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2020-10-31 03:10



We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers
of English.
2. 在市长的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。
With the mayor’s help, we were at last allowed access to those people who suffered
from the traffic accident.
3. 鲍勃和弗兰克一直不和。令他们尴尬的是,他们将到同一个部门工作。
Bob and Frank didn’t get along well with each other. It was embarrassing that they
were to work in the same department
4. 做科学研究不容易,不仅需要时间、精力和经费,还需要具有自制力和奉献精神。
It is not easy to do scientific research; it requires time, energy and money as well
as discipline and commitment.
5. 既然你计划移居加拿大,那你必须努力适应寒冷的气候。
Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to a cold weather.
6. 他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强。
He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.
7. 这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。
This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.
8. 他是个有经验的商人;他做国际贸易已有好几年了。
He is an experienced businessman; he has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few
9. 她力劝我接受那个新职位,虽然那职位报酬并不优厚。
She urged me to accept the new post, although the job is not very well paid.
10. 当时你全身心地投入到了自己正在谈论的事情中,是那么专注,以至于完全没有感觉到
You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that
you lost all self-consciousness.
11. 演说家常常传递着含混不清的信息,但听众总是相信亲眼所见胜于耳闻。
Public speakers often send mixed messages, but the audiences believe what they see
over what they hear.
12. 如果你想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终保持一致。
If you want to make a good impression, the trickskilled way is to be consistently
you, at your best.
We will do our best to help the girl infected with the AIDS virus to live longer,
regardless of the cost.
Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.
It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality

of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.
When giving a lecture, Bob often prepared some pictures to illustrate how the
situation mentioned in a text took place.
An able and successful businessman is good at making use of all the resources to
make money.
18. 有了他父亲给的钱,他就能在附近的镇上买栋房子了。
With the money given by his father, he could afford a house in the town nearby.(Or ….
he could afford to buy a house in the town nearby.)
19. 那位年轻女士太激动,以致情不自禁地提起了婚姻话题。
The young lady was so excited that she could not restrain herself from bringing up
the subject of marriage. Or: … that she could not help bringing up the subject of
20. 恐怕你今天见不到他了,一小时前,他刚被派去执行一项重要任务了。
I’m afraid you can’t see him today because he was sent on an important mission
just an hour ago.
21. 她年轻时,常常在笔记本里记下一些摘引自诗歌的内容。
When she was young, she used to store quotations from poems in a notebook.
22. 不管他们是谁,他们都得对这次事故负责任。
Whoever they are,they should take the responsibility for the accidentthey should
be responsible for the accident.
23. 一天当我沿着大街走的时候,钱包被人偷了。
The other day when I was walking along the street, I had my wallet stolen.
24. 我喜欢乘公共汽车上班,而不是自己驾车。那天上午也不例外。
When I go to work, I prefer taking a bus rather than driving and that morning was
no exception.
25. 我们珍惜自己行动的自由,劳动的果实和我们的生命。
We hold dear our freedom to move about, the fruits of labor and our own lives.
26. 你要么跟我们出去,要么待在家里,没有折中办法。
You have to either go out with us or stay at home. There is no middle point.
27. 老师表扬了那些学习用功、考试考得好的学生。
The teacher gave credit to the students who had studied hard and done well in the
28. 我工作的地方有很多计算机。(where)
Where I work there are plenty of computers.
29. 换言之,要保持自我,面对现实,不可贪财图利。
In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don’t sell out to convenience.
30. 在有些人眼里,毕加索(Picasso)的绘画会显得十分荒谬。
In the eyes of some people, Picasso’s paintings would seem rather foolish.
31. 他们利润增长部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。
The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.
32. 那个男人告诉妻子把药放在最上面的搁架上,这样孩子们就够不着了。
The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond

the children’s reach.
33. 有钱不一定幸福。
Happiness doesn’t always go with money.
34. 那辆小汽车从我买来以后尽给我添麻烦。
That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it.

35. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。
Life is full of ups and downs. be full of be filled with
36. 我始终知道他会以优异的成绩毕业。
I knew all along that he would graduate with distinction.
37. 当地政府将毫不犹豫地采取最严厉的措施对付犯罪分子。
The local government will not hesitate to take the severest measures against
38. 他企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
He tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking.
39. 只要你详细说明要我们做些什么,我们就会尽力帮你做好一切准备的。
As long as you specify what we are expected to do, we’ll try our best to help you
get everything ready.
40. 苏珊以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家
(homesick )。
Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon, but she found later things
were not so easy, and she began to feel homesick.
41. 我父亲太忘事,老是在找钥匙。
My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.
42. 再没有收到过他的信,于是我们开始怀疑他是否还活着。
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was still alive.
43. 对于这位科学家来说,凌晨两、三点钟上床睡觉是很平常的事。
It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning.
44. 那人弯腰从地上把书捡起来。
The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor.
45. 丽贝卡(Rebecca)把头靠在丈夫的肩头哭起来了。
Leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder, Rebecca began to cry.
46. 她误解了自己最好的朋友,感到非常内疚。
She was very guilty about not having understoodhaving misunderstood her best
47. 她容貌秀美, 举止优雅,很吸引人。
Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive.
48. 显然,他总以为自己的学历和工作经历肯定会给人深刻的印象, 但实际并非如此。
Obviously, he takes it for granted that his educational background and work
experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.
49. 他引用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。
By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence
to his talents.
50. 教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。

A teacher’s priorities include exciting students’ interests and stimulating their










本文更新与2020-10-31 03:10,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/434106.html


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