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2020-10-31 13:43



1. You'll be sorry.你会后悔的。
2. You're gonna get what's coming to you.你会得到报应的。
3. I'll get even with you sooner or later.跟你的这笔帐我迟早会要回来的。
4. You'd better take that back.你最好收回那句话。
5. Don't mess with me! 不要惹我!
6. I couldn't fall asleep last night.我昨晚睡不着。
7. I passed a wakeful night.我彻夜未眠。
8. I was up all night.我一整晚都没睡。
9. I've been suffering from insomnia.我近来饱受失眠之苦。
10. I was counting sheep all night.我一整晚都在数羊。
11. I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话, 少说废话吧.
12. Hey! wise up!放聪明点好吗?
13. Put up or shut up.要吗你就去做, 不然就给我闭嘴.
14. You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?
15. You are dead meat.你死定了.
16. Don't push me around.不要摆布我.
17. Sucking up to the boss 拍老板马屁
18. Negativity 太消极,牢骚多
19. Messiness 不爱整洁
20. Poor cubicle etiquette 缺乏办公室礼仪,如大声嚷嚷
21. Not fitting in 不合群
22. be ok (fine) with 对…无碍,不要紧
23. give a damn 不在乎,不感兴趣(用于否定式)
24. suit yourself 随你的便;按自己的意愿行事
25. it's up to you 听你的,由你决定
26. I don't care 我不在乎
27. do whatever you want 爱咋咋地
28. as you wish随你吧
29. whatever 管他呢
30. .《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West
31. .《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
32. .《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions
33. .《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes
34. .《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
35. .《论语》Analects of Confucius
36. “I?m sorry, I just don?t have the time at the moment.”不好意思,现在我真没时间。
37. .“Let me get back to you.”一会回复你。
38. .“I?m sorry but now is not a good time. How about some other time?”不好意思,现在有些不
39. couldn?t be more wrong.大错特错。
40. get your mind off it.别想这个了
41. getting somewhere.有点意思了
42. It?s no biggie.没啥
43. Not a clue.完全不知道

44. There?s no hurry.不急
45. have a nice flight.旅途愉快
46. get over yourself.别自恋了
47. That?s not it.不是那么回事
48. home-cooked meal 家常菜
49. home bird 宅人
50. stay-at- home-husband家庭主男
51. homemaker 家庭主妇
52. home team主队
53. home phone住宅电话
54. home office 书房
55. home page 网站主页
56. home leave探亲假
57. Please see comments below.请参考下面的评论
58. My answers are in blue below.我的回答已标蓝
59. Attach is the ..., please review it. ..在附件里,请评阅
60. The current status is as following目前数据如下
61. Pls proceed to your necessary regards谨此致意
62. Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别想宰我,我识货
63. Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧
64. Come on, give me a break on this. 别这样,你就让点儿价吧
65. Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?
66. bangs 刘海,long, wavey hair 大波浪型,part in the middle 中分头发,part on the side 旁
分,add volume 让头发蓬松,buzz cut 小平头,crew cut 平头,mohawk庞克头,fauxhawk仿
67. About how much is the fare to...?去……的车费大约多少钱?
68. I'll pay on the meter.我要按表来付
69. It runs every five minutes.每5分钟一班车
70. Give me a round trip ticket,please.请给我一张往返票
71. I have lost my shall I do?我的车票丢了,我要怎么办?
72. soybean milk 豆浆;clay oven rolls 烧饼;fried bread stick 油条;salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋;
stinky tofu 臭豆腐;oily bean curd 油豆腐;spring rolls 春卷;hot pot 火锅;sliced noodles
刀削面;braised food 卤味
73. toy 玩具;electronic toys 电动玩具;plastic toys 塑料玩具;intelligence toys 益智玩具;
staff toy 毛绒玩具;stuffed toy 填充玩具
74. bar 酒吧;counter 吧台;bar chair 酒吧椅;barman 酒吧男招待;barmaid 酒吧女招待;
bottle opener 开瓶刀;cocktail shaker 调酒器
75. She's slim. 她很苗条。 She's really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 He is chubby. 他胖胖
的。 She's got love handles. 她有游泳圈。 She's got a curvy figure.她曲线玲珑。
76. Goodbye, it was a pleasure meeting u.再见,和你见面很高兴
77. Goodbye, hope to see u again.再见,希望再次见到你
78. Bye, see u later.后会有期
79. .Bye, see u next time.下次再见
80. Bye,take care.多保重

81. Goodbye, thank you very much for coming.再见,感谢您的光临
82. Pls accept my deep apology请接受我真诚的道歉
83. I?d like to apologize for what I?ve done对我的所作所为表示道歉
84. Pls excuse my careless words请原谅我那些无心的话
85. I can?t tell you how sorry I am真不知道怎么对你表示歉意
86. I?m really sorry for that.真的很抱歉
87. She is in labor. 她怀孕
88. she is going to have a babybe a mother. 她要当妈妈了
89. She is expecting.她在待产中
90. She is in a delicate condition.她正怀孕中
91. .bear with me .再忍耐一下 in my experience 以我亲身经验 be still at large. 仍然逍遥法
外。full of crap ! 胡说八道 It tastes like heaven 味道好极了!pass out失去知觉昏倒 .pass
the buck 推卸责任 .given your situation.考虑到你的具体情况
92. That can't be!这怎么可能! She ignored me. 她根本不理我。 You got me.你难倒我了。I'm
not satisfied. 我不满意。 I'm just looking.我只是看看。That's a steal.真便宜。 What's for
lunch?午餐吃什么?You don't say!(惊讶)真的吗?
93. I'm not mad. I'm furious. 我不是生气,是快要气死了
94. I'm ticked off. 我太生气了
95. I got so mad about it! 我对这件事情非常火大
96. I?m angry=I?m in a temper=I?m mad= I?m irritated. 我生气了
97. She's really furious about it.她对那件事真是火冒三丈。
98. Cut it out. 省省吧
99. You're a jerk!你是个废物混球
100. Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?
101. What's your problem?你怎么回事啊?
102. Don't bother me. 别烦我。
103. Knock it off. 少来这一套
104. .Leave me alone. 走开
105. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
106. I?m sorry, I just don?t have the time at the moment抱歉现在我没时间
107. I don?t think I?m the best person to help you out我不是能帮你的最佳人选
108. I?m sorry but now is not a good time抱歉现在不太方便
109. Give me a ring=call me 打电话给我。 For here or to go?在这儿吃还是带走?Cut it out!
= Knock it out! = Stop it! 少来这套! Blow it = Screw up. 搞砸了。 Don't give me a hard
time. 别跟我过不去好不好别让我难堪好不。give me a break! 饶了我吧。
110. That doesn't count.那不算
111. We weren't playing for real.我们不是玩真的
112. Money has been really tight lately最近手头有点紧
113. It's not my fault那不是我的错
114. I didn't know anything about it我对此事一无所知
115. Don't mess with me!Don't get fresh with me!不要惹我!给我放尊重点
116. You'll be sorry.你会后悔的
117. Listen, you've picked the wrong person to quarrel with.听着,你要吵架找错对象了
118. You'd better take that back.你最好收回那句话

119. dumbass 傻帽;weirdo 怪人;bummer懒鬼; cad下流; cheapskate小气鬼; chump笨蛋
傻瓜; coward胆小鬼; kidult老顽童; crook恶棍流氓; crumb人渣; lazybones懒骨头懒汉;
trash人渣败类废物; dope笨蛋!dummy笨蛋!傻瓜; dweeb 白痴笨蛋; jerk怪胎笨蛋
120. engage 订婚;engagement ring 订婚戒指;wedding ring 结婚戒指;marriage registration
结婚登记;marriage certificate 结婚证;wedding ceremony 婚礼;wedding dress 婚纱;
wedding pictures 婚纱照
121. Hold it right there != Freeze !不准动!别动
122. Sixty seconds to go.倒计时60秒
123. No shit !不是吧
124. get carried away 做得太过了
125. maiden name 娘家姓
126. the eleventh hour在最后关键时刻
127. do more harm than good 弊大于利
128. Things work out.船到桥头自然直
129. Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦
130. out of breath上气不接下气
131. out of balance失去平衡
132. out of stock脱销
133. out of date过时
134. out of line不协调不一致
135. out of patience不耐烦
136. out of controlhand失去控制
137. out of style不时髦的
138. Renault雷诺;Ferrari法拉利;Porsche保时捷;Cherokee切诺基;Merced es-Benz梅赛
德斯-奔驰;Maserati玛莎拉蒂;Bentley宾利;Cadillac 凯迪拉克;Chrysler克莱斯勒;
Peugeot标志;Opel欧宝;Lamborghini 兰博基尼;Hummer悍马;Lincoln林肯
139. You're welcome.不用谢It's all good!没关系 It's my pleasure.我很乐意,别客气 No
problem!没关系 Don't mention it.不用客气,不用谢 That's OK.这没什么 Sure!应该的 No
sweet.没什么 Not at all.不用谢 Any time.随时为你效劳
140. God works.上帝的安排。
141. Don't let me down.别让我失望。
142. Don't take ill of me.别生我气。
143. Don't latter me.过奖了。
144. Big mouth.多嘴驴。
145. Sure thing!当然。
146. Never mind.不要紧。
147. vibrate震动;SMS短信;alert提醒;profile 个人信息;coverage覆盖面;low battery低
电量;ringtone铃声;ringback tone彩铃;roaming charge漫游费;charger充电器;touch
148. centenary 百年纪念;3D film 立体电影;ill-fated voyage 悲剧的航程;maiden voyage 处
女航;wreck 残骸;diamond necklace 钻石项链;Heart of the Ocean 海洋之星;iceberg 冰
山;lifeboat救生艇;nude 裸体画;blockbuster movie 卖座电影
149. yellow 胆小的Everyone knows he's yellow 大家都知道他胆小
150. bull 瞎说 That's bull瞎扯

151. down 支持 I'm down with that plan我赞成那个方案
152. blast 愉快的经历 Last night was totally a blast昨晚玩的非常愉快
153. pound 动物收留所
154. blue movies黄色电影feel blue心情不好.black chocolate黑人(蔑称,慎用).a black day倒霉
忧郁的一天.white lie善意的谎言.white-collar worker白领.a pink slip解雇信.tickled pink
非常开心.run a red light闯红灯in the red 欠银行钱
155. fish tale 无稽之谈;
156. old wives' tale 荒诞的迷信;
157. tale of woe 不幸的故事、失败的借口;
158. tell its own tale 不言而喻;
159. thereby hangs a tale 其中大有文章;
160. live to tell the tale 大难逃生;
161. long story short 长话短说
162. run like clockwork 精确不误,有规律地运作
163. cut and run 急忙退避不利的形势
164. dry run 排练,演练
165. run over 在…上驶过;浏览
166. run upon 撞上
167. pilot run 试运行;试投产
168. run in 试车;顺便探访;拘留
169. in the short run 从短期看,在不久的将来
170. Love爱=Listen倾听+Obligate感恩+Valued尊重+Excues宽恕。
171. People person 善交际的人、Have a ball 玩得开心、Eye candy 华而不实、Kick oneself 追
悔莫及、On a cloud 很高兴、Button your lip 闭口不谈、Make a killing 大赚一笔、Inside
story 内幕、Sweet nothings 甜言蜜语。
172. regular season季后赛playoffs梦之队Dream Team最有价 值球员MVP后卫guard前锋
forward中锋center内线队员inside man小前锋small forward大前锋power forward第六
人six man新秀rookie选秀draft
173. You had it coming! 活该!
174. .That's monkey business! 胡闹!
175. .Go for it! 加油!
176. .I got your back. 放心!
177. .So annoying! 讨厌!
178. .No need to discuss! 免谈!
179. .That was close! 好险!
180. .Shut up! 闭嘴!
181. .It sucks! 好烂!
182. I don?t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你
183. .What a coincidence! 真巧!
184. cash现金, bill钞票,change零钱,coin硬币,fund资金,admission入场费,cost成本,
profit利润,expense开支,fare票价,fee酬金,freight运费,post age邮费,tip小费,
185. They went away as wise as they came他们一无所获
186. You'd know, how the time flies。 Only yesterday, was the time of our lives。莫道荏苒流岁

187. Accountant 会计;actor 演员;athlete 运动员;author 作家;barber 理发师;beautician 美容
师;broker 中介;chauffeur 司机;dentist 牙医;editor 编辑;engineer 工程师;farmer 农
民;fire fighter 消防员;judge 法官;lawyer 律师;mechanic 技工;pharmacist 药剂
师;veterinarian 兽医
188. 姿势 postureposeposition;站姿stance;蹲下 crouch down;跪下 get down on one?s kneel
kneel down;弯腰bend down;低头ower one?s head 翘腿坐盘坐 sit with one?s legs crossed;
靠背而坐 settle back;站起来stand up;坐直 sit up;躺下lie down
189. waiting is not for you to coming back but only an excuse for me to right here.——等待,不是
190. One day someone walk into your life, then you will realize that love is always worth waiting
for. 當某天某個人走進你生命時,你就會明白,真愛總是值得等待的
191. Heart hides what we can't say. But eyes say what we try to hide. —— 心,会隐藏我们不能
192. The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else. 忘记某个人最好的方法,
193. The worst feeling in the world is when your best friends are upset and there's nothing you can
do about it. 世界上最难受的就是当你最好的朋友难过你却无能为力的时候了
194. Don't give up. Fight for what you love. 别放弃,为你所爱的而奋斗。
195. If we can't trust our inner voice,who can we trust?如果我们连自己内心的声音都不能信
196. If you don't go after what u want, you'll never have it. If you don?t ask, the answer is always
No. So, take every chances you can! 如果你不去追求你想要的,你永远也得不 到它。如果
197. Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward time just to see if in the end it?s all worth it.有时
198. No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life.
Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.无论你的生活是好是坏,每 天醒来都要感激
199. If he doesn?t treat you like a princess, then he doesn?t deserve to be your prince.若他不能待
200. What?s meant to be, will be.是你的就是你的
201. When you're with your best friend laughing so hard for no reason; not caring about what's
currently happening in your life.和最好的朋友在一起没有理由地大笑,不管现在生活中发
202. Let go of the past, enjoy the present, and embrace the future. 放手过去,享受现在,拥抱未









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