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2020-10-31 13:47



Besides helping with spelling and word meanings, being able to use a dictionary effectively and
regularly is a perfect way to improve your English language skills through the dictionary's range
of other helpful information on everyday language usage and grammar.
经常高效地使用词典除了可以帮助我们熟悉拼写和了解意思外,还可以让我们学到许 多有用

the right dictionary

Upgrade your dictionary every now and then so that you have access to the latest new words that
are added to the dictionary every year.

the section of the dictionary with first letter of your word
Dictionaries follow alphabetical order. For example, begins with which means that it
will be in the section after
词典都是按字母表顺序来排列的,比如说“dog”的首字母是“d”, 这就意味着“d“这个部

Don't forget the possible spellings for trickier words, such as
别 忘了一些“心机“单词首字母不发音,比如说“gnome”的首字母“g”不发音,“psychology”

If you're not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds you can't find
the word under that section, then try other sections.
如果你不确定这个单词的首字母是什么,那就从它听起来像 的这个字母开始找起。如果你在
会想起你见 过的“psychic”和“psychosis”这同一种套路的单词。

Also, keep in mind that certain words sound alike that are spelled very differently. For example,

end up with the correct word.
同样,要记住有一 些单词在拼写上完全不同但听起来却很像。比如说,“throne”和“thrown”
这个两个词就 是,但它们拼写不同意思也不同。所以要特别注意你查到的那个单词是不是正

the guide words

These are the two words at the top of the page that tell you what types of words are on the page.
These words will help you find the word you're looking for in the right letter section.
在词典的每页上面都会有两个 单词,它们可以告诉你这一页的单词是哪个部分的,及有什么
样的字母排列顺序。这些单词会帮你找到你 要找的那个单词首字母部分。

For example if you're looking for the word you would begin looking in the
would look at the tops of the pages as you went through it until you came to the page
with the guide words
on this page. Since < br>比如你要查找“bramble”这个单词,你肯定会从“B”部分开始查找。你可以看看书页顶部
的单词指引快速翻阅,直到翻到“braid bread”作为引导词的那一页,这意味着这页的单词
是从“braid”开始到“bread”结束的。因而以“b-r-a”开头的“bramble”这个词肯 定会出

down the page for your word

If you were looking for the word
words alphabetically until you reach the
因为目标单词的开头是“f-u -t”,所以就不要管那些所有以“f-u-r”或“f-u-s”这些开头的单
词了,看到这些单词就 继续往后找,因为按照字母表顺序,“f-u-t”一定在这页这些词的后
面的位置。当你看到了“fu t”或是“Futhark”这样的单词时,你很快就能在他们的附近找
到目标单词“futile”了 。

the definition
Once you've located the word it will tell you exactly what it means (and if it has more than one
meaning, it will tell you the most common one first), how to pronounce it, how to capitalize it (if
it's a proper noun), what part of speech it is and so naries can also sometimes give the
synonyms and the antonyms of a , for example, if your word is futile some synonyms
might be
意思 往往在最前面)。除了解释之外,字典上还会有它的音标,首字母需要大写的情况(如
果是专有名词的话 ),及它的词性等等。字典有时会给出这个单词的同义词和反义词,比如
你查找的这个词是“futil e”,它会给出的近义词有可能会是“fruitless”或者“unsuccessful”;
而反 义词则可能会是“effective”或者“helpful”。

You might also find an etymology, derivation, or history of the word. Even if you don't know
Latin or Ancient Greek, you may find that this information helps you to remember or understand
the naries also often provide spellings in other English derivations (US English,
British English, Australian English, etc.).
你可能还会看到这个词的词源、派生词或来 历。这样,即使你看不懂拉丁语或者古希腊语,

你还是可以通过这些信息来记住并理解这 个词。词典还经常会提供这个词在其他英语派生语
言里的拼写方式(例如美式英语,英式英语,澳洲英语 等)。

could use an online dictionary.
你可能觉得查个字典好麻烦,翻来翻去还要判断字母顺序,还很有可能因 为发音不准确找不
到目标单词。现在,这种费时的纸质字典有了替代品——在线词典。在线词典使用起来 非常

推出 的带自拍底座可乐瓶的最大作用。可口可乐推出至今,一直深受年轻人的喜爱,而自拍
也是年轻人喜欢的 一种生活方式,如今做了这个自拍可乐瓶自然也有为自家产品做广告的意
味。当然,玩这个自拍瓶也是需 要技巧的,收下巴、看镜头,这样才能美美哒。

Coca-Cola is taking the 'millennial narcissism' culture to the next level with a new gadget that lets
consumers snap selfies while sipping its soda.
可口可乐为广大消 费者们推出了一款边喝汽水边使用的全新自拍装置,把“千禧一代的自恋”

The firm has unveiled a custom designed 'selfie bottle' complete with a built-in camera at the base.

It uses sensors to take pictures when the bottle is tilted past a 70-degree angle capturing you

All the images captured by the gadget, created for the firm's latest ad campaign, are automatically
shared to Coca-Cola's Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
这种新装置是可口可乐最新使用的广告宣传手段 ,所有利用这个新装置拍摄下来的照片都会
自动分享到可口可乐的Facebook、Instagra m、Snapchat主页上。

Coca-Cola Israel is the mastermind behind this 'game-changing' product, which was inspired by a
gap in the market for novelty drinks, reports Business Insider.
据商业 内幕网报道,可口可乐以色列分公司从新型饮料的市场空缺中获得灵感,研发出这一

The beverage giant then turned to Israel- based Gefen Team to help make this device a reality.
于是,饮料业巨头可口可乐便找到了以色列的一家本土设计公司Gefen Team来制作出这种

'Users tag themselves and their friends in photos on Coca-Cola's social media assets,' Gefen Team
said in a statement.


'It really does the trick and makes the partygoers more present and active during the event,
knowing they can share their special moments just by drinking.'
“这款产品效果极佳,能增加派对的人气 和活跃度,让人们在喝饮料的同时记录并分享每一

The selfie bottle was created for the Coca-Cola Summer Love, which is the largest brand outdoor
event in Israel.

Every picture snapped with the gadget during the festival is posted to Coca-Cola's Snapchat,
Instagram and Facebook pages allowing individuals to capture moments while still enjoying the
sugary beverage.
在活动中用自拍瓶抓拍到的每一张照片都会上传到可口可乐的Snapchat, Instagram 和

It has not yet been made clear if this device was just a promotional piece for the event or if it will
make its way to the masses.

has contacted Gefen Team for comment and has yet to receive a response.
《每日邮报》网站试图与Gefen Team联系,但目前暂未收到任何回复。

Although many believe snapping selfies is a way to boost your ego or feed your narcissistic needs,
a recent study from the University of California found it may be enhancing people's overall
虽然 许多人认为自拍只是增强自信心、满足自恋欲的一种方式,但加利福尼亚大学最近的一
项研究表明,自拍 能增强人们的总体幸福感。

Researchers found that regularly snapping selfies and sharing the images with friends boosts
people's mood and ultimately makes them happier.

The findings suggest that taking one selfie a day will improve your confidence and make you
more comfortable with yourself.

Researchers asked a group of college students record their moods, take photos and report their
emotional state over the course of four weeks.

The project involved three types of photos to help the researchers determine how smiling,

reflecting and giving to others might impact users' moods.
为了帮助研究人员确定微笑自拍、拍摄他物、拍照送人 是如何影响人的心情,这一项目涵盖

The first was a selfie, to be taken daily while smiling, then a snap of something that made them
happy and the third was a picture of something the photographer believed would bring happiness
to another person (which was sent to that person). < br>第一种是人们平时拍下的微笑自拍,第二种是人们抓拍到的有趣事物照片,第三种是摄影者
拍下的 认为会给他人带来快乐的照片(照片会寄给那个人)。

The team collected close to 2,900 mood measurements during their study and found that subjects
in all three of the photo groups experience increased positive moods.
该团队在研究中收集了将近2900种情绪测量数据,发现三种照 片类型中的人都会拥有更多

Some in the selfie group reported being more confident and comfortable with their smiling photos
over time.

The students taking photos of objects that made them happy became more reflective and

And those who took photos to make others happy became calmer and said that the connection to
their friends and family helped relieve stress.
Eating an egg a day may cut the risk of stroke by 12 percent, a new study funded by the American
Egg Board said last Tuesday.
由美国鸡蛋委员会资助的一项 最新研究上周二表示,每天食用一枚鸡蛋,可降低中风风险

The findings were based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies dating back between
1982 and 2015, which evaluated relationships between egg intake and coronary heart disease
(276,000 subjects) and stroke (308,000 subjects).
研究结果是基于对1982年至2015年研究的系统综述和综合分析,该研究 评估了鸡蛋摄入与

It found consumption of up to one egg per day had no association with coronary heart disease but
there was a 12 percent reduction in the risk of stroke.

Principal investigator Dominik Alexander of the US EpidStat Institute said that more work is
needed to understand the connection between egg consumption and stroke risk.
美国EpidStat研究所的首席调查员多尼米克·亚历山大表示,他们需要做更多的研 究,来了

been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation,
的抗 氧化剂。”


One large egg boasts six grams of high-quality protein and antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, as
well as vitamins E, D, and A, according to the study.
根据该研究显示,一个大的鸡蛋包含6克的高品质蛋白质,以及抗氧化剂叶黄素和玉米黄 质,
What Did Someone Do That Made You Think They Were Really Smart?
获得44.8k 好评的回答@D.J. Hoskins

When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper
air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I
had some paper air plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far.
当我还在上高中的时候,我们物理老师布置了一项挑战:用一张纸 做一架飞机,形状随意,
目标就是能够使它肥的越远越好。我掌握了一定的飞机制作技巧,所以我确信我 可以造出最

One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting
line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently chuckling
to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the
hall way.
有个人却作出了最简单确是最好的飞机来。他那这一张普通的纸 站在起始线上。一些同学轻

He beat the class with ease.

Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.

The physics teacher said,

I still regard this classmate as a genius.
获得311好评的回答@Rajesh Podduturi

There used to be a ECE professor next door few years back,

We used to live in a neighborhood with too many houses in a streak, Cable man goes to every
house for bill connection, except our neighbor's

They never paid for cable connection, I was very young to understand what he was saying , but it
said something like this,

Beta, Signals are ever where, it's you who capture them and use them in the way you want.

He constructed an antenna that captured signals from cable wires , and that gave them access to all

Now this was almost 15 years back, dish TVs are recently introduced but him using the antenna
for cable connection is something I cannot design even today.
这发生在十五年前,那会卫星电视还没普及, 他就已经能够搭天线接收信号,就算现在的我

Note:- I am not ece student to exactly understand what was done but as a 9 year old kid, that was
the most intelligent thing I ever saw.
我不是一位电子工程学生 并没有完全理解原理,但是对于一个九岁的孩子来说,这是我见过

到英国人家中做客应该注意什么?什么样的客人最令主人讨厌?进门先问Wi- Fi密码,永远

Want to be the perfect houseguest and get invited back again? Don't use your phone, always take
off your shoes and never ask for the Wi- Fi password.
想要成为一位完美的宾客吗?想再次被邀请吗?不要使用手机,始终脱鞋,永远不问Wi- Fi

An etiquette study has revealed the top 10 'rude' faux pas according to homeowners - and you
should take note.

The survey found that it's bad manners to ask for the internet access code, while 89 percent
branded using a phone at the table as the biggest house guest faux pas.
调查 发现,询问上网密码是无礼的表现,而89%的人认为在餐桌上使用手机是客人最失态

House-proud Brits also flagged wearing shoes on the carpet as a house-guest no-no, with 64
percent revealing they think guests should take off their shoes when entering someone else's
热衷于收拾家里的英国人还将在地毯上穿着鞋视为宾客绝对不能做的事。有64 %的人认为

Intrusion of privacy also rated highly in the house guest faux pas survey, with 58 percent
admitting they thought it rude for guests to look in their bedroom without permission, and a
further 52 percent saying they don't like it when people peer in their fridge through fear of being
人卧 室是不礼貌的。此外,因为害怕被评价,有52%的人称他们不喜欢有人瞧他们的冰箱。

When it comes to home entertaining, 24 percent said they would expect a gift from dinner guests,
with a bottle of wine being the preferred token, compared to just three percent who expect a gift
from daytime visitors.
在家中款待客人时,24%的 人表示希望能收到赴晚宴客人的礼物,首选礼物是一瓶红酒。与
之相比,仅有3%的人希望白天来访的客 人带礼物。

In contrast, 22 percent of people said they thought it was impolite for guests to turn down food
when it was offered. But 88 percent thought it was wrong when guests helped themselves to food
without asking first.
问就自行 用餐是不对的。

When it comes to guests' furry friends, Brits are incredibly welcoming. While 87 percent agreed
that it was bad-mannered to put your feet on other people's furniture, 61
percent said they would be happy for guests to let their dog curl up on the sofa.
英国人对客人们的动物 朋友十分友好。尽管有87%的人一致认为将脚放在人家的家具上没
礼貌,61%的人称他们愿意让客人 的狗狗窝在沙发上。

Despite their generous nature, 19 percent of people said they would appreciate being asked first
before bringing a pet into their home, small children, allergies and unwanted animal hair as the
main reasons.
到英国人家中做客应该注意什么?什么样的客人最令主人讨厌?进门先问Wi- Fi密码,永远

Want to be the perfect houseguest and get invited back again? Don't use your phone, always take
off your shoes and never ask for the Wi-Fi password.
想要成为一位完美的宾客吗?想再次被邀请吗?不要使用手机,始终脱鞋,永远不问Wi- Fi

An etiquette study has revealed the top 10 'rude' faux pas according to homeowners - and you
should take note.

The survey found that it's bad manners to ask for the internet access code, while 89 percent
branded using a phone at the table as the biggest house guest faux pas.
调查发现,询问上网密码是无礼的 表现,而89%的人认为在餐桌上使用手机是客人最失态

House- proud Brits also flagged wearing shoes on the carpet as a house-guest no-no, with 64
percent revealing they think guests should take off their shoes when entering someone else's
客人应该在踏 进别人家时脱掉鞋子。

Intrusion of privacy also rated highly in the house guest faux pas survey, with 58 percent
admitting they thought it rude for guests to look in their bedroom without permission, and a
further 52 percent saying they don't like it when people peer in their fridge through fear of being
在宾客失 态行为的调查中,侵犯隐私的得分也很高。有58%的人认为客人未经允许参观主
人卧室是不礼貌的。此 外,因为害怕被评价,有52%的人称他们不喜欢有人瞧他们的冰箱。

When it comes to home entertaining, 24 percent said they would expect a gift from dinner guests,
with a bottle of wine being the preferred token, compared to just three percent who expect a gift
from daytime visitors.
在家中款待客人时,24%的人表示希望能收到赴晚宴客人的 礼物,首选礼物是一瓶红酒。与

In contrast, 22 percent of people said they thought it was impolite for guests to turn down food
when it was offered. But 88 percent thought it was wrong when guests helped themselves to food
without asking first.
相比之下,22%的人认 为客人拒绝主人提供的食物很不礼貌。但是88%的人认为客人未经询

When it comes to guests' furry friends, Brits are incredibly welcoming. While 87 percent agreed
that it was bad-mannered to put your feet on other people's furniture, 61 percent said they would
be happy for guests to let their dog curl up on the sofa.

英国人对客人们的动物朋友十 分友好。尽管有87%的人一致认为将脚放在人家的家具上没
礼貌,61%的人称他们愿意让客人的狗狗 窝在沙发上。

Despite their generous nature, 19 percent of people said they would appreciate being asked first
before bringing a pet into their home, small children, allergies and unwanted animal hair as the
main reasons.
虽然英国人大方宽 容,但是有19%的人称他们希望客人在带宠物到家里前事先询问一下他
们,原因主要是家里有小孩子、 过敏以及讨厌动物毛发等。









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