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2020-10-31 03:03



Text 1. Do we need extra vitamins?
Many people believe that taking vitamin supplements is the best safeguard against the
dangers of an incomplete diet, but this should be ①a last resort (最后手段)rather than a
way out of a problem. Even if there is a genuine need for extra vitamins, then sooner or
later the question arises
There is really no simple answer to this question. The Food Standards Committee
(guardians②保护者 of our laws on food purity, labelling and advertising clams and
descriptions) suggest in their recent report to the government that we do not need any
extra vitamins. They say that they are
normal diet
it is, perhaps, pertinent to ask the question
normal diet?
though few people are familiar with the wording of the Food Standards Report they do
wonder instinctively if they are eating the right things. The blame for faulty eating habits is
often placed at the door of the ubiquitous③(a. being everywhere, esp. at the same time
普遍存在的) junk and convenience foods. As we have seen, some of these are not the
criminals they are made out to be White bread is only slightly less nutritious than brown
bread and frozen vegetables can be almost as
foods which can really be described as pure rubbish. Many pre-packed goods contain too
much sugar and we would all benefit by avoiding these, but most tinned, processed and
dried foods contain useful amounts of fat, protein, carbohydrate④(n. 碳水化合物),
vitamins and minerals. The addition of a small amount of fruit or a side salad to


convenience foods such as pizzas or hamburgers can turn a snack into a well-balanced
许多人认为,服用维生互补剂是防止出现饮食营养不均衡情况的最好防范办法, 但这
需要 哪些维生素?需要多少?多久服一次?”这样的问题。对于这一问题,确实没有
简单的答案。食品标准委 员会(我们在食品纯度、标识和食品广告申请、宣传方面的
法律卫士)在最近呈送给政府的报告中建议说 ,人们不需要补充维生素。他们说,“饮
食正常的健康人不需要它们”。尽管我们没有几个人对他们在营 养方面的权威有什么
异议,但或许会问“我们中多少人是健康的?正常的饮食是什么样的饮食?”这样的 问
呈报告中 的措辞,但人们确实不由得要问,他们的饮食是否合理。不良的饮食习惯常
常归咎到随处出售的没营养的 食品和方面食品上。如我们所知,这些食品中的某些食
品并不象人们认为的那要间(形成不良饮食习惯的 )罪魁祸首。白面包比黑面包只是
稍微少了点儿营养,而冷冻的蔬菜几乎和新鲜的食物一样的“新鲜”。 真正可以说成是
维生素和矿物质 。往方便食品(如比萨饼或汉堡包)上加少许的水果或另外添加一道
色拉会把快餐变成搭配均匀的营养餐 。
'Junk' food is difficult to define. White sugar is probably the nearest contender⑤(n. rival,
competitor)竞争者,对手 for the title. It contains plenty of calories for energy but not
much else, and is often described as an
calories, but beer and wine contain some of the B vitamins and wine is a good source of


iron, so even a teetotaler ⑥(a person who never drinks alcohol)滴酒不沾的人could not
describe all alcohol as useless, nutritionally speaking. Calories measure the energy we
derive from the food we eat, and sugar and alcohol are sometimes described as having a
high energy density. There is a limit to the amount of energy we need each day
(2,000-2,200 calories is the average for women and 2,500-3,000 for men) and if we eat
too much sugar and alcohol there is no appetite left for the vitamin- rich foods we need --
fish, meat, fruit and vegetables. Buying vitamins can be predicted by psychological as well
as nutritional motives and it is prudent to investigate why we think we need them and
what benefits we expect from them before we rush off to the health shop to make our
给真正“没营养”食品下定义并不容易。白糖可能是这一头 衔的最有力竞争者。它含有
很多提供能量的大卡,但含别的营养不多,因而常常被称为“只含大卡”的食 物。酒含
说 ,甚至滴酒不沾的人也不能把酒都说成是毫无益处的东西。大卡测量我们吃食物所
得到的能量,而糖和酒 有时被说成是单位能量高的物质。我们每天需要的热量有一个
限度(妇女平均为2000-2200大卡 ,而男人为2500-3000大卡)。
如果我们糖或酒用得太多,就留不下胃口去享用我们需要的含 维生阁下高的食物-
-鱼、肉、水果和蔬菜。具有讽刺意味的是,真正吃“没营养”食物可能需要补充维 生
所有能想 到的维生素都用来去补充所缺的营养。购买维生素有的是出于营养方面的动
机,有的是受心理因素的驱使 。要认真地考虑一下,我们为什么觉得我们需要维生素,
我们希望它们给我们带来什么益处,然后再跑到 营养品商店去购买。


Most of us buy vitamins for one of three reasons. Either we believe that they are
prophylactic⑦(a. 预防性的), that is they will ward off advancing ills, or they are
therapeutic⑧(a. 治疗的) and will deal with the ills we have already, or finally we may
believe they are wonder drugs and will lift us into a state of super health, with all its
attendant⑨(a. connected with)伴随的,有联系的 delights. We are protected from
some of these wild imaginings by the laws which control advertising but even without
false promise we still believe that vitamins will “do us good”. Belief is a very potent state
of mind and the power of the placebo(10n. 安慰剂) pill is never underestimated in
clinical trials used to test new drugs. A placebo is a harmless substance given to one group
of patients in the trial and it is similar in taste and appearance to a new drug which is
given to a second group of patients. Theoretically the drug should cure or relieve any
symptoms and the placebo should have no effect. Often these trials produce surprising
results and the placebo group recover as well as the group taking the new drug. This has
been explained in the light of modern psychology because many of us react favourably to
any kind of interest taken in our problems and derive as much benefit from that as we
would from a medical drug. It is a “mind over matter” philosophy and for some of us it
works. Vitamin pills can sometimes fall into this category.
我们多数人是基于三个原因之一购买维生素的。我们要么认为维生互具有预防疾 病功
病,或 者最后一点,我们可能会认为它们是特效药,会使我们进入最佳身体状态,并
随之带给我们各种快乐。广 告法保护我们,使我们免受某些这类不切实际想象的危害。
但即使没有虚假的广告承诺,我们仍然认为对 新药进行临床试验中安慰药的作用从未
被低估过。安慰药是一种在试验中给一组病人服用的无害物质,它 在味道和外观上与


给第二组病人服用的新型药物相似。从理论上 讲,新型药物有治疗或减轻各种病症作
用,而安慰药应该没有效果。这类试验常常产生令人惊讶的结果: 服用安慰药的一组
与服用新型药物的一组恢复的一样好。当代心理学对这种情况的解释是,我们多数人< br>一旦对我们患的疾病有了信心,就会产生良好的结果,从而会得到药物相同的好处。
这是一种“精 神高于物质”的哲学,而且它对我们中的一些人起作用。维生素丸有时可
以归入这一类。维生互不是药, 但它们有和安慰药相似的功效。适当采用这种自我疗
法没有害处,甚至还有助于取得我们想达到的结果 。
Vitamins B and C cannot be retained (11. v. avoid losing 保留) in the body so if we take
more than we need of these they are soon excreted (12. v. get rid of waste from the
body 排泄)in the urine. The possible exception here is the theory about the increased
body “pool” of vitamin C, but even this is limited and is still largely unproven. Taking too
much of the fat soluble vitamins can be dangerous and vitamins A and D should never be
taken indiscriminately. Vitamin E has not been found to have any toxic(13. a. poisonous
有毒的) effect in large doses but neither do there seem to be any noticeable benefits.
This is an unexplored area in vitamin research and the only known advantages of vitamin E
are confined to specialised medical cases.
维生素B和C不能在体内储存,因此如果 服用量超过身体所需,它们很快在尿液中排
出。在此可能出现的例外就是关于维生素C在体内“储量”增 加的说法。不过即使这一
储量也是有限的,而且在很大程度上还没有得到证实。服用过多的脂溶性维生素 可能
什么副 作用,但似乎也没有任何明显的好处。维生素E是维生素研究中的一个未探查
的领域,它仅知的好处局限 在特定的医学例上。


Text 2 Women and tobacco
1. When smoking amongst women was not as widespread as it is now, women were
considered to be almost free from cardiovascular( a. 心血管的) diseases and lung cancer.
Unhappily, the situation has changed, and smoking kills over half a million women each
year in the industrialized world. But it is also an increasingly important cause of ill health
amongst women in developing countries.在女性吸烟人数还 没有今天这样多时,人们认
为女性几乎不会得心血管疾病和肺癌。不幸的是,现在已今非昔比,在世界工 业化国
康不 佳的重要原因。
2. A recent WHO consultation on the statistical aspects of tobacco-related mortality(2 n.
the number of deaths from a certain cause 死亡数) concluded that the toll (3 n. the cost
in health, life, etc., from illness, an accident 重大的代价,损失,(事故的)伤亡人数) that
can be attributed to smoking throughout the world is 2.7 million deaths per year. It also
predicted that, if current patterns of cigarette smoking continue unchanged, the global
death toll from tobacco by the year 2025 may increase to eight million deaths per year. A
large proportion of these will be amongst women.最近,世界卫生组织搞了一次与吸烟
有关的死亡人数的评估会,统计结果 表明,全世界每年因吸烟而致死的人数为270
万。世界每年因吸烟而致死的人数将增加到800万,其 中很大一部分将为女性。
3. Despite these alarming statistics, the scale of the threat that smoking poses to women's
health has received surprisingly little attention. Smoking is still seen by many as a mainly
male problem, perhaps because men were the first to take up the habit and therefore the
first to suffer the ill- effects. This is no longer the case. Women who smoke like men will


die like men. WHO estimates that, in industrialized countries, smoking rates amongst men
and women are very similar,, at around 30 per cent; in a large number of developed
countries, smoking is now more common among teenage girls than boys.尽 管这些数字令
烟的习惯并最先吃 到了苦头。但现在的情形决不是这样了。像男人那样吸烟的女人也
会像男人那样死去。据世界卫生组织估 计,在工业化国家中,男人和女人的吸烟率非
常接近,大约为总人口的30%;在许多发达国家中,未成 熟的青少年中吸烟的女性
4. As women took up smoking later than men, the full impact (4 n. the force of an idea,
invention, system, etc. 效果,影响,冲击)of smoking on their health has yet to be seen.
But it is clear from countries where women have smoked longest, such as the United
Kingdom and the United States, that smoking causes the same diseases in women as in
men and the gap between their death rates is narrowing. On current trends, some 20 to 25
per cent of women who smoke will die from their habit. One in three of these deaths will
be among women under 65 years of age. The US Surgeon General has estimated that,
amongst these women, smoking is responsible for around 40 per cent heart disease
deaths, 55 per cent of lethal strokes (5 由中风引起的死亡)and, among women of all ages,
80 per cent of lung cancer deaths and 30 percent of all cancer deaths. Over the last 20
years, death rates in women from lung cancer have more than doubled in Japan, Norway
Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom; have increased by more than 200 per cent in
Australia, Denmark and New Zealand; and have increased by more than 300 per cent in
Canada and the United States.由于女性的吸烟史短于男性,对她们身体的影响还没有充


国和美国, 吸烟能在男女性身上引起同样的疾病,而且所造成的死亡率差别正在缩小。
根据目前的趋势看,大约有2 0%到25%的女性吸烟者会因此而丧生,其中三分之
一死时年龄不超 过65岁。所美国卫生局医务主 任估计,在这些65岁以下的女性
中,因吸烟导致心脏病而死亡的人约占40%,因吸烟导致中风而死亡 的占55%;
0 %。在过去的20年中,在日本、挪威、波兰、瑞典及英国,女性的肺癌死亡率已
翻了一番多;在澳大利 亚、丹麦和新西兰翻了两番多;在加拿大和美国则翻了三番多。
5. There are dramatically increasing trends in respiratory (6 a. connected with breathing
呼吸用的,呼吸系统的) cancer among women in developed countries, and the casual
relationship of smoking, rather than air pollution and other factors, to lung cancer is very
clear. In the United States, for instance, the mortality rate for lung cancer among female
non-smokers has not changed during the past 20 years. During the same period, the rate
among female smokers has increased by a factor of half. In South-East Asia, more than 85
per cent of oral cancer cases in women are caused by tobacco habits.在发达国家中,女性
患呼吸系统癌病的人有大幅度增加的势头。而且人 们已经清楚,在吸烟与肺癌―而不
是空气污染或其它别的因素-存在着某种关系。比如在美国,在过去的 20年中,不
6. Women's health is also affected by the smoking of others, that is, by passive or
involuntary smoking; for example, it has been shown that non-smoking wives of heavy
smokers run a higher risk of lung cancer.女性的健康还因其他人吸烟而受到影响,即所谓


7. What can be done to halt (7 v. to (cause to) stop使停止) and reverse (8. v. change to
the opposite 颠倒,反向) the tobacco epidemic amongst women? The challenge is
twofold, to reduce the already high level of smoking among women in the industrialized
world and to ensure that the low level of smoking in developing countries does not
increase. In order to achieve these goals, all countries need to develop comprehensive
anti-tobacco programs which take into account and address the needs of women. Whilst
these programs should be culture-specific and tailored to meet the local situation, experts
agree that to be successful they must contain three key elements; protection, education
and support.应该 采取什么措施才能阻止并扭转在女性中流行的吸烟风气呢?应该从
两方面入手,一是减少世界上发达国家 中业已很高升。为做到这两点,所有国家都需
要制订一套全面的反吸烟计划,在这些计划中必须考虑到并 且突出女性的需要,这些
计划应该考虑为了保证这些计划获得成功,计划中必须包含下述三方面主要内容 :保
8. Young girls and women need to be protected from inducements (9 n. an incentive,
something that helps bring about an action or a desired result 引诱物,刺激,诱因) to
smoke. Tobacco is multinational, multi-billion dollar industry. It is also an industry under
threat; one quarter of its customers, in the long-term, had been killed by using its product
and smoking is declining in many industrialized countries. To maintain profits, tobacco
companies need to ensure that at least 2.7 million new smokers, usually young people,
start smoking every year. Women haven been clearly identified as a key target group for
tobacco advertising in both the industrialized and developing worlds. Billions of US dollars


each year are spent on promoting this lethal product specifically to women.要保护年轻的女性免受吸烟的诱惑。烟草工业遍布世界各地,而且利润很高,但它又是一个随时都
受到威胁的产业 。烟民中的四分之一最终要因吸烟而死亡,吸烟习惯在许多工业化国
家中正在逐渐被摒弃。为了确保利润 不下降,烟草公司必须保证每年发展270万新
烟民,通常都是年轻人。无论在工业化国家中还是在发展 中国家里,烟草公司的广告
明确地把女性作为其发展新烟民的主要对象。每年都有几十亿美元被用来促销 这种致
strategy has been highlighted( 10 v. to emphasize or make prominent使显著) by
several tobacco journals which have carried articles on
suggesting that retailer should
received the most cigarette advertising revenue(11 n. income, esp. that which the
government receives as taxes 收入) in 1985, eight were women’s magazines. In the same
year, a study on the cigarette advertising policies of 53 British women's magazines (read
by more than half of all British women) showed that 64 per cent of the magazines
accepted cigarette advertising, which represented an average of seven per cent of total
advertising revenue.这种促销策略充分体现在几本烟草杂志上,登载了诸如“瞄准女烟
民”的系列文章,并 建议零售商要“关心女士们”。1985年在美国20家接受香烟广
告费最多的杂志中有8家是妇女杂志 。同年,在53家英国妇女杂志(阅读对象占全
英国妇女一半以上)的香烟广告策略所做的一次研究表明 ,64%的杂志都刊登香烟
10. Research in industrialized countries has shown the subtle(12 a. delicate, hardly
noticeable, and esp. pleasant 精巧的,敏感的) methods used to encourage young girls to


smoke. The impact of such methods is likely to be even greater in developing countries,
where young people are generally less knowledgeable about smoking hazards(13 n.
danger 危险,冒险) and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent(14 a. having
plenty of money or other possessions 丰富的,富裕的), desirable images of the female
smoker. This is why WHO, together with other national and international health agencies,
has repeatedly called or national legislation banning all forms of tobacco promotion, and
for an appropriate
women for tobacco consumption.在工业化国家所做的研究表明,为了 鼓励年轻女性吸
女性那副充满魅 力,显得富有和令人羡慕的形象所吸引。这就是为什么世界卫生组织
及其他国家和国际卫生组织反复呼吁 各国立法,禁止任何形式的香烟促销活动,并且
呼吁对香烟实行适当“高价”政策,以期降低年轻女性对 香烟消费的“热情”。
11. Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage that smoking
can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressures to star smoking
or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated school and preschool health
education programs which have successfully reduced girls' smoking rates; but this
education should not be restricted to what happens in school. There are many other
examples of effective cessation (15 n. a short pause or a stop 停止)programs in the
workplace and primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have the
opportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally been less
successful with women than men.年轻女性有权知道吸烟对她们的健康可能造成的损
害。她们也需了解一些方法来抵制学吸烟时的 压力或戒烟。有些国家创建了综合学校


并制订了学前保健教育 计划,这些措施都成功地降低了女性吸烟率。但这种教育不宜
只局限在学校范围内,还有许多例子说明在 工厂和基层保健中心同样能实施有效的戒
烟计划。遗憾的是,许多妇女并没有参加这些活动的机会,而且 一般来说,这类计划
12. In order for women to become, and remain, non-smokers they need support. Support
over these difficult days when the addiction cycle is broken. Support to help them deal in
other less damaging ways with the reasons that caused them to smoke. Environments
need to be created which enable them to break free of this health damaging behavior, to
make the healthy choices the best choices.为了让女性成为不吸烟者并坚持下去,她们需
要支持,在她们烟瘾发作的困难时刻帮助 她们。对她们的支持要能帮助她们用较少有
害的方式去消除掉想吸烟的各种理由。要创造出一种坏境,在 这种环境中,使她们能
13. Smoking amongst women has already reached epidemic proportions and will continue
to escalate (16. v. rise one after the other 逐步上升) unless action is taken now. Delays
can only cause further suffering and deaths of women; this is hwy WHO's new program on
Tobacco or Health is giving high priority to action to protect women and children.女性吸
烟已经到了四处蔓延的程度,而且如果不采取行动还将继续蔓延下去 。拖延时间只会
14. But what can be done to tackle(17 v. deal with (a matter) 处理,解决) this problem?
Community health workers can develop health education programs for young girls.
Primary care workers can ensure that all women receive information, advice and support


to help them give up the habit. Governments, national and international organizations,
and WHO in particular, can act as advocates (18 n. a person who speaks for or supports an
idea, way of life , etc. 鼓吹者,提倡者)for women's health to ensure that the issue of
women and tobacco is put high on the health and political agenda, by pressing for action
to protect women.但是应该做些什么来解决这个难题 呢?社区保健 人员可以为年轻
可以倡导增强女 性健康,确保把女性和吸烟问题排在卫生和政治事务日程表上的重要
15. Only by exposing the previously hidden problem of women and tobacco, only by
putting women in the picture, will we be able to secure major improvements in the health
of women worl dwide.只有把以前有关女性和吸烟的隐匿问题暴露出来,只有让女性们
了解到实际情况,我们才能 保证在全世界使妇女的健康水平得到根本的改观。
(Which are the best years of life? All of us ask ourselves this question from time to time,
and we probably come up with different answers. The reason seems to be that different
periods are related to different kinds of achievement and relates these areas to specific
periods of life.)(哪段时光是人生的黄金岁月?我们所有的人都经常问自己这个问 题,
这些不 同的领域又与生命的各个具体阶段相联系。)


The ups and downs of life may seem to have no predictable (1a. that can be seen or told in
advance 可预言的) plan. But scientists now know there are very definite life patterns that
almost all people share. Today, when we live 20 years longer than our great-grandparents,
and when women mysteriously outlive (v. live longer than 活过……,比……活得长) men by
seven years, it is clearer than ever that the “game of life” is really a game of trade-offs. As
we age, we trade strength for ingenuity (n. skill and cleverness in making and arranging
thins 机灵,独创性), speed for thoroughness, passion for reason. These exchanges may
not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to
note that even if you’ve passed some of your “prime (n. the time of greatest perfection,
strenth or activity 全盛时期)”青春的,精华的, you still have other prime years to
experience in the future. Certain important primes seem to peak later in time.生活中的沉
浮似乎并没有什 么可预见的计划,但现在科学家们知道,几乎所有的人都有一些非常
固定的生活模式。今天,当我们比祖 辈多活20年的时候,当女性神秘地比男性寿长
7岁的时候,“人生的游戏”实际上就是“交换的游戏” ,这一点比以往任何时候都更加
清楚。随着年龄的增长,我们用智慧代替力量,用全面代替速度,用理性 代替激情。
然有另外的黄金岁月 去度过,某些重要的颠峰时期在时间上出现得比较晚。
WHEN ARE YOU SMARTEST? From 18 to 25, according to I. Q., scores; but you are more
experienced with increasing age. You’re sharpest in your 20’s; around 30, memory begins
to decline (v. decrease, move from a better to worse position 减少,下降), particularly
your ability to perform mathematical computations. “But your I. Q. for other tasks
climbs,” says Berkeley psychologist. Arthur Jensen. Your vocabulary at age 45, for example,


is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain possesses
almost four times as much information as it did at age 21. This trade-off between
sharpness and wisdom has led psychologist Dr. Leopold Bella to suggest that “maturity
quotients(成熟商数)” (M.Q. s instead of I. Q. s) be adopted for adults.你什么时候最 聪
会越来 越多。人20岁时最机敏,30岁左右时记忆力开始衰退,尤其是数学计算能
力。伯克利心理学家阿瑟。 詹森说:“但你做其他事情的能力却在增长。”比如,你4
5岁时的词汇量是你大学刚毕业时的三倍;6 0岁时,你大脑中拥有的信息量几乎是
你21岁时的四倍。这种机敏与智慧之间的交换使得心理学家利奥 普。白洛克博士提
WHEN ARE YOU HEALTHIEST? For men, from 15 to 25; for women 15 to 30.
“A man is in his best shape in the decade before age 25,” says New York internist Dr.
Donald Tompkins. “His muscles are firmest, his resistance to colds and infections (n. the
state of result of disease being put into body 传染,感染) is highest, and his body is most
efficient in utilizing nutrients. “Women, for reasons scientists do not understand, get a
five-year bonus (n. anything pleasant, but unexpected 意想不到的收获). Peak health
begins to decline when the body process called anabolism (n. cell growth 细胞生长) (cell
growth) is overtaken by the opposite process, catabolism (n. cell death 细胞死亡) (cell
death). “Cells have been dying since birth,” says Tomkins, “but in our late 20’s, they start
dying faster than they are replaced.” Also, muscle is replaced with fat. 你什么时 候身体
“ 男性25岁前的10年身体状况最佳,肌肉最结实,对感冒和传染的抵抗力最强,


说:“细胞从出生 就在死亡,但当我们接近30岁时,细胞的死亡速度超过其被更换
Women also get an additional bonus of good health later in life. The figures of National
Institute of Health show that the onset of such “old age” disease as arthritis(n.
inflammation of a joint, as in gout or rheumatism 关节炎), rheumatism(n. any disorder of
the extremities or back, characterized by pain or stiffness 风湿病), and heart ailments (n.
illness 疾病) deny the generally greater fitness of women: Life expectancy for men is now
68.3; for women 75.9. Says U. S. aging authority William Kennel, “Older women with low
blood pressure are practically important.” However, psychologists believe that by entering
the competitive job market in increasing numbers, women may eventually give up their
statistical (a. of collected numbers which represent facts or measurement 统计的)
男人的估计寿命 是68.3岁,女人则为75.9岁。年龄权威人士威廉姆.凯纳尔说:“年
龄较大的女性保持低血压实 际上是非常重要的。”但心理学家认为,随着愈来愈多的
女性进入竞争激烈的就业市场,女士最终可能不 再具有现在统计数字上的优势。
surprisingly narrow peak is very real. The National Institute of Mental Health (INMH)
reports that more than half of the patients in mental hospitals, male and female, are in
this age group (men leading women by about 20%)什么时候你最容易患精神错乱病症?


是30到35岁 之间。这种十分短暂的患这种病的高峰期是千真万确的。全国精神健
康研究所的报告称:在精神病医院里 ,在这个年龄段内的男女患者超过总数的一半(男
But if we are most neurotic (a. 患神经病的) between 30 and 35, apparently we recover
quickly. Admissions to mental hospitals drop sharply around age 40 and stay down until
age 65. Yet, say psychologists, between 40 and 55, more people report they “feel” on the
verge (n. 边缘) of a nervous breakdown. Relatively few actually occur. “We become
veterans (n. a person who has had long experience 老手,有经验的人) at coping,” says
psychologist Marvin Marlins.但如果我们在30到35岁之间最易患神 经病,很明显,
“感到”处在神 经崩溃的边缘,实际发生的却相对很少。心理学家马文.卡林斯说:“我
们在处置这类情况时很有经验。 ”
Suicide, a measure of mental problems, peaks from 20 to 24 and then again around 70.
Incidences of suicide are smallest among people with intact marriages, highest among the divorced.自杀是精神问题的一种,高峰期出在20到24岁之间和70岁左右。完整
婚姻 中的自杀率最低,而在离异家庭中自杀率最高。
WHEN ARE YOU HAPPIEST? You have the best physical sense of yourself from 15 to 24; the
best professional sense from 40 to 49. Pessimism (n. tendency to look at the worst aspect
of things 悲观主义) peaks between 30 and 39. San Diego State University psychologists
Marilyn Barges and Linda Dutton found that before age 24, we believe that our happiest
years are yet to come; over 30, we believer that they’re behind us. A National Health


Survey agrees: After age 30, we “become more realistic and do not view happiness as a
goal in itself. If we maintain our health, achieve professional and emotional goals, then
happiness, we feel, we follow.”你什么时候最幸福?你 对自己的身体状况感到最满意是
15至24岁,对事业感到最满意是40至49岁,悲观情结最严重是3 0至39。
健康调查报告认 为,过了30岁以后,我们“变得较为现实,而且并不把幸福就当作
目的本身。如果我们保持身体健康, 实现了事业和感情的目标,那么我们就会感到我
The American Institute of Public Opinion says that the pessimism peak occurs when we
realize that talent and determination aren’t enough to guarantee (v. to assure, ensure保
证,担保) success. Lady Luck must help.美国公共舆论研究所认为,当我们认识到才能
与意志并不足 以保证我们获得成功时,严重的悲观情绪就会产生了,此时就要靠“运
Also, youth’s good physical sense of self apparently does little to foster happiness. “Parents
who tell their teenage children, ‘ These are the happiest years,’” says Lagged, “couldn’t be
more wrong. Adolescence is very difficult. Only when you are 49 and looking back does
youth look blissful (a. extremely happy 非 常幸福的,极其快乐的).”另外,年轻人对自己
的身体状况感觉良好很明显并不能产生幸福感。“父母 对他们未成年的孩子说:‘这是
最幸福的岁月。’”利格特说:“这样说就大错特错了。青春时期,荆刺 遍地。只有当你


WHEN ARE YOU MOST CREATIVE? Generally between 30 to 39, but the peak varies with
different professions.
Mozart wrote a symphony and four sonatas (奏鸣曲) by age eight, and Mendelssohn
composed his best-known work, A Midsummer Night’s dream, at 17. Psychologist H. C.
Lehman presents the years for peak work in many fields. Though the peak in most fields
comes early---most Nobel Prize winners did their top research in their late 20’s and
30’s ----creative people continue to produce quality work throughout their lives.你什么时
候最富有创造力?一般说是在30至39岁之间,但其高峰期又因职业而异 。莫 扎
的作品《 仲夏夜之梦》。心理学家H.C.莱曼描绘了许多领域里高峰期代表作的不同年
龄。尽管在大多数领域中 ,这种高峰期均来得很早-大多数诺贝尔奖获得者都是在其
30岁前那几年和30至40岁之间作出了最 突出的成就-但具有创造力的人终其
By viewing life’s various peaks, we can easily get the feeling that we are part of a giant
give-and –take plan. Though statistically the plan is there, we must remember that every
peak has many exceptions. Says Mulish, “The human life journey cannot be charted by a
single curving line.”通过观察一生中不同的高峰期,我们很容易得到这种印象,即我们
都是一项放庞大的(给予 与索取)计划中的一部分。虽然从统计上看确有这么一个计
划,我们必须记住,所有的高峰期都具有例外 的。麦克利什说:“人的生命历程不能用
Text 4 Our disappearing wildlife


Animal life first appeared on the earth about 400 million years ago. Through the passing
millennia (millennium n. a period of 1,000 years), thousands of animal species have come
and gone. Until recently, this process was gradual, the result of change in climate, in
habitat (the natural home of a plant or animal ), or in the genes of the animals themselves,
but the tremendous expansion of modern civilization now threatens to upset the natural
balance, putting unprecedented (a. 无前例的) pressure on the survival of our wildlife.
大约40 亿年前,地球上就有了动物。经过数千年,成千上万的物种繁衍灭绝。直到
最近,由于气候、栖息地或动 物本身基因的变化而引起的,这一物种灭绝的过程是逐
步而缓慢的,但如今现代文明的大规模入侵似将破 坏这种平衡,从而为我们野生动物
This imbalance can be traced to many causes. Most arise in the greed and poor planning of
man himself. With each increase in man’s population, the wilderness areas where the
animals live get smaller. The use of pesticides (杀虫剂) to control injurious (a. causing
harm) insect also harms wild birds and animals. Water pollution kills fish in our rivers,
lakes, and oceans, Hunters have almost exterminated (v. destroy utterly) many of the
larger animals like the bighorn sheep (大角羊) and the grizzly bear(灰熊). And farmers
destroy smaller animals like the prairie dog (草原犬鼠) and coyote(郊狼,小狼). As a result
of this unrelenting pressure, our wildlife is disappearing at the rate of one species or
subspecies per years.
兽类。水污染会 毒死江河湖海里的鱼类。狩猎者几乎灭绝了象大角羊、灰熊这样形体


< br>较大些的动物。农民们则去消灭象草原犬鼠和狡狼那类小一些的动物。正是这种未减
弱的压力导致 我们的野生动物正在以每年一处物种或亚种的速度消亡。
of all the continents, the most drastic reduction in wildlife has occurred in north America,
where the transition from a rural to a highly industrialized society has been most rapid.
Among the victims are birds, mammals and fish. We will never again see the passenger
pigeon or the eastern elk( n. 麋). They have been wiped out. Of many other species, only
a few representatives still survive in the wild. The U.S. Department of the Interior has put
no fewer than 109 species on the endangered species list. (An endangered species is one
with poor prospects for survival and in need of protection.) This list includes everything
from the timber wolf (林狼) to the whooping crane(鸣鹤). Even the bald eagle, our
national symbol, is threatened.在各大州中,北美洲的野 生动物减少幅度最大,因为它
由乡村向高度工业化社会转变得最快。鸟类、哺乳动物、鱼类就是其中的受 害者。我
表 仍幸存于荒野。美国内务部将不下109个物种列入面临灭绝的物种名单(面临灭
绝的物种指那种生存前 景不乐观,需要保护的物种)。这个名单包括了所有象林狼和
鸣鹤那样的稀有动物。就连我国的象征-秃 鹰也受到了威胁。
Animals that kill other game for food are called predators.(n. 捕食者) The predators
include the wolf, mountain lion, fox, babcat, and bear. Attack against these animals began
with the arrival of the first European settlers, who wished to protect their livestock (n.
animals kept on a farm 家畜,牲畜). Eventually, a reward was offered to hunters for every
predator that was killed, this reward is called a bounty(n. money given for reward).
Ironically, the Federal government is the chief funder of predator control programs.


捕食其他猎物的动物叫做食肉动物。食肉动物包括狼、美洲狮、狐狸、野 猫和熊等。
是联邦政府是食肉动 物控制项目的主要资金提供者。
the settlers also brought with them their old world fears and superstitions concerning
predators. Whether preying on livestock or not, predators were shot on sight. This attitude
continues to this day for coyotes, eagles, foxes, mountain lions, and bobcats, and is largely
responsible for placing the eastern timber wolf, grizzly bear, and bald eagle on the
endangered species list. 这些移民还带来了在欧洲时那种对食肉动物所怀有的恐惧和迷信。他们只要看见食肉
动物就开枪打死 ,不管它们是否在捕食家畜。直至今日,这种观点对于郊狼、鹰、狐
狸、美洲狮和野猫还同样奏效。东部 林狼、灰熊和秃鹰被列入面临灭绝的物种名单也
yet every animal, including the predator, has its place in nature’s grand design. Predators
help maintain the health of their prey species by eliminating the diseased, young, old, and
injured. Predators like the mountain lion and the wolf help to keep the deer herds healthy.
Their kill also provider food for scavengers (n. 食腐动物) that feed on carrion. Occasional
loss of livestock must be weighed against the good these animals do in maintaining the
balance of nature.
然而,每种动物,包括食肉动物,在大自然的总体 设计中都有一席之地。食肉动物除
掉老幼病残的动物会有助于维持所猎动物的健壮。像美洲狮和狼这样的 食肉动物就能


保持鹿群的健壮。被它们弄死的猎获物还为靠吃 腐肉为生的食腐动物提供了食物。因
此我们必须把家畜的偶尔损失与这些动物对保持生态平衡所做的贡献 加以权衡考虑。
the mountain lion has especially suffered from trapping and hunting. This great cat had the
widest distribution of any mammal in the western hemisphere. Its range extended from
northern British Columbia to the tip of South America. And from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
But by the turn of 19th century this splendid animal was almost extinct in the eastern
United States. In the West, the pattern of persecution was similar to that suffered by other
predators. As the sheep and cattle empires grew, so did the war on the mountain lion.
美洲 狮尤其遭到了诱捕和追杀。这种狮子在西半球哺乳动物中分布得最广。其分布范
围从不列颠哥伦比亚北部 一赶延伸到南美洲之端,从大西洋延伸到太平洋。但以19
世纪末20世纪初时,这种威武的动物几乎在 美洲东部绝迹。在西部捕杀的方式同其
他食肉动物所遭受的相似。随着羊群和牛群的增加,对美洲狮的捕 杀也在升级。
overhunting an animal is an obvious form of extermination, but there are more subtle
processes that often have the same fatal result. One of these is destruction of habitat.
When farmers introduced sheep and cattle to North America, the domestic animals
competed with the wild animals for the available grazing land. Animals like the buffalo and
the pronghorn antelope(叉角羚), which once roamed the plains in countless numbers,
were either killed or pushed off the grasslands. Today, a few remnants (n. a part that
remains) of these giant hers are protected from hunters in national game preserves and
wildlife refuges.


过量地捕杀一种动物是致使其灭绝的明显的形式,还有一些更隐晦的过程 带有同样致
草原上的动物不是被 杀死就是被成群逐出了草地。如今,这些大兽群中的为数不多的
残存者被留在国家鸟兽禁猎区和野生动物 保护区以免受狩猎者的追杀。
pesticides have also taken their toll. In 1947 a new chemical poison called DDT was
introduced. It proved very effective in controlling insect pests like the potato beetle and
the boll weevil (棉铃象鼻虫). But pesticides, which decompose(分解) very slowly,
accumulate in animals which feed on pest or their predators, and the accumulated poisons
attack their nervous systems. Pesticides also interfere with the formation of calcium in
birds, which then lay eggs with very thin shells or no shell at all. When wildlife fail to
reproduce, it isn’t very long before they disappear. The bald eagle, 12 species of hawks,
and the pelican have been seriously reduced by chemicals.
杀虫剂也使鸟兽遭受了死亡。 1947年,一种新的化学毒药滴滴涕被引进并证实在
控制象马铃薯甲虫、棉铃象虫等方面很有效。但由 于杀虫剂分解得很慢,所以会聚积
在以吃这些害虫为生的动物体内或与这些动物为敌的食肉动物身上。杀 虫剂还影响鸟
10. why should we care about the extinction of these birds and animals? The answer is
simple enough. Every species that becomes extinct is gone forever. With each departure a
small part of the diversity of nature that makes life so interesting is also gone. What has


man got to look forward to – endless cities and houses and roads that cross barren country
devoid of birds and animals ? is that the world we want for ourselves and our children?我
在。随着每 一次物种的灭亡,使生活如此丰富多彩的自然界多样性中的一小部分也将
永远消失。人们所期待的将是什 么?难道是无数城市、房屋和道路纵横交错在没有鸟
类和兽类的荒地上?那是我们为自己和孩子设计的世 界吗。

Consume, consume, consume! Our society is consumer oriented-dangerously so. To keep
the wheels of industry turning, we manufacture consumer goods in endless quantities,
and, in the process, are rapidly exhausting (v. use up 耗尽) our natural resources. But this
is only half the problem. What do we do with manufactured products when they are worn
out? They must be disposed of, but how and where? Unsightly junkyards (n. a place where
old useless things are discarded 垃圾场) full of rusting automobiles already surround
every city in the nation. Americans throw away 80 billion bottles and cans each year,
enough to build more than ten stacks (n. a pile of something, like lumber 堆,垃圾堆) to
the moon. There isn’t room for much more waste, and yet the factories grind on(无情地
向前移动). They cannot stop because everyone wants a job. Our standard of living, one of
the highest in the world, requires the consumption of manufactured products in
ever- increasing amounts. Man, about to be buried in his own waste, is caught in a vicious
(a. dangerous, cruel 邪恶的) cycle恶性循环. “Stop the world, I want to get off,” is the
way a popular song put man’s dilemma (n. a situation for which there is no desirable


solution 困境 ).消费、消费、消费!我们的社会以消费者为中心-这是很危险的。为
了让工业的车轮保持转动,我们 大量地生产消费品,并在此过程中迅速地消耗我们的
自然资源。但这只是问题的一半。当这些工业产品被 用过之后我们拿它们怎么办呢?
它们 必须被处理掉,但是如何或在哪里处理呢?堆满生锈汽车的垃圾场 已经包围了
停下来,因为每个人 都需要工作。我们的生活水平是世界上最高的之一,这就要求我
们大量地消费已生产的产品。马上就要被 自己制造的垃圾淹没的人类处于一种恶性循
环之中。“让世界停下来,我要走开。”一首流行歌曲就是这 样描述人类的困境的。
It wasn’t always like this. Only 100 years ago man lived in harmony with nature. There
weren’t so many people then and their wants were fewer. Whatever wastes were
produced could be absorbed by nature and were soon covered over. Today this
harmonious relationship is threatened by man’s lack of foresight (n. ability to see into the
future预见力) and planning, and by his carelessness and greed. For man is slowly
poisoning his environment.事情并非一直如此。仅在100年前,人与自 然仍在和谐相处。
那时没有这么多的人口,人们的需求也比现在少得多。制造出的任何一种垃圾都能被< br>自然界吸收,并很快被掩盖起来。现在这种和谐关系正在面临威胁,这是由于人们缺
乏远见和计划 以及冷漠贪婪造成的。人类正在慢慢慢地毒害他周围的环境。
Pollution is a “dirty” word. To pollute means to contaminate (v. make dirty, impure or
diseased 弄脏,污染)---to spoil something by introducing impurities (n. foreign material
which make something unfit for use 杂质), which make it unfit or unclean to use.
Pollution comes in many forms. We see it, smell it, taste it, drink it, and stumble through it.


We literally live in and breathe pollution, and, not surprisingly, it is beginning to threaten
our health, our happiness, and our very civilization.污染是个脏词,污染意味着玷 污-即
它闻 到它,尝到它,喝到它,甚至踩到它。毫不夸张地说,我们就生活在污染中,呼
吸着它。并不奇怪,它已 在危害我们的健康、幸福甚至文明。
Once we thought of pollution as meaning simply smog---the choking, stinging, dirty air
that hovers (v. remain in the air at one place 盘旋,翱翔) over cities. But air pollution,
while it is still the most dangerous, is only one type of contamination among several which
attack the most basic life functions.我们曾经认为污染仅 指烟雾-即盘旋在城市上空那
令人窒息、气味刺鼻的肮脏空气。然而空气污染,虽然仍是最危险的一种污 染,但它
Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides, man has polluted the land, killing the wildlife.
By dumping sewage and chemicals into rivers lakes, we have contaminated our drinking
water. We are polluting the oceans, too, killing the fish and thereby depriving ourselves of
an invaluable (a. too valuable for the worth to be measured 无价的) food supply.由于不
加限制地使用杀虫剂,人类污染了大地,杀死了野生动物;由于向河里 和湖里倾倒污
Part of the problem is our exploding population. More and more people produce more
wastes. But this problem is intensified (v. make stronger or more serious 使强化,加剧)by
our “throw-away” technology. Each year Americans dispose of (to get rid of as useless 扔
掉,丢弃)7 million autos, 20 million tons of waste paper plates. It is easier and cheaper to


buy a new one and discard(v. to get rid of as useless丢弃,扔掉) the old, even though 95
percent of its parts may still be functioning. Baby’s diapers(a piece of clothing made of
thick soft paper or cloth which is fastened around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to
absorb its urine and excrement 尿片,尿布), which used to be made of reusable( a. that
can be used again 再利用的) cloth, are now paper throwaways. Soon we will wear
clothing made of paper: “Wear it once and throw it away,” will be the slogan of the fashion
conscious. 迅速膨胀的人口也是 问题的一部分。越来越多的人口制造出越来越多的垃
圾。这一问题由于我们采用“用过就扔”的办法而变 得俞加严重。美国人每年扔掉700
万辆汽车,2000万吨废纸,2500吨牙膏皮和4800万个罐 头皮。我们扔掉口香糖包装
包装纸,报纸和纸碗盘。把它们扔掉换新既容易又便宜,尽管其中95%仍可 使用。孩
穿 上纸做的衣服。“穿一次就扔”将成为时尚意识的标准。
Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a gigantic dump, or is there hope
that we can solve the pollution problem? Fortunately, solutions are in sight. A few of them
are positively ingenious.
理污染问题? 幸运的是,眼前已有了些解决办法,其中有一些还非常巧妙。
Take the problem of discarded automobiles, for instance. Each year over 40,000 of them
are abandoned in New York City alone. Eventually the discards end up in a junkyard. But
cars are too bulky to ship as scrap to a steel mill. They must first be flattened. This is done
in a giant compressor which can reduce a Cadillac to the size of a television set in a matter
of minutes. Any leftover scrap metal is mixed with concrete and made into exceptionally


strong bricks that are used in buildings and bridges. Man’s ingenuity has come to his
rescue.就拿废弃汽车为例。在纽约一市每年就要扔掉4万多辆。最终这些废物就要烂< br>在垃圾场。但是汽车太大,不可能象碎铁片那样被运到钢铁厂。它们首先得被压扁。
这项工作可由 一辆巨大的压缩机完成。它在几分钟内就可以把一辆卡迪拉克压缩成电
视机大小。余下的金属碎片可与水 泥混合真情为制成特别坚硬的砖,用于楼房与桥梁,
What about water pollution? More and more cities are building sewagetreatment plants.
Instead of being dumped into a nearby river or lake, sewage is sent through a system of
underground pipes to a giant tank where the water is separated from the solid material,
purified, and returned for reuse to the community water supply. The solid material, called
sludge (thick mud; the product of sewage treatment 淤泥,污泥) is converted (v. to
change something from one form into another 使转化)into fertilizer. The sludge can also
be made into bricks.那么水污染呢?越来越多的城市在建废水处理厂。废水不再 被排到
质分 开、净化,然后重新被社区供水系统利用。那些固体物质被称为固体沉积物。可
以被转化成肥料,也可以 用来做砖。
Controlling air pollution is another crucial(a. decisive; of deciding importance 决定性的,
紧要关头的) objective. Without food, man can live about five weeks, without water about
five days. Without air, he can only live five minutes, so pure air is a must. Here the
wrongdoer is the automobile. Where there is a concentration of automobiles, as in our big
cities, air pollution is severe. It is important to see that our cars are equipped with
pollution-control devices. Such devices effectively reduce the harmful gases emitted (v. to


send out 发出,排放出)from the engine.控制空气污染也是件至关重要的事情。没有食
物,人大约能活5周;没有水,人能活5天 。没有空气,人只能活5分钟,所以纯净
的空气是必不可少的。在这件事上作崇的是汽车。在汽车集中的 地方,空气污染就很
Power plants, factories, and apartment buildings can also avoid air pollution. When
possible they should use clean fuels like gas and oil. And the smokestacks (n. chimney
used by factories to discharge smoke into the upper air 大烟囱) of these buildings
should be equipped with filters and other smoke-reduction devices.发电厂、工厂和公寓
楼也可避免污染空气。如有可 能,应使用液化气及油这类洁净燃料。这些建筑物上的
Can we eliminate pollution altogether? Probably not. Modern man pollutes with
everything he does, so total elimination would require drastic measures. Every power
plant would have to shut down. Industries would have to close. We would have to leave all
our automobiles in the garage. Every bus and truck and airplane would have to stop
running. There would be no way to bring food to the cities. There would be no heat and no
light. Under these conditions, our population would die in a short time.
停止运行所有的公 共汽车、卡车和飞机。这样食物将无法被运到大城市,也将没有光
和热。在这种情况下人不久就会都死掉 。


Since such a drastic solution is impossible, we must employ determined public action. We
can reduce pollution, even if we can’t eliminate it altogether. But everyone must do his
part. Check your car to see if the pollution-control device is working. Reduce your use of
electricity. Is air-conditioning really necessary? Don’t dump garbage or other waste on the
land or in the water. Demand that government take firm action against polluters. We can
have a clean world, or we can do nothing. The choice is up to you.
由于这种极端措施是不可行的,我们必须坚决 发动公众行动起来,我们可以减少污染,
尽管我们不能将它根除。但我们生个人必须尽到自己的责任。检 查一下你的车,看看
我们也可以 什么都不做。选择权在你。
It’s early August and the countryside appears peaceful. Planting庄稼 has long been
finished and the fields are alive with strong, healthy crops. Soybeans and wheat are
flourishing under the hot summer sun, and the corn, which was “knee-high by the fourth
of July”, is now well over six feet tall. Herds of dairy and beef cattle are grazing peacefully
in rolling pastures which surround big, red barns and neat, white farmhouses. Everything
as far as the eye can see radiates a sense of prosperity. Welcome to the Midwest—one of
the most fertile agricultural regions of the world.
八月上旬,乡间田野呈现出一派宁静的景象。春耕播种 早已结束,地里的庄稼在茁壮
成长,大地充满了微生机。大豆小麦在夏日的骄阳下长势喜人。在7月4日 国庆时,


玉米还高不没膝,而现在已有六英尺多高了。成群的 奶牛和菜牛在绵延起伏的草场上
安静地啃食青草,在牧场的中间座落着几栋红色大牲口棚和几幢整洁的白 色住房。放
The tranquility of the above scene is misleading. Farmers in the Midwest put in some of
the longest workdays of any profession in the United States. In addition to caring for their
crops and livestock, United States. In addition to caring for their crops and livestock, they
have to keep up with new farming techniques, such as those for combating soil erosion
and increasing livestock production. It is essential that farmers adopt these advances in
technology if they want to continue to meet the growing demands of a hungry world.上面
所描述的宁静 景象会使人产生错觉。其实中西部的农民在美国所有的职业中投入的工
作量最大。除了照料庄稼和牲畜外 ,他们还得跟上最新的农业技术,比如防止土壤侵
蚀的技术、增加牲畜产量的技术。如果农民想继续满足 这个充满饥饿的世界日益增长
Agriculture is the number one industry in the United States and agricultural products are
the country’s leading export. American farmers manage to feed not only the total
population of the United States, but also millions of other people throughout the rest of
the world. Corn and soybean exports alone account for approximately 75 percent of the
amount sold in world markets.农业是美国的第一产业,农产品是美国的主要出口产品。
美国农民不但要 努力为本国所有人提供食品,而且还要为世界其他地区百万人提供食
品。仅玉米和大豆两项出口产品就大 约占世界市场销售总量的75%。
This productivity, however, has its price. Intensive cultivation exposes the earth to the


damaging forces of nature. Every year wind and water remove tons of rich soil from the
nation’s croplands, with the result that soil erosion has become a national problem
concerning everyone from the farmer to the consumer.
但这样的生产力也有基代价。这种集约耕种使土壤 受到了自然界破坏力量的侵袭。每
年自然界的风和雨水都要从这个国家耕地上带走大量肥沃的土壤,结果 土壤侵蚀现已
Each field is covered by a limited amount of topsoil, the upper layer of earth which is
richest in the nutrients and minerals necessary for growing crops. Ever since the first
farmers arrived in the Midwest almost 200 years ago, cultivation and, consequently,
erosion have been depleting the supply of topsoil. In the 1830s, nearly two feet of rich,
black top soil covered the Midwest. Today the average depth is only eight inches, and
every decade another inch is blown or washed away. This erosion is steadily decreasing
the productivity of valuable cropland. A United States Agricultural Department survey
states that if erosion continues at its present rate, corn and soybean yields in the Midwest
may drop as much as 30 percent over the next 50 years.
每块耕地的表层土 壤都是有限的,而庄稼生长所必需的养分和矿物质在表层土壤最丰
富。自从第一批农民在近二百年前来到 中西部地区以来,农耕及由此引起的土壤侵蚀
一直在消耗着表土资源。在19世纪30年代,中西部地区 肥沃的黑土层还有近二英
尺厚,而今天的厚度则只有八英寸了,而且每隔十年就有一寸被刮农业部的一项 调查
量将下 降30%。
So far, farmers have been able to compensate for the loss of fertile topsoil by applying


more chemical fertilizers to their fields; however, while this practice has increased crop
yields, it has been devastating for ecology. Agriculture has become one of the biggest
polluters of the nation’s precious water supply. Rivers, lakes, and underground reserves of
water are being filled in and poisoned by soil and chemicals carried by drainage from
eroding fields. Furthermore, fertilizers only replenish the soil; they do not prevent its loss.
迄今为止,农民只能靠向田地里施用更多的化肥来弥补肥沃表层土 被侵蚀所造成的损
失。尽管这种作法提高了粮食产量,但对生态却是场大灾难。农业已成为宝贵的水资< br>源的最大污染源之一。从受侵蚀的田地里的排水系统中排出的水夹杂着泥土和化学物
质(化肥), 这些水正在流入并污染着河流、湖泊及地下水资源。另外化肥只能补充
土壤中的养分,却不能防止其流失 。
Clearly something else has to be done in order to avoid an eventual ecological disaster.
Conservationists insist that the solution to the problem lies in new and better farming
techniques. Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops,
and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly. Substantial progress has
been made, but soil erosion is far from being under control.很明显,为了避免最终出现的
生态灾难,应该采取别的措施。自然资源保 护论者坚持认为出路在于推出更新更好的
农业技术。为了大幅度地减少土壤损失,农民正在山坡地上修梯 田,轮种庄稼并采用
The problems and innovations of the agricultural industry in the Midwest are not
restricted to growing crops. Livestock raising, which is big business in the certral region of
the United States, is also undergoing many changes. Recent developments in technology
have enabled farmers to raise not only healthier animals, but more animals as well. By


employing the techniques of super-ovulation, artificial insemination, and embryo transfer,
farmers can more than triple the number of offspring produced by a single cow per year.中
西部地区农业产业的问题及革新并不只局限在增加粮食上。家畜养殖是美国中部地 区
养出健康 的家畜来,而且还能增加其数量。通过采用增多排卵、人工授精和胚胎移植
技术,农民可以使每母牛产崽 数增加两倍多。
The procedure of accomplishing this remarkable feat is as follows. First, the farmer
chooses a cow on the basis of certain valuable traits, such as rapid weight gain or high
milk production. A veterinarian then injects the cow with hormones which cause the
animal to super- ovulate, that is, to produce more eggs, or “ova”, than the usual one or
two. As many as ten or more ova may be released in one super-ovulation.实施 这项了不
挑 选出一头母牛,之后兽医给这头母牛注射能促其增加排卵的激素(荷尔蒙),就是
说要使其排出比正常情 况下1-2个更多的卵子或卵细胞。在一次增加排卵中能够排
While the ova are moving down the Fallopian tubes toward the uterus, about five days
after super-ovulation, the cow is artificially inseminated with semen from a prize bull. If
the insemination is successful, the eggs are fertilized and become living embryos, each of
which has the potential to develop into a calf .大约在为增加排卵而注射激素的5天后,
当卵子顺着输卵管向子宫移去时,就用优种公牛的精液对母牛 进行人工援精。如果授


Next comes the process of embryo transfer. After the embryos have developed in the
uterus for six to eightdays, they are carefully removed and examined for defects. Each
healthy embryo is then implanted in the uterus of a different cow, where it continues to
develop. Nine months later the surrogate mother gives birth to a healthy calf to which she
is not genetically related.下一步就是胚胎移植。当胚胎在子宫发育6 至8天后,要把它
们小心地取出来并检查是否有缺陷,之后把每一个健康的胚胎移植到不同的母牛子宫< br>内,在那里继续发育成长。9个月后代孕母体就会产下一头健康的小牛犊,代孕母体
与这头小牛犊 并无遗传关系。
The result of the entire procedure is that a farmer can increase the size of a herd of cows
at a rate which was previously impossible. Although three to four calves are the average,
as many as ten or more may be produced from the embryos of one mother cow. The
possible applications of these techniques are overwhelming when one considers that by
freezing an embryo until its sister embryo has been born and become sexually mature, it is
even possible for a cow to give birth to its identical twin sister!
整个过程的结果就是农民能够以先前不可能有的速度 增加其牛群的数量。虽然一头母
牛的胚胎通常产3到4头小牛,但多时可达10头或10头以上。这种技 术的应用可能
As the world’s population continues to increase, farmers will be called upon to produce
more and more life-sustaining food. Constant technological advances in soil conservation
and livestock production will be required to keep pace with this ever-growing need. One


concern, however, is that while this technology is solving old problems, it may be creating
new ones in the process.随着世界人口不断增多,农民 需要生产越来越多的维持生活的
食物。在土壤保护和家畜生产方面要求技术要不断革新,以便满足这种日 益增长的需
Text 7 How to be Happy
Everyone wants to live a happy life. How can one be happy? Read the following passage
and see whether you can find an answer to that question.
1. Britain's most prestigious(a. 有声望的) scientific institution, the Royal Society, will host
a meeting for some of the world's top psychologists. Their aim is to find out why it is
that some people's lives go so right. What is it that makes them happy and fulfilled,
while others seem doomed to founder in misery, dissatisfaction and dejection (n.沮丧,
找出为 什么一些人过得如此的好.是什么使他们开心与充实.当其它人却好像命中注定
要沉沦在痛苦,不满和沮 丧之中.
2. Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good defence
against,unhappiness. is going to get better, it will
become a -fulfilling prophecy(3)n预言 ,


more, you'll put yourself forward more, you will take more care of yourself. You'll figure
that if you do more exercise and not booze (v. drink alcoholic liquor, excessively or
habitually 豪饮)' as much, life will be better.
心理学家认为乐观是一个很好的防止不开心的方法. 如果你很乐观,而且你认为一切
都会变得更好, 这将变成一种自我满足先兆B说,你会把自己与更多的事情联系起
来, 更多的考虑到自己,更加关心自己. 你会认为如果你再多些运动并且不要过多饮酒,
3. But some of us are just not natural optimists. What are we supposed to do?
4. Positive psychologists believe optimism can be learned, and we can teach ourselves to
see a half-empty glass as half-full. All we have to do is to spend time mulling (v. ponder or
consider 深思)' over all the things that have gone right for us, rather than dwelling on
what has gone badly. of
depression is ruminating (ruminate v. meditate, ponder 沉思)' about something that
went wrong in the past, think
about some event and keep turning it over, saying, `I messed up, I messed up,' and
you let it hurt you. You keep feeding it the oxygen of attention and the flames keep
burning you.
积极的心理学家的认为乐观是可以学习的. 我们可以告诉自己去这样去看待半杯水:
不是差一半就没了而是差一半就满了所有我们要做的, 只是去花时间去多想想事
情对我们好的一面. 而不是停留在对我们不好的一面. 在对压郁心情的研究表明,导


致压郁的最大的原因是经常去想一些以前不好的事情说: “这也许是这样的你老回
想过去的一些事情, 念叨着’是我弄糟了它的,是我弄糟了它的’,这样最终也伤害了你.
5. But just as dwelling on negative events can lead to depression, dwelling on things that
have gone well can help pick you up, he says:
what goes right on a daily basis. Whenever you get the feeling of being negative about
things, just take a moment out and remind yourself of the stuff that has gone well. It
could be anything from a conversation to your garden looking nice, or tl.1,t it didn't rain
on you when you were out on your bike. It's an extremely powerful technique.
正如徘徊在消极的事情上会导致我们郁闷一样, 停留在事情对我们积极的一面却能帮
助我们重新振作, 他指出: “你要从心底里去感谢你的幸运星在 它使得一些事情都是变
得那么美好。你要去感谢你的幸运星,使你每天都有个好心情。无论什么时候一些 事
无论什 么事情都可以,从一次交谈到你美丽的花园, 或者是当你在外面骑着自行车的
6. By reminding ourselves what went well instead of what went wrong, positive
psychologists believe we can build a buffer (n. 减震器,缓冲器)' against unhappiness,
making us better able to take life's knocks when they come.
通过提醒我们去想事情好的一面而不是坏的一面, 积极心理学家认为,我们可以让痛
苦来得慢 一些,当我们的生活遭受到打击时,我们会更有能力去应付它。


7. Seligman, who is the figurehead positive psychology movement, goes further
than suggesting people learn to think positively. He has worked out what he sees as a
blueprint for happiness that people can use to set them on the path to a fulfilling and
satisfying life. lie believes there are three routes to happiness, which he calls the
are better than others,
although a mix of all three is ideal. The pleasant life sees superficial pleasures as the
key to happiness, and it is this that many people mistakenly pursue, he says.
mistake that people in the rich west make is to be enchanted with the Hollywood idea of
happiness, which is really just giggling and smilffig a lot,
instant pleasure and gratification offers some degree of happiness, it is ultimately
unsatisfying on its own, he says.
Seligman,是主张积极心理运动的领头羊, 他不仅建议人们要学会乐观,他自己也设
计出了个他认为是快乐的蓝图, 人们可以利用它找到充实与满足的路。他认为,通常
快乐有三快乐的方式, 他把它们叫作“快乐的生活”“美好的生活”“富有意义的生活”.
三种里面的一些要比另外一些要好 ,尽管三种混合在一起也是很理想的。“快乐的生
活”认为表面的快乐是通往快乐的钥匙。而且也是很多 人盲目追求的对象。最大的错
误是在富有的西方的人们被好来坞式的快乐所迷惑, 那实际上只是经常笑笑而已。他
说, 当一个人倾向于片刻的欢乐和与因满意而在某种程度上的开心时, 这并不能从根
8. Money, it turns out, isn't the answer either. Seligman believes that once we have
enough to pay for life's basics such as food and a roof over our heads, more money adds
little to our happiness.


基 本的生活基本用品例如食物,简单的住所时,钱再多对幸福的帮助也很小。
9. To be seriously happy, Seligman says, we have to set our sights on a good life and a
meaningful life. To do this we need to identify what he calls our signature trengths, which
could be anything from perseverance(n. 坚持不懈).' And leadership to a love of
要想真正的快乐,S说,我们要把视线转移到美好的 生活和富有意义的生活里,为了
达到这一点,我们要弄清楚他称之为的:我们的能力特点,它可以是任何 东西,从意
志力和领导才能 到 热爱学习。
10. Seligman says that once we know our signature strengths, using them more and more
in our daily lives will make us feel happier and more fulfilled. By exploiting our
strengths, he says, we will find life more gratifying and become completely immersed in
what we are doing, whether working, making music or playing sport - a state positive
psychologists call
S说,一旦我们了解我们的的能力特点, 在日常生活中经常用到它将会让我们感到更
开心和更充实。通过利用我们的能力,他说, 我们会觉得生 活更加令人满意,我们会
完全沉浸于我们所做的事情之中,不管是工作,写歌还是做体育运动—一种 积极心
11. Using our signature strengths-in our working and social lives will help us achieve what
Seligman calls a good life, while using them to help others will put us on course for
achieving a meaningful life, he says.


他说:在工作与社交生活 中利用我们的能力特点,将会帮助我们达到S所说的“美好的
生活”, 而利用它来帮助别人,将会使我们达到一种“有意义的生活”.
13. Positive psychologists also stand accused of burying their heads in the sand and
ignoring that depressed, even merely unhappy people, have real problems that need
dealing with. Seligman counters this, saying positive psychology is not meant to replace
other forms of therapy, but should be complementary, while people work through their
negative feelings.
积极心里学家也同样被谴责为充耳不闻, 也忽略了压郁,即使是仅仅是不开心的人,
也有很多问题要去解决。S反驳说, 当人们正处于消极的心态时,他说,积极心理(疗
法)并不意味着要去取代其它形式的治疗, 但可以作为一个补充。
Text 8 Never be nervous again
social anxiety is the single most common psychological problem. According to the 1986
results of the Stanford Syhness Inventory, a survey conducted by Philip G. Zimbardo,
professor of social psychology at Stanford University in California. At a party with strangers,
for instance, three-quarters of adults feel anxiety. “the best estimate is that 40 percent of
all Americans suffer from shyness,” says Zimbardo.在社交场合心情焦虑是一个最常见的
心理问题,这是根据斯坦福羞怯心理 研究会1986年的研究成果作出的结论,这项
调查研究是加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学社会心理学教授菲利 普。G。津巴尔多搞的。例
如在生人聚会中,34的成年人都会感到焦虑。津巴尔多说:“估计有多达4 0%的


how can you avoid being nervous when you meet people? Prepare. Preparation for any
communicating situation is a must. You’ve been invited to a big dinner party in two weeks.
You know that one of the other guests is a politician. Scan the newspapers and magazines;
listen to newscasts for topics of conversation in political areas. Then, at the party, pretend
you’re an interviewer on talk show. Think of question to ask that can’t be answered yes or
no. “ in your opinion, who… “ “what do you think of… “ keep the momentum going.
在与他人相见时怎样避免紧张害怕的心理呢?要预先做好准备。不 论是什么样的交际
场合,准备都是必须的。有人邀请你两周后参加一次大型晚宴,你知道其他客人中有< br>一们政治家,你要浏览各种报纸杂志,听政治方面的专题谈话新闻广播。这样在聚会
时,假装自己 是谈话节目中的记者,想好要问的不能用“是”或“不是”来回答的问题。“在
您看来,谁。。。。”“ 您怎么看。。。”,使这种谈话充满活力。
whether you’re delivering a speech, approaching your boss for a raise or an important
social occasion, do you homework. The most polished, smoothly delivered,
spontaneous-sounding talks are the result of many hours of work. The memorable
one-lines and moving phrases that go down in history don’t come from last-minute bursts
of inspiration.
你都要预先 做准备。表达最为完美流畅、声音自然纯正的谈话是好多小时准备工作的
结果。表达最为完美流畅、声音 自然纯正的谈话是好多小时准备工作的结果。灵感的
最后一刻的爆发产生不出历史上留传下来并留在人们 心中的华章绝句。
If you’re making a presentation of any sort. Begin preparing as far ahead of time as


possible. “good writing,” say Harvard university historian Richard Marius, “is a kind of
wrestling with though” . begin the wrestling match early. Two days before your
presentation is usually too late to go into the ring and come up with a winning idea.
无论你 要做什么样的谈话,要心理早开始准备。哈佛大学历史学家理查德。马里阿斯
说:“写作是一项煞费苦心 、绞尽脑汁的工作,要早开始这项工作。两天前才开始准
备你的讲话通常就太晚了,就无法参加竞赛并想 出获胜方案。
“To communicate,” says New York Times Columist William Safire, “put your thoughts in
order, give them a purpose; use them to persuade, to instruct, to discover, to seduce.”
《纽约时报》专栏作者威廉姆。萨菲 说:“为了交流,要整理你的各种想法,使之
条理化,给 这些想法一个宗旨,用这些想法去说服,指导、发现、诱导别人。“
prepare yourself as well as your material, giving special attention to your voice. A shrill,
nasal tone strikes your listener like chalk screeching on a blackboard. By putting energy
and resonance into your voice, your will have a positive effect. If your voice is timid or
quivers with nervousness. You sense it, the audience hears it, and you see discomfort in
their eyes. With energy and enthusiasm in your voice, the listeners say ahhh, tell me more.
You read approval. 不光材料要准备好,你自己也要准备好,要特别注意你的声音。一起尖叫、一个鼻音
会给你的听众留 下像粉笔不好使时在黑板上发出的尖锐刺耳的声音那样的印象。通过
把活力和悦耳的声调纳入到你的声音 中,你就能获得良好的效果。如果你的声音有怯
意或因紧张害怕而颤动,你能感觉到它,听众也听到了它 ,而你也能看见他们不舒服


的眼神。如果你的声音中充满了活 力和激情,听众会发出啊啊的欢呼声,让你再多讲
like your voice, your appearance is a communications tool. For example, if you are
animated, you are more likely to see animated listeners. You give the audience the
message; I’m glad I’m here; I’m glad you’re here.
和声音一样,你的外表也是一种交际工 俱。比如说你生机勃勃,那么你就更有可能看
见生机勃勃的听众,你传给了听众这样的信息:“我在这里 很高兴,你们在这里我很
your approach can, in fact, be a powerful weapon for deflecting hostility-from an audience,
an interviewer, an employer. A benevolent aspect says I understand and conveys good will
and positive expectations. It works.
事实上,你的方法能成为一种强大的武器,能够 改变听众、记者或你的老板的不友善
情绪。一个善意的表情会表示出我理解,并转达出你的善意的和积极 的企盼,这样做
however, don’t ever assume that an audience, an interviewer, your boss will be
sympatheric. Always be prepared for a grilling. Think beforehand of the ten toughest
question you could get and ready with your answers. And remember, when you’re asked a
hostile question, never show hostility to your questioner. If you do, you lose.


会被 问到的十个最严厉的问题并准备好答案。还要记住,当你听到不友好的问题时
不能对问话人表现出敌意, 否则你就失败了。
while the hostile questioner is talking, prepare your response. Take a positive tack
immediately, and make your answers short. The instant the interviewer finishes the
question, begin the answer; first point, second point, third point… bingo, your conclusion.
It’s like shooting a basket. Keep your eyes on the basket, and bounce, bounce, shoot to
your conclusion.
在不友好的问话人正在说话时,你要准备回答,马上一种积极的方针,使你 的回答言
论 。这就像投篮一样,眼睛盯在篮框,左腾右跃,最后把球(结论)投进。
the way your listen gives messages about you to . listen with interest, focusing your eyes
on the speaker. If he or she is sitting next toward the person, angle your body slightly in
the chair so that your’re turned toward the person. Animate your face with approval. It
says, I’m with you, I’m interested in what you’re saying.
你听别人问话的方式也能 传达出你的信息。要饶有兴趣地听,眼睛看着说话人。如果
他或她坐在说话人的旁边,你的身体在座椅上 则要稍徽转向说话人。你的脸上要充满
生气,带着赞许的表情。这样的脸神表达出“我和你在一起,我对 你说的话很感兴趣“的
once you’re prepared for a situation, you’re 50 percent of the way toward overcoming
nervousness. The other 50 percent is the physical and mental control of nervousness;


adjusting your attitude so you have confidence, and control of yourself and your audience.
一旦你对某种场合做好了准备,你就有50%的把握克服紧张害怕的 情绪,另50%
I was in the theater for many years and always went to work with terrible stage fright-until
I was in “ the king and I”. While waiting offstage one night, I saw Yul Brynner, the show’s
star, pushing in a lunging position against a wall, it looked as thought he wanted to knock it
down. “this helps me control my nervousness,” he explained.
我在舞台上演出多年,我总是带着一种可怕的舞台恐惧症去上班,这种 情形到演出《国
制紧张害怕情绪 。“
I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright. Not only that, but pushing the
wall seemed to give me a whole new kind of physical energy. Later I discovered that when
you push against wall you contract the muscles that lie just below where your ribs begin to
splay. I call this area the “vital triangle”.
全身都注入 了全新的活力。后来我发现,当你推墙时,你就收缩了你肋骨开始伸展的
下方的肌肉。我将这一区域称为 “极其重要的三角区“。
To understand how these muscles work, try this; sit in a straight-backed chair and lean
slightly forward. Put your palms together in front of you, your elbows pointing out the


sides, your fingertips pointing upward, and push so that you feel pressure in the heels of
your palms and under your arms.要想弄清这些 肌肉是怎么起作用的,试一试下面的办
法:坐在一个直背靠椅上,身体微微前倾。双掌在前方合在一处, 双肘向外侧探出,
say ssssssssssssss. Like a hiss. As you’re exhaling the s, contract those muscles in the vital
triangle as though you were rowing a boat pulling the oars back and up. The vital triangle
should tighten. Relax the muscles at the end of your exhalation, then inhale gently.口中
续说s, 象嘶嘶声音。在你呼气说S时收缩那极其重要的三角区的肌肉,好像你在划
一条船,全力去摇撸,这个极 其重要的三角区应该绷紧。在呼气结束时放松肌肉,接
you can also adjust your attitude to prevent nervousness. What you say to yourself sends a
message to your audience. If you tell yourself you’re afraid, tha’s the message your listener
receives. So select the attitude you want to communicate. Attitude adjusting is your
mental suit of armor against nervousness. If you entertain only positive thoughts, you will
be giving out these vibes; joy and ease, enthusiasm, sincerity and concern, and authority.
你还可以调整自己的态度来防止紧张害怕情 绪。你对自己说的话给你的听众传送去了
信息。如果你跟自己说你害怕,这就是你的听众接到的信息,所 以要选择好你想与人
交流的态度。态度调整是你防止紧张害怕情绪的精神武器。如果你只抱有积极的观点 ,
18. you have the power within you to become a forceful, persuasive, confident
communicator. With these techniques, you will be able to ask for a raise, make a sale, deal
with a family crisis, feel comfortable in social and business situations. Master the simple


principles set out here and you will never be nervous again.你本身即拥有一个有力量、有
影响、有信心的交际者 的能力。通过运用这些技巧,你就有能力去请求加薪、卖出货
物、处理家庭危机并在社交和生意场上挥洒 自如。掌握上述这些简单的原则,你就再
Text 9 Hey, I’m the customer喂,我是顾客
I’m the Customer. I have losts of money and I’m going to spend it. Take care of me and I’ll
take care of you. I’ll encourage my friends to come to see you. I’ll come back when I need
more of what you sell. All you’ve got to do is to satisfy me. Do you think I’m demanding
too much? Hey, all I want is people to: 我是顾客,我有很多钱,我要花掉这些钱。照顾
好我,那么我也会照顾好 你,我会鼓励我的朋友们到你这儿来,当我还需要你卖的东
西时,我会再回来的。你所应该做的就是令我 满意。你认为我要求的太过分吗?喂,
Greet me and make me feel comfortable. 欢迎我,使我感到心情舒畅。
Value me and let me know they think I’m important. 重视我,让我知道他们认为我重要。
Ask how they can help me. 询问我,他们如何才能帮我。
Listen to me and understand my needs. 听我说,了解我的需求。
Help me get what I want or solve my problem. 帮我得到所需或帮我解决问题。
Invite me back and let me know I’m welcome anytime. 请我再来,告诉我无论什么时候


Most of us form quick first impressions. We often decide whether we like people, want to
do business with them, in the first few seconds, whether in face-to-face contact or over
the telephone. Someone once told me people form 11 impressions of us in the first seven
seconds of contact. 我们大部分人都能形成初步印象,无论是面对 面的交往还是在电
话里,我们经常在前几秒钟就能确定是否喜欢对方,是否想与其做生意,有人曾告诉< br>我们,在与我们接触的前7秒钟内,人们就能形成对我们的11个印象。
Not long ago, I needed new business telephone lines and numbers. I called and was
greeted by one of the friendliest voices I’d ever heard. Immediately, I felt comfortable. The
person thanked me and put me completely at ease. Her greeting was most effective. 不久
前,我需要一些新的业务电话线路 和电话号码。我打电话联系,接电话的人的声音是
我所听到过的最友好的声音之一。我立即感到愉快。那 个人向我表示感谢,使我感到
Yours can be, too. All you have to do is to be aware of the importance of greeting people
and then learn some simple techniques. 你的热情接待也会产生同样的效果。你所应该
Thank customers for coming in, contacting you, or seeing you. This is not what a new
receptionist did the last time I went into the dental office. I walked in and stood at the
counter for at least a minute. She knew I was there, but she didn’t acknowledge me.
Finally she looked up, showed no reaction – no smile, no warmth – and said, “Sign in!” Her
inattentiveness left me feeling less than thrilled about being there. 要感谢顾 客的光临,

50 < /p>

Tune the world out and then in. another technique is to tune the world out and customers
in. how often do you talk to yourself when you should be focusing on your customers? It’s
easy to do this and it can be damaging to customer relations.
排除干扰,聆听顾客。另一个 技巧就是抛开世界上的一切,注意听取顾客的意见。有
多少次你本该把注意力放在顾客的身上,而你却在 想着自己的心事。这样的事很容易
“Let me Know I’m important.” “要使我感到我很重要!”
Good customer service isn’t just painting a smile on your face and performing certain
actions. People quickly see through thinly veiled attempts at niceness.
给顾客提供良好的服务并非仅仅是脸上装出笑容和做做样子而已。装出来 的热情很快
Think: 考虑一下:
“You’re the customer – you pay my salary!” “你是顾客——你给我付工资!”
“There’s something about you I like!” “我对你有好感!”
“You make my job possible!” “有了你我的工作才成为可能!”
Once you have these values, you will see your job differently. Most people who work with


people don’t really know what business they’re in. Most think they’re in business to
deliver products or services. They don’t know they’re in business to give benefits to people.
一旦你了解了顾客的这些价值,你就会以不同的 观点看待自己的工作。与顾客打交道
的人并不真正懂得自己在做什么,大部分人认为自己在做提供产品或 服务的生意,却
Many in retailing, telemarketing, medical offices, or other places where people spend
money, don’t know how to identify the real needs customers have. How do you go about
identifying people’s needs? First, understand people’s needs? First, understand people’s
needs aren’t for the product or service, but for what that will do for them. Customers
don’t buy cars to have a vehicle to drive. They do it so they can keep up with the Joneses,
get good gas mileage, or save money.
在零售、电讯直销、诊所或其他消费领域,很多搞这些行业的人不知道如何 确定顾客
是 产品或服务能为他们做什么。顾客买车的目的并非仅仅是为了有辆车开,他们这样
做是为了赶时髦,是为 了买到省油的汽车,或为了省钱。
A most important part of your contact with customers will be to find out what their needs
are – the payoff they want from what you sell. Ask “How may I help you?” Cliches such as
“May I help you?” aren’t as complete. One calls for a quick turn-off response; the other
calls for an explanation. Find out why they came in or contacted you. When you know why
you can better understand their individual needs. Ask open-ended questions. These call for
explanations because they contain the words who, what, where, why, when and how. Not
only will these questions help you understand a person’s needs, you’ll also strengthen


rapport by showing concern and listening.
你与客户接触的一个很重要的方面就是洞悉他们的需求——是想从你卖的东西 中得
够 全面。这种问法要求顾客立即答复便终止对话;而另一种问法需要顾客解释。要弄
清楚他们为何而来或为 何与你接触,当明白了其来意之后,你就能更好地了解他们的
个人需求。要问一些没有确定答案的问题, 因为这样的问题里含有“谁”,“什么”,“在
哪儿”,“为什么”,“什么时候”,和“怎样”,所以 需要解释。这样的问题不仅会帮助你
了解顾客的需求。而且通过表示对他们的关心和聆听他们的需求还会 加强与他们的友
“Please Listen to Me.” “请听我说。”
after you ask how you can help, it’s time to do something few people do well-listen. Don’t
listen casually; tune in to each person, cut out distractions and listen to their words, tone
of voice and body language. 序文如何才能帮助之后,你就 该做那件很少有人能做好的
事情——听顾客说。不要漫不经心,要注意听每一个人讲,不要精神溜号,要 听他们
Listening isn’t just hearing. It’s understanding feelings and emotions. It’s picking up subtle
voice inflections and meanings. If the customer says. “I’m just looking,” may be his body
language is saying, “I’m interested in buying.” 听,不仅是听到了而已,而是懂得顾客的
情感,理解他们难以觉察的声调变化和意思。如果顾客说 :“我只是看看”,也许他
you buy from soemoen, watch what person does with his eyes. People often say


the right words, but their eyes betray their true feelings. People who are really listening
look into your eyes. When people aren't looking into your eyes, it's virtually ipossible for
them to hear everything you're trying to tell them. When people are preoccupied, they
almost never keep eye contact. 当你买某人的东西上四,观察一下他(她)的眼神。人
们通常嘴 里说着好听的话,可眼睛里透露出真实的感受。真正在听你讲话的人会注视
着你的眼睛。当人们不看你的 眼镜时,他们不可能听到你要讲的所有的事情,当人们
17. Concentrated eye contact helps you listen more effectively, and customers intuitively
respect people who look them in the eyes. Listening is the highest for of persuasion.
There's no better way to persuade your customers to buy from you than to listen. 目不转
睛 地注释会帮助你更有效地听讲,顾客会本能地尊敬那些注释着他们眼睛的人。听是
说服他们的最佳方式, 没有比听更好的办法去说服顾客买你的东西。
you've greeted customers, valued them, asked how you can help them, and
listened to them, it's time to fill their needs. Remember, people don't buy your product or
service for what it is, but for what it will do for them. 在你向顾客表示欢迎,表示尊重,
询问如何才 能帮助他们,并蜻蜓他们解释需求之后,你就该开始满足其需求了。记住:
人们并非为了眼前的利益才购 买你的产品或服务,而是为了将来的利益。
19. Whatever you're selling or do for customers, you'll help them better when you:
Satisfy their wants or needs. ——满足他们的需求。


Solve their problems. ——为他们解决问题。
Give them extra value. ——给他们额外的好处。
20. Just as first impressions are memorable, so are last impressions. People carry their
feelings with them when they leave you. There are three ways to make good impressions.
同第一印象一样,最后的印象也是 令人难忘的。人们离开你的时候,是带着印象走的,
21. Thank them for coming in or contacting you. This can be done with words, actions, or
attitudes. If you are truly appreciative, you'll communicate it, verbally or nonverbally.
Always cheerfully express your appreciation whether people buy or not. This sets the stage
for future success and referrals. 感谢他们的光临或与你接触 ,这可以用语言、动作或态
度来表示。如果你真的有感激之情,就以语言或非语言形式表达出来,无论人 们购买
them to return soon. One reason why people love you to show appreciation is
because it's so uncommon. Notice the attitudes of people who serve you. Even when you
purchase something, they don't always leave you wanting to return. Let them get the idea
you aren't going to buy anything and you'll usually be abandoned. 要请他们快回来。人们
喜欢你 表示感谢的一个原因是因为这样做很难的,请注意观察接待你的人的态度,即
使你买了什么,他们也不总 是让你觉得还想再来,如果让他们知道了你什么都不想买,
23. Leave them wanting to return. When your attitudes and values are right, your actions
will usually be right. Customers will have good feelings about you. 要让顾客觉得还想再


感了 。
Customers are becoming more demanding. They have more choices as to what they buy
and from whom. One way to cause them to remember you favorably is to do something
unexpected, out of the ordinary. Simple actions are most memorable -- a small chocolate,
a genuine
use your imagination. 顾客的要求越来越高,对于买什么以及从谁的手里买,他们有
更多的选择。 有一个办法可以给他们留下很好的印象,那就是做一些意想不到的、与
众不同的事。一些简单的小事也会 非常令人难忘——一小块巧克力,顾客离开前说一
声真诚的“谢谢您”,一个并不贵重的小礼品。贵在与 众不同,要运用你的想象力。
Text 10 How to Camp out 怎样在野外露营
Camping out is not in itself a game,野营本身并不是一种游戏,
but it would be hard to imagine a more delightful way for people who enjoy going back to
the heart of nature. 但对于一个喜欢回归大自然的人来说,我们很难想象有其它什么方
1. Before going into camp there are many things for the camper to learn if he does not
know how, and one of these things is how to make a fire. If one has matches, kindling and
wood there is no trick in making a campfire, but there is a good trick in making a fire
where there are no matches and the wood is green or wet.


在去野营之前,野营者要学很多东西---如果他们不知道怎么做的话,这里包括生火. 如果
一个人有火柴,火引,和烧柴的话,去点个火并不需要什么窍门. 但是,如果在没有火柴,
2. Our own Indians get fire by rotating a hard upright stick in a cup-shaped hollow of
lighter wood, in which dry charcoal or the shavings of punk were placed. Cotton and any
other substances that catch a flame easily would answer as is getting fire by
我们的印第安人,通过旋转 一根垂直在杯状凹槽的木头上的硬木棍 来生火凹槽边上
3. Every hunter in the West and among the Indians and Mexicans of two continents now
carries a flint and steel, and a dry substance to catch and retain the spark. This substance
with a full outfit can now be had in most stores that supply sporting goods, and every
camper should have a supply.
现在,西方的的每个猎人和 两个大大陆之间的印第安人和墨西哥人都用一个打火石和
一些干燥的东西去点火,用它当火种.现在,这 些东西和其它全套野营装备,在很多商店
里都有卖,这些店通常卖一些体育用品和每个露营者应该要的物 品.
4. Camps are either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanen
and may be visited year after year, or they may be used for a few weeks at a time.


Temporary camps are the ones we are considering, and these can be elaborate
very simple. I prefer the latter, and I am sure the boys will agree with me.
营地可以是临 时的,一天一换,也可以是长期的,也许我们每一年都要来或者我们在一段
时间内要住上它一两个星期. 我们要说的是临时营地这些营地构造可以是非常复杂也
可以是很简单.我选择后者,而且我也相信,男孩 子们会同意的我看法.
the autumn and when the weather is dry and the nights not too cool, the best
way to camp is in the open, sleeping on beds of boughs, about a roaring fire, and with one
blanket under and another over. 在秋天天气很干燥,夜晚也不太 冷最好去找个开阔的
地言野营,睡在树枝做成的床上,床上铺一张毯子,再盖一张,边上,点个大火堆, 然后用树
6. Small dog tents, like the ones our soldiers carried in the Civil War, are cheap and very
convenient. Each man carried a section, and two made a tent, into which two men crawled
when it rained, but in dry weather they preferred to sleep in the open, even when it was
小帐蓬,像我们内 战时的士兵带的那种,是既便宜又方便的.分两个人带,每个人都带一
部分,在下雨的时候,人们在里面 爬着行动,但是在晴朗的天气,即使天气很冷,他们也宁
7. Shelters of boughs, arranged in an A-framed fashion from a ridge pole make good
temporary shelters and are first rate as windbreaks at night.


8. A shack built of crossed logs requires some time to build and some skill to make , but it
is not beyond the reach of any boy who has seen - and who has not - an old-fashioned log
去建这种由木头交叉成金字塔式的小屋需要一些时间和技巧.但这 对于一个看过甚至
没有看过古式小木屋的人来说 并不难.
IF LOST 要是迷路了
9. But all boys, even trained foresters, are apt to get lost in strange woods. Every one,
however, should know what to do in such a circumstance. As a rule the denser growth of
moss on trees is on the north side. This knowledge may help find the direction, but it is
better to carry a small pocket compass
几乎 所有的男孩子,即使是被训练过的林务员,也很容易在陌生的森林里迷路.然后,在
这种情况下,每个人 都知道要做什么.跟据一般规律,树上苔藓长得密集的地方是北面.
这些知识也许能让我们找到方向,不 过,最好还是带一个袖珍指南钟吧.
10. When the sky is clear, the sun and the stars help to guide the course, and if they are
followed one is saved from traveling in a circle,as the lost are pretty sure to do in a dense
当天空很晴朗的时候,太阳和星星可 以指明方向.如果在它们下面有个人在密林里迷路
了,总在原地绕圈那个迷路者更应该利用它们来找到方 向了.
11. If twigs are broken from bushes they will serve to show the course to those out
searching. A good plan is to follow down the course of a stream, which always flows into a


larger body of water and will lead to some abode If a hill is accessible, the lay of the land
may be had from its summit.
如果从小树林里 将能 帮助 没法找到出路的人们 一个很好的办法就是顺着细流而
下.这细 流通常会流进一些大的水域而且会把人带到有人住的地方.如果有一座很容易
就能爬上去的小山,我们就 可以从山顶看到这个地方的形势
12. In any event, should you be lost, do not get rattled. You will be missed in camp and a
search will be made by your friends. If you have to stay in the woods all night, make the
best of it. Others have made the best of it by sleeping near the foot of a tree or beside a
log. It will be more cheery if you can make a fire without danger to the woods.
如果你不得不 在树林里过夜,那你就尽量好好过一夜吧.那些能好好过一夜的人,通常都
是睡在树下或睡在一边木头边 上.如果对树林没有危险的话,你还可以点个火堆,这将更
13. Now the camping outfit, including enough provisions for the proposed stay, must be
carried, and unless the stay is to be short, a wagon or pack animals should be provided for
this purpose. For a journey of ten miles or more I would not advise you to make the pack
load more than two hundred pounds, though I have known mules to carry three hundred
pounds at a pace of twenty miles a day over rough trails.


现在说说露营的一些装备,包括一些计划内停留要用的物品一 定要带上,不过除非驻扎
时间很短,才可以提供一些动物驮运物品.如果行程有10英语里或更多我建议 你不要让
14. If the pack is heavy, it may be lightened by having each camper carry his own blankets
in a roll, with the case resting on the right shoulder. I would advise each to carry a canteen
if there is danger of your being long away from good water.
should have the following articles: A long-handled frying pan, a broiler; a tin coffee
pot; a long iron fork; a long iron spoon; some cheap tin cups, plates and spoons, and some
forks and knives.
你应该有以下 几款东西:一个有很长握柄的锅,一副烤烙用具,一个咖啡罐;一把长的铁
叉子,一把长的铁勺子.和其 它一些便宜的锡杯子,盘子和勺子,和一些刀叉.
16. Do not depend upon the fish and game for food supply, but take along some boneless
bacon and fat pork, which are good for a relish with whatever fish or fresh meat you may
secure. Then you should have some good ground coffee in a tightly closed box. Some tea
in a screw-top glass preserve jar, sugar, salt, prepared flour, corn meal, rice, beans,
oatmeal,condensed milk, evaporated cream,crackers, and as much canned or dried fruits
as you can transport without overloading - these are not necessaries, but all of them will
come handy.


不要依赖鱼和野味来供 应食物带一些没骨头的咸肉和肥猪肉,把它跟你敢放心食用的
鱼的其它鲜肉一起吃,会吃得更香.然后, 你应该要用盒子装一些咖啡末,盖紧它.用个拧
盖式玻璃杯装一些茶叶, ...... 糖,加盐于,精面粉,玉米,大米,豆子,燕麦片 , 炼乳,干
乳酪,饼干如果不会超载你就尽可能多带一些罐装好了的或干的水果.-- 这些都不是必
17. Worth Remembering. It is not well for a lot of boys, no matter how strong and
intelligent, to go off camping unless one of them has had practical experience in that kind
of life.
值得一提的是太多 的男孩子一起去露营并不好,不管有多么强壮或聪明,除非他们其中
Text 11 Body Image 外在形象
Kids as early as third grade are concerned about their weight. While their body shapes are
changing rapidly, there is a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. One of the ways to fit in is
to have
1. Girls are overly concerned about weight and body shape. They strive for the
body and judge themselves by their looks, appearance, and above all thinness. But boys


don't escape either. They are concerned with the size and strength of their body. There
has been a shift in the male body image. Boys live in a culture that showcases
bodies - if they want to fit in. They think they have to be a
being confused as to what that means or what's expected of them. This confusion can
make it harder than ever to feel good about themselves. < br>女孩对体重和体形过份地关注,她们努力保持完美的体形,对长相、外表甚至是苗条与
否进行评判 .其实男孩也不例外.他们对身体的高矮和力量非常在意.成年男性的外在形
象会有一次转变.在有些文 化中,人们把有魅力、强壮作为优秀男人的典型,如果想时尚,
就必须锻炼肌肉塑造体形.他们认为自己 必须成为”真正的”男人.但是许多人承认,对于
这意味着什么以及人们对他们的期望是什么,并不清楚 .这种迷惑使得他们很难有良好
2. Most of our cues.' about what we should look like come from the media, our parents,
and our peers. This constant obsession
for a different shape or size can be painful.
我们对于自己应该长得怎样的大多数观念来自于媒体、 父母和同伴.体重、体形带来的
3. Where do these negative perceptions come from? Here are just a few of the factors
contributing to negative perceptions and obsessions about our body:


4. The media plays a big part. Surrounded by thin models and TV stars, teenage girls are
taught to achieve an impossible goal. As a result, many teenage girls intensely dislike their
bodies and can tell you down to the minutest
watch an average of 22 hours of TV a week and are delugedwith images' of fat-free
bodies in the pages of health, fashion and teen magazines. The
achieve. A female should look like, and have the same dimensions as Barbie, and a male
should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
媒体起着重要的作用.由于受到身材苗条的模特和电视明星的影响 ,少女们在追逐一个
不可能完成的任务.结果许多少女非常不喜欢自己的身体,并会向你诉说很细微的不 足
这 一标准是根本不可能达到的.女性应该具有芭比娃娃的尺寸,男性应该长得像施瓦辛
5. Take a look at the 10 most popular magazines on the newspaper racks. The women and
men on the covers represent about 0.03 per cent of the population. The other 99.97%
don't have a chance to compete, much less measure up. Don't forget it's a career with
these people. They're pros. Many have had major body makeovers
personal trainer. Most ads are reproduced, airbrushed or changed by computer. Body parts
can be changed at will.
看看报纸架上 排名前士位的畅销杂志.封面上的男男女女仅代表了人口的0.03%.而另
外的99.97%根本不可 能与之竞争,也达不到其标准.别忘了这些人是以此为职业.他们


喷枪或者电 脑制作,使其身体的各个部位可以随意改变.
6. Western society places a high value upon appearance. Self-worth is enhanced for those
who are judged attractive. Those who are deemed unattractive can feel at a disadvantage.
The message from the media, fashion and our peers can create a longing to win the
approval of our culture and fit in at any cost. And that can be disastrous to our
self- esteem.
西方社会对外表非常重视.被认为外表美的人可以提升自我价值.而那些外表不美的 人
获得社 会文化的认可,而不惜一切代价来适应这一文化.这对于树立自尊心的毁灭性的.
7. Parents can give mixed messages too. Especially if they're constantly dieting or have
body or food issues of their own. How we perceive and internalizethese childhood
messages about our bodies determines our ability to build self-esteem and confidence in
our appearance.
父母也可以传递 类似的信息.尤其是当他们一直节食,或者总是谈论与身体或食物有关
的总题.我们怎么看待这些糼年时 获得的关于身体的信息,决定着我们能否树立自尊心


8. Why is a positive body image so important? Psychologists and counselors..
negative body image is directly related to self-esteem. The more negative the perception
of our bodies, the more negative we feel about ourselves.
为什么好的外在形象如此重要呢?心理学家和顾问们 一致认为,不好的外在形象与自尊
9. Being a teenager is a time of major change. Besides the obvious changes in size and
shape, teens are faced with how they feel about themselves. Body image and self-esteem
are two important ways to help promote a positive image.
着自我感 觉如何的问题.外在形象和自尊是帮助青少年改善个人形象的两种主要方法.
10. When most people think about body image they think about aspects of physical
appearance, attractiveness, and beauty. But body image is much more. It is the mental
picture a person has of hisher body as well as their thoughts, feelings, judgments,
sensations, awareness and behavior. Body image is developed through interactions with
people and the social world. It's our mental picture of ourselves; it's what allows us to
become ourselves.
大多数人认为外在形象就是外表、吸引力和容貌.其 实外在形象远远不止这些.它是一
个人对其身体以及思想、感情、判断力、感觉、意识和行为的内在认识 .外在形象是在


11. Body image influences behavior, self-esteem, and our psyche. When we feel bad
about our body, our satisfaction and mood plummets
push, reshape or remake our bodies, our sense of self becomes unhealthy. We lose
confidence in our abilities. It's not uncommon for people who think poorly of their bodies
to have problems in other areas of their lives, including sexuality, careers and
外在形象影响着我们的行为、自尊和心理.当我们觉得自己 外表不好时,我们的满意度
和心情会一落千丈.如果我们不断地迫使自己重新塑造体形,自我意识就会变 得非常不
12. A healthy body image occurs when a person's feelings about hisher body are positive,
confident and self caring. This image is necessary to care for the body, find outlets.... for
self-expression, develop confidence in one's physical abilities and feel comfortable with
who you are.
当一个人对自己的外表感 到满意、有信心而且懂得自我保养时,就会形成积极健康的外
在形象.这一形象有助于保养身体,发现自 我表现的途径,树立生理能力方面的自信心,
13. Self-esteem is a personal evaluation of one's worth as a person. It measures how
much you respect yourself.


14. To begin to achieve healthy images of ourselves and our bodies is a challenge. Here
are some things you can do to start feeling better about your body and yourself.
15. When you look in the mirror, make yourself find at least one good point for every
demerit you give. Become aware of your positives.
16. Decide which of the cultural pressures - glamour, fitness, thinness, media, peer group -
prevent you from feeling good about yourself. How about not buying fashion .magazines
which promote unrealistic body images?
找出是什么压力让你对自己 感觉不好—诱惑、健康、胖廋、媒体还是同伴们?可不可
以不买时尚杂志呢,因为它提供了不真实的身体 形象.
17. Exercise gets high marks when it comes to breeding positive body feelings. It makes us
feel better about our appearance, and improves our health and mood.
锻炼身体对于培养正面的形象有很 大帮助.它可以使我们对外表更自信,并且有助于身
18. Emphasize your assets. You've got lots. Give yourself credit for positive qualities. If


there are some things you want to change, remember self-discovery is a lifelong process.
重视你所拥有的有用的东西.你已经拥有了许多.对于好的品质要给自己加分.如 果你想
19. Make friends with the person you see in the mirror. Say,
Do it until you believe it.
和你在镜子里看到的那个人交朋友,并且说, “我喜欢我所看到的,我喜欢自己.” 这样做
20. Question ads. Instead of saying,
for you.
对广告提出质疑.不要说 “我有什么问题吗?”相反应该说 “广告有什么问题吗?”给广
21. Ditch
relationship with your body and weight.
22. Challenge size-bigotry and fight size discrimination whenever you can. Don't speak of
yourself or others with phrases like


随时对体形偏见提出质疑,并与体形歧视进行斗争.不要对自己或别人说 “胖子”“胖
23. Be an example to others by taking people seriously for what they say, feel, and do
rather than how they look.
24. Accept the fact your body's changing. In teen years, your body is a work in progress.
Don't let every new inch or curve throw you off the deep end.
25. You know you are successful when you can look in the mirror and instead of asking,

you'll find you can stop disliking your body. When Clister Smith, age.15, was asked how we
can like our bodies better, he says,
want to change your body, do it for yourself, and not anyone else.
当你照镜子时说“其实我真的没什么问题.”而不是说 “我这是怎么了?”此时你就成功了.
慢慢的你就会发现你不讨厌自己的身体了.当有人问15岁的克里 斯特?史密斯,我们怎
样才能更喜欢自己的身体时,他说,“不要担心别人如何评价你.如果你想改变自 己的身
26. This is the starting point. It is from this new way of looking at a problem that we can
begin to feel better about ourselves. Make this the time to accept the natural dimensions


of our bodies instead of drastically trying to change them. We can't exchange our bodies
for a new one. So the best thing is to find peace with the one we have. Your body is where
you're going to be living the rest of your life. Isn't it about time you made it home?
这是个起点.只有用这个看待问题的新方法,我们 才会自我感觉更好.从现在做起,接受
我们身体的自然尺寸,而不是急于要改变它.我们不能把身体换成 全新的.所以最好就是
以平和的心态接受我们所拥有的.你要在自己的身体里度过信息余生,难道不该把 它当
Text 12 Baseball in America 美国的棒球
In the early stages of Colonial life, baseball was not even an actual sport. After many
transformations, it has become a business in the United States.
1. American Sports represent a fabric of American culture. Sports act as a unifying factor
between people of all ages. Of all the sports that America has to offer, baseball is
considered the pastime of this country. Americans did not always regard baseball and
other sports in such a benign manner. Rather, sports during the early colonial times were
seen as pagan and devilish things to do. Many elite
the Victorian ideals regarded any type of games or sports as ill vices. It was the common
people who directly related sports to their religion. On days of religious celebration, early
Americans joined together to play games. These folk games were unstructured and unruly;


however, the unity that these games brought, created a need for professional sporting
games. Folk games provided the foundation of sports. They created a sense of
companionship and unison among individuals. These unorganized folk games created the
threshold for organized sports and led to the transformation of the players' roles and the
role of the audience. Amateurs`'' became professional athletes, and the game an organized
business. The game of baseball evolved from the English game of cricket and rounders. It
was not until the time of the Civil War that baseball began to be played frequently.
在美国,运 动是其文化的组成部分.运动是任何年龄的人所共同的生活因素.在美国人所
从事的运动中,棒球被看作 是整个国家的娱乐活动.美国人并不总是将棒球和其他运动
看作是无害的行为.在殖民初期,运动被看作 是异教的古怪的东西,许多社会上的精英和
富裕人士都带有维多利亚的观念,把任何类型的运动都看作是 邪恶和堕落的行为.是普
通民众将运动和宗教联系起来,在宗教庆祝日,早期的美国人聚集在一起开始运 动.这些
开端,并导致了运动 员和观众角色的转变.业余选手成为了专业运动员,比赛成为商业活
动.棒球是从英国的板球和圆场棒球 演变而来的.直到内战时期,棒球才渐渐流行起来.
2. However with the transformation of the nation, society and technology, folk games too
began to evolve into spectator sports. After the Civil War, baseball became a popular sport
and no longer an archaic folk game. Structure and organization were introduced gradually
into the game and increased public participation. The sport at first excluded the public, but
as economic interests infiltrated.... the game, the need for audiences and spectators arose.
The audience of baseball was instrumental in the transformation of baseball. The battling


leagues and team rivalries created a sector for the American public to participate in
baseball. The process of the transformation of American folk games into spectator games
was due to capitalism, evolution of American society, urban settings, level of player
performance, technological advances and the addition of structure and organization to
the games; thus, transforming the sport of baseball into a monopolized and professional
然而 随着国家、社会和技术的转型,民间运动才开始演变成观众参与的运动.内战后棒
球非常流行,而且不再 是过时的民间运动.组织和机构逐渐参与到这项运动中,并提高了
公众的参与性.这项运动最初排斥公众 ,但随着经济利益的渗透,迫切需要观众的参与.
观众是棒球运动变革的一种手段.球队的对抗为美国公 众参与到棒球运动创造了前提.
棒球作为美国的民间运动向观众参与的运动转型,主要归因于资本主义、 美国社会的演
3. Organized Baseball and the Commission have propagated the myth that General Abner
Doublday invented the game of baseball. This was an attempt to make baseball an
American game. The Com-mission wanted to distinguish baseball as a truly American game
that originated in Cooperstown, New York.
棒球组织及其委员 会宣称阿博纳?杜伯戴将军发明了棒球这项运动.这试图使棒球成为
美国的运动.委员会称棒球起源于纽 约的库伯城,从而使棒球成为真正的美国运动.
4. This was a publicity stunt.... in order to create a sense of nationalism around the game


in order to make the fans believe that this was their game and it belonged to no other
country. It was an attempt to popularize baseball to the highest degree. The legend
states that Abner Doubleday at Cooperstown invented baseball in 1839. This myth was
generated in 1907 by the Commission of Baseball when Albert Spalding hired his friend,
Abraham Mills, to form a commission to investigate the origins 6f the game. These men
gathered information from some of the oldest players known to have played the game.
Spalding recognized the appeal of patriotism and the dynamics of myth making. Historical
myths and legends play a large role in forming national identity and patriotic pride. This
myth enabled baseball to break all traces and origins of the game from England. This was
in fact a farceScholars and historians both disprove this myth and trace baseball's
origins to old English games of rounders and criquet. In 1939, Baseball celebrated its one
hundredth birthday and created the Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York. In the same
year, the United States government created a commemorative stamp, which made 1839
the official birth day of baseball. This enabled Baseball to establish itself as a strange
American religion in which people could return to the birthplace of the game to celebrate
and remember it. Although this myth was pure falicy, the intent of the myth did enable
baseball to distinguish itself as purely American and contributed to the sport becoming
America's National Pastime.
这显然是为宣扬棒球所显示的 爱国广义而耍的花招,目的是让球迷相信棒球是他们的
运动,不属于其他任何国家.这企图将棒球的流行 推向最高峰.传说是这样的: 阿博纳?
杜伯戴于1839年在库伯城发明了棒球这项运动.这一传说是 棒球委员会在1907年杜
撰的.那时阿尔伯特?斯伯丁派他的朋友阿布罕穆?米尔成立一个小组,负责 调查棒球运


说的推动力.历史神话和传说对于形成民族特色和民族自豪感起着重 要的作用.这一传
年, 并在纽约的库伯城建造了费姆堂.同年美国政府发行了纪念邮票,将1839年定于棒
球的正式诞生时间 .这使棒球成为美国奇怪的宗教节日,人们回到这项运动的诞生地以
示纪念.尽管这一传说仅仅是误传, 但传说真的使棒球成为美国所特有的东西,这大大推
5. Baseball today has been grown by issues such as revenues, advertising, marketing and
other economic aspects. The concept of baseball as a sport has been forgotten. Rather it
has become a business. Television hurt baseball but the sport has recovered. Organized
Baseball has remained a fabric of American culture. It has though lost touch with the
common man. Players are obsessed about salaries and stock options instead of playing
the game for fun. The audience has still remained a vital part of baseball and the game's
success. However, the sport has been tainted. There have been numerous strikes by
baseball players against the owners. There have been scandal and drugs and steroids
have infiltrated the game, tainting its purity. The game has become revolved around
money. Despite such problems, some players have kept baseball in the hearts of all
Americans. Through their performance on and off the field, sports heroes continue to
impact our daily lives. The errors of the past still haunt baseball and are still seen in the
game's modern form, yet the sport of baseball is still intact and remains the nation's
pastime. Television has improved and such record breaking events have been captured so


that all Americans can enjoy the spoils. Baseball today is no longer a game of mystique
that lures' the audiences in. It has become a business and the drama that used to be a
part of the game that increased fan participation has been lost. Nevertheless, the game is
an American game and is the pastime of this nation. The thrill of the game can still be
recognized. Ballparks have become more vital to the sports success in this new era of
sports. The numerous fans of baseball have found other sports or activities but the game
has continued to spread and keep the public's interest.
今天的棒球通常是和收入、广告、营销和其他经济方面联系起来的.棒球作为一 项运动
交易特权,而不是 为了娱乐而打球.观众依然是棒球和这项运动取得成功的重要力量.然
而这项运动已经被玷污了.棒球球 员对抗雇主的罢工现象大量存在着.丑闻、毒品和兴
奋剂事件使这项运动受损,玷污了它的纯洁.这项运 动与金钱紧密相连.尽管如此,有些
球员仍然使棒球深深地印在全美国人的心中.通过赛场上和赛场外的 精彩表现,这些运
打破 纪录的瞬间被记录下来,使所有美国人能够享受战利品.今天的棒球不再带有神秘
色彩,引诱观众进入其 中.它成为了商业活动,歌剧曾经作为这项运动的一部分,增加了
球迷的参与性,但现在也没有了.然而 ,这项运动是美国人的运动,是这个国家的精粹.运
动带来的强烈的兴奋依然清晰.在这项运动的新时期 ,球场对于比赛的成功至关重要.尽
管许多棒球球迷发现了其他运动或活动,但棒球这项运动还在继续传 播着,吸引着公众


6. Baseball emerged after the end of Civil War as popular game. The popularity of rivalries
fueled the attraction of the game and caused it to become the national pastime. The sport
transformed from being a game of amateurs into a sport played by professionals. With
that transformation, the innocence of baseball has been lost. The game of baseball went
through many transformations. Once the owners took control, Baseball had its ups and
downs. The sport experienced a dead ball era in which pitching was well below the
standard of today. Also, with new technological advances in the game, the sport reached
its pinnacle. With improved balls, bats, and gloves the sport took off and the dead ball era
came to a close. The live ball era increased the role of the audience.
棒球出现在内战结束 后,并成为一项流行的运动.竞争和对抗使这项运动更有吸引力,使
它成为国粹.这项运动从业余选手参 与转变为专业运动员的比赛.随着这一转变,棒球的
纯洁性丧失了.棒球这项运动发生了很多转变.当雇 主掌控后,棒球经历了起起伏伏.这
项运动经历了死球时代,那时投球要远远低于现在的标准.随着比赛 中新技术的应用和
发展,这项运动达到了巅峰.由于球、球棒和手套的改进,死球时代结束了.现场比赛 使观
7. Despite all the atrocities of racism and discrimination and the ugliness of big business
and greed, baseball is still the National Pastime. It still holds that status because it is
American; it is unique and that aspect will always endure. The sport of baseball has
migrated to other nations like Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Japan, and Korea. The
popularity has dwindled in the United States due to other social distractions, but the game
has been absorbed by other cultures, demonstrating the attractiveness of the sport and


the importance of the fans.
然是美国 的国粹.它仍然占据着这个地位,因为它是美国的,是独特的,而且将持续下去.
棒球这项运动已传播到 其他国家,像墨西哥、多米尼肯共和国、古巴、日本和韩国.由
于社会上其他娱乐方式的出现,在美国, 棒球对人们的吸引力已有所减弱,但是这项运动
被其他文化所接受,从而显示了该运动的吸引力和球迷的 重要性.
Text 13 Life on other planets? of course!在其他行星上有生命吗?当然有
1. Q. There's a lot of talk about putting up manned orbital stations. What does this mean,
2. A. It is very important to have scientific stations in space. A space telescope with a
mirror slightly over six and a half feet in diam eter will be placed in orbit, and there will be
more and more of these. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, in collaboration with a
number of other European Laboratories orbited a telescope that revolutionized our
knowledge of gamma-ray emissions by celestial objects.答:在太空建 立科学考察站是非
把一架望 远镜送入了轨道,这架望远镜在根本上改变了我们对天体所发射的Y射线的
3. Life aboard manned space stations won't be as exciting as we might suppose. It will
probably be comparable to the life people lead aboard deep- sea oil rigs.在载入太空站的
生活并不像我产想象的那般令人兴奋,这种生活大概和人们 在深海石油井平台上过的


4. Q. What scientific interest will these stations offer?问:这些太空站能够提供哪些令人
5. A. Observation is much more precise beyond the atmosphere, because the sky is darker.
You see many more stars and objects that are concealed by the earth's luminescence.答:
由于太空更黑暗,在大气层之外的观察结果 要精确得多。你能看见多得多的恒星和其
6. Q What objects?问:什么天体?
7. A. We know pretty well how stars are born because we can observe them. Two or three
new stars appear in our galaxy every year. But nearly all the galaxies were born at the
same time, when the universe was constituted 15 billion (light) years ago. No new ones
are thought to exist.答:我们确切知道恒星是怎样诞生的 ,因为我们能看见它们。在我
们的星系中,每年都会诞生两到三个新恒星。但所有的星系几乎都是同时在 150亿光
年前宇宙形成时诞生的,我们认为 存在新的星系。
observe the birth of a galaxy that happened so long ago, you have to see a very long
way. At present we can go back 10 to 12 billion years. We have to go a bit farther back still,
and maybe catch them in the act of birth. Objects that distant are necessarily very dim, so
ideal conditins are needed to observe them. Orbital stations provide such conditions. 要
想观察很久很久以前一个星系的形成情况,人们必须得要看到很 远很远的距离。现在
我们可以看到100亿光年至120亿光年远的星系,但我们还得看得再远一些,这 样就


可能捕获到星系形成时的实况。那么远的物体看上去必然 是模糊的,所以就需要有一
9. Q Would orbital stations be choice places from which to try to communicate with
extraterrestrial intelligences?问:太空轨道站也会是设法与地球 大气层以外的信息进行
10. A. Not particularly through radio communication, except on certain wave lengths that
are absorbed by the atmosphere. But as points of departure for exploration they'll be very
useful.答:除非用某些能被大气 层吸收的无线电波段,否则在太空轨道站用无线电进
行通讯并不怎么特别合适。但作为探险活动从那里出 发倒是非常合适的。
11.Q How far would such exploration go?问:从那儿出发探险范围能有多大?
12. A In 1989 the satelite Voyager II will reach Neptune after a journey of three and a half
years. In addition, five probes were sent to rendezous with Halley's comet. So exploration
of the solar system is more or less under way. We've put people on the moon, sent probes
to Mars and Venus, lofted satelites near the sun (within a few tens of millions of miles),
and one satellite even left the solar system a few years ago.答:在经过两年半的飞行后 ,
个探测 器。所以可以说,对太阳系的探索已或多或少地在进行了。我们已经把人送上
了月球,向火星和金星发射 了探测器,把卫星发射到了太阳附近(距太阳几千万英里
13. But visiting the stars is something else again. Light takes four years to reach the nearest
stars, so you can see that it would take satellite hundreds of thousands of years.不过拜访


别的恒星仍是另一回事到达离我们最近的恒星是4光年,所以,卫星要到 达这颗恒星
14. Of course, if the earth were to become overpopulated, we can imagine sending
families in space vessels to colonize the nearest stars. But it's their
great-great- great-grandchildren who would finally reach those stars. And they wouldn't
even know where to st op.当然,如果地球上的人口过多的话,我们可以想象,把一些
家庭送进太空船中,让他们去开发最近 的恒星。但是,最终到达这些恒星的是他们的
15.Q. Do you think there are other inhabited planets?问:你认为是否有其他有人居住的
16. A. If you are asking me to state a belief, I'd say yes. Others in my profession do not
believe this. So it's a matter of opinion. Why do I believe there are? No matter how far
back into the universe we look, we find the same elements: atoms, molecules, stars,
galaxles. We can show that the laws of physics have remained unchanged through 15
billion light-years.答:如果你是让我说出一种信念, 我要说有。我的同行不相信有,所
以这是看法不同的问题。我为什么相信有呢?不管我们回顾宇宙的历史 到多久以前,
17. It is this homogeneity in the way the universe behaves that allows us to think that life
is not an improbable phenomenon, but a normal property of matter at the highest levels
of its organization. Sow we can suppose that life appears when conditions permit.正是宇


宙演化的这种同源性,使我们认为生命 不是不可能的现象,而是物质在其最高级组合
上的正常属性。所以,我们可以假设:当各种条件允许时, 生命就会出现。
18. There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and over a billion yellow stars like our sun. We
don't know if they all have planets, but we have good reason to think that planetary
systems are common. Suppose there were only one planet like the earth for every ten
yellow stars; that alone makes 100 million worlds comparable to ours -- just in our galaxy!
And there are billions of galaxies.在我们的星系中有一千亿 颗恒星,像我们的太阳一样
的黄色恒星就有十亿多。我们不敢说它们都有行星,但我们有充分的理由认为 行星系
我们 的星系中就会有一百万个类似我们地球这样的世界!而宇宙中的星系又有上百亿
Text 14 Walking in space 太空行走
1. The whole world seemed to be black, black nothing ness. The sky was black with bright,
shining stars that never twinkled. The sun a white, burning disk, seemed to hang in the
black velvet of the surrounding heavens. This was the scene that spread before the eyes of
the first astronaut who left his spaceship to walk in outer space. The name of the Russian
astronaut who performed this feat was Leonov, and the date of his walk in space was
March 18, 1965. Several months later a similar feat was performed by the first American
astronaut to walk in space. Both of these
their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions which
exist in space. Wearing their thick space suits, they learned to deal with an environment
where there is neither weight nor gravity, neither


整个世界看起来一片 黑暗,无边无际的黑暗。黑色的天空上是明亮耀眼然而却不闪烁
的星星。太阳是一个白色的、燃烧着的圆 盘,挂在看起来像黑色天鹅绒般围绕着的宇
宙中。这就是展现在第一个离开宇宙飞船到太空行走的宇航员 面前的景色。完成这一
壮举的俄罗斯宇航员的名字是利奥诺夫,他进行太空行走的日子是1965年3月 1
太空前, 这两个太空行走者都花了数月的时间来学习如何在太空的特殊条件下控制身
体移动。他们穿着沉重的太空 服,学习如何对付一个没有重量、没有引力,也没有“上”
2. We do not realize how much we depend on the earth's gravity until we are deprived of
it. Then our feet no longer stay on the ground, we float around in the air, and the slightest
touch may send us drifting off in the opposite direction.
只有 在失去地球引力之后,我们才意识到我们是多么依赖它。失去了地球引力,我们
的肢下不再站到地面上; 我们会在空中飘来飘去;轻轻一触就会使我们向相反的方向
3. In the laboratories where astronauts are trained for their journeys, they are subjected to
conditions that resemble those of flight. It takes time for them to prepare for the great
changes that occur in space. When the spaceship leaves the earth at tremendous speed,
the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. Later, when
they leave the zone of the earth's gravitation, they are unable to stay in one place. Simple
actions, such as eating and drinking, become very difficult to perform. You may get an
inkling of what the astronauts have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while
standing on your head or while just lying down.


在培训宇航员作旅行准备的实验室里面,他们 经历了与太空飞行相似的环境,他们得
花很长时间来为太空中遇到的这些巨大变化作准备。当宇宙飞船以 极快的速度离开地
球时,宇航员们会有一种被压在飞船地板上的感觉。然后,当他们离开地球引力区,< br>他们便无法停留在一个固定位置。简单的活动,如吃饭喝水,变得十分难以进行。如
果你试着倒立 着或躺着喝水,你就会对宇航员所要对付的情况略知一二。
4. The beginning of man's conquest of space took place in 1958, seven years before
Leonov's trip. The first successful launching of
possible to send objects far enough out of range of earth's gravity so that they would not
fall back to earth. Rather, such objects could be forced to revolve about the earth, just as
the moon does. However, while the moon is so far from earth that it takes it a month to
revolve around the earth, manmade satellites, which are closer to earth, can make a
complete revolution in a few hours.
人类开始征服太空的行动始于1958年,即发生在利奥诺夫太空行走的七年之前.前 苏联
再回落 到地球上,这么做确实是可能的. 更确切地说,正像月亮那样,这此物体会被迫围
绕地球运转.不过, 由于月球距地球这么远,它环绕地球运转一周需要一个月的时间,而
离地球更近的人造卫星几个小时就可 绕地球转一周.
5. It was three years after the first satellite launching that a spaceship containing a man
made a successful flight. The flight lasted less than two hours, but it pointed the way to
future developments.


了不足两个小 时,然而却为未来的发展指明了道路.
6. Other planets are so far away that spaceships must attain tremendous speeds to reach
them in a reasonable time. If spaceships were launched from space or from the moon, the
absence of weight would permit the ships to be launched with great speed at reduced
pressures. A relatively small explosion would be enough to send a ship off at a very fast
rate. And, since there is no atmosphere in space as there is on earth, the spaceship would
meet with no resistance. To illustrate this point, remember how strong the wind feels if we
are travelling fast in a car; then imagine a car travelling through an area where there is no
wind. The windless condition is comparable to the condition in outer space.
其他行星离我们太遥远,要在适当 的时间之内飞抵那里,宇宙飞船必须达到极高的速度.
如果从太空或月球上发射宇宙飞船,那么失重现象 就允许飞船在压力减小的情况下以
极高的速度被发射出去.规模相对较小的爆炸就足以以极快的速度把飞 船发射出去.并
的情形 .这种无风的情形与外层空间的条件很相似.
7. The first astronaut to walk in space, Leonov, and his companion, Beliaiev, began making
preparations for the walk as soon as their spaceship was launched. The spaceship was
equipped with a double door, which was fitted with a bellows between the ship and the
outside. This made it possible for the astronaut, in his space suit with oxygen supply, to go
first from the air-filled ship to the bellows. Then the air was let out of the bellows, and,
while the man stepped outside, the air inside the ship remained at normal pressure. If the


door had opened directly into space, the air in the ship would have rushed out and been
lost when the door opened.
样,穿 着供氧宇航服的宇航员就有可能先从充气的飞船走进减压舱.接着将减压舱内的
空气排出,因此当这位宇 航员走到外面时,飞船内的气压就维持在正常水平.如果把门直
接朝太空打开,开门时宇宙飞船里的空气 就会冲出去而消失殆尽.
8. Leonov and Beliaiev practiced testing the doors several times after they had begun
revolving around the earth. When the time came for Leonov to go out, his companion
helped him attach the cable that was to keep him from floating away from the ship. Then
Leonov entered the bellows, and the door closed behind him. AS the air was let out of the
bellows, he felt his suit swell up because of the air pressure inside. When there was no air
left in the bellows, the outer door opened, and Leonov could see, simultaneously, the
blackness of space and the blinding light of the sun.
利奥诺夫和贝列耶夫在其飞船开始环绕地球飞行之后对双层门进行了几次检验.当 利
身后 的第一扇门随即关闭.空气从减压舱排出时,他感觉到,由于里面的气压,他的宇航
服膨胀起来.当减压 舱内空气排完时,外层门打开,与此同时,利奥诺夫看到了(外面)漆黑
9. If the sky appears blue to us on earth, it is because the earth's atmosphere absorbs a
certain number of blue rays of sunlight. Out where there is no air, this phenomenon does


not take place. On the earth, our atmosphere diffuses light so that, when the sun is up,
light seems to be everywhere. However, in the airless realms of outer space, strong lights,
such as the sun, exist side by side with a dark similar to the dark of the blackest night. The
absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from
the earth.
如果说我们从地 球上看天空是蓝色的,那是因为地球大气层吸收了太阳光的一定数量
的蓝色光线.在没有空气的太空,这 种现象不会发生.在地球上,我们的大气层使光发生
漫射,结果,当太阳升起时,似乎阳光无处不在.然 而在没有空气的外层空间,像太阳这样
的强光源却与类似于(地球上)最漆黑的无尽黑暗相依并存.这一 没有空气的现象也说
10. Leonov reported that the earth appeared as a huge, round disk, filling a large part of
the sky. He found that the relief of hills and mountains was more easily observed from that
distance than from plane flying at a few thousand feet.
利奥诺夫报告说,地球象一个巨型圆盘,占据了天空的一大部分.他 发现从那个距离观察
11. While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion
and with the earth. He opened the shutter of the movie camera, which made a record of
what he did and saw. When the signal was given for him to return to the ship, he was
enjoying the cosmos so much that he was disappointed to have to stop his wandering so


利奥诺 夫在宇宙飞船外面时,用电话与同伴及地球保持联系.他打开摄像机快门,揶下
了他所做的事情和所看到 的景象.当收到要他返回宇宙飞船的信号时,他正在乐滋滋地
欣赏宇宙奇景呢,这么快就要结束其太空漫 游使他颇感失望.
Text 15
Quake- Research on Solid Ground 地震研究
Pre-reading Activities
1. Have you ever heard of an earthquake? If you have, say some-thing about it.
2. Do you know which country in the world has the most earth-quakes?
1. Geophysicist Dr. Andrea Donnellan of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.,
remembers the morning of January 17, 1994, like few others. Like millions of other
Southern California residents, she was shaken from her sleep in her normally tranquil
foothill community home as a large earthquake caused a mountain, located just 30 miles
away, to grow nearly 15 inches higher, all in a matter of seconds.
安德莉?唐娜伦博士是加利福尼亚州帕萨德纳NASA实验室的地球物理学 家.和其他人
一样,她清楚地记得1994年1月17日的那个早晨.同千千万万南加州的居民一样,她 在
有这 一切都发生在一瞬间.
2. “Large earthquakes are always disconcerting,she said. a geophysicist I was


immediately interested in how large the earthquake was and where it had occurred.
3. Within minutes, news reports confirmedthat Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley had
taken a direct hit from an earthquake comparable in size to the damaging 1972 San
Fernando earthquake. More than 60 people were killed in each earthquake and thousands
were injured. The latter event became one of the costliest natural disasters ever to strike
the United States. Only the pre-dawn time of day and the fact that it was a holiday kept
the death toll from being much higher. < br>向分钟后新闻报道证实了洛杉矶的圣弗尔南多山谷是地震中心,与1972年该地区遭受
的地震危 害差不多.在这两次地震中,各有超过60人遇难,成千上万的人受伤.1972年的
地震成为美国历史 上因自然灾害而损失最惨重的一次.地震发生在黎明前,而且是节假
4. Less than two months before that fateful day, Donnellan and colleagues from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology had published a landmark paper in the journal
Nature on ground distortion north of LA's San Fernando Valley. Six years of relatively
monitors, that had been developed and installed around Southern California by scientists
at 7PL and other organizations, had detected that Earth's crust`was being squeezed
closed across the Ventura Basin. The data showed the area's faults
earthquake that might strike there, even though the faults there do not all break the


surface. They placed no time frame on when such a temblor might occur, however.
地震发 生前不到两个月,唐娜伦各麻省理工学院的同行在《自然》杂志上发表了关于洛
杉矶圣费尔南多山谷北部 地层发生变形的文章.这篇文章在地震研究领域具有里程碑
的意义.通过全球定位系统监控仪—JPL和 其他机构的科学家将这一系统安装在南加利
福尼亚—提供的六年不太充分的数据已经表明地壳在温图瑞盆 地附近受到挤压.数据
显示了这一地带的断层正受到更大的压力,尽管断层没有使表层完全断裂,但这也 给科
发 生的时间.
data from space-based instruments could be for collecting precise measurements of
Earth's crustal movements,
earthquake had not occurred there historically and yet a large amount of strain needing to
be released had accumulated. After the earthquake, additional GPS data made it possible
to rapidly and uniquely determine where the fault ruptured and to measure how the
earthquake had deformed Earth's surface.
研究地壳运动 的原始资料.”唐娜伦说, “我们知道会有事情发生,因为历史上那里从来
过地震.然而巨大的压力积 聚在那里等待释放.地震以后,更多的GPC数据使人们有可能
测定断层在哪里破裂,以及地震如何改变 地球表层.”
6. In the decade since Northridge, a high-tech, GPS-based ground deformation network
was installed within Southern California. Called the Southern California Integrated GPS


Network, it provides a continuous measurement of ground deformation at 250 locations
with a precision of a few millimeters, measuring the slow buildup of deformation along
faults. In addition, advances in satellite-based radar Interferometric Synthetic Aperture
Radar (InSAR) and lidar are now used in combination with the GPS measurements to
provide images of ground deformation for the entire Southern California earthquake
region. Theses new technologies, coupled with powerful new computer modeling
capabilities, have revitalized research in understanding earthquakes and earthquake
processes. The new technologies will substantially refine earthquake hazard maps.
自从南加利福尼亚安装了高科技全球定位系统综合网,它可以持续测量2 50个地点的
地层变形,和测量断层缓慢形成的形变,而且能精确的毫米.此外卫星雷达干涉测量仪和< br>GPS一起使用,提供了南加利福尼亚地震带地表变形的全部资料.这些新技术以及超强
的计算机 模拟能力,更有助于科学家了解和研究地震以及地震过程.这些新技术使地震
7. “We’ve confirmed through space observation that Earth’s surface is constantly moving,
periodically resulting in earthquakes, and that we can measure both the quiet motions
preceding earthquakes and the quakes themselves,” Donnellan said. “These technologies
are allowing us to pursue our researches with data that we didn’t know a few years ago.”
通过 从太空观察,我们已经确定地球表面在不断运动着,这会导致地震的发生。我们不
仅可以观测地震前平静 的运动,也可以观测地震本身。唐娜伦说, “这些技术使我们在
8. Donnellan said scientists are particularly excited about the possibilities of InSAR, a


technique that compares satellite radar images of Earth taken at different times to detect
ground movement. “Last year, a study by NASA’s Solid earth Science Working Group
concluded that the highest priority mission for the solid Earth science community is a
dedicated InSAR satellite that can continuously monitor surface deformation,” she said.
Such a mission is a key component of EarthScope, a jointly led initiative by the National
Science Foundation, NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey to study the North American
continent’s structure and evolution and the physical processes that control earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions.
唐娜伦说科 学家们对InSAR这项技术感到更加兴奋,它通过比较卫星雷达拍摄的不同
时期地球状况,来监控地表 运动。她说, “去年美国国家航空航天局科学工作小组的研
究结论指出,地球科学组最首要的任务就是 运用InSAR卫星持续监控地表变形情况。”
这项任务是EarthScope的核心内容,这由国 家科学基金会、美国国家航空航天局和美
国地理调查联合参与的一项研究,旨在调查北美洲的结构、演变 以及与地震和火山爆
9. Dr. Brad Hager, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and co-author of the
1993 Nature paper with Donnellan, said precise Earth surface movement data from space
can measure strain in the earth’s crust and can provide a good first approximation of
where earthquakes are likely. “In California, patterns of ground deformation are
complicated by complex interactions between fault systems,” he said “Interpreting this
data requires computer models that can estimate how much deformation has
accumulated to identify regions where strain should be released, but hasn't been.


论文,他们指出 ,来自太空的精确地球活动的数据能够测量出地壳的压力,并能粗略
的推算出地震可能在哪里发生. “在加州断层之间的相互作用使地面变形的类型变得
十分复杂。” 他说, “要读懂这些数据必须借助 于计算机模型,估计出已经积蓄了多大
10. University of California, Davis, Professor Dr. John Rundle said the complexity of
earthquakes requires that we study them'as part of the full Earth system.
events result from interrelated Earth processes with scales that are measured in lengths
and times. “These processes have variables that can't be readily observed, so
understanding them requires computers. A good analogy is the weather and climate
simulations that meteorologists use to make our nightly weather forecasts and to forecast
phenomena like the ElNino-Southern Oscillation.
统的一部分. “大多数自然现象都是由地球的内在过程引起的,这可以通过长度和时间
来衡量.” 这些过程涉及到很 多难以观察的变量,因此必须借助于计算机.与些类似的
还有气象学家用来预报天气和预测诸如厄尔尼诺 现象的天气模拟器.
11. Rundle said QuakeSim, a joint project between NASA and several other institutions, is
developing such a forecasting methodology. QuakeSim's tools simulate earthquake
processes and manage and model the increasing quantities of data available.


样一 种预测工具.QuakeSim工具模拟地震过程,对得到的日益增多的数据进行管理和
on developing methods that use patterns of small earthquakes to forecast larger ones,
Rundle said. simulations of earthquakes on California's active faults are providing
considerable insight
their interactions: that is, an earthquake on one fault section can turn them on or off on
nearby fault sections, depending on the relative orientation of the faults. So simulations
have led researchers to conclude that fault system geometry determines earthquake
activity patterns.
“我们从空间上和时间上 来观测和预测地震,通过研究震级低的地震来预测震级高的.”
瑞多说,”对加州活动断层的地震模拟使 人们清楚地看到,由于相互作用,地震正在空间
和时间上聚集;也就是说,某个断层上的地震对周边的断 层发生作用,这取决于断层的
相对方向.这一模拟使研究者得出结论,断层几何系统确定了地震的活动类 型.”
13. So just how close are we to being able to accurately predict when and where damaging
earthquakes will strike? If the preliminary results of an ongoing NASADepartment of
Energy-funded research project are of any indication, perhaps it will not be that far.
Rundle's team set out to develop a 10-year forecast of damaging earthquakes in southern
and central California for the years 2000 to 2010. The research uses mathematical
methods to forecast likely locations of earthquakes above magnitude 5 by processing data
on earthquakes of about magnitude 3 during the prior decade. The high-risk regions


identified in the forecast map are refined from those already identified by the government
as susceptible to large earthquakes. Since the research was completed, five earthquakes
greater than magnitude 5 have occurred. All have been located within the high- risk regions
identified in the forecast. Rundle said the odds of that occurring randomly are about 1 in
我们离准确预测地震发生的时间和位置还有 多远呢?如果美国国家航空航天局能源部
资助的研究课题所得出的初步结论提示出这方面的情况,也许那 一天真的不远了.瑞多
带领的研究小组开始对2000到2010年这十年间加州南部和中部的地震进行 研究和预
地震的地区.自从 研究完成以后,5级以上的地震共发生了5次.所有这5个地区都是预
测所确定的最有可能发生地震的区 域.瑞多说地震预测的失败率是千分之一.
14. As data from this project and other space-based technologies are validated, the
technologies will be transferred to end users such as the United States Geological Survey.
“Such data and models will improve our understanding of earthquake and volcanic
processes, substantially refining seismic hazard maps and resulting in more appropriate,
quakeresistant construction codes and more targeted retrofitting strategies,” Geological
Survey in Menlo Park, Calif. “Ultimately those improvements will help to mitigate damage
from future earthquakes and save lives.”
从这项课题以及其他太空技术得到的数据被证实是有效的,这些技术将被 终端使用者
所采用,比如美国地理研究所. “这些数据和模型有助于我们对地震和火山形成过程的理解,大幅度地完善地震高发区域图,并随之制定更适当的建筑抗震法规和制定更新


指标策略.” 美国地理研究所的高级研究员瓦纳?萨切尔说, “最终这些都有助于减轻地
15. “We don’t have all the answers,” said Donnellan. “But we’re making progress at a rapid
pace, and I believe that it won’t be that many years before we’re able to reduce the
forecast probabilities from hundreds of miles and fifty years, to tens of miles and five to
ten years. We can’t stop earthquakes from happening, but with that kind of forecast
accuracy, we’ll be much better prepared for them when they do because we should be
able to develop targeted and prioritized retrofitting strategies. It’s an exciting time for our
“我们没有找到所有的答案,”唐娜伦说, “但是我们进展很 快,我相信用不了多久我们
就能够降低地震预测的可能性,从百英里以外五十年时间到十英里以外五到十 年时间.
准 备.因为我们应该能够采用更准确更优越的技术.这将是科学的辉煌时代.”
Text 16
Animal Education (1) 动物的教育问题
1. Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable in
guiding the blind, protecting property, finding lost people, and hunting criminals. Horses
are used in guarding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads, and helping
farmers work their land. Pigeons have long been used to carry messages. Wild animals
from the jungles, forests and seas are very popular performers in circuses and moving
pictures. People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as


human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain thi ngs.动物承担了许多实用性和
娱乐性的工作。例如狗在给盲人引路、追踪罪犯、保护财产、寻找失踪 的人以及打猎
的制作方面非常普 遍。人们认识到,尽管动物不像人一样聪明,可它们能学习一些具
2. The first thing a dog is taught is to obey. It should not take too long for him to learn
commands. Simple orders, such as “sit”, “lie down”, “stay there”, and “come here”, can
even be taught by a child.第一就是教狗听命令,要不了多久,狗就可以学会一些口令。
如“坐”、“躺下”、“ 站住”、“过来”,等简单的口令。甚至一个小孩子都可以教会这些。
3. Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unexpected results. Some dogs quickly
learn the difference between unwanted people and friends. This is because their masters
welcome friends and invite them into their houses. However, some dogs will always attack
the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for this behavior is that,
although the postman comes to the house often, he never enters the house. Therefore,
the dog thinks the postman is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming back a nyway.
是有些狗总是对来 送信的邮差叫嚷。对此有一个解释,就是虽然邮差每天都来但它从
不进屋。于是狗就认为邮差是一个不受 欢迎的人,想方设法阻止他。
4. Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easily show the dog that the postman is a
friend and that the dog does not need to treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite


ready to do what his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised for
understanding correctly.这时,狗的主人可以很 容易地教狗了解邮差是朋友,不得对他
们无礼。狗很快学会按主人的意愿做。做对了受到表扬时狗会很高 兴。
5. Dogs can be taught to obey commands when the sound of a word is connected with a
certain act. Two important factors in teaching a dog to obey commands are: using the
same word each time for the same act, and teaching only one act at a time. Dogs can learn
not only to sit, lie down, come, and stay in place when their masters go away, but also to
jump, carry, and fetch.当把一个词和一个特定的动作联系起来时,狗就会学会执行命
令。在教狗学会执行这些命令 时应注意两点:一是每次都说同样的词做同样的动作。
其次是一次只做一个动作。狗不仅能学会坐、躺下 来和当他们的主人离开时呆在原地
6. After a dog learns to carry an object, he can learn to bring something back from a
distance. A stick can be thrown far away, and the dog enjoys running after it, and
searching for it until he finds it. After a lot of practice, the dog can retrieve a stick (or
other object) even when he has not seen it thrown. To teach a dog this skill, the master
makes a simple trail by walking some distance in a straight line. Then he leaves the stick at
the end of the trail. The dog learns to follow the straight line at first. Then, later, he learns
to follow more irregular lines. Eventually, he can learn to follow an odor instead of looking
for an object. With this skill he can be very useful in tracking down lost people or criminals.
当狗学会了拿东 西,它可以学会从远处把东西取回。把一只棍子扔到远处,这只狗就
欢快地追上它,到处找直到找着。经 过多次训练,狗即使没看见棍子(或其它东西)
被扔出去,仍可以把它找回来。为教狗学会这个本领,主 人按走直线走得远一些的办


法并做简单的记号,之后把小棍留 在路的那头。起初狗学会走直线,然而后来学会一
些不太规则的路线。最后它能学会跟踪气味。有了这个 本领,它在寻找失踪的人或追
7. Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been
properly trained, he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him
out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are
coming, even if their masters command them to do so.狗成为盲人相当可靠的朋友。当给
一 条狗这方面的训练时,它总是给盲主人正确引路并使其避开危险。例如导盲犬知道
在汽车快开过来时决不 横跨川流不息的马路,即使主人命令他们这样做,它们也原地
8. Horses are also able to learn many things. Horses that are used for guard or police duty
must learn never to be frightened of noises, traffic, and other disturbances. Racing horses
are able to run much faster than other horses, but they are also quite high strung.
Therefore, it is necessary for those people who train them to be very patient and
understanding.马也能学会一些事情。用作护卫或 警卫任务的马必须学会不怕噪音、汽
车喇叭和其它干扰。赛马能比其他马跑得快。但他们很容易受到惊吓 ,然而有必要要
9. Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, even if they are very far away and the
trip is hard or dangerous. Men utilize this homing instinct to send messages on small
pieces of paper which are fastened to the pigeons’ backs or legs. In war time, pigeons have
been known to fly as fast as 75 miles an hour and to cover distances of 500 to 600 miles.
These homing pigeons begin their training when they are about four weeks old. After a


few weeks they can begin flying and carrying messages. If all goes well, their flying career
lasts about four years.鸽子有 飞得很远而且不怕路途险峻的天性。人们利用这个天性把
纸条系在鸽子的背部或腿上让它传信。在战争年 代,据说鸽子一小时能飞75英里且
能连续不停地飞五六百英里。鸽子在长到四个星期时就开始它们的训 练。几星期之后,
10. Animals can learn to do many things that, while not necessarily useful, are very
amusing to watch. In circuses, animals are taught to do the tricks that are most
compatible to their physical and temperamental make-up. Lions and tigers can be taught
to leap and spring gracefully when told to do so, or to stay in place on command.
Elephants learn to walk in line, to stand on their hind legs, to lie on their sides, and to sand
on their heads. They can also learn to dance.动物能学会做许多事情,也许不一定有用但
可以非常具有观 赏性。在马戏团里,动物学会做一些最适合它们身体特征和习性的特
技。狮子和老虎能按命令学会跳起和 弹跳或呆在原地。大象学会走直线或后腿站立,
11. Another trainer had an elephant and a tiger. After many weeks of living in the same
cage, the two animals became accustomed to each other. Then the tiger was taught to
jump on the elephant’s back. Both animals became so interested in the act (as well as the
praise and food they received after the act) that they forgot they were natural enemies.
Later a lion was added to the act. This also took a lot of patient training. However, when
the three animals grew accustomed to each other they made a most successful circus act.
另 一个驯兽员有一只大象和一只老虎。把它们关在同一笼子几周之后,这两个动物开
始彼此相互习惯。教老 虎跳到大象的背上。两个动物对这个游戏都很感兴趣,甚至忘










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