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2020-10-31 03:17



I Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each)
A. Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
1. food crops 2. China craze
3. steam engine 4. carbon footprint
5. intangible asset 6. income disparity
7. American values 8. the Commonwealth
9. courses for credit I0. competition venue
B. Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
11.洋节 12.国务卿
13.梯田 14.新兴市场
15.购买力 16.国际舞台
17.道德规范 18.保障性住房
19.资源税 20.创新型国家

II. Translation Revision (20 points, 2 points each)
A. Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on
the Answer Sheet.
原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
21.原文:That's the last thing one can say about it.
22.原文:All weather is driven by energy, and the sun ultimately provides this energy.
23.原文:The nature of globalization and the reach of modem technology oblige the United States and China
to interact around the world.
24.原文:Obama also called climate change and nuclear proliferation
our nations can solve by acting alone.
25.原文:The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has backed British Prime Minister Theresa May's decision
to wait until 2017 before starting the process of leaving the EU.

B. Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions
on the Answer Sheet.
译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essays gives me a great honor.
改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.
译文:The west of Sichuan Province has a scenic spot.
译文:His political career reached its peak in 1960s.
译文:Waste plastic bottles thus processed can make into environment-friendly sportswear.
译文:Over the past three decades, China's economy has been growing fast in terms of GDP, which
shocks the world.
译文:Organic milk offers more health benefits than conventionally produced milk, according to a new
research by British scientists.

III. Sentence Translation (20 points, 2 points each)
A. Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
31. Straining to cope with the influx, European countries are sharpening measures to stop the flow of refugees
and migrants amid heightened security concerns following the Paris attacks last month, according to an
article written by a journalist from the New York Times.
32. If you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks. Nothing irritates the
regular customers and bar staff more than a gang of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat
and dither about what to order.
33. Let me say how grateful I am to all people who supported me and supported the cause for which we have
fought. Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high
purpose to our partnership and opened new doors, not just for our campaign but for our country.
34. Imagine a virus that could travel like the flu—and kill like HIV. One so small that it would be almost
impossible to identify, let alone halt. Films like Outbreak play on our fears of a
those films are works of fiction, right?
35. Most commentaries have something to do with description, explanation, or opinion. But the three are not
always present in equal proportions. Some forms of written commentary, for instance, by providing the
supplementary information which will enable a text to be more fully understood, set out purely to explain.
B. Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
36.在西方的传统购物季,中国人更多扮演的是“卖方”角色 ,即主要是把各种“中国制造”销售到
世界各地,而在春节购物季,中国人更多扮演的则是“买方”角色 。

37.我年过三十才知道读书自修的重要。我披阅,我圈点,但是恒心不足,时做时 辍。五十以学易,
38 .最近我读到一篇文章,谈论“星期一万岁”综合症。这种综合症就是许多人倾向于工作时感到兴
奋,而 厌倦在家度过的平凡周末。
39.这所在中国注册的独立法人高校的教学体制,将更多地带有美国纽约 大学的痕迹,同时也将带有
历 史的人,一定要去看这个展览。
IV. Passage Translation(40 points,20 points each)
A. Translate the following passage Into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.

In an otherwise peaceful countryside setting, a middle-aged Spaniard charges into battle. In his mind he’s the
last chivalrous (有骑士精神的)warrior attacking an army of giants. But those who watch him think he’s a
complete madman, as they witness him unsuccessfully attempt to fight a windmill with a lance. Yet by the end of
the story, the soul of this hopeless romantic has won millions of readers over, which is why Don Quixote(《堂吉诃
德》)sits near the top of almost every “greatest works of fiction” list ever created.
Don Quixote’s imagination often runs wild, and he sees reality very differently from other characters, which
creates many comic scenes. His servant is always left to make things right, and takes the punishment for his
master’s odd behaviour. Many of these roadside adventures are not really adventures at all but only happen inside
Don Quixote’s head.
B. Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
研究 表明,睡眠多可以让我们挣钱更多。美国的一项研究发现,太阳落山早的地方,人们睡眠时间更
长,收入 反而更多。如果一周能多睡一小时,工资收入就能提高4.9%。因此,如果你生活的地方天黑得更
早, 那么你会挣得更多。但是,这不符合传统经济学的观点,因为多睡一小时工作时间就会减少。那么,
为什 么多睡觉反而能多挣钱呢?答案是生产效率。这对靠销售业绩拿提成(on commission)的人最为有效。









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