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2020-10-31 03:05



1、- How are you, Bob? -你好吗, 鲍勃?
- _ I'm fine. Thank you我很好。谢谢。
2、- Hello, I'm Harry Potter. 你好, 我是哈利波特。
- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but call me Charles 你好, 我叫查尔斯·格林, 但叫我查尔斯 _
3、- Paul, _ who's talking over there _? 保罗, 谁在那边说话?
- Oh, that's my father!And beside him, my mother. 哦, 那是我父亲!在他身边, 我的母亲
4、- It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? 这里相当冷。你介意我关上窗户吗?
- __ No, please ____ 没有关系,你随意
5、- May I see your tickets, please? 我可以看一下你的票吗?
- __ Sure 当然
6、- I'm sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic. 对不起。由于交通拥挤, 我迟到了。
- _ Well, it's OK.__好吧,没有关系
7、- Could you help me with my physics, please?你能帮我学习物理吗?
_ Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now _ 对不起, 我不能。我现在得去参加一个会议。
8、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. 谢谢你送我这么可爱的礼物
- __ I'm glad you like it.___ _ 我很高兴你喜欢它。
9、- Could I borrow your car for a few days? 我可以借你的车几天吗?
- _ Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey. 当然, 这是钥匙。享受您的旅程。
10、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?我能和唐·沃特金斯通话吗?
- __ Speaking, please ___ 请说吧ng, please.
11、- Excuse me, how much is the jacket? 对不起, 这件夹克多少钱?
- It's 499 Yuan. __ Would you like to try it on?__ 这是499元。_ 你想试穿一下吗?
12、- What does Tom's wife do for a living? 汤姆的妻子是做什么的?
- __ She is a doctor 她是一名医生。
13、- I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me. 我不是故意的。请原谅我。
- ___ That's all right.__ 没有关系
14、- Good morning, John. How are you doing? -早上好, 约翰你好吗?
- __ Not so bad. And you?__ 没那么糟那你呢?
15、- What's the problem with your bike? 你的自行车怎么了?- __ Nothing serious.__ 没有什么大不了
16、- What's wrong with you, dear? 你怎么了, 亲爱的?- __ I have a terrible headache.___ 我头痛得厉害。
17、- What's the matter, John? 怎么了, 约翰? __ I failed my French test. 我的法语考试不及格。
18、- What do you think of this novel? 你觉得这本小说怎么样?- __ It's well-written_ 写的很好
19、- How tall is your sister? 妹有多高?- __ She is as tall as I am._她和我一样高。
20、- Let's go to the library this afternoon. 今天下午我们去图书馆吧。- _That's a good ide___这是一个很好的主意 _
21、- How much is this necklace? 这条项链多少钱?- __ It costs fifty pounds._ 它的价格是五十英镑。

22、- How can I get to the cinema? 我怎么去电影院?- _ Go down this street and turn left. 沿着这条街走, 然后向左转
23、- Thank you for calling. 谢谢你的来电。- __ Nice talking to you _很高兴与你交谈 _
24、- How's your family?

你的家人怎么样?- _ Not too bad 还不错
25、- Are you going on holiday for a long time? 你要去度假很长时间吗?
- _ No. Only a couple of days. 不。只有几天。
26、- What are you majoring in? 你的专业是什么?- _ Mathematics.

27、- Is John there?
- __ Speaking._ 请讲
28、- Is that seat taken? 那个座位有人坐吗?
- _ I don't think so._ 我不这么认为。
29、- What day is today? 今天是星期几?- __ It's Monday._ 今天是星期一
30、- How are you getting on today? 你今天过得怎么样?- __.Very well._ 非常好
31、- _ I'm sorry I can't understand you __ 对不起, 我不能理解你。
- Oh, well, I'll speak a little slower. 哦, 好吧, 我会说慢一点。
32、- Where is Miss Smith? 史密斯小姐在哪里?- _ She's at home __她在家
33、- I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起, 我迟到了。
- _ It doesn't matter.__ Come earlier next time. 没关系. 下次早点来。
34、- How do you like this dress? 你觉得这件衣服怎么样?- _ It's very pretty.__

35、- Tom told me that you collect stamps. 汤姆告诉我你收集邮票。
- _ Yes, I do. Do you?_ _ 是的, 我喜欢。你呢?
36、- How many students do you teach? 你教多少学生?- ___ About 50.__大约50人
37、- Why did Mrs. Green go to the travel agency? 格林太太为什么去旅行社?
- __ For some information about travel. _ 有关旅行的一些信息。
38、- Do you mind if I read the text aloud here? 你介意我在这里大声朗读课文吗?
- _ No, I don't.___

39、- Let's go for a drive. 我们去兜风吧。
- __ All right. Let's go. ___ 好吧。我们走吧。
40、- Must we come earlier tomorrow? 我们明天必须早点来吗? - ___ No, you needn't 不,你不需要
41、- Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble. 多谢。给你添了这么多麻烦。
- __ It's no trouble at all. 这一点都不麻烦。_
42、- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is? -你能告诉我最近的停车场在哪里吗?
- __ Sorry, I'm a stranger here.__ 对不起, 我是个陌生人。
43、- Come and see me if you have time. 如果你有时间就来看我。
- _ I will.________我会的
44、- I wish you success in your career. 我祝你在事业上取得成功。
- _ The same to you.___ 对你来说也是一样。
45、- Let me help you carry the suitcase. 让我帮你提手提箱。


- __ It's OK. I can manage.___ _ 没关系。我可以应付。
46、- Hello, Amy. How's everything? 你好, 艾米。一切都好吗?
- __ Just so-so. 就是这样
47、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? 你好, 我可以和迈克通话吗?
- __ Who is speaking __谁在说话
48、- Did you see the ad on the bulletin board? 你看到布告栏上的广告了吗?
- _ No. What's it about_ 否。是关于什么的?
49、 I'm sorry I broke your glass. 对不起, 我打碎了你的杯子。- Oh, really? __ It doesn't matter __.真的?它并不重要。
50、- What's the weather like today?
- __ It is very hot and humid. _ 天气又热又潮湿。
51、- Shall we have another cup of tea? 我们再来一杯茶好吗? - __ Why not?_______


52、- How would you like your hair done? 你想怎么做头发? - __ Cut short. __剪短
53、- You haven't paid for it yet. 你还没付钱呢。
- ___ Oh, I'm really very sorry._哦, 我真的很抱歉。
54、- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. 你好, 我想和马克通话。
- _ This is Mark speaking.___ 我是马克。
55、- I'm sorry I lost the key to your bike. 对不起, 我把你自行车的钥匙弄丢了。
- __ Don't worry. I think I've got another one. 不用担心。我想我又有一个了。
56、- Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you? -很高兴再次见到你, 史密斯先生你好吗?
- _.Fine. Thank you. And you.好。谢谢。你呢? _
57、- Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? 你宁愿星期五来还是星期六来? - __.Friday __星期五.

58、- I am terribly sorry! I broke the vase. 我非常抱歉!我打碎了花瓶
- _ Don't worry.___别担心
59、- I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations! 我听说你通过了考试。祝贺!
- __ Thanks._______
60、- I believe we've met somewhere before. 我相信我们以前在什么地方见过面。
- No, _ I don't think so __.不, 我不这么认为
61、- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week. 这些药丸一天服三次。一个星期后再来看我。
- __ Thank you very much indeed.___ 真的非常感谢你。
62、-What's this in English? 这是什么英语? -__ It's a map _这是一张地图
63、-Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant? 为什么不去餐馆吃饭呢?
-__I'm afraid not__. It's too expensive. 恐怕不行。太贵了。
64、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. 你好, 我是陈大卫。我很高兴认识你。
- _ Nice to meet you too.__ 我也很高兴见到你。
65、-How do you do? 你好? -_ How do you do?__

66、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.
琼斯先生, 我是肖恩, 一位来自美国的英语老师。
- __ Nice to meet you __很高兴见到你。
67、-Would you please pass me the salt? -请把盐递给我好吗?
- Certainly. Here you are. 当然。给你。
68、- You speak English well. 你英语说得很好。
- _ Thank you for saying so谢谢你这么说
69、-How are your parents?
-__ They are both fine, thanks 他们都很好, 谢谢
70、- I'm going to the English evening now. 我现在要去英语晚会。
- ___ Have a good time _ 玩得开心 _
71、- I'm going to take my entrance test tomorrow. 我明天要参加入学考试。 - _ Good luck!
72、-Would you mind if I use your car? 你介意我用你的车吗?
-Of course not. _ It's over there _.-当然不是了_ 就在那边
73、- Could you speak more loudly? 你能说得更大声些吗?
- __ The line is bad _.线路不好
74、- Happy Teachers' Day to you, Mr Wang!
- __ Thank you _______.
75、-May I move your bag a little and take this seat? 我可以把你的包移开一点, 坐这个座位吗?
-___ Go ahead ___.
76、- Could I ask you a rather personal question? 我能问你一个相当私人的问题吗?
- Of course, _ go ahead_.
77、- Please help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。
- __ Thanks, but I don't like the fish.____ 谢谢, 但我不喜欢这条鱼。
78、- Can I have a look at your letter, please? 我可以看一下你的信吗?
- ___ I'm afraid you can't 恐怕你不能。
79、- _ What can I do for you ______?我能为你做什么?
- Do you have a toy horse? 你有玩具马吗?
80、- Do you have any fresh fish today? 你今天有新鲜的鱼吗?
- _ Yes, I have some 是的, 我有一些。
81、- What are Johnson's family like? 约翰逊的家人是什么样的人?
- __ They are all warm-hearted and helpful _____.他们都是热心人, 乐于助人
82、- Would you like to see the film with me tonight? 今晚你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?
- _ Yes, I'd love to __.-是的, 我很乐意
83、- Hello, could I speak to Miss Fang, please? 你好, 我可以和方小姐通话吗?
- __ Hold on, please I'll get her for you. 等一下, 求你了, 我帮你找她。
84、- Oh, dear! I've just broken a window. 哦, 天哪!我刚刚打破了一扇窗户。
- _ Don't worry __. It can't be helped. 别担心。这是帮不上忙的。


85、- Hello. Is that or speaking? 你好。是怀特先生还是史密斯先生?
- Sorry, _ would you please ring them up this afternoon? _奥里, 今天下午你能给他们打个电话吗?_
86、- Would you like some more? 你还想再来点吗?
- __ No, thanks _. I'm full. 不用了, 谢谢。我吃饱了
87、- _ Where are you from _ 你在哪里?
88、- Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! 圣诞快乐, 新年快乐!
- __ The same to you___._ 对你来说也是一样










本文更新与2020-10-31 03:05,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/434098.html


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