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2020-10-31 13:49



youngsters are more likely to have a better knowledge of other fields
and then to expand their horizons. Moreover, changing jobs frequently
offers workers a chance to move up to a better position.
may offer them a broader space for career development. When people join
a company,the new working environment,new colleagues and new enterprise
cultural atmosphere will definitely motivate their enthusiasm for the new
job and thus, prompt their career to a new level.
, it s an antiquated concept that might have been valid long ago, but in
today s volatile talent marketplace, automatically rejecting frequent job
changers may cause you to miss out on many exceptional hires. Rather than
the often- mistaken assumption that job hoppers are disloyal, selfish,
impatient, and expensive, they may actually be superstars who merely
change jobs frequently because they are so good, and they are continually
offered many new and higher-level opportunities (that their current firm
simply cannot or wonnot match). There is no available public data that
不幸的是,这是一个过时的概念, 可能在很久以前就已经存在了,但在如今
这个多变的人才市场,自动拒绝频繁换工作的人可能会让你错过 许多优秀的员工。他们可能
实际上是超级巨星,因为他们太好了,而且他们不断地被提供许多新的和更高 层次的机会(他
们现在的公司根本就不可能配的上他),而不是经常错误地认为他们是不忠诚、自私、缺 乏
the salary the opportunity
Salary Increase
The average raise in the United States is now a dismal % of annual salary, meaning
the longer you stick around in one place the further behind market rate you will
fall. One benefit of moving on to a new company is the potential increase in pay.
It's important to negotiate salary when accepting a new job. Payscale suggests those
who switch can reasonably expect a 10 or 20% increase in pay.
现在美国的平均工资水平是每年工资的%,这意味着你在一个地方呆的时间越长 ,你就会越
落后。向新公司转移的一个好处是潜在的工资增长。在接受一份新工作时,谈薪水是很重要< br>的。Payscale建议,那些转换的人可以合理地预计工资会增加10%到20%。
Career Advancement

While it's true that companies prefer to promote from within, the amount of time
it takes to get promoted is often less for job hoppers. Companies often want to keep
employees where they are if they're excelling (胜过 )in their current (目前)
role. Because of this, it's sometimes easier to hire a manager from outside rather
than shuffle(洗牌、搅乱、蒙混) the pieces of promoting from within and finding
a replacement for junior level employees.虽然企业更喜欢从内部提拔,但获得晋升所
需的时间往往更少。如果 公司在当前的职位上表现出色,公司往往会想留住员工。正因为如
此,从外部聘请一位经理,,比从内部 提拔员工并为初级员工寻找替代人选,会更容易。


A lot of people like to mix things up to avoid boredom (厌倦)or complacency.
( 自满) One benefit of switching jobs is getting to experience a new environment
and meet new people. No matter how experienced you are, it's unlikely you know
everything about a different company's history and processes. Taking a new role can
be an exciting way to broaden your perspective and learn new things. 很多人喜欢
把事情混在一起,以避免无聊或自满。换工作的一个好处就是能体 验一个新的环境,结识新
朋友。不管你有多有经验,你都不太可能了解公司的历史和流程。扮演一个新的 角色可以是
Growing Your Personal Network
In any line of work the relationships you build are important. By moving from one
place to the next you get to meet a lot of people. As your network expands it's easier
to leverage your time by seeking advice from experts. Another place this helps is
finding yet another job down the line.
在任何工作中,你所建立的关系 都很重要。从一个地方搬到另一个地方,你就会遇到很多人。
随着你的关系网的扩展,你可以通过专家的 建议来利用你的时间。另一个有用的地方是找到
Adaptability and Growth
In my case, I've worked in a number of different industries and been successful in
each of them. I've gained a wide breadth of knowledge and experience and built many
skills in a short period of time. The frequency of change requires me to be versatile
(多才多艺)and able to adapt to very different situations quickly. Rather than
building competence once and growing comfortable in my role, I have to constantly
rebuild myself and tackle ever larger challenges.

在我的案例中,我曾在许多不 同的行业工作过,并且在每个行业都取得了成功。我获得了广
泛的知识和经验,并在短时间内积累了许多 技能。改变的频率要求我变得多才多艺,并且能
够迅速适应不同的情况。我不应该在我的角色中建立能力 ,而是要不断地重建自己的能力,
5. you can feel a sense of happiness and fulfillment in your favorite campany and
know what you do through job hopping .
Changing jobs frequently has become the norm rather than the exception. For example,
workers in the . have an average job tenure of only years (according to the Bureau
of Labor Statistics) and 45 percent of employers now expect new college grads to
stay less than two years (according to CareerBuilder).
频繁跳槽已成为一种常态,而非例外。例如,美国工人的平均工作年 限只有年(根据美国劳
工统计局的数据),45%的雇主现在预计新大学毕业生的工作时间将少于两年( 根据
Other research found that high achievers . 30 years old on average with great school
and work credentials) leave after an average of 28 months and 95 percent of elite
young managers actively researched other employment opportunities, and they tended
to follow through on that instinct in short order, according to the Harvard Business
年轻 经理积极研究其他的就业机会,他们倾向于实施,本能,根据《哈佛商业评论》。
Refusing to consider job jumpers is fast becoming an outdated practice. In fact,
55 percent have actually hired a job hopper and 32 percent of all surveyed employers
(and 42 percent in IT) have come to expect workers to job hop, according to
拒绝考虑工作跳投正迅速成为一种过时的做法。据Caree rBuilder网站的数据,实际上,55%
的人已经雇佣了一名工作人员,32%的受访雇主(其中 42%的人)希望员工能跳槽。
Job jumpers are likely to be top performers

Top performers move up frequently and average performers do not. The mere fact that
a job jumper can move frequently between jobs probably means that they are
exceptional performers. And their only real fault may be that they are ambitious
and they have the initiative to seek out better opportunities (two traits that most
managers would normally want in an employee).
频繁 变动的事实可能意味着他们是出色的表现者。而他们唯一的真正的错误可能是他们雄心
勃勃,他们有主动 去寻找更好的机会(这是大多数管理者通常想要的员工的两个特征)。
1. behavior will leave on the employers an impression of instability and
immaturity. It is no wonder that ,when interviewing a candidate, a employer will
raise a question like
stay if we hire you ’s worse,If you are perpetually moving, it's difficult
to make long-term plans.









本文更新与2020-10-31 13:49,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/435123.html
