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2020-10-29 20:05



等截面Constant cross section,单位面积上的力Unit area on the force杆件的横截面面积
A cross-sectional area of the member横截面的形心Centroid of the cross section单位长伸
长量Elongation per unit length相邻横截面Adjacent cross-section除非另有说明Unless
otherwise noted
力的集度。即是单位面积上的力,称为应力The force set degrees, that is the force per unit
area, known as stress
应力常用希腊字母@来表示Stress commonly used Greek letters @
单位长度的伸长量称为应变,常来以下公式确定Unit length of elongation is called strain,
often to the following formula to determine
材料力学是应用力学的一个分支The materials mechanics is a branch of applied
材料力学讨论固体在承受各种荷载时的性能Of Material Mechanics Discussion solid
performance under various loads

临界应力Critical stress欧拉公式
Euler's formula
比例极限Proportional limit强度极限
Strength limit非弹性屈曲Inelastic buckling平均压应力Average compressive stress回转
半径Radius of gyration许可应力Allowable stress
我们注意到临界应力的变化和柱子长细比的平方成反比We note that the critical stress
changes and pillars slenderness ratio is inversely proportional to the square of
如果,柱子将由于弹性屈曲而失效,欧拉公式可以应用If, pillars elastic buckling 's
draw, is called the euler's curve
Curve ABC is according to the formula 2-1
结构工程安全系数的典型值介于1.5和3这一范围内。The structural engineering typical
value of the safety factor of between 1.5 and 3 within this range

温度差Temperature difference
补救措施Remedial measures
补安全度规范Complement safety norms,
Rainwater accumulation
Probability density function
概率曲线 Probability curve

失效概率Probability of failure
分项安全系数Partial safety factors
结构必须具备抗破坏的安全度和实用时的实用性The structure must have anti undermine
the security and practical usefulness
Effect on the structure of the load can be divided into three
像活荷载一样,某时刻的环境荷载无论大小还是分布都是不确定的 Like live load, a time of
environmental load regardless of size or distribution is uncertain

规定值并不是平均值,而是表示期望的上限Specified value is not mean, but expects the upper
code of reasonable safety terms have been made
great progress.
This can be seen, the provisions
of the use of load ratio effect on the structure of the average load much larger

风吸力Wind suction
风压力Wind pressure
四坡屋顶Hipped roof
建筑正立面Building fa?ade
斜度在30的坡屋顶Gradient in 30 slope roof
低层建筑Low-rise building
风压力和吸力分别指的是空气的压力大于或者小于大气压力Wind pressure and suction
means is the pressure of the air is greater than or less than atmospheric pressure
当屋顶的坡度大于约30°时,在屋顶的迎风面为压力,在屋顶的背风面为吸力When the
roof slope is greater than about 30 °, the windward side of the roof of the pressure in the
leeward side of the roof to the suction
雨棚下部受垂直升力的作用,该荷载与上部风荷载同时作用其上The canopy lower vertical
lift, the load and the upper part of the wind loads acting simultaneously on.

结构的实用性Practicality of the structure
结构的耐久性The durability of the structure
裂缝宽度Crack width
长期挠度Long-term deflection
Use load

在设计良好的钢筋混凝土梁中,裂缝须足够小 ,以防出现超过规范允许宽度的钢筋锈蚀
Well-designed reinforced concrete beams, the cracks to be small enough to avoid a more
than steel corrosion specification allows the width
为了控制裂缝,最好使用小直径而数量多的钢筋,而不是大直径而数量少的钢筋In order to
control the crack, the best use of small diameter and number of reinforced, rather than the
large diameter of the small number of reinforced.
一般,配置光圆钢筋的梁,其裂缝会表现的少宽,而配置适变形钢筋的梁, 其裂缝数量多
而宽度细微到几乎不可见。General configuration plain bars, beam, the crack will show less
wide, and configure the appropriate deformed bars, beam, the number of crack width
subtle almost invisible.
Deep flexural members, in addition to the main reinforcement of the bend by both sides of
the abdomen configure additional reinforcement to prevent the surface crack width gauge


预制混凝土结构Precast concrete structure
地震受灾区Quake-hit areas
Energy absorption

现浇结构Cast-in-place structure
水平抗侧力构件Level of lateral force resisting members
塑性铰Plastic hinge
延性结构Ductility structur
在经受地震的时候,连续结构往往表现良好When subjected to the earthquake, continuous
structures tend to perform well
结构抵抗地震的能力很大程度上取决于他吸收能量的能力The structure's ability to
withstand an earthquake depends largely on his ability to absorb energy
预制混凝土结构,由于其节点缺乏连续性,不适用于地震区Precast concrete structure, due
to the lack of continuity of its nodes, and does not apply to the earthquake zone
作为其特色,抗震结构往往拥有楼板或者屋面作为刚性隔板,以将内心传递到水平抗侧力构< br>件上Seismic structure often has as its characteristics, the floor or roof as a rigid
diaphragm, to pass the heart to the level of the lateral force resisting members on

冲击荷载Impact load
软钢,低碳钢Mild steel, low carbon steel
冷拉Cold Drawn
粘土砖Clay brick
The steel structure design is mainly based on the strength of steel, but the steel ductility,
toughness and weldability is also an important characteristic.
The weldability of the steel is very compared with the the bolt link and
riveting structure welded structure to save weight and easy to assemble
普通混凝土的抗拉强度比较低,在结构应用中常规的作法或者是在混凝土放入钢筋一 起抵抗
土)。Relatively low tensile strength of ordinary concrete in structural applications in routine
practice or placed in the concrete reinforced with resistance Rally (reinforced concrete) or
concrete pressure to counteract the stress after Rally (prestressed concrete or concrete). 建造过程中最大的不同是一般不需要等量的临时模板和支撑,而是在混凝土结构中需要这两
者The biggest difference in the construction process generally does not require the same
amount of temporary formwork and support, but both need concrete structures
砂浆的收缩与热膨胀裂缝是砌体结构的两个主要问题。Shrinkage and thermal expansion of
the mortar cracks in masonry structure of the two main issues

均匀荷载Uniform load
等价体系Equivalent system

连系梁Link beam
二次超静定Secondary statically indeterminate
放松结构Relaxed structure
滚轴支座Roller bearing
这些位移可能是由于外加荷载,基础沉降或者温度变化引起的These displacements may be
caused due to the applied load, foundation settlement or temperature changes
因 此,我们找到作用于最初的超静定结构上的力:他们是赘余力和作用在基本结构上的力的和。
There fore, we find the effect to the original statically indeterminate structure force: they are
summation of proud force and effect in the basic structure of the force 。

最终位移是基本结构上附加荷载和外加荷载的效应叠加产生的Final displacement on the
basic structure of the superposition of the effect of the additional load imposed loads

弯矩-曲率关系Moment - curvature relationship
应变计长度范围内测得的平均应变The length of the strain gauge measured over the
average strain
应变硬化Strain hardening
极限压应Ultimate compressive strain
抗弯承载力Flexural capacity
梁的有效高度The effective height of the beam
弯矩图Bending moment diagram
界限配筋率Reinforcement Ratio
在最大弯矩等于塑性弯矩时,其曲率变得非常大,并且出现塑性流动Its curvature becomes
very large, and the plastic flow in the maximum bending moment is equal to the plastic
塑性铰总是在弯矩最大的截面上出现,其出现意味着构件将沿铰截面转动Plastic hinge
always appear on the largest cross-section of the bending moment, and its presence
indicates that the member rotation along the hinge section
塑性铰的形成将使构件成为破坏结构The formation of the plastic hinge will allow
components become damaged structure
铰中塑性区的长度可以较容易地计算出来Hinged plastic zone length can be easily

中性轴Neutral axis
抵抗力矩Resistance to torque
Minimum reinforcement percentage
The largest percentage of reinforcement
of expression of the beam before it must be based on the number of configurations of the
two tension reinforcement beam type classification

对于一个适筋梁,当达到极限荷载时,梁的钢筋将开始 屈服,虽然受压混凝土仍然没达到极
限应力状态。When reached ultimate load for a suitable reinforcement beam, the beam
reinforced will begin to yield, although the pressure on the concrete still did not reach the
limit stress state.
Sometimes, due to the
construction and function requirements, choose the size of the beam than just consider
bending more.
In the strain to a certain value,
the reinforced concrete beam tension side of the concrete crack appeared
When the tension side
reinforcement for long time, pressure side of the damage will be concrete pressure rotten

加州承载力California bearing capacity
液限Liquid limit,
固结沉降Consolidation Settlement
塑性指数Plasticity index
土的物理性质由土颗粒 的性质,当前的空隙体积所占土体积的比例和土体内现有的水量来决
定The physical properties of soil by the nature of the soil particles, the void volume of this
proportion of the soil volume attributable soil vivo existing water to determine
瞬间沉降是组颗粒的特性,比如沙土和砂石,而固结沉降是那 些由细小的单颗粒组成的土的
特征,如黏土和粉性土。Instant settlement group characteristics of the particles, such as
sand and gravel, and the consolidation settlement is small particles of soil characteristics,
such as clay and silty soil.
自然状态的黏土颗粒是薄片状的,结构内部连接紧密,但彼此之间的连接很弱。The natural
state of clay particles flakes, the structure of the internal connections are tight, but the
connection between weak.
塑限是粘性土的特性,其定义为土体 从固体变化到塑状态的界限含水量。通过塑限试验确定
试验确定The plastic limit the cohesive soil characteristics, which is defined as the soil
water content changes from a solid to a plastic state determine
experimentally determined through the plastic limit test
液限总是大于塑限,两者的差值反映土体的强度随含水量的变化Liquid limit is always
greater than the plastic limit, the difference between the two reflects the strength of the
soil with water content changes。

地质历史Geological history
沉井Open caisson
扩展基础Spread Foundation
筏板基础Raft foundation

Foundation reinforcement

必须在某种意义上将上部结构 的荷载扩散到地基土体中,这样才会使土体中的应力不超过土
体的极限强度Must sense the load of the upper structure of the diffusion into the
foundation soil, this will make the stress in the soil not exceed the soil the ultimate
strength of
所有建造在地球上的工程结构物,都必须支撑在一种基础的结构构件上。All construction
engineering structures on the earth, must be supported on a base of the structural
制定野外勘察计划并根据最初阶段发现的情况提出 必须补充的现场试验以及室内试验计划
Formulation of field investigation and according to the initial stages of plan found situation
must be added to the field test and laboratory test plan Deep and spread foundation,
which is different to the vertical direction instead of to the horizontal diffusion load.
深基础与扩展基础相似,所不同的是向竖直方向而不是向水平方向扩散荷载。Deep foundation
and extension basic similar, which is different to the vertical direction and horizontal direction
not to spread the load.
根据试验数据,科学原理和工程判断的综合,确定必须的土体设计参数According to the test
data, a comprehensive scientific principles and engineering judgment to determine the
design parameters of the soil must

桥墩Bridge pier
端承桩End bearing pile
容许应力Allowable stress
桩是用来将表面荷载传递到土体中较深位置的土,混凝土或钢结构构件The pile is for
surface load transfer to the soil deeper position in the soil, concrete or steel structure
通过桩体排土和打入振动的共同作用压缩松软,无黏土性沉积层,这种桩以后 可以拨出
Compression soft, no clay sediments, can be allocated later this pile together through the
soil and into the vibration of pile row
在近海岸的结构物中,可将水面以上的荷载穿过水传递到下卧土层中Structures near the
coast, you can load above the water through the water delivered to the under ground
柱基础比扩展基础的成本高很多,且可能比筏板基础昂贵Column foundation than the
expansion of the basis of the cost is much higher than expensive raft foundation
现场使 用动力打桩公式,桩基承载力试验或者两者的结合来确定设计和桩位是否恰当。
use dynamic pile formula, the bearing capacity of pile foundation test or a combination of both
to determine a proper design and pile.










本文更新与2020-10-29 20:05,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/431421.html


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