magnificent, and
the streets were full of traffic. In the crowd, there were many foreigners,
and chang ‘an was the world’s largest and most famous international
metropolis. All this, not only because of the tang dynasty, but also
because of the extreme prosperity of the silk road. Many countries have
sent diplomats to visit China to contact with China, the diplomats of the
datang prosperous rich and pliments, and even some diplomats brought her
family came to China, will stay in China doesn’t work. There are also

some businessmen who have e to their own country, who have taken the tang
as their second home, and many of them, like diplomats, have settled in
the tang dynasty.
Have to say that the prosperity of the silk road all the economic
and cultural datang to the feudal society on the peak, also make the datang
rich silk road famous overseas.
The silk road was a trade route developed by the emperor wudi of the
han dynasty. The han dynasty is also one of the most powerful dynasties
in our country. We are now known as the han Chinese, and our ethnic group
is han Chinese, both from the strength of the han dynasty. The power of
the han dynasty also had a close relationship with the development of the
silk road. The Chinese envoy zhang qian made two trips to the western
region, making the han dynasty and the western region very close. Han
brought the grapes of the western region, alfalfa, walnuts and carrots
back to chang ‘an. From the han dynasty, the western regions were given
silk and iron, and they learned to cast iron and drill well. The economic
and cultural exchanges between the han and the western regions enriched
the lives of the han people and the people of the western region. The
development of the silk road has been promoted and the people’s ideas
have been opened up.
Looking back on the ancient times, the silk road brought far-reaching
influence to China’s economic development and diplomacy. Look at present,
our beloved acquisition greatly and sharing to discuss ways to build for
the principle, adhere to opening up and cooperation, adhere to the
harmonious inclusive, adhere to the market operation, adhere to the
mutually beneficial and win-win as the principle, development and
construction of new area along the way. It explores the way of economic
growth, to realize the global rebalancing, created the region’s economic
rebalancing, I am convinced that One Belt And One Road will be e a new
growth point of China’s economy, it is popular among central Asian
countries and agreed to not only, also for China’s economy continues to
boom to point the light path.
History tells us who can promote mutual aid and circulation, and who
can prosper. The ancient silk road, or the modern One Belt And One Road,
has had a profound impact on China’s economy. The silk road is a link
between munication and prosperity and a bridge of national development.
一带一路英语翻译作文(3) “一带一路”是指“丝绸之路经济 带”和
机制,借 助既有的、行之有效的区域合作平台。
“一带一路”不是一个实体和机制,而是合作发展的理念 和倡议,是依靠
国家的经济合作伙伴关系 ,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同

不断增强,中国对外 投资首次超过了外资流入,对外投资也被引导到发展中经济
体和发达经济体中的更为引人瞩目的项目上。 五六年前,中国“走出去”模式基
本上围绕着大宗商品,现在开始在一些实行竞标机制的国家承建基础设 施项目。
由于其 中一些国家政局并不是十分稳定,不同党派之间的理念差别很大,一旦一
个党派下台,就会改变过去的对 外政策,这必将给我国在这些国家的投资带来巨
大风险。因此,我们在具体实施“一带一路”战略时必须 对这些国家的政治格局、
最后,实施 “一带一路”战略必须得与国内经济状况相适应。我们要看到,
中国的产能过剩是相对的;实际上,国内 在基础设施建设方面仍有很大空间,大
有可为。如果我们不顾及国内的这些实际需求而一味向国外投资和 转移产业,有
”One Belt And One Road” is short for “silk road economic belt”
and “21st century maritime silk road”. It will be fully dependent
China and relevant countries have dual multilateral mechanisms, with
the help of existing and effective regional cooperation platforms.
”Area” is not an entity and the mechanism, but the concept of
cooperation and development and initiative, is to rely on China and
relevant countries existing multilateral mechanisms, with the help of the
existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow the
history of the ancient “silk road” symbol, carrying the banner of
peaceful development, actively develop along with the country’s economic
partnership, together with mutual political trust, economic integration,
culture include the interests of the munity, fate munity and munity
First, the Chinese government has been encouraging panies to “go
out” since 1999. Much of the initial investment focused on resource
extraction projects in some of the world’s poorest countries. In recent
years, with the domestic economic strength increasing, China’s foreign
investment more than foreign capital inflows for the first time, foreign
investment has also been directed to the developing and developed
economies in more high-profile projects. Five or six years ago, China’s
“go out” model was largely built around modities, and is now building
infrastructure projects in countries with petitive bidding mechanisms.
We know that the “zone” along the “way” of some developing countries
were willing to accept our investment, but due to some of the national
political situation is not very stable, ideas vary widely between
different parties, once a party to step down, foreign policy will change
in the past, this will lead to huge risks for China’s investment in these

countries. Therefore, when we are in the concrete implement the strategy
of “area” all the way to the political landscape in these countries,
the legal environment and so on carries on the careful study, pletes the
risk response plan before investment, minimize the risk of investment.
Second, “One Belt And One Road” any innovation in strategy
implementation actually will have potential risks, especially because of
the virtual economy is given priority to with financial innovation
multiplier risk, we need to remain on high alert all the time.
Finally, the “One Belt And One Road” strategy must be adapted to
domestic economic conditions. We should see that China’s overcapacity
is relative; In fact, there is still plenty of room for infrastructure
construction in China. If we do not take into consideration the actual
demand of domestic but blindly to foreign investment and transfer of
industry, is likely to produce crowding out effect on domestic investment
and industrial “hollowing out”. We need to be vigilant about this.










本文更新与2020-10-29 13:23,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/430825.html


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