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2020-10-30 23:24



中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收,这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习 俗十分相似,过中秋
节的习俗与唐代早期在中国各地开始流行,中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节 日,这
天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月。2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产,200 8
在 家庭聚会上享用。传统的月饼上带有“寿”(longevity)、“福”或“和”等字样。
Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autum
n, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America.
The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China i
n the early Tang dynasty. The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the
moon. On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the
s beauty. In 2006, Mid- Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritag
e, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday. Moon cakes, as indispensable
delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during
the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. There are characters of “longevi
ty”,“good fortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional moon cakes.
闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线 。丝绸之路是古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之
路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和发挥这重要作用。正是通过 丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、
指南针、印刷术传遍各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器也传遍各地, 欧洲也是通过丝绸

The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the
West. The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade. The Silk Road trad
e played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was through
the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the printin
g press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also sp
read all
over the world through the Silk Road. And Europe exported all kinds of goods and
plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese market.
中国园林(the Chinese gardens)是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既
包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大 型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的
外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了 一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的和谐关系的
微缩景观。典型的中国园林四周有围墙,园内有池塘、假山 (rockwork)、树木、花草以及各
种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑。漫步在花园中,人们 可以看到一系列精心设计的景
After 3,000 years of evolvement, Chinese gardens have become a unique landscap
e. This includes both large gardens built as entertainment venues for royal family,
and private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired g
overnment officials. These gardens have constituted a miniature that is designed in
praise of the harmony between man and nature. A typical Chinese garden is surr
ounded by walls and consists of various buildings linked by winding trails and corri
dors, with ponds, rockeries, trees, and flowers scattered in it. Wandering in such a

well-designed garden, people may feel that they are walking in a landscape painti
China is well known for its introduction of ways and means to help ease the life of
mankind. Among the inventions of Ancient China, four emerged as great contributi
ons to the developments and changes not only to the country, but also to the worl
s economy and culture. The Great Four Inventions of ancient China were paperma
king, commercial printing, gunpowder, and the compass. China’
s four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world’
s economy and the culture of mankind. They were also important symbols of China
’s role as a great world civilization
82. She fell into deep thought, with ________(她的眼睛紧盯着屏幕).
83. ______________(直到十八世纪中叶)did scientists realize that the whole of
brain was involved in the working of the mind.
84. It is universally acknowledged that nothing is more precious than
85. _________(你要是更小心些就好了)!The accident could have been avoided.
86. A professor at the Academy has proposed that__________(设立专项基金来

82. her eyes closely staring at the screen
83. Not until the middle of the eighteenth century
84. while nothing is less cherished than time

85. If only you were more careful
86. a special fund should be set up to boost innovation
h years of hard work, they_______________(已经把那片荒地变成了
was long since I last saw her, and if she had not greeted me
defense at the court hearing finally___________________(使法官确信我
85._________________(你可以放心)we will fulfill our task ahead of time.
should live in harmony with nature, and____________________(试图
82. have turned the waste land into fertile farm land.
【解析】本题考查完成时态固定短语用法。“把……变成”为”turn …into…”.另外“荒地”的表
达”waste land, barren land, uncultivated land”;“农田”为”farm land, cropland,
cultivated land”。
83. I would not have recognized her
not have done“。“认出某人”一般用”recognize sb.”
84. convinced the judge that we were blameless
【解析】本题考查固定表达及时态一致。“让某人确信某事”有多种表达”convince sb.
that…”;”make sb. sure that…”,”blameless”意思为“清白 的;无可责备的;无过失的”;
另外据句意可判定主句谓语为过去时,因此that 引导的从句与主句时态要保持一致。
can count on us

【解析】本题考查固定表达。”count on sb.”“指望、依靠某人”意即“某人可以放心”。
is unwise to attempt to conquer it
【解析】本题考查形式主语结构及短语用法“做什么是不明智的”为”it is unwise to do
sth.”。“试图做某事”为”attempt to do sth. ;try doing sth.
Part VI句子翻译
82. I think that the meal is well worth $$80 without a discount(没有折扣的情况下值
80 美元).
【点评】well worth,“值”,后跟动名词或名词;discount 折扣。
83. Facing the fierce competition from other companies(面对来自其他公司的激烈竞
争), the automobile manufacturer is considering launching a promotion campaign.
automobile manufacturer,因此用现在分词形式。
84. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister nearly have nothing in
common hardly have anything in common(几乎没有什么共同之处).
【点评】have something in common 有共同点,注意表示否定时副词的使用。
85. Only after many failures have I realized that I cannot succeed with luck merely(我
【点评】本题考查only 位于句首的倒装。这里强调的是过去的事情对现在造成
86. But for the survival instinct which nearly all creatures have, more species would
have been extinct from the earth(更多的物种就可能已经在地球上灭绝了).
【点评】but for,“要不是,如果没有”,这里考查虚拟语气,后面应该用would +
have done 的形式,强调这种非真实的虚拟对将来可能发生的情况的影响。
1. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking, you would have been
knocked down by a car. (也许会被车撞到)
解析:本题考察虚拟语气。句子是与过去事实相反,因此用would have +过去分词,
2 By no meansdoes he regarded himself as an expert, (他把自己当成专家)although
he knows a lot about the field.
解析:本题考察倒装和词组regard sb. as sth.(把…当作…)。介词短语by no means 置

3 He doesn't appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him, however, he
takes it for granted.(把他们所做的视作理所应当)
解析:本题考察词组take sth. for granted (把…当作理所当然)。同时,考生要注意句
子后半句前是一个逗号,要加上 一个连词and或者加上however。
4 Janet told me that she would rather her mother not have interfered with her
解析:本题考察would rather have done sth, 表示过去事件,句子中told提示是过去
发生的事,因此用would have interfered with。
5 To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship. Edward Wilson found
himselfalways searching for information on the internet.(经常上网查信息)
解析:本题考察了感官动词find+宾 语+现在分词(作宾补),现在分词表主动。因此这
87.Cultural invasion is likely to have a negative effect on the diversity of culture. (文化多
点评:本题根据题目给出的部分可以提炼出一个短语:be likely to do sth. 那么根据句
意我们可以划线部分的中心词是产生消极影响,have a negative effect on sth. 综合句意和
短语用法可得出答案为have a negative effect on the diversity of culture。
88.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used to students’being late for
点评:根据句意和题干的类型可以得出此处要填的是一个 独立主格结构。迟到的固定结

构式:be late for 结合句意和题干类型可得出答案students’being late for class
89.If only the committee made some regulations(做些规定)and put them into effect
as soon as possible.
If only 引导的应该是虚拟语气,时态用过去时,再结合句意可得出答案是made some
90 Color and sex are not relevant to whether someone is suitable for the job or not_
点评:根据题干类型和汉语意思可得知这里要填的是介词to 的宾语从句,且是由
whether or not 引导宾语从句,再结合句意可得知答案是whether someone is suitable for
the job or not_
91 The manager would rather his daughter didn't work in the same office with him.(不
点评:根据题干类型里的would rather 和汉语意思可得出后面要填的是一个句子,而
且句 子的形式是虚拟语气,根据整个句意和句式结构得知答案应该是从句虚拟语气的否定形
式即为:didn 't work in the same office with him
纵观整个翻译题, 可以看出,出题者对基础语法和部分固定结构的用法考得比较细,可
以真实的考查出考生的英语基础水平 。在做题时切忌一味追求速度而忽视了细节比如时态,
82. Even though they were already late, they would rather stop for the beautiful view(宁愿
停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.

本题考查两个知识点,比较活。停下来做某事可以表达为stop for sth.(此处sth.为汉
译英动词转名词的技巧,即doing sth. → sth.),stop to do sth. 或者stop and do sth.。而”
欣赏美丽的景色”,若用动词组合表达则为enjoy the beautiful view即可。
83. No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties, as either
side refuses to soften their positions (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场)
本题语言表达在新闻英语中出现频率较 高,一定程度上考查了考生平时练习新闻英语听
力的成果。任何一方既可以用neither side(后跟“放弃”的表达),也可以用either side(后
跟“不肯放弃”的表达),而立场的表达较多,可用standpoint, position, ground, stance等,
84. The pills could have cured the cancer patient (本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的), but
he didn't follow the doctor's advice and take them regularly.
一,而 治愈则用动词cure。heal更侧重于康复,愈合之意。
85. It is really kind of you to give me so much help(你真好,给了我那么多帮助);I
really feel obliged to you.
本题令人欣喜,因为对于it is kind of sb. to do sth.的句法,绝大多数考生都烂熟于胸,
86. The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years before

they were able to reunite(他们才得以重聚)
本题考查before的上下文语境用法。除去“在…之前”的意思外,A从句 + before + B
从句还能理解为A,B两事先后发生,即A之后,B接着发生。原句意为“三十年 之后,他
们才得以重聚”。如采用汉译英中的动词转名词的技巧,则可回答before their reunion。
82. There is no denying that you ___________(越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.
解析:can never be too careful can not be too careful
【考点解释】本题考查“越仔细越好”“再…也不为过”的固定搭配,即can never be toocan
not be too + adj.
83. Only when I reached my thirties __________________________ (我才意识到读书是
解析:did I realize that reading cannot be neglected
did I realize that reading is unignorable
【考点解释】本题考查由only when 引起的局部倒装。当only when置于句首,主句
用局部倒装,即将助动词置于主语前面。only when引导句子时态为过 去时(reached),为
保持时态一致,主句助动词用did;注意被动语态的使用,readin g与neglect为被动关系。
84. Much ___________________ (使研究人员感到惊讶),the outcome of the
experiment was far better than they had expected.

解析:to the researchers’ surprise
【考点解释】本题考查固定搭配 to one’s surprise 使…惊讶的是…
85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; __________________________(我一定是把它放在哪儿
解析:I must have left put it somewhere.
【考点解释】本题考查对过去事情的肯定的猜测,即must have+过去分词,leave与put都有放置的意思,但leave强调遗忘在…,较之put,leave更贴合题意。
86.I ________________________(宁愿加入你们去做义工)than go to the beach for a
解析:would rather join you as a volunteer
【考点解释】考查结构“宁愿…也不愿…”, 因题干中已存在“than go”的结构,只能使用
“would rather do rather than do”。加入… join sb
82. ____________________(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out
on his own though he is in his late twenties.
答案:Their only son has never thoughtconsidered来源:考试大的美女编辑
83. Before you take any action, please remember to _______________(权衡你的决定
答案: weigh and consider the consequences which your action may produce

84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances _________________(他会违背
答案:would he break his promise to pay the money back
85. Most educators advise that kids ____________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).答
案:should not be absorbed in PC games.
86. Business major as he is, he has ____________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员的
答案:never considered working as a salesmanto do sales work.
82. With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ______________(说服他不买车).
说 服某人,考生第一反应是persuade sb. into doing sth.,但是题干已给动词talk,所以考察
点是talk sb. into doing sth.,考生如果对这个词组不熟悉,可以大胆套用persuade这个词
参考答案:him into stopping buying a car.
83. ________________(保持幽默感有助于)reduce stress and promote creative
thinking in today’s competitive society.
解析:考点有两个,“幽默感”和“有助于”。某方面的“感”,如正义感,责任感,在 英语 (论
坛) 中都用“sense”来表达,即sense of justice, sense of responsibility。“有助于”可用两种表
达方式,be helpful to do sth., 或者help to do sth. 另外注意动词短语做主语,要转化为动
参考答案:Keeping a sense of humor helps to

84. When confronted with the evidence, _______________(他不得不坦白自己的罪行).
参考答案:he had to confess his crime.
85. When people say, “I can feel my ears burning”, it means they
解析:本题考察“说某人坏话”,六级高频词组,有两种表达方式,speak evil of sb.或者
talk sb. behind one’s back.后者在我的课堂上曾经以周星驰 电影中的经典翻译摘举中给大
家讲过,很多同学考后致电,感到很开心。另外,推断某人一定在做某事, 考察情态动词“must
be doing sth.。”
参考答案:someone must be talking about them behind their back.
86. She has decided to go on a diet, but finds ___________________(很难抵制冰淇淋
的诱惑) .
解析:本题考察词组“发现某事很难(find it harddifficult to do sth.)”,以及高频词“抵制
参考答案:it harddifficult to resist the temptation of ice-cream.
82. How long does a jacket like this last me? ————————(这要看你多长时间穿一
【参考答案】This depends on how often you wear it.
83. The theory he advanced has proved (对许多多传统概念是一种挑战。)
(to be )a challenge to many traditional notions concepts.

84. The manager _____________________ (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called
away for some urgent business abroad.
should have been able to attend the meeting in person
85. Both research and practical experience have shown that a (均衡的饮食对健康是必不
a balanced diet is necessary is good health.
86. Much ________ (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time.
to my regret
1. We can say a lot of things about those who are devoted to poems in their whole lives
(毕生致力于诗歌的人). They are passionate, impulsive and unique.
2. Mary couldn’t have received my letter, or she should have made a reply last week. (否
is supposed to have finished her chemistry experiment(做完化学实验) at least
two weeks ago.
4. Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other (老两口相互争吵)since they
were married 40 years ago.
5. The prosperity of a nation depends largely on (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)
the quality of education.

82 He designed the first suspension bridge, which combined beauty and function
83 It was very dark, but Mary seemed to know which way to take by instinct.(本能地知道该
84 I don't think it advisable that parents deprive their children of freedom (剥夺孩子们的自
由)to spend their spare time as they wish.
85 Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and a lower
death rate compared with those who don't. (与不那么活跃的人相比死亡率要低)
86 Your resume should attract a would-be boss's attention by demonstrating why you are
the best candidate for a certain position. (为什么你是某个职位的最佳人选)
82 But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient and
convenient (我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).
六级新题型的固定考 点之一为虚拟语气,其中包括一般虚拟语气中对过去的虚拟用法,而本
题在这个考点上设置了额外的难度 。本题考察的是一个含蓄条件句,也就是不用从句,而使
用一些特定的介词或者短语来暗示虚拟的用法。 例如:But for the English test,I would have
gone home this week. 要不是英语测试,我这个礼拜就回家了。 这里的but for, 如果换成
同学们更加熟悉的虚拟条件句,即是 If there wasn’t the English test, …这样的虚拟语气,

对于考生来说几乎没有难度。需要注意的是,除了but for(要不是)以外,能够表示虚拟
条件的词和短语还包括:but that(要不是)、without(没有)、otherwise(否则)、or(不
83 In handling an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful than humor a
sense of humor (没有什么比幽默更有帮助的了). 本题的句法考点为句型 nothing is
more-er than的用法。该句型在06年12月的考试中曾出现在四级新题型汉译英考题中, 原
题为:Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading
(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). 同四级相比,本次六级新题型的题目难度并没有增加,
84 The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but (he) refused to make further
explanation to further explain why (他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因). 本题并未特别设计
核心词汇和词组用法考点,而是别出 心裁地考察了同学们的英语实际应用能力。在实际的语
言交流中,英语常常使用省略句,不倾向于重复前 文已经出现的实意词。所以,本题的答案
完全没有必要出现 “but he refused to make further explanation on why he was resigning”
的啰嗦表达,甚至连why he was doing so也是没有必要的。 相信不少考生在处理这一句时
85 Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mainly
upon (或on) their instinct(s) (而动物的行为主要依靠本能). 本题句型考点为while在分句中
间做转折连词的用法,词汇考点则为behavior, depend onupon, instinct等基础词汇的基本
用法。本题的语法考点则更为隐诲 ,即主谓之间的动词单复数一致问题。behavior 一词既
可以是复数概念(此时与manner 类似),又可以是表示行为概念的抽象名词,以单数形式

出现。这很容易引起困惑,但是 ,如果考生参照该并列句的前半部分的动词,即可确定,此
处的behavior的用法为表示总称的单 数抽象概念。
86 The witness was told that under no circumstances should he lie to the court is he
allowed to lie to the court(他都不应该对法庭说谎). 本题语法考点主要是否定词前置后的
82. The auto manufacturers found themselves competing with foreign firms for market
83. Only in the small town does he feel secure and relaxed(他才感到安全和放松)84. It is
absolutely unfair thai these children are deprived of the rights to receive education(被剥
85. Our years of hard work are all in vain, not to mention let alone the large amount of
money we have spent(更别提我们所花费的大量金钱了)
86 The problems of blacks and women have gained caused considerable public concern
in recent decades(最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注)
72. If you had (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)
答案:followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
73. With tears on her face, the lady (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室)
答案:watched her injured son sent into the operation room.

74. After the terrorist attack, tourists (被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)
答案:were advised not to travel to that country at the moment
75. I prefer to communicate with my customers (通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)
答案:via E-mail instead of telephone
76. (直到截止日他才寄出)his application form.
答案:Until the deadline came, he didn't send out









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